#hush he will hear us:ask
gallowsghost · 3 years
“You could have at least picked someone better looking.”
- default Shiwo @ Ez
The words were more than enough to make Ezme pause all together, registering the nonsense he was speaking - usually his words were easy to prompt her to jump him for them. But in turn it made her squint at him, busy with something or not, the doppelganger wouldn't give him any peace at all from where she was and made her frame make a move and slink around his frame - akin to a snake not to far from coiling around him. But she was taking a good long look around him full circle, a hand gripping her chin with furrowed brows. Now she was standing in front of him, if only for a second longer, the doppelganger stepped in before throwing her arms around him in a tight hug, enough that it was purposefully smothering for the window it lasted, one arm at that was doing most the work while one stroked down his back with a palming knead - although it was purposefully explorative with a giggle emanating from her lips, even if so it could’ve came off as lewd as well but that was her lack of consideration and touching as she pleased. 
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“Nah, I think you’re perfect, and you are the prettiest boy. So cute, so perfect and sexy.” Although emphasis came in the form of her palm travelling over his hind with a squeeze - then the following was probably the bigger surprise was the playful spank to it that was hefty enough before burying her head atop the crown of his own with a low coo. “My perfect Shiro, my perfect love in everyway possible.”
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gallowsghost · 3 years
SENDER finds RECEIVER having misplaced their glasses.
Div Shiro @ Ezme [they're on his head]
Her coming to the library in times where she wasn't in on work wasn't an uncommon thing for her - be it, she knew where Theodore worked and where he was, she didn't think for a second that Shiro wouldn't be far behind from him. That where, when she did spot him from her seat, Ezme often people watched since she'd see them do quite a few odd things. Although she had books to look at, one opened in front of her... She was more busy watching Shiro palm around on his person, if not looking around with what sight he had but that didn't mean she wasn't aware of them that she was able to perceive on his head.
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“Oh man... up a little more...” She murmured, given she knew she’d not been heard. Though the longer she sat there watching only provoked Ezme to soon stand up, quietly scooting her chair back in place so she was able to stand up. Although her steps were quick, they were quiet for all the considering reasons, given there was people around and hence the silence. But as soon as she waltzed up behind him, her hands planted on his shoulders to get him to stop moving incase he’d react to uncalled for hands reaching for his face. “Here-” Ezme quietly added in a docile tone, but right after, had hands moved to reach up and pinch the arms of the glasses before shifting them down where she assumed eye level for him was as best - knowing enough when they were stable in place.
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“There you go.”
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gallowsghost · 3 years
SENDER finds RECEIVER trying to read something they can’t decipher.
Div Shiro @ Markoo
As much as he tended to get around, there was a time difference when it came to his brother and latter colleague - in terms of him being alone that is. Niklaus usually read the map roller, when he just acted as the handy man of the pay since it was too much of a pain in the ass to read for him either, but they were time stamps and a bit too much to have register in his brain. Although he wasn't sure how to ask for help, if he thought it was simple work, and there was no one around or passing yet to ask - little knowing that there was though. Markus stood there, finger on the plastic of the post that he was reading down trying to find his schedule but they all weren't adding up from what Niklaus texted him, be it he wasn't seemingly able to find the correct one and time, given it was nearing it but nothing had popped up even passed that. But as soon as he heard steps approach, Markus almost reacted instantly and jumped in place to turn his entire body, like someone failed their stealth check to backstab him, but instead chimed in at Shiro even if he was just passing by - let alone maybe even on standby little to the pet clerks knowledge. His struggle was painful.
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“Do you know how to read this crap-? Too many numbers for me and I can’t find my stamp, unless I’m at the wrong route.” Markus threw a thumb towards the post, be it he wasn’t sure just how easy it might’ve been for some, but he asked while he was still able to.
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gallowsghost · 3 years
SENDER finds RECEIVER with their arms full of something suspicious. - Main Shiro @ Ez [did she bring back the spoingles from the realm]
In the times that they've been there and back, Ezme had taken more than a liking to some of the stuff that was in there - specifically the few things she had shown him when they were there that one time. As if the doppelganger was very stealthy about it, not as if she was able to be stealthy in a place like this no matter how quietly she opened that realm - this was his place after all. Hiding anything if she tried was all out of her reach when she came creeping down the hallway trying to get back to the room. Her coat was abnormally bumpy and bulging from the contents she was cradling, making her appear chunky while soft sounds resounded inside that were muffled. Creeping down the hallway, Ezme wasn't even trying to keep and eye out for any faces that may had spotted her and far to assume that Shiro was spending the latter time with Varro since she didn't see him either.
