#htg i have no idea what i just did
angelsonthesideline · 2 years
Good morning and I hope you are having a good Sunday ❤️ I have a kind of a question for you. So I'm a single father and I'd say within the past few months I met a couple girls the first one we hit it off really well and then all of a sudden out of the blue she has sudden depression ADHD and all this other stuff that she never really told me about which I understand you know you don't go into that when you first meet somebody but after a few months of talking, I think that's something that should be brought up to let that person know. my reason is this she started not texting back or responding unless she wanted to play and not have just a normal conversation. I called her out on it and she said that I was being too pushy and if I couldn't accept the fact that she can only respond when she felt up to it then it wasn't going to work but all I was asking was just for a text back hello Hi how are you doing I'm doing okay just in general because I would text her throughout the day just to check on her but I would not hear from her for days and then when I did hear from her that's when she insisted I was being pushy and all that so I guess my question to you is was I asking too much of this person just to text me back hello I'm doing okay etc.... Needless to say she blocked me and all that then.
The second girl I just met recently and it seems that it's starting to just head into not getting to know each other she just wants to play and I told her that if we can't have a normal conversation and get to know each other like you said you wanted to at the beginning I'm not going to continue this I'm not just a toy for you to use. She responded back with that I was being very gaslighting and pushy and the only thing that I asked for was like one or two selfies of her because she had asked for some and I had sent her a couple so I figured I could get the favor in return but she never reciprocated and I'm just to my Wit's end on trying to date nowadays it seems as though they just don't want to get to know me the actual me they just want to play and I'm a pretty good guy great father and do everything I can to make sure she's well taken care of I bust my ass everyday and I feel like these ladies just want to have play time with me but they all say in the beginning that they want to get to know me when in actuality it all just leads into sexual conversation when I want to have a stimulating regular conversation to get to know you so thank you for your time and I believe dating has actually come to a complete shithole.
I'm so sorry, I don't know how long this has been here (at least a week, since this says Sunday in it). I just happened to log into Tumblr on my PC and the inbox had a notification on it so I was going through what was in it, and this is the last one...
Firstly, I feel like there is a lot of detail I would need to really comment on this or give you any opinion. There are definitely two sides to this.
Secondly, I would say that if two separate women find you pushy, then there is a chance that your effort comes across in a way that they feel it's too strong. If they won't/wouldn't talk to you about it, then you have no idea what happened and no way to know what you do that triggers them... Although it is weird that they still wanted contact to play but nothing else...
I appreciate single fathers that bust their ass and make sure their child/children are their priority (as it is clear, since Mr. HTG is such a man), but dating for single parents is hard. I don't know if you are meeting these women online or irl. I know loneliness can really create the need/desire to connect with others, and sometimes wanting to move fast when you feel some sort of connection, but perhaps just avoid online connections for now? I'm sure your schedule makes it hard otherwise, but it is very easy for people to be dishonest or for miscommunications to happen when interactions happen through text.
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theinfinitedivides · 5 years
Nasir, our favorite emo boy, holding a gun to Altair's head: tell me why on earth you insist on making my life a living hell
Altair: can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters
Nasir cocking the gun, tears streaming down his face: I’M NOT DAAMA AFRAID OF YOU
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dazedandlucid · 5 years
What are rwcbmt Taehyung and Koo’s favorite songs ? Like of all time ... very curious about this 🥺❤️🥰
shockingly, i haven’t thought of this much in comparison to the accumulative hours I’ve thought of it for tk in my other fics (cough cough htg cough). i have a clearer idea of what genres they like and why than actual songs with some exceptions. for taehyung, there’s this on going sort of joke he’s terrible at remembering song titles for anything written post 20th century (barring jazz of course) which is why he can never name any of the songs hoseok sings at the shack but just kind of goes “oh yes I vaguely know this song from once long ago hence once forth” but he can identify classical compositions down to the movement and can identify which orchestra’s rendition it is in some cases. he really likes paganini and tchaikovsky. jazz is another big one for him too and he’s really big on thelonius monk, stan getz, dizzy gillepsie, and of course, chet baker. he never had a full edm bro phase even if he was a prime candidate for it (he was a freshman in college in 2008 i mean come on) but you could catch him fist bumping it at one too many raves back in the day. loving celine dion surprised him but he doesn’t question it because if it’s one thing kim taehyung doesn’t question, it’s the things he loves. he’s partial to more psychedelic based outfits like Pink Floyd, the 13th floor elevators, king gizzard and the lizard wizard. his favorite song of all time might be “across the universe”. for jungkook, he definitely had a full on emo/screamo phase, grew up on boleros, mostly luis miguel because of course he did, loved most bubble gum pop from the 90’s/early 00’s, had a very long world music phase in college before delving into singer song-writers and while he lived in New York he used to like bin diving in tiny record shops for folk and underground dance records. his favorite artists are maybe chavela vargas and jeff buckley.
