#huh huhhh wha huh????
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isackwhy · 4 months
okay isaac’s hair has been getting long.
let’s say he starts using the readers expensive hair shampoo and products (bonus if reader has wavy or curly hair too [curl cream])
she starts noticing her bottles getting empty faster but doesn’t really care to find out why
until she’s showering w isaac
(nothing steamy, maybe reader was gonna go shower and isaac jokingly suggests they should shower together [like some “where’s my invite” shit 😭] and it’s a funny haha shower)
UNTILLL she notices him using GLOBS of shampoo and conditioner and she like is surprised but not really but doesn’t say anything until a podcast episode where she’s invited
she starts telling the story and isaac is like “what it makes my hair soft!”
they’re like joke arguing when larry goes “wait you guys shower together?” in a joke disgusted way and nick says “no wonder our water bill is so high”
you’re sitting on the podcast couch between mock and isaac as they talk about their hair. grunk is going more into detail about his hair routine when you laugh, immediately remembering a story regarding hair products.
“why’s y/n giggling? what’s goin’ on?” tanner points out. you stifle your giggle, looking around at your friends and boyfriend. even with his mask and glasses on you can see the realization hit isaac’s face as he remembers exactly what story you want to bring up. “y/n—okay, she’s gonna tell a story—and i want to clarify, i wasn’t aware how expensive the products were,” isaac defends himself.
“huhhh? what’d you do?” larry asks, leaning forward. “can i explain it?” you question and isaac just throws his arms up and shrugs. you roll your eyes, “okay so, i have a bunch of expensive hair products and for a bit i was noticing them just like….depleting. like it was being used. i thought i was losing my shit until isaac and i were showering—nothing, like, just don’t be weird—“
“oh god.”
larry and yumi speak, covering their face.
“DONT BE FUCKING WEIRD!” you yell through a laugh, “i turn around and fucking mr. isaacwhy over here is putting globs of MY shit into his hand. into his big ass hands!”
“it makes my hair so soft though!” isaac yells, hands still in the air.
“okay, mine too! that’s why i use it, asshat—“
“wait!” larry throws his hands up, “you guys shower together! oh my god!” he jokes. “that’s what happens when you date someone, LARRY,” isaac comments, “to be fair, i bought her more.”
“is that why our water bill is so damn high?” nick asks, staring right at you and isaac. your cheeks burn up, “we WERENT DOING ANYTHING—“
“uh huh. sure. yeah.”
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Alr fine time to magical anon
"Wait, Wha-" Riggy was immediately cut off when he Disappeared
"OKAY, WHAT-" Pear saw Riggy disappear, As he was then cut off as well, Disappearing Too
In Riggy's place, A version of him appeared.. Except he had purple eyes and was a little of a lighter blue with a bit of a shorter Tail
Meanwhile in Pear's place, A version of him appeared as well.. Though, He was shorter and more orangish yellow in color, He seemed to be eating a Mango
The new Clone Riggy faceplanted when he Appeared..
"Huhhh..??? " The new Clone Riggy, He somewhat looked up.. Obviously seeming to be purely Confused.
"Huh, What??" The new Clone Pear looked around a bit, Pretty confused, Himself..
【OOC】 Both of their names are Criggy and RoyaleMango, So hope you enjoy having them around for while It Lasts! :))
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toujokaname · 4 months
Game master / Episode 9
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Author: Akira
Characters: Niki, AkanP, Tatsumi
"I don't wanna worry everyone too much, so I'll at least put on a cheerful face."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Amagi's House
About ten minutes later. In the Amagi Village, at Crazy:B's lodgings.
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Niki: Ugh~... Ughhh~ I can't eat anymore~...
No, I've gotta eat... I was born for it... Bring on more plates, my stomach's a bottomless pit—
—Wh... Uh, huh?
Did I... doze off?
AkanP: Good morning, Shiina-kun.
Niki: Nn, nngh? Good morning~?
Nahaha... I'm sorry. Um, were you looking after me while I was out cold?
My bad for the trouble, Akan-san. And Anzu-nee-san too.
AkanP: Ahaha. Even though I'm older than Anzu-chan, I only get a mere "san," while she gets "nee-san"?
What's your logic behind the difference?
Niki: Ahh, well, the thing is—
Eh, wha? Akan-san, you're a lady?
But, when I first saw you... Oh, wait, did I misunderstand 'cause you were wearing a suit?
AkanP: Fufu. You're a rather interesting boy too, huh.
I thought that the public's opinion of you, both now and in the past, was that you were incompetent as an idol, a useless person who couldn't do anything.
Niki: Nah, that's just true.
