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Business idea for a Student of Bangladesh.
Business Plane For Student
One small business idea for a student in Bangladesh could be creating a platform for online tutoring services. With the ongoing pandemic and shift towards remote learning, there is a growing demand for online tutoring. As a student, you can leverage your knowledge and expertise in certain subjects to offer tutoring services to other students in need.
Here's how you can get started:
Identify your expertise: Determine the subjects or areas you excel in and feel confident enough to teach to others.
Create a website: Build a professional-looking website where students can browse and book tutoring sessions with you. Include details about your qualifications, subjects you teach, and pricing.
Online promotion: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to advertise your tutoring services. Create engaging content, share success stories, and offer discounts to attract potential students.
Offer flexible schedules: Be flexible in offering tutoring sessions, considering the different time zones and schedules of your potential clients. This will allow you to reach a wider audience.
Collaborate with others: Team up with other tutors who specialize in different subjects to expand your service offerings. This will attract more students who may require help in multiple subjects.
Build credibility: Collect testimonials and feedback from your previous students to add social proof to your website. This will help build trust and credibility among potential clients.
Continuous learning: Stay updated with the latest curriculum changes and teaching methods. This will ensure your tutoring remains effective and relevant.
Remember to always prioritize your studies as a student, as education should be your primary focus.
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Start this business by investing 25 thousand, will earn 3 lakhs every month, government will give 50 percent subsidy. Low investment and high profit
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Lockdown: Ways to make money in lockdown & Also Business in Lockdown
Hello friends, in this era of unemployment, every young person is troubled by unemployment, every person of India is very much troubled by diseases like lockdown and many problems covid-19. On one hand, the condition is serious. Click Here
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How to start in Digital Marketing Aned Earn Full Time Income With It Full Video https://pastelink.net/1l0w4 #HowToStartABusiness #DigitalMarketing #HowToStartABusinessOnline #HowToStartBusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4-w8TFCET/?igshid=1alaum5qk2qli
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Here is how you can sell anything to anyone. As I said in the post, you can’t sell anything to anyone because human interests are different from each other here, is come to 5 steps. 1. Find your audience. 2. Research them. 3. What value do you provide. 4. Create a strategy. 5. Advertising. When you know who is your audience you can find them and the second thing is they need to see you, how? with strategy and advertising. Of course I can’t explain everything in one post post but this just an idea to start. Follow me for daily tips: @simplegrowmarketing 📌Website: www.simplegrowmarketing.com Hashtags: #simplegrowmarketing #digitalmarketingtipps #digitalmarketingtipsandtricks #howtosell #smallbusinesstip #howtostartbusiness #businessmarketingstrategy #marketingidea #digitalmarketinggrowth #marketinggrowth #digitalstrategytips #learndigitalmarketingforfree #learnbusiness #learndigitalmarketing #learnmarketing #instagramcreator #sellstrategy (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck22-INt93z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What’s the investment required to produce organic foodgrains? Look for any business you are planning to start at www.bizstart.in https://bizstart.in/business-details/organic-farming-food-grains . . . . #newbusiness#businessideas#career#careerchange#newbusiness#businessideas#businessmentors#howtostartbusiness#whatbusinesstostart#bizstart#organicfood#organiccrop#organicproduce#organicwheat https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAqf_-F4_i/?igshid=mba0aip4ckng
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Legal contracts in your bookkeeping business are to protect you and your business. They're not fool-proof. They're as good as the solicitor drafting them... (and some solicitors aren’t very good at their job)... #legalcontracts #legalcontractmyass #businesscontracts #legalagreements #startabookkeepingbusiness #bookkeepingbusiness #signature #signonthedottedline #signaturecontract #howtostartabusiness #howtostartablackbusiness #howtostartbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CF6sglKgWeZ/?igshid=15xaful45puzx
