#hurt nick
yrsonpurpose · 6 months
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Henry is royal, yes, but he’s also paralysed by his own fear of not being loved. — Nicholas Galitzine // Hunger Magazine
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is targeted by a certain ghost during the filming of the Sam and Colby ft. Sturniolo Triplets video.
REQUESTED?: Yes, from anon.
WARNING: Paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, mediumship, physical injury, pain.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: This one happens in the same "universe" of this Matt Sturniolo x Reader of mine.
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"Wow, the smell of roses in here has gotten stronger." Matt commented as soon as Colby closed the large door behind them, lifting his chin slightly as he smelled the strong scent of flowers.
It was time to investigate the Maximillian room, which was on the mezzanine; the room that held eight mirrors surrounded by gold that cost way too much and a painting of Empress Carlota, who, according to legend, was there because of those same mirrors, as they were gifts from her husband at the time.
And it was precisely because of her that Y/N was feeling so anxious. From the moment the hotel guides took them to there while showing them all the main haunted rooms in the building, the girl felt strange.
Because Y/N was a medium and was aware of it since she was a child - consequently training her "skill" as she grew up -, her sensations with the supernatural were duplicated and very accurate; Not only could she see, hear and feel the presences, but she could also feel what came with them and the weight of each one.
That's why, on her first trip to the room, she quickly found Carlota, who surprisingly allowed the girl to see her, but Y/N wished she hadn't. Carlota was beautiful, exactly as in her painting, still dressed in classical clothes, but her eyes carried so much anguish. Contrary to the hope of Audrey - their main guide -, Carlota did not appear to have found peace in the afterlife.
But what surprised Y/N, or scared her the most, was the hatred in the ghost's eyes, and strangely, this hatred was directed only at her.
Upon stepping into that room for the second time that night, the girl felt nausea rise from her stomach to her throat, swallowing hard; Her heart raced stupidly fast and the hair on her arms and legs stood up, raising goose bumps on her skin. A weight settled on her shoulders and the back of her neck, making her feel as if any sudden movement would send her straight to the ground.
Her hands shook slightly as her eyes swept the room. She focused her senses better, being able to capture several spirits coming and going from one mirror to another, reminding her of the portals created by them. Y/N felt the pain, sadness, anger, and melancholy of each of the ghosts, her throat becoming dry and her eyes burning with tears. She felt overwhelmed.
"Baby? Hey, what happened?" Matt's soft voice close to her ear woke her from her intense trance, her eyes meeting the blue ones that kept her grounded.
Y/N noticed that the others were a little further away and already in the center of the room, talking to each other while Sam arranged the camera to record the investigation. She was internally grateful that Matt had come to her unnoticed without attracting attention from the others.
"Sorry, I'm fine. Just overwhelmed. This place has a horrible atmosphere." Y/N responded in the same soft tone as her boyfriend, keeping her eyes fixed on his, trying to convey confidence.
"If I'm feeling the burden in these walls, I can only imagine what you're feeling, dove. I promise I'll be by your side the whole time, and if it gets too much, let me know, and we'll leave right away." The boy spoke, taking Y/N's right hand with his left one, squeezing lightly. Y/N smiled in gratitude. She was so lucky to have him with her.
"So Carlota likes compliments and flirting?" Colby's deep voice caught the couple's attention while asking the rhetorical question. Y/N and Matt looked up at the others, seeing Sam already with the camera on and passing the lens along the decorated walls surrounding them.
Matt turned off the light on the switch near the door as previously agreed before they approached the others, ready to start what they needed to do there.
"Hey Carlota, here we have five fine men, but only three are single and available for you." Matt spoke first while settling close to his brothers, his eyes scanning the space completely despite being able to see practically nothing through the darkness.
Y/N followed his action, sweeping her eyes around her and the ghosts there, internally trying to focus only on Carlota's spirit. She kept her right hand intertwined with Matt's, not wanting to let go of his warmth, knowing that he was the only one who could keep her under control in that situation.
"Can you see her, Cole Sear?" Nick asked Y/N, crossing his arms and looking at the girl with a curious gaze, who nodded after rolling her eyes momentarily at the reference to the movie Six Senses, smiling sideways.
