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zenwords · 4 years ago
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hondaaccordalliance · 4 years ago
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It’s builds like this that blow your mind 🤯 make you rethink 🔝🔟📜 “The List”… 🆚 Make sure you cast your vote 🗳 on the @honda.accord.alliance story 📰 For AccordFaceOff 🗣 Also go a follow & like @honda.accord.alliance on @Facebook, Checkout HondaAccordAlliance TV 📺 and DM all content for a Face Off feature 📲💯‼️ #🔝🔟nominee #🔝🔟Accord. . 🏎: @therealrobbp 💣🏁. . 🎌: #10thGenAccord ❌ #CV2 🇯🇵. . . #ホンダアコードアライアンス #HondaAccordAlliance #AccordAlliance #HondaAccord #⚡️taticLowLyfe⚡️ #StaticLowLyfes LowLyfeFaceOff #Honda #Accord carvscar carvscarpolls #AccordPorn AccordFamily Accords_On_Deck RoyalAccords AccordEmpire #AccordSquad AccordSociety AccordClub AccordAddicts #AccordCoupe AccordModulo #BreakNecks #KillEgos #BreakingNecks #HurtingFeelings #AccordSpecialEdition #Accord10thGen #10thGenSociety #LSeries #LSeriesOnly #L15b7 AccordInspire InspireAccord #AccordTypeR AccordEuroR EuroRAccord EuroAccord MugenAccord #TurboAccord #HondaFactoryPerformance AccordsAssembled AccordsElite AccordGram AccordMafia AccordNation AccordsOnly DopeAccords EastCoastAccords EyeCandy4TheAddicts 👁🍬💉 #AlwaysTravelingNeverDriving TravelinStyle. . . Follow The #Alliances ⬇️: @clawsonhonda @honda @honda.accord.alliance @static.lowlyfes @static.lowlyfes.clothing @functionandform @accordselite @teamcrazycreashunz @hoonsamurai @norcal_accords @don_rpm_systems @jperez7 @crichcars @dragoneyedann @45nyc_ @masterfulprinting @thecustomshopnyc @monkey_wrench_inc @lifestylegfx @vinyldecalshop @nycwheelprofessionals @officialnyce1s @nicksprofessionalsupplies @royalty_rentals @junctionproduce_taketomi @cb7tuner.official @hondamobilemechanic @legendary_motion . . . 🚨🚨🚨 Make sure you go follow @honda.accord.alliance page on @facebook, @Twitter, and @tumblr; Follow @static.lowlyfes on @Facebook 🚨🚨🚨 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQKr3enp17/?igshid=153l170j7p507
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bigmarcus3000 · 6 years ago
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Reposted from Credit via: @quotes_by_the_pound - Look!...Go back and tell them I’m walking with God. And a man walking with God, is protected by god. #word #words #wordplay #wordsofwisdom #wisewords #wisdom #truth #facts #realshit #realtalk #reality #dangerouswords #hurtingfeelings #speakingfacts #revolution #evolution #powerful #powerfulwords #kingofquotes #quoteking #unspokenwords #follow #followme #followthispage #bestpageever #followers - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6-aLclSaw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9ujlq8jcxglp
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arbundance · 4 years ago
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"This part hurts, but it's so much better than never having felt all the love that caused it." Leo Christopher #leochristopher #leochristopherquotes #leochristopherpoetry #hurtful #hurtinginside #hurtsogood #hurted #hurtbae #hurtpost #hurtingquotes #hurtingsucks #hurtedquotes #hurtlikehell #hurtpeoplehurtpeople #hurtsfamily #hurtslikehell #HurtinFeelings #hurtingfeelings (at Madrid) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTo2A1OJr2O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rfarrokh · 4 years ago
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Truth droppin 🥰💘💪🏼💪🏼🤟🏼❤️ #hurtfeelings #hurtpeoplehurtpeople #hurtinginside #hurtsmyheart #hurtsmysoul #feelingfeelings #hurtingheart #hurtingfeelings #hurtingsucks #stillhurting #hurtingsoul #hurtshabitshangups #feelingsad #feelingsquotes #sadfeelings #feelingshurt #feelingssuck #hurtmyself #hurtmeonce #hurtyou #hurtyourfeelings #rachaelsroadtorecovery #actionshaveconsequences #wordshurt #watchyourmouth #watchyourself #watchyourstep #healinghurts #hurts2bhuman #hurtingme https://www.instagram.com/p/CRGTIHPp5RL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lastreetcars · 5 years ago
