#htp next gen
lux-scriptum · 1 year
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cassie-moore · 2 months
Thank u god for a cousin like Steph. Shes my only light outside of my company. HTP is smthng im proud of. Its so loving and everyone is so damn awesome and grateful. Foundation is solid and sustainable. Next step rollout of all the rev gen layers
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OC Aesthetics: Eden Luain, Pansexual Demon
And I'm sorry to my unknown lover Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really Starts to fall in love with m e
Tagging: @incandescent-creativity @idreamonpaper @solangelo3088 @kasiclyre @livvywrites @harehearts @reeseweston
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froggie-recs-fics · 2 years
Hi there! I've had the most stressful week....and it's only been a day ! Could really use a nice warm cozy fic! I would definitely love a good Stucky rec.
Maybe a nice long (40k+) recovery fic? What are your faves? Dazzle me! The more the domestic Stucky the better!
Thank you!
Hi!! Sorry for the delay, hopefully your week didn't get worse!
I had a little trouble with this one, because the angstier the better for me, but I have a few here. 
These are all Bucky recovering (and Steve recovering), with some fluffier than others.
Shorter than 40,000:
Need to Mean It, Concede It by hjbaltimore (M, 2K, Post-CATWS, Touch-starved Bucky, Praise Kink, HTP (but not really))
"You’re so beautiful. You’re so amazing Buck. What’d I ever do to deserve you,” he mumbled into to crook of Bucky’s neck, letting his voice drop as low it could, feeling the vibrations bounce off Bucky’s skin.
Bucky writhed underneath him. “You’re such an embarrassing sap,” he said, almost trying to sound annoyed, and failing.
Bucky just wants to have a normal sex life, one that Hydra took away to ensure a more compliant soldier. Steve just wants Bucky to be happy. When you're as starved for positive attention as Bucky is, only the gentlest touches will do.
For a prompt where Bucky can only get hard from praise and attention to non-erogenous parts of his body.
The First Rule of Book Club Is You Absolutely Talk About Book Club by Deisderium (T, 4K, Post-CATWS, POV-Outsider)
The first man to participate in Janelle's book club is a very shy long-haired guy who's probably a vet, given the prosthetic arm. She really wants the book club ladies to be his friend, and is delighted when he invites his tall blond--friend? Boyfriend? to come to book club too.
we'll eat cake by the ocean by NoStringsOnMe (T, 6K, Established Relationship)
“It’s all patience and learning, m' darlin’,” she’d say and lay a gentle kiss into his hair. “But the real special ingredient is love, you hear me, James Barnes? When you mix in your love, it turns a pauper’s meal into a king’s feast.”
|| Bucky Barnes has been to hell and back. But he's healing. Through his newly rediscovered love of cooking, he starts to come back to himself in ways he could never have anticipated.
we carry our lives around in our memories by biblionerd07 (Gen, 8K, Post-CATWS, PTSD, Memory loss)
James doesn't remember why he has a metal arm. The doctors say he had an accident and has brain damage. Sometimes he wishes he could remember. But every morning he gets to eat breakfast with his friend Steve, so it's not so bad. James thinks he and Steve might be dating, kind of. It's alright if he doesn't remember everything. Steve doesn't mind.
if you keep reaching out (then i'll keep coming back) by unicornpoe (T, 10K, Shrinkyclinks, Artist Steve, Neighbors)
“Do you mind if I work a little, Bucky?” He says Bucky’s name as often as Bucky says Steve’s, like maybe he likes the feel of it, the music of it—like maybe it’s at the top of his list, too. He’s using strong-looking hands to pick up the satchel he’d been carrying when he came over, lifting it up and sitting it on his lap. “I’m an artist, and I’ve got a couple commissions I hafta finish up here soon.”
Artist. Of course he is.
“I don’t mind,” Bucky says. He doesn’t. He likes the idea of sitting across from Steve while he works, sipping his coffee, finishing the book he was reading, and maybe looking up and meeting Steve’s eyes every now and again.
His shock-blue eyes. His eyes framed with golden lashes, like seagrass.
The Winter Soldier, and a man made of spun-strong gold.
Artist Steve Rogers moves in next to the Winter Soldier, who has been missing from the news for two years. Steve wants to paint him more than anything.
His Unspeakable Mercies by betts (M, Violence, 15K, Modern AU, Tattoo artist Steve, Veteran Bucky, PTSD)
Natasha gestures to his shoulder. “The scars. The stump. Put some art on it.” “Oh, sure. Great idea. Point me to the magic markers and we’ll make a day of it.” “Cap the sass, Barnes. I mean like a tattoo.”
Rhapsody in Pink by the1918 (E, 28K, Post-CATWS, Dom/sub)
After being chemically castrated for the entirety of his time as Hydra’s Winter Soldier, Bucky is attempting to recover his life—with the help of his oldest and best friend—when seventy years of a denied libido suddenly comes raging back in a series of graphic hallucinations. Steve is there to help.
(Or: Bucky Barnes’s dick wakes up after a seven-decade nap. It is very interested in Steve Rogers.)
* * * Post-CA:TWS / AOU canon divergence, set at the Avengers up-state facility.
Longer than 40,000:
The Best Way to Wake by LeeHan (E, 42K, Post-CATFA, Friends to Lovers, PTSD)
James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Wait, Captain!” “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something. “Captain, we need to keep him in stasis—“ “I said get him out!”
In which Bucky Barnes lay frozen in the Alps for seventy years only to be woken up a year after Steve Rogers was uncovered from the Arctic.
Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger) by MarcellaBianca (M, CNTW, Underage, 50K, Sports AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers)
Steve Rogers. James Barnes.
One, an NHL star with dreams of finally capturing an Olympic gold medal. The other, a former World champion and Olympic silver medalist, now a current coach and choreographer for the top flight figure skaters in the Russian Federation.
But before all of that..they were Steve and Bucky.
Until they weren't.
