#hurts my everything tbh but it's good to make use of all the big hefty programs i still have on this poor pc lmao
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retphienix · 3 years ago
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Forgive me while I audibly wrack my head to decide on my party for a second ;-;
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So first to consider would be Ryuji who I just, deep in my gut, always want on my party.
The thing is he's falling behind, at least on paper. In practice he's kicking ass, but looking at his stats and moves it's hard to not admit he mostly normal attacks (for decent damage) or tosses out an extremely weak lightning move just to hit a weakness.
He stacks endurance, which is nice, but also I haven't "really" been taking big damage anyway so it's kinda overkill.
His attack is great, but not 'the best'. So it's worth considering.
And his trait actually procs all the damn time- an extra 40% damage on physical attacks is REALLY nice even with my Joker currently playing caster (with a melee focused persona... I ain't bright).
Honestly, his best addition to the team is that trait. It's a HEFTY amount and between Yusuke and himself it's getting a lot of use. It's just a shame his strength isn't a 'bit' higher and he still hasn't learned Assault Dive which will be his first heavy hitting physical move. Most of his skills are kinda duds tbh, some lightning coverage, a lot of phys moves I never use, Rampage for AOE, that's it.
The resolve isn't helping currently since I ambush all the time, and I don't really use his turn to buff so-
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Morgana has been benched since the option presented itself (not because I dislike them any) because I don't see much need for so much support on one character I guess.
Their trait couldn't be less interesting to me- more healing is nice but if I need it I'll use a bigger heal, why dedicate a partner trait to it?
Moves are just way too much cleanse. Heals are great, I need em. Wind is good coverage obviously since you can pretty much only count on one coverage type per party member when it comes to direct casting, I don't like crits- fuck Lucky punch, I admittedly under-utilize ailments so that's on ME BUT~! Confuse isn't an ailment I'm interested in anyway so that's a dead move.
Really just dislike that he has both a weak cleanse- and an AOE weak cleanse. The aoe one is nice but it's ONLY Sleep/Dizzy/Forget/Hunger, I can count on one hand how often any one of those has negatively impacted one party member let alone the squad.
Just seems too situational- I know some enemy will come and make it a problem, but far too situational for me to go "I need Morgana on my team all the time!"
Stats aren't even interesting. He's magic oriented but not overly so, so he's fast and can heal half decent, it's not a bad niche but no thank you.
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Ann kinda keeps getting the short straw in combat, but only slightly.
She is arguably a linchpin for my stategies and yet also that usually means she doesn't get to shine lol
She can heal, that's fantastic, I really only need one party member who is able to and she can fill that well.
Fire coverage, nice, no use mentioning the one spell coverage for everyone so just consider that said from here on out.
SLEEP is a godsend. It's a tool I very rarely need, but it's ONE skill slot in her movepool and it can be such an incredible get out of jail free card- ailment spells like that are just so ridiculously accurate in this game- it literally hasn't missed, so it's reliable as heck!
And the other killer move for her is Tarunda- I use that one a LOT. Not for every encounter, but pretty much any encounter that I can't one turn usually has a big fuck who swings melee at me, and she just entirely wipes that threat in one move. I love Tarunda.
And I haven't had a use for it yet, but she knows friggin' DEKAJA? A full team buff removal for the enemy? HOLY HECK that could save my life.
Can't forget her really high magic stat- really nice to spend her off turns just tossing some fire and it actually hurting.
And to top it all off her passive is NUTS.
SP conservation is such a gift when diving into palaces or mementos with the intent of doing everything in one run, and just like Ryuji her SP cost down procs like mad.
I'd argue on a case by case that Ann does the least for my team, but she is just so ridiculously necessary for every fight that falls outside of that range AND she passively lowers my SP expenses on ALL fights, so man.
I think she has her slot, at least as much as Ryuji as I type this.
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Unlike the previous characters I have a lot less to say about Yusuke, but not in a bad way.
He hits hard with his sword.
That's it.
Maybe I should pull my head out of my ass and admit that he's become extremely one note on my team, and his passive is forgettable (increase dodge on phys moves, I don't like relying on that), and his magic does no damage beyond coverage, but he really somehow has been keeping his slot through the most unga bunga caveman logic possible.