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It's a perfect time to start your own business. Feel free to call us +91 9091134493 Chat: wa.me/919091134493 Website: webnexusinfotech.com Age limit minimum 18+ Require basic digital knowledge. #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingtips #marketingonline #marketingstrategy #socialmediamarketing #digital #digitalmarketing #marketingmultinivel #socialmedia #empreendedorismo #digitalillustration #marketingderede #graphicdesign #marketingagency #marketing101 #artwork #marketingplan #business #howtostartbusiness #lowcostbusiness #digitalwebcard #digitalvisitingcards #webnexusinfotech #webdebabrata #rakhshabandhan https://www.instagram.com/p/CDYN_EbFNYx/?igshid=1ldfzoarv8pzx
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What is RFP? Follow @entrepreneursbasics #entrepreneursbasics #rfp #business #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #entrepreneur #basicsofbusiness #basicsofentrepreneurship #learnentrepreneurship #learnbusiness #howtostartbusiness #businessbasics #businessmen #businesswomen #sidehustle #parttimejobs #startups #startupstory #influencer (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8T78hrH5JH/?igshid=b7gcuqkabrdz
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अगर नहीं मिल रही है नौकरी, तो मुद्रा योजना का फायदा उठाकर शुरू करें खुद का बिजनेस
चैतन्य भारत न्यूज हमारे देश में कई ऐसे युवा हैं जिन्होंने 10वींं या 12वीं तक शिक्षा ग्रहण की है और नौकरी की तलाश में हैं। लेकिन कम शिक्षा के कारण उन्हें नौकरी मिलने में थोड़ी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसे ही युवाओं के लिए प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना (PMMY) रोजगार का सबसे अच्छा माध्यम है। इसके जरिए आप स्वयं का व्यापार शुरू करने के साथ ही दूसरों को भी रोजगार के अवसर दे पाएंगे। अब तक इस योजना से लगभग 19 करोड़ लोग लाभांवित हो चुके हैं। यह योजना साल 2015 अप्रैल में शुरू हुई थी। इस योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य बेरोजगार युवाओं को आसानी से लोन उपलब्ध कराने के बाद उन्हें उद्यमी बनाकर बड़ी संख्या में रोजगार के मौके उपलब्ध कराना है। यदि कोई भी व्यक्ति अपना रोजगार शुरू करना चाहता है तो वह इस योजना के जरिए लोन ले सकता है। साथ ही कारोबार को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए भी पैसों की जरुरत पड़ने पर आप प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना के तहत 10 लाख रुपए तक के लोन के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। इस योजना में तीन तरह के लोन मिलते हैं- पहला है शिशु लोन जिसके तहत 50,000 रुपए तक के लोन दिए जाते हैं। दूसरा होता है किशोर लोन जिसके तहत 50,000 से 5 लाख रुपए तक के लोन दिए जाते हैं। तीसरा है तरुण लोन जिसके तहत 5 लाख से 10 लाख रुपए तक के लोन दिए जाते हैं। किस तरह से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं मुद्रा लोन मुद���रा लोन लेने के लिए आपको किसी सरकारी या फिर प्राइवेट बैंक की शाखा में आवेदन करना होगा। अगर आप खुद का बिजनेस शुरू करना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आपको अपने घर के मालिकाना हक या किराए के दस्तावेज, काम से जुड़ी जानकारी, आधार और पैन नंबर सहित कई और भी डाॅक्यूमेंट देने होंगे। इसके बाद ही बैंक मैनेजर आपका वेरिफिकेशन करके लोन मंजूर करेगा। बता दें प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना में कोई निश्चित ब्याज दर नहीं है। अलग-अलग बैंकों में मुद्रा लोन के लिए अलग ब्याज दर है। बैंक की किन शाखाओं से मिलेगा लोन? यह लोन देश के सभी सरकारी बैंकों में आसानी से मिलेगा। इसके अलावा प्राइवेट बैंक में एक्सिस बैंक, एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक, सिटी यूनियन बैंक, डीसीबी बैंक, फेडरल बैंक, इंडसइंड बैंक, जम्मू एंड कश्मीर बैंक, कर्नाटक बैंक, करूर वैश्य बैंक, कोटक महिंद्रा, नैनीताल बैंक, साउथ इंडियन बैंक और यस बैंक व आईडीएफसी बैंक शामिल हैं। आप चाहे तो रूरल बैंक, कोऑपरेटिव बैंक, नॉन बैंकिंग फाइनेंस कंपनियों और माइक्रो फाइनेंस कंपनियों से भी मुद्रा लोन ले सकते हैं। Read the full article
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10 essential tips that lead your startup to success
The concept of a startup is based on realizing ideas, dreams, and imagination of people around the world. A matter of cooperation and unity that everyone can help each other to improve the quality of the world we live in. Not everyone is born as an entrepreneur, yet so many people dream for that and imagine their future as an entrepreneur. Establishing a startup is the epiphany of unique ideas, which is a very high possibility in today’s world. You don’t need to wait for a government based company to bring what you were dreaming for, No longer. A successful startup will bring so many positive efforts to the world and its founders. A great experience, making connections with talented people, realizing an idea and of course making money. However, it all