#hug them cmon you’ll be fine
neonarboretumart · 2 years
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‘Things seen in darkness are often misunderstood in the mind of a child’ oh yeah well what if this child loves monsters huh what then Scott
Seriously though I love how nightmare Fredbear turned out look at him he’s just a lil guy
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crabussy · 2 years
told my parents I use he/him LMAO <- went through intense emotional turmoil but it’s ok. love is love
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Nicknames Naruto boys call you—☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋, choji🍥,gaara⏳, kankuro🪆
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He always calls you complimenting nicknames such as beautiful, gorgeous and pretty ect. He doesn’t care about your looks honestly you could be the ugliest person alive and he’s still love you. He just needs you to know your attractive no matter what! But also calls you the classics like babe n sweetheart!
“Good morning gorgeous!!” “I look like a fucking raccoon babe.” “Your still attractive no matter what y/nnnn” side note he loves giving morning kisses~
Darling. Without a doubt he calls you darling or love. He’s not sure what he would call you at first other than your name but it soon came to him. He is soooo soft for You idc what anyone says I can just imagine his soft voice “oh love” “anything else darling?” “I have a surprise for you my love” (I’m crying)
He will genuinely start crying if you called him sweet nicknames like that. (I’m writing abt that later😋)
Hes so Basic yet so complex honestly he will call you the most basic nicknames like babe or sweetie but then go on for hours how your the only one for him and how your were like a missing piece in his heart that he has finally found, yet he can’t come up with any better nicknames😭
“Babe have I ever told you how I feel like I’m missing apart of myself every time your away. Honestly just going to bed without you pains me so much. I’m so happy I found the one for me~” “not even baby just babe?” “I’m trying to be sincere and sensitive y/n!”
He mainly called you dear like a old couple (LOL). Other than the sweet compliments he gives you about how hot you are n such he’s similar to kiba, basic nicknames but a lot of meaning
“Dear, I have put together a small picnic for us. I finally have time to treat you right so I figured I’d take you on a date” “Aw your the sweetest old man ever~” “anything for you dear!….HEY.”
Call me stereotypical but he totally calls you love bug, cuddle bug or flower, cuz your his little love bug yk just full of happiness (mostly). He isn’t one to just use nicknames every sentence, he thinks nicknames should be special not matter how many times he uses them!
“Shino! I’m so happy your back home ugh I’ve missed that face! Cmon give me a hug~” “of course, I’ve missed you too love bug, or should I say cuddle bug” “either one is fine Shino~”
Destiny (ha get it) I’m jus joking. Similar to shikamaru he talks you like you guys are an old couple but still romantic, so names like sweetheart, love and gorgeous. He uses them frequently thought so throughout the day you get to hear his pretty voice
“Sweetheart how was your day?” “Love do you want to tag along with me to the store? Or just for a walk” “you look gorgeous as always” AGH
Ez he calls you precious. He finds it complex enough to show the love he truly feels for you without the nickname being overwhelming. “You are my precious! I will spent my whole life protecting and serving you! You deserve the best!!” I love him.
“So pretty! You are so special y/n! You are the most precious person to me!” “My precious I have a surprise!” “Precious, do you care for some tea, I’m making it fresh!”
Also ez he calls you either honey, sweetie, or pretty. Honey and sweetie for obvious reasons, he finds you as sweet as candy and as yummy as honey, but he also finds you VERY attractive.
“Honey! I’m making dinner I hope your hungry pretty~” “your so nice to me y/n, like sweets! Ooooo that’s a good name, sweetie!”
He just calls you by your name, he doesn’t know what he’s doing LOL. You’ll have to coerce him into calling you cute nicknames by either promising him a reward or explaining how it’s normal to call loved ones names other than their name.
“You can call me anything you want gaara!!” “Can I Call You raccoon?” “No.” “Oh.. then what can I call you?” “Oml I’ll give you cuddles if you start calling me darling~” “sure thing y/n…uh darling..?” “Your so cute when you get flustered!”
Flirt. So names along the lines of hotty, sexy, doll. Pretty self explanatory he thinks your fine asf so he’s gotta make it known. “Oo whos that hotty? Oh my gosh that my lover~” he teasing you, well atleast tried you but you just end up giggling at his attempts!
“Doll do you want to come help me in my work shop?” “Danm your so sexy~ honestly I’d let you do anything to me” “what’s your problem weirdo!” “Your hot thats my problem”
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Hi! Could make a request about Percabeth x gn reader who is clingy/likes to spend as much time as possible together and physically affectionate with Percy and Annabeth, but not to others? Thank you!
Percy and Annabeth with Clingy Reader
Double combo 😍🔥🔥 I love writing self-indulgent stuff hehe
Hope you enjoyed this one, I loved writing for both of them😔😔😔 not proofread
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Being the clingiest one out of the three of you, its really hard to unstick yourself to the other two
No matter what, reader is always seen with AT LEAST Percy or Annabeth
You feel at your best when your with both of them, so it’s not uncommon for other campers to see you hanging out with either Percy or Annabeth, or even both!
You love spending your day with them, spending as much time with them before dinner by accompanying them to their activities or chores
Since you’re the most open about your affections, you’re always somehow touching them
Whether it be a lingering hand on their back or an arm wrapped around their waist, you’re always clinging onto any part of them
Hand holding is a MUST for you
Annabeth takes your right while Percy takes your left����
The one who would let you fully indulge in your clingy antics is Percy because,,
Cmon on now
I headcanon Percy as super clingy and affectionate too💀💀
He would let you latch on to him whenever you want bro, he’s all yours
He’s clinging just as tight
He loves when you just randomly jump on him and hug the living life out of him
Since he’s just as affectionate as you, you already know he’s gonna play along with you as wrap your arm around his
He’ll then wrap his arm around your shoulder which causes you to hug him
His final one up on you is hugging you back while lifting you up in the air, your laughter ringing through his ears like music (SCREAMING)
Now, with two extremely affectionate people, Annabeth has to be the one to balance y’all out
As much as she loves being bombarded with your love attacks, she’s more calmer with her advances with you
So while your energy is bought all the way up with Percy, you’re able to just calm down and settle next to Annabeth when around her
Percy is more high energy and Annabeth is more soothing
She loves the more quieter moments between you two since she thinks they’re more intimate
Like during the campfire while Percy is somewhere in the dark night, you’d rest your head on her shoulder
She’d gently lay her own on top of yours and just
Sit there
She relishes in the moment you share, allowing you to take her hand and hold it, looking down at the serene look on your face while smiling
In private, you’re 100% more clingy
If you’re bunking in Percy’s cabin, you’ll cling onto your boyfriend and girlfriend, loving the way you’re sandwiched between them despite the bed offering so much space
You’d play with both of their hands while you slowly fall asleep, Annabeth’s warm and Percy’s cool hand comforting you as you close your hands
Now about what you said about reader not being affectionate with others, it would be more about how comfortable you’ve grown with Percy and Annabeth
Yeah you’ll hug your sibling every now and then, but for the most part, you’re just not as close to anyone to be as affectionate as you are with your partners
And people find that fine tbh, whatever your more comfortable with is better🔥🔥
Spending so much time with Annabeth and Percy have made you all grow closer
Sure there have been some problems sprinkled in here and there, buts nothing that a good talking can’t fix
You’re living your best life as long as you got them both at your side 😭😭💔💔💔
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bordysbae · 2 years
i genuinely need like frat wedding with someone like idc but i wanna see how it would fucking go 😫
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“wedding bells”
mark estapa x brisson!reader
word count: 1.3k
warning: cursing
ps: this is not a romance story, there is kissing but its not really a love story! sorry if that’s what you were expecting!! also, sorry this isn’t exactly a frat wedding but it’s pretty close in idea? also idk why the gif is so blurry :((
you and your older brother, brendan, somehow ended up at the same college. so this meant having to deal with his idiotic teammates all the time. you’re just hanging out in your dorm when suddenly dylan and ethan come banging on your door. “jesus christ i’m coming stop knocking on the door!” you groan, rolling out of your bed.
you open the door and see ethan and dylan breathing heavily, sweating a little too. “should’ve known it would be you idiots, what do you guys want? also, why are you guys so out of breath?” you ask, annoyed that they disturbed your peace. “you need to come with us to the sophomores house, cmon” dylan says quickly grabbing your wrist. you stop in your tracks, causing dylan to jolt backwards. “hold on! i don’t have shoes on dumbass!” “hurry up!” ethan exclaims as you go back into your dorm to grab shoes.
the boys take you to the house, and you’re met with not only your roomate, who’s also your best friend, but also the entire hockey team. “what the fuck is going on?” you chuckle nervously, confused why so many people are here.
“go turn around in the corner, we have a surprise for you” thomas says as he grabs your wrist and pushes you into the corner gently. you turn around and listen to the chaos and whispers going on behind you. “y/n turn around” your best friend sing-songs. you slowly and cautiously turn around, afraid something might jump out at you or something. you never know what the hockey boys have up their sleeve. when you turn around you see everyone either sitting on or standing around the couch, and mark is in front of you down on one knee. your mouth falls agape at the sight.
“y/n, i love you—“ mark pauses and turns around to face your brother brendan, “as a friend, don’t kill me briss.” brendan chuckles and gives a thumbs up, as mark turns around to face you again. “—so much, so will you do me the honor and marry me?” he asks, as he pulls out a ring pop from his pocket. you hold back a laugh, and nod in agreement, wiping fake tears to go along with the act.
the crowd around you guys erupts into cheers and laughs, as he places the ring pop on your ring finger. he pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear, “i’m sorry about all this” he laughs, making you finally break and begin laughing too. the guys suddenly turn you and marks hug into a group one and you’re instantly being crushed by everyone. “so when’s the wedding?” luke asks. “uhh, saturday! tomorrow night we can all go out to the bar as a bachelor party” mark suggests. “what about me? i can’t be in your bachelor party, i’m the bride!” you say. “oh suck it up y/n, you’ll be fine” ethan says as he pats your shoulder. “yeah yeah, whatever eddy”
today is the day, and you’re wearing a random white dress you found in your closet. it’s definitely far from a wedding dress, but you’re a broke college kid, so a tight dress from senior year homecoming is the best you’re gonna get. your roommate, now maid of honor, is doing your makeup, while your other friends who you chose as bridesmaids get their dresses on. the boys are lucky since they need to dress up before games, so they all have nice outfits already planned out for them.
eventually it’s time to walk down the aisle, and your bridesmaids all found someone to pair up with. brendan is walking your friend eliana, ethan is walking shea, luke is walking molly, dylan is walking ella, and lastly thomas is walking you. thomas isn’t apart of the bachelor party but since he’s your brothers best friend who you’ve grown close to, he decided to step in to walk you down the aisle.
