#human lives are disposable when compared to the profits accrued by Fredrick Fazbear. Human life is worth less than a mouldering pizza shop
ishouldgetatumbler · 11 months
Theres a weird trend in American adaptations of horror movies to remove culpability of the villain. Godzilla, originally an allegory for the bomb dropped on hiroshima, is perverted to be an American hero, only destroying cities and killing innocents in the name of destroying another, more dangerous, monster. Similar with 5naf, the central villain (freddy) who is supposed to represent the cheap, filthy and unsafe allegory for chucky cheese, is instead framed as a noble protector of children, stewarding them from, of course, a great, more evil threat. What started as an anamatronic that eats faces becomes a babysitter.
Frankly, america sucks at making movies because they refuse to authentically engage with their own failures and fears. This horror media that starts as an artistically valuable exporation of corporate or military abuse instead becomes about stopping the Real Bad Guys together.
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