#humonkolos Morgan
marune2 · 7 months
Alchemist Nacht Au
(I get just main points here)
Nacht can’t handle the Lost of Morgan and get’s creasy and became a alchemist to bring Morgan back and he get him back so remember Morgan all of Nacht’s actions but Nacht don’t know it
—As Morgan die Nacht can not take it the lost it’s hurting him so bad so he think to bring Morgan back so became he a alchemist and studying to be one in main ficus to create life
—Nacht create homuncolos out of Morgan’s DNA whit many fails
—but then one perfect body survive all test so he let the body grow
—yami and the other see what going on mainly yami he thinks Nacht is creasy but don’t let’s go of him but yami didn’t know abaut the homuncolos wo is in growing
—some year’s passed but what Nacht is not aware of Morgan soul is reborn in the body and he hear what Nacht do and say and he is sad but happy Nacht care abaut him but mainly he is concerned is he a soulless creature or is he’s soul in it?
—then as Morgan’s new body did grow enough break Nacht the container
—Morgan don’t know how to react he can’t talk really or walk because he’s new body never did do it but the creepy part is Nacht don’t know Morgan is Morgan and did. Name him after he’s Name and take care of him Morgan is concerned but play along it’s Nice to have a big Brother wo care
—yami did tell Nacht he is insane as he see the younger ver of Morgan and how he treats him as he’s death brother what he is but yami don’t know this
—Morgan Life whit Nacht and yami yami show’s him life skills and tell him be himself not what Nacht think he is and he can ask for help but tell Nacht don’t harm him
—Nacht try be a good big brother but he is time to time away because the spate Mission but he take care of Morgan
—and whit the time the black bulls take fast a liking of Morgan but they think Nacht is creasy too because they Heard what Nacht did
Morgan:did get he’s magic again and learn all new
—Then spate arc happened but Tag whas home he did take care of Nacht and the other whit he’s magic to heal and kick Dante’s ass for molesting the woman and him? Because he’s pretty and Dante mistakes him for a girl…….the dude whas sic€ in Morgan’s wive
—but then the paladin arc happen and yes he’s original body got’s revive again and the other ver of Morgan and Morgan did have a interesting moment to say at least
—but after this………
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