He Hits Really Hard, like every turn, with basic attacks, with skills, lord if you baton pass him the target is dead.
He has like zero flexibility so any enemy that resists or nullifies physical entirely walls him out, but MAN.
Also Goemon is cool. But mostly it's him just casually farting out 400+ damage when everyone else can do like 150.
Damn it, it's feeling like Yusuke's slot is loosening up as I admit all that though.
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And finally, the newcomer Makoto.
Outside of her kit I just want to take her along for the same reason I wanted to take Yusuke- she's new, I want to bring her along for her dungeon at the very least.
Now her kit is...
I ain't supremely impressed, yet it's so balanced that I'm not mad about it.
Coverage, yep got that.
An AOE medium phys move out the gate, that's convenient.
Stats leave a LOT to be desired because they are so balanced- there's no strength or weakness to consider.
Med heal out the gate, nice, evens out to making her an adequate healer despite her stats.
Defense buff, not my thing, wasting a turn for a solo def buff just really isn't my thing especially since I'm not taunting or whatever so I can't direct the enemy to attack my buffed party member unlike using Tarunda on the offending ENEMY member.
Solo target Forget is... fine? I under-utilize ailments like I said, but Forget IS a nice one that forces auto attacks instead of spells. There's some synergy in the idea of forgetting the enemy and buffing defense, but like, nah. Best I can say is it'd be a nice combo tool with Tarunda if she works alongside Ann.
And to cap it off her trait is... well it might actually be pretty interesting.
Unlike strictly 'ailments' ELEMENTAL ailments IE Burn/Freeze/Shock are pretty nice and can lead to technical attacks!
I've been getting a ton of use out of the free High Shock gun Joker gets because of that for instance.
So her passive raising the chance to inflict those 3 elemental blights by 25% isn't bad at all and could actually end up being the most impactful thing she brings to the table.
I think... she might end up taking Yusuke's place as a less impactful damage dealer but a great element channeler for the squad.
Okay yeah this helped figure things out.
Joker/Ryuji/Ann/Makoto it is.
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bearpillowmonster · 5 years ago
Jedi Fallen Order Review
I was going to wait and write this tomorrow but I feel like I have all my notes written down and a solid opinion already formed so I want to just jump into it.
(Non-Spoiler btw) I’m not going to compare this to any other game because every other review I saw said the same thing over and over, The only one I’ll mention is Kingdom Hearts because KH2 is my favorite game of all time so how can I not draw comparisons to it with everything I play. I also want to mention I’ve been playing on the base PS4 model not a Pro, I feel like I have to say that now with performance and graphical based opinions with big games such as this because you might not have the same problems.
I think they changed the way he got caught in the beginning from the trailer because it’s the same scene but different shots, it honestly made more sense because I was playing the game and didn’t even notice the droid watching them while it was much more noticeable in the trailer, maybe it’s meant to be that way so it isn’t obvious to Cal that he was caught. 
Main villain is the “Second sister”, it’s based on lore from Rebels. You would think you’d fight all the other “sisters” considering this is the first place I’ve heard of them (I didn’t watch too much of Rebels but researched it for this reason) but you only fight a couple during the game.
The coats are glitchy in cutscenes, so you should probably wear the basic layer for most of the game, if you want to try and avoid that. You are vulnerable while opening chests so you can’t defend or attack during animations but enemies can attack you. It will introduce the abilities through flashbacks so this guy knew these powers but just cut himself off to hide from the Empire and has to relearn them. At one point it will say “you are now reconnected with the force” and all the abilities will be shown on the skill tree in order to unlock, around this part is the turning point of the game (Kashyyyk/second time at Zeffo) because the opening is fine but the next section gets kind of boring because you have scarce abilities but once you start actually getting into it, it’s fun! I know they showed Kashyyyk in the E3 demo presentation they did a while ago so that was to be expected but it was just a matter of if it was a fluke...it’s not.
I’m pretty sure you lose skill tree points every time you die to an enemy (not falling off an edge or something) which is odd and it’s not like “since the last checkpoint” or “since last death” it’s a bit more than you gain in that time period, I’m pretty sure this revolves around what difficulty you’re on which is also pretty odd but correct me if I’m wrong about that theory. 