'Spew, spew,' And a followed hush from the doppelganger. Although she had something else hanging around her neck as well, clinging to her in the process and devoid of needing her arms to hold it, the smaller fuzzies in her coat required it.
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“Shut up for a second--”
A dead pause came just as soon as she was coming to a cross over from another hallway, right at the corner of her eye... White. Skittle eyes peering up at her, served to make Ezme completely jump and hunker back a few steps with her head turned towards him while holding her arms up and crossed - almost due to her silent alert to Shiro suddenly spawning there out of the blue.
Lips parted just as soon as she was about to say something, but the pressure weight from her arms squeezing the fluffies made one abruptly pop and fly out of her coat - a tiny pink ball bouncing and tumbling across the floor which made her look down. Watching the Spew unravel from it’s landing spot - if Shiro recognized it, it no doubt could’ve only been from the group she showed him a bit ago.
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“Can you, uh... pick that up for me?” The doppelganger added, albeit before bursting into a small snorting fit as soon as two feathery limbs of tendrils patted up from around her neck - it was reminiscent of that funky squid thing she brought back, it was hanging around with her and getting friendly again from it’s shy nature. It remembered them well.
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gallowsghost · 3 years
Bringing two chaotic energies together was a bad idea. While she was distracted, he pulled Varro aside and shushed him, his index finger pressed firmly to where he thought his lips to be.
„Trust me, this will get her attention,” he whispered, holding the rat up in his palm. „All you have to do is drop Milk down the back of her shirt.”
Varro was all for it, given he used to torment her on the basis in the past. But this was a different method for the matter it seemed and he had to learn one way or the other - by being here and witnessing. Silenced by his digit, Varro seemed to understand what he was going for at least and heeded it. Although he had no context, he sure as hell was about to now the second he was presented the rat and the nature of it’s gain. “Putting Milk in her shirt, for her attention?” Varro added quietly, it sounded like he was questioning him but it wasn’t since the entity put his hands out to take Milk from him. But once he was allowed, the entity averted his attention from Shiro, albeit he wasn’t certain what she was doing from where he was, much since the doppelganger had her back to them now - be it, she looked to be drinking something. 
Varro was on the move now though, carefully navigating his way stealthily along while holding Milk in a considerate grasp - Varro wasn’t picking up on anything thankfully or he wasn’t going to be stable at all on his mission to gain her attention.
Although Ezme was blissfully ignorant, she was also reading something while drinking down a cup of orange juice - eyes down now that the cup wa lowered with a mouthful.
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“What the hell was I smoking back then, jeez,” Ezme murmured, raising the glass back to take another long sip - unknowing that was about to be her last. From how loose the collar of her button up was, she didn’t realize it’s disturbance, assuming it was her hair’s gravity until... She felt the sudden weight drop down the back of her shirt, making Ezme half spit her drink from throwing her frame forward - a silent terror of panic and surprise in her throat and flinging he book over shoulder as if she forgot to toss it before trying to make a grab. The padding and crawling eluded her attempts under her button up, she was defenseless.
Varro was long moving though, holding the sides of his head as if he thought he was about to get swatted from the doppelgangers sudden thrashing - just as soon as he was rushing back over to Shiro, the frantic and incoherent words were lost behind him. There was string of equally incoherent words though from even Varro, but instead of stopping beside Shiro - he flew passed him and landed behind him, hiding behind him almost by that point. “I think she’s going to find me-” The entity chimed in, hands clasping onto Shiro’s shoulder in a half duck to peep over his frame.
Someone picked up on her panic on the way back.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
☁ for our muses to get caught in the rain without an umbrella - tales Shiwo
Ezme had taken her liking to Shiro, although she didn’t know where the twins were at the time. She didn’t mind accompanying him, even the skies might’ve not alerted her at all whatsoever - Ezme was more interested in following Shiro around instead and no matter, that it landed them by a pond. She stood by, pacing around a bit now and eyeing the natural shimmer from the water - though she didn’t want to get too close. Much like a similar face, there was a reasonable distance she put with water for specific reasons - thankfully they weren’t doing anything that prompted them to have to go in. Eyes glanced down at Shiro, craning her head a bit curiously. 
