#huck x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Huck Finnigan x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2340 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Huck developing feelings for the reader, a patient who is equally as unsure of herself as he is
You woke up today as you did every day, in your room at the Lucia State Psychiatric Hospital, the light blaring in through the sliver separating the curtains.
It wasn’t a remarkable life.
If anything, it was boring and routine but at the very least, it kept you from hurting yourself. Besides, living in a facility like this wasn’t always bad. The food wasn’t too bad and you were allowed to bathe yourself, as long as you behaved.
For someone like you, it was an easy life. You had been hospitalised there due to a general diagnosis of melancholy, which made your family fear for your safety. Though, you always thought they just wanted to find somewhere to send you off to.
A young woman like you, unmarried and without prospects, was little more than a burden.
Some may have been upset about being sent off to stay in an institute like this one, taken away from everything they knew and left to die, but you didn’t see too much wrong with it. For someone like you, it wasn’t awful.
You were well taken care of, and even you had to admit that you were happier within these walls than you had been out there.
Not that all that change came from staying here alone.
In all the time that you had been staying in this place, you had found quite the interesting friend in a young orderly by the name of Huck Finnegan. He was interesting to you, as he was the sort of man who took care of other people even when it was difficult.
You knew that you didn’t have that much patience in your little finger, but he didn’t seem to have a problem with it.  In fact, Huck seemed to get a special kind of joy from taking care of other people, including you.
He really seemed to like coming to see you.
He was constantly coming to visit you during the day, checking on you and making sure that you had everything you needed, which might not have seemed so strange. After all, it was his job to make sure that the patients here were taken care of.
However, while you thought that he was just doing his job at first, taking his turn to do the rounds, eventually, it was hard to believe.  
It just didn’t seem plausible.
You knew for a fact that no one else ever took his place and when his visits came so frequently, it was becoming harder and hard to dismiss it as anything other than what it was.
Huck was sweet on you.
You didn’t really understand it, of course, and you weren’t entirely sure but there didn’t seem to be too many more reasons to be so attentive to another person. You certainly had never paid such close attention to someone else, unless you cared about them.
...And while it was possible you were way off base, it was a thought you couldn’t shake.
As far as you were concerned, someone like Huck would never be interested in you.  
It didn’t make any sense to you, because you didn’t have anything to offer him.  He was selfless and kind, thinking about others at all times and if the rumors were to be believed, he always had been.
Compared to all the things he’d done and all the people he’d saved, you looked like little more than a petulant child.
All things considered, you couldn’t have imagined him finding anything about you to love but in the months that you’d been here, something had certainly developed between you.  While you weren’t sure what it was, it didn’t really matter.
You didn’t mind the company.
As far as the folks in this place went, you could have done a lot worse than a handsome war veteran.
If nothing else, he was a good person and talking to him was going to be much better for your mental state than the other patients.
Then, as if thinking about him had somehow encouraged the man’s entrance, there was a knock at your door.
“Good afternoon,  can I come in?”
His words came as similarly as they did every day, meeting your ears in tandem with his knocking on the door. Technically, he didn’t have to do you the courtesy of knocking on the door or asking for entrance at all, but it was kind of him to do so.
It was a very human gesture, one that none of the other orderlies or nurses offered you.
Still, just as you did every day, you called out in affirmation, glad to see that Huck was one again coming to check on you. Of all the staff in the Lucia State Psychiatric Hospital, he was by far your favorite.
He was just so nice and polite.
...And it certainly didn’t hurt that he was more handsome than any man you’d ever seen.
Huck’s attractiveness went much deeper than his skin, which wasn’t altogether unattractive to begin with. It was just that the person he was, the person that lived within the skin was far too darling to ever let go of.
You really weren’t sure if you’d ever met a more wonderful person in your life.
“How are you today?” he asked, stepping into the room as casually as he could and closing the door behind him. You knew that this was one of those friendly visits, because you’d already had all your checkups and medicine that you would for the day.
He didn’t have any real reason to be here, but you were just as glad to see him anyway.
“I’m as good as I could be '' you shrugged, caught somewhere between being happy to see him and wishing that you could have met under different circumstances. When you really thought about it, you must have been crazier than any of them to think he could actually like you.
You were a patient of his.
You were out of your mind.
A man like Huck would never be interested in a chubby sad sack with nothing more to live for than walking around the hospital and doodling on your arm in pen. He was a hero, a beautiful soul, and someone you couldn’t have hoped to entice.
He was too good for you.
“Yeah? You’re doing alright? No distasteful thoughts or negativity this morning?” he hummed, doing the same thing he did every day, starting at the door with his arms folded behind his back. These visits always started off as clinical and professional as possible.
Though, before long, you knew well enough to know that Huck would be cracking jokes and smiling as if the two of you were little more than lifelong friends, catching up.
It was just the way this whole thing went.
