#hugh ransom drysdale x plus size reader
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I know 3 picture probably was requested for BOC, but it reminds me of Ransom x plus size!Reader. The beginning of their relationship, when she was just hired. He would ask her to explain something to him, give her absolutely ridiculous task. She thinks he is just another shitty boss. But Ransom is just smitten, confused by the intence feelings he experiencing and maybe likes how cute she is when she is annoyed (also, that ass and tits 🤭)
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The thwack of thick files on your desk was sharp. The potent verbal assault was just another layer of irritant stimulants that made you question whether a jury would convict you of murder if they knew you’d strangled Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
For a moment you debated it. Truly you thought about ripping the tie from around one of the squeamish interns necks and strangling Ransom with it. A harrowing yet delightful thought until you realized that still, even with him dead, you’d be responsible for filing paperwork.
“What’s this?” Instead of murder, you questioned the files with furrowed brows.
“Files. You did them wrong. Fix them.” Ransom leaned against your desk, long legs dressed in a Tom Ford or YSL tailored suit. “Now.”
You clicked your tongue against your teeth and counted to five in your head before you were composed enough to reach for the files and pull them closer to you. You looked over the classifications you’d etched onto the top folder and then dug your toes into the front of your heels.
“I did them right, they’re fine.” You pushed them back toward him, your head raised and eyes steely against his own heady gaze.
“Are you questioning your boss, Marshmallow?” Ransom’s hand fell to your desk top, his lips pulled into a smirk. “That isn’t very good girl behaviour is it? Questioning me…”
“Only his intelligence,” you muttered with a scoff, your eyes rolling so far into your head you thought they might fall out your ass, “the files are fine.”
“Redo them. Now.” Ransom’s fingers curled, his smirk widened as you were accosted by his new cologne. “Because I said so.”
“Because I said so.” You openly mocked him, mirroring the movement of his mouth with your left hand, knowing full well that both of you were pushing each others buttons.
“Do I need to pull you into my office and give you a spanking?” Cocky as ever and defiantly ignoring professionalism, Ransom Drysdale presented himself as an arrogant image of sex on legs.
“I’m not redoing the files, Ransom. They’re fine.” This time you spoke through gritted teeth, ignoring the tension crackling between you two.
“If they were fine, I wouldn’t be telling you to redo them.” ransom’s hand left the desk and rest upon your cheek, his fingers deftly grazing the softness of your skin. “You work for me, Marshmallow.”
“I could quit. There’s other arrogant assholes who wouldn’t cause me so much grief.” You threatened with a snideness and a sharp jab of your pen into his shoulder. “And-”
“-and I have a long list of things I’d like to do to you.” Ransom’s voice grew thick and hoarse, his eyes darkened and a flood of lust surge through his clutch.
“Ransom-” you also found it hard to breathe, your mind escaping you.
“-only after you finish the files, Marshmallow. Don’t disappoint your boss.”
“Ransom Drysdale!” You smacked his hand away and pushed the files back toward him, scoffing with derision. “You are such a tool!”
His laugh was a electrifying and boisterous, truly catching your ire until he leaned back against your desk and cupped your chin in his hand.
“I’m only teasing, Marshie.” He tapped your bottom lip and hummed deeply. “Get your things, I’m treating you to lunch.”
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
The Slip Up
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Ransom Drysdale x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1418 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Keeping your relationship with Ransom a secret from his family until you get caught getting a midnight snack in one of his sweaters
You didn’t really want the Thrombey family to know about your relationship with Ransom. 
It wasn’t really that big of a deal, the two of you were both adults and you didn’t think they wouldn’t like you. It was just that he didn’t have the best relationship with his family, and you didn’t really think it was any of their business.
You didn’t want to deal with his entire family, asking questions and prying where they had no business being. 
His family had enough trouble keeping their noses out of each other’s business as it was, Ransom had never tried to hide that fact from you. 
They were constantly asking when you two were planning on getting married or having babies. On one occasion, his mother even asked if you’d gained weight since she saw you last. 
