#how’d that lil piggy get there?
are you dropping any new selfies soon?
sorry, no new selfies as of now
but please enjoy this picture of some bomb ass rice i made earlier this week
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it was so good
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soft--dragon · 3 years
Teaching Your Brother A Lesson
Based on this prompt here :)
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
"LET'S GET MY OTHER VLOG GUN!" Tommy yelled, a wide grin on his face as he gleefully waved around the plastic nerf gun.
He viscously tore into the packaging, explaining cheerfully that; "I bought this from an arcade!"
The chat flew past as he raved on. Some were warning Tommy of possibly getting Wilbur evicted, others telling him to keep screaming, and some wondering why Tommy was streaming from Wilbur's computer.
"Wilbur doesn't actually know that I've came in this office" Tommy caught sight of one of the messages asking why he was there. "I don't think…"
A sudden banging noise made him flinch and look up with a startled; "The fuck was- what the-" he realized what was causing the ruckus
"Yeah?" Tommy called out to Wilbur who was mouthing something at him on the other side of the door, jiggling the handle. "Hey hey no it's locked it's- hey hey come in!" Tommy snarked with a grin but nervous eyes. Wilbur looked pissed.
Tommy masked his worry with his usual bravado. "Whadda ya want?! Where's the camera-" Tommy quickly tried to turn the camera to face Wilbur who looked close to breaking down the door.
"Whadda ya want bitch?! I've got a gun!" Tommy warned loudly, streaming persona at its peak chaotic energy. But it quickly disappeared when Wilbur managed to get the door open. "Oh...hey…" Tommy greeted nervously.
Wilbur stormed into the room with a hiss of "What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm gonna shoot you bitch!" Tommy shot back with a grin then noticed Wilbur's dark look making his heart sink. He didn't want to upset Wilbur, he thought it would've been funny… "What- what?" He worriedly asked, making himself a little smaller in the gaming chair.
"How'd you get my wallet?" Wilbur asked, approaching the table. "Are fucking streaming?!"
Tommy laughed, aiming the gun and attempting to shoot Wilbur who disarmed him in a flash. He pushed Tommy's shoulder down to keep him firmly in the chair.
"Tommy there are seventeen thousand people watching this!" Wilbur stared at the amount of viewers while Tommy smiled nervously.
"Well- well it was funny- Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried to explain but the look Wilbur gave him shut him up.
"I'm sorry everyone" Wilbur turned back to the webcam, voice still a little dark but genuine. "I'm sorry Tommy dragged you out to this, I'm sorry he wasted your time."
Wilbur gave Tommy a side eye, watching the boy grin apprehensively. "C'mon man" Wilbur grumbled.
"Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried.
"No, shush" Wilbur poked Tommy's stomach to shut him up.
To his surprise, Tommy squeaked and curled in on himself, a wide smile pulling on his lips. Wilbur paused, staring at Tommy before raising an eyebrow. "Oh, what's this?"
Tommy went a bit pink, pressing himself to the chair. "What's what?" He asked nervously, covering his stomach quickly.
Whether it was instinct or to confirm Wilbur's suspicions, Wilbur found it very endearing. He smirked. "Are you ticklish Tommy?"
Tommy giggled a little, shaking his head. "N-Noho, I'm not-"
Wilbur leaned down and smirked. "I think you're lying," he growled lowly.
Tommy giggled again, louder this time. "I'hihim nohohot" he insisted.
Wilbur clicked his tongue. "I don't believe you."
His fingers slipped past Tommy's arms and pressed into the boy's sides, vibrating them aggressively. Tommy squealed loudly in response, twisting in the chair and kicking the heels of his feet against the floor.
"FUHUhuhuck! Wihihilbhuhur!" He yelped, eyes squeezing shut against the sensations.
Wilbur chuckled, rubbing his thumbs into the ticklish skin. "Hmm, yeah, pretty sure you lied to me Tommy, and you know what liars get?"
"Wihihihihil plehehease-" Tommy giggled hysterically.
Wilbur smirked, his voice dropping darkly. "They get punished."
He blew a raspberry into Tommy's neck, massaging fast circles into Tommy's hips and poking the divots of the bones quickly.
"Quite giggly there Toms," Wilbur grinned, the nickname slipping out without him realizing.
Tommy pressed the side of his face into the chair, cheeks glowing pink. "S-SHUHUT UHUP!"
"Are you blushing?" Wilbur's eyes lit up excitedly. "Oh my god you are! Awww Tommy!"
Tommy batted at Wilbur's hands desperately, "STOHOHOP FUHUHUCKING TEHEHEASING!" He yelled, his flush only getting brighter.
Wilbur bet he was going to get a noise complaint for this, but he didn't care. Tommy's laugh was bubbly and undeniably endearing.