“Nope, all good here” you teased, putting on your best cheesy grin as if that would somehow convince him. You did seem to be in good spirits today, compared to when you had a bad day, but that didn’t mean you were completely out of the woods.
If it was that easy to convince him, you wouldn’t have been here in the first place.
“Really, cause you kinda have that far off look in your eye again today” he prodded, relaxing a little further, just enough to let himself sit down on the far end of your bed.
It was a more intimate stance than he would ever take with another patient, not that he was going to tell you that. There was just something about you, and he felt really comfortable when he was with you.
Naturally, that kind of comforting energy made him much more calm and casual than he may have been otherwise.
Damn it.
You really didn’t want to tell him about the dreary realization you had just made but you knew well enough to know that Huck wasn’t going anywhere until you opened up and told him what was up.
By this point in your residence here, he knew you well enough to know when you had something on your mind.
“It’s no big deal. I just thought something was happening that wasn’t” you tried, keeping it as vague as you could while still telling him enough to satisfy him.  Considering what you were here for, it was much better to just talk to him than it would be to talk to everyone else.
Nurse Ratched tried her best to be understanding of your condition, much more than Bucket ever had, but they didn’t come close to the bond you shared with Huck.
You knew that he wouldn’t judge you, for even your most embarrassing secrets, and thoughts.
He was a real friend in that way.
“Tell me” he prompted, using the guiss of his profession to get you to talk to him, though you both knew that this was more of a personal suggestion than a professional one. He wanted to bond with you, to help you be better in a real way, but it wasn’t really that easy.
Getting you to open up to him in that way would require him giving away all of his own secrets.
You sighed again, of course.
The two of you had a lot of history between you in all the time you’d been living here but in regards to the feelings you shared for one another, you just didn’t talk about it. It was much easier to just dance around them, avoiding speaking it into life at all costs.
Both of you were too terrified of rejection to put yourselves out there.
“Why do you come here to see me every day? I mean, you don’t bring anything or need to take the time out? What is it about me?” you asked, trying your best to keep your wits about you, desperately avoiding making a fool out of yourself.
From where you were sitting, it seemed like Huck could leave at any time and never come back. It just seemed like you were reading too much into this and you were scared that you were going to ruin the whole relationship you had going.
You were friends.
If you made some kind of suggestion here that offended him, there was a good chance you would hardly see him around here at all.
Huck seemed taken aback by your question at first, partially because he hadn’t been expecting it, and mostly because he wasn’t sure how to answer. After all, he knew exactly what it was about you and why he was sitting here right now, but putting it into words was hardly easy.
He hadn’t been expecting to get into this today.
“I guess I like your company” he decided, figuring that would be the best way to say it without offending you somehow.  Huck wasn’t blind to the reality of what he was, or what he looked like, and he was terrified to suggest what he was thinking.
After all, a woman like you had no real reason to ever give a man like him the time of day.
He had seen himself in the mirror. Huck was well aware of what he looked like, and he was hardly a male model. At this point in his life, he considered himself lucky to be alive, and didn’t think too much about what he looked like, until now.
Where you were concerned, he was painfully aware of his outward appearance.
The two of you had that in common, because you couldn’t imagine any man, let alone a wonderful man like Huck ever falling for someone like you. It seemed as if, at this point, the only thing you two could agree on was the fact that you couldn’t admit how you felt.
It was hardly ideal.
“Well, I enjoy your company too” you smiled, content to leave it at that. However, Huck wasn’t quite ready to just call it there.
As terrified as he was to do what he was about to do, it seemed like if there was ever going to be a time to do it, it was now.
The two of you had been doing this whole thing, dancing around your feelings for each other for months, and he didn’t want to do it anymore.
He had to know if you felt the same, and your admission just now seemed like the push he’d been waiting for.
“This might be a little forward, and forgive me if it is, but would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” Huck tried, fidgeting light with his fingers as he did his best to get the words out.
This feeling was new for him.
He was used to being uncertain sometimes and uncomfortable with certain situations but this was something else entirely.
It actually felt like his heart may burst out of his chest, it was beating so fast.
...and you weren’t much better.
The idea of what he was asking you was insane. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to, of course, dinner with Huck sounded amazing.
There was just one problem.
You couldn’t exactly hit the town whenever you felt like it.
“I would love to, but you know as well as I do that I can’t just waltz out the door” you reminded, once again put in your place.
Huck could go out and get anyone he wanted. It just didn’t make sense that he wanted to wait around here with you. You could hardly imagine how something like that would even work.
Thankfully, Huck was already way ahead of you.
He already spent more time here than he did anywhere else, and making a few adjustments to his plans on your account wasn’t going to kill him.
If it meant that the two of you could be together, he would do whatever he had to.
“You let me worry about that” he hummed, not even bothering to hide the huge grin on his face. After all this time, he’d finally done it.
Huck got the date.
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