I knew I liked BD-1 already but I was a bit skeptical of Cal’s character when this was announced because he could’ve easily been generic but no, I kind of like his character, you can tell the actor went the extra mile partially through how he interacts with BD and everybody else. He’s better than Kanan in my opinion, who if you remember has a very similar backstory as “the Jedi padawan who survived order 66” but he blames himself for his master’s death which is a dead trope that I didn’t care too much to see.
I hate parrying, I absolutely hate it, not just this game, every game, even in Kingdom Hearts, I’ll barely use it because I don’t (usually) play on the super high difficulties where it’s necessary but this game has it as essential so you have to learn a little bit of timing...and wait until you can upgrade your dodge so you don’t have to parry as much. And they will punish you for missing a parry and just trying to slam them (only the more hefty enemies like the ones with shock sticks) because they have a shield meter and if you get hit by them then their shield will start to go back up. 
Some complaints, it takes a long time to respawn and the sliding is a bit off as well because you can control him while falling but he turns at such a slow rate that you might as well not even bother, it doesn’t matter most of the time any way but when it does then it’s annoying.There’s a lot of things that they just kind of brush past explaining, for example, there are these punching pistons that you have to run past and once you reach the end, there’s an opening above but you don’t know how to get there. I tried using force slow and jumping on top of the thing (logical way of doing it) but he doesn’t jump high enough (you don’t unlock double jump until later and it’s a life saver!). There’s a walkthrough for that simple one minute section on YouTube so I couldn’t have been the only one but you have to wall run and then jump off of it, I didn’t know you could wall run to get to higher ledges. Also with story, I wasn’t sure how they were figuring out where to go for some places, they just kind of said “go here!” but they end up explaining that kind of stuff later on which seems kind of pointless in saving it until that point, it would have been just as effective (if not, more) at the beginning. For those who’ve played it, I’ll give you a hint at what scene I’m talking about “Ilum”, if I was writing it, I would’ve made that scene towards the beginning.
Some little compliments are that BD-1 has a back panel that lights up, if your health is decent then it will be green, if it’s not then it turns red, that’s a nice detail “But what about Blue?” Well yeah there’s that too...that’s just for fun. There are also customization skins for BD-1 as well as your lightsaber and ponchos and guess what?! Your ship too! It’s no 13-13 or Project RagTag (there’s no gunplay though) but it’s still a pretty darn good game with some good music tracks (I mean it’s Star Wars though so...)
This game doesn’t have a dark or light ending so you don’t really have to worry about doing anything the wrong way, it’s fun to throw storm troopers off of ledges, not gonna lie, however I will say I feel bad at times. They added a bit of a grey area there because they’ll cower and say “Looks like I’m the last one” “No, stop!” “They’re all dead” “You killed them!” “Just...just leave me alone.” or something along those lines. BD even called me out for lashing out on them once and Cal just says “They just would’ve hurt somebody else.” I was like “Dang” there are some themes going on here that I think they would’ve made a light and dark ending if EA let them, however I’m fine with there not being one (even if it would make the game seem longer). 
Even Second Sister has a bit of a thing going on where it’s questionable about her point of view, it’s almost a grey area. 
Quick-fire round:
-Be careful, if you heal at a save point then it will also respawn enemies (you have to pick “rest” first before it does that).
-The creatures are harder than the troopers tbh.
-There’s a character called Mari Kosen on Kashyyyk which sounds a lot like “Ikari Gozen” which basically means ‘rageful female warrior’.
-I was worried about even buying this game because of EA’s track record (I almost bought Battlefront 2 before the whole debacle (Thank goodness I didn’t!)) and I didn’t want to chance they mess it up somehow after launch it getting good reviews, but I can confidently say that I don’t see any way they can do that now, should be no need to worry.
I’m not going to spoil it but the ending (though in line chronologically and could have messed with the timeline) seems kind of one sided, there are a bunch of things they could have done and while the decision they made makes sense, is it the best? I personally would have liked to see a bit more, it seemed a little short to me. I want to see what happens to these characters (which is a good thing) maybe there will be a sequel or extended universe book/comic (there’s already a prequel one with Cere) There are some really great moments in this game, I’m tempted to give it a solid 8 because of the high it ended on but I’m going to lower it a little due to the slow start being annoying. 7.5 / 10 Now EA better make more quality single player Star Wars products without stupid monetization schemes, this one was a success.
