#hunnysenpaii gif
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hunnysenpaii · 6 months
For those asking:
Commissions Are OPENED!!!
Please, don't hesitate to ask, I love drawing commissions! 💖
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survivingthenight · 3 years
I love 2p russia so much! If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd marry him lol when will the next chapter be updated?
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I'm planning out to finish All of Your Colours and have 2 more fanfics in the works.
I know I've been gone for a while and haven't been on to the Fandom as I was before. I'll be honest with you all, it was due to the harassment I kept receiving.
I kept getting asks, emails, and DMs on my insta and X accounts constantly calling me names or threatening to dox me. All because I'm big into the YB Fandom. According to these accusers, something Fuboo did involving a minor and sexual harassment, the story seemed to vary from person to person. Now I had no idea this was a thing and this had happened, but I wanted proof so I tried searching for it and asking for proof. It seemed that everything was coming up inconclusive.
Now, let me tell everyone something very, VERY important. I don't condone violence or the sexual harassment or exploitation of a minor in any way. I hate that, and I'll go up in arms to protect all children.
HOWEVER, I am very weary of lack of evidence when it comes to someone accusing another of these sexual claims.
If Fuboo did this, I'm disgusted and disappointed, but I'm gonna be neutral because false allegations are also a thing.
Vic Mignogna, Keanu Reeves, Jason David Frank, and so many others have been accused of Grape, and sexual misconduct only to be proven innocent and their reputations nearly ruined. Because of this, I'm super wary of allegations until evidence is solid. I knew a kid in high school who was accused of sexual misconduct. He was 18, and the girl accusing him was 15.
Police were called, he was thrown in holding, his parents berated him, he lost his scholarship, family, friends, and girlfriend.
He went through a spiral and was found unalive in his home. He drank some pills he stole from his grandma, (the only person who believed him) and overdosed. It wasn't until then that the girl confessed she lied, because he rejected her and she was humiliated. I don't know what happened to her because I moved away, but I told myself until I see solid evidence or proof I don't want to whole heartedly assume something of someone until proven otherwise. So regarding all of this, because I do like others in the Fandom and I'm a fan of indie game companies and the game is fun, I don't care about the harassment anymore and I'm just going to continue with my blog and fanfic.
TLDR: I was being harassed for so long by others over the YB Fandom. I'm growing old, I'm tired af, and no longer give a fuck. I'm gonna continue my fic.
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I Want To See Peter Being Protective On Y/N.
Y/N: He acts like a dog. Super sweet and loving but as soon as Lucy or TK come near us, he starts growling. Which is weird, since he acts like a cat and purrs when it’s the two of us.
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Y/N: Uh, I don’t know if this is an ask but… Let’s keep my secret love of K-Pop a secret from Peter…
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Hello! I really like your art, and I know this is a peter blog but can you draw TK? He's just as handsome and lovable as Peter too! i love TK!
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Y/N: Well, sure! TK IS pretty cool... But I'm not into TK... I mean, sure they're a great and protective friend... But unfortunately, they're not Peter...
Thank you, I’m happy to hear you like my art! And I love you guys and I understand not everyone is sickly in love with Peter as I (and most of the fandom) am, but this blog is strictly for everyone 18+ who loves Peter and only Peter.
Sorry to disappoint, to me Peter is the most handsome, loving, strong (sexy) man in the game and I will love him forever!
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How would Y/B react to a Y/N who pops their bones a lot like spine, wrists, elbows, knuckles, etc?
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Y/N: Watch!
Peter: Darling please, stop that!
He doesn’t like it. It makes him feel like you’re hurting yourself, and that hurts him. For a guy that can throw people halfway across the glob, he’s such a baby when you’re involved!
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h-hey um.. Peter? I have ptsd from a previous relationship… it was pretty bad for me and it happened before I moved to the apartment, w-would it be ok if we discussed about me having some friends and being able to g-go out? I wanna be with you and only you b-but I get episodes when cooped up with no social interaction for to long
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Peter: Oh my darling… Of course you can! Of course, my poor darling! It’ll be okay my love, just please tell me… Who would ever hurt you, my dear? I’ll kill them for you.
