On Sabotage as One of the Fine Arts: a contribution to the topic of the theory of the practice of Sabotage
Chapter 1
Who will revive the violent whirlpools of flame if not us and those that we consider brothers? Come! New friends: this will please you. We will never work, oh tides of flame! This world will explode. It’s the true path. Forward, on the march.
— A. Rimbaud
The spread of sabotage, its increasing practice, on a greater or lesser scale, far and wide against the domination of the market is a given fact. Burning ATM booths, disabling locks at shopping centers, smashing shop windows, setting fire to the offices of temp agencies and employment offices, the sabotage of the infrastructure of capitalism (high-speed railroads, dams, expressways, construction projects) ... are offensive practices against the colonization of our lives by the most advanced form of colonialism — the integrated spectacle.
All this is put into practice by individuals bored with survival as commodities (life reduced to economic imperatives) and disillusioned with false opposition (more false and less oppositional with each day that goes by), parties and unions that want to manage our misery and integrate us into a mode of production that prevents us from any participation in the decisions that relate directly to us and that assist in enslaving us, mutilating every gesture of negation of the existent.
The spectacle writes the scenario and distributes the roles: worker, professor, student, housewife, mother, father, son, daughter, unemployed, police, soldier, artist, humanitarian, intellectual... the majority, individuals who assume different roles in the course of 24 hours, see their existence as still more terrible, assuming this is possible. Everyone with his neurotic-schizoid viewpoint will react to the stimuli launched by power in the way that was already expected.
All social activity is planned in order to reinforce the spectacle, thus slowing down its unstoppable process of decomposition. Though we don’t want to hear the shrieking of militants of whatever organization, clearly we are not against the concept of “organization” as such, but against “organization” conceived as an end in itself , as the crystallization of any ideology, and as a separated organ, representing a class.
We are for the autonomous self-organization of the exploited. History has shown through two clear examples that the traditional form of the party (Russian revolution) and union (Spanish revolution) were nothing more than two attempts to manage capitalism and not to overcome it, and this is something that, consciously or unconsciously, everybody knows. In the seizure of power, it is not destroyed, but exercised: in the first case, the class of bureaucrats replaced the bourgeoisie, and in the other case, the anarcho-syndicalist leaders participated in bourgeois power, calling for the self-management of exploitation and alienation, while the base tried to overcome the relationships of production and social relationships in practice through the direct management of every aspect of their lives and not just work.
To be precise, both forms have the exaltation of work in common (something that they also share with national-socialism and with every political form of capitalism).
Their quantitative vision sought an increase in production, leaving aside the qualitative increase of life. This (practical and theoretical) defeat of the traditional organizations, which claim to represent us, has not been absorbed by the working class (it seems that we only know how to work), and we go along without maintaining any possibility of control over essential aspects of our lives, in a world that is developed, not only without our participation, but against us.
But, comrades, history is not cyclic; it is a cumulative process and already weighs too heavily upon our weary bodies.
Chapter 2
Never did mockers waste more idle breath.
— William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The contradiction between the possibilities of the means of production (the use of a few of them for the enjoyment of all, since most of them are useless and harmful and would be destroyed) and the relations of production (waged exploitation, commodification, the exclusions of class society) has reached an insurmountable point of rupture. In the spectacle it is easier to falsify the nature of this contradiction than to increase mercantile production with increasing use value. This inertia forces it to display all of its methods for recuperating any real movement of opposition and to turn the spectacular critique of the spectacle to its advantage.
A self-critical hypocrite directed by its own police of decomposed thought (pro-situationists, cadres, non-governmental organizations, recuperators, artists, journalists... the clique of politically correct alternatives).
These toilet brushes of modernity, like good priests, hope that with their patches, the proper development of the system will lead us, hand in hand, into an ideal world planned by their false consciousness and by the putridity of their armoured brains; as if they had ever given us anything. Their social function, which has been denounced for decades already, has been worth more to them than any aggressions, beatings or assassinations, and we are sure that these will not be mere anecdotes. They deceive and manipulate us. We must not allow them ta have a single day more. They are the guardians to the keys of our informal chains. They amuse us with insignificant debates. They impose their opinions on us, avoiding questions so simple that they make them tremble with terror: How best to live? Who and what keeps us from this? Questions that immediately unmask the professionals of the lie. Critical coherence and the critique of incoherence aid this operation.
