creativelitlover · 7 years
Book review
Into the Shadows – a few facts
Author: Marie Jones
Genre: Romance, Mystery, Suspense
Publisher: lulu.com
Published: 23rd December 2015
More from: The Edge – A short story
The building tension and suspense is brilliant!!
Maire Jones has no doubt an amazing talent at hooking you in right from the start! The contrast at the beginning with Lily talking herself in and out of going back to Dingle is pure genius, gripping you in with Lily’s unsure feelings, battling inside her head. The picture painted of Lily inside my own head began developing straight away…..
  “I’m not the girl you would secretly admire, dream, envy you were more like.”
I knew right there and then, reading that line, this story, Lily’s journey was going to be motivational, inspiring and emotional…. and believe me, it was that and so much more!! Being written in 1st person, I felt as one with Lily and was with her the whole way though with all the emotions rolling in my own head.
I truly could not put this book down, it gave me a couple of “book hangovers” over the time it took to read it…. my family suffered hehe, not really they are used to me by now! With every turning page, I’d be begging my eyes to stay open….. just one more page! That’s how the plot left me, battling to carry on and find out more.
The characters were so real and very relatable. I enjoyed the conversation between Lily and Nina, Lily’s roommate, when Lily had told Nina why she was dropping everything to go back to Dingle, her reaction was brilliant!! Her ranting away and sarcasm was incredibly funny yet you felt the strong friendship between them. I’d of loved for Nina and Lily to have a bit more time together in the story as I really did love their banter, fantastic!!
The romance!!! Oh, the romance. David, well Lily and David’s first meeting was pure fireworks, although poor Lily getting the hot end of that firework, not that I blame David…. the shock of the photo obviously hurt him, what better way to start a romance though eh?! Plus what better way to bring Lily out of her shell by her being needed, relied on and just having to help this man solve the mystery. Clearly drawing them in closer and building their relationship over the chapters. And that kiss!
Into the Shadows is beautifully written, the descriptions of Dingle and “Inch Beach” really brought the whole story to life! An amazing read that has got me wanting more….. please 🙂
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Amazons description:
Awarded FIVE STAR BADGE from ‘READERS FAVOURITE’ and SHORTLISTED for UK NOVEL WRITING COMPETITION 2017 Lily Crossways lives a controlled life, where she ensures she never experiences hurt or disappointment. Until, that is, she returns home from a short holiday in Dingle, where she discovers an eerie image of a desperate woman on one of her photographs. How can that be, when Lily was alone that day on Inch beach? Who is this woman, is she even real, and why has she appeared to Lily? The woman seems to be calling to her, if only Lily can rescue her. Compelled to find her, Lily returns to Dingle and her search leads her to cafe owner David Carson, this missing woman’s brother, and the man who will turn Lily’s life upside down in every way possible. Lily must now convince him to trust in her, taking bold steps to prove herself to him, and together track down his sister before it’s too late. But nothing can prepare Lily for the secrets she uncovers about herself, her own family and how all their lives were destined to become intertwined from a distant childhood visit.
Author interview:
Maire was kind enough to answer some questions for me, especially for my blog book review. I tried to come up with some different questions for Marie, and shes answered them all brilliantly.
What is the first book that made you cry?
It was ‘Little Women’ by Louisa Alcott, the part when Beth dies. Still makes me want to well up now just thinking about it.
Does writing energise you or exhaust you?
Most of the time it energises me, but sometimes when you’ve written an emotional scene it can leave you feeling quite exhausted by the end. I do find though I may feel tired before writing, or more accurately by the thought of sitting down to write when I really just want to be a couch potato, but once I get going I become energised!
What is your writing kryptonite?
My phone – especially when it beeps at me with a message and it’s so tempting to read it immediately, but by doing that I lose concentration and momentum on what I was writing.
What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
I think loving reading from a very early age, I grew to love how they can transform you to a different world, time, life even that you’ve never lived yourself, nor likely to. It expanded my imagination, and my desire to want to write novels myself.
What’s your favourite under-appreciated novel?
I’ve always preferred ‘Persuasion’ by Jane Austen to ‘Pride and Prejudice’, but its always the lesser known one, the poorer cousin so to speak, which is a real shame. It has a very strong message about following your own heart’s desires, not other peoples desires for you.
What’s your favourite series?
I loved ‘The Night Manager’ that was on TV some time back, based on the book. Also, I’m a huge fan of ‘Poldark’ (though my favourite character is not Poldark himself as you would expect but Dr Enys)
How many hours’s a day do you write?
Not enough! I usually get around 1-2 hours a day around working as a Teaching Assistant in a school, and looking after my own two children after school. I would love to be a full time writer, but that’s currently just a pipedream…
Did you edit a lot out of this book?
I edited out some scenes which I decided took away from the main story of Into The Shadows, but never a great amount overall. However, I do have to do several edits to the point I get word blind!
How do you select the names for your characters?
I play around with different names as I visualise how they look and sound, until I found the one that I feel fits. It’s working on instinct really, like naming your own children when they are born.
What was your hardest scene to write?
I would say the scenes between my two main characters, David and Lily when they are arguing and full of emotion, because I want the scenes to feel real and raw, and my readers to connect with them on an emotional level, to sympathise and understand them.
Do you have a favourite author?
Jane Austen. Also love Kate Morton and Santa Montefiore.
Do you like films adapted from books? …… If so which is your favourite?
I don’t mind films adapted from books as long as it’s not changed too drastically from the original book. The Help was one film that was well adapted, as was War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.
Can you think of a fictional character you wouldn’t get along with? ….. Who? and from which novel?
I can’t name one particular, but a character that was either too fussy and whinging I would struggle to go along with, or one that was very judgemental. But you can’t have all nice, lovely characters – you’ve got to have at least one nasty character in there.
Can you think of a fictional character you would go on a date with? …… Who? and from which novel?
Oh, well I’d quite like to go on a date with my own main male characters – David from Into The Shadows, and now Michael from my new novel I’m writing, The Perfect Storm! I think they are, secretly, my dream kind of men.
Do you have a favourite book cover?
I love Santa Montefiore’s covers to her books. Always really striking.
What do we have to look forward to from you next?
I am working away at my next novel, The Perfect Storm, set in the highlands of Scotland. Here’s a little taster of what the story is about:
When Sophia is unexpectantly visited by her old university friend, Aniella, her friend begs Sophia to stay at Aniella’s flat in Inverness and look after a safe hidden away, telling her that she is in fear of her life and must disappear for a while. Forced to act on her friend’s please, Sophia soon finds herself not only in danger herself but under suspicision from Detective Marcus Armstrong, who has the flat under survellience for reasons he won’t reveal…
Thank you, so much Maire for taking the time to answer my questions and give a little insight to your wonderful mind that created such a gorgeous and gripping story. I look forward to your next novel “The Perfect Storm”, and I truly rate your writing! It’s beautiful.
  Into the Shadows: Book review Book review Into the Shadows - a few facts Author: Marie Jones Genre: Romance, Mystery, Suspense…
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