Im sorry to hear that happened, but let it be known that we all love you and it’s cannon Peter understands the word No, and is more than capable of being reasoned with. He just asks for love and names in return…
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Y/N why did you have to stab her? Use a gun and gloves cause now you have your dna on her and the mess! I get she’s cruel and horrible but geezus learn to plot a clean killing you dimwit!
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Y/N: Don't worry about me Anon, I watch true crime, I was able to dispose of her properly.
I love that all of my true crime knowledge is finally useful without committing an actual crime! So let me tell you how Y/N was able to dispose of Peter's psychiatrist while covered in blood and not being caught:
Y/n found where she lived, making sure for three days straight when she would be home and when she would be at the office, all while playing it off that they were on their way to their own apartment. Speaking and distracting Don, Y/n had taken the master key to the building and paid to have a copy made of her apartment in particular. Once Peter had been reassured (and seduced) that things were alright, y/n prepared him some tea with a sprinkle of strong sleeping pills they had acquired from the drug store. Peter, being knocked out cold, was gently tucked into bed all while Y/n went to the woman's apartment with a bag full of items in hand.
Don was easily bribed with tickets to a hockey game for himself and his son, ensuring that he would be out of the building for a good few hours.
It left y/n enough time to disable the camera's in the building, using the storm outside to cause a short power outage so that they wouldn't show up on the cameras.
Once inside the woman's apartment, Y/n dropped their bag into the living room floor, and with gloves, they covered everything in plastic wrap, setting aside large garbage bags that would come in handy afterwards. Every nook and cranny of that apartment, including the bedrooms and cobwebs was completely covered. Y/n planned on making their point across to this woman, and they would make sure they'd enjoy it.
Dusting their hands once done, Y/n double checked everything once more, before taking off their gloves and mask, taking a seat on the plastic covered couch and waiting.
She arrived right on time, opening the door like normal, her keys' soft jingle echoed around her. She closed the door with a swift kick of her heels, before she reached out to flip the light switch.
Y/n wasn't the first thing she noticed.
Once taking off her heels, the feel of the plastic flooring caught her attention, before y/n let out a cough.
She was too stunned to scream, standing there in fright while y/n made their way towards her in an eerily calm manner.
They explained it all to her.
Her insane tactics and advice which caused Peter's already declining mental health to worsen, the way she pushed and pushed for him to go to the extreme that would undoubtedly get him caught by the police, her lack of empathy to his cries for help with his mental issues.
It was disgusting, and y/n wanted her to know how they felt about it.
She argued back, sweat pouring from her forehead as she tried to talk her way out of it.
Peter is sick, and she could help him, she's been helping him. Y/n wasn't a professional like she was, she knew what she was doing, Peter was already broken before he arrived to see her. She is doing what's best for him. Y/n doesn't know how much Peter needs her.
Y/n snapped.
Rage had blinded them, and once they snapped out of it, they were already strangling her.
That won't do.
Y/n pulled away and grabbed her by the collar, warning her about what she had done. Did she repent? Was she apologetic? Will she promise to never go near Peter again?
Turns out she was just as insane as a majority of her patients, turns out she's in need of help as well...
Turns out she slipped and fell into his blade.
26 times.
Y/n made sure she felt ever single one of those stabs.
Once she was nothing but a lifeless corpse on the floor, they sighed. Cleaning up was always the biggest chore. Checking the clock, they noticed that they had a good 5 hours left before Don returned, and Peter awoke.
Lye is a good method of disposal.
Clean-up was fast.
Small bags fit well down the garbage shoot, many of her insane patients could be suspected. Others more so than Peter, Peter had y/n as an alibi.
Y/n has a clean record, why would Y/n ever harm her?
Y/n still smiles, while cuddling up to Peter.
They still haven't found her dissolved body parts.
How was it? Let me know, I might write a full fic!
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Hey Y/N. I have a question for you.. does YB have nightmares?… I mean.. he hates his name so much….
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Y/N: Yeah… He does… His mom was… Not the greatest… But I’ll protect him, I’ll love him properly!
So far we don’t know much about Peter’s past or why he hates his mom, but all I know is she wasn’t kind, and she was somewhat abusive with him so whatever the deal is, I’ll love him regardless. His nightmares are understandable, it explains his insomnia and why he can stay up late watching us sleep before sleeping for an hour or two then getting back to stalking us like it’s nothing.
Let’s all love him morning, afternoon, and night. Lol
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Do you listen to music while you draw or write for peter and y/n?
