#huh these aren't actually chibis are they?
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Some robot chibi art trades!
#not my ocs#but still very cute ocs#robot#art trade#me looking back at my chibis and going#huh these aren't actually chibis are they?#mini fully body lookin chibis smh#but still i adore these!!#just gonna..work on my chibi style again
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Spilled Ink Session 1 discussion -continued
So I just read @freedominique's response to the session 1 prompt and I think you made a ton of good points that I want to discuss further. The post was getting long already so I figured I'd make a fresh post to discuss and reblog to our hearts content.
I'm just going to copy paste some points you put in bold and address them one by one to make this a bit more organized.
The film industry's promise of revenue and attention potentially encourages writers to undermine and neglect exploring the strengths of their own medium to try to better fit the demands of the silver screen.
Nothing to add to this; this was my exact point about the harm of the pipeline. Not necessarily that it exists, but that it could inevitably have negative consequences for the future of literature. My friend just told me something interesting the other day about how Reese Witherspoon gets the future rights to turn your book into a movie or TV show if it ends up as one of her Book Club picks (ofc with the author's agreement). Now, as you've alluded to, it's unlikely that the books she chooses aren't at least of decent quality (though that can be its own separate debate). It seems, as far as I can tell, that Reese is interested in putting forward strong, well-written stories told by female authors and wouldn't choose a book that wasn't (to her) well crafted and could stand on it's own. But I'm more so pointing out this paradigm of the fact that authors may cater to this business model to the detriment of their own medium. Because Reese is making billions off doing this. So what happens when that faceless greedy capitalist figure sees how profitable this pipeline is and doesn't necessarily have the same care or consideration for selecting strong, well-crafted stories? The film industry is simply concerned with whatever sells.
I'm not concerned that novels which resort to stage-direction style writing (to win over the movie industry) will take over the market because I'm sceptical of their appeal
This is where I have to disagree a bit. And I will link this post as sort of a thesis statement of my point (that post also touches on something that will be discussed in a future session so I will try not to get too off the rails). Books of, arguably, not great quality are already being published at high frequency, gaining a ton of traction among readers and in turn being turned into tv shows/movies. Where I will strongly agree with you is that Hollywood isn't entirely to blame and I wasn't trying to imply that. As the post I linked above stated, and as you also stated, the problem starts in the publishing industry and with us. The types of books that are being pushed to the forefront in social media circles fuels what publishing industries choose to pump out to the masses for maximum profit and creates this vicious cycle. Add in another large capitalist corporation such as the film industry to that mix? It only worsens the issue. So my disagreement is simply that the appeal for these low quality stories is already live and present. And that's my worry. That more of these low quality books will be produced and pushed to the forefront for the benefit of these corporations (and the author - Witherspoon Book Club picks are said to sell 700% better than other fiction books and all of them have at least sold 10k copies), thereby diluting the nuanced, introspective craft that is literature.
At the end of the day, we, too, as writers/authors want to make money (I'm talking specifically about writers who want to pursue publishing, which I know isn't every writer's goal). And as much as we love writing and storytelling and bringing worlds and characters to life, when you decide to make writing your full-time job and enter the query trenches where you're being faced with rejection after rejection or poorly selling books, and you see books of objectively not good quality selling better and being embraced by the masses, with those authors getting tv/movie deals and being better compensated*...wouldn't it be tempting to just...pivot and shift your standards a bit to cater to what's working/will help you survive?
Now, I will say that my views on the issue are not all negative (as this whole discourse series is meant to point out - nothing is black and white!). I think @that-chibi-writer brought in a very interesting/refreshing perspective with their response that I really liked and I also alluded to it at the end of my first response. When done well (with a strong story to begin with by an author who cares about the process of storytelling, an author who is heavily involved in the tv show/film making process etc), a book-to-screen adaptation can be magnificent, not only enhancing the way readers experience the story but also "deepen[ing] the actual content of the film industry by making the content richer and more diverse in a lot of different ways." (@that-chibi-writer). Dominique, I think it makes total sense for you to pursue making your book a film/tv show. You don't even have to justify doing that because I'm not making a case that doing so is inherently bad. I know you'd prioritize honoring the medium of literature first over catering to a business, and as you said you want to deepen the reader's experience of your story by not limiting it to just a print format/medium. If that were the motive of every author, I wouldn't have an issue. My issue just stems from the industry (publishing, film, whatever) exploiting the vulnerability of authors (especially debut authors) and making them think they have to write their story a certain way to survive as an author. I just hate that mindset being pumped into the literary scene, and given the current dumpster fire that is the gateway to publishing at the moment (book banning, the booktokification of books etc), I just worry about the effects that may manifest years from now.
*I don't pretend to know what the actual numbers on all of this are. It could very well be that authors who have their shows made into some form of screen adaptation aren't well compensated for that. But they do receive something from it that, in my mind, is priceless - exposure. Gaining an audience, selling book copies, is becoming more and more about exposure and how you market yourself, and a tv show/film is helping you do that on a much larger scale than your own personal social media account.
#spilled ink reply#thank you so much for continuing the discourse!#I was low-key getting discouraged about continuing this series bc the post got very few notes and only one actual response#(thank you @that-chibi-writer)#so I was like...huh...maybe people aren't as interested as I thought 😅#even if it's only the three of us responding to these prompts each week I'm fine with that#also thank you for mentioning that it takes time for you to process and think about how you want to respond to the question#I'll take that into consideration and maybe think about posting on a biweekly basis
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FNaF World: Object characters? Huh?
Sometimes you're put in a situation where you have to model two characters that are, quite frankly, just objects. And sometimes, you choose to bite the bullet and design them both back-to-back! Presenting: Phone Guy and Sanitation Station!
Phone Guy
Designing a character model for the Phone Guy is quite the challenge since he has no visual appearance; but he's an iconic Five Nights at Freddy's character, so I ought to put him in the hypothetical sequel to the game that celebrates the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. I decided to model a little desk stand based on the one from the first FNaF game, and modeled the phone as a blue vintage landline in reference to his Ultimate Custom Night icon. Here's how it turned out:
(For clarification since it's been a while, top left is the character selection thumbnail, top right is the idle animation, bottom left is the attack animation, bottom right is the "hurt" animation, for when the character is subject to an enemy's attack. This is the process I typically follow for laying out my character animations. Hopefully this format is visible on all versions of this post and won't be inexplicably confusing.)
I'm very proud of it. This sort of "chibi" version of the FNaF 1 desk is kind of cute, in a way. I love the little TVs and the soda cup. There's so much detail on this that can't even be seen, but I don't do this just for practicality; I do it because it's fun, I learn things, and I thoroughly enjoy it! The phone cord has a complex bone setup to allow it to spring properly like a real phone cord does. It's not even visible half the time but it was a ton of fun to set up and it taught me more about armatures and constraints. Anything you make in this software (Blender) is a potential new learning experience. (Especially if you aren't using the ancient 2.79 version like I am.)
Sanitation Station
At first I felt I was grasping at straws for characters, but the more I thought about adding Sanitation Station, the better the idea started to seem. Maybe I've been consumed by madness, but if you take a look at this goober, you might start to see things from my point of view.