Catchweight by notlucy (E, 56K, Shrinkyclinks, Dom/sub undertones, Falling in Love)
For the most part, Steve’s life is fine. Sure, his job is tedious, he lives with his mother, and he can’t quite get over thinking he’s wasting his potential, but maybe that’s just part of being twenty-three. Then, one day—one totally dull day—the archetypal cliche of a tall, dark, and handsome beefcake walks up to his counter, bringing with him more questions than answers, and a duffel bag full of cash.
a road less traveled by Claudia_flies, cyclamental art (cyclamental), maichan, zilia (E, CNTW, 75K, Post-Endgame, Post-Avengers, Domestic Avengers)
Steve wakes up on the cold stone floor of the foyer. He scrambles up; there’s glass shards everywhere and they crunch under his gloved hands. People are staring, holding themselves back. They must have seen the fight, must have seen two of him.
His own voice rings in his head.
“Bucky is alive!”
It’s all gone FUBAR in 2012.
There Is No Shortage of Blood by alby_mangroves, Dira Sudis (dsudis) (E, CNTW, 246K, Post-CATWS, Established Relationship, please read the tags for trigger warnings)
The long slow recovery of Bucky Barnes after his escape from HYDRA.
(And the longer, slower recovery of his sex life.)
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qualityherb · 6 years
The KUDZU ... the revolutionary anti addiction plan
Kudzu is a plant native to the East that climbs in the trees and clings everywhere, blooming a little like wisteria, but with purple flowers. Kudzu can grow up to twenty meters per season. As a result, kudzu has become invasive, especially since it has become acclimated all over the world at the moment. In the United States for example, kudzu is a real scourge because it spreads by smothering the plants it finds in its path and very large sums are committed to limit its expansion. But, at "small dose", the plant, however, has qualities! Indeed, it can help fight against certain addictions. The Kudzu Root Extract: what it is and what it does Origins The kudzu (Pueraria lobata), is a climbing legume native to East Asia (China, Korea and Japan), whose stems can extend for 15 meters, with deep roots and flowers reminiscent of those of the pea. History The root of kudzu, known in China also as Ge gen, has been a fundamental element of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It has always been used in fact to treat the symptoms of alcoholism or alcohol poisoning. Testimonies dating back to 600 AD attest to the use of Pueraria lobata, associated with other plants, to treat these phenomena. It was introduced in the United States as a plant useful to strengthen the yielding soils thanks to its vast complex of roots. Nowadays it is seen as a simple weed. Composition The Kudzu Root Extract contains flavonoids, coumarins and isoflavones, especially daidzine, daidzein, genistein, genistin and puerarin. Benefits The Kudzu Root Extract is mainly used to combat withdrawal symptoms, to treat alcohol addiction and alleviate menopausal discomfort. Help with smoking cessation and alcohol To help them get their health back on their feet, you can direct them to new plants to support their efforts and naturally stop smoking, alcohol or other "soft" drugs. Some plants have already proven effective such as Avena sativa, more commonly known as oats, St. John's wort or Griffonia simplicifolia rich in 5-HTP which can increase serotonin levels in the body and therefore significantly improve the 'mood. If your customers have already tried these plants without success, recommend them Kudzu (Pueraria lobata), which you will pronounce "coudzou". Native to Southeast Asia, this plant is widespread in China, Japan and India. It has been used in Chinese medicine for decades to fight against allergies, migraines and diarrhea. A soothing and soothing action Kudzu root contains very active substances such as daidzin, daidzein and puerarin that are grouped under the term of isoflavones. These substances, also present in soy, have a soothing and soothing action by acting on the central nervous system and thus allow to feel the cravings and impulses towards these toxic substances. The studies, which have been carried out until now on animals, should soon be confirmed in men. However, the experiments already done on average smokers gave very good results in just a few days. Even the patches purchased "help" at the pharmacy have not been used! No feeling of lack, no irritability, everything goes smoothly and without side effects. A detox action This plant is not content to limit the impulses, since simultaneously, it reduces the damage that these toxins have been able to generate over time on the body. By stimulating the activity of certain enzymes, Kudzu root helps to fight against the oxidative stress produced by the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol and thus limits their harmful effects. In China, the herbal tea of ​​this plant is also used to limit the harms of feasted meals. Thus, taking kudzu could reduce the famous "hangover" the next morning. A beneficial action against cardiovascular diseasess Kudzu Root Extract use has also proven effective in lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation, making it an excellent supplement in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and high blood pressure). Potential positive effects for diabetics Action on pancreas metabolism and oxidative stress: In the rat, experiments have shown the protective effect of puerarin on certain pancreatic cells responsible for the secretion of insulin. It inhibits the programmed death of these cells, stimulates the secretion of insulin and finally, inhibits the production of free radicals by increasing the activity of catalases and Superoxide Dismutases (SOD).
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buckybarnesisjewish · 6 years
FAQ (also on the faq page)
What is this blog?
This blog is just a place to accumulate Jewish!Bucky content. I reblog, make my own posts, and take submissions!
Can I submit a fic rec/my own fics and headcanons?
Yes! I will post any hc or fic rec as long as it contains Bucky as Jewish in some way, and isn’t harmful or antisemitic. That would include any fic that contains HTP and Jewish Bucky in the same fic, or Hydra!Cap. The fics can be gen or any ship, although not shipping Bucky with a member of Hydra as the main ship.
Why this headcanon? Why this blog?
I’m not totally sure who the first people to write about it were, but I have heard it comes from the fact that MCU Bucky is in part based off a character from the comics, Arnie Roth, who is canonically Jewish. The original creator of the Captain America comics is Jewish as well. I have also seen some sources claim that Sebastian Stan has Romanian Jewish ancestry, though I can’t confirm it. Some reasons I love the headcanon are that the comics/superhero genre needs more Jewish representation, especially since many of its founders were Jewish. I think Bucky Barnes as a Jewish man would add a lot to his story, and fits him as a character. He fought in WW2, was captured by Nazis, tortured, and experimented on, but then was rescued and went on to kick some major Nazi ass for the next few years. He was then captured again, but broke out after years of brainwashing and torture, going on to reclaim who he was and continuing to fight evil in Infinity War. His story is one of incredible resilience, courage, and strength, remaining true to himself after people tried to erase him, and I think that is very fitting of the Jewish people as a group. I love that many people in the Cap fandom hc him as Jewish, so this is just a blog to celebrate that and gather that content.
It’s not canon!
I know! I’m not saying it is, and of course you don’t need to agree with this headcanon. If you have a different headcanon, that’s valid. Just read the url, know you’re in the wrong place, and unfollow. Any hate or antisemitism will be blocked.
