#hoyoung soft hours
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dreaminheartbeat · 5 years ago
「 13:01 」 the second Hoyoung sits next to you on the bus, he plucks an earpod from your ear so he can listen to music with you. you didn’t stop him, but took it as a chance to sit closer to him. his face turns to a light shade of red when you take it a step further and lean your head against his shoulder.
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[6:51pm] you pat Hoyoung on the head as he eats dinner with you. you smile at him with a mouthful of food. he nearly chokes when he laughs at you.
you tilt your head in confusion, quickly chewing and swallowing your food so you can speak, “what happened?”
“n-nothing,” he pats his heart as he calms down, not planning on telling you how cute you looked with your mouth stuffed and a smile on your face.
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yvixtrae · 6 years ago
6:15 PM
A grin etches itself across your features as you proudly watch your boyfriend Hoyoung practice the choreo of Shangri La with the rest of VeriVery through the evening hours.
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shineeworldvinla · 6 years ago
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ithinkilikeit-reactions · 3 years ago
Verivery “Getting caught in the act” Legal members
 Verivery Masterlist                                       Group Masterlist
Ask:  Hii! Can I request a verivery reaction (minus Kamgmin) when either they catch you having sex with another member or they are the ones getting caught having sex with tou (reader)🤔
You were incredibly thankfull for 2 things: 1 being the fact that Dongheon had a room alone and 2 being that his hand was clasped over your mouth in an attempt to keep you quiet. His other gripping at your waist for leverage as he fucked you from behind. The position left your back arched and your eyes rolling back and you gripped the sheets. 
However him having a room alone didn’t necessarily keep the other members at bay. Especially not when Hoyoung had something he really needed to ask Dongheon, something about a section in a song that sounded off. He didn’t think twice about pushing into his room as he had done millions of times before.
Dongheon had just leaned over to whisper in your ear, hand still clasped over your mouth when Hoyoung walked in. Dongheon nearly instantly let you go, his body leaving yours as Hoyoung almost instantly left the second he saw the scene. Dongheon was embarrassed but still managed to block you from anyone seeing anything, no matter how red his face was. 
“Always knock!” Dongheon yelled through the door, knowing Hoyoung was in an ear shot. “Don’t do it while we’re in the dorms then!” Hoyoung retorted back as Dongheon sank into your arms, needing the comfort of your touch to make his embarrassment go away. 
“Of everyone it had to be Hoyoung, I’m never gonna live this down.” 
Hoyoung had quite a good sense of self control, he could definitely push his needs to the side if the situation didn’t fit it. But things bubble up of course and the second that others were out of the dorm, waiting wasn’t on his to-do list. 
Now you were on top of him, lips connected between small fits of giggles and moans. Riding him gently as he smiled at you, hands gripping at your thighs and hips. “You look so pretty.” He mumbled softly, kissing your lips again as you giggled at his sweet words. The two of you didn’t hear the door to the dorm open, being entirely too immersed in eachother to even acknowledge someone else. 
But Yeonho just wanted to go to bed, schedule had been taxing on him and he was tired. He absolutely didn’t think twice about the giggles he could hear, thinking that you two were probably just watching a movie. So he simply pushed the door open and froze, not knowing whether to laugh or scream. So he opted for both. 
Hoyoung didn’t hesitate to pull you down on him in attempts to cover you up, yelling the entire time he did so. “Get out, get out!” You were laughing at the situation, feeling embarrassed yourself but even more so at how red his face had gotten. Yeonho, whilst laughing, left the room and shut the door. The situation left Hoyoung entirely paralized, laying back in bed with wide eyes. 
“I’m sorry, the sex was fun while it lasted but I can never do it again.” 
Soft kisses were being peppered over your jaw and neck as you ran your fingers through the wavy tresses of hair. Minchan was being sweet, taking his time with you after having not seen you for a while. The few hours you had alone were truly being well spent as you were caged under him, hips rocking into yours at a gentle pace. 
Minchan had told the others to text him when they were on their way home, assuming they would listen to his request but he was horribly mistaken. His request had gone over their heads, most definitely over Gyehyeon’s as he burst into the bedroom, half taking his coat off as he did so. 
