avmedium · 5 years
sunshine ;
avengers park was, without a doubt, haneul’s favourite place to go during the day. when the sun was high and bright, lighting up the colours of the park beautifully, it was picturesque and haneul wanted nothing more than to put it on paper. of course, during the day the spirits weren’t so bad, it was only the darkness that brought out the eviler ghouls. however, this didn’t stop the fact that the park was much more crowded to him than it was to any regular person. he knew even ghosts enjoyed the sunshine and the grass. after all, they were people once. not all ghosts were bad, he had learned over time, but not all ghosts wanted anything to do with the human that could see them. there were a few, however, that considered themselves friends of haneul, and heck, he supposed he considered them friends, too. he had grown up with most of them, after all.
one of them hung over his shoulder, watching his pencil glide along the paper as he sat peacefully on the bench. well, almost peacefully. having someone linger over his shoulder was becoming increasingly annoying. distracting, definitely, as was the constant commentary from the ghost in his ear. his drawing began to get sloppy and his jaw tensed. eventually he snapped; “just piss off, man.” haneul looked up in annoyance and let out a sigh, catching eyes with a person nearby who looked a little attacked. “ah, sorry. not you.” he smiled. “asshole.” his whispered under his breath the ghost that was now snickering behind him. 
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
are open starters a thing here? is there a tag for it?
members are free to write open starters! you can use the tag hq:starter if you’d like ~
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
{ open }
It was night fall, and the rain was falling hard down on Chaemi. Things was just not going right for her that day. After running late for class in the morning because she woke up late, she realize she left her assignment at home again. Just when she thought her day couldn’t get any worse, on her way home from school, it started to pour heavily and she didn’t have an umbrella with her. “God dammit,” she muttered in annoyance. In the end, she ended up running all the way back.
“Finally,” she muttered under her breath as soon as her apartment was in her sight. She reached into her pocket for her keys but to her horror, there was nothing. After anxiously fumbling through all her pockets and bag multiple times, she gave up looking for it. She groaned and pulled her hair in frustration. She glanced at the steps leading to the apartment and sighed to herself as she sat down on the ledge, hugging her arms close to her body. She pulled her knees closer to her chest, laying her forehead on them, praying she wouldn’t end up dying out in the cold that day.
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acxhaneul · 9 years
Sleepwalking    [ open ]
Haneul never liked group assignments, especially when her groupmates are lazy. She's not the most diligent student herself, but she actually wants to get good grades for this assignment, because it's about a chapter she really likes. Also the lecturer is her favorite, so she wants to be noticed more. One thing leads to another (one of the person from her group ditch her material to party, another swore that his laptop is tragically damaged), and Haneul ends up not sleeping for three days straight making this presentation and the required reports—doing jobs that should be done by four people alone. It's a dangerous act, as not sleeping for her equals another episode of her old antics that she's not quite fond of. “At least I finished it,” she told herself stubbornly, “it's worth it.”
For the A+, sure, maybe. For her well-being, not so much. At least not when she get off her bed and walk out of her room, ride the elevator all the way to the roof four hours later, with her eyes half-open, staring into nothing, and her mind is in deep sleep.
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acxjun-blog · 9 years
Laundry day. Urgh. Clean clothes were becoming somewhat of a sore subject with the young werewolf because he was about a month into living at HQ and he still couldn’t work the laundromat correctly. He had just reached into the dryer to pull out a white t-shirt freshly stained pink. Every other white sock, pair of boxers, and shirt were also blushed with color.  “ARGH DAMN THIS THING” He grunted, nails raking down the face of the machine and leaving 3 deep claw marks. His head perked up suddenly at the noise of the door opening. Shit...Jun quickly turned around and stepped in front of the damaged machine in order to hide the mark. “Damn Tide am I right? Can’t trust it...hah.” His laugh was futile because there was still a very evident frown pulling at his lips.
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acxhaneul · 9 years
untitled  [open]
“Isn’t it too early for Valentine’s Day?” The question slipped out from Haneul’s lips, instantly earning herself an awkward look from the buyer. Today’s like,  what--February the third? The person that stood before her had chosen her store’s best bouquet, placing it carefully on top of the counter with a card to go. Haneul had taken a peek out of curiosity at the card, and spotted the word valentine scribbled neatly on it. But the buyer paid no mind to what she said, impatiently handing her the money and ran out as fast as they can.
Haneul stood with her eyes opened wide, eyebrows furrowed. She then glanced at the person who was standing in the corner, the one she actually known for quite some time, who was watching her the whole time. “Did I say something wrong? I only asked...”
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