hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ You only live once❞  
University Grade 2
Hope’s Peak Dorms #206
he enters the gymnasium, his gaze moves across the room. there are other students in the room with him, not sure who they are he doesn’t necessarily try to get to know them at this moment. his only concern is why he’s here and how to get out. he doesn’t remember how he’s gotten here.
oh, wait. this couldn’t be the school that his father was forcing him to go too?
the announcement from the classroom where he awoken told him to go to the gym, but for what? was it the start of the new school year already? there were so many questions that roam around in his head, it almost made him dizzy. just as he was to turn his heel to leave the room, the room darkens and the screen comes down. ‘a… teddy bear?’ he’s more shocked that it’s speaking to them on the screen.
a killing game.
the bear went by the name of monokuma, and he speaks on welcoming the students to hope peak academy. a school for gifted people. so, that’s what he was gifted? all he knew is that he was trained in his father’s gang to be an assassin. that’s the job he had to do, that’s why he was born into the family after all. not that he particularly liked killing people, but it seem like whoever was behind the talking teddy bear was enjoying himself a bit too much. the announcement ends and there’s a list of expressions upon each student’s face. so, the only way to escape this school is to survive or die. there was no easy way out. just like his household, the syndicate that his father was leading. the only way to survive was to kill or be killed. was this a test from his father to see what he was made of? did his old man hate him that much to send him to a school where his life could end before his eyes if he wasn’t careful?
video message.
son, your mother and i can not express enough how proud we are of you. to have been accepted in such a school only for the gifted. i know that our family is different from others, but seeing you on the field and in your training has made me nothing but happy. you are a fast learner and even in this school i am sure you will excel in your studies as quickly as you do in your training. we can’t wait to see how your time goes in hope’s peak, we are looking forward to seeing you soon. your mother and i love you, remember that.
the video from the monopad given to them cuts off. a video that was to give them a motive to keep going. did his father really say such words or was this some kind of joke? whatever it was, he wanted to see how far he would go in a school like this. after all, he was his father’s puppet and the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint.
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slurrypumpfactory · 7 years
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Throatbush material in PU This part is developed according clients drawing for pump HPK 125 We accept OEM work for various material, welcome contact us for business cooperation [email protected] WhatsApp +86 18932929727 www.librafluid.com
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ If it’s for him, I don’t need a future or a tomorrow! ❞  
University Grade 3
Mirae Huts #9
Have you ever known what’s it’s like to be abandoned? To not even have your own parents want you? It hurts, it hurts worse than anything ever could. Trust me, I know. I’d say I would wish it on my worst enemy, but I’m not that great a person.
Ha. Maybe that’s why I was abandoned. They knew the moment I was born that I was just a gross doll destined for the trash. It would make sense.
Ah, I’d better not say things like that where sunbaenim might hear. He’ll yell at him again.
….I’d do anything for him, yanno? My sunbaenim, more like my master, really. He found me when I was at my worst, he pulled me out of the garbage that surrounded me and made me his own. He fixed all my broken joints and repaired my clothes. He turned me from a broken toy into his beautiful doll.
Hehe. I suppose you could call me his puppet. People try to use it as an insult, but joke’s on them. I love being sunbaenim’s puppet~ Because when I move by his hand, I have worth, I’m a beautiful being. Maybe even worthy of being loved?
No matter what, even if this world burns down around us, I’ll follow sunbaenim into Hell itself. Because life isn’t worth living if he’s not by my side.