The sudden interruption sent a wave of panic through you both, Minchan pulling the sheets up to cover both of your compromising positions. However Gyehyeon was frozen, looking anywhere except for Minchan’s bed. “I’m so sorry.” He uttered, holding back laughter before finally finding the courage to turn around and shut the door loudly. 
Minchan was speechless and simply stroked your hair as a silent apology before laying down next to you and starting to laugh. You covered your mouth, stifling your own laughter at how awkward you suddenly felt and turning to hide your face into his shoulder. 
“I told them to text me before they got home. I was stupid to think they’d listen.” 
It was that intense look in his eye that convinced you to join him in his room in the first place. That and the promise that the others wouldn’t be home for a little while. It all led to one of his hands being tangled in your hair as his lips assaulted neck and he fucked up into you. 
You were absolutely immersed in how you were feeling, nails digging into his shoulders and whines leaving your mouth. He was feeling the same, listening and taking in every movement, sound, and expression. Being so focussed, you both didn’t hear Yongseung entering the room but you did hear the gasp and the furious apologies. 
This was enough to make you both pull apart, pulling the sheets up to cover yourself as Gyehyeon left the bed to push Yongseung out. Shutting the door and leaning against it, looking at you with the most pitiful expression. 
“So what do I have to do to make it up to you?” Gyehyeon asked and you covered your face with the sheet to hide your laughter and embarrassment. “You have to do a lot.” You told him, peaking at him from under the sheet. He moved back over to and pulled the sheet back enough to peck your lips. 
“Then I’ll do a lot to make it up to you.” 
He was being cheeky but that wasn’t new, however it was natural that this led to other things. Like you being pressed into the mattress with your legs wrapped around his waist. Lips messy against eachother as he picked up the pace and he groaned against your lips. 
You both were so incredibly close, explaining the lack of awareness around your surroundings. You were so blissfully unaware that it took Dongheon letting out a shriek to even let you know that he had entered the room. He had heard some noises and thought something was wrong, truly thinking someone was hurt or so. This wasn’t what he wanted to see. 
Yeonho had never moved so fast, pulling away from you in a panic and covering himself up to look at his hyung in shame. Dongheon had long turned around mainly to make sure he didn’t see more of you than what you were comfortable with as you tried to cover up. 
“Okay, none of you are hurt.I thought you were, my job is done. I’m sorry.” He said and Yeonho let out a scoff. “Get out?Why didn’t you knock?” He stood up, pushing him out of the room fully and shutting the door as you sat in shock. “I can’t believe that just happened.” You uttered and he shook his head, watching you wrap yourself in blankets. 
“So I’m assuming the mood is gone?” 
It took exactly one raise of Yongseung’s brow to get you in bed with him, adrenaline coursing through his veins after a live performance and needing to get some of the energy out. The other’s had gone out to eat after, but he was hungry for something else. 
So now with your face pressed into your pillow, you were trying your best to muffle your own sounds. Even if the members weren’t there, the apartment building didn’t need to hear everything going down. His hand slid down your back and moved to grip your hair. 
You were just about to cum, feeling awfully close to it when Minchan entered the room without thought. You let out a shriek and moved away from Yongseung with an embarrassed laugh. Yongseung was frozen as Minchan stood frozen himself, before simply uttering “I’m so sorry.” and walking away.
Yongseung was still frozen, just comprehending everything that just happened as you sat staring at him. “Please tell me that didn’t happen and this is a nightmare.” He said and you shook your head. “I wish I could, I really wish I could.” You said, running your hands through your wild hair. Yongseung finally moved, wrapping his arms around you for comfort. 
“I can’t ever leave this room, ever again.”
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choicemillionaire · 3 years ago
✨ every month of 2021 ✨
rules: post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it's okay to skip months)
Tagged by @kingleedo thank you so much 😄💕. I didn’t realise how much I’ve made till I took a trip through the archive. Apologies for doing this so late my dumbass deleted the first attempt of this post 😂
JANUARY - The most popular post was this Yunho set. My favourite though was also Yunho but a different Yunho, TVXQ’s Yunho 😂 I was also fond of this Hyogi set.
FEBRUARY - Most popular set was soft boi Yunho but my favourite was Ruki. I just love the colours.