You’d simply grown out of that, a long time ago, and you didn’t want to have to justify yourself to a bunch of people who didn’t even like you. 
You had known Ransom for most of your life, but you’d have never known it based on the way his family treated you. The only one of them who you could even tolerate was Harlan, who was always kind. 
From the very beginning, when you were nothing more than a little girl, coming to hang out after school, he had always been nice to you. 
That didn’t change when somewhere along the way, your relationship with Ransom had morphed into more than it was ever meant to be.
You were everything, and nothing all at once, for a while. You were more than friends-with-benefits, but you weren’t quite ready to be married to one another for the rest of your lives. 
It was a strange combination but it had always worked for you and Ransom. 
It wouldn’t make much sense to any of his family members, or anyone else who had been in your lives before, but you didn’t feel the need to change it. The two of you were wonderfully fucked up, and you didn’t want to apologize for that. 
So, it was much easier to just keep it hidden from them entirely.
You could have, and would have, continued that way uninterrupted until you decided to saunter down to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Usually, when  you and Ransom turned in for the night, that was it but your stomach had other ideas. 
For some reason, you were starving. 
Those damn floorboards creaked as you made your way down the stairs, alerting everyone under the roof to the fact you were out of bed. Though, you were sure they wouldn’t bother getting out of bed. 
With so many people under one roof, it was only understandable that some noise would come to be, at some point. 
Besides that, it had to be three or four in the morning and you couldn’t imagine that any of Ransom’s family members would be awake at this time.
Ransom had always been the night owl of the family, and if he was asleep, there was no way anyone else would be up. You would have put money on it, if given the chance. 
However, maybe you should have assumed that wouldn’t be the case. 
You wished it was true, that you could just walk down to the kitchen and get a glass of water, but as soon as you turned the corner, you saw that wasn’t the case at all. 
Standing right there, smoking a cigar over the sink, was his father. 
Richard was still up, for some reason, and it was quite possibly the worst thing that could have happened to you. In all their minds, you were sleeping in the guest bedroom but that would be hard to play off in your current ensemble. 
Adorning your frame, was one of Ransom’s sweaters. It was an old one, of course, with the stitching all worn and frayed but that was what made it perfect for you. 
A brand new sweater of Ransom’s would never have fit you but this one fit like a glove, save for the large hole in the shoulder that you’d made a decided choice to ignore. 
It was just one of those things that was perfect about it. It was his, and was one of those things that you would never give up, no matter what. As a bigger girl, you’d never been able to wear a partner's clothes before, but this was different. 
It was oversized and fit snug over all your curves. Of course, it was the only piece from Ransom’s closet that you could wear but you had made a choice to enjoy it. 
That was why you were wearing it tonight. You were cuddled up in bed with Ransom previously, all snuggly and cozy, just like it should have been. 
However, this thing seemed much less wonderful than it had when you were in bed, because now, it was going to reveal your biggest secret to your boyfriend’s father. 
It was terrible. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” Richard asked, a small smile on his face as he looked at you, not even bothering to address the fact that you were wearing something that didn’t belong to you. 
All things considered, you were lucky that Richard was the one to see you first, as he didn’t care about much of anything. Though, your celebration was short lived because you knew it wouldn’t stay that way forever. 
At some point, someone was going to find out about this, and you just weren’t sure if you were ready for that. 
“Nope, needed some water” you allowed, snatching a water bottle from the fridge and immediately heading back toward the stairs, not even bothering to say anything else. 
You just knew that he knew, and that was too much for you.
You didn’t even know what to say, and you didn’t stop moving until you were safely locked behind Ransom’s locked, bedroom door. It was the only place you could hide away.
“Your dad knows, he totally knows that we’re dating” you sighed, resting all your bodyweight against the closed door. You had no idea what was going on, or what you were going to do, but Ransom didn’t even seem phased. 
In fact, he barely even looked up from his book when you told him. 
Clearly, this wasn’t the world ending news to him that it was to you. There was a reason you two had decided to keep this whole thing a secret, sure, but deep down, he didn’t know why it mattered now. 