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die ❞  
University Grade 4
Mirae Huts #4
C:\Documents\School\2020\Senior thesis (draft 2).docx
(Title work in progress)
Zhu Zhengting
… emotions surrounding such loss are complex and messy, because one feels so many different emotions at the same time, such as shock, confusion, frustration, perhaps even relief. at the same time, people must face the practical reality of death, acknowledge the loss and dispose of the body. the most orthodox way that this is done is by employing the services of funeral homes…
… in this thesis, i wish to address the complexities that accompany the loss of a loved one. while the completion of the funeral often marks the end of the need to manage death, i want to ask: does memorialisation end with the funeral? does anything remain after? if so, what remains?
perhaps my own situation places me in an adequate position for my research. six years ago, i received the news that my parents had died. i remember feeling stunned and confused. i had to return and help my grandmother plan the funeral. initially, we received much support from friends, even the funeral home offered their support and care. but people eventually stopped calling, as though this loss was a blip in their lives, but for us, we were still sorting through our loss. i had to close their credit card accounts, organise their belongings. i found that i avoided talking about my parents even years after the incident, because it would bring up an indescribable sadness and discomfort in my heart.
the aim of this study is to ascertain the remains, the everyday forms of memorialisation that happen after the funeral. from my experience, i became interested in this experience of sadness and avoidance.
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ I know all those words, but that sentence makes no sense to me ❞  
University Grade 4
Mirae Huts #1
yuchan cannot actually tell you how many languages he knows how to speak and understand properly. the number is too great and he is pretty sure he could probably say something from every language around the globe. even the ones that aren’t spoken any more. He’s always loved languages, ever since he was little he was brought up by his father speaking korean and english, his father a proud english teacher at the local high school in busan. and it was always a surprise to him how easily his middle child could pick up the language easy. by the time he was only three years old he was quite easily speaking in korean and english fluently and had already picked up quite a lot of japanese as well from some japanese family friends.
it was trend that kept up even as he got older and he started really taking an interest in even more languages, spending a lot of time pouring over different textbooks and studying online. and the speed he managed to pick up these new languages was unmatched. yuchan could quite confidently learn how to speak, read, write and understand a completely new language to have a proper conversation in just a week. his other two brothers never saw the appeal and their childhoods were spent playing outside and running around like madmen, something that yuchan didn’t see the appeal of himself.
of course, with knowing all these languages he does constantly suffer from #bilingualproblems. with so many different languages crammed into his brain it is very easy to get mixed up and even forget words in the language he is trying to communicate in. but that is certainly not going to stop him from trying to learn every single language humanly possible even if he is most likely never going to get the opportunity to have a conversation in said language. who else even knows how to speak latin well enough to have a full conversation in it these days?
maybe it was no surprise that he was labelled with the title of ultimate linguist, then, or that he was offered a chance to attend hope’s peak academy. but it was not a chance that yuchan was going to pass up on and while it was hard to leave his family in busan, he was eager to go all the same. and he thrived, loving the chance to speak to different people from all over the world, loving putting his language skills to the test and comfortably conversing with everyone possible.
And he was just as eager to go back for his final year, but ending up in some strange murder game run by a sentient teddy bear was certainly not what he was expecting.
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ i have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it ❞  
University Grade 3
Mirae Huts #2
you’re sick of looking around and seeing other people having everything. your parents are hard-working, you assume anyway, they’re never around so they must be at work right – they wouldn’t leave you home alone without any good reason right? you spend your nights as a child running around trying to open cans and microwave the almost stale food that you can find for your youngest siblings and you sit and adjust the ever-static television so that you can just have a second of the silly cartoon normality that the others kids have. when you find the time to watch it, you’re so eager to talk to the other kids at school about it and they always laugh – that is so old. you try really hard, but you just don’t have much, your home lunches are boring, embarrassing compared to the other kids and you never get to go on the big field trips. all the adults always tell you the same thing: life just isn’t fair.
she’s always bragging about her new toys and clothes – it makes your stomach burn and your lungs seize up, you’re so desperate for something like that. you know that you only got invited to the part because everyone did, it’s not like anyone is even talking to you so no one even notices that you slip away, you’re just a scruffy kid that wasn’t there suddenly and everyone blames the birthday girls’ carelessness when they realise she’s lost her brand new necklace. you clutch it so tightly on the way home that it makes your knuckles go white – you feel warm on the inside. you hope you never lose that feeling. the man at the pawn shop barely questions you when you trade it in – you treat yourself and your siblings to a big meal, it’s the best one you’ve ever had.