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“This looks like a nice spot for fishing, maybe I should’ve grabbed something for that if I knew we were going to settle by a pond. If there’s life in there, that is.” Ezme chimed in with her wonders, carefully stepping by Shiro as to not knock him in by accident. The only thing to grace water was her boots and the loose edges of her coat, sending little ripples into the water. However before she could conclude anything else, her presence in the water wasn’t alone. The few droplets that fell after made Ezme glance down, looking at the water - with little process of the droplets hitting the top of her head until it picked up and made her stumble back out of the water.
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“Come on now-” She huffed, not that rain bothered her, but she wasn’t sure about Shiro, neither the twins worrying where he is off in the rain now. But as soon as it started to come down harder, she blew a louder huff and stepped away as soon as Shiro did. With a hand, she put it to his back to usher him off towards a tree while she pulled up one side of her coat by the flap to hold it over them before they got too soaked on their retreat to the base tree. Though she held it over him more, leaving her back exposed in his favour to keep him drier.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
I'll kiss you on the mouth
Get over here and do it what are you threatening me for dfnvb holding out these kissies you speak of
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gallowsghost · 4 years
They must go out on a heart sippy straw date and take pictures together deadpanning in front of Christmas decorations. Also must kiss under ever mistletoe they find.
I agree with this dhfh they need their heart sippy straw date and a good time. They can save all their deadpanning photos in front of Christmas decorations and slap them on the wall to start a collection , and every mistletoe will be markered and not safe from them , when do we start-
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gallowsghost · 4 years
Petition to add a few more inches to Ezme's height so I can have that tall girl/short guy ship I've always wanted
S cjvjb tall gf hours??? Tall girl/short guy ship?? > averts gaze towards Ezme's height
She was originally taller a long time ago whesze watch me switch that with the blink of an eye
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gallowsghost · 4 years
A head to head touch - Moder [watch him bend awkwardly]
Although the doppelgänger was equally as active on a usual scale - her better perched at the table chair with little activity would've been a wonder. That, or she was simply resting her head for that matter, given the flat open book on the table in front of her. Face down of course, she was still safe with that cursed thing - but at the same time, trying to read things she hadn't yet and overall process some of it was a cocktail of a migraine trying to set in and that's exactly what was happening. Craning up from her chair, her frame slumped forward with eyes opening to gawk at the book briefly before hands came to, scooping it up and closing it with a thud before they took interest in rubbing away at her head in a rapid succession - out of sync and messing up her locks. Ezme wasn't foreign to migraines, but that didn't mean she wanted one in such little times notice - though alas, it wasn't like she was going to die from it despite the whimpers of her discomfort emanating through the mixed, audible frustration. One would think after being subject to it so much during her time that wasn't here - would be used to it. But alas, no, and the pounding in her head was surely unforgiving to the point that she didn't even hear steps bring the looming presence over to her own.
Ezme squeezed her eyes shut again, despite how dramatic her reaction was to the annoyance - head pain was too touchy for her. Though by the time she managed to free her head from the hand lock she had it in, as soon as they left the top of her head, another foreign weight braced against the side of her own. A soft gasp and widened eyes at first were signs of her alert, however - between the moments shock, her senses could easily pick up and process who it was. Side glancing a bit, the mere angle at the black hues of hair that mingled with her own - surprise washed over with a smile before one of her hands raised to cup over Moders opposite side cheek. Pressing her head against his better - as long as it took her to realize though the angle he was actually bending to achieve where he was now. A good moment or so. The seconds blissfulness shattered, brows raising before turning her head a bit to nudge her forehead comfortably against her own but though to prove thought that he was indeed bent beyond awkward. Let alone the angle of his head, from the half body L shape that shouldn't be and the assumably sore angle of a head crane. A gust of a cackle would've pelted through his locks while hands tried to grab at his sides. "Don't lean like that-- your poor back and neck, my love-"
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gallowsghost · 4 years
Stroking their hand - Shiro
Even if she was the most slowest to even get up and out of bed, Ezme appreciated that Shiro stuck by even if she was still fast asleep even. Though there was an unspoken, uneasiness she felt in her sleep that he was going to up and leave - even if it were just to get out of bed. Her body recognition found no interest in comfort if he wasn't there. Her nerves didn't seem to like that idea, as if they'd come to process time better than her brain did for that matter - while even in sleep, the hand that rested above his heart came to a clutching tense through the beating. Clinging onto the fabric of his top now with a grip that didn't seem interested in letting go, and her frame that curled up against his side with a rest of head atop the opposite side of her hand. Shiro would have to fight her rigor likw grip to make her let go, certainly did she hold some strength even in her sleeping state - albeit that wasn't the case. The dormant surface, yet her slow stirring could still feel the smallest of things and the overall shifting on his behalf.