“good luck out there kid” he chuckles softly, making you chuckle slightly too.
once you reach the altar you see mark standing in front of you, a stupid grin across his face. nolan was collectively voted to wed you guys, since he’s the most “responsible.”
“ladies and gentlemen i bring you all here today to celebrate the um, totally real marriage of y/n and mark!” nolan says, and the crowd roars of things like “get it mark!” and “that’s my boy!” once the crowd quiets down, nolan speaks up again. “so, mark would you like to start us off with the vows?” “oh sure” he says as he scratches the back of his neck.
“y/n i love the pancakes you make after a long night out, they taste really good! i also really love how you blast music from your phone for no reason literally every time you’re over! umm yeah i love you a lot, i guess?” he says awkwardly off of the top of his head. “you couldn’t even write anything down?! you’re such an idiot estapa!” ethan bursts out laughing, making everyone including you laugh.
just before you can begin your vows suddenly nolan speaks up, “um excuse me, phillipe there’s no smoking in here unless you give me a hit, so please put your puff bar away sir.” nolan scowls at the boy who’s in the second row of foldable chairs. phillipe takes one last hit and places it back in his pocket, “my fault. continue with your vows.” you chuckle before pulling out your phone to read the vows you wrote. “mark, i’ve gotten to know you decently well and i’m honored to be marrying you! you’re a pain in the ass who im so glad to be marrying. thanks for always eating the food i make, you’re always the reason i need to make three batches of pancakes for you idiots. i love you lots!” you giggle at the stupidness of this entire situation.
“oh her vows were so much better, you suck estapa” dylan exclaims. “shut up dylan!” mark groans. “alright, mark, do you take y/n to be your wife, to be together through sickness and in health, to be together uhhh—“ he pauses to think, “um, through old age?” he shrugs, making everyone laugh once again.
“i do” mark smiles at you. “y/n, do you take mark to be your husband through whatever the hell i just said to mark?” nolan asks you. “i do” you smile. “alright mackie, bring out the rings!” nolan exclaims, as mackie rises from his seat holding a little box with two haribo wedding rings in it . mark places a ring on your finger, and you place the other one on his.
“you may now kiss the bride!” nolan cheerfully blurts out. “briss close your eyes” mark says as he wraps an arm around your waist, dipping you down like in the movies and kissing your lips. many ‘woo!’s and ‘get it!’s can be heard from the crowd around you. brendan pulls mark away from you playfully, “okay that’s enough kissing my sister estapa!” he says as he fake gags.
matty starts playing ‘dj got us fallin in love’ by usher as you and mark walk hand in hand down the aisle. “matty i wanted taylor swift to play at my wedding! not party music!” you complain. “it was this or some random youtube video dylan found of wedding bells!” “wedding bells are a real thing? i thought that was just a saying” mark chimes in. dylan shrugs, “i didn’t know they were real either, i just looked up wedding music”
“enough bickering you four, nolan bought champagne!” thomas says, luring the four of you back inside the house. “to the newly weds!” nolan says as he shakes the bottle before popping it open, making everyone cheer.
never did you think your wedding would look like this, but if we’re being honest, this is way more fun.
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
Once innocent. Part 4. (Sully family x reader)
Hi! Just a reminder that this is a mini series to show the deeper sides of Y/n’s life BEFORE “The chore” :) 💕 I never said that the argument y/n had in ‘the chore’ was the only serious one she was in.🤫
Y/n waited patiently until it was her turn to hold Tuk. When Y/n did, she didn’t hold back tears, she didn’t care who saw her, the tears she left out were the first emotion she let anyone see in a long time.
She’s beautiful. Her skin is so soft, the way she smiled at me was so contagious and the way her small hand wrapped around my finger was perfect. She was perfect. “hello sunshine, aren’t you precious and innocent? How could Eywa bless us with someone so perfect? You’re my bundle of joy. I’ll protect you.” From then on, that’s all I ever did.
Soon my mother didn’t need to give constant care to Tuk, and that’s when I took in Tuk. It’s not like I wasn’t always there when she was just a newborn, because even when she was under my moms care, I’d take her any chance I’d get. She was the only one I spoke full conversations with, even if she couldn’t speak back, just seeing her smile at me was enough to warm my heart. When I noticed how mother and father slowly distanced themselves, tired of having to spend everyday with the clingy child. It only showed a reflection of what others saw with me and my parents. I would never let her endure or go through what I did. I will take care of her, that way when she returns in my parents arms they will ache for her. Tuk deserved that. Not a empty ache for their child, not the ‘care’ I received as a kid.
“Dad? Mom?” Giggles erupted from the sweet girl as she hugged onto her dad’s leg. “I found you dad it’s been hours since we first started playing hide-“ her father looked at her suddenly feeling frustrated with how messy the girl was. “Y/n let go. Your hands are dirty. Go clean yourself up.” The child looked down at her hand and giggled once again “oh yea..sorry sir I was practicing outside and then I fell when I ran to chase you!” As soon as I cleaned up I ran back to cuddle next to them except they were all asleep and there was no room left for me so I had to sleep on the edge. “Mom? Dad? Guys?…I guess this is ok..It’s fine! Good night!” *
Please no, she’ll never experience the heart break I did. Tuk is only a toddler, she’s drawing right now. “Hey! What you drawing there sunshine? Can I see?…You know I’m no good at this game. But I’ll try to guess what it is, just for you! Just give me a second I’ll figure it out…is it me?” Tuk giggles and point at me after I said that “it is me! I knew it! Cmon can you say Y/n Tuk? Y/nnn.” Tuk just sighs smiling and looking back down at her drawing. “Not much of a talker are you sunshine? Grandmother told me you should be speaking by now, but don’t worry about it! You’ll talk when your ready! Maybe your hiding a special fun secret? Maybe…you found out i was the tickle monster!” I raise my hands to tickle her into a fit of laughter “rawr!!!” I laugh with her and come to a stop…her laugh is so full of life. I’ll keep going through life just to hear that laugh everyday. “We should start helping mom prep our meal shouldn’t we, sunshine? Let’s go!” We head to help mom and I prep Tuk down handing her the two toys I found for her, with crayons and a paper. I joined smoothly helping my mom prep. We didn’t talk much especially after she broke her promise. Call me dramatic but it hurt. My mother knew it was wrong too…hints why we don’t speak anymore. The one time where we’re able to find words to say to each other was when Tuk needed something but that was rare. I always knew when Tuk needed something or how she liked something. Majority of the times Tuk was just asking to return back to my arms. The food was done so we began preparing and eating our meal. I sat away from my siblings that were in the corner, to sit next to Tuk and help her eat her meal. Dad seems upset today…please no. “Y/n. Why is there crayons on the floor. Clean it up.” I look up and slowly get up to pick up the crayons Tuk had been playing with. “Why aren’t you watching your sister? She has crayon marks on her arm. You let her get dirty. You know when you were born I thought how the hell am I supposed to raise this messy kid. This hyper active little kid who’s reckless. You can’t be that way with Tuk. It’s not ok.” Cmon really? In front of Tuk. “I know, I’m well aware at how important it is to keep the child clean. Try not to abuse your power father. Tuk is here. You will NOT do this in front of Tuk. It’s just not gonna happen” I pass a smile and look at Tuk who was smiling at me pointing to our hammock. “No more food Tuk? You sure did eat huh sunshine? Let’s go clean you up and put you to sleep while Mom and dad eat.” I tried acting like I didn’t hear him talk about me to my mother. Maintained a smile on my face. How could they ever think she was going to stay dirty? I would never let it happen. She’s a kid, of course she’s gonna get dirty, but I’ll clean it up. I shower her as tears drop down my face. She grasp my face and points to my lips with her hands opening up and down motioning me to speak and then back to her toys. “we’re going on a…bear hunt. We’re gonna catch a…big one!” She giggles and I finish washing up to take her and I back inside. I place her in the hammock setting her with my parents, giving a kiss on the cheek and a goodnight before walking away. “Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” I immediately freeze…she has such angelic voice. I turn around smiling as my parents watch by with shock…their daughters first words! Tuk crawls towards me with her hands out telling me to grab her. I giggle at her sweet actions and twirl her “oh sunshine-“ my father speaks up “Just take her tonight. Just be quiet and go to sleep.” He can be upset but I don’t care. Nothing can ruin this moment with my sweet angel.
Tuk was 5 when I started training her, I was going to teach her it all. She became a quick learner and she enjoyed it just as much as I did. We were on our way to my usual training spot until she spotted the place I had went to for pretty flowers and accessories. Maybe she can learn how to crown and bead first and then we can go to survival more. I was smiling at her until I saw she almost touched the neon flower. “Wait Tuk! Don’t touch that one! It makes you have this weird reaction and it’s gross!” Tuk laughs and look up at me “…Did you touch it?” I looked down with an ashamed face,not wanting to admit how I was left with a weird reaction all over me because I touched the flower “…i don’t know” We spent the rest of our evening crowning and beading. Then I told her i’d show her how to make the clothing, explaining to her it’s necessary in case you need extra or something happens. Then Tuk seemed to go more quiet…”what’s wrong…Tuk?” She looks up from the blanket she was making “hungry.” I was quick to grab her toy that was a shape of a food,thinking of something quick to change her mood “hey there Tuk! It’s me the famous hamburger word on the street is that you are hungry and you want to eat me! Do you want want to eat me?” She giggles and says “cmon y/n I can’t eat a toy!” I give her a good look and hold the toy up again to say “aw man, my feelings are hurt!” Tuk is quick to say “well my stomach hurts!” “mmh, sassy!” She giggles and I go towards my bag to see if I have anything to give her. I pick up a container of small leftovers I had set for when I was going to do extra work around the village, it’s fine I’ll just skip eating today. Something I’ve been doing a lot lately, and trust me not on purpose.
