#hu taos hat is cute takahashi rie is hardcarrying the concept is great! but man .. i wish she was antagonistic like everyone was implying
vr2 · 4 years
a warm take but game diluc is the hotter diluc by virtue that all canon dilucs we are offered are mediocre. the reason ingame diluc looks bad is because hes just ugly and the models honestly lack variation and are reductive with how much they limit the actual character design. i stick to the fact that physically imposing beefy diluc with his cold face, soft hair and fucking terrifying blood-red eyes is hot because the gap moe of a huge sadistic murder knight who runs around frothing at the mouth during the night but is actually a sweet big brother type who wants to look out for everyone in his entire town is peak moe. my brain is huge and i make all the rules. making him a skinny twink is not bad but its like ... this is like venti without the melancholy or his little hat, whats da point? no flavour at all, i diagnose you with termimally bland. cooki cutter.
genshin itself fails to communicate any charm or depth of his actual character design esp in the manga where they blatantly bastardize him into being even more generic which is a crying shame because kaeya and amber’s specific designs really shine in the manga. i think its a symptom imo of wanting gacha characters to appeal to everyone all the time rather than be niche or polarising bc that way you maximise profitability. idk why but it really feels like of all the gacha games ive played genshin chars have this certain like ... squeaky clean quality that feels like theyve been designed by a committee of like 30 people to minmax consumer receptiveness rather than have any texture to them, all the edges rounded off til they just sort of slip through your fingers but the bsns execs do not understand that the grit is where all the fun parts grip their little teeth into your flesh! i am out here valiantly doing damage to every generic anime boy twinks physical and mental integrity to try and fix this problem.
i can understand people going insane over every new character in genshin when yea they all look like pop candy anime design its very fun! but theyre disappointingly lacking in anything truly exciting and i think they always will do because its both the limitations of the models, strict adherence to certain design tropes and marketability. i think the closest they came to making a truly fucking cool character design was with kaeya and xq even then i think both require a bit of legwork to really reach the turning point of fucking cool. with everyone else, after the music video, intro, leaks w/e, as soon as you break through the surface appeal they kind of feel toothless. i feel like as cool as they can make characters look i really doubt they have it in them to make a characters that doesnt rely heavily on tropes to look good. most of the charm of these characters is well and truly just like a mass hallucination and sheer fucking will, am all for it but i wish billion dollar game company could step up and make something exciting with all the talent at their disposal but it feels like the more money you give them the more theyll just continue to pump out next hot new cool shiny anime character who was always totally meant to exist and isnt just retroactively added to the story then immediatelt forgotten about two minutes after release. not to mention as we’re a bit further in, visually, it’s beginning to feel a bit stale already. everything is different from the last but never truly breaking out of convention, one after another ... 
tldr you gotta stop taking the e-numbers out of my dluc m*hoyo, he needs the flavour
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