MARCH - Talking to the Moon Seoho took most popular place. I apologise for the actual mountain of favourites I have for this month 😂 but in no particular order: Beautiful Liar, Good Goodbye Taka, Youngblood Sehyoon, Empty Space Donghun and Get Away Dongheon and Kangmin
APRIL - My favourite and most popular post from April is Renegades Taka
MAY - The month that marks the beginning of my descent into BTOB content creation 😂. The most popular post was 1st Look BTOB. My favourites though were Mayfly Eunkwang and Mayfly Minhyuk.
JUNE - Most popular post is the emoji challenge bois. Favourites for the month include this cute Eunkwang, B&W Eunkwang and Show and Prove Minhyuk
JULY - Beauty+ Minhyuk was most popular which comes as a surprise to absolutely no one 😂. My favourites though were this Sejun set from What I Said that made me suffer. This A.C.E set because it’s so them and just makes me happy. The Eunkwang Excalibur set and my absolute favourite Thai boy Boun Noppanut
AUGUST - Idol League ending fairies made it to most popular for August. Favourites though were this Tag set from the comeback that made me question if I needed a 5th Golcha bias and the Hoyoung and Minchan mood films.
SEPTEMBER - Most popular September post was me suffering over Outsider Minhyuk. Some of my favourites were the Leo and Hyuk cuddle time and Missing TVXQ Hours 1 and Missing TVXQ Hours 2
OCTOBER - a brief detour from the BTOB related top posts - The most popular post was GQ Leo and honestly there’s no one better to be king of Spooky month than a VIXX boy. My other favourite from the month was Minhyuk’s Sofa Cover
NOVEMBER - Aaand we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming with half naked Minhyuk for Men’s Health 😂. My favourites from this month are my very first Byungchan set and this Keonhee gif. And no @bowieisworried I don’t want to hear any sass from you about the Keonhee gif! 😂
DECEMBER - I only made two sets in December so far both from the TVXQ Seasons Greetings teaser. The Yunho and Changmin duo shots was most popular but I prefer the solo shot set with one duo gif in the middle.
Again thank you for tagging me! It was good fun!
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zerot0all · 5 years ago
ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs | ᴍ
VERIVERY reactions to their S/O wanting to try cockwarming.
💎 Not Requested
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“Dongheon please, can we!” You plead with your boyfriend to try something new that you read about called cockwarming.
“So, I’m suppose to just be inside of you and not move?” Dongheon states again, kind of confused about why you wanted to try it but he could never deny you. So he kissed your forehead and got into bed with you. As he got comfortable he slide inside of you causing you to release a small moan.
“Oh no baby girl, no noises. Especially not those sounds.” Dongheon stated as he bottomed out and laid his chest to your back. It was new to have him inside of you but having that connection felt deeper and that’s what you wanted. You then began to feel his hands begin to caress your thighs and hips.
“Baby, is this what you wanted?” Dongheon whispered into your ear making you hum.
“You know I would do anything for you.” He said again, this time he placed a kiss on your neck and you knew exactly where he was going with this.
“You also know I would do anything to you right?” Dongheon says as he then grips your thigh and all you could do was moan in approval.
“I’m sorry baby, but I need to fuck you.” Dongheon said in a low tone. “Please.” You responded so quickly because you also wanted him to move. It was a new experience and you would definitely try again maybe a little longer next time.
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“Hoyoung, just don’t move.” You tell your boyfriend as you both try to get comfortable since this cockwarming thing was new to both of you.
“Are you comfortable?” Hoyoung asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist turning you into the little spoon.
“Yes my love.” You answer making him hum in approval. As you laid in bed with him inside of you, you realized that you both had the same breathing pattern and that made your heart melt. Hoyoung was one of a kind and the fact that he wanted to try this took your relationship to a new level. After a couple of minutes you craved more so you slowly stared to move your pelvic area catching Hoyoung by surprise.
“Wait, babe.” He tried to say but it came out in more of a moan. He then slowly moved his hand to your thigh to grip it as he began to slowly thrust into you. Hoyoung then placed his lips onto your neck and began to leave little marks.
“I really enjoyed this baby.” He said as he began to thrust harder and faster. “Can’t wait to do this again.” Hoyoung said as he turned you over so he could kiss your lips.