They were his family, but he didn’t really care about what they thought. You were the greatest thing that had ever happened to him and if his family couldn’t handle that, he didn’t need them. 
That was it. 
“Who cares” he shrugged, earning a gasp from you that you hadn’t even realized you were holding in. This was insane, but you wouldn't have known that based off of how he was acting. 
It was like nothing had happened at all. 
“Ransom! I’m being serious? Isn’t this a huge deal? What are we going to do?” you wondered, plopping down on your shared bed with a huff. It made you really upset, but he had hardly blinked. 
It just didn’t make any sense. 
Did he not understand how big of a deal this was? After all this time, you’d been hiding it and now your biggest secret was on the brink of being out, and he didn’t seem to care. 
You were just lost. 
“Honey, would you relax? Everything is going to be fine” he hummed, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, a small chuckle on his lips as he leaned over you. 
This was just one of those things that came with the territory of hiding your relationship, it was bound to come out at some point. 
It was just what happened sometimes. 
“I love you, okay? It’s all going to be fine” he smiled, moving up toward the headboard, holding out his arm for you to snuggle up into your rightful place against him. 
Whatever happened, the two of you could deal with it, he could deal with it. All you had to do was relax and trust him, and eventually, everything would be back to the way it was. 
Besides, Ransom doubted that his family would even care in the first place. They didn’t care much about anything else he did. There was no reason why this should be any different. 
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99!! With Ransom!!! Please 🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗
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99. “This bath is too damn hot.” - “This is why we can’t do cute things. You complain too much.” 
Soft!Ransom x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, Soft Ransom, Nudity
Thank you for the ask! I like making drabbles with prompts, honestly its a good distraction for my stress here and I only been home for a day now lol
You just gotten home after being at work half the day, waking up at 5am and coming back at 6. 
You were exhausted from the day.
“Ransom, stop. I want to go to bed...” You whine, trying to pry his arms and hands off you, lazily. Ransom leans down and his lips bump your ear, “Let me get the bath ready. At least it’s something I can do.” 
A nice warm bath in your head would be nice. You didn’t even respond and his hands grab the hem of your sweater, slipping it off you with ease. “Come on,” He says, lowly. You felt your arms get goosebumps from the air of the home while you stood in your tank top, following your boyfriend into the bathroom.
You watched him turn on the bath and he even added soap into the making of it. The smell filling your senses, it was one of Ransom’s favorites on you. 
He stood back up from the tub and towered over you. With a grin, he grabs the hem of your tank top this time, slipping it off to show your black bra. You never took the time to cover yourself in all the tiredness in your whole body.
Ransom then reaches behind to unclasp your bra, easily getting it off with a single pull.
Managing to strip you down, he struggled with your jeans because you barely helping. But he didn’t argue. Leaving you in your last remaining undergarment, he walks over to the tub and turns off the faucet once it filled. You walk over to the tub while he sat on the edge of it.
You reached over to feel the water. Once your hand dipped into the water, you hissed and pulled back. “Ow. Ransom!”
Ransom furrowed his brows, “What?” 
“This bath is too damn hot!”
Ransom looks down to the tub sighing, he shook his head, “This is why we can’t do cute things. You complain too much.” 
You dropped your shoulders and Ransom glances at your chest, a smile forming seconds later. You rolled your eyes as he stood up and pulled your waist toward him and he kissed you. You pull away, “Fix my bath or you won’t join me.”
Ransom grins, “I’m joining you either way.”
@jtargaryen18 @princess-evans-addict @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @captain-a-rogerss @donutloverxo @patzammit @rororo06 @axen-gers @bucksgoat @lovepeacefood @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @la-cey @nickysurfer28 @chris-butt @stargazingfangirl18 @adriannajackson @chuckbass-love @mcntsee @nbarnes @stop-obsessing-over-those-actors @void-hoechlin @elliee1497
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Request: drabbles idea, Ransom is very grumpy and in a bad mood. So he is teasing and taking his mood out on the reader.