Now you may be thinking:
"That one's not even a real character! It's an inanimate object with a face drawn on it! At least Phone Guy has dialog and a personality! Even Trash & The Gang had established actions and personalities in Ultimate Custom Night, but not the Sanitation Station! Why would Sanitation Station be added to the character roster?"
Consider this: the Paper Pals appeared in the original FNaF world, and before that they were only ever depicted as completely static. It wasn't even clear if they were alive or if they were just being moved by the animatronics to mess with you. Sanitation Station actually has an impact on gameplay, which means it has a bigger role than the Paper Pals ever did, and in just one game!
Additionally, I have been adding new defense-based moves to this game concept - something I feel were left unexplored by the original FNaF World - and many of them have to do with safety features. "Threadlockers", "Waterproofing", "Stabilizers", "Repairs", "Bubble Bath" (in reference to the Phone Guy's dialog from FNaF 1), and that's just scratching the surface. The question came to mind: "Who do I give these moves to? Almost every Five Nights at Freddy's character is built around killing you, which one could possibly receive safety-based attacks?" That's where the amazing Sanitation Station comes in! It's a collection of safety items that exists entirely to lower your liability risk in its source material. It's the perfect candidate! And it has a face on it, which makes it a much more reasonable candidate than, say, the automatic security doors. And really, how can you say no to that face?
Additionally, Sanitation Station appears in Ultimate Custom Night, therefore securing it as a recurring character in the franchise, and justifying its position in the FNaF World 2 character roster.
(This is from Ultimate Custom Night, and is not my render.)
As always, thanks for checking out my art, (especially this post in particular, these are not especially popular characters.) I'll catch you on the flipside!
#mellowtrashtrash#fnaf#art#fanart#3d artwork#3d animation#fnaf world#five nights at freddy's#animation#fnaf fanart#blender#sanitation station#phone guy
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Is there a way we can figure out who our first opponent is gonna be? Information is key after all.
NERO: "It has to be listed somewhere."
CONSTANTINE: "You'll most likely have a listing down in the waiting areas for the fighters. Antecessor Nero, the little one, and I will look around topside."
That seemed like a good cue to head down.
The process seemed simple enough. You flashed a ticket to a guard, and he led you and MUSASHI down into a wide room. It was simplistic, but also advanced simultaneously. It didn't seem to be the locker room proper, but a waiting room that led to various amenities-- and the locker room, if need be.
You saw various fighters either chatting, or lounging about.
You saw a few new faces, and a few familiar ones. Most notably, you saw THRUD looking at a large, holographic board. Before you had much of a chance to say hello, as soon as you and MUSASHI approached, a figure intercepted.
'ADAMANT': "Well hello, ladies (and accompanying party). Allow me to introduce myself. I got signed up under the stage-name 'Adamant', 'cause I'm tough as diamond. And you are…?"
THRUD: "I'm getting the sense that this'll be annoying, I was given the stage name 'the Thunderer'. A pleasure, I hope."
MUSASHI: "My Masters picked the 'Null Zero Samurai', but you can just call me Saber."
'ADAMANT': "Thunder, huh? Strong, tough, I'm a big fan of that. And you know Saber, I'm a big fan of 'zero' myself. One of my favorite numbers, actually…"
THRUD: "Put your shirt back on."
You genuinely didn't see when he had a chance to take it off. Especially with all those straps. Amazing.
MUSASHI: "Wait, wait... Hang on. I want to see where this goes."
…You looked over at the board with the day's battles.
ROUND 1, DAY 1 -
Don't be late or I'll rip you shreds! - Jaguar ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
MUSASHI was in the first set of matches. Either JAGUAR MAN had a lot of hope to have you both kick things off, you were being treated as an 'opening act'... or she just did it on a whim. It was really difficult to tell with her.
Looking at how the 'sets' operated, it seemed like only two fights could occur simultaneously… Which meant that you'd probably have downtime whenever you weren't fighting. You looked at the table under the board, and noticed some more things.
Most notably, there were a few book-shaped devices laying under the holographic screen. MUSASHI picked one up, and it seemed to respond to her touch, blinking to life.
You received: [ 'Flame Pad - Null Zero Samurai' ]!
THRUD, having completely tuned 'ADAMANT' (who seemed to have stopped stripping at her behest) out, turned to you both.
THRUD: "You're new, right? Let me give you some advice, then."
She pointed to the board with the 'Set Times' listed on it.
THRUD: "You'll have availability, but your Pad will let you know when your call times are. Still, you'll have to spend that time in-between wisely, so it's best to section your time into blocks. You may have enough time to do one thing in the morning, then one or two things in the evening, depending on whether you're fighting or not. There's a pretty strict curfew on fighters, too. So once night falls, you'll have to come back here."
THRUD: "Oh, the Pad. Outside of alerting you of your time, you'll also be able to contact other fighters, if you want to spend time with them if they aren't fighting. Of course, you can always do things on your own."
A message popped up on MUSASHI's 'Flame Pad'. There was a tiny, neutral-faced, chibi-shaped THRUD next to the message.
--{THUNDR}: -- [ Like this. ]
She seemed like a very dry texter. MUSASHI looked down at the Pad, before nodding sagely.
MUSASHI: "I see. This is our dating sim era."
THRUD: "What in the world are you talking about?"
As THRUD tried to process that comment, you heard a sigh behind you.
???: "Ah… I'm up against you. Oh, darn it, I'm totally gonna lose, aren't I?"
Turning around, you saw PRETENDER, chuckling wryly.
PRETENDER: "Well, I'll just have to try my best. Let's have a fair, fun match, okay?"
With a wave, he walked off to another part of the room. It seemed like there was still some time before your match... why not find someone to chat with? You looked around the room, to see who's available.
