#hugin rambles op
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huginsmemory · 8 months ago
Doing my general schmoozing around toraoana and ogling doujin's as one does on occasion to just see what's there and OH MY GOD THERE'S A MOOMIN SMOKER/LAW DOUJIN??? HELLO??? I feel like Tumblr would like to see this, oh my god
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Creator is 津田, link to buy the dj above btw and see more of the artwork samples!
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huginsmemory · 8 months ago
I think whats so compelling about Sanji is that he's so terribly self conscious about being masculine that anything that performs masculinity better than him (ie, Zoro, obliviously, minus the women-fucking part), or skews masculinity, is a threat to him. Which makes him rampantly homophobic and transphobic. And as he also believes masculinity needs to be focused around being horny for women makes him also rampantly misogynistic cause he can't actually see women past them being a sexual object. Anyways it all culminates in you the audience being fairly certain that this man cannot be straight due to this terribly obvious fragility around his masculinity, and that if he ever got dicked down, it might solve all these issues.
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huginsmemory · 8 months ago
I was like what's a pelican eel and then looked it up and was like OHHHHHH ITS A GULPER EEL. that explains A LOT of katakuri's design. Also like makes perfect sense then to have him in black leather cause it's black and shiny like the eels themself, and the way he eats food cause the eels do that as well; even him being mochi and stretchy is a trait the eels have!!! PLUS, his pink tattoo/pink theme also makes sense since the eels have a photophore that glows pink and occasionally flash bright red... Not dissimilar to the way they did when his observation haki activates!!! Anyways as a biologist FUCK YEAH that makes me like him even more, they're adorable creatures tbh. All I can think of is the one expedition footage of one that was just drifting around looking like a balloon (they're also super cool and have their own distinct family within the true eel family!)
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Law immediately going through all five stages of grief after making his alliance with luffy is so fucking funny to me. This poor brooding emo man being like ahaha I have made the alliance, my scheme is going to perfectly to plan--only to have luffy be luffy and that means chaos and being like YAY ALLIANCE = FRIEND!!! THIS MEANS YOU WILL FOREVERMORE BE DRAGGED AROUND BY MY WHIMS, THERE ARE NO BOUNDARIES!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN, PLAN??? HERE HAVE SOME POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ABOUT BEING A GOOD PERSON!!! :DDD and law who is completely used to getting his way and taken seriously and being considered dangerous is like:
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huginsmemory · 8 months ago
I'm a simple man, if the character has something that makes clinking sounds when he walks, wears leather and is built like a brick shithouse then hell yeah I'm interested
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
I find it sooooo funny that law is reintroduced post time skip and he's like all mysterious and dark and emo and dangerous and that gets immediately ruined by luffy being chaotic and also him immediately just getting basically tortured and writhing in pain and screaming over and over again his first big fight we see him in. like. Ohhhhh he's TOTALLY also a pathetic wet cat of a man huh. I can see why everyone on tumblr op fandom likes him. Also him immediately also after the punk hazard arc getting a collar and having to obey (with luffy) some random dude for those two episodes like. *points at law* pathetic wet cat of a man
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
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Can anyone guess which arc I'm on...
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huginsmemory · 11 months ago
Can we talk about the apology from fujitora at the end of dressrosa? Can we talk about how oda in one piece goes those in power need to apologize, need to prostrate themselves before the people they actively hurt and been involved in harming and apologize without expectation of forgiveness? That those who should be in power are those who should actually apologize? Should acknowledge that this harm should never have happened? That they should not have the face of the role of alleviating these people from their oppressors because they put them there in the first place, they allowed that to happen in the first place. While also at the same time acknowledging that the system is broken, to have someone within the system call out those in the system with higher power who let it happen, because they know that they won't listen to those who are oppressed??? To have people who are not those who are those oppressed be so justifiably angry with the system they are a part of call them out? Like to recognize the anger of the oppressed within those within the system, even possibly benefiting from the system that can actually make some change, if even small to fucking ACKNOWLEDGE what happened, instead of sweep it under the rug?? Like do you know how cathartic it is to see that as a minority? As an Indigenous individual whose government still refuses to acknowledge it's active continuing genocide on my people? On their blatant past genocide? To have those who are part of that system prostrate you before themselves? To acknowledge their wrongs ???
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huginsmemory · 8 months ago
There's something so fucking funny about Charlotte Pudding once you know her actual character because her internal monologuing is exactly what I would have as an internal monologue if I also had to deal with Sanji's rampant misogyny and hypersexualization of women
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Bartolomeo is a sick fucking name. Fucking LOVE how he was introduced as the most annoying pirate to exist and everyone wants gone, 10/10 I like this dude. He's so rude, and like. he's not actually even that annoying but everyone is like I Hate This Man Kill Him. He's like a more laid back version of Kid, they both just do what they want and go fuck you in the process. Actually I wanna see what would happen if they met, it would be like, 99% likelihood to end in bloodshed and a 1% likelihood they would end up getting along and destroy things together.
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Watching punk hazard rn and when the marines meet monet are like 'wow that lady's hot... WAIT but she's part bird she's a harpy that's freaky... But hey you know what? I think I'm into it!' Like you know what. Me too. Here u go smoker's marines, honorary monsterfucker license granted.
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Because one piece is so long and there's so many characters there's like. SOOOO many blorbo opportunities. Like fr for every few arcs in op I'm like WOAGH NEW BLORBO!!! and revenously consume the arc/arcs with the character because BLORBO. And then I'm like wait fuck there's no more of this blorbo but I KNOW later there's more of them. So. SIMPLY I'm like ah clearly I need to watch more to get more blorbo content. And then I watch more but there like MULTIPLE ARCS until I see them again, and I'm watching these arcs and then I'm like EGADS! as my brain imprints on New Blorbo while it's STILL chewing on previous blorbo. AND THEN I ravenously consume that blorbo's content BUT THEN THEY ALSO LEAVE... and then the cycle continues... until you hit the arcs of Original Blorbos and then you go FUCK I'VE ABANDONED MY BOY and get super back into them only to once again finish the arc... And go I Need To Watch More and the cycle begins anew...
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Cursed art idea is to make the transponder snail figures of the op main characters. It would be so fucking funny they're so awful to look at. Please tell me official merch has been made of them of figures because alakskdkdkkdkd
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
Me watching Tashigi and Monet fight in Punk Hazard, and Hold Each Other In an Embrace: This too is Yuri...
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
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And I wouldn't have one piece any other way. Fuck the govt.
Also extra meme, marineford related, below the cut.
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huginsmemory · 1 year ago
When everyone was like yo crocodile is so transmasc coded I was like yeah he really is and then I got to the scene where we see crocodile in impel down and Iva threatens him and like. holy shit. It's. It's so clearly canon? Like sure it's not explicit where they are like he's transmasc!!! But theres basically LITERALLY no other way to explain it the interaction. Like holy shit Iva, Queen of the Queers who gender yoinks people threatening him so he cooperates and Crocodile so clearly being like don't you fuckin dare talk about my past and what you did for me. It's so fucking obvious holy fuck. This man is transmasc.
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