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apocalvpses-blog · 6 years
                 she was born wild and curious. a cage is no place for someone like that.      ‘i play with the fire of my own truth’, she told me. ‘i will burn for the things i love.’
AILYN YAXLEY really is the spitting image of LOGAN BROWNING, right? For someone only TWENTY-SIX years old, AILYN has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that PUREBLOOD has been scraping by at the sanctuary since NOVEMBER 2028 now, working as a HISTORY TEACHER in the DIVISION OF CIVILIANS. SHE identifies as CIS-FEMALE and is known to be INDIFFERENT and SELF SERVING but also EDUCATED and CONFIDENT. Best of luck surviving through this.
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LINKS: pinterest, character tag
ailyn’s youth was filled with lies. her parents were skilled liars, pretenders, people who bended the truth because the truth was something nasty. her father said his business was booming, while unpaid bills kept piling up, and he kept reassuring them with alcohol on his breath and an unshaved face, that nothing was wrong, that he was fixing it all. when ailyn turned ten, he had gone bankrupt and visited the pub every day, rather than his job, and when his mother kissed him on the cheek every morning and told her kids that she loved him, she was lying, too. she smelled of others when she came home, and she was having not one, but two affairs.
and so ailyn learned that truth is a relative thing, something to bend to your own will. she learned it from her parents and continued it when she went to hogwarts, where she spoke of her father’s wonderful business and her parents happy marriage as if it was nothing but truth. she learned off their secrets before she left (and they weren’t that hard to figure out, in all truth, if you looked well — all it took was following her dad to work one day and bursting in her mother’s bedroom out of nowhere) and kept them, but added in some aspects of her own. lies became ailyn’s language at hogwarts, and she fed them to those around her with smiles.
born into a family with a history of supporting voldemort, ailyn was raised with purist beliefs. her grandpa is corban yaxley – someone she never met, as he was sent to azkaban years before her birth – and his legacy runs through the veins of her father. her father, who committed purist crimes in order to steal money or things of worth, even after voldemort’s end, her father, who told her how his father was supposed to roam this earth freely, still, who clung to purist ideals so desperately, that it seemed to be the only thing to keep him afloat. she believed them, for a long time, as they gave her a chance to put herself on a pedestal, and she craved that, when she was younger. 
she has shed them at this point, however — ailyn’s interests aren’t with her family, nor with reaching blood purity, they’re completely selfish; she’s here to stay alive. period. she’s also not a very good witch – she’s smart, don’t get me wrong, incredibly intelligent, but simply not good at waving wands and muttering spells – which has put things in perspective a little. during her years at hogwarts, she was somewhat vocal about her views in her earlier years, but as time passed, she started to value them less and focused on other, more useful things in stead. being into history and being a realist in her core has also made ailyn look at the topic of blood purity more seriously, and once she was able to think more critically and was no longer constantly surrounded by her parents, she understood how stupid purism is.
her brother did follow her father, however --- her younger brother, who she always felt quite responsible of. she doesn’t know where he or her father are at this moment.
ailyn was sorted into ravenclaw at hogwarts (although the hat considered slytherin, too) and thrived here. like i said, she’s highly intelligent, and values learning very deeply. she got through her classes with stellar essays and analysis and prepared herself for a career in the ministry. ailyn was ambitious, knew that she could succeed, and she did, for a while. she interned under a historian while juggling an administrative job in the international magical office of law, following her dreams while making enough money to move out of her parents place and not look back.
her relationship with them was, after all, only functioning because of her dependency on them, and once that was over, she saw no reason to keep people in her life who didn’t truly care about her. she had come to that realisation years ago and while it hurt to know that her parents were too wrapped up in their own shit, in their own tales and lies and prejudice to really care about what moved her, what she was thinking, it was something that allowed her to move on.