Can you add me to the blogs to follow/fic recs page?
Yes! Just ask.
[insert fic/headcanon] is inaccurate about Judaism and Jewish culture because of [x]…
Yes, if you are Jewish, please do point out anything inaccurate or offensive. I am only a quarter ethnically Jewish and I know very little about the religion or the culture. Obviously I can’t change someone else’s fic that was linked on here, but I will change anything posted on the blog. If you are Jewish and would like to run this blog with me, DM me and I can make you a mod.
[insert question about Jewish religion, culture, or politics]
Please don’t ask me that! Like I said, while I have some Jewish heritage, I am definitely practicing or fully Jewish and I wouldn’t understand what that is like. If possible, I would like to find people who are to help me mod the blog and make sure nothing is offensive or inaccurate.
Are you looking for more mods?
Yes! I am looking for another mod who is culturally/religiously Jewish, to make up for the knowledge I lack and make sure nothing on here is inaccurate or offensive. Message me if you are interested!
Is this a stucky blog?
I personally ship stucky, and a lot of the fics on here are stucky, but that’s not what this blog is about. Any content you submit can be gen or any ship, as long as it includes Jewish Bucky.
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supplementhoundblog · 7 years
Top 10 Highest Reviewed Fat Burners for Weight Loss – Best of 2017
Last Updated: Thursday, May 4, 2017
What to Look For In a Good Fat Burner
Jump To: Official Fat Burner Guide For Beginners
When shopping for a high-quality fat burner, you need to know what you want to get out of it. Most people who buy these products want increased thermogenesis, but others might want a greater emphasis on energy.
Caffeine is added to fat burners more often than any other stimulant, and for optimal results, you should consider products that contain about 200mg of caffeine per serving.
However, you don’t want to go too much higher than 200mg because a higher dosage can make you very jittery and anxious. Many top products are formulated for a mild boost of energy, and they don’t come with the crash associated with a high dose of caffeine.
Look for products that contain guarana, theobromine, tyrosine, kola nut or yerba mate. You can also look for fat burners that don’t contain any stimulants, and they can provide a mild boost of energy.
Quick Checklist When Buying a Fat Burner:
Trusted manufacturer with updated contact information, website and social media profiles
Transparent and honest ingredients label
Good user feedback online (reviews, rankings, mentions)
Be on the look out for exaggerated claims and promises
Buy from repuable sources (e.g amazon.com)
Price between $30-60 per bottle
10 Best Fat Burners on the Market Right Now
1. Instant Knockout
Originally developed for MMA fighters and professional boxers, Instant Knockout is the best fat burner for men and women.
The product is based on scientific research and uses a cutting-edge formula. With the help of this product, you can burn fat like professional boxers and avoid amateur alternatives.
Instant Knockout is formulated to eliminate stubborn fat and works for all areas of the body. The product is easy to use, and for maximum results, it should be taken four times per day.
Burn fat faster – formula is designed to burn fat faster
Powerful enough for MMA fighters – created for fighters but works well for everyone
Appetite suppression – prevents hunger cravings and keeps you feeling full
Increases metabolism – turbocharge your metabolism and lose more weight
Natural benefits – ingredients speed up your metabolism naturally
Scientifically proven – product is formulated with proven ingredients
Read Our Full Review
Manufacturer Details:
Instant Knockout is manufactured by Roar Ambition, and the company is based in the United Kingdom. Roar Ambition is always working on improving their formula, and when it comes to fat burners, they’re an industry leader.
To maintain the quality of the formula, Instant Knockout is only sold from the official website, and it’s the best fat burner available.
What’s in It:
100mg Cayenne Powder – cayenne is a hot chili pepper, and since it contains capsaicin, it’s able to increase body temperature. The increase in temperature causes your body to burn energy to cool down, which helps to burn additional calories.
500mg Green Tea Extract – This extract will increase your metabolic rate and encourage natural fat loss. By giving your body a surge of energy, the extract helps you perform more exercise and burn more calories.
1,800mg Glucomannan – The glucomannan enters your stomach and increases in size, which fills space in your stomach and reduces hunger cravings. The high fiber content within this ingredient makes it very effective for fighting hunger.
Other Ingredients – Instant Knockout also contains Zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, GTF chromium, caffeine anhydrous, black pepper extract and green coffee extract. These ingredients work together to increase your metabolism, provide energy and make it easier to burn unwanted fat from your body.
Ingredients Label
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Final Verdict:
Instant Knockout is the best weight loss pill on the market, and it’s an excellent choice for men and women. To melt away stubborn fat, it contains an all-natural blend of ingredients, and although the formula is simple, it’s extremely potent and effective.
Instant Knockout can work for anyone and propel you towards your fitness goals. If you’re not satisfied with the product, it comes with a 90-day refund policy.
| Buy It Now – $59 |
2. Transparent Labs Fat Burner
The Transparent Labs fat burner is great for men and women, and currently, it’s one of the best products available.
This fat burner activates specific processes in the body and makes it much easier to lose weight. Transparent Labs is known for being different because they’re not like most of the supplements companies you’re used to.
The PhysiqueSeries fat burner doesn’t involve outrageous claims or pseudoscience, and it’s not based on misleading research. The supplements made by this company use ideal dosages and don’t include unnecessary fillers or dyes.
Eliminates Hunger Cravings – One of the biggest problems that people face when trying to lose weight is hunger, and if your cravings aren’t under control, you’ll find it difficult to lose weight. The Transparent Labs fat burner is designed to prevent cravings, and it contains ingredients designed to increase fullness and reduce hunger.
Speeds Up Metabolism – Another powerful benefit of this product is its ability to increase your metabolic rate. Your metabolism determines how quickly your body is able to burn fat, and by turbocharging this process, the Transparent Labs fat burner helps your body burn fat at a much faster pace.
Provides Enjoyable Weight Loss – The problem with many supplements is that they make weight loss feel boring and difficult. Although the Transparent Labs fat burner is not a magic pill, it can make the process of burning fat much more enjoyable, and it promotes a lifestyle that encourages fat loss.
Get A Refund – If you don’t like the product, you can get a refund, and Transparent Labs stands behind all their products.