Chapter 3
Injustice is not anonymous; it has a name and an address.
— Bertold Brecht
Situationist theory, as integral critique of the totality of the conditions of survival and of the mercantile-spectacular capitalism that necessitates them, has been confirmed in events by falsification.
One cannot fight alienation by means of alienated forms. The sabotage of this world starts with the break with the roles the system imposes on us, the sabotage of our death in life and the refusal of the roles that they have allotted and appointed to us. To speak of the Revolution in these times is “to have a corpse in one’s mouth”. We only need to look around ourselves to see a scenario that constantly reminds us of the defeat. Sabotage is thus an action that serves as a propellant against the unreality that oppresses us. A practice that has not gone unnoticed by ideological recuperation, which has transformed it into “terrorism” (the professionalization of sabotage that has done no more than reinforce the system, due to its centralist, hierarchical and militarist character). Today, what is proposed is not the creation of an armed organization of this type, but widespread attack by small affinity groups, uncontrollable by any higher organization, that come together and dissolve like the lunar tides. The tides that are born of the awareness of how bad things are and of the worsening that awaits us due to events.
In the 19th century, such a practice existed that put the incipient capitalism in check. Beyond the Luddite attacks, the “proletarian rounds” rendered their repression and recuperation, in which the embryonic unions would play a role, almost impossible due to their lack of a rigid structure and their maximum flexibility in attacks. A group of people came together, struck and disappeared into the mass, while a new group came together within it. Such widespread sabotage makes it difficult for the enemy to organize repression. Thus it transforms the attack into a universe of pleasure for the enlightened hooligan, the feelings of which are impossible to describe or communicate with the poor and banal language of words.
The game of subversion, the rules of which are written by those that participate in it, becomes an effective weapon against capitalism in all its forms.
There is much more to destroy than to build.
Chapter 4
Our epoch does not need to write poetic slogans, but to realize them.
— Situationist International
It has been demonstrated that small groups that attack do more damage than large organizations that specialize in armed struggle. The Angry Brigade continued its actions when people were arrested and the English state assumed the movement had fallen apart. The Kale Borroka (street struggle) in Euskadi, which Jarrai (the youth organization of the Basque nationalist left, NDR) recently declared uncontrollable is another example. Power has difficulty repressing and eliminating little groups that with complete security do not know each other, and the only thing that unites them is the desire for the destruction of a system that prevents them from living and condemns them to survival and uncertainty. They don’t attempt exhibitionist actions in order to make propaganda as some acronym or mark of origin. In the case of the Asturias, sabotage was a class weapon used innumerable times, particularly in labor conflicts with these enterprises: Duro Felguera, Hunosa, Naval and Ciata...(Asturian businesses and mines where sabotage was determinant in the struggles going on in the 1990’s); every weary person, regardless of her or his ideology, uses it. From the clerk who steals office supplies to the worker who damages the machine to which he is chained, passing through the use of plastic explosives like the licensed professionals of Duro Felguera. Today, the example is the burning of the ETTs (temporary employment agencies). The practice of sabotage remains limited to precise and very localized conflicts, without global perspectives, simply aiming for partial solutions with economic demands that remain within imposed limits where capitalist logic unfolds. The same holds in the case of the ETTs, an attack that goes beyond the temporality of a conflict in one enterprise, but that does not place wage slavery into question. Instead it only questions its most extreme form, not aiming at putting an end to exploitation, but rather to the ETTs. Today the conflict is global and it is not resolved through partial struggles, but through total struggle and through the refusal of this society as a whole. It is necessary to put an end to the reduction of our lives to commodities and to wage labor that wears us out, not just to ETTs. We must put an end to class society and not just fascism. Misdirecting our attention toward partial objectives only benefits the managers of our misery and those who will one day lay claim to its management., and both are among the targets for sabotage.