Request: I don't know what character to choose - X character being needy but constantly getting interrupted whenever they try to get between your legs, maybe over the course of two-three (?) days before finally corning you in a semi-public place?
Summary: You’re Harlan’s new maid and all Ransom wants to do is tease the fuck out of you.
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x plus size!maid!Reader
Warnings: minors DNI, smut, dubcon, Daddy kink, naïve reader, stuck porn, fucking the help, groping, secret touching, semi public sex, unprotected sex, degradation
(A/N: idk it just hit me. Sorry this took so long, nonnies but I hope you like it. Kinda had to change it a little but I did what I could. And also sorry for putting them together but it just made sense. Like, follow, reblog with comment, please 💜 ✌🏾)
»»——————————- ♡ —————-————-««
“Hugh, quit it,” you whispered harshly at him for the millionth time after he’d grabbed your ass when you poured him another glass of water.
His family had roped him into coming for dinner and as usual he sat there being all pouty and irritated. When you started working for his family he’d decided it would be fun to set his sights on you in particular. Always making sure to only behave like that when no one was paying attention. He was so happy Grandad had hired you for extra help.
Besides he knew you liked it. Or else you would have said something by now. He could tell you were a nasty little freak even if you put on a good innocent face.
“No,” he whispered back.
He knew you liked it because you could easily stay away from him. Always passed by him when someone asked for something even if it was complicated. God he could pretty much smell the submissive dripping off of you. Sometimes he wondered how far he could get you to go right here right now.
He tended to keep his actions at least over your clothes, but as you started to pour Linda’s wine he decided to go a little further. Sliding his large hand up your skirt so he could grab your ass. Squeezing your flesh and surprisingly happy to feel the lace of your panties. God he was so glad grandad was old fashioned for more formal parties. This little outfit was really working for him. Such easy access.
You took in a sharp intake of air, not saying anything before topping off his glass next. With that he pushed your panties to the side so he could get a feel of that pussy he’d been dying to fuck. Fuck you were wet. He fucking knew you liked it.
“Shit.” You gasped as you jumped from the sudden stimulation. Spilling red wine all over his cashmere sweater.
Normally he would have exploded and god was everyone excepting him too. As you apologized and told him you’d get the stain quickly setting the bottle down so you could dab. Promising you’d get it out no problem.
You were surprised when he didn’t get angry. Instead just stood up and rolled your eyes for you to get it out before it set. Since his family would prefer that then him blowing up at you, no one thought anything of it.
You quickly got to work as Harlan called him up to grab a shirt before he could even try anything. Rolling his eyes as the old man told him he was so proud of how mature he’d been to not make a big deal out of it. All the while his grandson was just trying to get back downstairs so he could see what other ways he could get away with touching the new maid in places he definitely shouldn’t be.
He tried to go back downstairs when Harlan told him you knew what you were doing and to come back and enjoy the festivities. So he pretended to care about whatever bullshit was coming out of Walt’s mouth when he was dying to get you alone.
He took his first chance to get away that he could so he could get back down to you. Making sure no one noticed him leaving. “Oh, Y/N,” he called in a sing song voice as he came back down.
“Hugh!” You called, sounding panicked. He raised an eyebrow as he finally saw you. Ass sticking straight out at him as you were lodged underneath the seating.
“Well, well, well, Miss. L/N, what do we have here?” He purred.
“I’m stuck,” you whimpered.
Ransom chuckled. Getting down beside you. Putting his hands on either side of your hips with him right behind you. Trying to tug you out.
“Ow!” You protested as you budged a little.
“Shit, Sugar. Looks like you’re in quite the- how did you end up like this?” He asked with a chuckle seeing how snug you were. “Are you always this clumsy?”
“I dropped the brush and when I tried to get it I got stuck,” you replied trying to wiggle out and ignoring his last comment. Ass shaking about.
“I dunno,” he said. “How do I know you’re really stuck and you’re not just doing this to show me your thick ass.”
With that he put his hand back on your butt. Squeezing and rubbing and there was nothing you could do to stop him. Even as you tried to jump away you were at his mercy.