Read Our Full Review
Who Makes It:
This product is made by Transparent Labs, and it can give you a massive advantage over stubborn fat. The company that makes this product is well-known in the supplement industry and has an excellent reputation for making high-quality products.
Transparent Labs is also known for providing total transparency and letting you know exactly what is in each product. The ingredients used in this fat burner are based on science, and they’re delivered in dosages that are clinically effective.
Since this product is only sold through Transparent Labs, the price is always low, and you never have to wonder if you’re getting the real thing. Many supplement companies mark up the price of these products, and by purchasing directly from the manufacturer, you can save money and avoid unnecessary markups.
What’s in It:
50mg Synephrine HCI – This ingredient is sourced from bitter citrus fruits, and it’s regarded as a potent fat burner. When it comes to synephrine extracts, the HCI version is very potent, and the effectiveness of this ingredient is supported by 30 clinical studies. The major benefit of Synephrine HCI is an increase in your resting metabolic rate, which helps you burn fat while doing nothing.
100mg Cayenne Pepper Extract – Another powerful ingredient is cayenne pepper extract, and it contains potent capsaicinoids. These compounds are good at increasing thermogenesis and cause the body to convert stored fat into energy. In fact, these compounds are supported by countless clinical studies.
120mg Salicin Bark Extract – The extract from White Willow bark is a potent source of Salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid. The beneficial effects of this ingredient are also provided by aspirin, and Salicin is capable of increasing the thermogenic effects of several other ingredients.
120mg Caffeine Anhydrous – Most people know and love caffeine because it provides energy and boosts fat loss. Anhydrous is the pure form of caffeine, and when consumed at the right dosage, caffeine offers natural thermogenic effects and increases the total number of calories burned per day. The stimulating effects of caffeine also boost performance and make it easier to exercise daily.
240mg L-Theanine – Here we have another potent ingredient, and L-Theanine offers a variety of benefits for weight loss. L-Theanine has been shown to work synergistically with caffeine, and it can even reduce blood pressure. Another reason why this ingredient is commonly added to fat burners is because it helps to counteract the jitters that are caused by caffeine.
300mg L-Tyrosine – This is the active form of tyrosine, and it serves several important roles within the body. One of the reasons why L-Tyrosine has been added to this fat burner is because it reduces the stress of dieting and increases the odds of a positive outcome.
300mg 5-HTP – The 5-HTP in this supplement is beneficial for dieting and works well for reducing appetite. It has been shown to be especially effective for overweight individuals, and it can reduce cravings for carbohydrates.
Other Ingredients – The Transparent Labs fat burner also contains 400mg of green tea, which offers several benefits of weight loss. Another ingredient contained within the formula is forslean, and you get 500mg per serving.
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Final Verdict:
The Transparent Labs fat burner is one of the best products available, and unlike many other supplements, it’s formulated with proven ingredients.
The product is easy to use and takes science-based weight loss to the next level. To help you burn stubborn fat, the Transparent Labs fat burner will increase your metabolic rate, reduce hunger and deliver a strong boost of energy.
| Buy It Now – $49 |
3. Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen
The Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen is one of the newest products from the company’s product line, and it’s already one of the highest-rated products available.
The product contains several potent ingredients and can make it easier for you to lose weight. With the help of natural ingredients, you’ll experience enhanced mental focus, and your body’s thermogenesis process will become turbocharged.
Triggers thermogenesis and makes it easier to burn fat
Helps improve muscle tone and definition
Stimulates metabolism
Convenient and affordable
Formula is based on solid scientific research
Enhances mood, focus and mental clarity
Transparent formula
Combination of ingredients provides a unique sensory experience
Who Makes It:
Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen comes from MuscleTech, and if you’ve ever purchased supplements for muscle building, there is a good chance that you’ve seen products from this company. MuscleTech is known for high-quality supplements, and the company has been producing great products for 20 years.
Most people who purchase supplements from this company associate MuscleTech with results, and with many top products on the market, the popularity of this company shows no signs of slowing down.
What’s in It:
75mg of Blue Scullcap – This powerful herb creates a strong sensory effect, and it makes burning fat much more exciting and enjoyable.
100mg Coleus Extract – Here we have an ingredient from a subtropical herb, and it’s known to provide several benefits when combined with caffeine.
290mg Caffeine Anhydrous – The anhydrous form of caffeine is pure and works great for triggering thermogenesis within the body. Caffeine enhances focus and increases energy.
20mg Guayusa – This ingredient contributes to the unique sensory experience provided by Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen, and it’s a traditional Amazonian tea.
40mg Yohimbe Extract – important for supplying yohimbine and rauwolscine alkaloids.
25mg Ophiopogonis – Made from a root, which is native to Southeast Asia.
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Final Verdict:
Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen has been tested for purity, and it’s one of the best fat burners for men and women. Although it contains caffeine, this supplement is formulated with several potent ingredients, and it can help you achieve your fitness goals.
| Buy It Now – $19.99 |
4. Cellucor Super HD
Cellucor Super HD is designed with an emphasis on the bigger picture, and unlike some alternative fat burners, it’s formulated for the mind and body.
Super HD contains ingredients that produce a surge of energy and enhance the body’s natural thermogenic effects. It has been designed to transform your body into a furnace for stubborn fat and contains a combination of potent ingredients.
Enhances memory and mental energy
Improves concentration
Increases metabolism
Helps control hunger and satiety
Triggers the body’s natural thermogenic process
Formulated with powerful nootropics
Affordable and effective
Who Makes It:
Cellucor is the creator of Super HD, and the company was founded in 2002. Over time, Cellucor has become a leader within the supplement industry, and it offers a long line of high-quality products.
Most people have trouble getting motivated to lose weight, and with the help of Cellucor products, it’s much easier to get motivated and progress towards meaningful weight loss.
What’s in It:
250mg ThermoSculpting blend – This powerful blend of ingredients contains Blue Whiting, Slimpro protein hydrolysates, Dandelion root extract and green tea extract.
250mg SuperHD Sensory Impact – The sensory blend contains many different ingredients, and some of the most well-known compounds added to this blend are Rhodiola root extract, Capsimax cayenne and N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine.
160mg Caffeine Anhydrous – Caffeine is great for burning fat because it provides energy and enhances the body’s own ability to burn fat.
