#however. celebrations aren't over just yet. We'll see how this goes if there's a chance this can be fixed somehow...
c0smiccom3t · 4 months
Regarding our 3rd Anniversary
Hey, I have some news to share. No, its not the log youve been waiting for.
You may all remember when i said tons of stuff was coming for Dimension Dyfenders this year for the third anniversary, right?
Yeah... about that. Due to Ren's disappearence as they are busy with irl things and due to the stress i went through today...
The 3rd anniversary celebrations will have to be delayed until further notice. (either tomorrow or indefinitely)
Don't worry though, this doesn't mean the event has been cancelled. we've just been running with some difficulties. for example, missing art and announcements. and complete procastination.
But as much as it pains me to say it, this year you may all gonna have to wait. But don't fret, it's all gonna be worth it once that log finally comes out.
Hope you all understand. thanks for reading. <3
-Comet, co-creator of D.D
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