“Hugh!” You squeaked.
“How about this, Sugar, you help me out, I help you out?”
“… what do you mean?” You gulped just like before.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” he said, as he moved behind you. “That little cunt was dripping upstairs and all I did was grab your ass and tell you to pour my water. Admit it, you like it when I boss you around huh. Is that why you became a maid?”
“No,” you whimpered.
“Then what is it, Sugar?” He asked.
You stayed silent. Shivering and then letting out the cutest little whine as he put his thumb against your still covered pussy. Fuck he really liked these panties.
When he realized you weren’t saying anything, smacked your ass hard enough to at least leave a sting. “Daddy, asked you a fucking question.”
“I just thought you were cute!” You finally answered in a cry.
“Aw. My Sugar has a crush on me? What would I look like fucking around with the help,” he cooed. “What if you try to trap me? We can’t have that.”
“I’m on birth control,” you replied.
“So you do want me to fuck you,” he teased.
“I didn’t say that!” You protested, trying
“Aht, aht, aht, don’t play shy now. It’s too late. I already know you’re a little slut.” That was when he landed another smack, but this time to your pussy. Making you jolt up with another squeak. “Look, Sugar, I don’t give a shit if we get caught. If anything it’ll be your ass on the line. So if you want me to get you out, you’ll have to,” he paused so he could push your lacy panties to the side giving him the best view of that soaking wet pussy. God, you were a mess. “cooperate a little.”
Ransom reached down so he could start undoing his belt. Hoping you heard every little noise of the buckle and then his zipper coming down. He put his hands back on your wet pussy so he could play with your clit making your back arch.
“You gotta boyfriend?” He asked.
“No,” you replied.
His cock tapped against your ass as it sprung out of the confines of his pants. God he hoped you felt how hard he was against you.
“Good. You don’t let anyone else touch my pussy. You hear me?” He asked, lining up to your hole. The head of his dick nudging into your opening. “I can already tell I’m gonna have so much fun using your little cunt, Sugar.”
With that he pushed in. Not giving you time to get used to him as he started fucking into you. Reeling in how fucking tight and soft you were. Fuck you may just be worth the scandal.
He held your hips. Using your predicament to his advantage as he slammed in and out holding onto you tightly. The force moving you back and forth just enough to where he could feel you getting loosened with each thrust.
“Fuck, Hugh!” You cried out. Pussy clenching around him like a vice. Juices cascading down his length like you’d never been fucked like this before. Maybe you hadn’t. Fuck he kind of hoped you hadn’t. He liked the idea of ruining you.
“It’s Daddy to you, Little Slut,” he groaned. Fuck he was so close to you he was pretty much riding your ass. “Say it,” he demanded. Only to be met with silence. “Fucking say it,” he repeated.
“You’re my daddy.” You cried out.
“Good slut. Such a good fucking slut.” God he was so deep he was pretty sure he was in your guts.
As he kept going you finally got loose enough to pull out only for him to not stop what he was doing. Force fucking you like he was trying to claim you. Maybe he was. He was definitely going to keep using your pussy as much as he wanted now.
“I’m gonna cum!” You whined.
“Yeah?” He groaned. “Just because you’ve been such a good girl once you got your shit together, I’ll let you cum on my dick, Sugar.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” you cried.
“And such good fucking manners. That’s exactly what I need from my good slut.”
With that you came on his dick just like you told him you would. Walls clamping around his shaft so tight, he was pretty sure you were trying to milk him. Fuck he couldn’t stop as he shoved into you as deep as he could go letting his cum shoot into you just like he’d been dying for. What a good fucking slut.
You stayed like that. Spent and trying to catch your breath as he tucked himself back into his pants. Your pussy looked so pretty so messy he couldn’t stop himself when he pulled out his phone to take a picture. Next time he’d get you naked so he could keep your panties as a souvenir.
“Ransom!” Harlan called from upstairs. “Are you bothering Y/N, again!”
“Sorry I was just checking on my sweater,” he answered as he stood up. Leaving you to raise up on your own. Smoothing your little skirt down.