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Final Verdict:
Cellucor Super HD is unique because it contains ingredients for the mind and body. Many other supplements only focus on the body and ignore the mental strength needed to burn stubborn fat and lose weight.
The potent combination of ingredients will suppress your appetite, increase your metabolism and strengthen your mind, which is why it’s a top product to consider.
| Buy It Now – $49.90 |
5. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is a popular fat burner, and it’s designed to dramatically improve thermogenesis within the body, which is why it’s an excellent choice for weight loss.
With a four-in-one formula, Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite contains a potent blend of ingredients and offers increased focus, energy and weight loss results. One of the main ingredients in this fat burner is green coffee extract, and it has been scientifically proven to help people lose more weight.
Transparent formula lists every ingredient
Can help you accomplish your fitness goals
Enhances thermogenesis within your body
Improved focus and mental clarity
Made with proven ingredients
Who Makes It:
MuscleTech is the creator of Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite, and since it produces high-quality products, the company is well-known in the supplement industry.
MuscleTech has been making quality supplements for 20 years, and the company has earned respect from many fitness experts and consumers. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is an excellent product, and it’s only one of many top supplements created by MuscleTech.
What’s in It:
100mg Coleus Forskohlil – Improves the thermogenesis process and helps your body burn additional calories.
3mg Yohimbe – Increases mental focus and delivers extra energy
200mg C. Canephora Robusta – This ingredient is green coffee extract, and it’s well-known for boosting metabolism
100mg L-Theanine – This will increase your resting metabolic rate and allow you to burn more calories while resting.
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Final Verdict:
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is a top choice for weight loss, and it’s one of the best fat burners for men and women. The combination of ingredients will increase your energy level, improve mental focus and make it easier to burn fat.
The only downside is that this product doesn’t contain ingredients for appetite suppression, which help with weight loss. However, if you’re looking for a proven fat burner, then this product is worth considering.
| Buy It Now – $18.99 |
6. Lean Mode by EVLution Nutrition
A major advantage of this fat burner is that it doesn’t contain stimulants, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone with a sensitivity to stimulants.
This product contains a variety of ingredients and can help you lose weight. To suppress your appetite and improve your results, it contains Garcinia Cambogia extract, and green coffee bean extract helps to boost your metabolism. If you’re looking for an effective fat burner, Lean Mode is a popular product.
Doesn’t contain caffeine
Makes fat loss easier
Improves mental clarity and mood
Enhances focus
Affordable and effective
Formulated with Garcinia Cambogia
Contains green coffee bean extract for improved metabolism
Who Makes It:
Lean Mode is made by EVL Nutrition, and the company doesn’t have nearly as much history as some of the heavyweights in the industry.
However, many new companies have used high-quality products to break into the supplement industry, and Lean Mode is a great example. In fact, EVL Nutrition has earned an award for their products, and over the span of a few years, the company has developed a loyal customer base.
What’s in It:
500mg Garcinia Cambogia – This ingredient promotes weight loss and helps the body convert fat into energy. It’s also known for mood enhancement and appetite control.
500mg Green Coffee Bean Extract – This extract supports fat burning and uses chlorogenic acids to improve glucose metabolism.
500mg CLA – Improves metabolism and helps the body use stored fat as energy.
500mg Carnitine – Acetyl-L-Carnitine improves exercise performance and works with the other ingredients to improve fat burning.
250mg Green Tea Leaf Extract – Helps to improve metabolism and boosts antioxidant levels
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Final Verdict:
At the end of the day, Lean Mode is a top fat burner, and it’s especially beneficial for people who don’t tolerate stimulants well and want to lose weight.
This product is packed with proven ingredients, and since it lacks caffeine, it doesn’t cause unwanted jitters. Lean Mode will boost your energy, speed up your metabolism and catapult you towards your fitness goals.
| Buy It Now – $18.99 |
7. BSN Hyper Shred
BSN Hyper Shred is designed for weight management, and it has become a popular fat burner for men and women. This product is formulated to increase energy and enhance your metabolism, and by elevating your physical performance, it can help you lose weight and achieve your fitness goals.
One of the major advantages of this fat burner is an emphasis on clean energy. If you’re looking for a huge energy boost and need something before every workout, Hyper Shred could be the product you’ve been looking for.
Formulated with an emphasis on clean energy
Improves focus and mental clarity
Works great as a pre-workout fat burner
Contains several different vitamins
Made with a proprietary blend of ingredients
Contains powerful Banaba leaf extract and riboflavin
Ideal for weight management
Who Makes It:
Bio-Engineered Supplements is the company that makes Hyper Shred, and although the company is new to the supplement industry, it’s gaining popularity from its line of high-quality supplements.
BSN develops quality products, and the company has put in serious effort to create a reputation for itself. Although Bio-Engineered supplements has only been around for a few years, the company has enjoyed major growth and developed a loyal customer base.
What’s in It:
ACTI-Tropic Complex – A blend of ingredients that are designed to boost performance and mental clarity.
460mg Hyper Shred Proprietary Blend – This combination of ingredients contains red pepper fruit, black pepper fruit and caffeine anhydrous. These components work together to increase thermogenesis and make it easier for your body to burn fat.
Nootropic Stimulators – This mixture of ingredients contains riboflavin, bacopa and niacin. Once these compounds enter your body, they’ll improve your mental focus and motivation.
Ingredients Label
Ingredients Label
Final Verdict:
Hyper Shred is a popular fat burners, and it’s one of the best supplements for men and women. This product doesn’t have a long list of complicated ingredients, and it’s formulated to help your body burn stubborn fat. The proprietary blend of ingredients will improve your energy, focus and motivation, but first, you must be willing to give it a chance.
| Buy It Now – $32.30 |
8. Animal Cuts by Universal Nutrition
Animal Cuts is formulated with a powerful blend of ingredients, and it can increase your energy, mental focus and metabolism. One of the reasons why this product is extremely effective is because it targets the things that are important for weight loss.
The ingredients contained within this fat burner can benefit your thyroid, boost your metabolism and enhance thermogenesis.
Formulated with ingredients for a classic ECA stack
Preferred by many fitness professionals
Comprehensive and complete formula
Focuses on increasing thermogenesis
Helps release stored body fat
Great for overcoming the obstacles associated with weight loss
Contains 28 active ingredients
Who Makes It:
Universal Nutrition is the company that makes Animal Cuts, and since the company was founded in 1977, it has been producing high-quality products for many years.