Wilbur chuckled again. "Aw why? Is a little teasing making you a little flustered Toms? Little bit more giggly huh? That's adorable~"
Tommy squirmed lower into the chair, trying to escape the ticklish sensations scuttling across his midriff. "WIHIHIL-" His eyes suddenly widened and he tossed his head back. "WIHIHILBHUHUR!"
Wilbur looked down and snickered. His hands had travelled up from Tommy's hips and were close to the boy's navel. He paused in the spidering movements and settled to tracing just around the rim with his nails. Tommy whined, gripping Wilbur's wrists and shaking with the intensity of his hysteric giggles.
Wilbur giggled himself, Tommy's laughter being incredibly infectious. "Got a lil giggle button, aye Toms?"
Tommy shook his head, unable to verbally respond. Wilbur paused for a second, feeling the muscles under his featherlight touch quiver. "Ready Gigglyinnit?" He asked.
Tommy bit his lip in anticipation watching Wilbur's hands with wide eyes. "Ihihi- d-dohohon't-"
"Don't what Tommy?"
"Tihickle me- WAIT FUCK-"
Wilbur hooked one finger into Tommy's bellybutton, wiggling the finger around quickly. Tommy arched his back with a shrill shriek then collapsed back in a mess of hysteric cackles. He babbled complete nonsense, unable to speak through his laughter.
Wilbur let up after a few more seconds, not wanting to actually kill the boy afterall. Tubbo and Phil would never forgive him. He gently rubbed the boy's stomach, soothing the phantom tickles but still making Tommy fall into soft giggles.
"Hohoholy shihihit" he wheezed.
Wilbur softened marginally. "You good?"
Wilbur smiled then glanced up and felt his stomach drop. The stream was still fucking going- he forgot to end it!
The chat was breaking the laws of physics with it's speed, spamming a bunch of messages Wilbur could barely read.
Get his ass Wilbur!
They're brothers your honor
Tommy's so cute awwwww!!!
Wilbur is actually gonna kill him lmao
I've never heard him laugh like this??? It's so adorable! uwu
Don't kill the child Wilbur!!!!!!!
Wilbur laughed a little then hit 'end stream' before Tommy saw. Well, he was probably gonna see the clips circling twitter later, but the longer he could prolong Tommy's revenge the better. Speaking of the boy…
Tommy looked like he was about to pass out in the chair. His eyes were closed, a wide smile on his face, small giggles occasionally slipping out.
He has no right to look this cute after the chaos he had just caused.
Wilbur sighed, ruffling the boy's hair. "Oi Toms, c'mon, we're heading back to my place before Niki and Fundy arrive."
Tommy blinked up at Wilbur, looking at him with the same energy as a young puppy. He lifted his arms, mumbling something like; "Upsies" which made Wilbur's heart explode from the cuteness.
He smiled fondly at his little brother and gently tugged him up, the younger falling into his chest.
"Still mad at you by the way" Wilbur said but hugged the boy to him regardless.
"Sorry" Tommy mumbled. "I didn't mean to make you angry."
Wilbur's brow creased as he ruffled Tommy's hair. "I'm not actually upset with you Toms, it was all a bit, don't worry."
Tommy visibly relaxed at that, dropping his head onto Wilbur's bone. "Okay" he said quietly.
Wilbur smiled then gently tugged Tommy to his side, walking them out of the office. And if Wilbur ended up giving Tommy a piggy back ride for the last few minutes of the walk? Well, that was for the two brothers to know.
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koala-soap · 5 years
| Dog Walk |
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Thanks for the request, anon! I have a giant soft spot for fluff with absolutely no plot  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Also if you’re wondering, I messaged back and they wanted the reader to be five.
Story below.
“Where the fuck’d your boots go?” Your dad whispered to himself, bent over in the cupboard under the stair case, flinging his arms around in the sea of big and little shoes. He saw something bright yellow, and snatched then up with a smile. “There you are.”
“Hello, puppy!” He heard you giggle from the lounge room, and the sloppy panting and collar jingling as well. He came around the corner to see his precious little girl bouncing around with dog spit and fluff all over her hands. “Bouncy, bouncy, bounce!”
“Here, squirt.” Bakugou smiled, sighing and sitting down on the couch, waving you over with teeny yellow rain boots in his hands. You hopped over and he lifted onto his knee, and started helping put your feet into them. “These things stink like a elephant’s ass...”
“Butthole boots!” You grinned, putting your hand over his to help put them on.
“Language...” Bakugou frowned with an amused little smile. He helped you jump off his knee, and snatched up the doberman’s leash to head out the door. Princess looked intimidating, but all dobermans do, really. She was a huge softie. She slept on the couch with you every time she’s let inside, and sat with you when you colored.