Nick was scared to death of watching horror movies, but he loved it when Y/N watched them all and then told him the story.
"I can, but I can also see several other ghosts that probably have nothing to do with the hotel's history and are only here because of the portals. I'm trying to just focus on her."
Colby and Chris started throwing random pick-up lines into thin air, trying to attract the Empress's ghost. Their words made Y/N let out a low laugh, they were ridiculous.
After a significant effort, Y/N finally managed to clear all the ghosts in the room from her mind, being able to see only Carlota. The woman stood a few steps away, her eyes on Colby and Chris as she held an elegant and calm posture, an arrogant smile on her face, probably satisfied with all the attention.
But that changed when she realized that Y/N saw her completely now, her empty eyes going to the girl, a flame of anger and disdain shining behind them, seeming to penetrate Y/N's eyes and run throughout her mind.
The girl's hands flew to her own head almost instantly, pressing down on each side as her body arched slightly forward, a growl escaping her throat as her knees shook, weakened by the sudden pain.
Matt had never moved so fast, his body positioned in front of his girlfriend's as his hands held her arms, which were more tense than ever before, her own fingers tangling in strands of her loose hair, pulling hard while trying to stop the intense pain of the sudden migraine.
"Y/N? Baby, talk to me. What's... What's going on?" Matt spoke in a desperate tone, his eyes going from his girlfriend to the boys repeatedly, hoping they would have some kind of response.
Nick and Chris ran to the two, positioning themselves on either side of Y/N, choosing not to touch her so as not to worsen her overload but showing that they were there for her.
"It must be some spirit that is messing with her, perhaps trying to attack her or, at worst, control her." Colby commented, approaching as well as his eyes traveled around the dark room, looking for any clue as to what it was, even if he couldn't see anything.
Sam lowered the camera, the lens focusing on his feet as he too approached. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern, the blonde knew well what it was like to be attacked by spirits, and if he could, he would put an end to what Y/N was feeling at that very moment.
"Matt." Y/N let out in a pained groan, an intense pressure establishing in her right arm, as if something was holding, or rather crushing the region. She lifted her left hand, placing it on Matt's right shoulder while trying to find stability.
With great difficulty, the girl looked to her right from the corner of her eye, catching Carlota there, just a few inches apart from her. Feelings of fury and disgust emanated from her aura as her right hand squeezed Y/N's arm, and although she didn't say anything, the girl knew that that gesture was a request - mandate - for her to get out of there.
Nick and Chris spoke to Sam and Colby in low tones, probably trying to understand the situation and find a solution to reverse it.
"I'm here, honey. I'm right here." Matt whispered repeatedly, bending down slightly to be at the same height as Y/N while holding her hand that was on his shoulder, stroking the skin softly with his fingers.
He felt his breathing quicken in anxiety at the sight of his girl's state, panic wanting to take over his body, but he maintained control, closing his eyes momentarily to compose himself, as he whispered sweet nothings against his girl's ear.
Seconds later, when he saw that Y/N was still moaning and grunting in pain, he took a deep breath before turning around, turning his back to the girl and facing the room. Little did he know that Carlota was right next to him.
"I demand that you cut all effect on Y/N right now. You are not allowed to mess with her." Matt's voice was stern, like never before. His eyes held determination while running around the room, his hands behind him, maintaining contact with his girlfriend's body. "She's not yours!" He growled.
Suddenly, all the pressure on Y/N vanished, and a feeling of relief took over her, as if fresh air had entered her nostrils and filled her lungs, bringing comfort to her body. The girl exhaled sharply, removing her hands from her head slowly, as if expecting the worst.
Y/N straightened her posture, opening her eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light. One of the boys had probably turned it on in the meantime, and the girl mentally thanked whoever had done it, finally being able to see the surroundings better.
The negative and evil energy had left her side, but Carlota was still in the room, Y/N could feel her.
Matt turned abruptly, facing Y/N again, pulling her into his arms as he held her head against his chest, caressing the area carefully.
"You're okay. You're okay." The boy repeated it like a mantra, trying to calm Y/N or himself. He wasn't sure.
Y/N winced at Matt's movement, the pain in her arm intensifying, reminding her that Carlota had almost ripped it off.
