#howdy picking up the shorties
arikihalloween · 1 year
Compilation of Howdy carrying the shorties
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This post is also a speedrun of me learning to draw the caterpillar man right
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Will you do a wayhaught proposal?
WYNONNA EARP // Wayhaught - proposal
The day had come, everything was in place, everyone knew what they had to say and where they had to be when they had to say it.
Nicole had of course waken up in Waverly’s bed. Limbs tangled, sun shining in. She never got tired of waking up to that beautiful face. The plan was that Wynonna and the rest of the Scooby gang would be distracting Waverly today so that Nicole could set everything up. It was easy to cover, she’d say she’d have to be at work all day, just as normal and the second she got off her cruiser would be heading to the Earp homestead to greet her girlfriend. The only problem was that they’d have to keep Waverly from the station, she couldn’t see that Nicole wasn’t there. The first step in doing so relied on the eldest..living Earp (sorry too soon? To be fair she shot nicole)
Smacking the door open, terrified as to what position the two people in bed might be in, Wynonna entered Waverly’s room.
“Baby girl it’s time to get up, we’ve got a job to do.”
Waverly of course was non responsive, feeling very content with her four blankets and bonus blanket. Nicole didn’t want to move either but she knew she had a lot to do in the next few hours. It was 11 o’clock, 5 hours until Wynonna would bring waverly to their spot. 5 hours to set everything up perfectly, 5 hours left until she could call Waverly her fiancé.
Nicole was brought out of her daydream by Wynonna’s voice compelling Waverly to get up.
“Nonnaaaa why is this so urgent, usually you fight me when I try to come.”
“Well baby girl I’ve changed my ways, new me, new attitude”
She was sitting up now, “Ohhh something is totally up, are you possessed again? Blink twice if you are, Wynonna?
“I’m not possessed…again. Listen, Dolls needs us to meet him, change and we’ll have breakfast and go together.”
“Alright alright, I’ll be ready in a few.”
Wynonna leaves the room happy with her success in the first step. Nicole and Waverly are left to change.
Nicole had started keeping uniforms in waverly’s closet two weeks after she started sleeping over. Waverly never got tired of watching her put all of the pieces on…especially that tie.
Once both were dressed, and down the stairs after a multitude of kisses, the three ate breakfast, Wynonna’s favorite meal, and got into their respective cars.
Wynonna kept Waverly busy meeting Dolls at the old revenant park making up the excuse to look for evidence of where they would move next. Nicole on the other hand met Doc and an overly excited Jeremy at Shorty’s. It had originally been just Doc but Jeremy can not be trusted around Waverly with the secret.
Nicole pulled around back so she wouldn’t tip Waverly off when She and Wynonna arrived. She walked through the saloon doors greeted by two smiles. Well, one and a half..You can really see Docs smile because of his mustache.
“Well Howdy there darling, who’s ready for a proposal?”, Doc questioned
Jeremy piped up “Me oh my god I am so ready”, he paused and then continued, “ok you meant Agent Haught, dammit Jeremy”
Nicole smiles, she was absolutely ready. She and Jeremy spent time making food and Doc made drinks. When they were finished they cleaned the bar and had checked off their list. Nicole decided she wanted it to be simple, no decorations, a small party afterwards with all of their friends around in the place that they first met and the day Nicole first fell in love with Waverly. Everything was going to be perfect. She decided that proposing in her uniform would be a bonus, she knows how much waverly loves it and it happened to be what she was wearing that first day at shorty’s. She had picked up the flowers, she had the ring, and she was ready to pop the question.
It was almost time, about a half hour until wynonna was supposed to bring waverly (and Dolls) to Shorty’s. Jeremy was getting more excited by the minute.
Doc stood behind the side bar, Jeremy took control of pictures standing off to the side and Nicole got into position. She practiced kneeling, right in front of the bar, the same spot, the same bar, the same girl. All she had to do was wait for Wynonna’s text.
Back at the Revenants Trailer park, Wynonna, Dolls and Waverly had actually done what they came to do. Wynonna’s cover wasn’t a cover after all, they found a few leads to where the rest of the 77 may be hiding. They even found a group of 4 hiding out in one of the barns in back. With peacemaker by her side they didn’t even put up a good fight. When Wynonna knew it was time she almost couldn’t contain her excitement.
“Ok baby girl, Dolls, how about we go get a drink at shorty’s to celebrate our win today, the whiskey is calling my name”
Waverly counters, “the whiskey is always calling your name. And if you guys don’t mind I think I might go back to the station to see Nicole she gets off pretty soon.”
Wynonna and Dolls know they have to change her mind
“Oh come on you can catch up with Haughtstuff after shorty’s”
Dolls tries to help, “yeah or she could meet us there after too, we can tell Doc and Jeremy too”
Waverly gives in she can wait another hour..or so she thinks“Alright that sounds nice too, let’s go, I’ll text Jeremy, hopefully he and Doc found a nice hat for him, he was so excited to go shopping today.”