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tadc thoughs
spoilers under cut
wow no introduction aww Aww I love their banter Jax… Maybe my theory was right censors:] i love that tbh I love zooble's voice Jax is so sweet, he'slike sans, can't open his mouth Pomni goin insane awwwww gangle, JAX YOU JERK hey early 2000's kids you feel at home now huh so there's more void, hah well that's not terrifying at all what da hell luna BUUUBLE TALKS AAAAUUUUGH HE'S SO CUTE AAAUUUUGH HE'S LIKE THAT CAUSE HE'S CUTE Jax: dies aka glitches caine is nuts lol aww he's kinda nice love how her eyes become scribbles when she's confudes xddcc lol i like it where did it… go me with my dog lol zooble is so swag lol this is kinda cute, watch this statement age like milk lol bubble is so cute, me and subconscious frfr "humanoid", UUUUHHHHMMMM…. same frfr whatdahell jax is so horrible um, whooooo…. coughmo? pinwheel eyes hah gangle is so sweet lol he sounds like a mix of n and angel dust you've been standing next to her for like thirsty seconds crybaby lol i quite like rag rag yes, you become kinger lol terrer owners be like anime face that's not terrifying at all i love micheal kovach good god dude, bro's so unbothered E Y E S whoa this is terrifying kinda silly still NOOOO RAGATHA!!!!! terrifying watch caine fix em all and this mean nothing lol neither do i king, neither do i no, no you're not I've seen this clip too many times so jump in the gliitch demon hole lol huuuuuh there's some like, two headed snake beast like this right perfectlycut screams lol please tell me she'll be okay… please… PLEASE! the face pieces lol this scene is probably so cursed behing the scenes awwww she's so sweet, and i thought i wouldn't like her who's pom-pom's va? so do your friends lol huuuuh, that didn't need to exist oh look this schtckums again jax is so cute twitter be like aww she's a little cute rude, look ina mirror bitch you got no FINGERS ZOOBLE IS BEST GIRL!!!! watch her clip through the mirror, or not barrel of monks well that's not terrifying at all :3 don't do it girl huh, it's giving DOORS, or ROOMS welp : colorful, have you looked in a mirror aren't you gloink? huh glitch beast fight lol conveniently placed escalators HE'S SO AWFUL I LOVE HIM will… zooble get her head back it's all repeating rooms girl uuuuuummmmmm C&A? it's the void girl whait what's happening? where are we going oh my god maneqquien world :) someoe call that number please she seen some horror abstracted, it's giving inside out so they don't get fixed????? how many humans have been there oh good she's back caine is best boi bubble you CAN cook lol poly foods lol at lest they get something, this is weirdly nice im gonna say it, i'd actually wanna live in the dc OOOOH COOL CREDITS kinger is thad lol you can't escape uzi or n hah lizzie freeman, sounds familiar i love the lil chibis neat ort
#kitty's kooky insane ramblings#the amazing digital circus#the amazing digital circus spoilers#watch the tag start trending lol
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✨Weekly Progress 2024 #18-21✨
oh... shit, it's been a month since the last update huh 💦
Well, I hope it's very obvious why that is! In the few weeks before the announcement, I was preparing marketing posts and promo arts so I didn't want to ruin the surprise via a devlog!
Weekly Progress #18
Programmed SYVNH gallery
Made a programming to do list
Updated variables
[Fan project] Planning
Tested SYVNH main game, Side B
Programmed cheat codes
Programmed choice jumping
Made marketing plan and sketches
Updated SYVNH Guide
Drafted Post Mortem
Refined countdown sketches
(SYVNH as a whole project was finished at this point)
Weekly Progress #19
Fin 4 Promo art
Generated 14 SFB BGs
Tested SFB shading methods
Rendered Avia SFB sprite
Play tested for Canvas Menagerie
Scheduled SYVNH announcements and promo posts
Rendered Raven SFB base sprite
Wrote 981 words for KHP
(SYVNH full game release announcement was made at this point)
Weekly Progress #20
Rendered Raven SFB sprite
[Fan Project] flat color (x4)
Worked on [BL RPG] world building & outline
Sketched [BL RPG] chibis
Revised SYVNH Guide/Post Mortem
Sketched [BL RPG] faces
Weekly Progress #21
Drafted SYVNH game page updates
Finished Dove SFB sprite
Evaluated SFB fight scenes
Finished 4/4 [fan project] illustrations
Started P^3 designs
Released SYVNH!! 🎉🎉🎉

I'm sure everyone knows with how often I've been saying it, buuuut!!
The full version of Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel...HELP!! is now released and available to play for free!!
Itch is currently down for me so I hope that link I copied from previous posts will work once it goes back up.
At 2.5 years of work, this has been my longest creative project yet. I think I've said everything I could in the post-mortem for the project. It has been a huge mountain for me to climb and I'm glad I finally got through it. A lot of things have changed since I started working on this project, some good, some bad, most of which I can't really discuss. But it is over and I am proud of myself for it.
I'm also really relieved that folks have been enjoying the ending! I was definitely very worried that I did not drop enough hints and it would come way too out of left field.
So once again, thank you everyone for giving my project a chance and sticking with me for 2.5 years to reach the ending. Thank you so much!! 🙇♂️🙇♂️ This is more than I've ever dreamed for and I hope I can continue to bring good stories for folks to enjoy!
A Sky of Falling Birds
Once I was done with SYVNH, I got to work on my next big project because I can't sit still. I haven't a marketing plan for SFB yet. It's a very different story and vibe from SYVNH. I think the only similarity are the length of the main character's bangs.
I'm tentatively aiming to release SFB for BAF VN Jam.
(Ad break!
Do you like shounen manga?? Do you like making VNs?? Consider joining Battle Action Fantasy Visual Novel Jam 2024! We're hosting a game jam focused on action stories with our beloved shounen tropes!! Join today!!)
Oh god that was terrible, don't put me on the spot like that, me.
Anyways, A Sky of Falling Birds is a yuri-ish visual novel about depression, finding a will to live, and the end of the world.
It's yuri-ish because you have two "love interests" who aren't lovey-dovey to you at all. In fact, one of them might murder you before the game ends. The main portion of the script has been finished at about 20k+ words and the sprites are done. It's time I made a proper roadmap for creation of this VN('s demo).
(Oh, what's that? Does one of their silhouette look familiar? I wonder...)
A Variety of Unnamed BL Projects
+ a named not-BL project
Although SFB is closer to being finished, I can't help but be tempted by these new ideas I have... and start designing for them.
Last time I talked about P^3, I finished the outline. There is still no title. But I worked on some potential designs for the MC and the two LIs.
I am both unhappy and un-done with LI2's outfit. They're actually a bit plain compared to my other designs, but this story's a historical (Victorian) fantasy and only LI2 is close to the upper crust of society that would wear flowing dress... shirts with lots of ribbons.
I'm still working on how to best summarize this story. But perhaps it's a little more "what would you do for family" than love story.
The other BL project, which I've named [BL RPG] is a story set in a modern fantasy society. There is turn based gameplay for this project. I had their designs finished a while back, but I finally put colors to the remainder of the cast for Part 1.
(Oh, this will be a long one, my friends...)
The outline isn't done yet.
This is a story about kissing boys, taming punks, and maybe over throwing the government.
The last of my "projects I worked on mindlessly now that SYVNH is done" I worked on this past... month is Killer Hiding Place (KHP). This is the next entry into the Kill Series and something I had outlined since last year. I kept trying to start writing it, but I keep running into trouble on how I want to tell the story. I originally intended to do another manga-esque format like that of Exorcist Killing Lie, but this protagonist tends to monologue a lot, making it difficult to put in manga form.
I finished 4 images for a fan project, and I'm still behind on another part of that project 😢 That'll be my focus for this week...
I also did some playtesting for @arimiadev's upcoming BL visual novel Canvas Menagerie!! It's a soft and comfy SoL BL story about the struggles of being an actor.
It also has one of the best lines I've ever read in a visual novel.
You can play the Canvas Menagerie demo for free on itch!
Whew! That was a long one!
But that's all the info I got for this... month. Look forward to... next week...??? Let's go with the positive expectation that I will be able to make weekly devlogs again ahaha...
Bye-bye, Pumpkin out!
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Cinder Falls
Ruby: Hey, Cinder, how's it going~? How's it going after you fell out of that Grimm, huh? You, uh... You look a little crumpled, buddy. Look lil crumpled~!
Cinder: (In a crater) You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Ruby: Well, since you did try to kill me, uh, yes. Yes, I am. Yeah. Yeah, I'm enjoying this.
Cinder: This... This wasn't the plan...
Ruby: Oh, and what was the plan? That you'd just die once you hit the ground, get out of your consequences? You do realize I got you onto RWBY Chibi, so I'm really mad that you just keep hunkering down on this whole stupid "Maiden power fantasy". Whatever happened to you being the main villain? Huh? Because this... This isn't cool!