“Wait, are you hurt? Where does it hurt, Y/N?” Nick asked after hearing it, finally getting close enough to be able to lightly touch his best friend's shoulder, a worried look decorating his face.
Matt pulled away from Y/N almost instantly, ready to investigate her injury, feeling anger rising through his veins. If he could see and touch ghosts, he would kill Carlota again.
Y/N just raised her right arm, rolling up the sleeve of her jacket with her left hand. Chris, who was on the other side of the girl like a bodyguard, his blue eyes still darting around the room as if expecting something to appear out of nowhere, let a surprised sound escape his lips at the sight.
"Oh my God, Y/N. This is bad." The youngest of the triplets murmured, an expression of discomfort taking over his face as he thought about the pain resulting from the injury.
A handprint was perfectly carved on Y/N's arm. It looked like someone had taken a pencil and ink and drawn in the area. That would definitely turn out purple.
"That's crazy, dude. Does it hurt bad?" Colby asked, taking a few steps closer to get a better view, receiving a nod from the girl, who was still looking at the mark in disbelief.
"When you said you were Lorraine Warren, I didn't think you would perform the entire The Conjuring movie. If I had known, I would have brought a priest and some holy hater." Sam joked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere, as he momentarily turned off the camera.
The blonde made a quick mental note to delete all footage of that disturbing episode, not wanting to expose such a vulnerable moment of his new friend.
Y/N let out a laugh. The ghosts really hated her.
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koszmarnybudyn · 11 months
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This is all it will ever be.
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hrhprincegalitzine · 10 months
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madi-writes-things · 6 months
Nobody Pt. 1
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,009
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it definitely happens and is talked about), Blood, Violence, Hurt Comfort, Not edited, Bad stuff under the cut
A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to pop in t let you know that my DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to. I use y writing as a safe and healthy outlets for the destructive thoughts, but reading i these sorts of things isn’t healthy for everyone… keep yourself safe.
-Madi <3
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“What do you want?” I ask when I see Chris walk into my room without knocking. I didn’t mean for it to sound so rude, but it just kind of happens when i talk to him. I don’t even remember why we hate each other, and i bet he doesn’t either… its just always been like this.
“Nick was too lazy to come upstairs…” he stared at me for a second before continuing. “We’re going out to film, do you want us to get You something for dinner?”
“I’ll just text nick what I want” as he leaves i wonder if he even cares. I only live with him because Nick and Matt begged me to come to LA with them after HighSchool. Nick and i have been best friends since eighth grade when I transferred to their district, and Matt has always been nice to me… but Chris never seemed to like me, eventually i stopped going out of my way to be nice to him.
I hear the door closes, quickly followed by the sound of Matt pulling out of the driveway.
How did i get here? Nick would be so mad at me… he would never say it, but i know it’s frustrating when people you care about keep making the same mistakes. I look down at my thighs, realizing that I can’t even see the individual cuts through the blood. I should have just woken Nick up, if i had I wouldn’t be in this situation.
The tears have mostly stopped flowing at this point, and the adrenaline is dying down. The weight of what I’ve done starts to set in. I need to clean this up, I need to get help, I need to get Nic-
“What the fuck” as I look up I’m met with the icy blue eyes of Chris. Before I can process what is happening he is yanking the blade out of my hand and flushing it down the toilet. “Y/N, look at me… what happened?” Seeing the panic in his eyes makes me feel bad, he was never supposed to have to deal with this.
“Can you please get the first aid kit from under my bed?” The words roll off my tongue with ease. He just stared at me with fear in his eyes. “I’ll be fine, just go” with that he turned around and went to my room.
Chris returned a few minutes later, with my large first aid kit, and a gas station bag in his hands. I had been desperately trying to clean up some of the mess with toilet paper, but I was mostly failing. “Can you please sit on the side of the bathtub?” I stared up at him in confusion. “Please Y/N… please just let me help you clean up”
“do you even know what you’re doing?” His response consisted of turning his phone to face me, an article on how to clean self harm wounds staring back at me. “Fine…” I did what he asked and positioned myself on the side of the tub.