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As much as I’m not. “Huge” Mopar guy...this is a view that I could live with for sure! And hey...they owner is righteous too! From @kingkupa818 ・・・ #wheelwednesday Because who doesn’t love a good #cockpit pic ..... lol 😂 . . . #mopar #dodge #challenger #hellcat #717reasonstobehappy #musclecars #modernmuscle #cockpitview #dreamcar #dreambigworkhard #playhard #srtaddicts #moparornocar #hurtingfeelings https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZ6fgpBazb/?igshid=1vpge6hjebkpy
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preciousari · 5 years ago
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☆ Read That Again ☆ #MovingForwardIn2020 #MovingRightAlong #TheTruthHURTS #TruthBeTold #HurtingFeelings #WordsHurtMore #RealityCheck✔ #AcceptTheTruthAndMOVEOn #AccessNotGRANTEDToEveryone (at Dutch Village, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ROF-_lR25N37-EFsBcwyHTKW1tzTHEDpOe8U0/?igshid=3g41kbkkx722
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#negativeenergy #negativepeople #negativethoughts #negativevibes #negativenancy #negativethinking #negativeselftalk #negativemind #miserablepeople #miserableatbest #disconnecttoreconnect #disconnecttoconnect #painandsuffering #sufferinsilence #sufferinginsilence #lostinemotion #hurtinginside #hurtingfeelings #hurtingsucks #hurtlikeabitch #innertruth #stillnessspeaks #letgoofthepast #innerknowing #soulwisdom #awakenyoursoul #spiritualevolution #selfawarenessjourney #purposefullife #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5BwfEHJOu/?igshid=1nctv7a1oy94m
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ragepumpkin · 5 years ago
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Matching with my Main Man #bumblebeetuna #fathersonfreshness #blackandyellow #hurtingfeelings #inthesestreets https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zlzPNHawd/?igshid=6e20y2n3jxyv
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unnikrishna · 7 years ago
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S. സി. ബി. എഫ്.‌ സി !! #typography #cbfcindia #typespire #typeism #typelove #malayalam #kerala #malayalamcinema #indiancinema #hurtingsensibilities #hurtingfeelings
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hondaaccordalliance · 4 years ago
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Just when you thought his 8th Gen was dope he pulls out his 7th Gen and ask “How much do@you love Accords!?” 🤔… 🆚Make sure you cast your vote 🗳 on the @honda.accord.alliance story 📰 🔜Go a follow & like @honda.accord.alliance on @Facebook and DM all content for an Accord Face Off feature 📲💯‼️ . . 🏎: @accord08_k24 🔰🏁. . 🎌: #7thGenAccord ❌ #CM5 🇲🇽. . . #ホンダアコードアライアンス #HondaAccordAlliance #AccordAlliance #HondaAccord #⚡️taticLowLyfe⚡️ #StaticLowLyfes LowLyfeFaceOff CarVsCar CarVsCarPolls #Honda #Accord WideBodyAccord #AccordPorn AccordFamily Accords_On_Deck RoyalAccords AccordEmpire AccordSquad AccordSociety AccordClub AccordAddicts AccordCoupe #AccordModulo AccordWagon #BreakNecks #KillEgos #BreakingNecks #HurtingFeelings #AccordSpecialEdition #Accord7thGen #7thGenSociety #KSeries #KSeriesOnly #K24a AccordInspire InspireAccord AccordTypeR AccordEuroR EuroRAccord EuroAccord MugenAccord HondaFactoryPerformance AccordsAssembled AccordsElite AccordGram AccordMafia AccordNation AccordsOnly DopeAccords EastCoastAccords EyeCandy4TheAddicts 👁🍬💉 AlwaysTravelingNeverDriving TravelinStyle. . . Follow The Alliances ⬇️: @honda @honda.accord.alliance @static.lowlyfes @static.lowlyfes.clothing @functionandform @vinyldecalshop @accordselite @teamcrazycreashunz @hoonsamurai @norcal_accords @don_rpm_systems @jperez7 @crichcars @dragoneyedann @45nyc_ @masterfulprinting @thecustomshopnyc @monkey_wrench_inc @lifestylegfx @vinyldecalshop @nycwheelprofessionals @officialnyce1s @nicksprofessionalsupplies @royalty_rentals @junctionproduce_taketomi @cb7tuner.official @hondamobilemechanic @legendary_motion @projectjdmny @cambergang.tm . . . 🚨🚨🚨 Make sure you go follow @honda.accord.alliance & @static.lowlyfes page on @facebook, @Twitter, and @tumblr; Follow @static.lowlyfes on @Facebook 🚨🚨🚨 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNU07ALngLE/?igshid=10kalv1uzu2ys
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bigmarcus3000 · 6 years ago
