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marrincostello · 5 years ago
The Fastest Ways to Bring Traffic to a New Website
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It's easy to do SEO when you got a old site that already has a ton of back links. It's easy to spend money on paid advertising when you're already rich and you're an established company. But what happens when you're a new website? How can you get that traffic? Today I'm going to break down the fastest ways to bring traffic to a brand new site. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ The Ultimate SEO Checklist For New Websites : https://youtu.be/hci-LWf1v7E How to Generate 10K visitors from a Brand New Blog In Under 6 Months : https://youtu.be/NGynMaatjKs ____________________________________________ The first method I have for you is to partner with other content creators. Have you thought about co-hosting blog content? So all the things where I'll go and I'll create content with other people and we'll do it on a similar topic. So for example, we may do a joint webinar, joint podcast. We may even do roundup posts. We may even do interviews with other people. By partnering with other content creators, you'll find that they'll Promote the content and you'll promote the content as well. But you may be like, Neil, I don't have any traffic to my site. That's okay. That's why I also gave you options to interview people and do roundup posts, because people are always flattered to be interviewed. People are always flattered to be included in a roundup post. Read the full article
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anjia9527 · 5 years ago
How to Get 100,000 Blog Views - Best Tips to Explode your Blog Traffic
How to Get 100,000 Blog Views – Best Tips to Explode your Blog Traffic
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2020 blog traffic strategy to help you get thousands of blog views this year! The best content marketing strategy for bloggers. How to grow your blog in 2020. #blogtraffictips #contentmarketing #howtogrowyourblog
[ad_2] Source by socmedsean
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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When it comes to blogging, the majority of your success just relies on you. You are making the decisions, and you are creating the content! That being said, there are four main investments that I believe have made a difference in my blogging, and that I think would be helpful to you as well! You can head over to the blog to check that out now! What is one investment that you think could be useful for blogging? #blogging #bloggrowth #bloginvestments #howtogrowyourblog #howtostartablog https://ift.tt/2TFO7mn
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iamimisi · 5 years ago
How to Create to Sell .
It’s so great that writing has gone beyond just passion.I like the caption ” create to sell”.This is not just about writing a book but promoting your products be it digital or physical goods with the right content & basically with a compelling caption for your audience.
When you realise that marketing or advertising your products goes just beyond a Facebook Ad or instagram post,you step up…
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iamimisi · 5 years ago
Why Your Marketing Ends Up in The Toilet.
Its quite exhausting posting everyday on Instagram, facebook,blog,Pinterest, Twitter isnt it?
Going on a wide goose chase to get the customers through content …
You are getting likes but NO SALES…
You are wondering why?
Why you are not getting Sales.
Your marketing doesn’t A.C.T
Its necessary you Attract Attention...
This means find your ideal customer and audience.
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iamimisi · 5 years ago
How to Grow Your Blog to 1k Monthly Views.
A couple of times,I have tried several types of marketing and only one stood out for me and it is advertising on…..
What is your on the go advertising platform?
Is it Facebook,Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or Tumbir.
Do you know how to run profitable ads that converts strollers to subscribers on your website?
Are you interested in generating more traffic to your website and retaining…
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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Becoming a full-time blogger doesn't have to be hard anymore! and it doesn't have to take years either! Pinning Profit is a comprehensive guide to growing your blog and making money! You can get immediate access to a free masterclass that shows you exactly how this framework works AND gives you a discount #howtogrowyourblog #howtoblog #makemoneyblogging #howtomakemoneyblogging https://ift.tt/2tvbXGL
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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Becoming a full-time blogger doesn't have to be hard anymore! and it doesn't have to take years either! Pinning Profit is a comprehensive guide to growing your blog and making money! You can get immediate access to a free masterclass that shows you exactly how this framework works AND gives you a discount #howtogrowyourblog #howtoblog #makemoneyblogging #howtomakemoneyblogging https://ift.tt/2tmvKs5
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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Becoming a full-time blogger doesn't have to be hard anymore! and it doesn't have to take years either! Pinning Profit is a comprehensive guide to growing your blog and making money! You can get immediate access to a free masterclass that shows you exactly how this framework works AND gives you a discount #howtogrowyourblog #howtoblog #makemoneyblogging #howtomakemoneyblogging https://ift.tt/2u9KYk0
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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Becoming a full-time blogger doesn't have to be hard anymore! and it doesn't have to take years either! Pinterest allows you to grow your blog, make money, and reach people you never knew how to do before! Check out these Pinterest tips and tricks to growing your blog and making money! #howtogrowyourblog #howtoblog #makemoneyblogging #howtomakemoneyblogging https://ift.tt/2udGybG
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stacieconnerty · 6 years ago
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The Ultimate Guide to Tailwind Tribes. How to use the tribes to increase your blog traffic. #tailwind #tailwindtribes #increaseyourblogtraffic #growyourblog #blogging #bloggingtips #howtogrowyourblog #momblogger #momblog #tipsforbeginningbloggers #newblogger https://ift.tt/2JskLo6
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