Chris started by wiping up what I had missed from the floor, quickly moving to sit in between my legs. As he started cleaning me up, I realized how intimate our position was. He wouldn’t look me in the eyes, but I could tell that he was holding back tears. After he stopped all the bleeding, and cleaned off the wounds he just stared for a second… and it broke me.
the tears started streaming down my face again, nothing could’ve stopped them. “Don’t tell Nick… he can’t know I’m doing this again.”
He finally looked up at me, taking a breath to steady himself before speaking. “again?” I just stared. He finished up what he was doing in silence before finally speaking. “Ok… I won’t tell Nick, as long as you let me help you with this”
“I don’t need help Chris.” He didn’t respond, causing me to panic. “Fine, but nobody can know about this.” He held out his pinky, I locked mine into his… an unspoken promise between us.
Chris disposed of any evidence, before carrying me to his room. I was too tired to protest, and it’s not like anyone would be up early enough to notice. He gave me a pair of sweats, and climbed into the bed with me.
I woke up to Chris laying practically on top of me, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. For a moment I didn’t mind… until I saw the time.
“wake up!” I shook him lightly, his eyes flutter open before widening at the position he was currently in. “I need to get up, me and Nick are supposed to go get breakfast for a video… he can’t know that I slept in here.” Chris quickly rolled off of me, and I rushed down the stairs.
As I made my way into the living room I could see Matt and Nick, sitting in silence. They looked at me at the same time, just as Chris came down the stairs to join us.
“Why are you wearing his sweat pants?” Nick stared daggers into my soul. “They must’ve gotten mixed up in the laundry…” I hated lying to my best friend, but he couldn’t know.
“I see… what’s your fake excuse for being in his bed this morning?” I looked at Chris quickly as we walked closer to his brothers. He met my eyes, unsure of what the right decision was.
“please Chris…” I whispered. “You promised me you wouldn’t tell him.” I see Chris make a decision, and before I can stop him he opens his mouth.
“We slept together.” He looked at me, apologizing with his eyes. I look between Nick and Matt, trying to judge their reactions. While this wasn’t ideal, it was better than the truth… until I saw Nick get up.
in a matter of seconds Nick had punched Chris across the face. After flexing his hand, he looked at me with nothing but hatred before walking away.
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shummthechumm · 5 months
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dedication under the cut:
i originally started this just a few days before janice burgess passed away. if you have been following me for a while, you'd know that the backyardigans is still one of my all time favorite shows to this day: a major brainworm ive had since i was first popped out the womb.
she had such a huge hand in me and my siblings childhoods outside of backyardigans, as well, and i cant understate how much it means to me to see a black woman have such a major role in various popular animated franchises.
RIP to one of my greatest animation inspos, ESPECIALLY when it comes to children's entertainment. the fact that mrs. burgess passed on the day before my birthday hurts especially, so i dedicate this drawing to her! i would not be who i am w/o these goobers, so thank you
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twstjam · 1 year
Book 7 Spoilers ahead!!!
hmmmmm Lilia x Reader where you're a member of the Silver Owls but you have no loyalty to them so you betray them by secretly playing spy for the fae in exchange for peace, quiet, and safety if you help them win. The fae don't really trust you, especially Lilia, but he knows opportunity when he sees one. They just have to be careful about how much they trust you.
Because of the nature of your agreement you end up meeting up and exchanging letters with the Phantom General of the Briar fae a lot to relay information. At first it's just that and your meetings are all really just pure business, but then Lilia complains about Princess Malenoa and everyone pushing jobs onto him. This spurs you on to complain about Henrik and how all he does is order people around and lounge around all day. The two of you end up bonding over your demanding and tiring jobs and gradually grow closer each letter.
Aside from exchanging information, the two of you begin to exchange stories and tales and knowledge. You begin to know each other on different facets that no one else knows and confide in each other your deepest thoughts, fears, and insecurities. The two of you have a lot in common and understand each other so well that it just makes it so easy and natural and comfortable to be open like this. No one else have ever made either of you feel safe enough to share your most deepest secrets (not even Malenoa and Revan in Lilia's case. They're his best friends but they're also his superiors. There's just some things he can't talk about with them.) so it's so nice to finally find someone that does.
The two of you fall slowly, but you fall hard.