“You need to start picking up your work Y/n because this isn’t cutting it. What are you doing to even contribute to the village? Cause I see nothing. You are nothing because you do nothing.” Are you kidding me. He doesn’t care does he? The fact that his child is right there. “Tuk go with mom to sleep ok?….(Tuk looks at her dad suspiciously and leaves her sister with a hug) Tuk was here. I take care of Tuk. Remember? And I DO put my part into the village I just came from there! This argument that you’re trying to pick up isn’t happening right now. While you had the privilege to come home early as the ‘olo'eyktan’ I didn’t. There’s a clear defining difference between us Sir.” As I was leaving placing to go in my hammock, I could still hear him mumbling complaints. I turn to go get some rest “Y/n, Y/n! Good night sleep!” I giggle and say it back. But as soon as I turned there was no longer a smile on my face. How could everyone sleep so peacefully while I now have to work hours on end.*
“About all we got!” Handing her my small meal. Tuk looks at the lunch, saddened knowing she watched me make it in the morning, for more work my father ordered me to do. “…what about you?” I turn away from my beading and smile “go for it! I’ll find something else soon! I’m not even that hungry sunshine!” Tuk looks at me with her ‘thinking’ face. Oh Eywa, no don-“how about I go with you to help around in the village…you know as my…contribution? (She’s handing these words slowly REMEMBER she’s only 5 right now that’s why she’s taking awhile to remember the words she was taught)” To the hours that I’m up by? And the hours I have to wake up the next morning? This would not be a fair ask. She’s just a kid “After we are done with these blankets we can give it to the village and this will be your contribution ok? Your doing great Tuk! You’re quick!” Tuk laughs but is upset for her sister on the inside why does she have to always work?
We kept on dealing with our next days like that and I slowly introduced her into survival. Tuk was still eager to do more in her village so today she decided why not just follow her sister, instead of asking her? It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission! It’s only a matter of time before Y/n gets tired of working and wants to go away…leave.
I dropped Tuk off home with my shoulder still slacked down…I’m so tired. Only a couple of more hours and I can sleep. peacefully. “Ok Tuk good night, sunshine!” I turn to walk away but to my surprise she followed me back out of our home. What is she doing? “If you leave…I want you to take me too.” She’s confusing me. “W-what are you talking about?” She looks up again “Please don’t be mad. I don’t want to be alone. Not having you makes me feel alone. I can’t live with you not with me y/n. I know you want to leave sometimes. I also know that this work you’ve been doing is a lot. So just take me to work with you. I’ve been asking for a long time, I can help.” No, this can not happen , I will not take her helping hand. This is work my father gave me to punish me. I will not bring her down with me. I refuse. “If you have the time to fall asleep? You do it.” Tuk raises her voice with frustration very evident. “I said I don’t want to!” Throwing some tantrums here and there are and aren’t ok. I was never allowed to do it so dealing with it can be…confusing? Frustrating? This is technically my first time raising a kid. “I don’t care what you said. You will do it.” Tuk is quick to say “I don’t care what you say!” She can’t just deny what I’m telling her. This is for her. “Cmon Tuk!” Letting a frustrated sigh go before i kneeled down to talk to her and get her to understand. “You can’t break promises Tuk. You said you’d stop pushing the idea. You promised me.” She gives an ashamed look “…ik” she still has eagerness to come and it needs to stop. She can’t go through I have to do everyday, it’s not easy. “You’re not letting this go are you? Tuk I’m done. We’re not doing this anymore. You’re going to drop it or you’re in big trouble. I mean it.” Tuk rushes in to give me a hug. “Fine. Go to work, but take care of yourself ok? Oel ngati kameie, y/n” I sigh into her hug, relieved “Oel ngati kameie, sunshine….ok you should go inside to go to sleep I’ll give you a good night hug and kiss ok?” She grabs my hand and rushes me inside, I can feel my dad’s stare as I go by their hammock to give Tuk what I promised. After that I leave quickly, I don’t want to talk to them. They don’t know about my life now and they never will. Just a couple of more night and I’ll drop this stupid extra chores thing.
Tuk WAS 5…Now she was 6. I taught her a lot in the span of that one year except now, she feels like she conquered the world. Which I can admit is very cute! She’s been begging to ride my Ikran for MONTHS. Today I might just given in! She did so well during her practices and she’s managing everything perfectly. “Okkkk…fine. BUT you must know how they work and you need to remain calm ok? And hold onto me extra tight.” I explain to her that and more until it was time to ride it. “Hold on Tuk ok? Just like we promised!” We were doing just great flying, that was until my Ikran decided to do this small crazy scary drop I taught it a couple of months ago, this wasn’t supposed to happen. “AHHHH! Get me off Y/n this isn’t fun! Please!” I was already on it. I agree, this wasn’t fun to do with her, that should not have happened. “I’m so sorry Tuk, that wasn’t supposed to happen I didn’t mean for it to happen! It was just supposed to be a normal fly. Shhh sunshine, I got you. I’ll protect you. Remember?” Tuk’s crying calms down but that doesn’t mean dad didn’t hear it. He walked in as soon as she stopped, perfect. (sarcastically ofc) “Ok sunshine, go play outside for a bit ok?” Tuk is very hesitant until father grows impatient and give her a “Go Tuk. Now.” I give her a smile, knowing exactly what’s about to happen.
“I- it was just a short fly and a small drop I swear Sir she just got frightened, I calmed her down ok? She’s fine-“ he cuts me off AGAIN. “Small drop? Y/n I saw you. (It was a small drop, just happened out of nowhere and nowwww he wants to exaggerate it) You seriously flew an Ikran with her? she’s six. Of course she’s going to be scared?! Why would you be stupid enough to take her? To force her? It’s not ok. So whatever stupid training thing you two are on. It comes to an end. NOW!” He can not be serious. He’s acting irrationally now. Frustration takes over my patience. “Excuse me? You will not yell at ME. For training her the way she should be. She ASKED to go on the Ikran and I agreed. You didn’t even know she could do the things she’s done. She’s the greatest in her age division and you know what? I actually teach her the way it should be taught. Not like some soldier.” Anger was erupting in him. I can see it. “I will yell at you. You’re training her stupidly. Those records don’t prove nothing. You’ll make her weak and reckless just like you just did with her. I am the parent. You are the emergency call.” Words sliced deep. But it sounds like he’s telling me I can’t train her anymore and I’m not letting that happen so I’ll argue as much as I have to. “Who are you to criticize me? What have you done for her? Do not use the fact that you’re a parent against me. She’s as strong as she can be. She’s quick and smart. You’d know that if you were smart and actually cared. You are wrong. You will not tell me I can’t train her while you do whatever it is that you do. You can’t even spend more than full two days with her. You are the shittest father of pandora.” He shoves me into the wall like I was nothing. I lose my breath by how hard he shoved me. “Do not speak to me like that. I don’t know what type of ‘I can do anything’ journey you’re on but it stops now. You’ve never seen death, or had a world be cold towards you. So stop it.” I laugh. I laugh it all as confusion is written on his face “you really don’t know anything about me.” I push the hand he had a hold on me with and continue “I’ve had death held at my hands. I’ve had the only thing that actually cared for me AS A CHILD die, in my own fucking hands. Blood covered my hands. While I saw the only man I consider a father die. Rey’akana taught me everything YOU should’ve already done. You have never been there for me my entire life. I’ve handled everything you have given me, perfectly. Every pathetic attitude you threw and every order. So take it to someone else now.” He took a moment to answer, contemplating his next words. “Life isn’t fair sometimes Y/n ok? Get over it. He died for a reason, maybe he even died because of you. Ever considered that you distracted him? It’s was your fault. His fault.” He stabbed into me and I didn’t even see it coming. He wanted to make it clear I wasn’t going to be the reason Tuk would get hurt, he was going about it and in all the wrong ways. He let his frustration get in the way. So I shoved him back “you didn’t even know the warriors you fought with. With the way you’re going about this, I’ll see you in hell.” He looks to me like…like I was the one wrong. He put his hands on me first. He yelled at me first. He lost his ways, first. Now he thinks he’s going to bring this to an end. “You will not watch Tuk anymore. You are clearly a mess. You can’t do anything on your own. You’ll distract her too. She could’ve died because of you. You’ll be in hell for a good long time before I show up.” He’s using her against me. I don’t care what he says, I hold zero mercy. “I don’t mind waiting. If your going to take Tuk away from me…then you better bury me deep. Because when I come back, I’ll come for you first!” He didn’t hold mercy either “you need something to hit you, and hit you good too. Your not listening.” He threw a glass handle by my head. However I saw Tuk walk in at the same time it happening….
💞! Cliffhanger !🤭
any thoughts? 💞😭
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
Hello! May I request sfw with Kid where the reader was very exhausted after a long day at work and Kid was there to soothe them and spoiling them with hugs and kisses. Thanks! Love you works btw <3333
Thank you! Eustass being a soft man- yes. I’ve been wanting to write for Eustass Kid for a while and tbh I see Eustass being a chaotic character which I really love writing for. I gotcha!
Btw bear with me, I’m nowhere in one piece where I’ve seen Eustass before.
Eustass “Captain” Kid Fluff.
Contains; Fluff, just comfy fluff. Very tired reader. Eustass just holding his baby in his arms. Reader falls asleep in Eustass’ lap.
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You stumble into your shared room and yawn, your body fully drained and weak to the point where it hurt to walk and it was a struggle. Laying you bag onto the ground, you stumble and trip onto your shared bed and let out a pained whimper from the soreness of your body. Kicking off your shoes, your body sinks for into the mattress. Not bothering to take your work clothes off, you climb onto bed and lie there before letting out a sigh of slight relief. “Babe? You okay?” Eustass peeks through the doorframe before fully walking through, checking up on you. He was wearing his casual clothing, something comfy as it was a rest day for him due to his hard work and the slight pressure of being the captain of the ship. You groan in slight pain as you slowly peek up at him.
He sighs and fully steps into the room before walking over to your drawers. “Cmon sugar, change your clothes.” Eustass sighs as he digs through one of your drawers to find some pajamas. You whimper as you pull off your clothes before Eustass tosses you a t-shirt and jogging pants. You struggle to put on your clothes but you do and crawl back onto bed before Eustass gets in with you. He wraps an arm around your side and presses a smooch to your cheek, making you blush and let out a little giggle.
“M’guessin’ work wasn’t very good today, was it?” He asks, looking down to you. You shake your head and lay your head far against his chest. “I think I had strained myself…” You admit sorrowly to Eustass, knowing he would probably get upset. He huffs and gives you a frown. “I told ya about doin’ that! If you keep straining yourself you’ll only hurt yourself more. How many times do I have to keep tellin’ you this?” He says angrily as a little vein pops out of his head.
