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maryherbivore-blog · 7 years ago
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Meal prep. Not! Lol. Seriously, stop eating like you're a robot. And start eating the way nature intended it. Everything we need to be healthy grows from the Earth. It's not rocket science. I grabbed this on the way to work. Screw meal prep. #humansareherbivores #vegan #plantbased
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spacedog1701 · 7 years ago
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#vegan #worldveganday #armtheanimals #humansareherbivores #enoughalready
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9lives33-blog · 9 years ago
You’re not a carnivore - you’re an arsehole.
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“Humans are carnivores, we have canines DUH!”
ok so this argument gets a lot of attention, so i’m going to break it down in stages, starting with what i think is the most obvious.
1. When you see a cow grazing in a field, do you suddenly start salivating? Do you feel the intense urge to break into chase, ripping at it’s flesh with your *ahem* claws and teeth? Not into cow flesh? How about rabbit or cat? Maybe guinea pig or badger? Didn’t think so. 
2. Do you enjoy eating raw flesh? Including the eyes, fur, tail, organs and anus of the animal? Only true carnivores do this. The next time you see roadkill, feel free to tune into your predatory instincts and eat the whole carcass. 
3. Humans must cook the flesh of an animal before eating, otherwise it would makes us extremely sick. Carnivores do not cook their food. 
4. To make the flesh of an animal taste good, humans have to dress it in plant foods like herbs, dressings and sauces. True carnivores don’t tend to seek out basil and rosemary once they’ve made a kill. 
5. Carnivores are designed by nature with their own set of weapons, such as sharp teeth, claws and speed. Humans are pretty useless when it comes to hunting and killing an animal without a manmade weapon. We are not designed with the tools needed to kill an animal… But we do have fingers to peel fruits!
6. Yes, humans have canines and so do many other herbivores. In fact the animal with the largest canines belongs to the hippo, a herbivore. Our canines help us bite into hard foods. The rest of our teeth are flat in order to grind our food. Herbivorous animals move their jaws side to side to grind their food, like us. Carnivores have jaws that move up and down to rip and swallow their food without chewing. 
7. Humans and herbivores sweat through their pores, whilst carnivores sweat through their tongue. 
8. Humans and herbivorous animals have an intestinal tract 10-12x their body length. Carnivores have an intestinal tract that is only 3x their body length, so that decaying flesh can pass through quickly. You can imagine just how bad it is for us to have decaying flesh sitting in our incredibly long intestines for so many hours. 
9. Human and herbivore stomach acid is 20x weaker than that of a carnivores. 
10. Humans and herbivores have alkaline saliva, carnivores have acid saliva.
So what’s the argument now? Humans are herbivorous. We have no instinct whatsoever to attack and kill an animal, because we are not carnivores. Our hunger is not triggered by any animal.
That’s probably why you don’t hear about people eating their pets when they’ve missed a meal.
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maryherbivore-blog · 7 years ago
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When you eat nutrient dense, every bite goes towards the efficiency of your body. No calories go to waste: aka, no empty calories. The more nutrients you consume, the less calories you will need over time. On the other hand, the traditional western diet is calorie dense and NOT nutrient dense, therefore more calories have to be consumed to meet all your nutrient needs. As a result, you see constant weight gain and low energy. Stop eating the standard American diet. It does not work long term. Look at the stats. And go vegan! If done correctly, Plant-based is the optimal human diet, hands down, nothing else can compete. I am 37 years old. I have not had one single doctor's visit in 3 years (since I went vegan). And I take absolutely no synthetic drugs. Western Medicine gets no funds from me! Come at me bro! #vegan #plantbased #optimalhealth #realfood #fightcancer #fightheartdisease #humansareherbivores
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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Food is simple. It is humans who have made it hard. Go back to before man discovered fire. Go back to before man started processing food. Go back to raw. Go back to nature and you will always win. #vegan #plantbased #rawtil4 #realfood #humansareherbivores #backtonature
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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First meal of the day. Yes, I ate all of those peaches. Nutrient dense! Not calorie dense. Stop fighting against what nature created for your body. Eat the food your body was designed to eat. The human body does not recognize processed food and it "will" fight back. So, instead of getting sick or feeling like crap, just give your body what it wants! Your body will thank you! I promise. It thanks me every day. #plantbased #vegan #rawtil4 #humansareherbivores #realfood #plantshaveprotein
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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Because I got called out @sam.jo. Here's a pic for you. I went vegan solely for ethical reasons. I wasn't trying to lose weight. I did it for the animals. But when I noticed what cutting out all animal products was doing to my body, it was like an unexpected reward. And without even working out! I realized how stupid I had been all these years being a "gym rat" depriving myself of carbs, and doing low carb diets. I don't want to waste my life away at the gym. I'm 36 years old and have tried every diet and exercise program, but nothing gave me results, like a vegan lifestyle does! And I'm not against working out. I plan to start, but I will never workout like I used to. I will only do those activities that I enjoy and not be trapped in some boring building for hours, missing out on life! #vegan #plantbased #fortheanimals #humansareherbivores #govegan #idontevenworkoutbro
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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My two huge meals for today. As you can see, I get my grub on. When you eat "real" plant-based food you don't really need to calorie restrict. Stop doing bullshit yo-yo diets. Stop spending your entire life at the gym. And start eating the food your body was designed to eat. #veganaf #plantstrong #realfood #rawtil4 #intermittentfasting #govegan #humansareherbivores #idontevenworkoutbro
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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Grape tomatoes with Himalayan salt sprinkled on top is like a party int mouth 🎉 #vegan #plantbased #rawtil4 #grapetomatoes #himilayansalt #humansareherbivores #antioxidants #anticancer #foreveryoung
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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Yep, that stash of bananas is just for me. I try not to let my stash get lower than this. Frozen banana smoothies are the bomb! Who says being vegan is expensive? I can live on bananas all day! And yes, you can get enough protein from bananas. Ever see a gorilla? And no I don't look sick or like I'm dying. To ripen bananas faster put them ontop of the refrigerator. They become much more sweeter. More importantly, the more ripe the fruit, the more nutrient dense the fruit becomes. Eat what humans were designed to eat 🌱 #plantbased #vegan #whatveganseat #goapeshit #rawtil4 #ilovebanaas #humansareherbivores
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maryherbivore-blog · 8 years ago
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Truth! I haven't gotten sick since I've been on a plant-based diet, which was 2 1/2 years ago. And I haven't taken prescription or OTC drugs in over 5 years. And I'm a nurse that is always around sick people coughing in my face. Almost anything can be prevented or healed with a plant-based diet that includes an abundance of raw fruits and vegetables. Let nature heal you with no side effects! #vegan #plantbased #rawtil4 #humansareherbivores
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