jinahz-blog · 8 years
huiiyeon !
“Dude, dude, he’s totally staring at you!” Jinah let out a girlish squeal and shook her head in disbelief as the handsome manager was caught staring at her friend. “Oh my god, he’s so shameless- what should we do?” she giggled, trying to hide her own excitement.
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kwonmna · 8 years
[ text: hani → mina ] wow.. i didn’t know asking if you wanted to get some pizza could be considered a sext–
[ text: hani → mina ] actually on second thought, yes i did. eating good food is practically as good as sex in my opinion lmao
‹ sms : EXID의 희연언니 › unnie... you didn’t ask me for pizza... check your outbox again... 흐흐흐흐흐
‹ sms › i'm going to assume it’s either a typographical error or you confused your messages and you sent the pizza msg to whoever it was you wanted to send to the message i got 😁
‹ sms › ...unnie i love food as much as the next person but hmmm. perhaps. it depends. on the food. or the person?? 😂😂
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udonghae · 8 years
 @huiiyeon​: ( brought the beat back from here. )
“Oh? And what exactly does it mean?” she asked as she continued to dance around the male. Her question was definitely a rhetorical one. They both knew that her dancing meant one thing: she had just proven him wrong. “You should have believed me when I said a university in Texas was offering a class solely based off of Beyonce’s Lemonade album,” she said as her dancing intensified, “I’m always right.”
"For fuck's sake, just stay still so I could finally give you some money." The producer groaned in disbelief, uncertain of what he felt about what she had shared. But then again, he was already in a bad mood when he and Huiyeon met and the latter was just sitting on the vacant chairs around the waiting area outside of a meeting room inside Banana Culture Entertainment's building. "Fine, fine. I believe you already. To hell with that university—they should've used a different album other than Lemonade! Just go get us a drink and stop dancing!"
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mcknae-blog · 8 years
continued from here !  ( @huiiyeon )
“Oh yes, they definitely are,” she replied as she nodded her head, completely agreeing with the male’s words. She had had her fair share of trending headlines, both good and bad, so she definitely knew how uncaring some netizens could be. “I feel like sometimes they forget that idols are humans too, y’know?”
—  6v6     ❛  he’s been lucky, somehow managing to avoid any damaging rumors or scandals that have the potential to stir up angry netizens. others haven’t been so fortunate, though, and talking to heeyeon, he realizes just how lucky he is. nodding along, a soft sigh escapes his lips, hand raising to rub at the nape of his neck. “yeah, i think so, too,” he agrees, offering a small smile, “but i guess it makes us stronger, right? dealing with those kinds of comments.”  ❜
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kjunes-blog1 · 8 years
❛ did you really eat all the candy? that was for the trick or treaters. ❜
↳ source → accepting 
✦ A lazy brow is quirked in her direction followed by an easy smile as he tries to sneakily hide the crumpled wrappers of the couple of chocolates within his own palm, that he had carelessly snacked upon, purely out of boredom. “You’re joking, right sunbae? There’s still about two weeks left for Halloween. And I’m pretty sure I only ate like… five. Give or take another ten.” Perhaps it had been indeed a cheeky move of him but when had that ever stopped Junhoe from doing what he wanted, anyway?
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sxgaboo · 8 years
《 @huiiyeon ; Continuing Conversation 》↴
        He sticks his tongue out, Still having that feeling that pieces of the female’s hair was in his mouth— Windy days were the worst, Even if it meant he was able to bundle up and get all warm and snuggly with what he was wearing. He gives her a gentle smile as she explains herself. ❝It’s okay— It’s only getting me off guard from the last few times it’s happened.❞ He knits his brows lightly, Looking over the female’s hair and the length of it; It was getting fairly long now but in his opinion, The shorter hair suited her much better. — ❝I hadn’t even noticed how long your hair has gotten since the last time I seen you, Are you planning to cut it again? or do you miss your hair? I was thinking of getting a redye if you ever want to come to the salon with me sometime.❞ Because as always Yoongi’s hair looked pretty crap, Damaged, no, but whenever the mint begun to fade out of his dyed platinum blonde hair, It wasn’t exactly the best to look at; His boss would probably be on his ass sooner or later for it.
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keybums · 8 years
🔑) @huiiyeon
“Well, I mean…” she began as she nervously looked at the male in front of her. It was obvious that this kind of atmosphere wasn’t familiar to her, she pretty much looked like a lost dog. “I’ve never really been to a party unless it was approved by my company, and they were never like this,” She finally replied with a small shrug, “Maybe I need to loosen up a bit?”
` ㅂ ´ ┊ “Yeah, you do. If you go in looking like this you’ll ruin it for everyone and you didn’t hear it from me--but they won’t invite you again. That’s how they are.” Sure Kibum’s a little--okay, really tough on her, his tone sharp, straight and to the point. And for the record, if they had been  in a professional setting (their typical sunbae-hoobae setting) it would have too much more for him to use that tone with her.  “Don’t worry, the party won’t bite--and ontop of that you’ll be with me the whole time. Doesn’t that sound fun? Hanging out with your favorite oppa for a few hours?~”Assurance comes as typical Kim Kibum wit, comes as a companionable pat on the back. “I promise I won’t leave your side. Lighten up a bit. Just be cool. Just be yourself.”
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amoralie · 8 years
[ text: hani → amalie ] GIRL I BET YOU DO
[ text: hani → amalie ] seND PICS RIGHT NOW
[ text: hani → amalie ] R I G H T N O W
[ 4:33pm ]  ( IMG ATTACHED. ) 
[ 4:33pm ] DO I LOOK CUTE? I THINK I DO  👌 👌 👌
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great-fruit-blog · 8 years
The farmer boy suddenly heard a sudden disgusted shriek coming from outside, urging him to walk out of his house along with a worried Cabbage. He noticed from afar a young woman who appeared to be leaning away from something and he approached her with slight caution, noticing how there was a beetle which remained oddly still as if teasing the poor girl with its presence. He wasn’t sure if the woman was from around there (surely wasn’t) but he felt like this one didn’t know that the bug was totally harmless unless, of course, provoked. With his quick reflexes, from dealing with similar situations before, he cupped his hands around the beetle, running towards the dirt-trail of a street and threw it as far as he could, the bug quickly taking flight into the opposite direction in which they were. Once this was done he jogged over to the girl. “Are you okay?”
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