Katsuki shoved his wallet and phone in the pocket of his shorts, and shut the door with his foot, since he was holding a little hand and a leash. You were already at the end of the driveway, kneeling by the mailbox. Your dad smiled and looked at what you were fiddling with. “Whatcha got there, kiddo?”
You stood up quickly and jumped up and down, holding something up at your dad’s face. “A snail! His name is... Paul.”
“Paul?” He chuckled, looking at the little snail in your hands. “Does Paul wanna come for a walk?”
“Princess can carry him! Like a dog-bus.” You smiled innocently, and let Paul slide onto the big dog’s collar.
“Paul got a bus ticket?” He chuckles with a very amused smile. He loved your stupid little nonsense, no matter what it was. Things just like a ‘dog-bus’.
“Mm... Nope! Paul gets a free ride today.” You say, and make sure the snail wouldn’t fall off any time soon before skipping to the end of the driveway to cross the road with your dad. It was a little cold, but the sky was bright blue and it was sprinkling. Pretty.
You all saw the street was empty of cars, so Bakugou said it was okay to cross and you held his hand the whole way across. “Hey, we have to go get a brown shirt for you from the shops after this, ‘kay, baby girl? For your assembly.”
“Oh, yeah...” You pout thoughtfully, squeezing Katsuki’s big hand and looking up at him. “Are you coming?”
He scoffed in the old fashioned Bakugou way with his smirk, and let go of your hand to ruffle your hair. “Course I am! You bet your stinkin’ little nose I’ll be there.”
“My nose isn’t stinky!” You smile up at him, and he uses a finger to poke it a little bit, making you giggle and put both your hands over it. He chuckled and said, “You sure about that? When was the last time you showered?” He teased.
“Yesterday!” You said back. “You made Mr Duck talk.”
Katsuki smiled and said in a weird, nasal-ly voice, “Hey there lil’ miss [Name]!” It made Princess look up at him like something was wrong with him, so he gave her a quick pat on the head while you giggled. “What you lookin’ at, huh? Can’t a duck enjoy some peace?” He jokingly said again in the voice.
You were talking about when you had a bath last night, and he was sitting on the floor, one arm leaning on the side of the tub, the other moving a rubber duck up and down making him talk. He ended up slipping on the tiles covered in water, like a grandma on an ice skating rink.
You gasp, and hurry over to Princess’s collar when you saw poor little Paul slipping off and landing on the ground. Bakugou stopped when he heard your little gasp and watched you scoop him up. “Paul!”
“Paul okay?”
“His shell is cracked. We have to give him CPR!” You say alarmingly, holding the creature close to your face to look at him. Princess’s head appeared and licked your hands, as your dad bent down and patted you back.
“That’ll probably kill him, kiddo.” He said, figuring out what to do with this snail you had. You didn’t have a good reputation with seeing things die. You had a grasshopper last week, and when Princess ate it, you cried quietly and had a funeral for him in the backyard with Katsuki. 
“Uh...” He looked around and stood up. “How ‘bout Paul-”
“Princess! Paul isn’t doggy food.” You said, with a worried face, and your hands out to reach for Princess who was chewing up your little snail friend. Bakugou frowned and tried to open the dog’s mouth.
“What is it with you and eating bugs?” He grunted, opening her jaw and watching the big pool of shell and slobber and muck fall onto the foot path. Well, this was the end of the road for Paul.
You looked at the snail and your eyes started to water. Katsuki pressed his lips together sympathetically and looked at you. “Baby...”
The puddle of slime and guts was forgotten pretty quickly after you got the offer for a piggy back ride. You were on his shoulders, bopping up and down with every dramatic step he took. You made it all the way to the park like that, and when you got there, Bakugou let the dog off the leash and set you on the ground to run around.
You and him spent a little while running up and down the playground’s slides and rock climbing walls. You weren’t good at those, but he held your arms and helped you up.
“Boo!” A loud voice called, honestly startling Katsuki a little more than he’d like to admit. It was followed by a wet dog tongue slobbing all over his face.
“Phngh!” He scrunched his face up and he tried to push the dog off him. he chuckled and wiped the spit of his face, “Okay, okay. You guys found me.”
You smiled at the fact you and Princess had just won your game of hide and seek. You heard your dad grunt as he tried to get up out of his hiding spot, which was him crumpled under the little kiddie slide.
He sat in the sand with his legs spread out and his arms behind him. He felt your arms wrap around his neck and you putting all your weight on his back. “All right, your turn, kiddo. Go hide.” He smiles, tilting his head back to look at you.
Thirty seconds later, and you and Princess were squished behind a fat tree in the bush surrounding the park. You peeped around to watch the blonde walk every where, looking behind things.
“Shh!” You giggled, at the dog who was moving around in the leaves.
Next minute, you were found, thanks to Princess, but it was fine because you got a piggy back over to the drink fountain. He lifted you up so you could drink some water.
