#however i would post more soo idk 🙄
deciding whether or not you lot get to see my in love ocs >:|
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lunareclipse555 · 3 months
Hey, this is my first post! I had a blog prior under the same name, but it’s deleted! I still am not used to Tumblr, plus my old blog went untouched for MONTHS! 🙄
🍷 Name
People usually call me Luna or Kat.
🌍 Country
🇸🇪 Sweden! 🇸🇪
🍻 Age
21 years old (2003)
🌹 Gender + pronouns
AFAB, she/her
🧠 Diagnosis
Diagnosed with Unspecified Personality disorder and hypersexuality disorder.
Suspected ASPD and PTSD. The PTSD symptoms were present at younger age and have a tendency to fluctuate a lot and is the reason I entered therapy to begin with.
🎨 Hobbies
Drawing // Listening to music // Playing games // Reading // Playing piano // Live-streaming + VTubing // History // Psychology // Philosophy // Biology // Criminology // Movie + video making (esp. acting & editing) // Baking // Hanging out with people
There’s a lot of things I like to do, and still I’m bored.
❤️ Things I like!
• Call of duty: Zombies | I started playing world at war when I was 6 years old and has been my comfort game series throughout my childhood, ESPECIALLY the zombies game mode. Love campaign and multiplayer too though ❤️
• Horror movies, games, artists and books! | For example I really love Harlan Ellison’s I have no mouth and I must scream, Fran Bow, HR Gigers art. Psychological horror is my favourite horror, however I do love slashers too. Kinda like a brain rot for me, lol.
• American McGees plushies dreadful, I love them! ♥️ | Me and the ASPD bunny do have a love/hate relationship. He’s so fugly ❤️ but I kinda like it, idk? Would still wanna see a redesign too!
• Video game collecting | I love the games I’ve collected! Physically I own a PS1, PS2, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360 and a switch! ☺️ I’m proud of my collection soo far, might upload pics ✨
• Fandoms | Besides previously mentioned fandom’s like CoD, slasher horror and IHNMAIMS I’m in a lot more fandoms! I tend to go in and out of fandoms but for example Class of ‘09, silent hill, team fortress 2, Django unchained, metal gear solid and soo on so forth!
🚫 Dislikes
• People who unironically believe in ASPD/NPD/BPD/HPD abuse. Abuse is abuse, let’s not blame certain disorders for it. There’s sexual, physical and psychological abuse, abusers are abusers. Full stop.
• Self-righteous “empaths” who think they’re far better and more moral than others. Hate them, always have.
• Armchair psychologists, generals or whatever else where you think you’re so much smarter than the actual professionals because you said so. I appreciate knowledge, don’t appreciate unnecessary arrogance.
• People who get emotionally attached to their argument unless it makes sense to do so. I understand if you get emotional over conflicts involving human lives, fine. But if it’s an objective discussion, I’m not going to keep the conversation going if you keep being annoying and repeating arguments.
I’m here to meet others, whether it’s because of mental health, fandoms, interests or whatever! I’m very open to chat and meet new people! ♥️
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