In fact, universal nutrition is one of the most well-known companies in the supplements industry, and for over 40 years, the company has been creating quality products.
What’s in It:
350mg Thyroid Complex – This blend of ingredients consists of Salvia Officinalis, olive leaf extract and L-Tyrosine.
500mg Nootropic Complex – Contains several powerful compounds for enhanced mental focus and improved motivation.
800mg Diuretic Complex – A blend of several roots, leaves and seeds that help to eliminate excess water weight.
750mg Thermogenic Complex – Made with Evodiamine, Coleus Forskohlil, caffeine Anhydrous and raspberry ketones.
750mg Metabolic Complex – Contains polyphenols, green tea extract and coffee bean extract.
Other Ingredients – Animal Cuts also contains several inactive ingredients, and a few examples are magnesium stearate, DMAE bitartrate and ginger root.
Ingredients Label
Ingredients Label
Final Verdict:
Animal Cuts contains many proven ingredients, and if you’re looking for a way to burn stubborn fat, it can help you achieve this goal. However, Animal Cuts contains a wide variety of ingredients, which can make it too expensive for some consumers.
This fat burner is recommended for people who want a complex formula because it’s made with a long list of proven ingredients.
| Buy It Now – $33.66 |
9. Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts
Iron Cuts is made by MusclePharm, and if you’re looking for a unique, effective fat burner, this might be the best product for you. Iron Cuts is from the Arnold Schwarzenegger Series, and with a three-in-one formula, it works to increase your metabolism.
When trying to lose weight, the problem that many people have is a slow metabolism, and Iron Cuts is designed to fix this issue. This fat burner delivers explosive energy but doesn’t come with a crash, and since it features ION-3 nitrate technology, it offers benefits that you won’t get from other supplements.
Creates optimal body chemistry for muscle growth
Burns fat with three different phases
Supports optimal testosterone production
Improves thermogenesis
Helps to balance cortisol levels and estrogen
Burns fat quickly and effectively
Requires only one serving per day
Who Makes It:
MusclePharm is the company that makes Iron Cuts, and as one of the biggest players in the supplement industry, MusclePharm is popular and respected.
Due to his past experience with bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger got together with MusclePharm and created Iron Cuts.
What’s in It:
900mg Muscle Building Maximizer Blend – This blend of ingredients contains ALA and Maca root extract, which are useful for building and defining muscle.
930mg Thermogenic Fat Metabolizer Blend – Contains caffeine, panax ginseng, green tea leaf extract and carnitine. These ingredients are good at convincing your body to use stored fat as energy, and they help to boost thermogenesis, which allows you to burn more calories.
144mg Cortisol and Estrogen Metabolizer – Great for balancing cortisol and estrogen levels.
Ingredients Label
Ingredients Label
Final Verdict:
Iron Cuts is backed up by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and it’s an excellent fat burner for men and women. This product is especially beneficial for athletes, but it could be a great choice for anyone who wants to lose weight and build muscle.
| Buy It Now – $22.29 |
10. Nutrex Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate
Nutrex Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate requires only one pill because the formula is extremely potent. The effects come on quickly and activate your metabolism.
One of the reasons why this fat burner is popular is because it uses liquid capsules, which allow the body to quickly absorb the ingredients. With such a strong formula, you only need a single capsule, and the product warns against taking more than one pill at a time.
Ingredients delivered with liquid capsules
Formula is very potent and concentrated
Requires only one pill per serving
Activates your metabolism and thermogenesis
Very effective against stubborn body fat
Manufacturer Details:
The Lipo-6 fat burner is made by Nutrex Research, and although the company isn’t as old as some of the industry leaders, it has become very popular and developed a loyal following. Nutrex Research has created several popular fitness supplements, and Lipo-6 is one of the best products available.
What’s in It:
294.5mg Ultra Concentrated Fat Destroying Complex – This is a blend of potent ingredients, and it includes rauwolscine, yohimbine HCI, caffeine anhydrous, theobromine anhydrous and Advantra Z.
Ingredients Label
Ingredients Label
Final Verdict:
Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate is a top fat burner, but it doesn’t come with as many ingredients as some of the other products on this list.
However, the potent formula is strong enough to deliver massive energy, increased metabolism and better results. If you’d like to try something new and want a powerful fat burner, Lipo-6 is worth considering.
| Buy It Now – $25.17 |
Official Weight Loss Pills Guide for Beginners
What Are Weight Loss Pills/Fat Burners?
Out of the many different types of supplements available, fat burners are some of the most popular. They’re very popular among fitness enthusiasts and can even be beneficial for people who aren’t actively involved in fitness.
The major purpose of a fat burner is to increase your metabolism, which will help you lose weight and achieve your fitness goals. Aside from speeding up your metabolism, these products can also boost energy and enhance your mood.
If you look at the formula for all the top fat burners, you’ll find many of the same ingredients, and these thermogenic compounds are responsible for improving thermogenesis within the body.
Although many fat burners contain similar ingredients, they can produce significantly different effects, and the huge fluctuations in effects are caused by varying dosages of each individual ingredient. For example, some fat burners are packed with significantly more caffeine than others, and these products can leave you feeling jittery and uneasy.
Many other products contain a large amount of caffeine, but the jittery effects of the stimulant are counteracted with other ingredients. You’ll find that some of the top ingredients added to fat burners are ALA, L-Tyrosine, vitamin B, caffeine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.
Thermogenic Effect
When these compounds are consumed in optimal dosages, they create a thermogenic effect within the body, which makes it easier to burn calories and lose weight. With no help from a fat burner, you’re likely to have much more difficulty losing weight.
By increasing thermogenesis, these supplements cause your body to work harder and burn more calories, and at the end of the day, you end up losing more weight. The mistake that a lot of people make is assuming that a fat burner will do the work for them, and although they can increase your resting metabolic rate, they still require regular exercise and hard work.
Many of the chemicals in fat burners are backed up by science, and they’re proven to accelerate fat loss. The major advantage of using these supplements is the thermogenic effect, and it has everything to do with heat. When your resting or exercising, your body is producing heat.
Thermogenesis is the process that your body uses to convert calories into heat, and it occurs naturally in humans. By raising the thermogenesis process higher, fat burners can increase your metabolic rate, which makes it easier to lose weight.
