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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day: pretty sure this is the same friend from the glamour shots. Stood there for a good while letting me take pictures. ♥ (another shot from yesterday - throwback to Thursday) . . . . #latergram #whitetaildeer #winter #woods #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohiowildlife #wildohio #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #ohiobeautiful #myohioadventure #deer #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #loraincounty #metroparks #carlislereservation #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer (& Dog) of the Day: He looks like this (2) so I can get pics like this (1) Sometimes to get closer to deer, I temporarily tie Hobbes' leash to a tree and tell him to stay. He's a good boy. 😁💖🐶 Once the deer run away, I turn around and see this. 💞 (I'm also pretty sure this is where I lost my phone yesterday.) . . . . #whitetaildeer #woods #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohiowildlife #wildohio #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #ohioisbeautiful #myohioadventure #ohiobeautiful #loraincounty #metroparks #deer #goldenretriever #goldens_ofinstagram #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive #trees #naturewalks (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the Day: Album Cover - Three Does Down . . . . #whitetaildeer #woods #winter #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #loraincounty #metroparks #ohioisbeautiful #wildohio #ohiowildlife #ohiobeautiful #myohioadventure #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #deer #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the week: Deer from today and other shots from the week I haven't already posted. INCLUDING: a buck, lots of group shots, and a deer with angry eyebrows. Enjoy! . . . . #deer #whitetaildeer #whitetailbuck #woods #wildlifephotography #winter #loraincounty #metroparks #letsroamohio #ohio_photos #wildohio #ohiowildlife #inspiredbyohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #ohiobeautiful #myohioadventure #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #naturephotography #naturewalks #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day: Protective Mom and Two Babies They ran away after this shot. . . . . #whitetaildeer #woods #wildlifephotography #wildohio #ohiowildlife #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #ohiobeautiful #myohioadventure #loraincounty #metroparks #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #deer #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day: First and Closest We saw quite a few deer on our walk today and this little friend got us started! . . . . #whitetaildeer #woods #wildlifephotography #wildohio #naturephotography #ohiowildlife #letsroamohio #ohio_photos #myohioadventure #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #loraincounty #metroparks #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #ilikemydeeralive #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the Day: Two Deer, One Butt (optical illusion) . . . . #whitetaildeer #winter #woods #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohiowildlife #wildohio #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #loraincounty #metroparks #carlislereservation #deer #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive #nikon #dslr #nikond3200 (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the Day: Frustration . . . . #whitetaildeer #woods #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohiowildlife #wildohio #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #loraincounty #metroparks #deer #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #layout #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Equestrian Center)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day. (double trouble) . . . . #whitetaildeer #winter #woods #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #wildohio #ohiowildlife #deer #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive #snow (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day. I hope this friend was okay. I have never seen a deer just chillin' this way. . . . #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #woods #deer #ohiowildlife #whitetaildeer #loraincounty #metroparks #ohioexplored #letsroamohio #ohio_photos #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the day. . . . #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #whitetaildeer #deer #woods #loraincounty #metroparks #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #ohiowildlife #winter #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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DEER OF THE DAY: I'M BACK, BABY . . . . #whitetaildeer #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive #ohiowildlife #wildohio #ohiowild #woods #trees #forest #loraincounty #metroparks #deer #ohioisbeautiful #beautifulohio #ohiobeautiful #ohiocaptured #inspiredbyohio #theohiocollective #artofvisuals #myohioadventure #ohioexplored #letsroamohio #naturalohio #nikond3200 #dslr #nikon #findyourtrail #parks #naturetrail #naturewalks #naturephotography #wildlifephotography (at Carlisle Equestrian Center)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the Day (02/27/2017) Gonna see how far I can stretch these older photos because I messed up my ankle/leg and might not be walking for a while. 🙁😢😭 . . . . #whitetaildeer #winter #woods #wildlifephotography #ohiowildlife #naturephotography #nature #loraincounty #metroparks #ohio_photos #letsroamohio #ohioexplored #naturalohio #inspiredbyohio #beautifulohio #ohioisbeautiful #myohioadventure #ohiobeautiful #wildohio #deer #nikond3200 #nikon #dslr #nature #findyourtrail #trees #naturepaths #naturetrails #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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kropbos · 8 years ago
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Deer of the Day: Crossing Paths . . . . #wildlifeactionshot #wildlifephotography #whitetaildeer #woods #deer #loraincounty #metroparks #ohioisbeautiful #wildohio #ohiowildlife #ohioexplored #letsroamohio #ohio_photos #naturalohio #myohioadventure #inspiredbyohio #ohiobeautiful #beautifulohio #nikon #nikond3200 #dslr #naturephotography #naturewalks #naturepath #ionlyshootdeerwithmycamera #huntersplzdontfollowmeonIG #ilikemydeeralive #toomanytags (at Carlisle Reservation Park)
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