The widespread practice of sabotage (unhindered autonomy, maximum flexibility, self-organization, minimum risk) among like-minded individuals, opens the possibility for real communication, destroying spectacular communication, smashing the apathy and impotence of the eternal revolutionist monologue. Relationships and the possibility of contact with other people in the refusal of the spectacular role, these are transient situations that in their preparation and development carry in their essence the qualities of the revolutionary situation that will not retreat and that will suppress the conditions of survival. It does not fall into the irremediable alienating hierarchization that every specialized armed group of an authoritarian and militaristic character, to which the masses delegate their participation in the attack, carries within itself
The quantitative growth of this practice does not come to us from the hands of propagandists of the spectacle, but rather by taking a walk through the scenario of capitalism, and finding in this drift the burned ATM, the ETTs with shattered windows, the smiths changing the locks of a supermarket. These visions make our complicit smiles blossom and move us to go out that very night to play with fire with the aim of making the same smiles rise on the faces of unknown accomplices through the fellowship of destruction. The number doesn’t matter, but rather the quality of the acts: sabotage, expropriation, self-reduction... they return part of the life that is denied us back to us, but we want it all.
Comrades, the game is yours and we take courage in its daily practice. Organize it yourselves with your accomplices.
Against the old world in all its expressions, in order to leave pre-history, let’s launch and multiply attacks.
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belenina7 · 7 years
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De Networking en Langreo #cruzandocaminoslangreo #networking #randstand #ccoo #geonalon #madison #hunosa #cruzandocaminos #langreo #cinefelgueroso #lanzadera #lanzaderasdeempleo (en Cine Felgueroso)
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bus-latest-news · 3 years
Oviedo se convierte en la primera ciudad española con un autobús urbano de HIDRÓGENO de la mano de Alsa y CaetanoBus
Oviedo se convierte en la primera ciudad española con un autobús urbano de HIDRÓGENO de la mano de Alsa y CaetanoBus. #BusLatestNews
El vehículo se ha presentado conjuntamente hoy por Alsa, CaetanoBus y las autoridades de Oviedo, así como con las compañías DF – Duro Felguera, Grupo HUNOSA y Nortegas  que son indispensables para el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde en el Principado. Este autobús estará en periodo de pruebas en los próximos tres meses. El autobús es silencioso y tiene una autonomía de 400 kilómetros. Cubrirá todas…
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infoprisiones · 5 years
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Supermercados Día, Cobra Instalaciones, Alcoa, Alvargonzález Contratas, Elecnor, Vodafone, la central térmica de Lada, los mineros de las contratas y subcontratas de Hunosa, la plantilla del Ayuntamiento de Langreo, los funcionarios de prisiones…https://www.lavozdeasturias.es/noticia/asturias/2019/04/05/diez-conflictos-laborales-vivos-inquietan-region/00031554476850088516987.htm
La entrada Diez conflictos laborales vivos que inquietan a la región se publicó primero en INFOPRISIONES.
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minarquia · 6 years
Primera imagen de los mineros de la Brigada de Salvamento Minero Hunosa Asturias accediendo al túnel para rescatar a #Julen. No habrá turnos de media hora, como se había dicho, bajan de dos en dos y trabajarán hasta reventar. Valientes pic.twitter.com/nvD1qcEPrK
Primera imagen de los mineros de la Brigada de Salvamento Minero Hunosa Asturias accediendo al túnel para rescatar a #Julen. No habrá turnos de media hora, como se había dicho, bajan de dos en dos y trabajarán hasta reventar.