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“Minchan, what about your work.” You ask in an airy tone as your boyfriend continues to attack your neck and chest with his lips.
“It’s fine, I’m almost done.” He responds as he lifts your dress up and moves your underwear to the side and casually slips inside causing you to moan out and grab onto his shoulders. As you prepare to start bouncing on his dick, he held your hips still and looked up at you.
“No baby, just sit still while I finish my work.” Minchan commanded as he wheeled his chair closer to the computer and began typing away.
“Wait... are you serious?” You say in a giggle as you sat on your boyfriends lap with his dick deep inside of you.
“Yes babe, it’s called cockwarming and like I said... I’m almost done.” He answered with a grin. Since you couldn’t believe it you tried to slowly move your hips but he wasn’t having it.
“Baby, don’t move. Once I’m done, I will fuck you till you can’t walk but for now, just sit. You have the best seat in the house.” Minchan said as he kissed your cheek and continued his work. Since this was one of his fantasies you decided to obey since he was right, you did have the best seat.
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“Please. Please , do it for me?” You begged, trying your best to convince your boyfriend of your unannounced comfort kink.
“Baby, are you sure?” Gyehyeon questions. He’s new to cockwarming but hearing you say how much you like it made him cave. Taking a deep breath, he pushed into you, his length semi soft but quickly feeling the warmth of your pussy made him hardened. You pushed back slowly, making him fit snug and comfortable inside you.
“No sex. Just sleep. Okay?” You remind him. Knowing full well how much torture this would be for the both of you. He kept thickening inside you and it was hard not to moan his name. But this was something new you wanted to try with him, so you were going to make this work.
“If you break, I’ll break. Let’s see who can last longer.” He softly jokes, going to hug you tightly from behind.
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“It’s called cockwarming babe.” You try to explain to your boyfriend as he continues to try and watch his favorite drama.
“So you expect me not to move when I’m inside you... that sounds impossible.” Yeonho says with a chuckle.
“Come to bed and we can try it.” You say as you grab his hand and guide him to the room.
“Okay babe, you can’t get mad at me if I can’t control myself.” Yeonho warns as he pushes inside of you. As you both try to get comfortable you can already feel Yeonho getting horny as his length stiffened. You were the one with the idea but it was a turn on that he was getting so bothered even when he was already inside of you and you also couldn’t hold back.
“Babe, maybe next time.” Yeonho says as he pulls out to lay you on your back, then hiking one of your thighs up and slamming back inside of you.
“Baby girl, you should of known better. I can’t be inside you without wanting to fuck you crazy.” Yeonho said between breaths as he continued to fuck you senseless. It’s okay, at least he tried.
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“Yongseung, baby you were amazing.” You say trying to catch your breath after an intense sex session with your boyfriend.
“Thank you baby, for putting up with me. I just couldn’t help myself tonight or any night when it comes to you.” Yongseung confesses, gently caressing your face as you sit on top of him.
“Wait babe,” Yongseung said as he held you in place.
“I.. I want to try something.” He goes on , getting up on his elbows, placing one hand on your back and laying you down.
“Let’s just stay like this for a while.” Yongseung says as he lays ontop of you, his cock still inside of you. You slowly place your hand on his cheeks and begin caressing it. You didn’t know why he wanted to do this but having him still inside of you as you both laid together was such a different connection that you’ve never experienced with anyone.
“You look so beautiful.” Yongseung said as he moved some hair away from your face. You stayed like that staring into each other’s eyes for hours.
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minminnie-shii · 5 years ago
I loved the verivery date imagine so much!! may I request something similar to that like, Verivery as boyfriends? Thank you in advance
a:n//~~verivery are my babies and i love writing about them so much if you any more requests feel free to ask 
so here is verivery as boyfriends, enjoy :))
Lee Dongheon
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this squish
he is man
he is probably the most mature one in a relationship
because, you know he already had to babysit 6 children, so what’s one more?
coffee dates are a regular
he would take you to all the cat cafes he could find
because, what can top cats, coffee and you?
