#htf oc silky
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LMFAO. hes such a bitch.
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tailhitch · 1 year
what's tailhitch's opinions on Kyle Bully Neil Sliky & Flopsy?
Kyle: Tailhitch thinks he’s a nice guy, he just wishes he’d ask for help every once in a while. Hell, Tailhitch would even cover Kyle’s shifts if he just asked. If Kyle’s bosses said anything Tailhitch could easily handle it. Tailhitch just kind of feels bad for the coyote.
Bully: To be frank Tailhitch doesn’t really hate the guy he just thinks he’s kind of a jerk, they’ll probably never be friends but Tailhitch feels no animosity for the reptile. He’s sort of reminded of his universes version of starscream in all honesty. Loud, rude, and will definitely push you around, but the moment someone bigger and stronger shows up he’ll skedaddle. But he’s probably a good guy somewhere under all the douchebaggery.
Neil: Tailhitch keeps a close optic on him, he knows that this strange new world technically isn’t earth, and as such it probably won’t have the same effect on an extraterrestrial that Earth has had on the autobots and decepticons. So he keeps careful watch on the bee and the skies above the isles. If anything starts going down, Tailhitch will be the first line of defense.
Silky: He reminds Tailhitch too much of his old boss* (slave master) from his mining days before he joined the autobots. He frequently has to stop himself from activating his holomatter generators and punching the moth in the stomach. It’s not even over anything silky says to the bot directly, most of the time. He just has a general hatred for these kinds of people.
Flopsy: Much like with lammy and her weird pickle, Tailhitch has a hard time trusting the magician and his bolo tie. The few times the autobots and decepticons interacted with the inhabitants of equestria were more than enough for Tailhitch to learn to identify when something is magic, evil, and magically evil. Once again Tailhitch is reminded of the decepticons air commander. As just like starscream, flopsy, despite pleas to the contrary, probably never really thinks about his actions or what led him to this point.
All of these characters besides Tailhitch belong to @technicoloranimalviolence. Go give them some love.
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sheppycrazyworld · 2 years
More about my HTF Au! (And 3 oc's)
The posts related to this au will contain some facts!
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Facts (Canon Characters):
-the couples in this will be: Flippy X Flaky Cuddles X Giggles Handy X Petunia (Maybe Lammy X Truffles, I'm not sure yet)
-I don't care, everyone will have clothes xd
Facts (My Oc's):
-Candy name may be Candy, but she's diabetic.
-Silky and Candy are a lovely couple, they care for the other. (They know each other since kids)
-Bunch is a spirit/ghost, but they're not mean.
-Silky is an extrovert doggy, he likes games and spend time with friends!
-Candy is a introvert kitty, shy and afraid to know other people.
-Bunch is an ambivert ghost, they likes to scare people but wouldn't hurt a fly. They're non-binary, but in their false form will be a boy. (they don't mind other pronouns like she or he, they're fine with any pronoun but they would like more they/them) Biologically they're a boy.
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gooooooose420 · 3 years
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WeLp- I’ve made art- lol- Meet Silky! My HTF oc, she’s a spider chick with hemophobia (phobia of blood). I drew her both in her “animal” self and “human” self! I love her colors bahah- (feel free to ask more about her if  you’d like! Drawing her is also allowed, I don’t really mind/care- just make sure to credit me if you do-)
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its really funny how much everyone hates him. i posted this on discord and in each server someone said they'd crunch him in some way.
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i hate his rich boy ass so much
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this is blocked in one country because of colter wall but i have no idea which one. anyway heres this.
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help him
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straw tongue capitalist bastard
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as a squeakquel to a previous post. Silky and Flopsy's first deaths?
