#humanoid (sorta she’s a robot) dizzy here too
Heyyy! It’s okay! Covers you with silly Bob the Builder magma doodles okay?
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datarevived · 4 years
   -- Ⅰ : ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴄɪᴛʏ
The Last City.
The final bastion of humanity.
Surely, it was a sight to behold. 
Mouth parted in a quiet gasp as the ship flew across the staggering city beneath, the Awoken sat eagerly against the window as various colors and sounds ignited to their surroundings. The smells of fuel, surprisingly becoming more and more masked by other scents -- food? Firewood? As ricochet bullets and fireworks cracked beyond that of ones' aircraft jets, a distant training grounds that could be spotted below sporting several teams of Guardians who seemed to be going at it fist to fist. 
Even in the mist of war, it seemed those who strove to survive were none short on their livelihood.
The Tower which sat in the distance, its' mass quickly becoming larger by the moment, had also been decored in life. Ample bodies walking about the perimeter, with armed guards treated at every corner. Guardians -- she knew these for fact, based on the various armor and attire verses that of the civilians, seemed endless. Those presently docking their own crafts, while those who had objectives departed with haste. She could feel her seat shake at each revel of ones' hyperjump, their ships cracking the sounds of wind as they blasted off.
    " Welcome to the Tower, “ a mans' voice greeted. One of the Hunter's from the patrol unit that had helped her out of the sinkhole, his coated frame standing in the doorway of the pilot pit. His features, unknown to her ability as he dawned in thick fabric and armor head to toe - leaving his voice in a set reverb to ones' helmet. " You ready? "
    " Mm..mhm. "
As soon as bay doors began to crack, the suction of air catch her off guard as she stumbled back a moment. The setting sun illuminating the scene in a beautiful glow, the immediate noise of people flooding into her ears. Already, she could count over four discussions going on - automatize tones that belonged to machine, tinier voices that belonged to plenty a Ghost -- inquiries to none in particular, but any who would listen or required the necessary help to do so. 
It was so... alive. 
Almost overwhelming in a sense, the scenic overlay causing her head to dizzy once more. Was it natural for all Guardians to start off so unbalanced? She'd have to ask, once getting more comfortable with the place. 
The Hunter on standby was waiting at the bottom of the airlock, giving the Awoken a moment before he waves a gentle hand for her to follow. Leading her through the open roof of the Tower, stairs downward into more secluded life. At one point, by-passing what could have been used as a garden, all left with a single tree that seem to bloom in the center of the small courtyard. As robot-esq humanoids sat along the floors, tinkering with their own guns and devices - others merely stood in place, sweeping a broom back and forth.
Yet there was one building in particular that caught her attention as they walked. Perhaps due to the scent, or mayhaps the loudness of ones' patrons - a small hole-in-the-wall shop that served hand-crafted noodles by the bowl. Its' stall nearly cramped from occupation as several people sat and stood around the  countertop, laughing about their stories and ringing up another round of beverage. The smells of the broth and multiple spices trapping her nose like some sort of chain, her throat watering in brief nostalgia before picking up her feet to gain ground with the other. 
" I'd recommend it, " the Hunter chuckled, turning a view over his shoulder as panicked footsteps tracked to his backside. " S'good. Even if it is a hobby now n' days. "
This time, he leads her to another set of stairs. Upward and fairly brief -- leading to a balcony in which a woman presently stood. A makeshift bird stand rested next to her arm, with massive hawk perched in view as it turned its' attention to the approaching duo. A click of its' beak in greeting as the woman turned in welcome.
" Back so soon Hunter? Don't tell me you lost the other two already. "
" Nah. They're still on route, but, had to make a relay before we finished, " the man explained, siding an arm toward the other present. " Got ourselves a new Light. Figured you can fill her in. "
At the mention, the Awoken fidgets a bit. A hand raised to her opposing elbow, gripping at the torn cloth of her shirt in nerves. A struggle to rest eye contact with the other woman, attention bouncing between she and the hawk. So much socializing so soon... it was uneasy.
" New Light, huh? Explains the civilian look, almost had me hopeful for more company on my side of the field, " the woman grins, crossing her arms at her chest. " Don't worry, I got it from here. Get back with your team before they get too far ahead. I don't need Cayde breathing at my back because I lost a set of his boys. "
" Eh, he doesn't own us, " the man laughed, waving a hand in farewell. Offering the Awoken a gentle pat on the shoulder before turning his guard, making it half way down the stairs before pausing in a hunch, " Oh - and when you're done giving her the tour, drop her by the shop. Can take the payment out of my share. Call it newbies' welcome. "
An exasperated huff, the woman parts one of her arms from her chest briefly, shooing the man away before turning back to her newly company with a smile. 