You whimper and apologized profusely, nuzzling against him to calm him down. “M’sorry Eustassss…” You whimpered. He sighs. “It’s okay. At least you’re workin’ hard I guess…” He groans. Pulling you onto his lap, he wraps his arms around you softly, not too tight as he didn’t want to make you feel worse than you already did. You wrap your arms around him and sighed as he rubs his hand along your back. He presses a kiss against your head before pulling you close, a little smirk appearing across his face. “You’ll be alright sugar?” He asks, looking up at you. You lay your head onto his shoulder and smile, happy that you were with him and that he’s comforting you. “I’m fine now that I’m with you Kid…” You sigh as you nuzzle into neck while hugging him tightly.
A chuckle leaves him before he yawns. “Well then, let’s relax together then sugar~” He says, a little yawn leaving his lips. You yawn after him before settling yourself in his lap, now growing sleepy after your energy was drained from work. “Get some rest baby, m’hoping you don’t have work tomorrow.” He sighs before settling in bed. You groaned as you fell asleep in arms, leaving him the only one awake. He smiles and presses one more kiss to your lips before relaxing. “G’Night sugar.” He sighs before turning you both over in bed. He tucks you both in before turning the lamp off on the nightstand, the sound of waves a bit faint in the distance.
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“Long Night”
Duff Mckagan x reader
You jumped out of the cab grabbing your backstage pass when a security guard stopped you. “Do you know the band ma’am?” He asked sternly. “Yes I’m Duffs girlfriend” you said smiling and showing your pass. The man’s face tensed up when you said Duffs name that couldn’t be good you thought. “Alright come with me.” He said. The man lead you inside and backstage to where you could hear a very angry crowd chanting boo and some other rude things about the band. Shit you thought what did Axl do this time. Speak of the devil Axl came walking past with his security team he looked pissed. Like real pissed not normal Axl pissed like he was about to punch anyone who looked at him wrong right now. You decided not to ask him what was going on in fear of having your face punched in. You saw Slash running up behind and decided to ask him instead. “Slash what the hell is going on why is Axl pissed where’s Duff?” You asked Slash. “Long story…” Slash said somewhat outta breath. “Basically we came on late crowd was super rowdy Axl yelled at them then they started throwing shit at us and Duff got hit in the head” “DUFF WHAT” you interrupted now worried about your boyfriend. “He’s fine y/n it was just a bottle but now he can’t play so the show is over and the crowd is pissed and so is Axl.” Slash said. “Ok well where’s Duff?” You said not really caring about anything but him in this moment. “He’s down the hall the paramedics are looking at him” Slash said. “Ok thanks.” You said already starting to jog down the hallway to him. You found the room down the hall Duff was in and sure enough there he was sitting on a couch holding an ice pack on his head while a paramedic was shining a flashlight in his eyes. “Duff babe are you ok” you said running up and hugging him and then placing yourself right next to him on the couch. “Never been better sweetheart” Duff said in a very sarcastic tone. “He doesn’t have a concussion” the paramedic said. You let out a sigh of relief. “He just needs to rest and I assume you’ll be with him tonight so make sure he’s not around super bright lights and take him to the ER if he throws up but other than that he’s fine and I’ll leave you two alone.” The paramedic said getting up to leave to room. “I’m so sorry Duff I got here late and there was traffic and then Slash told me what happened and I was so worried-“ “Babe look at me” Duff said lifting up your chin so you were looking him in the eyes “I’m fine really and all that matters is your here now” Duff said kissing your forehead. You relaxed a little more with that now. You two sat silent for a few mins. Then you stood up and walked away from him and held up three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up Mckagan.” You said half joking half serious. “ Y/n you can’t be serious” Duff said rolling his eyes and laughing. “I’m serious” you said smiling. “Three” Duff said. “There happy?” Then you walked up to Duff and sat right in his lap “Do you know where you are Duff?” “The jungle y/n” Duff said in a sarcastic tone “cmon babe the guy said I didn’t have a concussion you can relax” Duff said laughing at you. “ I know i know I just love you so much babe” you said kissing him. “ I love you too baby” Duff said. “C’mon” you said standing up. “Let’s go home and rest” you said grabbing Duffs hands and leading him out the door. “Awe i wanted to go home and make out” Duff said in a whiny voice. “ Not tonight blondie ” you said giggling at him. It was going to be a long night trying to get Duff to actually rest but you knew you would still love every moment with him.
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xobrattymoonxo · 5 months
Summary: When Y/n had everything taken from her at such a young age, she wanted to strike revenge. Foster home after foster home Y/n set fires all over the place... and even some people. It wasn't until the number two hero, Endeavor, took her under his wing for a positive image. Y/n meet a boy there, Touya. Touya was the only one who understood her. One day, Touya is rushed to the hospital.....Y/n never saw him again. Endeavor begins to blame Y/n, as all his force is now aimed at her. Baby shouto came shortly after the incident. On Shouto's 7th birthday, y/n was kicked out and forced to live off of nothing. Y/n rummaged the streets of the city until she met a pro hero, snipe. He helped Y/n to better herself and become a great hero. Y/n only has one goal, though....and that's to kill Endeavor. Little did she know her childhood best friend, Touya, has been keeping an eye on her...... And he has other plans for her, hero.
Trigger Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, somnophilia, Yandere, stalking, obsessions creepy behavior, major character death, brutal scenes of violence, arson, setting people on fire, blood, gore
Taglist: Open, dm, send an ask,  or comment to be added!
AN: Omfg y'all, I am so sorry this took forever!! I am currently Con crunching so hard. I decided to make 3 cosplays from scratch right before the convention (may 24 -26) This chapter is also really really short but the next one will be fake texts so It will be regular length :3
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“I’ll be on my way now, thanks Dad.” Y/n 9id as she walked out the front door. 
Y/n walked down the dark street as she felt her phone buzz, It was Rumi asking her whereabouts. Y/n shut off her phone and tucked it back into her pocket.              
“A little hero like you shouldn’t be walking the streets alone at this hour? Should you?” Dabi spoke up from behind her. 
Y/n jumped at the unexpected voice. She turned on her heels ready to fight. 
“Dabi?” She whispered out. “Why the hell are you following me?” She snapped. 
Dabi walked up to her slowly and placed his hand on her cheek. 
“You’ll see soon enough.” A warp tunnel appeared behind him as he stepped in. It remained open for a few extra seconds like it was encouraging her to step inside. She reached her hand out and pulled back upon hearing her name. 
“Y/n?!” It was her dad. She turned to him, fear and curiosity dripping from her face. “Was that….Was that a villain?” He asked ever so cautiously. 
“Yeah…. Dabi.” She said. “He’s been following me around.” She said ever so casually. 
Snipe looked where the warp was as he pulled her in for a hug. “Cmon, let’s get you home.” He whispered. 
Y/n had been avoiding Keigo and Rumi for three days now. She didn’t leave her parents' home. 
A loud knock appeared at the front door. Y/n sighed as she went to answer, upon opening the door, the person had left. There was flowers on the doorstep with a small card that read “You cant hide forever.” Y/n looked around outside trying to find the source.
“Y/n! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Rumi yelled from the sidewalk. She ran up the front porch and smiled.
“What do you want, Rumi?” Y/n asked, annoyed. 
“It’s been 3 days since Keigo or I have heard from you!” 
“Funny how you care after talking so much shit on that patio the other day.” Y/n snapped. 
Rumi’s eyes widened. 
“Save it Rumi.” Y/n turned to walk away as Keigo swooped in and picked her up, lifting her in the sky.
“What the hell Keigo! Put me down!” Y/n demanded. 
“We need to talk to you.” He said. 
“I don’t care!” 
“Then I won’t put you down!” Keigo snapped. 
Y/n scuffed. “Fine, we can talk! But on the fucking ground!” Y/n shouted. 
Keigo placed her down on the ground as Y/n opened the front door. 
“You guys can come in, my parents are not home right now.” The two followed her into the house. She led them to the kitchen table and sat down, motioning for them to do the same. 
Before she could speak, Keigo spoke up. 
“Look, Y/n. I am sorry for how I reacted… but please try and understand why I didn’t react well. Endeavor is my hero-” 
Y/n cut him off. 
“He used to be my hero too. Sucks when you find out the truth, right?” y/n sassed. 
“I’m sorry, please let me make it up to you.” keigo begged. ‘
Y/n looked between the two and sighed.
“Fine, only cause you guys are like my only friends.” She said with a laugh. 
“We are going to get some lunch, you wanna come?” Keigo asked Y/n. 
She nodded as the three stood up and left the house. 
The three walked down to Y/n’s favorite restaurant down the street. She couldn’t help but feel as if someone was watching them walk there.
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Taglist @weirdovictor @fiestynatureweeb @venusplan @itsmearia01 @punkandnerdy9
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planetharrie · 2 years
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・First Moon Pity Party
In which Harry’s daughter starts her period, and with neither her sister or mum home, she must confess her ‘embarrassing’ situation to her father.. 👨‍👧���🩸
Red. The colour red was the that stained her damp, rosy cheeks and joggers when Dottie realised she’d started her period; her first ever period.
She’d originally planned on using the bathroom like any normal human, until she spotted the smudged stain of blood on her joggers and underwear. ‘Fuck’ is what she muttered harshly under her breath as she stood with her trousers half-way down her legs.
Dottie carefully stepped out the legs of her joggers and chucked them into the sink, turning on the tap. She unhooked her mum’s dressing-gown from the back of the bathroom door and tied it ‘round her. Luckily it was red too. She prayed her uterus would give her a few minutes before gravity took its side so that she could wash her stained clothes.
It was when she began scrubbing the stain with Detol hand soap that she began to cry. She wished her mum was here, or at least her older sister, to comfort her or help her clean herself up. She was only thirteen, none of her friends had started their periods either so she felt lost and confused. She knew her Mum would make a great deal out of it; she’d probably cry a little as well. Dottie laughed slightly at the thought of her Mum even going as far as congratulating her with Dad patting her shoulder awkwardly.
But, neither mum or Opal were home and her Dad was only in the room next door.
The bottle of hand soap suddenly slipped as she pumped another dollop of suds into her hand and it thudded to the floor, rolling on the tiles till it stopped when it hit the skirting board.