Neither of you admit this to each other of course. A war is no time for something as silly and trivial as love and romance and you both know that neither of you have time for a relationship. So you both pine and yearn in silence, either from your fortresses miles away from each other, or several feet apart on the rare occasions you meet up in person—so close yet still so far.
In one of your letters you relay to Lilia your worry that someone might be catching on. Lilia's heart twists in fear and his mind races with paranoid thoughts and possibilities. He doesn't show any concern in his response aside from acknowledging your worry, but he does tell you to be careful. He reasons that it would be unfortunate for the fae if their most valuable informant were to be discovered. (he activated tsundere mode to cope)
He sends the letter and goes about his duties. Days pass. Weeks. He realises during some off-time that he hasn't heard from you in a while. More time passes. No sign of a response from you.
Lilia says to himself that it's fine. It's nothing. It's no big deal. You're probably just occupied, or finally realised how dangerous it was to keep associating with the enemy. It's fine. The fae forces have managed before without your assistance. It's fine it's fine it's fine
he's not fine
(Part 2)
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gingerteaonthetardis · 8 months
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NICK & JESS in New Girl S01E03: Wedding
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lemonofthevalley · 5 months
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doodled a little terrick :3
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jellysmudge · 1 year
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Yall know that tiktok thing where people put quotes and match them with characters. I like to be sad.
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bitchfitch · 2 months
Idk. my hottest take in relation to stained glass has to do with resin. So Many YouTubers do "stained glass resin" vids and i know why they do it, because total boat pays them to, but it's gotten your average joe thinking its the better and easier craft.
its literally not, like, in anyway. Like ignoring that resin is just plastic and these people are using gallons of it to convince folk to give their sponsors, who are one of the larger plastic waste creators, a lot of money. Resin is more expensive to do in terms of raw material and is only getting more expensive as plastic regulations tighten up and require the company's to offset the massive amount of waste they're generating. It's way less easy, once that resin starts curing your on a clock vs being able to just fuck off whenever you like, and if you fuck up an SG piece, Big woop just melt off the solder or retry the cut, it's not going to ruin your entire project, while resin isn't even the type of plastic you can melt and reshape.
and the most like Irritating one, Resin isn't safer to do than SG! it just isn't!
like, here's the thing, you can absolutely cut yourself on broken glass or bump the soldering iron, but that's 2 seconds of pain and a bandaid vs resin, which is a known carcinogen and Ridiculously toxic to the point of the fumes alone making people sick and killing pets. Literally all the safety kit for SG is is a pair of glasses and some gardening gloves (which you resuse infinitely instead of often replacing multiple times a project), resin needs eye protection, full skin protection, a proper n95 or other equivalent filter rated for the hazardous chemicals in resin, and Real good ventilation.
And when you're done you have to clean all that plastic crap up instead of just sweeping a bit.
but if you mention any of that during your video, no one will give more money to the people sponsoring you!
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A little bit of an angst request but could you write the companions finding sole sobbing and injured, thinking their companion abandoned them after accidentally getting separated
Fo4 Companions Reactions To Sole Being Emotionally Distraught After Being Separated
➼ Word Count » 2.1k ➼ Warnings » Angst, Mentions of Blood
MacCready starts to yell a little, not because he's mad but because he's scared and doesn't know what he's supposed to do once he finds you. He'll quickly stab a stimpak into you, throw you on his back, and take you to the first stable location he can find before shushing your sobs and promising you that he's not going anywhere. He'll sit with you like that until you fall asleep, and he'll still be in the same spot when you awake. He hates that you thought he'd just abandon you. It makes him think you see him as just another merc only out for himself, and he can't stand that. He'll try to do as much as he can while you recover just to try and build that trust with you and show that he really is here for the long run.
Nick lets out a relieved sigh once he spots you, only stopping when he notices the blood covering the ground and the tears that are streaming down your face. He'll crouch down beside you, worry evident in his neon gaze as he checks you over for any cuts or broken bones. He's not as good at fixing up humans as he is with machines, but he'll do his best with the things he has with him. He's gotta admit, he's a little hurt that you thought he'd just desert you once things got tougher, but he swallows the feeling down. Maybe you're just not used to traveling with synths? He really hopes it's not because of what he is and due to some other unknown reason, but the thought seems to linger. He won't question you about it at all, instead just doing his best to get you to safety and disinfect your wounds the best that anyone can in a wasteland. He'll be a lot friendlier to you after the incident, hoping you'll eventually begin to trust him more.