[ emotional abuse tw it took her years to realise that her relationship with her parents had been crooked, that there had been ways they’d manipulated her, that there’d been ways they had talked to her that were not right.  she doesn’t call it abuse, not in her head, but it was, and she’s glad that she left the moment she got the chance to end of tw ]
she thrived, for a long time, getting a few promotions and writing strong essays on big moments in history. she gained the title of historian at a certain point, too, and it, to this day, marks her proudest moment. ailyn is incredibly interested in history, after all; she’s intrigued by the things that motivate people, people like voldemort and grindelwald and dumbledore, but also ones much before their time, women especially. 
she didn’t know what was happening with the resurgence of the death eaters — her father was part of it, but she barely spoke to him any more, so she had no idea. she was in wales when it happened, cardiff to be exact, at her own place. she stayed there for a while, barricading her apartment and putting up wards, but it didn’t hold for long. and so she started traveling. she found people to travel with, and moves north
[ grief, trauma, ptsd tw it’s not an easy journey. ailyn is not made for this; she’s a wearer of suede pink heeled shoes and someone who fights battles with words and wits, not with her wand or her fists or a bat, for that matter. it was a long journey, but she made it to hogwarts eventually, battered and bloody and filled with emotions she hadn’t ever experienced before — grief and fear and trauma.
she lost people while traveling north, saw things she shouldn’t have seen, and it’s messing with her more than she would like to admit. ailyn is dealing with ptsd currently, and as she’s not tried to seek any help/been able to admit that something is wrong, it has gone untreated. end of tw ]
at hogwarts, ailyn had to prove that she was not on the side of the death eaters, which quite frankly, got on her nerves. she supposed she understood, and she proved them that she was not, and became a history professor for both muggle & magical kids (as she knows quite a bunch about muggle history as well). she likes doing the work she does, honestly, and finds release in it, a way to escape from everything happening around her. she had never considered teaching before, but now that she does it, she feels like it fits her quite well. 
besides that, she mostly keeps to herself/hangs out with the people she does know and trust. ailyn is quite sharp, has an icy side to her, and she’s able to be mean if she wants to be, when she’s in a shit mood.
personality & facts
ailyn is the most chaotic neutral person i know. htg. her morals are such a mess, i barely comprehend them at this point. her primary goal is to stay alive and after everything she went through to get to hogwarts, she’s even more focused on that. in the end, her loyalty is with herself and herself only, and she won’t get close enough to most people to sway that (or??? maybe she will? depends. ;)  )
out and proud lesbian. loves girls. rocks pink and lipstick and will cut a man. honestly.
can be either charming and fun to be around or just? an asshole. it depends on the day she’s having, tbh. if you’re her friend, though, she’s generally? better to be around and she Does Have friends ( at least , , ,  pls ) and loves & supports them deeply ( just not as much as herself but she assumes they do the same ).
will not be underestimated even tho she’s got lower skills than a lot of people that are needed? still. she’s a smart cookie. survivalist & book smart bub.
i love her but she’s a selfish person lmao.
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sylleboi · 4 years
𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉𝖘 | 06/01/20
During the first part of the morning, after returning from Christmas break, we went over the past brief, quickly evaluation the positives of it and what could be improved upon.
What went well:
Excellent progress of rendering skills in both turnarounds and Pose to Pose animations
Establishing narratives based on imagination and creativity within a given context.
Even better if:
More mapping of out own ideas, documenting ideation through sketching a range of mind mapped ideas after the first week of the project.
Drawing more from observational references to improve hand to eye co-ordination.
Experiment more in alternative mediums
Analyse imagery and effects of imagery as opposed to just saying we like it. Consider why research is so important as opposed to just doing it because you “have” too.
Mondays from now on will be more theoretical, and Wednesday mornings will be for drawing.
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𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉𝖘
In this brief, “Primitive Worlds”, we are going to focus on primitive techniques within art, learning basic skills by using ones hands to create something. In general, the brief is focusing on physical three-dimensional elements.
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Looking at old artwork found from thausands years ago. Cave painting. Get inspired; Neolithic Figure “The Thinker”
News & The Brief
Ev4′s for Trip to British Museum
Have you paid for the trip?
Whats the focus for term 2 / any changes? - Wednesdays Dave will not be able to teach us.
Longer brief means more depth & exploration - Challenge yourself, be organised and stay up to date with our studies at all times.
