manicddaily · 6 years
Evening Porch
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Evening Porch
I went out to an evening porch because a bur bit at my heart. I could not tell if it was you or your loss that stung so smart.
The crickets rubbed a murmur synched to a wholeness I could barely hear; my forehead had to listen hard harder even than my ears.
The breeze that rose from somewhere North felt a bit like fingertips; you too were raised in a place of cold but rarely touched…
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charmedchaos12 · 6 years
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A silvered sheaf of moonlight spills through the barren trees dancing across the forest floor calypso leaves dressed in finest hues –Moonlight symphony– Abstract haunting melodies in shades of persimmon bronze- fire- amber harmonizing as they howl to the wolf blood moon
©2019 Linda Lee Lyberg
Real Toads: http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/01/weekend-mini-challenge-mustnt-be-fancy.html
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manicddaily · 5 years
Dream Song
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Dream Song
I dreamed I dreamed in one two three I dreamed that you were here with me.
Repeating music held us close its harmonies in measures dosed as phrases that sang again again while we seemed to be back then
when you were you and I was me and we could see, hear, move freely, when you held me and I held you— we didn’t know time held us too.
Now all that’s left is time’s tight hold so close…
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manicddaily · 7 years
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Turning You expect green, but, in the mountains, Spring edges in with head tinted red and brown carpet slippers, yet glorious. After a shower, even trees dress for the occasion. *********************** Poem for Susie Clevenger’s prompt on Real Toads asking for a response to the beautiful lithograph of Mi Young Lee below.  Above pic mine.  All rights reserved to holder.             
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manicddaily · 7 years
Getting Over
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Getting Over Some look for fences even in open fields; how else to find wings? ********************* drafty poem for April for Isadora Gruye’s prompt on Real Toads to write above obstacles – over, under, through–drawing is mine, all rights reserved.  
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manicddaily · 7 years
Villanelle of Voices Overheard in Payback 2017
Villanelle of Voices Overheard in Payback 2017
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Villanelle of Voices Overheard in Payback 2017 (obviously, the “we” here does not speak for me.) Rights for you? A damned disgrace. So, why not just shut-the-“f” up as we put you in your place because we hate your [insert] face– we leave the blank–you fill it up– rights for you a damned disgrace. Oh, maybe we’ll allow you space to overflow, then wash, our cup, as we put you in your place– Your…
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manicddaily · 8 years
Drawing on home in time of refugees
Drawing on home in time of refugees
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Hey All! I have not felt much like writing poetry in the last few months, but here is a drawing in pencil that I post in response to Brendan’s challenge on Real Toads to write, among other things, of home in a time of refugees. Thanks. k. ps –all rights (such as they are) reserved.  
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manicddaily · 8 years
Gag Order
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Gag Order After the tide took care, there were left coathangers. Their metal jetter than jackdaw–how sharply they gyred. The men urging the tide, the men who’d made pity less, used only wooden hangers, fit for an artifice of shoulder, patting down empty suits in ceremonies of shiny serge while the women’s insides tattered, poor women. ******************* Draft poem for Kerry O’ Connor’s Get…
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manicddaily · 5 years
What Makes One
What Makes One
what makes one begin after a battle begin again after a war after whatever razes all to the ground–
maybe it’s hunger, or maybe the need to breathe, to get out, get away, get the bodies out of the way–
maybe something in the cells cries out for water says get water guard water find what water can be guarded–
or, maybe its the hearing of cries for water the not wanting to hear such…
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manicddaily · 5 years
When Thinking Of Scars
When Thinking Of Scars
When Thinking of Scars
I have heard that Buddhists ask what one should do in a world filled with sharp stones? 
Should we cover the world with soft leather, so that we might walk where we will? Or should we simply cover our feet?
I tend to wear thickish shoes, my skin so thin.
Drafty poem for Sherry”s prompt on Real Toads.
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manicddaily · 6 years
Know No More
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I have cut the plantain grove and know no more what is to be done.
Potatoes? I must buy them in the market. Rice spills from its bags. Rice must be bagged!
I have cut the plantain grove and now there is no place my sweat may drip shaded.
The green has turned to rust that holds roots only, roots that look like worms cut once too many, the white worms that gather between the ribs of the drowned…
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manicddaily · 6 years
The Grass Said to Me (as I thought of Whitman)
The Grass Said to Me (as I thought of Whitman)
The Grass Said To Me  (As I Thought of Whitman)
The grass said to me ”what is a child?” I did not know how to answer the grass for I do not speak in shush or spring-back or any of the many tongues of green. I do not feel that I know how to regroup, or how to take a death at my roots and smile it almost equally into sun and rain–
But this much I do know: that when a child crawls across me and…
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manicddaily · 7 years
Ode to the Windowed Hall Where I’ve Not Turned on the Light
Ode to the Windowed Hall Where I’ve Not Turned on the Light
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Ode to the Windowed Hall Where I’ve Not Turned on the Light It is a bar that is not a barrier but a passage, where I pass by the glass of night that is able to make itself known in the absence of over-reflection, the way you made known to me, I you, when, in the darkness, we found something other than walls to hold on to–   ****************************** Poem for my own prompt on Real Toads re…
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manicddaily · 7 years
Picking Me Up At the Train Station at the end of a Long Week
Picking Me Up At the Train Station at the end of a Long Week
Frederic Chopin Thinking About Sand Picking Me Up at the Station at the End of a Long Week He promises as we walk to the car that the CD is “coming up on Chopin.” He says this because he knows I like the familiar– And I do like Chopin, yes, because I’ve heard him many times before, but more because the music flows, and when you are in a dry place–no, when you are in a place that may be dry or wet…
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manicddaily · 7 years
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Grateful She woke between pained breaths and said, “they’ve all crossed over.” So, after soothing her shock of white bang back, we hurried to measure the morphine, pretty sure she would not try to get up like she did the day before, anxious to meet them, but not certain, “sweetheart,” saying, as we nosed the syringe into the inside of the downward-tilted cheek, then smoothed squeezed balm over…
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manicddaily · 7 years
What Does It Want?
What Does It Want?
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What does it want? There is a part of me that can’t shake sadness; that hears the rise of the mourning dove as fall; that substitutes for throat but will not be slaked– What does it want– this ache? For everything that’s been to have been all right. To lay down upon a lap as if it were a head that might be stroked. To not be a head that is thinking, thinking, but a body of that water that laps…
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