Cait doesn't blame you for thinking she'd leave. If it were anyone else, she probably would. There isn't room for any trust in this world, but you'd been nice to her this far, and she felt the need to repay that debt. She'll march up to you, bat in her hand, saying something along the lines of, "We've only bin separated fur a couple o' minutes, how'd ye git yersel' so messed up?" She says it to lighten the mood, but is quick to start wrapping bandages around your injuries. She allows herself to be a bit softer, letting her guard falter as she focuses on getting you in better shape than how she found you. After it's all over, she'll ignore that it ever happened, refusing to ever mention the occurrence out of respect for your reputation and want for your continued companionship.
Danse is completely baffled that you thought he could ever do something like that to one of his fellow soldiers? He has experience with this exact type of reaction and, although he'll be stiff and awkward about it, he'll let you lean on his shoulder as you regain yourself, picking you up and guarding you as he takes you back to the nearest camp he can think of. He'll be less harsh towards you, with slightly fewer demands and making his voice a little softer. It's a traumatizing thing to go to, and he understands that. He'll be there with you every step of the way, knowing exactly what to do and who to take you to if things go south. He's probably one of the best ones on this list.
It hurts Preston to know that you thought he left you. He's not sure what he did to make you think that he'd ever abandon you but he's desperate to fix whatever it was. He's firm in his actions, having done this countless times before, kneeling down beside you to inspect your injuries closer before deciding on what his next move will be. He's muttering apologies the entire time, saying that he "didn't mean for you both to get separated like this." He might actually start tearing up himself at the sight of you so vulnerable distraught. He just ends up hugging you, promising that he'd never intentionally leave you stranded like that, before throwing your arm over his shoulder and helping you to the nearest form of shelter.
You can hear the panic in Codsworth's voice as he frantically floats over to you, handing you a cup of purified water. His heart breaks when you say you thought he abandoned you. He waited at the house for two full centuries, hoping that one day he might see you and your family come from over the hill, and you still thought he had it in him to ditch you? He doesn't understand your reasoning with it, and he's not sure if he wants to. The mere thought of deserting you in a possibly dangerous environment tears him apart, but he'll push it all to the side to focus on getting you to safety. He'll loosen up about it after everything calms down, accepting that you mostly have some form of unresolved trauma from the vault or the wasteland that has nothing to do with how you feel about him. He does still wonder if you truly don't see how important you are to him, though, and it hurts him to think about it, but whether you like it or not, he's a part of your family, and he'll do whatever he can to keep that title.
Piper gets a little annoyed at you. Her boots echo along the ruined concrete, an exacerbated hand running down her face as she asks what you really think of her. Do you see her as just some merc looking for the first opening she can get so that she can ditch the contract and take the caps? She's been advocating for you since day one, fighting against the entire idea of forgetting about things when life finally gets tougher. She refuses to leave anyone behind and finds it a little insulting that you thought she'd run without a second thought. irritated as she is, she'll still patch you up the best she can before running to get security to help you back to Diamond City. She'll let you rest for a day, but once you're deemed better, she'll lecture you for hours saying how she obviously cares for you, otherwise, she wouldn't have gone in the first place. The two of you are ride or die, and you need to trust her for it to mean anything.
Curie's at a loss for words when she sees you. The two of you were only separated for so long, how'd you manage to get this hurt? Her first priority would be to focus on patching you up. It won't do her any good trying to calm you down if you're passed out from the pain and blood loss. She's gentle with her every action, ensuring that you're looked after and doing ok. After that, she'll take you to a secluded area and dote on you some more, rubbing your shoulders gently and asking you what happened. She doesn't mind that you thought that of her, from a medical perspective, she can understand how fear and injury can cloud someone's judgment or perception of reality and is mainly just focused on making sure you're feeling better before either of you head out again.
Strong doesn't understand why you're crying and will just throw a piece of raw meat at you and tell you that you both need to start moving again because the place is "too dangerous for puny human". If he notices that you physically can't move, he'll begrudgingly throw you over his shoulder and carry you to wherever until someone with a bit of medical training (most likely a caravan) can look you over, all the while he's making fun of you for being so weak.