you can’t bring yourself to stop. you giggle to yourself as you think of your sticky fingers making their way around, just taking things off of the store shelves. people finally start thinking that you’re not so bad – you finally look the part of a normal teenager, but you’ve not changed – you’re just masking, presenting. you give the best gifts too, so why wouldn’t people love you – you’re the provider now, and people start looking to you to get things. it’s not as if you’ve ever been caught. you make some friends that start noticing just what you can do – people say that they’re weird, unsavoury characters but you feel at home. they appreciate your talents, you start to think you’re good.
after some high profile jobs – you realise you’re the best.
hope’s peak is an opportunity for you – education isn’t really important to you, you’re a job or two away from living a comfortable life. despite your humble preferences, you can’t help it. slipping something away from other people’s prying eyes is an itch that you need to scratch. and you’re hungry for it.
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink❞  
University Grade 4
Hope’s Dorms #210
Dear Diary,
I can’t believe that I’m about to be a senior. The past four years have been so amazing. I’ve met the best people here, and my skills have grown more than I ever thought possible. A part of me wants to go on to grad school. I mean, I have the grades, and it would get the banks off my back. It seems like I get calls everyday from the banks wanting money. They suddenly think I’m full of money since I’m about to graduate. Nope! I’m still living that budget lifestyle. I sometimes find myself thinking about my mother. Fall was her favorite time of year. We used to place pumpkins outside the door of our apartment complex. Although she’s gone now….. a part of her will always live inside of me.
Wow! That was totally cheesy. Speaking of cheese, I managed to dye someone’s hair the color of swiss cheese. Okay, okay, it sound kinda disgusting, but the pale white and yellow color was a serious look. My client loved it. I really love making people smile. As for makeup, I’m waiting for my stuff to come in. Ordering makeup from overseas takes forever. I keep checking the tracking information to see if my stuff has cleared customs. It hasn’t.
You know, I’m going to contact the seller. Maybe they can give me some advise. I’ll update this later before I go to bed.
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ A positive attitude can really make dreams come true ❞  
University Grade 1
Hope’s Dorms #202
[blog post]
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I have the greatest news you guys. I just got accepted to Hope’s Peak Academy. Yeah, the school all the way in Korea. I’m beyond thankful right now to everyone who believed in me. Like, you guys, I started drawing when I was a little girl. I was high key not talented. All of my art teachers were telling me to give up, but I practiced for two hours a night for years. Slowly, very slowly, over time I improved, and now I’m a comic book artist going to Hope’s Peak Academy as the ultimate comic book artist. Don’t give up on your dreams, my dearest fans.
Am I nervous about going to Hope’s Peak? Yeah, I’ll be surrounded by super talented people, but it will be good for me. I’ll be exposed to so many things that will help me grow as a person. Right now I’m trying my best to brush up on my Korean. Everyone around me seems to have concrete goals. Meanwhile I’m over here like “I want to create comic books for a major publisher”. No plans, no methods, just one big dream, but that’s how I roll. I like living in the moment.  I’ve got to go pack my things. Catch you later
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ I’m here to have a fun and serotonin  time, not a victory time. If I can’t have fun, then what’s the point of playing? Winning all the time gets so boring ❞  
University Grade 2
Mirae Huts #3
Moon always plays a variety of decks in varying formats, draft not withstanding. She tries her best to diversify her playstyle but in the end she always sticks to tokens. She likes to be able to swarm the field and laugh at the sheer absuridity she can do with token decks no matter the color combination. The current decks she has are…a lot. The last time Moon checked, it was around 69 commander decks, 10 modern deck, 1 standard that she’ll take apart when certain sets rotate out, 2 vintage decks, and like 3 legacy decks.
You can imagine how much all of that costs in total.
Her primary decks, at least in commander, are Brudiclad and Trostani; two token decks that represent two sides of her, Trostani and Brudiclad.