“And how is it?” Harlan asked as he finally made it down to the bottom of the landing.
“I just might have to take her off your hands.” He winked at you before walking off.
And just to think, you’d be having a totally different conversation right now if Harlan had come down five minutes sooner.
That’s okay he’ll just corrupt you at his house anyway.
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onsunnyside · 3 years
𝙍.𝘿. – Smut
mostly PWP; one shots, drabbles and headcanons.
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Read the warnings for each fic.
Organized by author.
← 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘮 𝘋𝘳𝘺𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵
@afriendlyblackhottie -
Controlled - CEO!ransom x camgirl!black!reader
Love Me
plastic - sex pollen
Powerpuff - plus size!reader
Stress Relief
@agentofbarnes -
no shame
@angrythingstarlight - A Word of Advice
@avintagekiss24 -
[Paper] [Power] - ransom drysdale x black!reader x andy barber
We Loved With a Love That Was More Than Love - gang bang/multiple sex partners m/m/m/m/m/f, cult-like gathering, cult rituals, steve rogers x black!reader ; minor pairings: andy barber x black!reader, sam wilson x black!reader, ransom drysdale x black!reader, bucky barnes x black!reader
@bluemusickid - A Deal with Drysdale.
@buckyownsmylife -
he hears you say your ex was better at oral
sunrise - jealous!ransom
you play strip twister together
@bunkerbucky - Got What He Wanted
@carolmaximoffs - teacher’s pet - college au, tutor!reader, virgin!reader, innocent!reader
@chrissquares -
Baby Daddy
I Like Trouble - bratty!reader
@chuckbass-love -
Hood Sex
The New Teacher - single dad!ransom, teacher!reader
Your Filthy Addiction
@cloudystevie -
73) “I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.”
bratty - DDLG
her cherry lips on his whiskey flavoured kiss - soft!ransom
@dadplease - a lesson to remember - dark!daddy!ransom x little!reader, DDLG
@donutloverxo - Vanilla
@drabblewithfrannybarnes -
Anything - wife!reader
A Valentine’s Cockfectionery
Cam Boy Ransom series - camboy!ransom
Cookies & Cream
Flesh of My Flesh - dark, dark religious themes, blasphemy
Sweet Smell of Golf
@et-lesailes - spreading the sugar [1] [2] [3] - sugar daddy!Andy & ransom (twins) x reader
@fairyevans -
Deserves A Picture
Pool Party For Two
[Warm Welcomings] [House Warming Gifts] - carter baizen x reader, ransom drysdale x reader
@holdontorogers - Voulez-vous
@honeydulcewrites - smoking a blunt with Ransom
@kaiparker-avengerssmut - Online lessons
@kinanabinks - Leather Wallet, Velvet Purse
@needleandhammer - Fruition - soft dark!ransom, governor's daughter!reader
@ozarkthedog -
Fallen Leaves and Dirty Knees
Spit Kink HC
@punani - a man of god - priest!ransom, religious elements
@quietmyfearswith - perfect fit - tailor au, fashion designer!ransom
@stargazingfangirl18 -
Brat Tamer - bratty!reader
Dirty Picture
Foursome w/Andy, Ransom, & nomad!Steve
Model Misbehavior - model!ransom
Our Little Secret
Piercings - part 1 is steve, part 2 is ransom
Possessive!Ransom ask
Ransom/Ari/Andy Foursome - andy x reader, ari x reader
Simple Request
@strawbeariefaerie - strawberry shortcake - model!ransom x black/woc! actress!reader
@steebsbabygirl - Pretty, Pleated Skirt
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork -
Can’t Wait, Can You
Ransom finds out you have a Alpha Kink. Guess what he wants you to call him during sex
Ransom really doesn't like you calling him Hugh
You Can’t Get Better Than A Thrombey
@sweeterthanthis -
Kinktober Drabbles Day 4: Creampie - Ransom Drysdale
That’s My Girl
Ripped Of Innocence - soft dark!ransom x religious!reader
@the-iceni-bitch -
Exhibition kink/drunk sex
Fighting All Night
Introducing Chaos
Let's Make a Mess
Sex Against the Window
Sweet Revenge - ransom drysdale x reader x random female BGC
The Pleasure and the Certainty
@threeminutesoflife - Have You Any Wool?