“Cold!” You gasped, and Bakugou chuckled.
Right now, you were sitting in his lap while he was cross-legged in front of the little swivel-ly plastic cylinders with naughts and crosses on them. You had your little finger in your chin to make you seem more mysterious.
“Mm.. here.” You smile, and rotate one of the cylinders.
“Ha!” Bakugou grinned, spinning around another one, which gave him a straight line of three circles. “And that is bingo, my dear.”
“Aw.. again, please!”
He gave into your cute little smile and you ended up playing another three rounds, and you won one of those, so your dad ended up winning anyway but he wasn’t a bragging ass about it. At all, really.
“Alright, squirt.” He said, rubbing your shoulder and standing up. He stretched his tight limbs and grunted. “Wanna go home? Dinner’s gonna be my kick-ass curry. And I got some cheese sticks for ya.”
“Yummy! I love cheese sticks.” You smile through your chubby little cheeks, and you felt your dad’s hand pat your back gently.
“Hell yeah you do. You’d have a cheese fountain in your room if you could.” He laughed, helping you down the chain climbing frame onto the ground.
You gasped with excitement. “Can I?”
“There’s not enough dairy in the world for that.” He scoffed with a laugh.
The walk home was pretty fun. You were allowed to hold Princess’s leash most of the way and you collected honky nuts in your shirt that you curled up. You gave them all names, and Bakugou did his best to try remember them all.
While dinner was being cooked in the kitchen and the house smelled like spicy curry, you were at the kitchen table with Princess, coloring in your honky nuts with textas. They all had little faces and rainbows.
“Look, pa! This one is... Suzie. I think.” You pouted, holding up your masterpiece covered in hearts and a smiley face. He turned around from the stove and chuckled to himself.
Couple minutes later, you had a plate of curry in front of you with a cheese stick on a napkin next to it. You smile and shoved in in your mouth as soon as you realized what it was. 
“There ya go, babygirl. Curry with a side of cheese.” He smiles and sat next to you with his own plate. “Don’t know how you eat that stuff.”
“It’s good!” You muffle with it all in your mouth. 
He laughed, shook his head and ate his dinner with you, talking about honky nuts and cheese sticks. Sure you had some weird conversations, but he loved you. How’d he get so lucky?
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Of Farms Fairs & Fame (Part 10)
He found her sitting by herself just on the outskirts of the fair where the music reached only faintly. Not that he expected her to have company. If anything she was probably trying to avoid Mai, Zuko, her father, and anyone else who would want to offer solace. He knew this and he almost felt bad intruding.
He didn’t know how to approach her, not when she was like this. In fact he couldn’t remember the last time he saw her sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest and a somber and withdrawn expression on her face. He noted that her guitar was wedged between her legs and her chest, so that she was practically slumped over it.
He didn’t know how to approach her so he didn’t.
Instead he retreated back onto the fairgrounds, where they were probably beginning to sample the cooking contest entries.
Azula carelessly plucked at the strings of her guitar. She had, had a perfectly good chance and she just went and let it go. A sudden urge to throw the guitar, to smash it until it splintered, overtook her. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the impulse to pass. She curled her fists into the grass and gritted her teeth. She could hear the incessant chirping of crickets interrupted only by the howl of a dog somewhere in town.
The urge didn’t want to pass so she mustered all of her self control and set her guitar down next to her. In that moment she hated herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she had choked up like that. She was almost certain that, that was the first time she had ever done so.
She heard a crunch behind her but she didn’t lift her head. If anyone was there, she’d let them approach her. But no one came to sit next to her. Not for a good long while. She sat there for an hour or so, looking at a glittering web of stars. She didn’t notice when Sokka dropped himself down next her until he said, “what happened up there?”
“I didn’t have a song prepared.”
“But y’all said…”
“I had one but I ain’t want to sing it.” She paused. “It weren’t that important anyways.”
“Ain’t important? It meant everythin’ to ya.”
“It can’t have been that important if I ran off the stage.” She muttered. “If I really wanted to be a singer so bad, I woulda done it… it ain’t that important.”
“Or maybe y’all went ‘n ran ‘cause it were the most important thing ‘n u wanted ta start it right.” Sokka countered.
“Now that ain’t make a whole lotta sense.” Azula rolled her eyes.
“Sure it does. Point is, it’s important to ya.”
It didn’t really matter if it was important to her. Whether it was or wasn’t, wouldn’t change that she had fled her own performance. She hadn’t even given herself a chance. She still couldn’t decide what would have been worse, doing as she had or standing on stage and breaking into tears in front of everyone because she could barely stomach talking about Ursa, much less singing about her. Somehow she thought that running was worse. At least if she went and cried, her voice would have been heard, there would have been power and emotion to the music. But, lord did she had the prospect of vulnerability.