Wynonna drove 15 over the speed limit, and texted Nicole to let her know they were coming.
Nicole got the text, she knew they’d be there in about ten minutes. She and the boys took their places, she stood perfectly in the middle of the counter ready to greet her soon to be fiancé.
The doors flung open, Waverly was greeted by a familiar ginger with the biggest smile she’d ever seen.
“Nic? What is all this, I thought you were at work, I thought Doc and Jeremy were hat shopping?”
Nicole got down on one knee and that’s all Waverly needed.
“Waverly Earp. I could have done this three years ago in this exact spot and spent my life with the same woman who stood here drenched in beer with a boy-man boyfriend and have been just as happy. You have been making my life better since I strolled in here demanding coffee from the cute bartender. I couldn’t think of anything more I’d like to call you then my wife. Waverly Earp, will you marry me.”
“Is that a yes?”
“This is perfect”
“Ok you still haven’t said yes yet, I’m getting worried”
“Yes. Yes. Of course I’ll marry you.
Cheering erupted in the bar, Nicole and Waverly erupted into a kiss. They couldn’t imagine a better night, with their arms wrapped around each other, their friends laughter and the curse so close to being broken it was the perfect time to start their life together.
Waverly had so many plans for the wedding..and so did Jeremy.
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ffsroland-blog · 7 years
Howdy folks.
My name is Dani and I’m an old fart. Well, honestly, I’m just 24. I haven’t RPed for a year but decided to get back into it. I’m trying to re-invent an old character I had named Skyler (dylan o’brien fc). He was a lot different than Roland, but very much the same. They have the same traits and interested, though their personal choices are different. But anyway... Sorry in advance to the super long intro. I’m kinda figuring out some kinks as I type..
To explain Roland...
TRIGGER WARNING: sexual abuse/drug abuse
Have you seen NAT WOLFF around Bone Hill? Oh, that’s just ROLAND SAWYER, the NINETEEN year old VIDEO GAME TESTER. I hear he is STRAIGHT. I also hear the MALE has been here for FIVE MONTHS. While they can be AMBITIOUS & OUTGOING, it’s just as likely they can be CARELESS & GUARDED. They seem to be hiding THAT HE RAN FROM HOME WHEN HIS PARENTS FORCED HIM TO DO DRUGS AND HAVE SEX WITH STRANGERS FOR MONEY. Better keep an eye on them.
I’ve started to work on a little bio on the side of his page for you all to read. As you saw from his application (if you saw it) he is a video game tester. He’s actually quite a famous one on YouTube and even picked up a sponsorship with Blizzard entertainment. This all happened after he ran from home and ended up in LA for a few years, staying with an old friend. Before he started his career, he legally had his name changed from Skyler Needman once he turned 18 - this meant he was able to allude his parents a lot easier now, and moved off from California completely once his gaming took off.
Roland is a typical guy who loves the ladies, but he’s also a bit shy. He sometimes stumbles over his words, or let’s his brain shut down when he likes a girl, which would often end with him losing her interest, and him becoming a home-body again. Which, in turn, was good for his gaming career, but not so much his social life.
I may be open to a connection for Roland and this friend he stayed with in LA, if anyone is looking to plot. Could be he followed them to Bone Hill, or that he was here first, whichever. I made it so he’d only been in town for five months, which makes it so he can have a small list of prior connections, but also not know a few of the others.
Nobody knows that his name was changed, and I didn’t list it as part of the secret, just because it was a minor detail compared. But, it goes along with his running from home thing. I’ve figured he ran from home when he was 15. He had a small drug abuse problem while he hid out - when he started calling himself Roland. His parents didn’t seem interested in looking for him for anything except money. They didn’t even file an amber alert. He felt abandoned, and most of this is what’s given him the nervousness he has being around people he could potentially care about (i.e. girls, close friends, family, etc).
You can check out some more information about Roland HERE.
To explain myself...
Hey, it’s Dani. I’m a ginger, and a weird-oh. As I said earlier, I haven’t RP’ed in about a year, so I’m a bit rusty. I’ve already glanced at some of the stuff on the dash and feel really basic in my writing skills compared, but I’ll probably be catching up shorty. I have a full-time job that I work Thurs - Mon in the mornings so most of my replies will be in the late afternoon. I live in Colorado, if that helps understand what my timezone is (MST).
As I also mentioned earlier, I’m up for different kinds of connections with Roland and any others in the group. Don’t hold back. I will be posting a starter here shortly, just going to try to reply to a few others first. If you would like to plot with me, feel free to message me. I’m open to most anything. :D I’m also trying to get a friend that I met through RP to check this group out, not sure how that’s going to go. But, I love her and know you guys will as well, so I hope she joins!
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