nothing, the answer is nothing
I hope you're not afraid of bugs
because this baby is and he’ll need you to be the bug killer
and if you're afraid of bugs too
well looks like you’re both just going to avoid whatever room you saw the bug in for a while
likes rehearsing his raps while you're around for feedback
but if you're good at giving feedback will do it just because
you better like snuggles after a long day because he won’t hesitate to give you some
will wrap you up in blankets like a burrito and listen to you rant
tells you so many dad jokes to make you feel better
will love you like no other because you are his baby and he wants to give you the world
Bae Hoyoung
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omg lay back came on while I started writing this
also, hoyoung is my baby and I lub him
moving on
he gets very proud whenever youre around
you're tired and just want to sleep
shoves everything off his lap to make room for you
you're stressed because of work school?
his chest is available to be your pillow
loves to surprise you with cute little gifts that he finds
he was out with the boys and saw a cute plushie that looked like you
you better believe that its in your hands the next day
will also take you out for impromptu dates
you just got out of work and will see him standing there waiting for you
“come on lets go, I found a new cafe I want to try”
likes it when you poke his dimple
writes raps about you and gets nervous when you find them
but if you ask he’ll rap them for you
if you have trouble sleeping with tell you a bunch of random facts he knows
he likes it when you fall asleep to his voice 
will uwu over literally anything that you do
shows you off to the boys 
“everyone! my queen has arrived!”
blushing queen
he's also good at embarrassing you
but you love him so sometimes you decide to claim him
pls claim him this squish only wants love
Hong Minchan
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this curly-haired baby love you so much
though sometimes you think he loves your cat more then you
butttt its totaly not true
is always pulling out his guitar to serenade you
he would probably carry it around just so he can randomly pull it out
now I'm imagining him hiding a ukelele in his sweater when he comes over
someone stop me
loves when you ask him to teach you Japanese
will give you kisses when you get a word right
gives you kisses even when you get one wrong
will give you kisses whenever
does yoyo tricks to try to impress you
usually works until he hits himself in the face
comes to you for comfort whenever he needs it
which is usually after a long day a rehearsal
gets irritated when you nag him, but he knows you do it out of love
you love to surprise him and bring him snacks while he's in his studio
and believe me, after a long day, seeing you makes his long hard day feel like a breeze
will constantly squish your cheeks because he loves them so much
works hard in your relationship especially when you can’t see each other often
Jo Gyehyeon
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gyehyeon is 100% soft boyfriend material
all who disagree can fight me :)
loves just sitting at home watching movies with you
will gladly start a new drama that you’ve been talking about watching
get upset if you watch it without him but will definitely watch it without you if he gets a chance
another one that hates bugs so you better prepare yourself
will let you put makeup on him if you’re bored
asks to do yours in return
“gyehyeon do you want to go for a walk? it’s a nice day”
“we could, ooorr, we could watch Frozen II again”
likes to pick you up from school/work
always brings snacks when he does
if your day was extra tough, he’ll take you out for ice cream
leaves his clothes out on purpose so you can steal them
will uwu over your small frame when you wear his giant hoodies
makes fun of you until you wack him with the end of the sleeves
his favorite part of the day is when he gets to curl up in bed with you in his arms
you’ll both talk about your days and a bunch of random other things
he usually falls asleep before you so you take the time to admire his beauty
you fall asleep with a smile on your face and Gyehyeon on your mind
Ju Yeonho
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who gave him the right to be this adorable??
he gets super shy really easy
especially when youre around
afraid of saying or doing something really stupid
after a while of dating, he isnt as self-conscious around you but you can tell that he still is a little
but if he finds out you're self-conscious about something wont stop until he figures out how to make you feel better
like get ready or non-stop compliments and presents, because its going to happen
his phone is one hundred percent only selfies with you
we all know he is the selfie king
will take you on dates just to take pictures of you
loves to surprise you with lunch dates
will gladly be the small spoon after a hard day
if you run your hands through his hair while humming softly
he will definitely melt
please take care of this squish
Kim Yongseung
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why do I love him so much?
maybe because hes amazing
I feel like hes a really dorky boyfriend
sends you memes on the regular
sends you memes more than anything else
even makes memes of you
takes really stupid pictures of you
“what are you doing delete that!”
