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cewagners · 3 years ago
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[Archivo] Árbol. Santiago - Chile (Septiembre, 2014). "El Este genera el viento; el viento genera a la madera; la madera genera el sabor ácido; lo ácido genera al hígado; el hígado produce los tendones; los tendones generan el corazón; el hígado gobierna los ojos. En el cielo es la oscuridad; en el ser humano es el Tao, en la tierra es transformación. La transformación produce los cinco sabores; el Tao genera la sabiduría; la oscuridad genera el espíritu (_shén_). El espíritu, en el cielo es el viento, en la tierra es la madera, en el cuerpo humano son los tendones. De los depósitos es el hígado; de los colores es el verdoso; de las notas musicales es _jue_; entre las voces, es el grito; de los movimientos que indican los cambios, es la contracción; sus orificios son los ojos; de los sabores es el ácido; de los estados mentales es la rabia. Su expresión es la voluntad". (Huang Di Nei Jing - Su Wen) #35mm #nikonfm #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #wood #madera #medicinachina #huangdineijing (en Macul, Santiago De Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTOPhLvLqjagUFQ4zRQ7PJhXvP_DjSK8HzsuCw0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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drweieu · 4 years ago
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why #traditionalChineseMedicine conjugates #bladder with #brain ? exotic? mais non, let's do the communication of #science . 'When the heat is fought [by the proper Qi], then the nape aches and is stiff. the shins are cold and they hurt. the lower side of the feet is hot. [the patient] does not wish to speak.' Explanation from Wang Bing: the #bladdervessel comes out of the #brain and branches off down the nape. also, the kidney vessel emerges from below the small toe, runs diagonally across the sole of the foot and reappears below the navicular bone. It follows the back of the inner ankle and branches off into the heel whence it rises inside the shins. also, its straight course rises from the kidneys, penetrates liver and diaphragm, enters the lung, follows the throat and passes by the base of the tongue. Hence [in the case of heat disease in this vessel] the nape aches and is stiff. the shins are cold and have pain. the lower side of the feet is hot and [the patient] does not wish to speak.' retrieved from #HuangDiNeiJing #SuWen , an Annotated Translation of #HuangDisInnerClassic – Basic Questions. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMPF92JAiy2/?igshid=gpfmrblfc88z
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elefteriamantzorou · 6 years ago
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Yes, it is complicated! This is an illustration of mine on the school's board, about the production of Qi. This theory is quite old, as it appears in Huang di nei jing, one of the oldest books on medicine (around 500 BC). #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicine #ancientmedicine #tcm #qienergy #anatomydrawing #tcm #qigong #acupuncturist #acupuncture #huangdineijing #yellowemperor (at Flow - Wellness and Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqZNcOVnmv0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wa98ayxfmm4d
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realfoodgangstas · 8 years ago
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Many have studied disease, but few have understood Health. #huangdineijing #eastwesthealing #realfoodgangstas 📸 @taperedbodies
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masajexiaoying · 11 years ago
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My old #huangdineijing it's a treasure. 黄帝内经 #黄帝内经
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drweieu · 4 years ago
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#MDLynnWEI treating #lesmucosités in #belgium #health #wellbeing #sante #integrativemedicine #wellbeing What is mucosité in the context of #ChineseMedicine ? #archive #research shows: 浊 #turbidity 在 #内经 <素问·阴阳应象大论> #HuangdiNeijing #InnerCanonoftheYellowEmper #ClassiqueinternedelempereurJaune '寒气生浊,热气生清...清阳为天,浊阴为地...清阳出上窍,浊阴出下窍;清阳发腠理,浊阴走五脏;清阳实四肢,浊阴归六腑.' the #coldness incites #turbidity , #turbidity tends to accumulate at the lower part of the body and deep inside of the viscera. <灵枢·阴阳清浊> '清者上注于肺,浊者下走于胃;胃之清气,上出于口;肺之浊气,下注于经,内积于海' the #turbidity could have gathered in the stomach and lung. '过剩的水谷精微如高血糖、高血脂和水谷精微代谢后产生的糟粕如等或认为指超出正常范围的血糖、血脂、尿酸、肌酑、尿素氮等或认为是一种在特定条件下常相伴而生、互助为患,互为继发病变的致病因素或病理产物,与痰、饮、湿同源互衍,浊为痰之初、痰为��之渐,浊为湿之极,湿为浊之渐,病程中均有胶着黏滞的特点'. #Highbloodsugar #Hyperlipidemia or #Metabolicwaste like #Uricacid #ureanitrogen #acetone etc are all titled as #turbidity #lesmucosités . How mucosités presented as varied clinical subtypes and why? 瘀浊. Stasis - Turbidity. 类于水道为泥沙淤积,或水质浑稠则水流不畅,血行也会因脉道淤塞,血质黏稠而瘀滞。caused by viscous blood. 脂浊. Fat - Turbidity. 即体内超出正常值之血脂,临床每从痰、瘀而论. high concentration of lipids. 溺浊. Urination - Turbidity. 指患关格、水肿者,尿中浊阴难以排出或出而未尽,留而为害,可见浊邪上泛,清浊相干之征,如恶心呕吐、腹胀、苔腻、口有尿味、皮肤瘙痒,甚而谵妄、昏迷等。Urinary system infection. Nephrogenic edema. 浊毒. Seasonal Turbidity. 多认为是一种复合病因,是浊与毒胶结和合,共同参与,互助为虐,两者间有内在的因果关系,成为一种综合的致病因素;但也有把浊毒作为单一病因者,认为其并非浊与毒的组合,而是犹如风、热、湿等六淫邪气伤人过甚即为毒一样,形成浊毒的过程一般为由湿成浊,由浊成痰,由痰成热,由热成毒。affected by the excessed wind/heat/humidity. If some #medicinalplants #herbs #pharmacognosy can prevent or treat #lesmucosités ? yes sure. 祛浊之法有芳香化浊法,药如藿香、佩兰、草果、苍术、紫苏、白豆蔻等;通腑泻浊法,药如大黄、芒硝、决明子、番泻叶等;利尿泻浊法,药如茯苓皮、猪苓、泽泻、车前子、萆薢、滑石等;发汗宣浊法,药如香薷、羌活、独活、苍术等. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPlTSlXh4xY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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