Hancock feels horrible when he finally spots you in the distance and is quick to stab some med-x into you to help ease your pain. He isn't all too sure what he's meant to do to help you out, so he just grips your shoulders and props you up against the nearest wall before sitting down beside you with a heavy sigh. He'll give you a minute to compose yourself a little bit, offering you a couple stimpaks before gently asking you about what had happened. He isn't all too hurt about you thinking he abandoned you, he'll mostly chalk it up to a bad chem trip. Hancock will sit there and listen to your sobs for as long as you need before steadily helping you up and taking you back to the Old State House, where he can better watch over you for the time being. He understands fully what it's like to have all reality warped in an instant of fear and confusion and will be glad to give you all the space and time you need to recover from your injuries and breakdown.
Deacon’s not sure what to do. He’s mad that he let you both get separated and wants to help calm you down, but he has no idea how to go about it. He’ll stand there silently for a while, at a loss for words for one of the first times in years, before finally deciding to just ignore your mental anguish for now and focus on the large gashes covering your body. It stings that you don't seem to trust him, but it stings even worse that he can't really question you for it. I mean, he's done nothing but lie to you for a good portion of your travels, but he didn't think that it'd affect you like this. Or at least he hopes it was just his lies, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if there was another untrustworthy aspect of his personality that you didn't like. He wants the best for you, he truly does, and he feels so incredibly guilty seeing you whimper on the ground like this. So much so, that he'll gradually try and change his behavior around you to make himself seem more reliable. He understands the reasoning behind why you might feel this way, he disappears on people all the time, but he never wants to leave you with the impression that'd he'd do it at a time as drastic as this.
X6-88 immediately teleports you to your room in the Institue and takes care of you in a strictly professional manner. He'll calmly do what he needs to do to fix up your injuries and frequently give you one-word responses to your incoherent sobs. He won't let you leave your room for at least the next 3 days and will be right there with you the entire time. He's constantly checking in on you to make sure you're doing better both emotionally and physically and hopes that this will be enough to prove that the Institute has nothing but you're the best interest at heart. He would never leave you for dead and uses this experience to show how the wasteland is horrible and you should just move into the Institue full time.
Dogmeat is confused and incredibly worried. He’ll lick your face repeatedly in an attempt to get you to stop crying. Once he notices you're injured though he’ll start barking hoping someone will come along and help.
Old Longfellow has never deliberately left one of his loved ones behind and will never plan on it. He wastes no time getting you on his shoulder and rushing you to the first location that gets you both out of the fog for a decent period of time before glancing you over. He's very firm in what he's doing and will use this opportunity to teach you basic medical skills so you never have to worry about being left behind and injured. Longfellow has experienced his fair share of close calls while alone out here in the Far Harbor forests and will willingly tell you everything you'd need to know about survival to ensure you're safety moving forward.
Gage thinks you're stupid for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position like this, but doesn't blame you for thinking that he'd abandon you, I mean, he did it to Colter, it makes sense you'd think he'd do the same to you. He'll come over beside you and tell you that you've done way too much for him to even want to abandon you. If he did, the other Nuka-World leaders would skin him alive. He'll then have you climb onto his back before he carries you back to the park to get you looked at by someone more capable than he is. No hard feelings on his part.
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elitehoe · 2 months
Ok I will say there is something extremely important about Matt finally caring about someone else's wellbeing enough that he bargained for him and then proceeded to quit blood and guts
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sorrowsofsilence · 3 months
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lil wholesome omens for this fine friday
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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"can I take your picture?"
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nat-without-a-g · 3 months
DNDads Six Fanarts LGBT Ships PART TWO! I got some requests over tumblr, too, but with my current lineup of pages I won’t be reaching them until the next page and possibly beyond ^^; I’m really excited to get to them though and I hope y’all are okay with having to wait awhile. This was my first time drawing Mercedes with color and Schmegan at all!
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Drawing Apple Pie made me fall in love, gotta love being a lesbian. I’m still taking ship requests! Again, there’s a Lot, but I’m going to get to as many as possible.
Base and link to first page under the cut!
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