Cinder: ...Listen, I was chasing a high-
Ruby: Yeah, and you fell from pretty high, too! I mean, look at your fucked up legs!
Cinder: Did you come here just to mock me?
Ruby: Nah, I mostly came here to let you know that in a few weeks, I'm gonna kiss ya.
Cinder: WHAT?!
Ruby: Yeah, check it out! New RWBY spin-off: Ruby x Cinder, an original official RWBY project! Pucker up, sweetheart~!
Cinder: I never consented to that!
Ruby: No, but you're fictional and they made you, so they can make you do whatever the hell they want.
Cinder: You don't even like women!
Ruby: That has NEVER been officially stated or proven!
Cinder: Why would you even want to kiss someone you hate?!
Ruby: 'Cause it'll make you mad~! And that's funny~!
Cinder: I am not god damn kissing you!
Ruby: You know what? I'll just do it now and get it out of the way!
Cinder: FUCK! I actually really liked it!
Ruby: Mm... Yeah, but I didn't like it. Guess I don't like kissing girls after all. I don't wanna do it again.
Cinder: IT'S NOT FAIR!
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Kingohger ep24
LOTS happened IRL and I'm near my fking limit. dpeending on kingoh to keep me going at this point
big big shame the kyoto event is cancelled because of the typhoon😭😭 but at least 14/8 Kyushuu is safe so we'll still find out if they let Rita have short hair
--- episode ----
Gira awakened the giant robot "with the people" 😭😭
kamejim still lives huh. a split in opinion in the villains... destroy the earth vs. rule the earth 🤔🤔
wait this is the same global warming plot as g-rosso 😂😐 /jk
is there deeper meaning zooming in on Gokkan…? (like where exactly IS the bugnarok base and how that lead to 27-30?)
Gerojim following up with each sentence after Jeramie cuuute
Jeramie my dear, if you keep up with the "protecting the young is the duty of the elders" I'm gonna be really afraid for you near the 40s
(edit: glad I misheard this: he said "disciplining the young" ok boomer)
busy man fighting and narrating for the show
ohhh he changed the narration "the story of Hell's King and another who'd become king" it's entirely about him now
he's even taken over his teammates' OP shots
the kings asking gira to validate their treaty and. rita. rita-sama. how does moffun marathon help with the melting of your glaciers
dead stare rita 💜
OI does Caucasus Kabuto-jou even HAVE a security if a nine-year-old can get in or is the orphanage some kind of ninja academy instead
ah… Boon... Gira can you just adopt him otherwise the first policy you make as king should've been improving the orphange's welfare huh 😢 but yes more personal vs. duty conflict
it hurts them both for Gira to say "the evil king is not your nii-chan" 🥺
Yanma looking sideways when in fact the other kings are in front of him in his phone
Yanma你嫁過去啦好無😂 賢內助
Rita: "If one cannot disperse thier dissatisfaction, they will explode." perfect. 100% what someone who screams random would say
AHHHH Geroujim-chan helping!! Good boy! Jeramie defending him!! Geroujim refuse to leave him alone!!
Takada Masahi being the busiest person running both A & B plot this ep 😂😂
stopping mid-fight to talk... what a jeramie thing to do
ah they really are a shooting stand told you Yanma looks like a scammer lol. Why are the prizes his personal merch...
New Fry Noodle dance just dropped
as a person i'm fulfilled. to be able to hear Rita singing* Moffun's Song on record
what privledge to have the Sovereign/Chief Justice make you shaved ice…
the ice machine making chibi moffun chirps
"chimidoro" + red syrup 😂
Takada-san has a close-up too!
lamp post… smol. helpless. the evil king.
Speaking of which these three aren't royal blood (rita quantum as always but)
The team care about Gira as a person before he is king 😭
this may not be the best storytelling or my fan filter is too heavy at this point but. i really love how the team has this unsaid understanding and respect of each other's position on the (equal!) ground that they are both leaders of their country and had to face the same struggle of duty vs. self
and that kizuna is often reflected in action (instead of words)!
taking Jeramie's speech about "what's written in the past cannot be changed, but the present and the future is still in my hand" with Gira's conversation with Rainoir… the theme of creating your own future ne.
Like, I feel like this episode is Jeramie's movie (where his character exploration was sacrificed for screentime in the actual one)
the cameras! can you be more obvious! the eventual Red-Sixth heart-to-heart is gonna kill me
Gira repeating his philosophy of "I protect the people, the people protect those around them" as echoes to his brother (ep18) and movie's "living in this world is hell (re:ep23)" huh
Jeramie kneeling down below his sight line when Boon is all offenseive 😭😭
Boon, you're both Ohsama Sentai 😭
Jeramie is "The Prophet" not because he actually has prophetic power but the current animosity/ignorance is created by his stories and choice of words 😭😭
Jeramie thinking his wordings is just a statment of fact while others interpret it as an opinion is peak autistic behaviour
his disillusionment *heart hurts* Masahi's acting and also the cameras closing in + replicating 11's angles. He put his bug hand over his face like the spider mask that he stayed behind all those years. the mask that was a gift from his parents. maybe as if to hide, maybe as now he truly understands the bugnarok. whyyy is jerami's character so tragic!! (talk about being named after greek myth characters)!
ah Gira immediately covering Boon!
exclusive full team transform!
ooh Boon held onto his cape!
the gattai took too long and the monster ran away 😂 (FALSE)
minatures my love!!
red gira i missed you
minatures my love!!
ahh high five!!
history repeats itself...
formation fights formation fights!!
Souchou are you flying with tonbo wings !?!
the b&w shippers!
(but Kaguragi's movie scene about betrayal!)
His middle name is Idomonarak?? (namesake)
(edit: with Himeno having one as well, are the kings' middle name gonna be a story? or had a story but not included to save screentime?)
I'm really glad they kept Jeramie's weakness in family matters (not as much a "lack of strength" but something that can easily persuade him since he values it) because i'm also very weak in family matters… that's one of the reason i grew a liking to him
i objected to yanma at the same time as gira. thank you gira 😭
"I'll do it all by myself. Only then can I be the King who Rules Over All." STOP YOU'RE IN A SENTAI S.E.N.T.A.I we join forces and have NAKAMA didn't we went through with this whole arc with rita (at least in my head) 😭
but that's a very Sixth thing to do. um *nods*.
Eighth-chan!!! NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOO there's no way back once you go giant!
I salute you. You are a good villain.
Jeramie reaching out with his bug hand
"Akarui" any connection to Deathnarok's comment looking into Gira's eyes in ep10?
bro I love this episode but I didn't expect it would be because of the main plot part and not the silly matsuri part?!?
they are furthering the angle that everyone involved in ep20's relief operation is a member of the Taskforce 😭
totally forgot to take note of earcuff-chan. too distracted by plot and expecting tomorrow
+ if they have the whole supporting cast here is this is probably what they shot on Yuhei-san's birthday (19 July)
KABE... KABE... KABEDON??!?!!?!?!?!?!

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Soulmate au
Before you meet your soulmate you have to deal with a chibi version of them before actually meeting them. So can you handle it?
