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jihnari · 2 months ago
@html-tryhard my second entry for the html tryhard 2025 event, behold: a clicky button
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sebastian/farmer, 6k, slightly funny slightly angsty, idk i had fun
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mystyrust · 2 months ago
Hi, wrote an html fic for @html-tryhard
i know i normally dont write for amphibia, but ive been deeply unwell about it since the series finale, and wrote an outsider pov fic
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as you can see, theres interactive easter eggs in there
anyway go read it, and read the rest of the fics from this event too!!
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html-tryhard · 2 months ago
And that's a wrap!
The inaugural HTML Tryhard 2025 Fanfiction Event Week has come to a close. Thanks so much to everyone who participated! All entries for this event can be found on the AO3 collection.
This year, we had a total of 21 works spanning 24 fandoms. The biggest fandom to participate was Harry Potter, which currently has total of 555,256 works on AO3, and the smallest fandom to participate was Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes, which has a current total of 2 works on AO3.
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Y'all contributed to create exactly half of this fandom tag.
The biggest overlap was the Batman - All Media Types fandom, at 3 entries. A majority of entries were the only entry for their fandom. It really goes to show that writers from all fandoms are finding fun and innovative new ways to tell stories.
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It's almost like you tried to actively avoid each other.
We only had 2 HTML tutorial entries, but that means we had 19 story entries! That's a lot! Not only did people write chat fics and fancy new-age epistolary stories (with in-universe posts from Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, and even Yikyak), they also wrote choose your own adventure stories (with multiple endings!), and works that were completely unique that pushed the boundaries of storytelling.
The event collection will be officially closed on this coming Sunday (1/26), but if you have additional entries to add, just let us know.
That's all for this year. Hope to see you all again next year!
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jihnari · 2 months ago
@html-tryhard just posted my final entry for html hell week, a genshin modern uni AU social media fic. i feel like none of those things are particularly popular, plus it's a rarepair fic (childe/alhaitham) but the heart wants what the heart wants. and my heart wants the akademiya student body to gossip about the insane snezhnayan transfer student. 
bonus, tighnari gets to tell people not to eat poison:
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jihnari · 2 months ago
just posted my first entry for the #htmltryhard2025 event. an hsr chat skin tutorial!
look how pretty! writing it nearly killed me, as per usual
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really tried to focus on making the code very clean and reusable and i suffered for it, but i learned a lot. hopefully my future code will benefit from this process lol
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html-tryhard · 3 months ago
HTML Fic Rec Monday
Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild by Erina
In which the characters play Genshin Impact, if Genshin Impact had teams, competitive rankings, and friendly fire.
A cute (but unfinished) story told from various different Genshin character's POVs as players of Genshin Impact. This fic uses a beautiful custom chat skin based on the in-game Genshin chat window and has a ton of very funny interactions between characters.
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html-tryhard · 2 months ago
Only a few days left before the start of #htmltryhard2025!! Remember, we start posting on Monday (the 13th) but we continue posting through Friday (the 17th) (and we accept late entries). Please post your entries to the collection on AO3, and when you have, let us know on Tumblr so we can reblog you.
Looking forward to seeing what you've all created!!
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html-tryhard · 3 months ago
hello Ao3 HTML users-- tis I the person with the Ao3 HTML masterpost. I recently co-wrote a fic with the most HTML I've ever used, and I thought the fine people here would appreciate it. It's an epistolary fic (told through a collection of documents) based around the game Phasmophobia. Please enjoy and I wish you luck on your future HTML endeavors!
This is EXTREMELY cool! I've only skimmed through it but that's a ton of different CSS you're using, and a ton of different types of media. I can only imagine how much time that took you.
Also thanks for your extremely detailed and organized HTML masterposts! You are doing a service 🫡
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html-tryhard · 4 months ago
HTML Fic Rec Monday
this account's tweets are protected by alsahm and benetnash
fandom au, where joker is a big name fan, crow is his favorite fic author, and everything goes even worse than expected.