“Piece of shit.” Dottie hissed with a sour scowl tugging at her features. Her breath hitched in her throat when a knock came from the other side of the wood door.
“Dottie? Y’kay?” Dad. She looked up at herself in the mirror with a dreaded look fixated deep in her brows.
“Uh, ye-ah! I’m fine, Dad.” Dottie called back, voice cracking with stress. She winced at how her answer wasn’t very believable, even to the most gullible of ears.
Scanning the room for the dirty washing basket, she swiped the tap handle and the water turned off. She hurriedly dried her hands on the dressing gown. The basket was downstairs in the kitchen, waiting for its contents to be chucked into the washing machine.
“You didn’t fall, did you?” Could he just go away?
“N-No! But Dad, it’s really embarrassing but—I think I started my. .” She held a breath tight in her chest and look back at the soggy-sop of clothes in the sink. “my period. . .”
“Are you serious? Do you need any help, love?” Harry came closer to the door, his ear nearly touching the painted wood as he listened for a reply. “I know I’m not Mum, but you know this stuff isn’t embarrassing or gross to me, right?”
There was a pause from both sides before the latch lock slowly got slid across and the door was opened.
Dottie looked up at her father with shame and embarrassment written all over her face. Harry scanned her features before bringing her in for a hug.
“You never have to feel embarrassed or awkward around me, ‘kay? I grew up with two women in the house and now I’m raising two of my own,” He ruffled Dottie’s hair and stroked her sweaty hairline, “I’m used to it, Love. I’ve helped Mum when she’s had bad cramps. I’ve cleaned the sheets, I’ve helped your Aunt when she and I were younger. And your sister and even my own Mum. I’d say I’m a pro at this!” He smirked cheekily.
A small chuckle was squeezed from Dottie’s tense demeanour and she nodded. “Well, you know more than me at this moment. .”
“You’ll get to know and understand your body soon, don’t panic. Watch out though, Mum might throw you a first moon party.”
“I’d rather bleed from my eyes.” They both laughed and Harry craned his neck down to his the crown of his daughter’s head.
“Cmon, go get changed. I’ll wash your joggers for you, okay?” He’d spotted the saturated dark-grey joggers in the sink when the door first opened. He had a dark-load of washing to do anyway (which he’d actually forgotten about) by demand of his wife.
“Thanks, Dad.”
“‘Course, Poppet.”
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eomayas · 1 year
may i ask a baekhyun scenario? unplanned pregnancy and he doesn't want the baby. reader resists. anything about cold/bad/fucboy or what else 🤣 but happy end please. 🥺🥺 I want to see s/o's happiness.
omg 😭 anon i’m so sorry for how this turned out i hope you like it 😭😭😭 fuckboy baekhyun makes me feel insane i feel crazy for writing this! beware of the worst baekhyun you’ll probably ever read on my page ! i do not condone this behavior at all yall.. have fun with this. thank you for the ask also!! 🩷🩷
unplanned • bbh [req]
pairing: fuckboy!baekhyun x pregnant!reader, fwb (?) relationship
synopsis: you find out you’re pregnant with baekhyuns baby, and he wants nothing to do with you (or it).
warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, baekhyun is awful, like really awful. reader has a poor sense of self worth/respect :((. but the ending is kind of happy (ish??).
two red lines only mean one thing on this test; so does the word ‘pregnant’. three pregnancy tests lay on your bathroom counter, all concluding the same thing: you’re pregnant.
“well?” your friend, chaeyoung, asks on the other line. you called her when you woke up vomiting, after feeling nauseous for the last three days. she’s the one who bought you the tests, dropping them off at your work on her lunch break and telling you to call her immediately when you take them.
you don’t even know how your lasted at work today, feeling sick the entire day and vomiting every time you went to the bathroom. you had hoped it was just food poisoning, and had managed to convince yourself all day that it was, even when chaeyoung brought you the tests. up until now, your hope for food poisoning was going strong.
letting out a shaky breath, you say, “well, im pregnant,” your voice breaking on the last syllable. a nasty sob escapes your mouth and you drop the phone onto the counter, covering your mouth as the tears start streaming. your whole body shakes as you bawl into your hands, your tears gathering in your hands and sliding down your arms.
“i’m coming over,” you hear chaeyoung say, and you start shaking your head as if she can see you.
“no, chae, it’s fine,” you cry, wiping underneath your eyes with the back of your hand, though it does nothing because the tears keep flowing. you’re not ready to have a baby, not even close. it wasn’t even planned.
“y/n, i’m coming over,” your friend says. you can hear shuffling, and you panic as you try to find the nicest way to tell her to stay the hell away from you.
“chae, stop please! i just want to be alone right now,” you sniffle and hear her sigh.
“you need support.”
“i haven’t even told baekhyun,” you moan out, the realization crashing down on you. that alone makes you start bawling again, not ready to deal with him and his reaction to this.
“oh god. y/n, i feel like i should come over,” chaeyoung says, and because she’s your best friend and you don’t have any energy to fight with her, you mumble an ‘ok’.
twenty minutes later, chaeyoung arrives with boba and a few snacks. you feel drained, and your skin feels tight due to the dried tears on your face. chaeyoung throws her arms around you once she’s inside of your apartment and all of her items are on the counter.
the two of you don’t say anything as you hug tightly, silently crying on her shoulder. chaeyoung rubs your back soothingly and tells you that it’ll be okay, but you don’t believe her. there’s so many things that you need to do, like tell your family, figure out doctors appointments, build a nursery, talk to the father of your child. but nothing feels possible, it all feels overwhelming and out of reach. “cmon, let’s sit,” chaeyoung says, grabbing the drinks and walking into your living room.
the both of you sit on your couch and pop the straws through the film lid, and drink. you barely take a sip, letting your lips wrap loosely around the straw, your mind everywhere but here. “talk ti me, y/n. let it all out,” chaeyoung says, scooting closer to you and wrapping her arms around you. you lean into her and let out a shaky breath.
all you can think about is baekhyun, and his reaction. you know it’ll be bad, and you’ll probably end up crying like you always do. he doesn’t spare your feelings ever, and can’t imagine him doing so when you tell him, and it makes your heart ache in the worst way. if your relationship wasn’t already messy and bad enough, it just got incredibly worse.
“i cant tell baekhyun,” you say. you feel chaeyoung let out a breath, and you’re grateful that you can’t see her face, because her expression would definitely make you cry. chaeyoung hates baekhyun, to put it simply, and has made ir clear that she doesn’t support you fucking with him to any degree.
“you know you have to,” she says. you close your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “do it now, before it’s too late.” and by too late, she means before you have 3 months to figure out if you’re going to be a single parent, or not.
you’d like to think that baekhyun wouldn’t be against raising this baby with you, but you know, deep down, that he he is going to be. hell would have to freeze over before he’d even consider playing the role of this baby’s father.
you pull yourself out of chaeyoungs embrace and lean back against the couch. you feel her eyes on you, and you take a drink of your boba to busy yourself. “you know i’ll always be here for you,” she says, and you nod. chaeyoung and you have been through a lot, emotionally, and it all started when you began sleeping with baekhyun. she hated (and still does) the way he treated you, like you a toy he could play with when he was bored. he’d call you up in the middle of the night and tell you to come over, hed show up unannounced and expect you to be ready and waiting for him, hed message and go out with other women, and you’d still stick around. for some reason, you defended him from all of her criticisms, which was the main reason the both of you stopped communicating for awhile.
“i know,” you say quietly.
“and i care about you. which is why this is the one and only time i’m going to tell you to call him, because he deserves to know,” she says, running a hand through her hair. you think back to your phone that you left in the bathroom, and you wished you would have flushed it down the toilet instead.
you can’t even think about what you’d even text him. you rarely ever ask him for favors, like to call you, nor do you ever really text him. you once tried to keep a conversation with him, but by the third text he stopped responding, and didn’t respond for days until he told you he was on his way to your house.
begrudgingly, you get up and walk to the bathroom to retrieve your phone. you open it and click on your messages with baekhyun, and start to scroll.
y/n: are you busy?
6:23 pm
baekhyun: come over
11:53 pm
y/n: come over?
7:30 pm
y/n: come to onyx tonite
8:50 pm
baekhyun: come over
10:35 pm
y/n: ok omw
10:37 pm
you could cry, looking at the messages. it’s pathetic, really. you guys never really communicated beyond being in the bed with each other. the only times you both talked, was during the beginning, but once he figured out that you were at his beck and call, the talking dwindled. sometimes, all you got from him were grunts, not even a greeting.
you sulk back into the living room, phone in hand and dignity in the garbage. “what do i even say?” you ask your friend.
“tell him to come over,” she sighs, rubbing her forehead. you bite your bottom lip and aimlessly type the message and send it without second thought. you gingerly take a seat on the couch, your phone burning a hole in your hand.
you expected silence, and after ten minutes and no response from him, you sigh and pick your phone up, contemplating if you should text him again. “just do it,” chaeyoung says, reading your mind. and so you double text him, for the first time since you two got involved. in the beginning, you didn’t feel uneasy about double texting, but that fear quickly seeped in when he simply wouldn’t respond, like ever, to any message if you sent more than one.
when you don’t get another response after a total of thirty minutes, you dial his number, almost blindly. you can’t even remember the last time you called him, but you have this number memorized despite it all. it’s tattooed in your brain from all the times you wanted to but didn’t.
the line rings and rings, until you get the message to leave a voicemail. so you do. “hey, baek… come over when you get this,” you say, and quickly end the call. your stomach has dropped to your ankles, and you want to die.
chaeyoung anxiously chews at her fingernails. “call again,” she says.
“but he’s not going to answer. and i dont want to tell him over the phone,” you say, tightly holding your phone between your hands.
“just try again. trust me.”
so you do. and to your surprise, he answers towards the last couple of rings, pure agitation in his voice. “fuck, y/n, what?” he asks. baekhyun pushes the forehead of sohee, the girl currently on her knees in between his legs, away from his crotch. “what do you want?” he asks, running a hand through his hair. sohee rests her cheek against his thigh and looks up at him, and baekhyun smirks down at her and drags a hand down the side of her face before pulling at her bottom lip with his thumb.
“i-i just wanted to see if you were free,” you say, cursing yourself mentally and not having your shit together. baekhyun didn’t like when you were unsure or nervous about something; it turned him off. if you were indecisive about going to his house or yours, he’d just cancel all together. “just come over when you can, ‘kay?” you say, pacing the living.
