#human Stitcher has scars and skin transplant which I gotta look up how to draw and how it works for accurate representation
arikihalloween · 7 months
Do you have any Actor Peacekeeper art?
My guess is that she’s a voice actor for a CGI character.
I'm sorry I don't have art of actor Keeper
And you're right that in that AU the character of Keeper is CGI, but her voice actress does act with the others while wearing a green + foam costume to help place the character
I don't have art but I have a sort of description !
Actor Keeper is Pamela "Paz" Leuliet, an extraverted lady, full of life !
She's motherly in her own way, more on the tough love side, so playing a mother character like Keeper is quite the challenge for Paz
I gotta develop on that a little more, but we had that one joke that Paz, Juliette and other actors kinda fought about who keeps the Filante plush they use on set lmao ( Paz being Keeper, who's close to Filante, and Juliette is the VA for Filante in that world)
Now, I don't have art of Paz, but I do have art of human Keeper ! Behold !
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