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Reposted from Credit via: @quotes_by_the_pound - #word #words #wordplay #wordsofwisdom #wisewords #wisdom #truth #facts #realshit #realtalk #reality #dangerouswords #hurtingfeelings #speakingfacts #revolution #evolution #powerful #powerfulwords #kingofquotes #quoteking #unspokenwords #follow #followme #followthispage #bestpageever #followers - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu694colzcs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lf1uyktwmrsj
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clutch-shift-go · 6 years ago
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From @rwb_hunter - “S2tucked” It’s lunch time and this zinger mountain melt is beast. But what’s even better then that is this slammed and tucked s2k. Well back to this food shall talk to you soon🍻 #castrol#ultraracingusa#clutchshiftgo#rwbhunter#s2k#s2000#honda#hondas2k#hondas2000#vtec#vtecyo#camber#slammed#static#airride#hurtingfeelings#stance#hardparked#deepdish#tilted#photography#photographerlife#freelancephotographer#photoshoot#art#lowlife#lunchtime#lunchspecial https://www.instagram.com/p/Btmlc8-lY3E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n2dw37fk9tx0
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jlrpapa-blog · 6 years ago
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Laughing and crying!!😱😂😱😂 #yallmean #dam #hurtingfeelings #Wowzers https://www.instagram.com/p/BomrRAPB9tR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m0iedpwii83h
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skleds · 8 years ago
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It's on tonight live on the discord app if you want to listen in. Or check out the podcast recordings on ITunes. If you haven't already , listen to last weeks episode before hearing tonight's as it will get you up to speed with @vipstylecars @vipdout @vipdout_ca @vipdout_gu @suspensionspot #plastishitisfortools #wrapsarefakepaint #admission4meets !??! #hurtingfeelings for being real. But if no one else is going to say it , I will. I have no ties , no teams no clubs. Just me and my opinion and I love to be challenged to be thought provoking for everyone. Like Arsenio used to say "things that make you go "Hmmmm " #mitsubishiclubcanada #torontosubaruclub #bmwtn #gtaacuraclub #mbtn #vqnorth #importfest #tm3 #strada #gtarides #ontrides #stancedimports #eurokracy #airsociety #stancenation #libertyvip #vipdout #SKperformance #stradajbr #gtagtrclub #trucksofontario #canadiansubies #mbtruenorth #bmwtruenorth #northfacerally #auditn #brzworld (at SK Performance LED Lighting)
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asktounderstand-blog · 8 years ago
Moving On Even When It Hurts
*on the phone*
Him: What can I do to help you? How can I help?
Her: You can't help me. I know this is cliche but it honestly isn't you...it's me. I don't want to be in a relationship. I want to focus on me and my growth. I still don't know what I want. I need time to grow.
Him: But I love you.
Her: We had our time. You broke up with me and even though it took me almost 2 years, I moved on. Not saying I could never feel that way about you again, but I don't want to. I'm not open to love and I don't want to me.
Him: Do you love me?
Her: I do love you.
Him: But you don't love me how I want you to love me. You don't want me how I want you.
Her: I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you because you're one of my best friends, but I don't feel for you how I once did.
Him: So this is it then. I can't be just your friend.
Her: I guess this is it...
Him: Okay. Bye.
Her: Bye.
*hangs up*
5 mins later *He calls back*
Him: I don't care. If you hurt me then you hurt me. I tried to imagine my life without you and I can't. I'd rather have you in my life than not have you in my life even if it hurts.
Her: I can't let you do that. It hurts me to hurt you and a relationship like that between us would just be toxic.
Him: Well you're going to have to stop talking to me then because I won't stop talking to you. I can't. Can you do that?
*She starts crying*
Him: Can you do that????
Her: If it's what is best for you then yes I can.
Him: I won't move on.
Her: You have to.
Him: Hang up then and I'll never talk to you again.
*both crying*
Him: Hang up!
Him: You can't do it because you still love me.
Her: I HAVE to it because I love you.
Him: Bye then.
Her: ...Bye.
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