“yeah, okay, whatever. that it?” he asks, pulling him thumb out of sohee’s mouth.
“yes, by-“ he doesn’t let you finish and hangs up, tossing his phone behind him and looking down at the poor girl between his legs. if she had any bit of brains, she’d leave now and never look back. but like most of the women baekhyun is involved with, they never do.
when baekhyun is done with sohee, he leaves without as much as a goodbye. he vaguely tells her he’ll see her again, but never specifies when. she watches him leave, feeling confused and empty and wanting more. and maybe that’s why they all stick around for him, because he leaves them feeling like a piece of them is missing and they’re desperately chasing it, trying to get it back.
he decides to entertain you and come over, despite your neediness. that’s another thing baekhyun didnt appreciate; clingy and neediness. he hated when women wanted him so much, it made him feel trapped and confined. baekhyun didn’t like feeling trapped or tied down to anything.
baekhyun doesn’t text you that he’s on his way, he just shows up at your door. when you hear the knocks, you jump up, having forgotten that he was supposed to come over because two hours feels like ages ago.
when you look through the peephole, your heart drops and your palms start to sweat. you pull the door open and baekhyun up-nods at you and let’s himself in. you close the door behind him and lean against it as he comfortably makes his way through your house. that is all about to change in a few seconds.
you make your way into the living room and see bakehyun sitting on your couch, scrolling through his phone. he looks up when he hears your foot steps, and frowns. “why are you acting weird?” he asks.
“i’m not,” you definitely are.
“yes, you are. stop it,” he says, going back to his phone. it’s now or never.
“baekhyun, i need to talk to you,” you say, still standing in the entry of your living room. he lets out a sigh and looks at you, his expression a cross between irritation and panic.
“about what?” he all but groans out. when you asked him over, he had expected (and hoped) for less talking and a lot more sex.
you lick your lips and shyly cross your arms in front of your chest. “i’m… im pregnant,” you say, looking him in the eye. he stares at you blankly, his mind unable to process your words.
“baekhyun…” you say, taking a step towards him and then retreating. you really can’t say it again; it’s already too real.
“you’ve got to be fucking with me? you’re fucking with me, right?” he says, running a hand through his dark hair. you only shake your head, and he scoffs. “well, it’s not mine.” he says plainly, going back to his phone.
at this, you frown. “what? yes it is, baekhyun. i’ve only slept with you,” you say, a storm brewing in your head at him insinuating that you’ve been sleeping around. if anybody’s been sleeping around, it’s him. when you two first got together, he had asked you not to sleep with anybody else, and you didn’t see anything wrong with that. but now, you feel like maybe you should have.
“i don’t care; you don’t have any proof, y/n. that baby isn’t mine,” he says harshly. tears come to your eyes and you blink them away.
“this baby is yours! and you’re going to help me raise it!” you say, wiping at your eyes.
“like hell i am. i don’t give a fuck, y/n. i don’t want this baby, and you shouldn’t either. we aren’t even fucking together,” he spits, shaking his head, and that weight settles. you and baekhyun don’t even have a relationship label. you wouldn’t even know how to refer to him if somebody asked you who he was to you. friend was too mild, because you do things most friends don’t do to each other, and you don’t know that much about him. lovers isn’t even remotely true, because there is no love between the two of you. you’re somewhere higher than a friend, but lower than a lover, which is practically hell.
your mind drifts off to remember the time he invited you to his family’s barbecue. you practically met everyone in his family, danced with his grandma and little cousins, helped his mother in the kitchen. you thought he’d ask you out after that, but he never did. instead, he constantly reminded you that you two were not together.
“i don’t care,” you say quietly. “this is your baby. you’re going to help.” you tell him.
“y/n, i always use a condom. this baby isn’t fucking mine—what don’t you understand?”
you shake your head. for all of the times he’s used a condom, there is, of course, the one time he didn’t. and you remember it clear as day. you were the one who told him to get one, even though both of you were tipsy, you were still able to understand that. he told you he’d pull out, and did everything but. you can still remember the feeling of being so full of him. it still makes your knees weak.
“you didn’t the night after sehuns party,” you say.
“it was one time!” he shouts, as if he never took sex-ed. one time is all it takes—everybody knows that. “fuck, y/n. why do you want to keep this baby. are you trying to ruin my life?”
“i’m not trying to do anything. you think i want to be pregnant? baekhyun, i’m only 27! i’m not ready to be a fucking mother, but this is my reality right now!” you yell back, and it dawns on you that this is the most you’ve both ever spoken in a single meeting.
he shakes his head. “what do you want from me, y/n? i’m not raising this fucking baby with you—i’ll pay for you to get rid of it, but i’m not raising it. there’s no fucking way,” he says, standing up. you start to panic, stepping closer to him.
“what are you doing?”
“getting the fuck out of here,” he says, trying to push past you. you stop him, putting your hands on his chest. “y/n, move.”
“no. we need to talk about this.”
“there’s nothing to talk about! i’m not raising this baby with you, and that’s it. i don’t care what you do with it, but leave me out of it,” he says, removing your hands from his chest and brushing past you, his shoulder bumping into your arm in the process. “and lose my fucking number.” baekhyun says as he pulls your front door open and steps out, slamming it as he goes.
you can’t help but crumple to the floor, feeling like a rug has been swept from underneath you. you shake uncontrollably as you sob, fat tears rolling dons your face for the nth time today.
for some reason, you feel like a weight has been lifted off of you even though your world feels like it’s been flipped on it’s axis. you know you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life, as long as this baby is alive, whether either of you like it or not. but at least he knows, and maybe he will grow up and come around.
and you feel a sense of peace for the first time ever since he’s ever departed from you. usually, you feel hollow, used, and muddled; always in a constant state of anxiety when he’s around or when you think about him. but him leaving was probably the best things he’s ever done for you. now you can be sure he won’t be coming here unannounced, interrupting peaceful sleep at ungodly hours. now, you can rid yourself of unnecessary stress and drama, albeit unfortunate circumstances.
yes, you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life. but there are definitely worse things that could happen to you. and who knows, maybe he’ll change his mind.
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Sunny meets Hazbin Hotel (part 2)
I love crossovers
Part 1
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Sunny and Angel Dust entered the hotel. It was relatively empty, everyone in their own room, probably already asleep. 
“You wait here, kid. I’m gonna go get Charlie.”
Sunny watched Angel leave. He looked around, trying to figure out what to do with himself, before sitting on the far end of a couch, keeping his arms and legs close. 
The stifling silence was broken when a loud “WHAT?!” echoed through the halls, followed by fast footsteps rapidly getting louder and Sunny was greeted by a blonde, smiling woman in her pajamas running toward him at fool speed. 
Sunny was immediately spooked, but before he had a chance to run away, the woman takes his hand. “Oh my gosh! A new guest! Hi, I’m Charlie! Welcome to my hotel! What’s your name?”
Sunny stared at her with wide eyes, trying to process everything before another woman, a lady with long white hair and a spear stepped forward. “She asked for your name.”
“Vaggie!” Charlie groaned.
“S..Sunny. My name.. is Sunny..”
“Well, Sunny! We are so happy to have you at the Hazbin Hotel! Wow!! A new guest! And so soon since we rebuilt!”
Vaggie regarded Sunny skeptically. “How long have you been in Hell?”
Sunny looked at her with scared eyes. “A.. day? I think..?”
“Oh, you poor thing!” Charlie declares. “Cmon. Let’s get you out of this hospital gown and into some proper clothes. And you’ll need a room!” Charlie let out a long gasp. “Maybe you and Angel can be neighbors!”
Angel Dust, who was already staring to head upstairs to his room, jumped in surprise. “Ah, uh, maybe,” he said awkwardly. “I’m just gonna head to bed..”
Charlie nodded and turned back to Sunny. “Look at you. You’re so tiny. You must’ve died so young. What? 12?”
“Oh! Haha.. well.. that’s..”
“Depressing,” Vaggie finished with her arms crossed. “And fucked.”
“Yes..” Charlie said. “That.. you shouldn’t be in Hell..”
Sunny gave her an unreadable expression before looking down. “Miss Charlie.. I just.. need a place to stay.. I’m not looking for redemption..”
Charlie gave him a hugely disappointed frown. “W-well, Angel was the same way! But he’s been giving up his sinful behaviors and he’s been so much happier! Hahaha…”
“That’s not it.. I don’t want to indulge in sins or anything like that.. I just..” he hugged his knees. “I don’t deserve it.. I belong here..”
Vaggie’s face went from a scowl to a look of sympathy. “Kid..”
Charlie stopped her. “I understand why you may think that. But everyone deserves a second chance. Just.. think about it..?”
Sunny still didn’t seem sure, but eventually nodded. 
“Ok.. now, I’ll see if Angel has any age appropriate clothes he can lend you, since both of you have 4 arms! Vaggie, please show Sunny to his room?”
Charlie dashed upstairs, leaving Vaggie and Sunny alone together. 
“Um.. keys are at the front desk. Cmon..”
The two walked to the front desk in uncomfortable silence. They grabbed the keys and d headed upstairs, neither saying a single word to each other. 
Once they reached Sunny’s room, Vaggie spoke up. 
“Not everyone is beyond saving. You’re still a kid. I’ve met some real jackasses in this place. You’re nothing compared to them in the sinfulness factor. You’ll do fine here..”
Sunny didn’t seem convinced, but nodded as he went to his room, leaving Vaggie standing in front of the now closed door, worrying about the depressed new client they now had under their roof. 
Divider by @cafekitsune
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minieverse · 6 months
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pairing:Seungmin x fem!reader
𐙚it’s my first time writing something like this so i don’t know if it’s good!!
~You and Seungmin have a hate-love relationship since you are Hans little sister, you are always mean to each other but you’re also there for each other.You came to visit your brother and you’ll be living with them for a month, you thought your attraction towards him was gone until you saw him again~
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I walked out of the airport looking for my brother when suddenly i felt arms wrapping around me “you’re here dumbass!” my brother Han yelled while fake crying “yeah yeah okay i missed you too” i laughed and turned around so i can hug him “let’s go all the members are excited to see you again” he smiled and lead us to the car ‘even Seungmin?’ i thought but brushed it off i don’t even like him anymore. The ride to the company was full of laughter and music, i love spending time with my brother he’s my best friend.