This Persona 5 AU is told primarily via twitter feeds and DMs. The authors paid meticulous attention to POV and details like profile pictures and number of likes, and the result is a very clean and enjoyable reading experience. The plot itself is also a ton of fun, though we won't say anything more and spoil it for anyone. The authors also have a list of the workskins they used in the final chapter's author's note, if you see anything you like and want to replicate for your own stories.
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html-tryhard · 4 months ago
HTML Fic Rec Monday
@heyitsspiderman by meggannn
This fic was written in 2019 as a hypothetical sequel to Into the Spiderverse, and, just like the movie that inspired it, it pushes the limits of the medium to tell a fantastic story. The fic follows Miles's adventures as Spiderman after the events of the movie, and reconnecting with his interdimensional spidermen! It all starts when Miles gets a text from an unknown number - a number that didn't originate in this universe.
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But this fic doesn't use JUST texting, it has tweets, reddit posts, post it notes (+ other stationary) and even a spotify playlist!
Note: this fic came out way before Across the Spiderverse. Also, this fic is locked to ao3, and will require you to be logged in, to read it.
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html-tryhard · 4 months ago
A good starter pack for getting into HTML!
would you be willing to share some tips about how you did some of the html in your how to start a cult series? it was a super fun read!! but now that I'm writing something that incorporates tweets, emails, and messages, I'm really struggling with it so I was wondering if there was maybe a resource you had or a good starting point beyond just "here's how you can do italics"?
in no specific order:
w3schools is your friend
googling "[specific problem you're experiencing] stackoverflow" is your second best friend
make sure you know the difference between straight quotes and smart quotes. it is Very Important. (html only recognizes straight quotes. text editors like gdocs and word default to smart quotes. this can create problems.)
DOWNLOAD A CODE EDITOR, LMAO. dont be past!me; dont use google docs. i hear vscode is great.
for ao3 specific html weirdness, this page is helpful. (ive also started a log of weird ao3 stuff ive personally noticed on my github, but they're mostly edge cases you won't run into)
there's a TON of html guides and examples in this collection. there's also this other collection, which is smaller and probably a good place to start for beginners
hope this was helpful??
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jihnari · 3 months ago
behold: the next evolution to Y/N fics.
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fully functional on ao3 baybeeeee
still need to update the button to be less ugly. and actually write the fic. and i have a bunch of ideas for how to change the narrative depending on the choice of character that might end up being insane. and i feel a little bad because the story will be entirely prose instead of social media but the code behind it is COOL AS HELL (and took me a massive amount of time and effort) (and the code for the prose will be SO VERY UGLY and i am not looking forward to it) so im counting it as #htmltryhard.
(shout out to @mystyrust who held my hand through all the horrible math behind that tiny button)
Informal check-in time! Don't forget, we start posting on January 13.
Are you working on anything you're excited about? Do you have any fun HTML to share? Let us know!
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mackerel-cheese · 2 months ago
And that's a wrap!
The inaugural HTML Tryhard 2025 Fanfiction Event Week has come to a close. Thanks so much to everyone who participated! All entries for this event can be found on the AO3 collection.
This year, we had a total of 21 works spanning 24 fandoms. The biggest fandom to participate was Harry Potter, which currently has total of 555,256 works on AO3, and the smallest fandom to participate was Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes, which has a current total of 2 works on AO3.
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Y'all contributed to create exactly half of this fandom tag.
The biggest overlap was the Batman - All Media Types fandom, at 3 entries. A majority of entries were the only entry for their fandom. It really goes to show that writers from all fandoms are finding fun and innovative new ways to tell stories.
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It's almost like you tried to actively avoid each other.
We only had 2 HTML tutorial entries, but that means we had 19 story entries! That's a lot! Not only did people write chat fics and fancy new-age epistolary stories (with in-universe posts from Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, and even Yikyak), they also wrote choose your own adventure stories (with multiple endings!), and works that were completely unique that pushed the boundaries of storytelling.
The event collection will be officially closed on this coming Sunday (1/26), but if you have additional entries to add, just let us know.
That's all for this year. Hope to see you all again next year!
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