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rodrickheffeley · 2 months ago
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never forget what they took from us
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flodaya · 1 year ago
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this is the best day of my life <3
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destinyc1020 · 1 year ago
Yeah, the anon was not around here for the August 2020 - July 2nd, 2021 period. We had stans that could not accept that Nadia and Tom had broken up, we had stans shipping Z with JDW, we had stans shipping Z with Hunter, we had stans shipping Tom with Sophia Ali, we had stans saying that Tom had a secret London gf up to July 2, 2021 and even then some said that the TZ car make out session was fake PR to sell NWH. Remember when Hunter and Z went to a screening of Zola (featuring Colman Domingo as one of the leads) and a video was taken of Z whispering something to Hunter and hunterdayas were celebrating that it was proof they were together? The next day Tom posted the pic of him and Tuwaine embracing at a pool (showing that you can be in a committed relationship and still adore your friends). Some of the big tomdaya haters among Z stans to this day are those hunterdayas (they also hated Hunter's relationship with Dom F). You were one of the few tomdayas that was active in that period and had the patience to deal with all those people because we didn't have definitive evidence that Tom and Z were back together. Even you were going to hang up your tomdaya coat if there was no clear evidence that Tom and Z were back together by July 1st, 2021. We, like Tom, can reminisce about that period. All this recent stupidity is nothing compared to that time
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Whew giiiiirrrrrl.... you're bringing me back and giving me flashbacks and PTSD from that time period!! 😩😭
Whew, that was a haaarrrrd time to go through. 😔
What I couldn't stand was the constant gaslighting. And of course, Tom and Z were giving us NOTHING lol, but there were always signs that there was smthg brewing btwn them again in Atlanta.
My hanging up my coat was basically just me giving up the STRESSING, the OBSESSING, and trying to find evidence that they were back together again. I never once doubted that there was smthg fishy going on though.
I just don't like OVER-thinking things and twisting myself into a pretzel trying to figure stuff out. After a while, I just have to give up trying to know if I'm not getting definitive answers... just for my own mental and emotional health sake. But I (like other fans) ALWAYS felt like smthg was going on over there in Atlanta lol. 🤭 I'm sorry, but they were NOT acting like exes who were over each other. 👀 They just weren't!! 😅
And omg the HunterDaya nonsense lol. 🙄 You also forgot the JohnDayas (those who wanted Z to be dating John David Washington), even though their energy together NEVER spelled "romantic" or "attraction" EVER.... Like, he seemed more like her older brother than a guy who was trying to get with her lol.
I was like.... "Can't y'all tell when two people are at least ATTRACTED to each other??" 🥴
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And don't even get me started on the fans/Antis who just couldn't let Nadia go lol. 😅🤣 Or the ones who thought Tom was dating Spider Emoji Girl just coz she put some spider emojis on her post one day rofl 🤣
Anyway girl...
Yea, that time was WILD. The gaslighting was just..... 🙄😒
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its-ashley-95baybe · 1 year ago
You're a vile creature. Just a simple scroll down your page, and you have linked Z to 4 different people, chemistry with Austin,sexual chemistry with Timmy,a throwback of JE(that's Z distances her self from) then suggested Z should turn queen to give people Hunterdaya. You and your anons are worse than Tomdayas, way worse🤢🤢
Thanks anon I always appreciate your kind words🥰
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thisandthat-whatever · 9 months ago
I don't think they ship Z and hunter anymore
They moved to Timmy a long time ago 😬
Ummm, you think I don’t know about their Timdaya stuff? Dude, they don’t really genuinely ship her with anyone. They flip flop from the “X” person they supposedly ship her with depending on the situation. If she goes to Tom’s play with Hunter, they will play the “she really is with Hunter in London” scenario. If it was Timmy, they would go “she really is there with Timmy , not for Tom”.
They don’t REALLY ship her with any of these people. Their agenda is and always has been “she is NOT with Tom”. That has been their bottom line for their delusions. They also come up with these Hunterdaya or Timmydaya stuff to “annoy” Tomdaya shippers (I put “annoy” in quotes because they think they are getting under Tomdaya shippers’ skins with that stuff when they are deluding themselves again) . The only ones who genuinely ship her with Hunter are Z’s lesbo stans because they want to have their “lesbian Z” fantasy that way.
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taivans · 3 years ago
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iconsduds · 3 years ago
icons zendaya
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metadinha hunterdaya
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onlyschafericons · 3 years ago
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like if u save.
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iconswt · 3 years ago
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Zendaya and Hunter Schafer icons.
Like or reblog if you save.
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flodaya · 6 months ago
I am still amazed that Hunter stayed at Tom/Tz house 4-5 times now?
hunterdaya enjoyers never lose, tomdaya enthusiasts never lose, and most of all: huntomdaya visionaries never lose
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destinyc1020 · 1 year ago
As a Tomdaya on the bird app, who stans Tom and Z as individuals as well as their relationship, I’d thought I chime in. I agree with the anon that Z is treated very differently on the app than Tom and I find it weird. I think Z fans are very proctevtive of Z, rightfully so but they often fail to view her as a human being and put her on this bizarre pedestal that sometimes removes her humanity as an individual that I can only really compare to to Taylor swift. Disney is the starting block to ownership because a lot of fans either grew up with Z or rewatched her shows on the channel that they are the super fans today. Add in The Greatest Showman, MCU, Euphoria and Dune. Properties with big fan bases. Her music career was also very successful though cut short and had a huge impact. It’s not lost on me of the sheer volume of fame and fans she’s received being strategic and being one of a kind talent.