This one is readers point of view
Kai's point of view

Normally people immediately found their chibis of their soulmates when they turned 18. But every rule has their exception.
You were twenty years old and could only watch people talking, cuddling and cooing at the tiny little things or actually their real soulmate... this always leaves a feeling of envy, but you never losed hope. Seeing those couples afterwards gave you ideas on what to do when you finally found your soulmate.
And with the job you had on the library, it was always possible to daydream about it.
Waving goodbye at your coworker you sighed, arranging the books and getting excited to finally end your shift... That was your plan before you yelped when many books from a shelf nearby all fall with an unknown sound.
Grabbing just a ruler as your unique weapon as you slowly tip toed to where it came the sound.
You widened your eyes and trembled at seing the books were moving and you hesitantly poked it with the ruler... making a squeak sound as you tilted your head.
"A... mouse?" You mumbled before screaming and falling in your butt as the book suddenly exploded in front of you in pieces. Breathing in and out you decided to pick at it only to widened your eyes.
A tiny little thing with golden eyes, dark brow hair and the most cute yet weird jacket you ever saw was patting his tiny glived hands while staring nonchantly at them before looking up at you, the same bored expression as before as he shoved his hands on the pockets of his jacket.
"I-It.. it cant be.." you muttered, getting on your knees to look down at the chibi version in front of you. He only arched one eyebrow yet not moving one muscle of his.
You went to touch his cheek with your index finger before he growled and slapped your finger away. It didn't hurt a bit but you still put your hands on surrender.
"Alright! Alright! Weren't you suppose to be more gentle with me?" You exclaimed before deadpanning when you remembered that chibis can't talk.
You looked at the pieces of what was once suppose to be a book and pointed at it.
"Please tell me you can repair that..." he only looked at you before sighing what was probably in annoyance and going to touch and just as a one blink of the eye the book returned as you looked down at him in awe before smilling.
"So this is your quirk huh?"
Since the chibis cant tell the name of them you decided to name your little companion as "goldie" because of the cold of his eyes.... even if for the first few times he only glared at you.
The thing about goldie was that he never was willing to be touched. This confused you a bit at first yet you decided not to pry from it since at night the little chibi would always curl up in your chest and doze off, thinking you were already asleep.
You also notice his passion about cleaning. Ever time it was something dirty or you didn't shower he would emmit huge amounts of 'squeaks' until you cleaned that thing.
"Geez you're a bit demanding arent you?" You giggled while rubbing the sink as he nodded in aproval or confirmation... you couldn't know.
You usually left him alone, but then one day you returned from work and the poor little thing was so scared that it did something you never once thought he would do. Hug any part of you that it could find.
This must meant that in that moment your own soulmate was suffering and your heart clenched at that as you brought Goldie to your cheek as you comforted him the best you could.
Ever since then he demanded to stay on your shoulder and go out along with you.
You were on the library and smiled at a client who went to talk with you for informations, although the male was only getting closer and then noticed the chibi on your shoulder glaring at him like he was about to rip his throat.
"Ah, so you got an soulmate I see." He talked as you giggled an yes "You know what? I dont quite believe those things, what about you and me go to a-" before the guy could finish his sentence Goldie hissed and literally grapped one book, despite being HUGE in comparation with him and hitted on the guy's face.
"WHAT THE FUCK-?!" The young male hissed as you grabbed Goldie in both of your hands as he patted his tiny hands and huffed, crossing his arms over his tiny little chest.
"I'm so sorry sir!" You whispered shouted as the guy left mumbling curses... one that especially caught on your heart strings.
"Quirkless bitch and stupid chibi little shit."
You immediately had your mood down as you tried to hold back the tears already in your eyes before you heard a squeak coming from your hands.
Goldie had a frown on his face before he mentioned for you to lift him up to your eye level only to surprise you with a sweet little kiss on each of your eyes. You immediatly smiled back amd rubbed your cheek with his as he grumbled.
"Aww you act all though but you're a softie on the end aren't you?" You cooed as the tiny male in your hands growled, despite having a pink on his tiny cheeks.
Thre months had passed and you heard your door bell ring. All the hopes that it was your soulmate rised on your chest only to fell as you only saw the mailman handing you a box.
Signing and thanking the worker, you closed the door and found Goldie nimbling on a cake you baked/bought it and you giggled at him, with how threatening he looked once but now looked aa the most adorable thing ever.
You put the box down on the middle of the room and started to open only to be freed aa Goldie touched one bare finger of it to help you.
"Look little guy! You like cleaning do you?" You picked the robot and turned it on, Goldie already on guard as if it was going to attack you "Its a romba! It's a little robot that cleans the floor!" You smiled down at the shock on his face before he climbed on the robot and rode it as it was a car or horse.
You never laughed so hard on your life, especially when Goldie used his foot hit the wall to make the romba go to the place he wanted to be clean.
You woke up with pokes in your cheek, groaning you saw Goldie, waving at you as you smiled and petted his head carefully.
He pointed to the calendar and you groaned. It was the day you needed to go out to buy groceries, looking at Goldie who only deadpanned at you.
"Do I need to?" He only huffed and crossed his arms as you rolled your eyes and prepared to go out.
You were asking for some Takoyaki before Goldie suddenly gone crazy. Getting up on your shoulder and squeaking loudly at some place on the market as you grabbed him on your hands when he almost fell on the floor.
"What?! Hey you're okay?" You tried to bring him close but he only jumped from your grip and ran away. Making you panick and ram after him I'm fear he could be stepped on.
The little guy was fast and even used his quirk to make a wave of concrete to carry him. He turned on an aisle and you almost losed it.
"GOLDIE!" you shouted before stopping abruptly when you saw the chibi of your soulmate on the ground, hugging close another chibi with (E/c) eyes and hair with the color of... wait... it was you! It was a chibi version of you! Hugging and kissing Goldie just as much as he was doing with them.
You gaped at the cuteness of the scene before you saw a male running towards your chibi version only to be stopped by the same reason as you did. The man was way taller than you imagined, and different from Goldie he weared a mask to hide half of his face.
You gaped at how beautiful the man was as his wide amber eyes looked back at your with the same shock.
You took hesitant steps as he did the same, both of you looking at each other as if you both had found a precious and unique treasure.
His eyes slowed went back to normal as he looked at you. You giggled at him making him arch his eyebrow, exactly like Goldie, making you laugh before putting a hand to cover your mouth.
"Sorey!" You said between giggles "Is just that... you act exactly like your chibi."
"Same goes for you." He looked at your chibi version and then back at you, extending one gloved hand at you.
"So, what is my soulmate's name?" He asked nonchantly but the glint of happines of his eyes was way too much evident.
"(L/n) (Y/n). And mine soulmate's name is..?"
"People call me Overhaul... but-" your hand interviewed and you felt all of your body go warm and fuzzy at the way he looked at you "You can call me by my real name. Chisaki Kai."
"Alright." You smiled before the both of your chibis versions squeaked as your soul- Kai. Kai zend a half glare at your chibi version.
"What is it now brat? You found m-"
"You called me brat?" You asked in false disbelief as he at her one eyebrow at you.
"A better name than Goldie." He shivered as you scoffed.
"Is a good name... Goldie." You smirked at him as he scoffed, holding your hand a bit tighter.