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tldr: strangulation
flopsy came to the isles a little while after accidentally killing a man with his car. he was texting and driving, setting up a gig doing what he does in england. thanks to buck, he managed to disappear the body into the road with magic, but shit just kept getting worse and worse and scarier and scarier for him and he had to leave. happy tree is where he ended up. flopsy doesnt die too frequently, in all technicality hes a catalyst. he's irresponsible, and it costs people their lives. usually through his magic shows going horribly wrong. he is, of course, not doing this on purpose. its buck perverting the magic because he's bored. buck is also, sometimes, the reason he dies. (hes got some major fucking cuteness aggression for flopsy and is also just a murderous tool. its rare though that he does this to flopsy because he ABSOLUTELY NEEDS HIM ALIVE) most of his deaths include strangulation, dismemberment, drowning
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tldr: first one was electrocution, second was getting impaled through the chest with a steel rod.
silky isnt as new to the death-loop as neil, but hes relatively recent.
he may also be a bug, but he's from earth! he ended up on the isles because he wanted to "expand on some business opportunities" (see: preying on the locals financially because hes a billionaire and thats what they do.) because of a little.. quirk. he's got, most of his deaths are painless. HOWEVER. he spends most of the disasters HE goes through being scared out of his fucking mind. he goes through some scary shit. he's the type to grovel and cry for his life, because he is fucking terrified of anything bad happening to him. he isnt used to things not going exactly his way.
this character actually has a voiceclaim!
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if you were friends with your own OCs how would they celebrate your Birthday?
kyle would show up late to the party, having run the whole way there, and present me with the most thoughtful gift you've ever seen in your life under 30 dollars because hes flat broke. literally nobody there but me would understand exactly how important it is and they'd get annoyed at him but i would let him have the first slice of cake anyway
neil doesn't know what a birthday is. i have to explain it to him. "its a celebration of the day i came into the world, of life, and of survival." instead of finding that useless, he would think it was a clever little cultural thing and start wondering when HIS was. quietly, to himself, of course. within the next week, he would come up to me and hand me AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HANDMADE ALIEN WEAPON "so that i may make it to my next one."
bully would try to get me to come tagging with him, and would attempt to peer pressure me into spray painting my name on the side of a government building. he'd be like "hahaha cmaaaaan man its your fuckin birthday have a little fun bro. c'mon i even brought moonshine instead of beer cause i know you like it better you HAVE to. here i'll tag my name first since you're being a pussy" and then he gets caught and we both get arrested. i get to bite a police officer and draw blood though.
flopsy would offer to do a magic show for a discount! it would go horribly wrong and i would die violently. likely by traumatic nonsurgical organ removal. im the cake now. i would comedically blow out the candles with my death rattle.
silky would probably not celebrate it because he is a capitalist and i am not. i would not be friends with that man. that or he would use me as a pr stunt. "look at this mentally ill bisexual man whos birthday party i celebrated. we are such good friends." and i would proceed to maul him with my teeth like a wild dog.
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This is silky, hes a rich bitch. pretty much every shitty parasite position of power you can think of is one he’s been in. ceo, landlord, etc.
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describe what kind of a baby each of your htf ocs were?
They were pretty much just babies. kyle, flopsy, silky and bully were, i mean. little crawlin guys that babbled and whatever. they were reminiscent of themselves, of course. kyle was cooperative. little mama's boy helped his mother with everything he could. silky was a spoiled little richkid shithead that never heard the word no until after moth puberty (chrysalis for half a year), and even then it was to learn the ins and outs of building on the actual fortune he was born into. bully was a curious, mischievous little shithead and flopsy was probably chewing on batteries or something.
the only two of note are neil and buck.
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Neil hatched from his egg and fought his way out of a wax pod in a wall next to hundreds of other larvae in the exact same situation. had he not succeeded in chewing and clawing his way out, he would have died and been disposed of. he was relatively ornery as a larva, which the nurse bees mistook for very promising shows of aggression. he was in fact, just uncomfortable. i have no real plans for bucks "infancy", as thats not the point of his character, but for shits and giggles and the people who NEED answers to things, lets just say this: buck was never a baby. he came into this world with a fully developed sense of self and consequence. one minute he didn't exist, and the next he did, conscious and awake and aware of his purpose. to glorify and serve. he would be disgusted with it, though without choice, until the fall.
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