Tom on the other hand has MCU but really didn’t grow up in the public the way Z did at age 13. Another factor I think is a big contribution to this phenomenon is that Z encourages parasocial relationships with her fans. I didn’t think to much of this because most celebs have social media but most don’t really talk to fans unless their gen z or musicians.
They put Z on puritanical pedestals and remove her humanity.Sometimes I think they forget that they know she lurks on socials and might like or retweets accounts thus creating subfandoms that have relations to Z. Those fandoms are not bad and great if your a fan. But those ones like timdayas, hunterdaya or anyone daya who cut Tom out of everything is just so weird to me. They get annoyed if you make a Tomdaya joke cause she more than her relationship. They’re not wrong but she’s always more than her costars but they never see through that logic because it doesn’t fit their narrative lol.
Timothee used to be parasocial as well, especially at the beginning of his career. He would communicate with fans and actually create a bond with them on socials and real life. Club Chalamet is a result of that lol. After the Eiza situation, he stopped and mainly keeps interactions slim and mainly related to his next project because he saw that lines were being blurred and those fans at the time were judgmental. Idk if you remember the infamous Timothee I trusted you meme because despite general public coming for him, those stans really were doing too much lol. I think that’s why he hid his relationships from his fans because they built this idea of him when he’s just a man in his 20s figuring it out lol.
Tom fans are in three catergories mcu fanboys, Tomdayas like me lol, antis who don’t like Z. His fanbase on twitter is really an amalgamation of Tomdayas who both love Z and Tom but their small compared to Z’s or Timothee. When he gets hate Tomdaya felt the need to defend on his behalf. The reality is Tom doesn’t care. He only uses insta and avoids twitter. He healthy because he live in his own universe. However, he’s not a Paul mescal or Josh O’Connor where his work little or alot can stand out for itself whether he’s likeable or not. A lot of his fame comes from his personality or ip films. I’m aware I missed Billy Elliot, just don’t thinks it relevant on social media. Yes I loved tcr but when the rt score came it was brutal. It was shocking seeing critics who relatively have a niche on films come for him and I was just sad that ppl had this much vitriol despite the fact he’s not problematic. Both film twitter beloved Chris Pine and Chris Evans have critically failure and there’s not hate as much as Tom got that week. One thing as a Tomdaya that muted certain z fans who hate on him is that he really doesn’t care.
Him liking that insta post about him forgetting he’s famous made me realise that as a fan I should not care and just curate my account for my own happiness. I don’t engage tweets about comparison with other actors, z’s exes or costars because I know it’s bait. Toms fanbase is small so I’m happy it’s not as big as other actors. That’s why I think those fans can repost his kissing scenes of intamite scenes cause he doesn’t lurk Twitter and it doesn’t start trending. Z does so when those fans post things about her boyfriend or her exes or costars, they know she lurks and I think that’s weird. Maybe that’s why Tomdayas get on defence lol. I’m aware though some Tomdayas can be cringe. I’m not rewriting history here lol.
That’s my two cents lol. Hope you have a good day xxx
Thnx for your input Anon. 😊
Another factor I think is a big contribution to this phenomenon is that Z encourages parasocial relationships with her fans.
I wouldn't say she encourages it, I just think she wants to try to stay personable with her fans and show them that she's still that kind, down to earth girl from Oakland that they've always known and loved, no matter how "famous" she gets. 😊
I didn’t think to much of this because most celebs have social media but most don’t really talk to fans unless their gen z or musicians.
Well Z IS Gen Z lol 😅
Timothee used to be parasocial as well, especially at the beginning of his career. He would communicate with fans and actually create a bond with them on socials and real life. Club Chalamet is a result of that lol. After the Eiza situation, he stopped and mainly keeps interactions slim and mainly related to his next project because he saw that lines were being blurred and those fans at the time were judgmental.
Well, honestly Anon.... MOST Celebrities (I feel) have realized over the years that the LESS they share of their personal life, the BETTER. If you go back 7 years....even just 5 years....and you were to go back in time and be on IG or Twitter as a fan back then, you would see that Z, Tom, Timothee, shoot....even Austin, Nadia lol, etc. ALL used to be waaaay more personable, engaging, and even posted WAY more on their social media accounts back then compared to now. I think over the years, a LOT of these celebrities (especially the ones who are fairly famous) have all realized just how toxic social media has become in just such a short time, and I think they have figured out that the less they share, the better.
Fans have definitely crossed the line, and these actors have realized that they need to put a boundary again btwn them, their private life, and their fans. That's just my own personal observation and theory. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Him liking that insta post about him forgetting he’s famous made me realise that as a fan I should not care and just curate my account for my own happiness.
I definitely think you should curate your online account for your own happiness and not worry too much about Tom. With that said, while he may have liked that post, we can't say with 100% accuracy that "he doesn't care" about what people say about him. He IS human after all. He might not care about ALL things, but certain things might def be hurtful.
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claireunoia · 3 years ago
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at the Euphoria Premiere
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fructose97 · 3 years ago
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dean-mikaelson · 3 years ago
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hunterdayainlove · 4 years ago
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whenilostyou · 3 years ago
rue & jules | a playlist
a playlist for rue and jules including their quotes as podcasts for extra pain
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