#bnha villains#bnha#bnha characters#bnha x reader#bnha imagine#chisaki kai#chisaki kai x reader#overhaul x reader#overhaul#fanfic overhaul#my writing#zuffer writings
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PLOT TWIST! It isn't a time machine, but a machine that makes you travel to your memories! So, you didn't travel to the future exactly because you have no memories of the future. You only have memories from the past, that's why you all travel backwards. And exactly because they are only memories, you can't change anything. Keep in mind that memories are one of trickiest things in life. Besides that they are only from our point of view, they also aren't always 100% accurate.
Portugal- What!? Did someone put me in Spain's stupid memories or something, I mean I wasn't even here! But if these are only memories that I can't change then I can punch Spain right?
Chibi Spain- *is crying*
Portugal- Huh? Oh no I didn't mean it! Calm down, actually your too cute to punch I was just joking!
Chibi Spain- It's not about that
Portugal- Then what's wrong?
Chibi Spain- He isn't coming back is he? My brother really has abandoned me right?
Portugal- Look it wasn't his choice, he wanted to come back for you but his boss wouldn't let him and he had to protect his own people from the Romans.
Chibi Spain- I'm all alone
Portugal- For now but because of this you'll become stronger and become a force to be reckoned with. You'll live in a big house and be surrounded by people who love you.
Chibi Spain- Even my brother?
Portugal- Especially your brother, no one else loves you more.
Chibi Spain- Thank you *turns around* Huh where did he go?
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If you're still taking prompts for ALBB, TWI Malec, Alec going to Magnus after the week of the party for a reading, and asks him out. On the date, Magnus finds out that it's actually his birthday.
This year, I am working with the @malecdiscordserver (JOIN US HERE!) for their Alec Lightwood Birthday Surprise event AND the wonderful @chibi-tsukiko and @my-archerboy for Alec’s Birthday Weekend Celebration!
Magnus settled back against his couch, giving Church a grumpy look. "You're supposed to be nice to clients, you know that." Church, of course, responded the way all cats did when irritated, turning his back on him to settle into the chair more decisively. He glanced down at his notebook and sighed. One more appointment for the day and he'd be able to relax for the rest of the evening. Maybe he'd go for a walk, it was lovely outside, and he could use the fresh air.
His magic tingled in his fingertips and Magnus scowled, shaking them and working more feeling back into them. Even a week since the Fairchild girl had gone back to her realm, and he still felt almost bursting with magic, his full strength returning to him like a lake being filled after a long drought. Magnus closed his eyes and smiled faintly. If nothing else, it had been fun to tell Catarina and Ragnor what had happened. It had been good to hear from them, and even better to hear that they were living together.
His friends deserved to be happy. They always had. And he-
The doorbell sounded, cutting off his thoughts.
Magnus brushed his hands off on his pants, and stood up, striding for the door. Best not to think about that, regardless. He was fine alone, and he always had been. He had friends, his cats, and his work. That had been enough for centuries, and it would continue to be, no matter what the two of them said. He straightened his shoulders, and opened the door, staring in surprise at a face he recognized.
"Alec Lightwood," he managed, clearing his throat.
Alec light up, grinning brightly as he held out his hand for Magnus to shake. "You remember me!"
Magnus felt a blush crawling up his cheeks as he shook Alec's hand and gestured for him to come in. "I, ah, yes. Of course I do. We met last week, at the party."
Alec grinned, striding into the loft, looking around, catching sight of Church on the chair. "Oh, isn't he wonderful!" He stepped closer and knelt in front of the cat, who deigned to turn around and looked at him. He grinned. "Hey there."
Magnus took a step towards Alec, swallowing, his mind spinning, wondering why Alec Lightwood was here, of all places. "I, careful, Church doesn't like many people."
"Church, huh?" Alec said, glancing from Magnus, back to the cat on the chair. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said, holding out his hand. When the cat pressed his nose to his palm he grinned again. "Looks like he doesn't mind me at all!"
Magnus' mouth was dry and he stared in shock as Church gave Alec's palm a quick lick before returning to his lounging. A small tinkling sound alerted him to Chairman a moment too late before the cat was circling Alec and moving in closer to rub against him.
"And who might you be, huh? You're much more friendly than your brother, aren't you?" Alec asked, holding out his hand for the tabby to sniff.
"Chairman," Magnus managed. He'd never seen his cats take to someone so quickly and so well. "His name is Chairman Meow."
Alec couldn’t help the quick laugh that escaped him as the small cat sniffing his fingers quickly climbed up his arm to perch on his shoulder. “Well hello there, Chairman.” He turned to look at Magnus and stood slowly, making sure the cat had a good foothold. “They’re adorable.”
Magnus cleared his throat and offered Alec a quick smile. “I, ah. Thank you. I appreciate that. What, what brings you by?”
Alec’s grin was quick and teasing. “I’m here for my reading, of course!” He stepped in closer to the other man and raised his eyebrows. “I made an appointment and everything.”
Of course, tracking down the mystery man from the party had been a nightmare and a half, since his name hadn’t been on any of the formal lists, and Alec had just about given up when he had happened upon a certain commercial. And now that he’d found Magnus Bane again, he wasn’t about to let him escape. Not without at least asking him out, anyways.
Magnus cleared his throat and gestured to the chair. “Well, ah, have a seat.”
“Thank you,” Alec said, sitting down across from the table, looking down at the set of cards between them. They were beautiful but not as beautiful as the man sitting down, looking too shy to meet his eyes. “So, how does this work?”
Magnus picked up the cards and shuffled them, glad he could use that as an excuse to hide his fidgeting. “Well, if you’re looking to know some part of your future, it helps to focus on a very specific part of it, to give the cards direction.”
Alec nodded. “All right. So if I wanted to focus on knowing about a future relationship? Or something like that?” He kept his eyes focused on Magnus. He didn’t need to give the game away just yet.
Magnus swallowed and cleared his throat. “Yes, of course, that would work perfectly.” He shook his head a fraction, the faint echo of Alec’s ‘I like a challenge’ that had been called after him haunting them. Alec had already moved on, of course he had.
“Excellent!” Alec said, clapping his hands together. “What else do we need to?”
The exuberance was catching and Magnus smiled. “Focus on it while I deal out the cards. And cut the deck, of course,” he added, offering the cards to the Alec.
Alec reached out and took the cards from Magnus’ hand, making sure their fingers brushed. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was right about the shiver that ran up Magnus’ spine. Shifting them in his hand, he cut them, using one hand, and handed them back to Magnus, smirking.
“Very nice,” Magnus praised, taking the cards back. He took a deep breath and ordered himself to focus. “Think of what you want the cards to portray while I lay them out.”
“Got it,” Alec agreed, nodding firmly. He watched as Magnus moved slow and steady, each of the cards forming a pattern out on the table. Every one of the motions was steady and pronounced and he couldn’t help the way that his eyes lingered on the length of Magnus’ fingers, until the cards were laid out.
Magnus pressed down the last card and his breath caught as he stared at it, at the board laid out in front of him. His eyes widened as they darted over the cards and he read them once, twice, before smiling sadly and closing his eyes. Of course.