Trostani focuses on token generation via enchantments and life gain. To Moon, Trostani is more…passive. She can lean back and watch as her Life Total skyrockets to the thousands; one time it went to the millions due to…multiple token doublers going off; it was a mathmatical nightmare. Honestly, she can just lay back, watch her tokens and life multiply, and then attack for game. She usually attacks when it’s least expected; Moon is sneaky like that. She gets a lot of glee from the sheer shock from how many tokens she has on the field. Plus, she runs green so she can ramp pretty quickly. When Moon plays Trostani, she’s more laid back and prone to not pay as much attention unless she is needed for something or if she needs to do some ungodly math. When she smiles, she’s happy that she’s able to have fun by winning with a lot of life points and watching other people beat each other while saving her for last. You can see her grin as everyone starts to pummel each other, never minding whatever bullshit Moon has up her sleeve. Trostani is like the sleepy and quiet deck that’s silent but deadly except you can see how many tokens she has and how much life she is at. When she beats you with this deck, it will be with a gentle smile.
Brudiclad (or as she nicknames them “Bootyclap”), on the other hand, is more aggressive. Rapid token growth and artifacts is her game here. Counter spells are more abundant here and Moon will be more aggressive playing with Brudiclad. A lot more aggressive; this deck enables her to take more risks with attacking while giving her counterspells as a safety net. Mana ramp is sort of a problem but when you have a lot of mana rocks and the ability to possibly go infinite with Deadeye Navigator and Peregrine Drake. When she plays this deck, she is a bit more…aggressive in her demanor; she tends to egg people on and is willing to cut deals with people in her pod thanks to a few cards like Curse of Opulence and Curse of Verbrose not to mention cards with ‘tempting offer’ in red and blue. Instead of being a sneaky little shit, she’s a loud piece of shit who’s willing to use Brudiclad’s token copying ability to suit her needs and with Helm of the Host with Mirror Gallery…have fun. She’s more flexiable in what creature she needs for that particular turn. Not to mention she can just gain extra battle phases and go all in. She once had 100+ Brudiclad triggers go off before she turned them into Eltali (and making them lose their legendary supertype thanks to Mirror Gallery) and just swung for game. At all 5 opponents. And making them mill god knows how many cards. When she grins, it’s a vicious kind of grin; 'I want to eat you whole while having artifacts on my side of the field’ is what she wants to do as she enters the battle phase and multiple Brudiclad triggers go off and then tunring into whatever token she needs. Sometimes it can be more Brudiclad tokens, other times it can be treasure tokens when she needs to ramp. When she has Etali on the field and decides 'I’m just going to swing this dinosaur at you all’ then you’re in trouble. Have fun trying to survive when Moon is gleefully planning how to make you lose via tokens.
Modern? We don’t touch modern–okay we’ll touch on Modern. She’s a Simic player (Green/Blue) and she plays the Uro deck which focuses on ramping a whole lot and combined with Omnath, Locus of Creation? You’re in for a very bad time. She loves and hates this deck primarily because it’s a very powerful deck but it’s also boring so whenever she doesn’t have to play modern, she avoids the format entirely. You can tell she’s bored by the way she puts her cards down: just puts her cards down quickly and with a lack of enthusiasm. She also plays a spell slinger deck she topped two Modern events that involved having Lutri as the companion and…a whole lot of sorcery/instant copying cards. She has a lot more fun playing this deck although she has to call a judge because of certain timing rules that, despite her title, can never get down. While she has knowledge of the game, she is only human and sometimes her memory is bad so she needs to be reminded. This applies to Arena whenever she is (forced) to play. When she plays her Lutri spell slinger deck, you can tell she’s trying to be careful; timing rules are weird in Magic and she hates to step on anyone’s toes. She hate’s being a rule breaker and she hates pissing off everyone because if you piss everyone off then they’ll be mad at you and tell you to d–She hates having to miss timing, so she always asks. Even in the finals, she has to ask for timing and sure it makes her look stupid but she would rather look stupid asking then look stupid doing it.
