wynstel · 7 years
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CNN is starting the year showing this documentary directed by Shaul Schwarz and filmed in 2017. It explores the theory that the only way to actually save animals is by killing them. The commercial showed a millionaire hunter saying “show me one species that has gone extinct because of hunting. None”. I’m simply astonished and disgusted. Spending so much money making a film to try to justify killing for fun and money. Way to go CNN. #vegan #stophunting #stopsåfarskalprøve #bastadecazar #cazafurtiva #cazailegal #animales #veganism #veganismo #vegani #animalsarenotours #southafrica #hunter #hunters #deathtohunters #huntersbebanned #stopabuse #endslaughter #letanimalslive #respect #animali #animalia #beast #hunting #ihatehunting #ihatehunters #loveanimals #reportabusers #reportabuse #denounce #huntinglease #stopfishing #letfishlive #animalsshouldbefree #makeadifference #donthunt #ifyouhuntyouareacunt #ifyoufishyouareadick #trophyhunter #trophyhunt #trophyhunters #deathtoallhunters #huntersdie #karma #karmaisabitch #karmaisreal #wildlife #whereisyourheart #huntersarescum #huntersarecowards #huntersaremurderers #huntersarepsychopaths #huntersarepussies #huntersshouldbehunted #huntersshouldbeshot #huntersshoulddie
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