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writedisaster · 2 years ago
@scxrytxles gets a Kizzie for Tessa!
        She’s not supposed to be out at the merch table.  Doesn’t wanna cause a riot or anything.  At least, not yet.
        But sometimes she likes to scope the crowd.  Crucify her. Tonight it’s paying off, though.  She likes the redhead on the edge of the crowd, all snarls and shoulders.  She leans in.
        “First show?” She asks, vocal-rest-low. Somehow, she’s still audible, even in the noise of the bar.  “I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
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writedisaster · 2 years ago
@idiotheart gets a Kizzie for Kiyoko!
        “Oh, my god, I love your shirt,”  Kizzie coos, reaching out to touch the other’s sleeve.  Her own outfit is nothing to scoff at, all holographic dazzle and squeaking barbie-doll vinyl.  “Where did you get it?  I don’t recognize the designer!”
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writedisaster · 2 years ago
@eclecticdetective gets a Jules for Aurélie!
        “Oh, hey.” She gives the smaller woman a lazy smile, tapping an unlit cigarillo against the balcony railing.  “Nice to see you again.  Aurélie, right?”
        She pulls a silver-cased lighter out of her pocket, tosses it in the air, catches it neatly.  “Care for a light?”
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writedisaster · 2 years ago
        happy “Lip Hennessy gets lots and lots of tips from sad and lonely vampires” day to everyone who celebrates!
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
like maybe the 30th or 40th worst thing ED brain has ever done to Lip is convince them that strawberry cheesecake flavored lube tastes just as good as the real thing
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@reastless says:
“I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.”
        Luke doesn’t say I don’t know you, but Lip hears it anyways.  And they can’t blame him- how long can he be expected to live with a stranger, anyways?  They tuck a lock of hair back behind their ear, looking out the window.
        “...My name is Lip Hennessy,”  they say, and for as simple a start as that is, they honestly don’t think they’ve ever told Luke their last name before.  “I live in the city.  I like to dance.”  They’re aware that none of this answers the questions that would really be relevant in this situation, but they make an offering of it anyways.
        “How long have you been living out here?”
[  noticing trauma starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@undergroundexits says:
“It’s all cool. Nothing is on fire. Yet.” / dandelion to charlevoix
        “Oh, no—”  Charlevoix rushes to the oven, throwing the door open to reveal a badly blackened loaf of– theoretically– bread.   “Oh no!”
        He grabs a tea towel and starts trying to fan the smoke away, eyes watering.  “Can you — could you open a, a window?”
[  rehearsal starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@odairing says:
❝ I killed him. ❞
        “Sure, sure.” Pliers tilts her head, looking at the corpse.  “This time.  Not saying you got lucky, but if he’d been a little quicker, you know you left your side wide open.  Ha-hah.”  She mimes the counterattack the dead man could have made, if he’d been Pliers Mahoney.  “Did I raise you like that?”
[  c.0. starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@agentharrisonofshield says:
“I guess… I’ll do… something.” (for Jim)
        “That’s the spirit!”  Jim enthuses, handing the other woman a stack of fliers.  If she picks up on Vivian’s hesitant tone at all, she’s clearly not letting it get to her.  “Can you put these up where you think people will see them?  The more people who know about the preschool book program, the more families will benefit.”
[  btb starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@canonfoddcr says:
❝ I may need you to do something for me later on today. Now, you’re gonna hate that I’m asking this, but park it in the back of your head, and if I ask you, then do it out of love. ❞ from Barney
        “Oh-kayyy...”  Janet squints at Barney.  “You know I’m totally in your corner, my dude my man, but I am not digging the suspense.  What do you need?  Can I get that info, like, now?”
[  c.0. starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 2 years ago
@halbermenschen gets a Bitsy for Daniel!
        He doesn’t see her.  No one can. But she sees him. She watches as he goes about his business - pretty well done, honestly! She’d been hoping to use that abandoned house for a photoshoot, but this works too.  Fire works too.
        She watches it go up in flames, then decides that this is the opportune moment for a jumpscare.  “Hey,” she rasps next to the dweeb’s ear, still invisible.  “Got a light?”
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@genrcsavvy says:
“Our burgers make yours look like the apple Eve gave unto Adam.” Polly to Janet
        “I— wait.  What?”  Janet record-scratches internally as she pieces that one out.  “Are you sure you didn’t, like, mean that the other way a—  You have burgers?”
[  btb starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 3 years ago
@genrcsavvy says:
“This is when you start to get groovy.” from Ruby to Pliers
        “Yuh-huh.”  This is, already, significantly different from most of Pliers’s other jobs, but she doesn’t mind.  Despite what her uncultured exterior might seem to suggest, she is a jazz appreciator.  “If your other henchman is out of rhythm while we do the V-formation thing, can I take him out?”
[  rehearsal starters  |  accepting!  ]
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writedisaster · 4 years ago
        charlevoix always has a buckeye (or setting-appropriate superstitious item) somewhere in his pockets or his bag, for good luck while traveling
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writedisaster · 6 years ago
        when she was at school, janet double-majored in music performance and computer science.  she actually had a scholarship to her college to play percussion in their orchestra- she’s good.  she only plays informally these days, but she still enjoys making music without the constraints and pressure of college orchestra.  she also just enjoys making noise.  sometimes you’re having a bunch of feelings and you just need to rip a blistering synthesizer/drums solo out of it all.  she composes her own digital and noise music as a side hobby, and has most of it up pay-what-you-want on bandcamp.
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writedisaster · 6 years ago
        Janet has two pet rats: littermates named Monty and Python. Monty is more people-oriented, but Python is more active and exploratory. There has been an awkward instance where Python got out of Janet’s trailer and she ran around looking for her, calling out her name-- protip: do not do this at a carnival. Thankfully, Python was found before any serious harm was done.
        Python and Monty both like to ride in Janet’s hoodies, but Python has had her outdoor riding privileges revoked for the time being. 
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