Standard? Oh god, never ask her about Standard; she’ll take what she can get or scrounge around the internet for inspiration then tweak it. IF she has to play Standard, then she will go for a burn deck or whatever is the Cool New Deck to play with. She barely participates in Standard unless events call for it. Her mood depends on what kind of deck she is (forced to) play but expect her to be somewhat grumpy. She will, from time to time, play meme decks and her mood will be up. She wins half the time with whatever meme and janky deck she decided to pick up; it’s fun. She’s also loud whenever she plays meme decks; you can hear her laugh from two tables away. People will say that, if you her hear laughing that loud, then she’s playing a meme deck though reports did say that this is rare nowadays.
We don’t talk about draft. We NEVER talk about draft because those things can go haywire and she fucking /hisses/ at those formats. You can tell if an event is a draft like format by the look on her face. She likes the random chances but that’s only for the decks she constructed. Drafting, on the other hand, is not it for her. If she can help it, she avoids it but nonetheless she /has/ to go. Reminds her of her parents dragging her to 'important Indonesian events’.
For Legacy, she tends to play more graveyard decks such as Hogaak dredge which focuses on summoning Hogaak and other graveyard shenanigans. One of her most expensive decks that she has and she did play this when she was invited to a team trio constructed format as Team “Moist Girthy Loins”* ’s Legacy player. They topped that event with her winning most of her matches against the other Legacy players. Outside of any team formats that require Legacy players, she plays around with a lot of artifacts and Brudiclad except this is the more expensive version of Brudiclad and it’s not restricted to the singleton format. She also has a meme deck which can only be described at 'otter meme and artifact go brrrrrr’. She’s mainly neutral when playing, almost like she is tired…but she still has fun, though she would like it if people were chill a bit whenever she plays Legacy.
*Do not ask about the name; she did NOT come up with that.
Vintage is just artifact go burrrrr with Tolarian Academy and–she just goes ham with artifacts in this deck. Lockdown/prison, tokens, the whole 9 yards. She also plays a meme deck that she would describe as 'Brudiclad and Trostani, but involve deal making in there too’. She will hold back for the sake of giving other people a chance but sometimes she forgets and goes all out. Good god. The format where she just chills and watch people have a grand old time while she sets up artifacts to fuck people up.
But what is she like outside of Magic? Well…
Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
She’s so tired and she’s trying to live and be happy but everything always comes crashing down. She just wants to sleep forever. She’s trying she swears but there are days where it’s hard and there are days where she is reminded that no matter how much money she earned from the tournaments she will never make her parents happy. she will always be the family disappointment.
she wants everything to end. she wants the roller coaster of emotions to just. stop.
but no one will ever know that, now will they?
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hopespeakkrp · 4 years
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❝ the only good thing about me is how lucky i am ❞  
University Grade 2
Hope’s Peak Dorms #204
luck is a funny thing, isn’t it? people will claim themselves unlucky at the smallest misfortune, and say that lady luck has visited them whenever something good happens. most of the time it’s just a matter of effort and hard work, and not actual luck. real, genuine, luck, now, that’s another matter entirely. it’s the two sides of the same coin when your parents die in a tragic accident but you are the one entirely unharmed. when you win the lottery. when your name is picked amongst millions upon millions of names to attend the most prestigious school in all of korea.
pure, unadulterated luck is when you gain something for nothing. it goes against the very logic of the world, doesn’t it? that is why it’s two sides of the same coin – it would be too powerful a skill otherwise. the greater the bad luck, the more fortune comes along. when you’re at the lowest of lows, that is when luck is the greatest, for if you cannot acknowledge misfortune, you would never be able to tell when you have received a blessing.
that is the kind of existence i live.
whenever i’m on the brink of despair, i am always – without fail – granted that stroke of hope. my greatest wish in life is that somehow, someday, i can become someone else’s hope. even if it means my own despair. even if i have to become someone i’m not. because that is the way my luck works: sometimes you have to sell your own humanity for the sake of the greater good.
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