“Hey, ya don’ need ta be sad. I went and got ya somethin’.”
“I ain’t want no more pie, Sokka. And I ain’t want ‘the popped corn’ neither.”
“This is better than food.” Sokka declared. She watched him reach into a little box, wondering how she hadn’t noticed that before.
“Sokka, what’s in there?” She asked upon seeing him pull out something wrapped in a bundle of blankets. Without answering he placed the bundle in her arms. She was about to hand it back when it wiggled. “Sokka…?”
“Unwrap it.”
Having enough hesitation for one night, Azula unfolds the blanket. “You didn’t.”
“I done did!” He replied proudly.
A little pink head peeked up at her. “It ain’t the same one.”
“Sure it is.” Sokka smiled. “You liked ‘im a lot ‘n I figered he might make ya feel better.”
Azula cradled the piglet at her bosom and looked over at Sokka. “How’d you get ‘im?”
“Ma ‘n Kat won. I used some a the prize money.”
“Sokka!” Azula scolded. “Wha’d I tell you ‘bout that?”
“Don’ worry ‘bout it. I tol’ you, we jus’ needed a lil’ extra cash to git the farm goin’ again. We got more then anuff now.” He promised. “So ya better enjoy yer piggy ‘cause he already likes ya.”
Azula rubbed her pointer on his teeny head and smiled. “He’s so small. I ain’t never see a pig so small.”
“Well then yer a good match fer each other. ‘Cause I ain’t never seen someone small as y’all.”
The half-glare, half-pout she shot him made him chuckle. But he didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. She always had been the shortest one in class. “What are ya gonna name ‘im?”
“I can name ‘im Aang, so Zuko can finally catch ‘im.”
“Are they still playin’ that game a tag?”
“I ain’t think they’ll ever stop. Not ‘til Zuko wins. So...they’ll be playin’ fer a good long time.” Azula replied.
A sense of accomplishment befell Sokka because she was joking and smiling again. He could tell that she still wasn’t entirely happy, but she wasn’t so withdrawn either. “How ‘bout ya name ‘im Runt.”
“That’s just ‘bout the most unoriginal thing I ever hear.” Azula rejected. “His name is gonna be Spade.”
“That’s a lil’ sinister don’ ya think?”
“‘Sactly. It’s ironic ‘cause he’s so small.”
Sokka cocked his head.
“It’s okay, you can laugh, it’s funny.”
“Y’all have a weird sense a humor, ‘Zula.”
“‘N you have a weird sense of literally everythin’ else.” Azula shrugged.
“That’s fine with me.” Sokka said. No sooner than the conversation dropped did the sorrow creep back onto Azula’s face. He had to keep her from thinking too much about it. He tried to recall how he consoled her when they were just kids.
Azula held Spade at eye level, watching him kick his teeny legs as though he’d be going somewhere. Watching the display, she could almost pretend like it was just a regular night. That TyLee wasn’t in the hospital and she still had time to prepare a song.  She lowered Spade back into her lap and wrapped him up in the blankets. She didn’t speak again until he was nestled in her lap and sleeping. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Sure I did.” Sokka insisted, setting a hand between her shoulder blades. “Y’all helped my mom ‘n I so much. I just wanna do somethin’ nice fer ya.”
She was quiet for another heartbeat. “Jus’ you bein’ here is plenty anuff.” The way she’d spoken it left her wondering about the weight of her own words. Her belly fluttered, just what had she admitted? She sighed to herself, she was overthinking again. Of course him being there was enough, he was her closest friend.
But then he leaned in and wrapped his arms around he. Again, she found herself getting jittery. And for what? It wasn’t like he hadn’t done anything like that before. He’d hugged her a ton of times during their playdates. Hell, he’d kissed her in days when spreading cooties was a fear sweeping the third grade.
It was innocent.
But this time his embrace lingered.
Or maybe she was imagining it.  
She had to be, because he pulled away, just like normal.
“Promise me that yer gonna keep writin’ songs.”
“Of course, I’m gonna keep writin’.”
“‘N singin’ ‘em?”
“‘N singin’ ‘em.” Azula confirmed. She couldn’t stop herself even if she tried.
“Good, ‘cause it ain’t like y’all ta give up so quick.”
This whole fair business. It was embarrassing and it did hefty damage to her ego. But like hell she’d give up. Sokka was right, it wasn’t in her blood to do so. A break, however wouldn’t be so bad. She had come to conclude that she simply couldn’t force a good song onto the paper. No, she’d let the lyrics come to her.
“Thanks for all a this?” Azula stated softly.
He leaned in again and Azula opened her arms for another hug. And he followed through. He followed through, but with an addition. It took her a surprised but giddy look from Sokka for her to realize that it was she who kissed him. Albeit, the kiss was on his forehead, but it was a kiss.