tends to the “successful” word which is not just a world. Unfortunately these days, the rate of success for startups is decreasing. According to The Harvard Business Review, almost 75 percent of startups face failure, which is a considerable number. The fact is that nearly all of those failures have roots in some fundamental mistakes which is made by their founders. In this article, we’re gonna show you 10 essential tips which will lead your startup to success. Solve a real problem and meet actual needs Not every innovation will be successful, the reason is they may not match the real needs of the market of their birthplace. To get over that you need to research very carefully and wisely about the society you’re living in. If you look at the successful companies around the world, you can see that at the very first place they’re serving their society’s needs. Another essential thing, in this case, is to be flexible as your society changes. If a company is willing to live long, they need to adapt to the changing needs of their market. Get rid of the fear of failure
One of the most significant problems before creating a company is the fear of failure. The thought of “What if we fail? What if it doesn’t work? What if we couldn’t continue our path?” are like poison for your unique idea. You must know that failure is not the thing that rules you out of success, The fact is that failure is one of the most critical steps of the road of success. Sometimes it is impossible to win something or to be successful in a specific stage without facing failure. The thing that prevents you from stepping forward is the “fear” of failure, not failure itself. Don’t let it surround you. Be flexible and follow the market It is mentioned in the first paragraph about flexibility, yet it is so essential to make a specific line for it too. Sometimes companies bring something which takes its niche on the market, finds demands and consumers. This is not the end, as time passes and people change. The fact that the founder(s) of a company shall not fall in love with their idea. They need to dedicate a space to pivot and change or improve the way market changes. As an example, we can take a look at Kodak. The lovely photograph accessories and cameras company which were once the king of its market. It was a pioneer in innovation and creating high selling products. However, as soon as they stopped to be flexible, they lost their place. Such a cruel world... Be careful about your ideas Your ideas are yours, don’t underestimate them because thoughts are priceless. You should keep your plans as close to you as you can, and if you’re willing to share them with someone, It would be better if it is with a very trusted person, or your possible future sponsor(s)! Sometimes you’re going to talk about your ideas in public, a smart move is to make everyone sign a non-disclosure agreement to keep your idea safe. There are always people out there, listening to the talks, and waiting to catch some ideas to own them. Competition is an elevator not a stop sign Another kind of fear that some companies may face is the fear of competition. Sometimes a company is a pioneer in an idea, which is very cool, but being alone in a market can be annoying too. It may cause the company not to be as innovative as its first days. At the same time if a competitor enters the market, it shouldn’t make them afraid, vice versa, it is proving that the first company is doing right. The opposite of this that you may want to enter a market which has places for more competitors, And you have an idea which lacks there. Don’t be afraid to compete, trust yourself, and just go on. As an instance, you can take a look at what Xiaomi has done in the smartphone market. A highly competitive market which is very saturated, and it is hard to start and make a place there. Yet Xiaomi believed in itself and entered a market to compete with giants like Apple, Samsung, LG, etc. Give value to criticism There is a gap between negative words and thoughtful criticism. The former is harmful energy which you have to stay away from while the latter is something you need to listen, think, and learn about. The ability to differentiate these two is a fundamental matter while running a company. Criticisms are more like presents and signs to lead you to your target. You should take care of them, respect them, and use them if they are logical and valid, according to your goals and objectives. Experience is gold Bringing young talents to your company is very important and helpful, but when you’re beginning your plans, Experienced force will be much more effective. Especially in the tech world, which is a rapidly growing field for companies to start, experienced managers and talents will lead you to grow and progress