Han guided me to their room and showed me the guest room that i’d stay at, i started organising my stuff until “dumbass come here!!” the members are here. My heart was beating fast ‘What is Seungmin gonna think?’ ‘Do i still like him?’ the thoughts running through my head while i walked out to greet them “there you are!” Chan said with a big smile and open arms, i hugged him along with Changbin and Jeongin, Felix, Lee know, Hyunjin and I did our handshake while laughing and for last Seungmin, i looked at him the baby face was gone, his bangs had pink stripes and he was taller than before, without hesitation he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a while of catching up we decided to cook something since i love cooking (if you don’t like cooking i’m sorry!!). As i was cutting up some veggies i heard the guys talking “when are u gonna give it to her?” i could hear Felix’s voice “say it louder she didn’t hear you!soon i just need time” Seungmin answered quietly, i smiled at his sarcastic comment but i was curious about what he wants to give me.
Everything was ready so we sat down to eat i sat next to Jeongin “Jeongin switch sits with Seungmin” Lee know said “what!? why!? i’ve missed her” Jeongin fake pouted and held my hand, i giggled and looked at him “do you want to eat tissues?” Lee know asked Jeongin while looking at him straight to the soul “ugh fine!” he got up and Seungmin was now sitting beside me.”Hyung why did i have to change sits??” I giggled at Jeongins annoyed but cute face “I’ll tell you later” Lee know answered while still eating ‘huh? what is happening’ either i’m too stupid or they are too sneaky, everyone was eating and laughing but i couldn’t stop thinking about this weird tension between Seungmin and I “i’m so full!” Changbin whined “Are u sure you don’t want dessert?” Hyunjin teased him while knowing the answer “now that i think about it i’m not that full” Changbin said with a grin, i laughed at him and got up “cmon we have to clean up and then we’ll eat dessert” i started taking the plates while the others were helping. Seungmin and I were taking plates and tea spoons for the dessert when i heard him “can i talk to you later?” my heart skipped a beat “uh sure!” i said with a smile on my face i couldn’t help but admire his features all over again, his glassy eyes, his plump lips and his pinkish cheeks “stop looking at me like that brat” he smirked “i um sorr-’’ “what can a man do to get a dessert in this house!?!?” we heard Changbin complain while Han was laughing.
We finished dessert and started getting ready for bed cause tomorrow we had a full scheduled day, as i was walking to the bathroom i opened the door and Seungmin was the shirtless, i was staring i knew it but i couldn’t stop “shi- sorry i should’ve knocked!!” i panicked and covered my eyes “it’s okay” i could feel the smirk on his lips “i’m all finished brat” he passed me and walked to his room, i could smell his cologne, he smelled sweet i could get addicted. When i was done with brushing my teeth i said goodnight to the others and walked to my room, i sat on the bed and scrolled on my phone, after about 5min someone knocked on my door “come in!” i said as i saw Seungmins figur walking inside while closing the door behind him “ see? knocking is pretty easy” he chuckled “i said i’m sorry!!” “i’m kidding i’m kidding” he smiled and i could see he was holding a box in his hands “so what did u want?” i asked while eyeing the box “well uh-’’ he took a breath and looked at me “when we traveled to Australia for our tour i saw this and thought of you” he said while breaking eye contact with me and handing me the box, i opened it and a set of diamond earrings were inside “omg they are so beautiful thank you!” i hugged him tight, he held my waist and smiled “you’re so sweet!!” i smiled while admiring the earrings “yeah don’t get used to it” he rolled his eyes with a cheeky smile. We talked for a while and i tried the earrings on, they looked so good “ they suit you” he said looking at me through the mirror “thank you so much Minnie” “don’t call me that i’ll suffocate you” i laughed and shook my head.
10 days later—౨ৎ ౨ৎ ౨ৎ ౨ৎ
Things have been really good i’m having fun but there’s this weird tension between Seungmin and I again he has been more sweet and caring these past few days i’m not complaining tho! We are on our way to the beach so we could properly enjoy summer, im sitting next to Seungmin who has his hand placed on my thigh while he’s fast asleep “Seungminnn” i whisper into his ear “wake up!” he slowly opens his eyes and looked at me “ i hate you, why did you wake me up?” he answered coldly as his hand is still on my thigh “cause we are almost there” i look at him “don’t fall asleep again” i warned him. When we arrived Jeongin and i run towards the umbrellas to leave our stuff and then walked towards the water “grandpas cmon!” Jeongin yelled while we laughed at them, we played in the water with Felix,Jeongin and Changbin for a bit until Seungmin came “i’m stealing her for a bit i hope you don’t mind” he flashed a smile and dragged me out of the water gently, we walked away from the others when he stopped and just looked at me “what’s up?” i looked at him, the sun helping me see his beautiful features once again “ you know i never got the chance to talk to you alone so i found the best time now” he started “look since i met you i’ve always wanted to take care of you i saw you like my younger friend” he looked at me “ aw Seungmin thank yo-’’ “i realised i don’t see you only as a friend” he interrupted me, i stared him in shock, my crush of God knows how long actually likes me “i’m sorry i shouldn’t have told you that” he looked disappointed and started walking away “Seungmin! wait!” he turned around “what?” i hugged him tight
to be continued..
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Let me know if you want a part 2!!
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ziee · 3 years
Happy Birthday Yb x Reader (Smut)
"Surprise!" Your boyfriend exclaimed, on his knees with his arms out. You gasp and look around the room, decorated with red and pink streamers, balloons of every color, and glitter coating the floor. You knew that would be a hassle to clean up, but you'll worry about that tomorrow.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" You squealed, running towards him. The force of your legs was too much for you, and instead of stopping you crashed into your poor boyfriend. Falling on top of him, you imminently shouted apologies as he laughed.
"Like it?" He questioned, eyebrow raised.
"Yes!" You pushed your face to him, kissing him hard on the floor. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you on top of him. You continued to pecker his face with kisses before standing up in a heated fit of giggles. You walked around the room, tracing the table decorated with colorful placemats, and the grandest of cakes.
Well, to you it was. The cake was 1 tier, the cake flavor of your choice as well as icing your favorite color. This was all that you wanted and more. You can't believe he had done all this for you in such a short amount of time. "Peter, this is amazing." You waltzed over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, forcing him to bend his knees as you hug him.
"I'm glad you like it dear." You kissed him once more as he turned his head. Releasing him, you looked over at the clock before moving back towards the cake.
"It's almost time. Why don't you get the candles so I can make my wish?" You suggested, sitting down. He nodded and went to the kitchen cabinets, pulling out the desired supplies. Placing the candles into the frosted cake, he lit the flame and sat back. You huffed in a big breath, thinking about what you wanted, before blowing out the candles.
"Yay! So what did you wish for?" He clapped for you as you picked up the knife seated next to the treat. You grinned, putting a finger to your lips and tapping.
"Can't say. Now c'mere and eat some cake!" You cut both of you a slice before digging in. Safe to say that cake will not last a week in your little apartment. You almost shed a tear at how good it was. Finishing your second slice, you sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing your full belly as he put away the cake.
"Oh goddd, it feels like I'm pregnant." You moaned at the uncomfortable feeling.
"That wouldn't be a bad idea." Your boyfriend mumbled as he sat beside you. You stared at him, eyebrow raised.
"Us having kids? I bet they'd be so cute. Probably take after you mostly, because you're so beautiful." He leaned in and kissed your cheek.
"I didn't know you wanted them." You spoke softly, contemplating the idea.
"Of course I do! Don't you? I want to spend the rest of my life with you." You've never really thought about having kids, you weren't sure if you wanted to either.
"I- don't know. Yet. I've just thought about stuff in the moment, ya know? More worried about food on the table than a kid in my stomach." You shrugged.
"That's fine. We can decide on that stuff later but come on up, there's one more present I got for you." You groaned as he stood up, standing in front of you. You lifted your hands towards him.
"Pull me." You laughed as he grabbed your arms and pulled you towards him, pushing you into his chest. He walked you to the room you both shared and sat you on the bed. Pulling out a present from under the bed, he placed it on your lap.
"What? You hide presents under the bed? All this time!" You slapped your face as you held the box. He smiled at your reaction before gesturing to the gift.
"Open it." You did as he said, smiling all the while you tore through the wrapping paper. Slowly uncovering the box, you gasped in disbelief.
"No.." Your hands shook as you picked up your gift. "No! Oh my god!" You shouted, standing up as the box fell from your lap. "How did you get this?" You rushed to him and squeezed him in your arms. He laughed as you hugged him tightly, the object still in your hand.
"Careful, it was hard to find one in this good of a condition." He tapped your back and you let him go, staring in awe at what he had gotten you. You've wanted this forever, but either you could never find it or it was way too expensive to buy for you. You opted rent over a gift.
But now you've got it! "You're like, the best boyfriend ever." You placed it on the table next to your bed and went over to him. Standing in front of him, you start to lean into him before he wrapped his arms around your waist. Kissing him, you shuffled both of your bodies by the bed before forcing your weight down.
He fell on his back, hitting into the mattress as you followed suit, crashing softly into his chest. You laughed, giggling into his chest as you slid down. He gazed at you softly, bright blue eyes focused solely on you. He adjusts himself so his feet don't fall off the bed, and you sit upon his lap.
Noticing the position, you grin as an idea pops into your mind. You're the birthday girl, and you're getting just one more present. You start grinding softly into him, smiling down innocently at him.
"Darling.. You know what this does to me.." His voice is hushed and deep as he stares intently at you and your motions.
"Do I?" You shrug and continue your movements. Starting to feel himself harden, you smile excitedly. The fun has yet to begin. "Well, you obviously have no complaints." You continue your grinding, only a little harder.
"You'll regret your words tomorrow when you're complaining that you can't walk." His hands reached down and grabbed your thighs, clenching into the clothed skin. You softly slap his hands away, removing them from your pants as you tsk.
"Nuh-uh, today is my day. My rules. Your challenge is, no touchy." You cross your arms and press into him. You could feel him now, and he makes a soft noise that sends tingles across your body.
"No touching?" His eyebrows furrow, but he places his hands into the blankets.
"Yep, you can't touch me until we're done, ok?" You lean down, giving him a small peck before getting off him. He starts to grumble but stops seeing you undress. Quickly, you strip from your heavy clothes until you're fully nude.
Settling into his lap once more, you shuffle down a few and unzip his pants. Pulling it down to his knees, you lick your lips before pulling down his boxers. His cock springs free, hard, and veiny. Delicious, and just enough to fill you up.