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thesundowncrew · 7 years
"I coulda swore he winked at me.."
Richard was thirty years old, much too old for trick-or-treating and visiting houses and walking the streets late at night. But who could say no to your old pal Jerry when they invite you out for a beer or two downtown? Buzzed and cozy in the warmth of the bar, the two friends found themselves confessing old secrets and reminiscing unspoken tales. Richard decided to tell Jerry something he never told anyone else.
"Y'know.. I met a guy who I wanted as a big brother SO bad.."
"Yeah?" Jerry raised an eyebrow, digging it already. "Who's he?"
"Dunno. Was forever ago man.. I coulda been.. what, no more than eight? Yeah, I think so.." He stared at the bottom of his glass, playing around with the little bit of beer he had left. "Yunno how when you're an only kid an' ya grow up wishin' ya had a big brother or sister? That was me. I never wanted a baby sibling.. I wanted someone bigger than me.. I get those kids who hated their siblings cus they were bullies but I still wanted one. A good one, yunno? Jus' someone who'd look out for a lil' guy like me.."
"Anyway so I jus' moved in right? A couple of the boys -douchebags all of 'em but I didn't know it back then- they were plannin' t'go uptown, where all the bigger houses were. Bigger houses meant better candy so they planned it an' they had me come with. I think they only did cus our teacher told 'em to do it. But I was so fuckin' excited, I got out my quarters from the piggy bank an' everything. Only had enough for the bus ride there an' back. So we met up at one kid's house an' we all went. I was dracula."
"Man, goin' uptown for an' eight-year-old was like... a dream. Seein' all those big houses an' fancy cars out front and, I shit you not, every kid that trick-or-treated there, their bags were TO THE BRIM. So we went, house to house, an' every one was like on a sugar high already even though we didn't eat any of the shit yet. We were fired up man, me the most. I got so caught up, I didn't realize when they ditched me on the streets."
"Aw shit dude.." Jerry sighed. "Assholes."
"I know right? Man kids're straight up vicious."
"So.. what happened?"
"Well I was gonna pee my pants but then I remembered how hard ma worked on my drac costume so I held my dick in. But I was panicking like no tomorrow, man. I was lost.. Had no friends, no adult, I didn't know where to go. I was thinkin' bout how ma and pop were gonna be LIVID when they found out I did a stunt like that. I just found some guy's stoop an' just sat there tryin' not to cry. I didn't know what to do.. And then.."
"An' then some kid comes up to me an' asked if everything was okay? I look up an' he's jus' some teenager in a hoodie, an' I was so fuckin' scared at that point I didn't say anythin' I jus' nodded. He bent down, kept askin' me stuff like where's my parents? Where'd I live? But I couldn't talk.. I jus' couldn't, yunno? Suddenly he says 'C'mon I'll take you home' an' I.. I jus' held his hand an' we started walking--"
"Jesus, Rich, what if he kidnapped you or somethin' like those syndicates?? They always hit during the holidays for shit like this!!"
"Okay yeah well I know when I tell it now it sounds really like really fuckin' stupid but c'mon man, I was fuckin' EIGHT an' desperate, what'd you expect?? I jus' wanted to get home-"
"Okay so then what??"
"Okay so he said he'd take me home right? I didn't have any money for the bus an' I guess he didn't either so we were gonna walk the whole way. I hold his hand, right?"
"An' they were prosthetics!"
"Yeah, they! Both of 'em! That ain't even the best part. He must've been some rich kid cus he had them customized or some shit just for Halloween. They looked like skeleton hands."
"No fuckin' way," Jerry's mindblown expression somehow filled Richard with a smidgen of pride. "Yep."
"How'd they feel?"
"Oh man they musta cost like a bomb then cus they felt.. Well I dunno what bones feel like but they moved like they were real, yunno? His fingers an' all, they weren't stiff. So I held his hand an' we kept walkin', an' the whole time we walked he talked, tried makin' conversation. I forgot what he said but I remembered he had some kinda accent.. Like he was from the UK or somethin'.."
"An' then I think he did some magic trick where he pulled some candy behind my ear or some shit cus suddenly I was laughin' an' I started to talk, little by little. Agh man, I can't remember.. It's all pretty much a blur now.. I don't know how or when it happened, next thing I know I'm at my house. He messed up my hair, said goodnight, crossed the street. An' just before he disappeared, I coulda swore he winked at me.."
"Oooh-woooo-ooooh~" Was Jerry's attempt at a spooky sound effect which only made Richard grin harder. "So you never saw that kid again huh?"
"Nah. Couple a years after that, I moved down here. Oh shit, what time is it?" Realization woke Richard up for a bright second as he looked at his watch. "Gotta go, Jerry. Thanks for the drink!"
"Anytime Rich! Save summore stories for the campfire will ya?"