“but babe you look like a total dork”
you have to chase him around the room in order for him to delete it
doesnt delete it
will send you good morning and good night texts
but will attach a stupid picture of you to it
“I thought I told you to delete it!”
will surprise you at school with lunch making everyone jealous
loves to send you presents while he’s on tour
sends you paragraphs when he knows youre asleep so you can read it when you wake up
an all-out dork
Yoo Kangmin
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this squish
hes so awkward when it comes to dating
usually goes to the older members for advice
always sits outside of your school waiting for you
the first time he did it, you blushed for four hours
now every time school id over, you’re the first one out of the building
“Kangminne!” you jump on his back and he carries you all the way back to the dorm
still gets nervous at skinship, even if its just holding your hand
so when you try to act cute and cuddle him, he gets really stiff and doesn’t move much
in the beginning of your relationship, you think that he doesnt like you very much
but after talking with hoyoung, you realize that hes just nervous
you two do a lot of cute couple things
the others love when the two of you together and spoil the two of you
loves to take naps on the couch with you wrapped up in his arms
and get easily embarrassed when the boys tease him about it
but he will fight for you
has a picture of you sleeping a his lock screen
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jisungmark · 6 years ago
for those interested in my kcon experience. if not, just skip!
for those who may not know: chungha, everglow, and oneus were unable to attend due to visa issues. wheein from mamamoo was unable to attend due to health issues.
day one (8/15):
we (as in my bestfriend and i) didn’t have anything planned since we weren’t going to klub kcon. we just went straight to early check-in after we dropped our luggage off, the line was c r a z y. we saw what engagements we had for groups (originally we pulled n.flying (2x), mamamoo, momoland, and verivery audiences) then we went down to this big huddle that they had going on and ended up switching a few of our passes and getting sf9, stray kids, and ateez. after all that was done, we just went site seeing and tried in & out, it’s not good.
day two (8/16):
we woke up kinda early since we were still on pa time so we went to get breakfast. then we just went straight to the convention. the convention was huge and it had so much going on, it was absolutely wild. we did random dance plays, watched dance groups perform, yknow things like that. then we went to ateez’s audience. they are so fucking pretty in person. yunho had blonde hair with black roots. yeosang and this american air is a good mix 🥵 we didn’t have a hi-touch so we watched the other crowd do it. san was interlocking his fingers with poc girls. seeing that made my entire day, it was so beautiful. after that we just went back to the convention and did some more bullshit. ateez ended up coming down for a random dance play but by the time we found out, the crowd was too big. so we waited on the side and got videos of them when they left. we blew some time until we had to go wait in line for kcon rookies. ateez, loona, and ab6ix performed. we were towards the back, but the back view was so nice bc you could see everything. they introduced themselves, played games, and each performed. once that was over, we went to go eat. we tried shake shack, chic-fil-a is better.
day three (8/17):
so we had our n.flying audience passes still but we had no idea who they were. so we ended up skipping their engagement. i really don’t even remember what we’re doing at that time. sf9 had a live talk and we watched some of it before we bolted down to their audience line to get a good standing place. lemme tell you, dawon being a crackhead in english is my new kink. hwiyoung was out here glowing, well everyone was. they were just so mf pretty. it’s crazy because we were gonna sell those passes so that we could see ateez at the foodie stage, but that crowd was too big and it was impossible to really see. we had an audience pass for stray kids, but some mess happened and we ended up not seeing them. we tried to do a meet and greet with holland, but the line was too long so we ended up not seeing him. i bought some merch and we left the convention. we went back to our friends’ hotel before we went to koreatown. i bought a little ass seventeen keychain for $11 (the love for my boys). then we went to go eat at a restaurant. we saw a girl who does dance covers on insta (@_isabae_) outside. the idea became to all hold up a different video of hers towards the window until she saw it. she may have cried, she may have recorded us, she may have called us weird. then we just all went back to our places of stay at wee hours in the morning.