How Do They Help You Burn Fat?
If you’re thinking about purchasing fat burners, you should understand how they work, and although they’re made with different ingredients, most of these products are designed to accomplish the same goal, which is to increase thermogenesis within the body.
By increasing the effectiveness of this process, fat burners can raise your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories. Depending on the specific ingredients contained within the formula, you can also get several other benefits from a high-quality fat burner.
For example, many products contain ingredients that are effective for appetite suppression, and if you’re not eating as much food, you’re going to lose more weight. The effort needed to lose weight is huge, and a major obstacle that prevents a lot of people from achieving their fitness goals is hunger.
Calorie Restriction
Calorie restriction is the main strategy used for weight loss, and when you’re eating less calories throughout the day, you’re more likely to experience hunger cravings.
If your diet consists of a large caloric deficit, then you’re likely to experience intense cravings for food, and fat burners are good at reducing cravings. The best supplements for burning fat are formulated to tackle all the major obstacles, and they address common issues with the mind and body.
A fat burner that only increases your metabolic rate can be useful, but it might not work as well as a product that is designed to raise your metabolism and reduce hunger cravings.
The best products contain a combination of ingredients, and they tackle all the potential problems that you’ll face while dieting. Several popular products can increase the amount of fat that your body can use for fuel, and they’re also good at increasing thermogenesis or heat expenditure.
Increased Metabolic Rate
According to some studies, the ingredients in many fat burners can raise your metabolic rate by up to five percent, which would allow you to burn up to 100 extra calories per day. This might not seem like a huge number of calories, but over time, every additional calorie adds up, and you’ll be that much closer to achieving your fitness goals.
Energy Boost
One of the key ways that fat burners help you lose weight is by providing you with the energy you need without having to stuff your face with food all day. However, this does not mean that you should rely on fat burners and skip out on proper nutrition, quite the opposite. You should only use fat burners as a supplement to your nutrition plan and always speak with a doctor before starting to take them.
Benefits of Fat Burners
One of the major benefits of fat burners is increased energy, and most products contain ingredients that will give your energy level a boost. When you’re trying to lose weight, extra energy is a huge advantage because you’ll need it to exercise.
A caloric deficit is needed to lose weight, and it will rob you of the calories that your body needs for energy. The extra energy from a fat burner can help you power through your workout and maintain a decent level of performance.
Many products are made with caffeine, which is a well-known stimulant. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you can find something that doesn’t contain stimulants. The extra energy from a fat burner will help you lift heavy weights, and it’s just as useful on the treadmill.
Curb Your Hunger
The additional energy from a fat burner is great, but you also need a way to curb hunger cravings. When shopping for a high-quality fat burner, you should know that not all products will help with hunger. To deliver this benefit, the product must contain specific ingredients.
Green tea extract tends to be a great ingredient for appetite suppression, and green coffee bean extract can work equally well. Another ingredient that can help curb hunger cravings is the extract from the African mango, and it’s very effective for suppressing your appetite.
The good news is that you don’t need to purchase a supplement that contains exotic ingredients, but you do need to check the label and look for products that contain these types of ingredients.
Most stimulants will have a positive effect on your appetite, but they might not work as well as the Garcinia Cambogia. The main effect of most fat burners is increased thermogenesis, and although this effect directly affects the total number of calories burned per day, fat burners can also indirectly affect calorie consumption.
By suppressing your appetite, these products can indirectly cause you to eat less, which will help you burn more calories and lose weight.
Improved Focus
When trying to lose weight and get into shape, a lot of people have trouble focusing on their workouts, and they end up getting mediocre results. Mental focus is very important, and if you don’t have enough of it, you won’t burn as many calories as you should.
The ingredients contained within many fat burners can improve your mental focus and help you stay focused on your fitness goals. Caffeine is good at enhancing mental clarity, and you’ll find several other ingredients that can achieve the same effect.
Better Performance in The Gym
With a high-quality fat burner, you can get better results in the gym and lose more weight. Your performance in the gym is directly tied to how many calories you’re able to burn, and if you’re not able to perform at your best, then you’ll burn fewer calories each day.
Top fat burners contain a special blend of ingredients, and the effects of these ingredients will boost your performance in the gym. With extra energy from the supplement, you’ll be able to get more reps with heavy weights, and you’ll spend more time on the treadmill.
If you want to lose weight and achieve your fitness goals, performance is very important, and by purchasing and using a fat burner, you can make sure you’re always performing at your best.
Potential Side Effects
A lot of people use fat burners to lose weight, and although they have many benefits to offer, they also come with the potential for unwanted side effects. Most of the side effects are caused by caffeine consumption, but there are also some uncommon effects.
Insomnia and Anxiety
Many fat burners increase cortisol levels in the body, which is a stress hormone. If you’re already dealing with anxiety, then you might want to reconsider using these supplements.
However, people with anxiety can choose a product that doesn’t contain stimulants and avoid the additional anxiety caused by powerful stimulants. Some fat burners contain ephedrine, and when consumed in high doses, this chemical can cause vomiting, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia and anxiety.
Since many fat burners are formulated with stimulants, they can cause insomnia, and to avoid this problem, you should never use the product six hours before bed.
Stimulants affect several processes within your body, and by interrupting your sleep patterns, they can make it difficult to sleep. The human body needs a certain amount of sleep every day, and if you’re not getting enough sleep, it will have catastrophic effects on your body.
Increased Blood Pressure
Since many fat burners increase your body temperature, they allow you to burn calories faster, but the ingredients in many popular products can also cause elevated blood pressure.
Stimulants are great for extra energy and performance, but they’re notorious for increasing your blood pressure. Another potential side effect of fat burners is dehydration, and a lot of people use these supplements and forget to drink enough water.
The ingredients in many popular products can increase your risk for dehydration, and the risk for this unwanted side effect is even higher in hot environments. Despite the risk of side effects, the benefits of fat burners significantly outweigh the risks.
How to Use Fat Burners and How to Stack Them with Other Supplements
As always, the best results are obtained by following the instructions on the product, but there are also some general guidelines that you should follow. Most fat burners consist of a powder formula, which is packed into small capsules or tablets.