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Primera imagen de los mineros de la Brigada de Salvamento Minero Hunosa Asturias accediendo al túnel para rescatar a #Julen. No habrá turnos de media hora, como se había dicho, bajan de dos en dos y trabajarán hasta reventar. Valientes pic.twitter.com/nvD1qcEPrK #MartinLopeTwitter from Twitter Search / MLopeReloaded https://twitter.com/Belen_Larioss/status/1088522489532174337 via IFTTT
de nuestro WordPress http://bit.ly/2Tdg3uX Difundimos las ideas liberales, libertarias, minarquistas y anarcocapitalistas. http://bit.ly/1Y4fN1h January 24, 2019 at 10:03PM
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alimennova · 7 years
SEPI se mantiene en pérdidas por Navantia y por Hunosa . . La Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SE… https://t.co/DtJqBuzBzl
SEPI se mantiene en pérdidas por Navantia y por Hunosa . . La Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SE… https://t.co/DtJqBuzBzl
— MhablaN (@mhablan) August 1, 2017
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yo-sostenible · 4 years
El Instituto para la Transición Justa, el Principado de Asturias y Hunosa colaborarán en proyectos de rehabilitación y restauración de zonas mineras
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◾ Protocolo de colaboración
🔰 Las tres entidades suscriben un protocolo para promover la regeneración de espacios degradados de cara a impulsar la recuperación económica y medioambiental de las comarcas mineras
El Instituto para la Transición Justa (ITJ), dependiente del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el reto Demográfico (MITECO), el Gobierno de Asturias y la empresa Hulleras del…
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munove · 6 years
La candidata de Casado Asturias incluyó joyas, marisco o quitaesmalte como gastos en empresa pública que presidia
Teresa Mallada también incorporó a las cuentas de Hunosa como 'Anticipos de viaje de la Presidencia' compras en supermecados, infusiones o posters de cine. Una auditoría de 2015 consideró que esos gastos ofrecen "dudas sobre su razonabilidad justificativa" para las "necesidades de la empresa". "No hay ningún gasto personal", dicen desde el entorno de Mallada, que explican las alegaciones presentadas al informe del auditor, que fueron rechazadas. Todo está acreditado y justificado. Si hubiera habido alguna irregularidad se habría trasladado.
etiquetas: pp, saqueo, asturias
» noticia original (www.eldiario.es)
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El TSJ de Asturias imputa a la portavoz del PP, Teresa Mallada, por prevaricación urbanística
El TSJ de Asturias imputa a la portavoz del PP, Teresa Mallada, por prevaricación urbanística
ESTEBAN URREIZTIETAMadrid Jueves 4 4 junio 2020 – 19: 57 Teresa Mallada, en el Pozo Nicolasa de Hunosa cuando dirigía la corporación minera. JUAN CARLOS ROMÁN El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias ha citado en calidad de imputada a la portavoz del PP en el Principado, Teresa Mallada, después de que la Fiscalía Anticorrupción le atribuye un delito de prevaricación en el caso de Hulla. La…
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verdepradera · 5 years
Sello ATM España Locomotora de 1887 (2005)
Sello ATM España Locomotora de 1887 (2005)
Sello ATM España Locomotora de 1887 (2005)
Trenes Clásicos
Locomotora de 1887
La locomotora de Palau (S.B.10, Mollet a Caldas 5 y RENFE 0232) trabajó como tren minero para la empresa asturiana Hunosa, y desde 1993 se exhibió en el museo de Minería e Industria en El Entrego, Asturias.
Locomotora 1887 “Palau” Catálogo Sooluciones: 00123 – Estampilla de España. Sello postal emitido el…
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podemos · 6 years
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que-noticias · 6 years
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SOMA plantea que la Brigada de Salvamento Minero sea el germen de un Centro de Entrenamiento en Rescates EUROPA PRESS El sindicato minero SOMA-Fitag-UGT planteará en el marco de su negocacición con la dirección de la empresa públcia Hulleras del Norte (Hunosa) que la Brigada de Salvamento Minero sea el pilar par el desarrollo de un Centro Nacional de Entrenamiento en Rescates.