“What’s wrong?” Alec asked, frowning as he looked at the cards. Was his chance with Magnus really so doomed that he wouldn’t even manage a first date? On his birthday no less? “Is it that bad?”
“On the contrary,” Magnus said, his voice soft as he pressed his fingertips to the cards. “I don’t think I’ve seen a board like this in a long, long time.”
Alec looked up at him and the wistful, longing look on Magnus’ face made him want to wrap the other man in his arms and never let go. Chairman gave a plaintive meow and climbed onto the chair, jumping down to the ground before quickly hurrying over to Magnus. “Is that...good?”
Magnus took a deep breath, looking down at the cards, before back up at Alec again. “Would you like a summary? Or do you want me to go into the meaning of each card?”
Alec smiled. ���A summary would be great.” Of course, if he hadn’t had a dinner reservation that he wanted to make sure Magnus had time to get ready for, he would have listened to Magnus talk about the cards for hours.
“Whoever you’re thinking about,” Magnus said, his voice soft. “Is destined to be one of the greatest loves of your life, if not the greatest. The cards say you are a perfect match, in every way, even in ways you might not expect. That you would fulfill each other, and be unflinchingly loyal.” He smiled faintly and ran his fingertip down the face of a card. “In some languages, this card, placed here, facing this way, indicates a pair of souls, always destined to find each other, in every universe.”
Alec’s breath caught and he stared at Magnus, his heart pounding. He stared down at the cards and then back up at the fortune teller. He covered his mouth and started to grin, unable to keep from chuckling as he settled back in the chair, staring at the cards between them. “Soulmates, huh?”
“Yes,” Magnus agreed, looking down at the cards again before back up to Alec. “Whoever they are, Alec, be very, very grateful they are a part of your life. You will always have support and be loved, with them.”
“That’s good,” Alec said, nodding firmly. “I had a good feeling about him, after all.” He looked down at the board. “You believe everything you’re saying, don’t you?”
Magnus hummed. “I’ve learned when the cards are this adamant, that yes, there is a large measure of truth to their message.”
“Excellent,” Alec said, standing up and dusting his hands off. He held his hand out to Magnus waiting for him to stand and shake before he grinned and raised his eyebrows. “Shall we get started?”
Magnus blinked in confusion. “I’m...sorry?”
“Well, if we’re going to have such a fated romance, I think the first step is going to be to take you on a date, isn't it?” Alec asked, still smiling at Magnus. He watched as the words landed, and Magnus’ shocked eyes darted from him down to the cards, before back up to him.
“I,” Magnus swallowed, and cleared his throat. “Me?”
Alec rolled his eyes. “Of course you. I spent days trying to find you after the party, and it was just by luck that I happened to see your commercial. Or, well, according to your cards, it was apparently fate.” He shrugged and wiggled his fingers at Magnus. “Come on, let’s go, I have dinner reservations for us!”
Magnus took Alec’s hand again and let himself be pulled towards the door. “You were thinking about me during your reading?”
“Of course!” Alec said, grinning at him. “I had to know if I had a chance after all!” He winked at Magnus and led him to the door. “I’ll have your Daddy back by midnight or sometime thereabouts,” he called to the cats, before turning to Magnus. “And if I’m perhaps very lucky, maybe my birthday present can be a kiss at the door.”
“Birthday?!” Magnus sputtered, even as Alec tugged him the rest of the way out the door.
“Come on, soulmate,” Alec said, grinning at him. “According to you, we have a happily ever after to get to!”
Keep sending in more prompts for Alec’s Birthday Bashes!!
#Alec Lightwood Birthday Bash#alecsbdayweekendcelebration#MDSEvent#Alec Lightwood#Malec#TWI!Malec#Asking Out#Confident Alec#OH GOD I LOVE TWI MALEC SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE TO WRITE THEM I AM SO FUCKING HYPE FOR THIS#OKAY?#SO HYPE#SO MUCH HYPE FOR THIS#high-warlock-of-brooklyn
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Part 11
Misaki: (Runs hands through his hair) Sorry Takahiro, I was going to call you, but i've been a little preoccupied with my fiance here..
Takahiro: I had to hear it from this guy (Taps Isaka's chest) Luckily he didn't sound worried so...
Takahiro, Isaka: Wait did you just say Fiance?
Misaki: Oh yeah, we got engaged saturday.
Isaka: (Walks over to Usagi, salps usagi on the shoulder who groans in pain) Congrats man, you finally asked him!
Usagi: (Raspy voice) Uh, actually Misaki asked me, and please don't hit me I just has surgery.
Takahiro: Are you okay Usagi-san?
Usagi: I'm fine
Takahiro: (Walks over to Misaki and Usagi) So, you guys are getting married?
Misaki: Yes, Yeah we are.
Takahiro: We'll congrats.
Misaki: Yeah, you don't seem so happy about it.
Takahiro: I haven't even gotten used to the idea of you guys dating and now you're engaged?
Misaki: Yeah, we'll my plan was to propose after we told you and before I graduated, so I don't really care if you've gotten used to it, we've been dating for years without you knowing and now that you know we can fully be happy, and if i'm sorry if you can't get on board.
Takahiro: I can, I just need time to processes all this.
Misaki: We'll right now, we need to focus on Usagi, so this conversation isn't happening right now.
Takahiro: (Nods walks over to the sofa and sits down beside Aikawa).
Isaka: Well I'm happy for you. (Smiles awkwardly, and goes to sit on the sofa).
(Nurse Rose walks in and smiles at Aikawa causing her to blush, she sits on the arm of the sofa causing her to blush more, her heart was beating out of her chest, hopefully no one could hear it.)
Nurse rose: Looks like we have a full house.
Misaki: Yeah, my brother Takahiro is beside Aikawa, and beside him is the senior manager at the publishing company where Usagi's work is published, his name is Isaka.
Takahiro, Isaka: Hello.
Nurse Rose: So how is everyone doing? Usagi the cafe is about to close so if you want anything to eat you should place and order now, otherwise I can get you some liquid broth and tea from up here.
Usagi: I'll just take whatever's up here.
Nurse Rose: Sure, the four of you should probably go grab some food.
Misaki: I want to stay here
Usagi: No, you need to eat.
Misaki: (Sighs)
Usagi: I'll be fine for an hour, I promise.
Isaka: (Stands up, walks over to Misaki, Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder), Come on Misaki, he'll be okay.
Misaki: (Stands up) Okay (Softly places hand on Usagi's cheek and and leans down to kiss him, he softly whispers "I love you" against his lips, before giving him another kiss.
Nurse Rose: Okay, so I can take you guys up to the cafe, (confused look) It's on the fivthteen floor for some reason, never understood that, shall we go everyone?
Misaki, Isaka, Takahiro, and Aikawa: (All follow Nurse rose out of the room, and onto the elevator).
Nurse Rose: Alright fun ride! I'm on my break before going into my night shift, do you guys mind if I eat with you?
Misaki: (gently nudges Aikawa)
Aikawa: (Slants eyebrows and mouths "what")
Misaki: (Nods at her)
Aikawa: Um, Nurse Rose?
Nurse Rose: (Smiles) I'm on break, you can just call me Rose.
Aikawa: (Blushes). Um you can join us for dinner.
Nurse Rose: Oh, that's cool! Thanks. I want to get to know you more.