@peachyteague - become a freak with my body
@wanderinglunarnights - Restraint
@wiypt-writes - Barking Up The Wrong Tree
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Ransom Drysdale x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1711 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Ransom spoiling you and spending a ton of money on you which upsets his parents when they see just how much money he spends on you
It was no secret that Ransom liked to spend money. 
He had basically come out of the womb with a silver spoon in his mouth and the promise to keep it there all his life. In fact, you often wondered if money had any value to him at all. 
As best you could tell, he was always going to be that way and nothing would change that.
You, on the other hand, had never been able to shop without worrying about the price tag that it came with. You had worked hard for everything that you owned and you never took it for granted. 
However, that all changed as soon as you started going out with Ransom. 
He refused to let you pay for anything on your own...and that included your car payments, rent, and student loans. Before you knew it, Ransom was even showering you in gifts. 
It was no better than helping you pay off your bills but something about it seemed more unacceptable. 
You could live without crushed velvet peacoats and gold jewelry. 
...Not that telling Ransom any of that meant anything. 
He didn’t care at all for your eye rolls and complaints when he handed you the bags he’d acquired throughout the day. If anything, he liked shopping for you and it made him happy to spoil you. 
It made him feel like there was a reason for his wealth, and that he had a purpose.
It was something he wasn’t used to, especially not knowing the family he came from. 
That being said, you never really thought about how much money he really spent on you in all the time that you’d been together. Spending cash and showering you in lavish gifts was how Ransom showed his love. 
It was just the way it was. 
After this long, you had just grown to accept that Ransom wasn’t going to stop. However, that didn’t make the idea of visiting his family any easier. As a general rule, you two kept to yourselves. 
You avoided his family at all costs, but the death of his grandfather changed that. It meant a lot of different things, but for you-it meant that you’d have to meet his parents, for the first time in your life. 
It wasn’t something you were looking forward to. 
...Not even in the least. 
“I’m not sure about this Ransom, what if they hate me?” you grumbled, unsure if this was really worth it. Ransom had made it clear that his family wasn’t all that supportive of him, which only lessened the chances of them liking you. 
It just wasn’t looking good, and you couldn’t help but be nervous about it. 
However, all Ransom did was scoff at your worry. His family may not have been super into him as a general rule but if he knew anything at all, it was that they would love you. 
You were a well-mannered, kind, decent girl who deserved the world and if they couldn’t see that, they didn’t deserve the pleasure of your company. 
You were incredible, and they would realize that as soon as possible. 
“Don’t even worry about that, they’ll think you’re awesome” he assured, reaching over with his free hand to take your hand. He was driving with the other but he would always figure it out when it came to you. 
Maybe it was the fact that Ransom didn’t give a shit about his family’s opinion but whatever went on, it didn’t matter. 
...It wasn’t going to change anything between you. 
“But what if they don’t?” you countered, shocked that he would even dare to be so confident about that. There was a much higher chance that they’d find you bothersome, and he had to know that. 
They could hate you just on principle without knowing anything about you, but it didn’t help that you were wearing a dress that Ransom had bought you. 
...You were sure they wouldn’t like that.
“Well, no time to worry about that now Sweetheart, cause we’re here” he grinned, pointing out the window to the large estate. At first, you thought he was kidding but when you glanced in that direction, you could hardly believe it. 
The home resting there was hardly a house at all. In fact, it was more or less a fortress and you couldn’t believe it. You had never seen a more brilliant place. 
It was incredible. 
“This is your grandfather’s house?” you gasped, eyes wide as you surveyed it. You knew that Ransom’s family had quite a bit of money but you never would have guessed it was that much. 
This was some Bruce Wayne level wealth, and he didn’t even exist. 
Ransom grinned, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. He was a proud guy, but the fact that you were that enthralled by what he’d always had added to his ego. 