"You're a very big boy.." You shuffle up and rub yourself against his legs. His breaths deepen as he stares at you. Placing a hand on your chest, you begin to rub your breast as your clit touches against him. "You like this? Do I put on a good show?" Rubbing yourself harder into him, you softly twist your nipples.
"You're such a tease." So far, he hasn't tried to touch you, so you should at least reward him. A little bit. Settling yourself down, you place a hand onto his length. Slowly stroking him, you swirl your finger around his wet tip. You grin as he tries to contain himself, but short moans keep slipping from his mouth.
"Cmon, I wanna hear you're voice." You whine, leaning down. Taking a little lick to his pink tip, he groans loudly. "That's a good boy." You whisper before taking him into your mouth. Your tongue presses against him, making jolts of pleasure rush across his body. He refuses to place a hand over his mouth, it's your day and he can't deny you.
Taking him deeper, you gulp him down a few times before popping off him. You can't wait anymore. It feels like a fire down there, and you need it extinguished. "You ready?" You hover over him, waiting for words of confirmation before you proceed.
"Yes!" He exclaims, obviously very desperate for release. You smile and sink down on him.
"Oh-hhh.." You softly sigh, wincing slightly as he stretches you. A little pain never hurt anyone, so you take him deeper, bit by bit. Once you're set upon his lap once more, you take deep breaths as you wait for the pain to pass. Your eyes look upon your boyfriend, clenching his eyes shut as he concentrates. His hands are clutching the bedsheets.
After a few minutes, the pain has ceased and you're ready to start. You slide off him, just until his tip has almost left you, before sinking back down. You both groan, the stretching feeling now a better, pleasant thing to have. Heat from your bodies fills the room. Beats of sweat form on your forehead, but you're too busy to wipe them away.
You bounce on him, breasts swaying to your beat. He gazes at your form so intently, but you've shut your eyes at this moment. His hands release from the blanket, and he's so close to grabbing your skin before a shakey hand slaps him.
"Not yet." You've opened one eye, panting as you speak. You grin at his annoyed face, but it soon changes as you sink down fast. Letting out a loud moan, a fire burns into your stomach. You slam down hard into him, and you could tell that you're about to come soon.
His breaths are raggy and shallow, his cheeks dusted red. His mind screams to touch you, to feel you more than he's already, to engulf you whole. He just needs to touch you..
"Oh-oh-oh god!" You scream as he lifts his knees, pushing deeper inside you. That was the turning point, and you came hard. Your body twitched, but he wasn't done with you. You fell forward and struggled to hold yourself up with the help of your hands on his chest.
Using his knees, he pumped into you a few more times before having his own release. Cumming with a loud groan, hot seed spills inside you. You let go of your hold on his chest and fall down, face flat on him. He sets his knees down and pops out of you.
Hot liquids spill from you onto your thighs and his lap, but you could care less. You breathe in a few times before leaning your head up, looking at your exhausted lover. "You didn't touch me once. I'm impressed."
He hummed, leaning down and pecking your forehead. "Happy birthday Y/n."
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qxiao · 2 years
 ·𖥸· Late Night Anger Issues ·𖥸·
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A/N: wanted to write some (not proof read) modern au fluff with Xiao and Venti <3
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
you lightly winced at loud noise, slowly lowering your nintendo while tilting your head up to look at Xiao, who looked like he was gonna chuck his controller across the room. You were comfortably sat in Xiao’s lap while Venti used your thighs as a pillow.
Having completely forgotten about the head in your lap, your switch hit Venti flat in the nose.
He glared at u with a pout, putting his phone down and bonking your head with his hand.
“Payback.” he whined. You rolled your eyes as your left hand lowered down and started patting venti on the head. Slowly racking your fingers through his hair, letting out a small giggle when he started purring. Whilst your right hand drifted upwards to Xiao’s cheek, slowly moving your thumb back and forth. 
He stiffened, averting his gaze sideways as his cheeks turned pink, slowly putting down his controller. A smile crept on your lips as his eyes closed and started leaning into your touch, finally giving up.
You sighed, leaning backwards into Xiao’s chest as you started lulling the boys to sleep. You glanced to the clock on the nightstand.
2:34 AM
Damn it was late.
Slowly retracting both your hands, the boys immediately snapped awake. Almost instantly whining about the lack of affection.
You shook your head before trying to lift Venti off your legs.
“It’s late, we should head to bed. Venti, you have a morning class tomorrow. Xiao, Mr. Zhongli wanted you at the cafe early. Both of you need sleep.” You said, trying to reason with the both of them.
“But we don’t wanaaa.” Venti whined, Xiao nodded in agreement. 
“Well than, i guess i’ll sleep on my own, and u guys can take the couch.” You threatened, grinning as both the boy’s faces turned into shock.
“Fine” Xiao agreed, reaching over to shut down his PS5.
“Heh, now cmon.” You chuckled. Standing up and grabbing both their wrists, dragging them into your room as you all flopped on the bed simultaneously.
Xiao on your right, hugging your back, burying his head in the crook of your neck. Whilst Venti had an arm around your waist, head in your chest.
good nights were mumbled before slowly drifting off to sleep, dreading the moment you’ll have to wake up.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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bordysbae · 1 year
52. “i want this to be real, not fake anymore” with Brendan brisson ☺️
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“fake dating”
brendan brisson x f!reader
not proof read!!
wc: 1.0k
you and brendan met a little less than a year ago when he moved to vegas for hockey. you guys live in the same apartment complex, so it all started with the casual ‘morning!’ and ‘has the mailman come yet?’ type of greetings. thankfully, you both grew close over the first two months of brendan being in vegas, and now you two are closer than ever.
it’s strictly platonic though. especially since you see how many girls brendan invites over after going out clubbing. but it doesn’t bother you since you’re basically doing the same with other guys, but you can’t from having slight feelings for him. he’s exactly your type, he has brown fluffy hair, a nice build, he’s taller than you, a sweet smile, he’s funny, and the list goes on.
one day as brendan is sitting on your couch, watching a basketball game on television with you, he says something that catches you off guard.
“i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend,” he blurts out, making your eyes go wide.
“excuse me what?” you say, almost choking on air.
“i accidentally told my mom i have a girlfriend since she was pestering me, and my parents are coming to town next weekend for the game. so can you just pretend to be my girlfriend? i mean they already have an idea of who you are, so it wouldn’t be suspicious. all you need to do is sit with them at the game in my jersey, and have dinner with them for the couple of days that they’re in town,” brendan grins, trying to convince you to say yes.
“that’s all i have to do?”
“well, there is one more thing,” he says bashfully
“and that is…?”
“you need to spend the night at my apartment, for two nights in a row,” he chuckles awkwardly, afraid of what you’ll say.
“brendan brisson! i am not sharing a bed with you!” you exclaim
“cmon please! i’ll pay you if you really want me to. i just need my mom to hop off my ass about getting a girlfriend!” he pleads.
“fine, i’ll do it. you owe me fifty.”
“deal, thank you so much y/n!” he says, as he sits up off of the couch to hug you, but you shrug him off jokingly.
the weekend you’ve been dreading is finally here. you’re currently sat right by the ice next to brendan’s parents, in the brisson jersey you purchased in the gift shop only three days before this.
“go brendan honey!” his mom yells as he’s skating down the ice. he almost makes it in, but the shot gets blocked by calgary’s goalie. at first you don’t really care to yell out to brendan, but you realize it looks bad as his “girlfriend,” so you begin to do it despite the awkwardness you feel. but as soon as brendan is on the breakaway, skating closer and closer to the goal, the words “go bren, you got this babe!” flow smoothly out of your mouth like it’s something you’ve said a million times before.
as the little black puck goes straight into the goal, you immediately shoot out of your seat and start cheering as loud as possible. his mother turns to you with a big smile on her face, both of you incredibly proud of brendan. brendan is slammed into the glass by his teammates as a congratulations, coincidentally right in front of you and his parents. he turns around to face you guys, and gives you an extra big smile, and a look of ‘thank you for doing this.’
later that night you all go out for drinks and food. you and brendan are squished in the booth next to each other, sat across from his parents who are now asking you a multitude of personal questions.
“so, how did you and brendan meet again?” his father asks. all of these questions are slightly sticking up your anxiety, and brendan notices. out of the corner of his eyes he sees you picking at your fingers and bouncing your knee, so he gently takes your right hand in his left one, and places your guys’ entangled hands on your thigh.
the comfort of brendan touching you soothes your worries, and you’re able to answer the question with ease. “we met in the apartment complex! i live a few doors down from him, so we sort of saw each other a lot. one thing lead to another, and now we’re here!” you smile, looking over at brendan who’s already looking at you.
“aww that’s too cute! reminds me of us, and how we met!” his mom says, turning to her husband.
once you all finish dinner and drinks, you head back to brendan’s apartment. there’s the final period of one last game on television, so him and his father are watching that intently as you get to know his mother better. you’re tucked under brendan’s arm, sharing a blanket with him. before you even realize it, you’re dozing off. you’re awoken as brendan is placing you gently on his bed, pulling the covers above your body.
“mm, brendan thank you,” you groggily mumble out.
“of course y/n, goodnight,” he says as he turns off the bedroom light.
“where are you going?” you ask
“oh i’m gonna sleep on the floor”
“what?” you say, immediately sitting up to see that he’s made himself a little bed on the floor. you gasp at the sight, “are you crazy?! get into the bed! it’s cold, and this is your bed brendan!” you whisper yell at him, making him chuckle. he crawls into bed next to you, and you snuggle into the warmth radiating off of his bare body, but still being careful not to touch him.
“hey y/n?” he mutters, staring at the ceiling.
“yeah?” you say softly, turning on your other side to face him.
“i want this to be real, not fake anymore. i hate having to pretend when i know that i wish it wasn’t fake. i’ve wanted to ask you out for awhile now, but i never had the courage,” he admits, making your heart flutter.
“really? like this isn’t some sick joke?”
“yeah, why would it be a joke?”
“i don’t know brendan, but i feel the same way,” you admit shyly
“really? you do?” he asks softly, as he turns his head to look down at you.
“yup,” you smile, as brendan does the same. he pulls your closer into his body and gently kisses your lips. you’re both very tired, but still manage to enjoy the sweet and intimate moment. you both close your eyes to rest for the night, embracing each others warmth.
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