Aikawa: (Clears throat) Uh, a- all- all of us.
(Elevator dings, they all get off following nurse rose to the cafe, They all get a large plate of shrimp tempura to share, and chicken broth, options were limited, since it was late and the cafe would be closing soon. Isaka, and Takahiro followed Nurse Rose to a table in the far corner of the restaurant, while Misaki and Aikawa trailed behind.
Aikawa: When she said she wants to get to know you, she meant all of us right?
Misaki: (Laughs) No, she wants to get to know YOU.
Aikawa: What does that mean?
Misaki: It means she likes you.
Aikawa: So you're engaged and suddenly you're the relationships expert? Isn't Usagi your first relationship?
Misaki: (Scuffs) And how many relationships have you been in?
(They approach the table, Nurse rose grins at Aikawa)
Misaki: See she's smiling at you.
Aikawa: No, she's Being friendly
Nurse Rose: Aikawa, I saved you a seat. (Pats the seat)
Misaki: See, (Walks over and sits beside Isaka.
Isaka: CHIBI!! (Throws arms around Misaki)
Misaki: What!?
Isaka: What's happening, how are you handling this?
Misaki: (Takes a bite of the shrimp). As well as I can be
Isaka: Good, so tell me , what's going on with those two?
(Across the table)
Rose: So how long have you known Akihiko?
Aikawa: Oh many years, he's a pain in the ass, but he's a good guys, he's like my brother.
Rose: So you've never had any sort of feelings for him?
Aikawa: (Snorts) Oh god no! He's never been into girls and the one person he's "loved" before Misaki didn't feel that way about him. Misaki's the love of his life.
Rose: (Touches Aikawa's hand) And what about you?
Aikawa: (Blushes) What about me?
Rose: (Chuckles) You ever been in love.
Aikawa: I'm in love with my Job.
Rose: Ah, one of those people.
Aikawa: One of what people?
Rose: Your life is your job and you never dedicate anytime to yourself, or anything else.
Aikawa: That-
Rose: Not true?
Aikwawa: (blushes) I need to make some time for myself?
Rose: How about tomorrow?
Aikawa: Tomorrow?
Rose: I get off at 5, we can get dinner?
Aikawa: I-
Isaka, Misaki: SAY YES!
Rose: (laughs)
Aikawa: Um, Yes!
Rose: Okay, cool. Um can I get your number?
Aikawa: Oh, um sure. (takes phone out of pocket, the two exchange numbers), Um you can call me Eri.
Isaka: Whoa! You never let anyone call you by your first name.
Aikawa: Isaka, hush.
Rose: (Laughs, we should probably head back, Im sure Akihiko is hungry, and it's almost seven so visiting hours are almost over, everyone has to head home. Except you Misaki, legally you can stay.
Isaka: What, why does he get to stay.
Rose: (Raises eyebrows),Misaki's his fiance.Don't worry the rest of you can come back at six am. Anyway we should get going, you have thirty minutes to say goodnight to your friend, and Misaki I can bring some sheets and a warm cover up so you can fix up the sofa, it pulls out into a bed.
Misaki: Thank you Nurse Rose.
(Misaki sat with his arms crossed and a foot up in the chair,he watched as Nurse rose fixed the sofa for him,she was smiling and humming, apparently she was happy about her date with Aikaw,it was around seven-thirty and everyone had already left, Usagi flipped through the tv channels and sipped on a third cup of tea, his seaced IV bag had been replaced when they came back upstairs and he had his second round of antibiotics, his vitals were still looking good, and he would have labs drawn around three in the morning, his bandages had been replaced and his surgery area looked good, other than the labs, and nurse rose checking on them throughout the night they should be good).
Misaki: You didn't have to make up the sofa, I could've done it by myself.
Nurse Rose: That's okay. It's my job.
Usagi: Misaki, relax let someone do something for you for once, plus don't you have an exam to study for? maybe do that for an hour huh?
Misaki: Fine. (Walks over to table near the window, grabs laptop, walks back over to Usagi and starts to work on study guide.
Usagi: Is this for German?
Misaki: Uh, Yeah.
Usagi: How do you feel about that?
Misaki: Good.
Usagi: Your grades are still passing?
Misaki: Ugh, yes Usagi, god you're in the hospital and you're still nagging me?
Usagi: (Reaches hand out) I just want you to graduate, you've worked so hard.
Misaki: (Smiles, takes his hand) I know, thank you.
Nurse rose: (Sits on the armchair of the sofa, she smiles at them). Do you Guys always banter like this?
Misaki: (Chuckles) Yeah kinda our thing.
Nurse Rose: So how long have you guys been together?
Usagi: (Moves bed up): Um, almost five years.
Nurse rose: How did you meet.
Misaki: He used to be my tutor, and was in love with my brother.
Nurse Rose: Really?
Usagi: Yeah, Kinda a long story.
Nurse Rose: And that doesn't make it weird.
Misaki: Um, there were times early in our relationship when I was worried he was still in love with him but-
Usagi: His brother means a lot to me, but Misaki's the love of my life, I love him so fucking much, I'll never love anyone as much as Misaki, he's my everything.
Nurse Rose: Wow, That's so sweet.
Misaki: (Sobbing) Usagi, stop saying stuff like that, I need to study.
Usagi: (Smirks) You already know that's how i feel about you, I say it to you all the time.
Misaki: Yeah, but i'm studyyinngggg.
Usagi: (Laughs). Get back to studying.
Misaki: You know i feel the same way about you right baby?
Usagi: Ahh, did you just call me baby? Do it again.
Misaki: Mmmhm, can't studying, watch tv or somthing.
Nurse Rose: Well (stands).If You need anything, you know how to get ahold of me.
Usagi: Yes, thank you.
Nurse Rose: (Exits).
(Misaki slams laptop and places it on the table in front of Usagi before pushing it out of the way, surprising him).
Usagi: Misaki, what are you doing? because we can't have sex if that's what you're trying to do. I mean I really want to, but we can't.
Misaki: No, I know that, but I have news.
Usagi: What news makes you act like THAT.
Misaki: Nurse Rose and Aikawa have a date tomorrow!
Usagi: Awe good for them.
Misaki: Why aren't you more Excited!
Usagi: I'll be more excited once you pass the test!
Misaki: (Grabs laptop) You're no fun.
Usagi: I-
Misaki: You just want me to graduate BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Usagi: Misaki
Misaki: I'm studying, I'm studying.
Misaki: Done, are you happy? (he looked beside him, it was ten, Usagi was out cold, he placed his laptop on the table, turned the lights off, and changed the channel to some dumb sitcom that would give him a good laugh and walked back over to Usagi, he softly ran his fingers through his soft grey hair, and leaned down softy giving him a kiss on the lips). Goodnight my love (He walked over the the sofa and sighed as he crawled under the covers, it felt weird not cuddling next to Usagi, they've been doing it a lot more recently and he knew he would have a hard time sleeping not wrapped in Usagi's arms, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
#usagi#usagi x misaki#usami akihiko#misaki x usagi#akihiko usami#misaki#misaki takahashi#takahashi misaki#takahiro takahashi#isaka ryuichiro#isak#erin aikawa#aikawa#my OTP#otp feels#otp#gay otp#fanfiction#ship
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