Checking your grades and reappraising targets
Our Aims & Objectives
To be able to analyse and research a 3D and a 4D problem in Art & Design.
To use and integrated approach to 3D & 4D problem solving.
To use evaluation to support solutions for 3D and 4D problems in Art & Design.
* Problem solving is defined by your ability to diagnose and research a brief, experiment with processes and then present a finished and rendered outcome that clearly answers the brief set.
Visual language
Primarily we are looking at shape and form for this brief, both things that can successfully be applied to something in a 3D or 4D space, such as clay art.
What will you learn
How to create 3D sets and dioramas suitable for animation but specifically illustration
How to create three-dimensional figures/objects in ceramics and other resistant materials
How to experiment with stop motion & rigged animation that develop the range of animation processes you can utilise as you process
About primitive art and the connections to modern illustrators and practitioners
Key terms for animators, model makers & set designers
The challenge (the problem you need to solve):
Your challenge is to firstly research primitive art works, figures and artefacts and the design a diorama (a set piece that has a story going on, most often a still image, lots of little objects, posed) of your own world based on the inspiration. Through a series of ceramics and wood workshops you will create characters, creatures, sets and accessories that can all be compiled to create a diorama. This will then need to be photographed in the studio. The final images will then be made into the class book entitled “Primitive Worlds”·
You will also provide a 50-100 word piece of creative writing to accompany this.
We looked at three different sculptures sharing the look of being stereotypically primitive. (not polished and doesn't feel completely finished, simple and rough);
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Simplification of shape and form allows the people looking at it to add their own interpretation of the sculpture. In colour are they all just one base colour, all earthy. Exaggeration of form, they all share a morphemic kind of feel.
In this case you will need to research 3D primitive art works dating back to the Neolithic* period. We will visit the British Museum to draw from examples, and you will then try to connect this research to contemporary illustration work. A key example we will look at is Shaun Tan
Primitive Art: The term “Primitive Art” is a rather vague (and unavoidably ethnocentric) description which refers to the cultural artefacts of “primitive” peoples - that is, those ethnic groups deemed to have a relatively low standard of technological development by Western standards.
*This term is usually not associated with developed societies but can almost definitely be found in most cultures.
Neolithic: Neo means “new”, Lithic meaning “stone”- New-Stone (stone age/new stone age; creating something new from old stone)
Key research
Shaun Tan and his book “The Sining Bones”. 
Independent task - 30 mins
Find examples of Neolithic Figures online
Terracotta Horse from the Tang Dynasty
Circa AD 618-906
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Terracotta Horse from Northern Wei Dynasty
Circa AD 386-535
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Find examples of Shaun Tan’s work for “The Singing Bones”
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Find examples of Henry Moore and Antony Gormley (Find out who they are too)
Henry Moore:
British Henry Moore, born 30 July, 1898 in Castleford, Yorkshire and died on the 31 August, 1986 in Perry Green. He was an important figure in art, best known for this bronze figures that can be found around the world as public art work. He was the son of a miner, and the seventh of eight children.
Below are some examples of his work:
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Antony Gormley:
Antony Gormley is a British sculptor, born in London, 1950. He is well known for his many sculptures displayed as public pieces of artwork around the world. In the biography on his website, his work is described as something “(...) that investigate[s] the relationship of the human body to space.”
Below are some examples of his work:
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After being introduces to the task of the afternoon; being to create some quick sketches of golems in our sketchbooks whilst keeping in mind the brief focusing on neolithic artwork, we immediately after went and met up in the ceramics workshop. Here we would be introduced to the basics of safety while using the different tools, as well as what techniques we should be using when working with clay and ceramic tools.
Below is a picture of some of the ideas I came up with:
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One of the first things we went over where all the different materials were located in the workshop, including brushes, clay wire cutters, loop tools, knives, shaping/modelling tools, sponges, rolling pins, slip and so on.
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Personally, learning all the techniques was quite a mouthful, especially because I haven’t worked all that much with clay in the past; maybe only once or twice a long time ago, but it felt more like a refresher, than a wave of “I’m new to all of this, what is going on...”, which was comforting to some extend.
By the end of the term, we are meant to create something like what is shown below; a completed character (or multiple characters) that have been fired:
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For the first lesson we were going to use stone-based clay:
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For the stone-based clay, we were to use HTG reclaim slip. Slip is simply described as a the glue used to assemble different pieces of clay together so it sticks and stays put during and after firing.