The cold outside almost makes Richard do a u-turn but he knows he needs to be getting home. He thinks about how toasty he'd be all wrapped up in his bed and it tempts him to pick up the pace against the chilly Autumn winds.
Suddenly a distinct sound cut through all the noise and caught Richard's attention. His eyes zipped everywhere, scanning the neighborhood till he spotted a little girl in a bright, orange pumpkin costume. Alone and crying. It hit too close to home, and tonight of all nights too.
Richard immediately hits the button, supposedly to make the traffic lights turn red. "C'mon, c'mon ya piece of-" but before he could even finish his breath, he noticed the crying had already stopped. He looked again to find that the girl was now being comforted by someone, obscured by the crowd still about on the street. He panicked. What if this stranger was shady? He hit the traffic switch faster but kept his eyes on the little girl who was... laughing?
The stranger was holding her face.. No, tickling her.. No! Wait.. It was... He fished a lollypop from behind her ear..
Richard stopped in his tracks. He tried to get a good look at the stranger. He couldn't see his face since his back was turned but he was certain he was wearing a dark grey hoodie. His hands. He needed to see his hands.
He saw the girl take the lollypop and walk beside the stranger. And as they stood across the street from Richard, despite the sea of traffic in between, he saw them. Skeletal prosthetics. And a face that hadn't aged a day.
Richard didn't mean to stare. It was unlike him but he couldn't help it. Something gripped at his very core that night. Something made the hairs at the back of his neck stand and the base of his spine shiver, and he didn't blame the cold. The figure had been paying all his attention to the pumpkin girl and only realized Richard at the very last minute. He looked up at the man, green eyes ablaze in the dark of his hood.
And then just before they disappeared...
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pikapegasus · 7 years
83 or 94 for papa Yondu and little Star-Lord pls
83. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.” // 94. “You can do it.”
why not both??? ;) thx for bein so patient these past few days !!! assume our lil star-lord is like 8-9ish here
send me a ship (or non-ship in this case heh) + a number for a way to say “I love you”!!!
Peter gasps in pain as his back slams against the ground,his arms out on either side of him. For a moment, he’s dazed, unsure of whathappened, but then he looks up at the ledge he’d just fallen from, only to see some of Yondu’s crew members laughing hysterically.
He blinks a few times to clear his vision. Fortunately, it doesn’t feel like he’sbroken anything, but his back is probably bruised and going to be sore for afew days or so.
Taserface, one of the biggest bullies in Yondu’s crew,stands out in particular from the small cliff, pointing down at Peter with aloud, bellowing laugh; Peter figures Taserface had been the one who pushed him.He sits up carefully, pushing his hand into his jacket pocket to feel for hisWalkman and headphones which, thankfully, survived the fall.
“Tha’s enough. Get back to the ship, all a’ya,” he hearsYondu yell over the laughter from above. Peter watches as Yondu pushes past theothers to stand at the edge, looking down at him. “Ya hurt?”
Peter shakes his head.
Yondu ducks his head lower, studying the wall of rock he’sstanding upon. “Can ya climb back up?”
Peter manages to push himself to his feet, swaying a bit at first,but he grabs onto the rock wall to steady himself. He looks up at Yondu. “Ithink so.”
He begins his ascent, Yondu watching him carefully. Peter’sslow at first, still recovering from the fall, but gradually picks up speed. Thedistance between Yondu and where Peter had fallen is probably about fifteen to twentyfeet—enough to hurt like hell, but not kill. Peter pauses about halfway to breathe for abit, but when he grabs for the next rock, his fingers slip and he narrowlyavoids falling. The rock he’s currently clinging to shifts under his weight andhe looks up at Yondu with wide eyes. 
“This rock is loose!” Peter yells up to him. “I don’t know if I canmake it!”
“You can do it,” Yondu says simply, almost encouragingly(but Peter knows he would never). “Just keep climbin’, boy.”
To his credit, Peter does try, but the moment he shifts hisweight to reach for the next rock, the loose one comes out of the wallcompletely, nearly taking Peter down with it. He narrowly manages to latch ontoan indent in the wall, hooking his fingers into the small space while the restof his body hangs freely. He swings his feet around, but there’s no place toregain his footing.
Unable to keep the fear out of his voice, he calls, “Yondu—”
“Hang on, son.” Yondu lowers himself to the ground andstarts climbing down to where Peter’s stuck. “Stay there. I’m coming to getyou.”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut as his arms protest in pain,his muscles shaking under the pressure. He opens one eye to watch Yondu climbtoward him quickly, constantly checking on him over his shoulder.
Within thirty seconds, Yondu reaches him, coming to a stopbeside him and grabbing Peter by the waist. “Climb onto my back, boy.”