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victorsantamariablr · 6 years
[Victor Santa Maria] Última hora | El rescate de Julen en el pozo de Totalán, en Málaga
Los equipos de rescate terminan de perfilar el túnel y proceden a su encamisado. Cuando terminen estas tareas, los mineros de la Brigada de Salvamento de Hunosa excavarán a mano un túnel de cuatro metros hasta donde se cree que puede estar el menor Victor Santa Maria via Medio ambiente http://bit.ly/2FV2ufy
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alimennova · 7 years
SEPI se mantiene en pérdidas por Navantia y por Hunosa . . La Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SE… https://t.co/ucxvDJBcKg
SEPI se mantiene en pérdidas por Navantia y por Hunosa . . La Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SE… https://t.co/ucxvDJBcKg
— MhablaN (@mhablan) July 31, 2017
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kiro-anarka · 6 years
Es un gran consuelo comprobar cómo los célebres "cien años de honradez" siguen creciendo. Este exconfidente de la policía franquista era el ejemplo de trabajador que admiraba Felipe González y Zapatero. El "sindicalista" minero, "representaba y dirigía el "sindicato" prevaliéndose de su posición jerárquica sobre el resto de miembros y trabajadores del mismo, que no ponían en duda ni discutían sus decisiones o simples deseos, aprobando incluso su gestión, algunos, tal vez, por desconocimiento".   La Sección Tercera de la Audiencia provincial de Asturias ha condenado al exlíder del SOMA-UGT y exdiputado del PSOE, José Ángel Fernández Villa, a tres años de prisión como autor de un delito continuado de apropiación indebida. La Fiscalía había pedido cinco años y la acusación particular ejercida por el sindicato, seis. Fernández Villa tendrá que indemnizar al sindicato minero que dirigió durante 35 años con 431.330 euros por daños y perjuicios. Asimismo, ha sido condenado a una inhabilitación especial para el derecho del sufragio pasivo durante el tiempo de la condena, y a 10 meses de multa, a razón de 80 euros al día, lo que hace un total de 24.000 euros. Cabe destacar que la sentencia no es firme y puede ser recurrida en casación ante el Tribunal Supremo. En esta misma causa también fue condenado el exsecretario general del Infide, dependiente del SOMA-UGT, Pedro Castillejo. Fue sentenciado a dos años de prisión y al pago de una indemnización a la Fundación de 114.954 euros por haber desviado esa cantidad de dinero a su patrimonio personal. Además, Fernández Villa también está siendo investigado por la Fiscalía Anticorrupción por el origen de los 1,4 millones que regularizó en la última amnistía fiscal. La sentencia, explica que el ex "sindicalista" “hizo suyo y destinó el dinero del sindicato para sus propios gastos, utilizando los recursos ajenos en su provecho y beneficio exclusivo, extendiéndose esa conducta durante años y llevándose a cabo de diversas maneras y formas y por diferentes cantidades cada vez”.   Fernández Villa se apropió entre 1989 y 2001 de más de 234.000 euros procedentes de las dietas que la empresa Hunosa pagaba mediante cheques a los miembros del sindicato por la asistencia al Comité Intercentros, y que él cobraba para quedarse con los importes. Además, entre 2001 y 2012 cobró de las cuentas del sindicato distintas cantidades, al margen del kilometraje y de las dietas que le correspondían por el desarrollo de sus funciones de secretario general, por un importe total de 417.394 euros. Entre los gastos abonados desde las cuentas de la patronal hay comidas, puros, sombreros, productos dietéticos, maletas, productos delicatesen, perfumes, ropa, libros, discos y películas. Señala que tras haber terminado de pagar un Mitsubishi Montero, siguió percibiendo las cuotas que le eran transferidas por el sindicato, por un importe total de 16.764 euros, “con el fin de compensarse de la disminución de sus ingresos” al cesar en los cargos que había ejercido en el Parlamento asturiano y en el Senado. Destaca que “nos encontramos ante una apropiación por un importe 434.158,43 euros, que supera en más de ocho veces la prevista para la cualificación, en una conducta de infidelidad que se extiende a lo largo del tiempo, del 1989 al 2012, y ello por quien ostenta puestos de singular importancia sindical y política, por lo que la gravedad cuantitativa y las condiciones personales de su autor justifican la imposición de una pena de prisión de 3 años”. Make Google view image button visible again: https://goo.gl/DYGbub
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munove · 6 years
Un cargo del PP asturiano relata cómo lo “enchufaron” en Hunosa
Rufino Fernández Menéndez, vocal del comité ejecutivo del Partido Popular de Asturias, exmiembro de su junta directiva, y presidente del PP de Morcín desde 2015 y hasta el pasado mes de noviembre, envió nada más renunciar a ese último cargo un escrito a Mercedes Fernández Cherines en el que relata cómo “dirigentes del partido” le consiguieron de forma irregular una beca universitaria ligada a Hunosa, primero, y luego un contrato en Sadim, sociedad perteneciente al grupo empresarial de la compañía hullera.
etiquetas: enchufes, asturias, hunosa
» noticia original (www.atlanticaxxii.com)
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