Though it wasn't his body trying to move so he could make a break for it. Rather, she could feel the ghosting pressure of Shiros hand cupping over her own - in turn made her fingers flinch in a tighter clutch. But instead of trying to pry her grip off, the let up pressure turn and change for stroking her hand - and each stroke with little time served to soothe her nerves in a small stretch of time from Shiros affections. Ezmes grip softened under his palm, even meanwhile her tense frame that curled up against his own unwound with a comfortable - quiet breath passing her lips. No doubt she relaxed right then and there with him, putting the doppelgänger at ease.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
drabble + Varro [spill the beans]
There was a big reason next to falling asleep, none that which she appreciated. Unlike Josiah's sleeping fear of her presence - there was something else that had the waking chance to get into the doppelgängers head instead. Something she'd like to avoid, but the association couldn't be helped, waiting weak point like a leaky haul that would combust under the weight of water - the encounter would happen eventually, no matter how certain she was safe and where.
Varro was the sleep seeking parasite, seeking endlessly for a useless book that done nothing but cause her trouble - let alone to wrench his associates work in return. For what reason? The doppelgänger didn't know, only that she was roped into something she didn't quite understand, and for a very long time. The suffocating pressure she was subject to made her sleeping consciousness rouse, greeted by the dense pressure of seemingly water that burned her lungs from the lack of intake and flared her sight red, Ezme already knew what was happening now. Aggravated, yet she knew she wasn't going to up and drown in this, the surface was breached and broken by a flail of arms.
However, sharp breaths and hacking coughs, the audible splash of a moments frantic, arms slammed down on the surface that splashed equally - but oddly, taken an almost solid surface aside from the foreign substance that coated her a watered red. Through heaving catches of breath, Ezme crawled out of the endless void of red beneath her, slopping to fours before pushing herself back and plopping down on her hind with watery sloshes. Soggy, albeit, spitting what hacked out of her lungs - she was here again.
This red washed hell. Beyond reaches, there was endless nothingness, like she was sitting in the middle of the ocean - glossed around by a red haze like mist. Nothing above and reached out, split gashes of gateway rifts that held a veil of maroon inside, bleeding out into this space. Nothing below, but the obnoxious resonance of dripping water in her head now to fill the silence, eyes rolled in their sockets to seek out Varro - who she could already sense his presence.
He never made himself present easily, but this was his world. A resonating mirror of it at least, his safe haven - somewhere, where Ezme had no control over anymore. She didn't know how legitimate the space was, but she didn't think to question it for that matter. No safety, death in sleep, somewhere she shouldn't just sit in the void of openness. Yet here she was, framing her posture forward while her forearms slumped over her knees now with a more neutral look than the usual scowl. Learning a thing or two, dealing with Varro server easier for someone like her, if he wasn't so aggravated. But that didn't mean she was safe, despite him having not assaulted her yet - Ezme knew that much. They both had short temper, given so at the same time, he used few things against her to get close to her for that matter. Very few things preyed on the items of discomfort, being one of the seemingly harmless. But combined with an image of herself and uncanny body movement? Both spilled into one made an awful image, living and dangerous.
She could hear the creaking of its steps already. Not only the creaking of barring joints and splash of heavy steps, but also the sound that was usually lost to untrained ears, ringing in her head. It sounded like a humming of a flipped coin, it was his resonation. Craning her neck, Ezme followed the resonating sound that was half assed over her shoulder - peeking back behind her. Surely it would've been better for her to get up and deal with him on the spot, but bearing better mind - despite Varro standing there now, hands in pockets, neutral, this was also his dream space now. Not hers. He could manifest almost anything he wanted in his favour, but alas, his time was limited from her crashed psyche that was already trouble to fight with. Let alone make anything of, but every approach like this was always stagnant with a hanging thread of threat nearby.