One day, he hoped to get you an estate like this. It would be a wonderful place to raise spoiled rotten little rugrats, likely with hunting dogs to chase them around the yard. 
It would be perfect. 
“Yep, this is it” he muttered, parking it in the driveway in the front, turning to you before getting out. “Don’t worry, they’re going to love you” he assured, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to your lips. 
It wasn’t a foolproof plan but by the time Ransom pulled away from you, you were actually feeling much more confident about this whole thing. 
“No matter what happens, you’ll always be my girl” he winked, opening the door with a start. Everyone else was already inside, but Ransom didn’t mind being the last to arrive. 
...Especially not when he had such a catch to show off to his loser family. 
It was a terrible idea really, but by this point, you were completely on board, mostly because he was telling you the truth. 
If Ransom’s family hated you, it may actually increase how in love with you he was, knowing how much he hated them. 
Ransom’s entire family was convened in the front room of Harlan’s house, just talking and catching up. It was supposed to be a time of mourning but that wasn’t going to stop Ransom. 
He had a whole plan around this evening, but in order for it to work, his family had to get to know you first.
...Not that they cared. 
As soon as you two came into the room, all conversation came to a halt. No one knew what to say or do, only exchanging glances between each other. 
They didn’t know what was going on, but nevertheless, Linda was the first to speak. 
“You’re late Ransom. Would it have killed you to show up on time?” she wondered, ignoring the elephant in the room for a moment. 
It was easier than even trying to address that. 
See, you didn’t know it but Ransom had never brought a girl home before, and they weren’t even sure how to react to that…
A simple fact that he’d chosen to keep to himself.
“You know, that’s a poor choice of words, considering-” he smirked, clearly amused with how clever he thought he was. Normally, you would make more of an effort to calm his mouth, but you didn’t have that kind of power here. 
Besides, after all of the things that had gone down between Ransom and his family, you knew better than to interject. 
It wouldn’t get you anywhere. 
“We’re being incredibly rude by the way. Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Y/N” Ransom tutted at them like you would a child. He was really having a good time with this whole thing. 
It was going to get you into a lot of trouble before this was over. 
That was it. That was all he had to say and then the questions ensued. Linda and Richard wanted to know everything about you like if you’d gone to secondary school and where, how much you made, where you worked. If they could think of it, it came out of their mouths. 
Not that the rest of the family was any better. 
Walt, Joni, and Donna were no stranger to putting their noses where they didn’t belong either, which you’d heard from Ransom on many occasions. 
You always assumed that he was being dramatic, but that clearly wasn’t the case. 
...And the entire time, Ransom sat in the middle of it with a huge smile on his face, just taking it all in. 
“Wait a second, is that a Cartier amulette?” 
The voice came from outside the hounding you were currently in the middle of it, but that didn’t mean that you were in any way safe from their upset. 
Everyone turned around to find Meg, sitting on the couch with her phone in hand, staring intently at the chain on your neck. It was a birthday present that Ransom had given you, but you had no idea where it came from. 
Clearly she did though. 
“Maybe, I’m not sure” you shrugged, not understanding why it was that big of a deal. 
However, everyone else in the room could hardly contain their gasps of shock and confusion on their faces. “Not sure? That’s a four thousand dollar necklace” She filled in, as if you were supposed to know that. 
You assumed it was expensive when he gave it to you, but you never guessed that it was that much. 
“Ransom? Did you buy that? That is such an irresponsible use of your money” Linda huffed, finding it hard to believe, though before the conversation could go on any further, you heard the man you loved clear his throat. 
“If you don’t like that, you’re gonna hate this” Ransom smiled, standing from his chair only to kneel down in front of you, pulling the biggest diamond ring you’d ever seen from his jacket. 
...You should have known. 
That was why he’d asked you to come here. You should have been upset that he was using your engagement to get back at his family, but you couldn’t because you were too busy saying yes. 
The rest of his family would just have to accept the fact that Ransom was going to spoil you, for the rest of your lives.  
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