#hslot: detroit
Fine Line, HSLOT Detroit 9/20/21
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hstourarchive · 3 years
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LOVE ON TOUR - Detroit, Sep. 20
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sartorialharry · 3 years
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hslllot · 3 years
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tag yourself. i’m mitch and i’ve had enough of fhis guy’s shit
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bribe-the-door · 3 years
@ jennalut has a live on Instagram!
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sunshineindark · 3 years
Fine Line sounds so AMAZING!!!!
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harrv · 6 years
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Harry getting interrupted by a fan’s birthday Detroit, Michigan (06/26)
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definegirlfriends · 6 years
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mobulamunkiana420 · 6 years
harry in detroit:
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zaynharrie · 6 years
“You're not gonna see these people tomorrow! SO WHY DO YOU CARE?! I DON'T! IT'S ONLY FIVE MINUTES”
— harry yelling at people to dance and sing for the last five minutes
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rommahh · 3 years
{my goodness he looked so good. Like the outfit threw me off but then it warmed up on me. I literally wanna eat his hooha. Also he was so sassy tonight.}
“Did you watch the show tonight?” Harry asks you over FaceTime. He had you propped up in the bathroom as he started his skin care routine. He had taken on a stricter skin care routine since starting tour. All of the built up sweat and different climates of the states did something to his skin.
You were in the kitchen of your shared house stirring a pan of ground beef that you were using for tacos, dressed adorably in a red blouse that matched Harry’s shirt tonight.
“Of course I did you goof. Had it playing in the background while I did some chores.” You turned the stove off and moved the pan off of the heat. You gave Harry your full attention watching as he cleansed his face.
“What was your favorite part?” He questioned looking at you through the camera. He posed for you so you could take a FaceTime picture. You burst into a fit of giggles as he put up a peace sign, cocking his hip to the side with sass.
“Hmmm… I really loved the banana song, think you should put that one on the next album.” Harry hummed acknowledging you as he rinsed his face off. He moved onto the next step of his routine, dolloping the product on his fingertips and gently rubbing it into his slightly damp face.
“What else?” You smirked at his question. Your boyfriend had a little thing for praise. He always wanted your assurance, your opinion being the most important to him.
“I thought it was really sweet when you noticed that someone had proposed. I love proposals.” You sighed dreamily. Harry’s eyes popped open to look at you. Luckily you weren’t looking at him because you were too deep in thought. He kept eyeing you cautiously, thinking about that little piece of jewelry burning in his jewelry box ready to be used.
“Oh? What do you like in proposals? What would you want? Something big? Small?” He prosed trying to not come on too hard. You broke out of your reverie moving from where you were leaning into the counter to watch Harry to start prepping the toppings to your tacos.
“I think I’d like for whoever’s proposing to me,” you gave him a look, “to discuss with me before a proposal if I’m even ok with getting married. I wouldn’t want something big to happen and then I say no. That’s embarrassing. But if I did give an ok, I don’t care how I’m proposed to. It can be small or large. I just hope that it’s special.”
Harry thought about your words, staring as you chopped vegetables and heated up your corn tortillas.
“Ok.” Is all he says gently rubbing moisturizing on his face and neck.
“Ok?” You ask.
“Y/N are you ready to be proposed to? By me of course.” He fumbles over his words. You drop your knife to look at him with wide eyes. He was nervous, you could tell. Your normally very cocky boyfriend was folding within himself with nerves.
“I’ve been ready for years.” Is your calm reply. You were calm on the exterior but your insides were screaming. Harry felt the same way but a wave of relief overcame him. You were ready to be with him for life.
“Oh ok. Well that’s um, you know that’s really good information.” He tries to play it off. He picks the phone up before launching himself into his room and onto the bed. You settle at the table with your food and phone. You and Harry share a look and silence.
This was a pivotal point in both of your lives. The “playboy musician” was finally on the road of settling down and you with your anxiety had finally met someone you felt comfortable sharing the rest of your life with.
“Your tacos look really good.” Harry comments breaking the silence. You lift it up to show it off and he whistles hotly. You take a large bite out of it, moaning at the taste. “Well let’s not do all that, gonna make me horny.”
You choke on your food, a laugh escaping you.
“Yea, you’re really hot.”
“God, Harry you are such a boy.”
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hstourarchive · 3 years
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LOVE ON TOUR - Detroit, Sep. 20
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oksfranta · 3 years
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Harry waving at fans, stumbling and dancing away in Detroit
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gucciking-hes · 3 years
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colourofmagic · 3 years
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hslot shows 7-9: washington dc, detroit, st. paul <333
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sunshineindark · 3 years
What is the prints on those pants????
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