When Rinne-kun first invited me, I couldn't just stand by and watch, so I helped out a bit—
I got fed up with it and quit right away. So, my incompetence should've been proven, but surprisingly, we're working together again as idols.
AkanP: Ahh, you did some idol work with Rinne-kun for a brief period in the past, right.
By that time, Rinne-kun had already left my hands—so I don't know the details.
Niki: We didn't do much of anything back then, honestly. Especially since I quit pretty fast before making any progress.
Even now, I don't really wanna get involved in the entertainment industry, 'cause of my parents' situation.
AkanP: Even so, you can't leave Rinne-kun alone, so you stay by his side.
You're a kind boy.
Moreover, you have a surprisingly good eye for people. You seem to vaguely detect something off about me as well.
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Niki: Well, cooking's all for the sake of others.
If the goal's only to get nutrients, might as well let a machine automatically churn out food in a factory or something.
AkanP: Yes. That's true. And it applies to idols, too, right?
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Tatsumi: Niki-saaan?
How are you feeling? It seems we're about to start the test of courage showdown. But if you're unable to move yet, will you be absent?
Niki: Oh, an unexpected person's here.
Tatsumi: Is that so? Well, we don't typically have much interaction, after all.
Niki: Right, right. While Crazy:B and ALKALOID get name-dropped together a lot, we don't usually talk together or know much about each other, huh.
Tatsumi: I feel the same. That's why I'm not sure how to behave towards Kohaku-san either, for example.
Yet despite that, I wish for us to get along in order to accomplish the same job, Matrix.
Niki: Right back at you~♪ Thank you kindly, I'll be counting on you! Let's be pals!
Tatsumi: Such a friendly person. Well, I suppose all the members of Crazy:B are like that.
Niki: Hm? But don't you think HiMERU-kun's pretty exclusionary? Or rather, irritable?
Tatsumi: These days, yes. But he wasn't like that in the past, he used to be more innocent and bright—
I wonder, what in the world happened to him...
Niki: Have you known HiMERU-kun for a long time?
Tatsumi: Ah, yes, we both attended Reimei Academy, he and I.
Niki: Huhhh... I only graduated middle school, so high school and college seem like different worlds to me. What was he like?
I can't wrap my head around HiMERU-kun as a student~♪
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Tatsumi: Even now, he must still be just another regular high school student...
More importantly. While chatting is enjoyable, we're currently in the middle of work.
Niki-san appears to have been inevitably chosen as a "scarer" for the test of courage, so if you're motivated, let's move to our positions together.
Actually, I came to fetch you for that purpose. Mayoi-san was with me too, but he said he was "scared of being attacked," so I came alone.
Niki: Scarer? Not sure what that's about, and I'm never really motivated, but—
I don't wanna worry everyone too much, so I'll at least put on a cheerful face.
[ ☆ ]
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Luffy: „Become a member of my crew, Nickname!“
You: „I can’t…. Because of my sickness I can’t leave the house… how should I survive on a pirate ship?“
Luffy: „Can’t get out ?! Aww man… that sounds boring…“
You: „Well, it is…“ *getting sad*
Luffy: „Then get better? After you cured I take you with me.“
You: „I can’t either… Nothing can cure my disease… *almost crying* I wish I can go on a adventure! You stories so far sound so fun! Going anywhere you want and doing what you want means to be free. How wonderful...“
Luffy: „ …..☹️ …. Then, I will find one.“
You: „Huh?“
Luffy: *determined* „I will find a cure for your disease and come back to take you with me! That’s a promise!“
You: „Wha-…! But like I said there is none! Don’t trouble yourself with nonsense!“
Luffy: „But I won’t! You wanna go on a adventure ?
You: „Yes-,“
Luffy: „Than, don’t give up!! Because I promise you that you gonna have an adventure with my crew and me!“
You: *tears slipping down your cheeks* “Luffy....”
After the battle with a marine and about leave leaving the island.
You: „Good bye, minna-! I wish that you find One Piece and you, Luffy, become pirate king!“ *waving while showing a sad smile*
Luffy: *yelling* „What are you saying, idiot!”
The straw hats: “Huhhh?!”
Sanji: “Don't say such a bad thing to Y/N-swan-!”
Chopper: “You know that she is ill and can't go out long. But she did for us to say good bye. Don’t be that!”
Nami: “Luffy! That is not nice, apologize-!”
 Luffy: “You are gonna be with us while finding One Piece and when I become pirate king. Don’t forget our promise! I am gonna come back like I said and cure you!!“
You: *weeping* „….Then… I … say…. Don’t let me wait too long!!!!“
Luffy: *smiles* „Yeeaahh! Don’t worry, see you soon!“ *waves*
Part One!  Part Two!: Here
I just had to do a second imagine fitting to this!
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