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amosbarot · 6 years ago
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( cismale ) haven’t seen AMOS BAROT around in a while. the DEV PATEL lookalike has been known to be (+) INSOUCIANT & (+) KEEN, but HE can also be (-) TROUBLED & (-) DERISIVE. The 24 year old is a SENIOR majoring in COMPUTER ENGINEERING. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( james. 20. EST. she/they. )
hello !! here is my other baby, who is...somehow, more of a mess than naeva !! no dilly dally, let’s jump right into it !!
TW: drug addiction/abuse, car accident. mental illness. 
a e s t h e t i c s ( except i am a sham of a person and sorta very much forgot to save my aesthetics so ! winging it ! )
floral suits and a light air of mock-arrogance, charming smiles and a mischievous glint, easy sarcasm and raised eyebrows. rolling joints resembling cigars, smoke drifting towards ceilings as conspiratorial rambles escape intoxicated lips,  wild gestures and toppled book stacks, four expresso shots at the stroke of midnight and equations leading off whiteboards. heavy eye bags and warm smiles, dismissive words and excuses. sleepwalking to the middle of the quad for the third time that week, donning white boxers littered with red hearts...again. secret glances and barely contained excitement, distractions from the obvious.
general info !!
full name: amos ronak barot
nickname(s): n/a !!
b.o.d. - january 17th, 24 yrs old, capricorn
label(s): the academic, the ebullient, the fallen, the icarcian.
height: 6′2″
hometown: london, uk ooo fancy
sexuality: wildly. chaotically. bisexual.
his stats can be found HERE
and his pinterest can be found HERE !
introducing...another one of indira’s cousins !!!! 
born to olena barot, member of the american embassy in london/future U.S. ambassador to the UK and ronak barot, CEO of his very own computer company. needless to say, he and his younger sister alya were born into a certain wealth
they hopped between the US and the UK and wherever else they desired to go on vacation to with ease; UK for school and US for breaks, rome or paris or wherever else, simply whenever.
despite this though !! olena and ronak had always wanted their children to find their own success, to be financially stable without their assistance once they got older. therefore, it was a known fact in their household that they’d be cut off financially by the time they were 21.
luckily, neither of them really minded this? both children had always had an extreme thirst for knowledge and a wonder for things. even so--their childhood wasn’t quite typical, as their competitive natures led to them trying to one-up each other?
alya and amos grew up extremely close to each other, being so close in age it really didn’t feel as if she was the younger sibling; they were more like twins than anything. obviously, amos still gloated about being the eldest, but their bond was tight.
there were moments in their childhood where if anybody, and i mean anybody--spoke ill of alya, amos would get into physical alterations. he’s much more peaceful now, but the history is still there.
by the time amos entered sixth form, his studies were--while still very important to him--less frequent. he’d go out nearly every night, gone whole weekends, partying or being a general hooligan. 
alya, however, did not partake in these activities. this is where they differed--amos had always been an extrovert, fond of crowds and people and being in the center of it all. causing ruckus. wrecking havoc. alya’s always been...reserved, in the best way possible. few knew just what a gem she was, but she really was to be treasured. even so--the less time amos seemed to spend at home, the more distant alya became towards him.
but, surprise: despite being literally, incredibly smart, amos got BIG DUMBASS ENERGY and was very very oblivious to the why and how of this. which really, really did not help.
unfortunately, there wasn’t any time to dwell about this.
around the same time, tragedy struck the barot family.
after one of his lil’ runabouts, amos came home to find furniture being escorted out of their house, police--his sister crying, his mother ashamed, his father nowhere to be found. 
and soon after, amos found out that his father was arrested for a scandal that sent many into a tizzy. essentially: the company fucked over their own customers via stealing their info, committing some fraud, y’know, credit cards and social security numbers, sellin’ it. just. some nasty white collar crime.
it also wound up fucking up olena’s newly acquired position as the US ambassador for the UK. she was released from the embassy during ronak’s trials.
he ultimately wound up in prison, and olena moved their family back to the U.S.
and amos--being the big dumb baby he is, figured the best thing to do was to pretend it hadn’t bothered him one bit! so he did exactly that!
i imagine that they moved close to indira’s family, and amos spent a lot of time with her from there then.