day four (8/18):
i ended up buying a verivery hi-touch from someone. i went by myself because my bestfriend didn’t really know them. we played games and won free stuff before i went down and got in line. she stayed up in the convention and was gonna get near the stage for the live talk with stray kids but the crowd was crazy. it was almost half the convention that was filled. i was in a good spot when it came to seeing verivery, all the pictures i got were close and clear. their hands are so soft. look, i’m supposed to be minchan biased but when hoyoung closed his fingers around my hand, my mind went blank. like i truthfully don’t remember much of my hi-touch but that part as well as yongseung holding on. minchan is on the taller side and his fingers are really slender. but that’s really all i remember. i went back to my bestfriend and almost cried bc of it. some nice girl in the audience crowd recorded for me. we stood in the stray kids live talk crowd for a bit before we went over to the star square. verivery was over there again and i like almost tore my bestfriend’s arm off when i saw them behind the curtain. they read us our horoscopes and signed their name on the wall. we made our way back to the live talk since we knew verivery was gonna be next but a lot of them didn’t move from stray kids. my bestfriend went to a random play dance and i went and got in line for red carpet. we sat in line for two hours but it was worth it. we saw stray kids, verivery, n.flying (we didn’t know they were so fucking beautiful???? we regretted not going to their audience), itzy, fromis_9, AND SEVENTEEN. now y’all know how i feel about seventeen. i literally started crying a bit as soon as i saw them. i recorded each group i liked to the best of my ability but i was screaming and shaking. seventeen was last and after they left, i really just broke down and cried. like i got to see the group who means probably the most to me in person. we just hung out with some friends until it was time to say our goodbyes. we acted a fool in public and some guy thought we were actually performers so he asked to take a picture with us. meanwhile there was a group actually performing (@b2e on insta). we took pictures, videos, exchanged social medias, everything before it was time to go. we got back to our airbnb with heavy hearts and we flew back home the next morning.
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dreaminheartbeat · 6 years ago
「 07:17 」 Hoyoung playfully pats your head when he sees you eating.
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[5:49pm] the sound of graphite being used on paper was the only thing heard in the room you’re in. you were writing. what exactly? only you knew.
“hey~” Hoyoung whined, “what is that?”
you pulled the paper closer to you and put your arms protectively around the paper, “n- nothing of your business.”
“hm? lemme see!” Hoyoung playfully wrapped his arms around you.
you crumpled the paper in your grip and threw it across the room, “what do you care more about, me or what i was writing?”
he pouted before pulling you into his arms, “you...”
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[9:22pm] you massage Hoyoung’s back, constantly checking with him to see if it hurts. he thanks you for the massage and tells you not to worry about hurting him.
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[5:58pm] while walkin around with Hoyoung, a little child bumped into you. you smiled at them and leaned down to face them.
“have you seen my mommy?” their face was fully of fear and worry. you held back your urge to hug them as you promised to help find their mom.
Hoyoung comforted them as you gave them a snack to munch on. you both weren’t paying attention to how much time had passed until the sun began to lower.
“mommy?” the child’s attention moved over to a woman frantically looking around, “mommy!!”
you smiled at Hoyoung with pride as you waved at the mother and child. when you looked into Hoyoung’s eyes, they seemed to sparkle at you. you could only giggle and squeeze his hand indicating that your date isn’t over yet.
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[10:47am] Hoyoung yawns as he drives you both to the beach. you glance at him and notice how tired he looks.
“you sure you want to go to the beach still? you look exhausted,” your worried voice causes Hoyoung to laugh.
“i’m fine! really!”
“what if i told you that i wouldn’t be happy if you are tired,” you pout. Hoyoung slows his driving and turns to go back home.
“i guess we can do the beach another day,” his sudden change of plans shocks you into bursting into laughter.
you pat his shoulder, “you’re so adorable.”
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[8:33am] Hoyoung pranks you by putting sticky notes on everything in your room. when you wake up, all you see and hear is Hoyoung snickering and colorful squares everywhere.
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veri-berry · 6 years ago
[4:39am] Hoyoung lightly blows at your face while you lay beside him, eyelids heavy, the screen in front of you changing brightness.
“you still awake?” he whispers.
you hum, slightly nodding, “yup.” you drag the word out longer than you intended, making you sound intoxicated.
Hoyoung smiles and strokes your hair, “i’m gonna go to bed soon, okay?”
“nooo,” you whine, “don’t leave me.” your saddened voice should be enough to persuade him.
you feel him heave a breath, “fine, i’ll stay like this, but just this once.”
you smile faintly and giggle, “i love you so much.”
Hoyoung kisses the top of your head, “and i love you more. now, go back to sleep.”
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