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After the introduction of learning the basic techniques, most notably how to create something hollow, we began working and testing the medium out for ourselves.
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I decided to go with the figures I sketches, outlined below:
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For this golem, I decided to try out incorporating a mechanism where the face has two different expressions; the face is supposed to be able to spin around within the figure so the face can be changed to ones liking, but this would first be put together after firing the clay.
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Out of the figures shown in the picture above, I made the unicorn, the tall figure to the right and the two short and stubby ones in the front.
We did some work, doing Unit 9: Opportunities for Progressions in Art & Design, all things that help us work towards building an understanding and idea of what we would like to do after finishing this or the extended diploma for Animation & Illustration.
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angelsonthesideline · 3 years
Have you ever thought of the weird ways that texture based food issues can contradict each other?
I have had texture issues my whole life, my parents just thought I was being "weird" or fussy. But being a picky eater is one thing (and I won't lie, I am, and used to be WAY worse as a child), but texture issues are a totally different monster.
Let's take pickles, for example.
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I LOVE pickles. But only dill pickles, garlic dill pickles especially. I love them even more when they are sliced length-wise and retain their crunch while you eat them. BUT, you take that same exact slice of dill-licious (see what I did there) pickle and put it ON something?? Uh oh.. hell no.. not happening. WHY though? I have no idea.. I'm the one who asks for no pickles on burgers, sandwiches etc. Why? I used to say I don't like warm pickles.. but then I LOVE deep fried pickles, which are definitely warm (hot usually), and covered with crispy, tasty batter and dipped in ranch dressing (or chipotle, for you spicy people). So it definitely isn't that I don't like them warm. I'll also eat room temperature ones off a deli spread at a party. So why don't I like pickles on things? I have no idea, but the texture combined with other things just doesn't work for me. So, it gets labelled "weird".
Onions are another one. This one is more puzzling to my loved ones. I HATE the texture of onions on my tongue, the noise/sound they make in my teeth when I eat them, and yet I will eat a mcdonald's cheeseburger with the little recon onions. If I get a quarter pounder, the big ass onion slivers have to come off.. can't do it, I will gag. Same difference, just bigger and able to texture trip my gag reflex. I can eat caramelized onions if they are well caramelized, if they are still slimy, I'm out. Yet I will always go for onion rings over fries, but can't do the overly large onion rings that use 1/4 of the onion per battered loveliness. Too much.. too slimy or too crunchy still. Baffles my family.
Let's talk raisins... THEY ARE LIES. Most dried fruit triggers my gag reflex (with the exception of figs, but I have to not think when I eat figs or it can still happen.. but they do have a different texture to other dried fruit). Raisins tho.. absolutely a NO GO situation. Talking about butter tarts with Mr. HTG, which both of us love - where I love mine plain, he prefers his with raisins - he mentions his mom makes amazing butter tarts (with raisins) and I responded with "you are not allowed to make me gag in front of your mother". When I was a small child, my grandmother busted out EVERY KIND OF RAISIN under the sun from her baking menagerie and made me try every single variation, figuring there would be one I liked. Absolutely not, all made me gag and she gave up trying to get me to eat raisins. Again, I was the "weird" one in my family.
Chocolate covered almonds (dark chocolate for me pls) are another. I love them, they are one of my favourite indulgences when I want just a few of something sweet. BUT, if you give me a chocolate bar with almonds, or put them in brownies or other desserts. Forget it. No thank you. Brownies with nuts are the WORST. Toss the whole lot. If you put toffee in it, amazing, why do nuts in things bother me? No idea, but again, no control over that damn gag reaction.
Mushrooms.. yeah those lil bastards squeak on my teeth and make my body convulse. Sorry dudes, you are tasty, and I definitely appreciate shaved truffle bits or truffle oil as an addition to delicious things, but eating anything beyond that level of "mushroom" (or the forever hard to find mushroom Mr. Noodles ramen pack, not the bowls) are all I can handle from your department.
For the longest time, I just thought I was "weird". Then I found out that texture issues are one of the overlaps between Autism and ADHD. Now, while it may still remain "weird" to neurotypicals, I know there's a reason behind my quirks.
I'm curious what others are, please respond/share with your food texture issues!
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