If yes, can you reccomend music? I wanna know if I can make a playlist! Thanxxs!!! ❤
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Yup! I feel like music is a MUST for most artist lol
Although I do sometimes listen to murder mysteries, let's not meet reddit stories, and Deadly Love stories on youtube while I draw Peter and y/n. But that's what helps set the mood lol
So! Here's my list! I'll be updating whenever I find a new song!
HunnySenpaii's Your Boyfriend Playlist!
1. An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
2. Won't Bite by Doja Cat Ft. Smino
3. Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
4. I Want Your Bite by Chris Crocker
5. Voodoo by Ghost Town
6. I Wanna Be Your Slave by Måneskin
7. Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
8. All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u.
9. Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfelder
10. Yandere by Jazmin Bean
11. Hopelessly Devoted To You (Glee cast) Cover from the movie GREASE
12. Hate Me by Nico Collins
13. Love Taste by Shiki and Jamie Paige
14. Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
15. Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
16. Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell
17. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
18. They're Coming To Take Me Away by Neuroticfish
19. Monster by Lady Gaga
20. Flesh by Simon Curtis
21. Diablo by Simon Curtis
22. Sexting by Blood on the Dance Floor
23. SIMP by lil Mariko and Rico Nasty
24. E-Girls Are Ruining My Life by Corpse, ft. Savage Ga$p aka the choke me like you hate me, but you love me
25. Dirty Mind! by 3OH!
26. One Way Or Another by Blondie
27. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
28. Freak by Doja Cat
29. Woman Doja Cat
30. Stay by The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
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I wanna know your opinion on this idea, you know how in the game (spoilers ahead) that depending on what you call YB he might have different reactions to it like if you call him Peter or Cockbite and ETC. But I would love to see what his reactions would be to the more sweet and loving petnames like sweetie, hun, my love and ETC
Honesty. I was tempted to call him Husband but he wouldn’t react, if (god I hope) Fuboo makes it so that he has all of these different reactions to it lol I really wanna see it!
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Blush for me Baby boiii!!! Blush for me!!!!
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y/n. How dare you simp, you putted peter over the homies
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Y/N: … Well, you can’t blame me… The homies are cool and all… But Peter is just worth Simping over! This handsome, man who loves me so much!
To be honest as someone who’s played YBG days 1 - 3 over and over again, I can’t take my eyes off of Peter. I’ve never actually vibed with the others, maybe Don but that’s only because I have a weird Daddy kink I don’t wanna talk about lol.
(Peter can be my daddy if he wants 😉)
TK is cool and all but he’s just a friend and Lucy… Yeah Lucy just pisses me off since the bitch don’t pay rent.
So unless you give me someone that’s on par with Peter, there will only ever be Peter for me!
-Vio peers at me from the void…-
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Hey, Y/N! I’ve got a question…
Does YB go to therapy? I think it’s do him some real good.
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Y/N: Well… I’m trying to find him a good one since… That last one was… Problematic…
We need to find a good one so that YB can be okay since his mental health means everything to us.
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So… is this blog on a hiatus now?
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Hey guys, sorry for the Hiatus… I had lost my job a while back and almost gave up my dream of starting a video game on my own. And no money, no more patreon for YBG, I was also hit with a family issue, my mother and my mother in law both got sick and figuring out how to scrap enough cash to pay for everything during a Pandemic left little to no time for drawing or getting around to answering any and all asks…
But slowly things are looking up! My mother in law was rushed to the hospital just in time and she is doing way better than before, walking around and making meals (she is a woman that refuses to sit still and rest but my God do I love this woman like my own mother)
My mom is getting checked and receiving treatment for her own ailments, I was able to find her a doctor that isn’t complete garbage unlike her old one. (The bastard kept saying she was fine and turns out, she’s not!)
A celebrity I’ve been trying to get in touch with finally got a cameo and I was able to pay for a virtual birthday greeting for my boyfriend, (he really needed the boost after what’s been going on with his mom)
And finally, I found a job! It’s such good pay too with flexible hours that I’ll be able to respond to everyone and still have enough money for my rent and bills! So with that, I wanted to tell you all that the Hiatus is over and I’m back!
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Thank you all for the love and support, I can’t wait to enjoy the YB Game with everyone!
See you guys in the next post!!!
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