" So... the Traveler's still got it. The Vanguard will be pretty happy to hear there's still a chance of new Light's like you. We haven't gotten many since the blackout. How're you feelin'? "
" I feel... fine, I guess, " the Awoken answered hesitantly. Fluttering irises sheepishly making out the details of the others' face and wares now that it was just the two of them. She didn't look like the rest of the Guardians... yet her presentation sat all the same confidence. " Still... kinda grasping everything. "
" It's a lot to take in, " the other nods. " Don't stress yourself too much. It'll all sort itself out in due time. Always affects people a little differently, so I've noticed. You want any water or anything? Something I can help? "
" N-No.. that's not necessary. Thank you, though... uhm... "
" Suraya. Suraya Hawthorne, " the woman grinned. " But most here just call me Hawthorne. "
" Hawthorne... ah... thank you, for.. y'know, " the Light stumbles upon words, self grip upon her arm shuffling in thought. It was so hard to speak. " Are you a Guardian as well...? "
" Me? Nah, " Hawthorne shrugged, uncrossing her arms now as one extends to reach a finger under the Hawk's neck. A satisfied purr ruffling its' feathers in the attention. " I'm just a glorified nobody. Most here consider me the bridge between humanity and the Guardians - sayin' that my leadership is what's helping those without the Traveler get by. But ever since coming to the Tower, I guess I've also become the therapy necessary for transitioning Lights like you. You know, tailoring between both worlds, sorta thing. "
In some matter of speaking, it was relieving to hear, coming from another. That not all Guardians' where up and att'em moment they revived -- that a transition was by all means necessary. Either that, or it was just the others' aura that seemed gentle and honest. The beginning to a long stretch that would be the Awoken's trust in the people of the City and its' Vanguard.
" Speaking of which, where's your little guy? Or gal - no judge, " the woman questioned, a brow quirking at the quick altercation as her finger left the nudge of the Hawk.
" It's... he -- " 
  -- " Here, here! Sorry - sorry, I seemed to have gotten caught up in all the networking since getting close to the city, " blinking into existence, the Ghost rattled its' shell in frantic speak. Its' shell zooming in between the space that lingered between the two women, then hovering particularly aligned with the bird in staring. " It's just so... much! Too much, a lot to take in right away. Did you know there was over ten passcodes to enter the City's network? Over ten! "
" Got yourself a chatty one, didn't you? " Hawthorne laughed, tilting her head some as she examined the Ghost. " Firewalls, pal. Necessary to keep the bad taillights outta the bags of information. I'm sure someone here can catch you up to speed once you pass the Vanguard's evaluation. Then there'll be no more passcodes. "
" The Vanguard? " the Awoken blinked. " Who is...? "
" The Vanguard are the head-honchos' of this place. The gears that keep the City going - one of them being right over there, " she points, directing attention at another woman on the lower floor. " Ikora Rey. One of the best, if not the best, Warlock there is. Definitely one of the more mentally sound of the bunch. Then there's big blue, Zavala - you might've seen him when you flew in if he's at his usual perch. Can usually find him overshadowing the city off the Tower's edge. There's a lot of strong Titan's out there... but powered by his sheer determination to protect the people, he gives' people a run for their money. "
" What about the Hunters...? Or is that where you come in? "
The question leaving little to be answered in the matter, the womans' brows anchor upward in jest as she shakes her head, a laughterous tone to her words, " Nah, not me - no way. I can't keep up with those maniacs. Though it is a wonder if they'd be just as reckless with a different mentor on the field... " a sigh, though not in forfeit. " Cayde-6. Best shot around, but plenty of screws loose. He's a... pretty eccentric guy. "
Well, that didn't sound good.
Between the several named, all in which felt completely out of her league, the Awoken shifted in her step. A secondary glance at the woman below, hands running through several piles of paperwork that were scattered along a hand-crafted table. She was unfamiliar with that of Warlocks and what they inherited... but by the sounds of it, it seemed only reasonable to seek that Vanguard through its' calmest mind.
" And their evaluation.. process.. " she speaks, eyes returning back to Hawthorne. " Some sort of test? "
" A test of character, really. Consider it more an interview than exam. If you haven't realized it yet, most Guardians have this affinity for seeing others' light. The Vanguard are particularly precise in that merit. Can tell a good taillight from bad taillight, " Hawthorne nodded her head side to side as she spoke, declaring the differences between the two. " I can get you and the Misses' downstairs acquainted if you like. "
Gotta start from somewhere, right?
" I.. would like that, yes. "
Another smile, Hawthorne then turns to the hawk at her aide, giving its' neck another tap before walking alongside the other. " Eyes on the sky, Bird. And watch for the turbines, will ya'? "
" Its' name is Bird? " the Light repeated, her tone perplexed.
" I'm not good with names - too many of'em to keep track of, " Hawthorne admitted, leading the way back down the stairs of the small hall. " Just makes things easier, y'know?... What about you? You got a name? "
A name.
How odd -- she hadn't considered her own name til now, even through the mental capacity of trying to learn every other. The Hunter on the ship only addressing her as ' new Light ', and her Ghost -- as well nameless -- a ' Guardian '. Each name sitting upon title and lacking the personalization of character.
What was her name...?
. . . . .
. . .
" ...I'm Selene. "
" Selene? Nice to meet you, Selene. "
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