Since these products are known to contain stimulants, you should never take more than the recommended dosage because you don’t want to accidently take too high of a dose of stimulants.
You must also realize that fat burners aren’t designed to be taken for long periods of time, and they should never be used for more than one to three months at a time.
If you’re using a product that contains caffeine, the effectiveness will wear off over time because your body will develop a tolerance to the effects of the caffeine, which is why every product should be used in cycles.
Stacking with Other Supplements
A supplement stack consists of multiple products, and the stack is supposed to help you achieve specific goals and optimal performance.
It’s possible to stack fat burners with other products, but you must avoid stacking multiple products that contain caffeine. In most cases, you’ll get the best results by stacking fat burners with protein supplements and multivitamins.
If you want to lose weight and achieve your fitness goals, fat burners can help you do it, and with powerful blends of ingredients, these products can increase your energy, stamina, performance, mood and metabolism.
However, you must remember that these supplements are designed to make weight loss easier, and to maximize your results, you’ll still need to put in the hard work. We’ve put a lot of effort into this list of products, and we hope that it will guide you to the best fat burners for your individual needs and goals.
The post Top 10 Highest Reviewed Fat Burners for Weight Loss – Best of 2017 appeared first on Supplement Hound - Supplement Reviews for 2016.
from Supplement Hound – Supplement Reviews for 2016 http://supplementhound.com/best-fat-burners/
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lux-scriptum · 3 years
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Character Aesthetics: Mari
skateboards, funky sunglasses, mountain lake swims, and evening gowns
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HtP Next Gen: Cruz Mejias, Half Demon, Half Angel, Demisexual Bby
We can run down the street With the stars in our e y e s
tagging: @incandescent-creativity @idreamonpaper @halstudies @mis-lil-red @solangelo3088
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lux-scriptum · 4 years
I’ve seen that you and fragmentedink have some characters for htp next gen and I’m wondering if you’d consider posting a (tentative) list of all of the characters and their sheets like parents and partners and genders I’m super interested in hearing more about them from yall be it mood boards and quotes or those pretty headshots but it’s a bit confusing keeping track of it like obvs ideas and characters can change but still thought I’d ask:D I love what yall have goin with htp
Okay, so. We’re gonna go chronologically, first. I’ll put the parents/guardians they live with in  Bold parentheses, pronouns in these things{} itialisized, and full names if necessary in brackets. The timeline gets a little wobbly after the twins (lonan and Mari) tho, and doesn’t get particularly solid until after cliff. Keep in mind, too, that this is all over a good 50-100 years at least. We’re dealing with immortals here!
Eden {she/her/hers} (cam/lev/nik), Brice {she/her/hers} (adopted, Biela/Dacia), Lucas {he/him/his} (bay/nate), Dakota {he/him/his} (ash/celeste), Cruz{he/him/his} (lev/nik/cam), Lei {he/him/his} (idk), Selene {she/her/hers} (Amara/Cin), Xavier {he/him/his} (idk man), Lonan {he/him/his} and Mari {she/her/hers} [Mari’s full name is Maritza] (twins, lev/nik/cam), Blake {she/her/hers} (idk),  Ziva {she/her/hers} (Sazra), Jack {All pronouns} (idk), Vera {she/her/hers} (sorin/cyrus) Nox {he/him/his, they/them/theirs}[nox is his chosen name] and Kris {she/her/hers} (twins, bay/nate), Aidriel {he/him/his} (orphan), Acyn {he/him/his} (Zareth), Dominic{he/him/his} (Ash/Celeste), Zadkiel {he/him/his} (*shrug emoji*), Emrik {he/him/his} (*shrug emoji*), Kane {he/him/his}(Amara/Cin), Cliff[clifford] {he/him/his}(lev/nik/cam), Ethan{they/them/theirs}[Ethan is their chosen name and idek, nor do I want to tbh, their given name] (Amara/Cin), Luca {he/him/his} (sorin/cyrus), Daphne {she/her/hers} (ash/celeste), Alex {she/her/hers}[Alejandra] (cam/lev/nik), Sage {he/him/his} (Sage’s nephew), Sterling {he/him/his} (cam/nik/lev),  Esra {he/him/his/they/them/theirs} (lev/nik/cam), Espen {he/him/his} (a sentry in cams house, named Issac, is his uncle)
 Now.... for the pairings.....
Eden/Brice/Xavier/Jack are eventually all together.
Lucas and Dakota are together
Cruz and Lei are together
As of now, Selene is single, so a fun fact for u, she’s named after cin’s brother’s dead gf, who Cin killed.
Lonan and Acyn are a couple.
Mari, Blake, and Vera end up together.
Nox and Aidriel are a couple.
Ziva and Kris end up a couple.
Dom, Kane, Zad, and Emrik end up together eventually.
Cliff and Luca are a couple, best friends to  s/o’s trope.
Ethan doesn’t have a s/o yet but they’re a weird mix of cameron and amara in personality and i love them.
Daphne and Alex are together.
Sage and sterling are together.
Esra and Espen end up together.
And, as a bonus, Issac and Zareth end up together.
Yes we’ve already started working on the third gen. Yes it’s even more confusing. If you want me to link the moodboards we’ve already made or if you have more questions, let me know! I’m hella excited about the second gen and there’s so much to talk about.
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Next Gen Ships: Cruz + Lei
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Next Gen OCs: Zadkiel before and after
'Cause I remember all the times I tried so hard And you laughed in my face 'cause you held all the cards And I really ain't bothered what you think of me 'Cause all I want of you is just a let me b e
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HtP Next Gen Aesthetics: Acyn Orsini, Empath, 4′9 Gay Bean
I was waiting for my hearse What came next was so much worse It took a funeral to make me feel a l i v e
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HtP Next Gen Aesthetics: Rhiannon Luain, Demon of Lust, 5′11 Knife Lesbian
I sat alone, in bed till the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly d i s e a s e
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HtP Next Gen Aesthetics: Rhiannon Luain, Demon of Lust, 5′11 Knife Lesbian
There's a serpent in these still waters, lying deep down
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HtP Next Gen Aesthetics: Acyn Orsini, Demon, Empath, 4′9 Gay Soft Bby
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
tagging: @idreamonpaper @incandescent-creativity @livvywrites @solangelo3088 @quilloftheclouds @halstudies
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