Varro didn't seem to budge though. With every approach on a dream scale level like this, was there always a talk-attempt. But not the same could be said if he'd come at her in the real world... All Ezme could really do is stall until it crashes, but those only fell in the rarest of times, and with the threat could he convey his message without him having to move. And she knew that. Wasting time wasn't going to work this go around.
The doppelgänger chosen to finally get up, through sound cues of annoyances, back to her feet she risen up and turned on heel to face him. Unfortunately, she wasn't nearly as armed as she was a good while back - though blade combat wasn't next to Josiah's ability with it, not even close to Ezme being that well at it. But that didn't mean it was off the table.
However, Varro might've been quiet, no matter the resonating sounds, nothing severed to silence the unspoken demand. Surely he wasn't a talker either, but the reaching out hand was already enough for Ezme. Mimicking his preference, the doppelgänger stuffed her hands into her trouser pockets - bypassing the visual exchange of the environment dimming down to more darker undertones. Murmuring was in the air, the entity was on loop about the book, but attention wasn't focused on Varro for long.
Ezme blinked but a few times, all before the metal resounding strain in the area sounded out - like metal cable stretching under pressure. It made chills run up her spine, coursed - by not discomfort of the entity. But what he seemed to personally throw at her in defence to help his bidding persuasion. Through the darkened haze above and between them were metal gleams of white, reminiscent of flickering piano wire crossing over - whereas two white pinhole glints stared at her. Waiting in the dark above.
"I'll keep coming back, time, time and time again. Perhaps even worse, and so will it be twice as bad in the end. All for a mere book." Varro murmured, albeit in the surrounding space, it sounded awfully close to the doppelgänger despite their distance. The words spoke threat but his voice was barren, thanks to the doppelgängers docility. She had a choice, but one she wouldn't ever consider and left no other route to survive until the influence dissipated along with him.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
carry :   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house,  either  drunk,  or  a  weakened  state,  can  specify. - Reverse for Shiro [tales verse? Kiddo carries her to his forest tree stump dghd]
Falling asleep on the side of roads, or really anywhere wasn't a problem to Ezme. Especially if she was worn to hell and back, looking rough was the least of her problems regarding everything else around her - things naturally wanted to pick a fight. She'd avoid it if she weren't so foot to gas. Though right now... She seemed to find the time and peace to snooze, on the ground... It looks like she'd got her arse kicked from the way she was slumped and her frame propped, or like she had been set up that way. Ezme tended to come off as a dead body half the time, let alone how it might've looked in public could've been alarming - but despite pokes and prods, she'd twitch at least. Where it may, seemed to draw a more considerate attention of one individual.
No matter what perspective Shiro could've been looking at her, angle and so on - it looked like a pretty pathetic sight. Though she was pretty solid at the same time, didn't make her immune to the ailments of her being. Wether he poked her with his foot, nudged her, what weight bounced back into place as if trying to nudge him back - almost like she were in a half awake to dormant state. Leaving her out here might've proven an awful thing, providing wether her face was visible or not, the obscuring veil of hair didn't need to be moved to tell the rough state of her person.
Neither would Ezme expect the unseen kindness though from just a stranger, that even in her exhausted state - the weight that shifted to pick her up registered in her mind and already made a move to grasp at clothing blindly. That, or she was being defensive in a sense, minding the fact someone was handling her without her consent and in the first place. The weight drop and sway that held her while she was being carried along earned soft grunts from her, but ultimately she had stopped the minor pushing to frame and let her posture prop to the side. Resting her head against the edge of Shiros shoulder, Ezme had zero clue where they were going or even if she wanted to open her eyes - let alone ask either. It felt better than sitting on the ground though that's for sure, even the vaguest warmth. Really, by the passing time she could've just melted in place and became dead weight despite the possibilities she could get hurt by whomever this was even. Shiro would've been stuck to deal with the lolling head that rolled to the side to look at the passing ground and almost between accidentally head butting him from laying her head back forward, to against his shoulder.
"Where the hell are we going? Why does it smell like nature-" A hoarse voice made itself known from her. Wether or not Shiro responded, didn't stop her from talking either though. "You going to try killing me in the bushes or something?" An almost lifeless hand started to pat around her frame, patting his arm with a confused squeeze before patting at herself again - clearly she was missing something she was going to warn him with. She gave up, a hand only coming up to poke his cheek with a peeking eye that became visible as soon as she blew her locks aside a tad. Though her sight didn't prove efficient, likely from the almost drunk disorientation. "State your name and business, if we are going somewhere good, I can find you and repay you with. Something--" Ezme sounded like she was trying to be persuasive with the threat in life, but really she was just trying to understand where they were going.