much easier and faster. You may say that experienced personnel will be more expensive. However, it will absolutely worth it. We’re not talking about a fully experienced team, even some part-time managers or seasonal talents would be beneficial. A team of young talents with no experience will cost you time and energy to train and teach them to learn and level-up to your priorities, no matter how fast they learn, they will cost you more than the cash you pay for the experience. First steps need experience and knowledge. Spend money to make money You cannot make money without spending money. This is a fact so you should consider that if you’re gonna establish a company or business, you need to use your wallet and pay some cash for it. In the world of business, there’s no space for vileness, you just need to calculate and estimate how much would you earn according to your spending money. It’s a matter of return on your investigation. At the same time you should consider that it’s not all about the money you earn in return, the fact is that it can return as a psychological, social, or influential benefit to your company. Be patient and wise when fundraising Most startups, after establishment, choose to raise money for their ideas and projects. It is essential to be patient and not in a hurry for money to come. At the same time, you should let your eyes to stay wide open to see from which sources the money is coming. The excitement of early investigations on your company shouldn’t make you accept them blindly, but you have to review them wisely to take the right ones who can help you move forward. Some investigations may be able to ruin all your plans. Don't forget to relax yourself
It is correct! While most entrepreneurs think they have to push hard, sometimes even double the time which ordinary people spend, you have to give yourself space and relax. Just sit back and stay away from the stress and high volume of different thoughts. Of course, you need to expect a time for that, if not, the high amount of responsibilities and hard work will damage you and your business. A healthy mind and brain will always create and function better. Read the full article
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Best Tips For Startup Business
Plan your startup business that is realistic. Having time bound and measurable plans is the best tip for entrepreneurs. Put that business plan with measurable goal posted in place where you will be able to see it everyday.
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🥳How to start a makeup business?
Recently,we got some messages from our social media followers, they asked how to start their own makeup business. 👉https://leecosmetic.com/2022/05/how-to-start-a-makeup-business/
💁♂️We all know that it's not easy to do a new business if you don't have a reliable supplier. Leecosmetic is a turnkey service cosmetic factory in China, we give some advice of how to start a makeup business in our blog, come and check it in detail!
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Here is how you can sell anything to anyone. As I said in the post, you can’t sell anything to anyone because human interests are different from each other here, is come to 5 steps. 1. Find your audience. 2. Research them. 3. What value do you provide. 4. Create a strategy. 5. Advertising. When you know who is your audience you can find them and the second thing is they need to see you, how? with strategy and advertising. Of course I can’t explain everything in one post post but this just an idea to start. Follow me for daily tips: @simplegrowmarketing 📌Website: www.simplegrowmarketing.com Hashtags: #simplegrowmarketing #digitalmarketingtipps #digitalmarketingtipsandtricks #howtosell #smallbusinesstip #howtostartbusiness #businessmarketingstrategy #marketingidea #digitalmarketinggrowth #marketinggrowth #digitalstrategytips #learndigitalmarketingforfree #learnbusiness #learndigitalmarketing #learnmarketing #instagramcreator #sellstrategy (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck22XxgtVPM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What’s the investment required to produce organic foodgrains? Look for any business you are planning to start at www.bizstart.in https://bizstart.in/business-details/organic-farming-food-grains . . . . #newbusiness#businessideas#career#careerchange#newbusiness#businessideas#businessmentors#howtostartbusiness#whatbusinesstostart#bizstart#organicfood#organiccrop#organicproduce#organicwheat https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAqf_-F4_i/?igshid=mba0aip4ckng
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25 New Business Ideas Casued by Covid 19 Pakistan Times News | Business ...
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