however, in between pretending things were fine and dandy, and home life, and the drag and pull of parties, anxiety weighed down amos’ bones like...constantly. his family was now, essentially, poor with a mass debt thanks to their father. the expectations for amos to do good, to be better--the fall of amos’ biggest role model.
it was all too much. anxiety attacks became frequent, provoked by the slightest thing--he could only lay awake at night, sleep infrequent. he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and insomnia, and treated for both--some days it still doesn’t feel like enough.
getting a scholarship to lockwood is probably the best thing to happen to him in a long time. it was a new look into a potential future.
got into the uh...career, of sorts, of doing people’s assignments for them for a hefty payment, alongside his normal job. just to make sure he had spending money and whatnot.
involving tatiana: their friendship bloomed after he did a few assignments for her, y’see--then came the midnight adventures, and whatnot. i wouldn’t have called them close by any means, but they had fun together when they weren’t arguing. their friendship ended after a pretty bad car accident--neither were fatally hurt, but the car was wrecked and it was amos’ fault and it just. sorta was the end of that.
he’s got a...reliability on his sleeping pills, if you will. it’s not healthy in the slightest, but he’s convinced it’s nothing serious. it’s pretty serious.
his eyesight is also getting worse--expected to become legally blind by the time he’s forty.
more on those l8r
there’s a lot of words you can use to describe amos! pretentious, sarcastic, provoking, hardly ever serious, immature, petty, Just Like That, full of himself, smartass, big dumbass energy. y’know. just an infinite amount.
he can be so dramatic! everything he does is exaggerated. he rolls cigar-sized joints at every party. goes around with a horrible ‘20s mobster voice, voicing his lil’ conspiracies.
it’s both hard and very easy to forget that amos graduated as valedictorian of his high school (stealing it, from somebody else--i should mention, as he came in halfway thru the year and kinda just. snatched the title.) because he can be a real idiot sometimes.
because he tries to hard to mask his insecurities, he overcompensates with just. being childish. he’s fun to be around but sometimes he can just be. exhausting.
so like, he went into computer engineering because that was just sorta what he always wanted to do? besides programming? he really wanted to take after his father--but with him being in jail and whatnot, kinda puts a damper to that dream. still, he can’t stop.
so he’s just. really good with computers tbh?? built his own, programmed his own firewall. his dream is to open his own cybersecurity company.
VERY STRESSED LIKE CONSTANTLY like catch him in the library with six empty coffee cups surrounding his work, it’s 2am--he hasn’t slept, in fact his eyes are likely taped opened. he works a lot.
but parties...a lot more! he tries rly hard to not mix his medication with anything so that leads to him...not always taking it, or overcompensating when he misses. it’s a mess. he’s a mess. he thinks he knows what he’s doing but he’s NOT.
i think...i’d consider him lovable. he’s a lil eccentric, a lil high energy.
LOVES HIS FAMILY. like, listen. he still loves his dad. would protect his cousins and sister and mother with his mf life.
alya and him aren’t on the...best terms rn. so that Hurts.
he can be really petty tbh ?? like he can’t take arguments seriously so he just becomes this fucking manchild. he will mimic u. he’ll mock u. he can be hurtful.
god...i don’t even know what else to say. just take him TAKE HIM
wanted connections
as always, i am a big slut for every connection.
give him his Lads. his buds. his pals. his broskis. his bromances.
ride or die(s)
people he tutors !! people whose work he does for them !!
somebody who goes to him b/c of computer troubles n he’s just like...r u going to pay me or nah
high school friends??
party pals??
his sister may become a WC in the future but idk quite yet, we do stan her though !!
drug dealer pls n thank
ex friends ?? fake friends ?? toxic friends ??
bad influences ?? good influences ??
hook ups ?? like a lot of ‘em ??
confidante ?? just somebody he can. rant to.
academic rival just b/c i really love intense study-offs
enemies for whatever reason ??
exes ??
particularly this one ex he was really, really in love w/ but life just got really stressful and idk it affected their relationship and they sorta just. ended it. idk who ended it w/ who but it probably wasn’t mutual and he’s probably really still hung up about it. 
i mean i’ll take...anything...did they run into each other once and now just see each other everywhere??
unrequited things??
really cute close friendships??
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