Her digit remained squished into Shiros cheek, not uncomfortably but throughout the rest of the tread through green, up until his point of interest. Ezme didn't even pay it mind where he was placing her anymore, Shiro had her half assed attention all the same and she spoke no more for the moment. Once he'd settled her down, all he'd have is a digit pointing at him after it wasn't connected to his cheek anymore - a slumped Ezme still gawking at him almost like she was accusing him of something silently. Placing her on top of the wooded surface of the stump would've been a hazard from the point she almost toppled a second before speaking, after what looked like zoning out.
"...I forgot what I was going to say..." Ezme rolled her posture back upright, letting her head plop backwards in a crane with a thud once it hit the back surface of the tree stump. Her arm going noodle and plopping onto her thigh. "If you're camping, I think you're missing a fire. And other essential goods to be out in the wild in general actually." Her head was turning, glancing around at their surroundings with zero signs - or maybe she's blind. Telling the difference was hard right now, she'd have expected Shiro to wander away during her ramble while her head swivelled back to look at him. "Unless you have something super secret to tell me, that you had to take me way out here to tell me, is that it? What do you got?" A loose smile drew on her lips, slumping forward and turning her head expectantly to listen. As if that were it.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
❝If you ever want to go out drinking, don't go alone. Take me with you...Only bad things happen to people who go out alone at night.❞, he murmured, tugging at her sleeve. He either wanted to go get a Pina Colada or he was just feeling clingy. [doesn't want her going to Maestro's bar all on her own sdjgs they will go together. he's jelly at the mere thought of it]
His words had made her turn her head, looking down at him with a bit of a raised brow. Likely, due to him thinking that she'd go out drinking alone, but overall it made her chuckle before moving her freehand to palm over top of his head in a soft rub - before leaning down to place a soft kiss atop his head. "I've got little interest in going out drinking by myself. That means I'd always invite you along, I know better if I'm going to be drinking as well. So of course, you're going to be coming along wether you like it or not." She cackled, nudging further down and scooping her hand under his chin. Lifting his head, she pressed a snug kiss to his lips with a comfortable murmur.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
Without making a noise, he skillfully snuck up on her and pulled her into a bear hug from behind, hiding his face against her nape with a nudging snuggle. Hands clung tightly to opposite sides and threatened not to let go anytime soon. Someone was feeling especially clingy that day.
In her relaxing state, she might've just gone numb at the senses and by far it was exactly that. She didn't expect shiro to get the sneaky drop on her, Ezme let out a soft squeak of spookage for a brief moment - that in which turned into a tittering exhale after her senses registered who it was. No doubt Shiro, no way would someone else dare do that to her. The snuggling take on her nape made a soft throaty murmur leave her lips as she reached both hands back to rub and caress at his hair, affectionately kneading her fingers against his scalp as her head leaned back softly. "How's my love doing? He doing okay?" She murmured gently, reaching back as far as one arm could go to cradle his head there, while her other lowered in a crane to seek out his cheek. She knew he was clingy, but still didn't stop thr doppelgänger from swaying gently.
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gallowsghost · 4 years
❝Besides my screaming snail idea, what other absurd things would you like to see happen in the world? Maybe I can't bend reality, but we can have some fun in the rift tear.❞ - Moder [tell him]
"I'm not even sure what- it's never occurred to me oddly enough-" She rubbed the back of her head, visibly thinking but at the same time had nothing seemed to pop into mind. Wincing a bit, she tugged on her hair with a soft grunt. "Think I've only had absurd dreams rather than I do imaginative thoughts. Your girlfriend has an empty brain in that area, I feel as if I've seen enough to the point that absurd is hardly a word to me anymore-- it's just natural but I don't think it to be. If that makes sense? Screaming snails sound pretty neat if you ask me though. As it might sound strange to many others for a long time, it's not half bad. Think the only odd thing for me to think about is silent water, but I think that would drive me up the wall. Like... Stepping in water, expecting a splash but you don't hear one? Or it doesn't happen? It's just still? But fun in the rift tear?" She leaned over into his space, enticed by the idea at all with raised brows. "We going-?"
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