Wide-eyed, Peter nods, reaching over to wrap his arms aroundYondu’s neck and his arms around his midsection, like a piggy-back ride. Peter’sarms are still pained from the effort, but considerably less than when he was hanging suspended from the wall moments before. Yondu takes a deep breath, then climbs back up toward the ledge.
“How’d you end up fallin’ over the cliff anyhow?” Yondumutters, sounding exasperated.
“They pushed me.”
“Who, boy?”
Peter bites his lip. “I don’t know. Maybe Taserface.”
Yondu scoffs. “He’s a jackass.”
Finally, Yondu climbs back up onto solid ground and Peterquickly slides off his back. Yondu groans as he stands up straight. “Yer gettin’big. Too heavy fer me to carry anymore.”
“Sorry,” Peter murmurs sheepishly, looking down at theground. He hated whenever Yondu had to save his ass from stupid situations likethis one (many of which were typically caused by the other crew members, thoughPeter acknowledges that his own dumb ass has also gotten him plenty of troubleas well).
“Just try t’stay outta trouble, boy,” Yondu warns, gesturing tothe main path. “Now le’s jus’ get back to th’ship and away from this cliff.”
Peter’s more than ready to leave the stupid cliff for good. Henods, falling into step beside Yondu as they head back in the general directionof the ship.
“Um,” Peter says shyly, “thanks for saving me.”
“It’s my job as captain to watch over my crew,” Yondu sayssimply, not looking at Peter. “Don’t think nothin’ of it.”
Somehow, Peter feels like Yondu means more than that, andthe idea warms his heart a little.
send me a ship + a number from this **new** list of quotes I reblogged (just pls specify it’s from the new list if ya do)!!!!
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mi6013eliotappleby · 6 years
Second draft
Ext – Sat atop a ridgeline, three antagonists (Bill Westcott, Theodore O'Diddley and Roderick O'Diddley) look upon a lonesome bank sat in a vast dry desert. Westcott; holding a pocket watch in his hand, methodically winds it without looking.
Besides the bank is a heavily guarded wagon being opened as uniformed men transfer what appears to be strongly sealed crates, each containing large amounts of gold and bonds.
Westcott -
“Right, you boys ready?”
Theodore -
“We sure are. We've been ready for weeks.”
Roderick -
“Damn right boys. Let's make us a mint!”
Westcott -
“Slow it down there, breathe and think, cos' if this goes south...”
Westcott pauses and looks away from O'Diddleys and instead at the pocket watch in hand. In the watch is a portrait of a woman.
Westcott -
“Sigh* Well, let's not get into that...”
Theodore -
“Will you quit worrying? You're in good hands. We ever let you down before?”
Roderick -
“Yeah we's ever let you down Billy?”
Westcott -
“Well I did have to carry your ass back in Ashbuck didn't I? Or did that one slip your memory?”
Westcott glares at Roderick.
Westcott -
“And I told you... DON'T call me Billy.”
Roderick looks down at the ground sheepishly while Theodore Looks disappointingly at his brother.
Westcott -
“Right, before we do this, let's go over the plan one last time. We round up the guards, we say we're gonna shoot someone square between the eyes and then... well, people start to fall in line once they know the purely white gates are only a stones throw away. Least that way we don't have to take no lives.”
Theodore -
“What's with you and no killin'?”
Westcott looks over at Theodore.
Theodore -
“Ahh don't gimme' that look, you know what I mean, you always firin' that thing, just never at folks. If you ask me it's quicker, gets the job done and stops any potential heroes from messin' things up.”
Roderick -
“Yeah its easy, Like shooting rats for supper, nothin' wrong with a lil' killing!”
Westcott -
“I got enough on my conscience already, I don't fancy being haunted by the ghosts of folks I killed. I'm a thief boys, not a killer and I ain't starting now. We got enough ridin' on this and I am NOT, gonna' screw this up... and neither are you boys, comprende amigos?”
Theodore -
“We got a reputation to keep up with Bill. We ain't messing this up.”
Wescott notices that the wagons have finished loading their cargo.
Westcott -
“C'mon, looks like they're finishing up. Remember like clock work boys.”
Theodore -
“Like clock work.”
The trio pull up their bandannas too conceal their identities and begin to ride down the ridge line as the heavily armoured wagon finishes up.
Upon arrival, the gang circle the wagon, with the O'Diddleys firing wildly into the air. The wagon has made barely any distance between that and the Bank.
Westcott -
“Gentlemen please if you'd kindly, keep them guns holstered, stick them hands up and don't do nothin' that'll be liable to get you killed.”
Roderick in an overly excited tone laughs maniacally, enjoying the hold up far too much.
Roderick -
“Yeah! get em' up! get em' up boys!.”
Carriage Driver #1 -
“Take it easy fella's, we're cooperating, we're cooperating...”
Theodore -
“That's smart thinking right there. Just as we asked.”
Westcott leans into Theodore.
Westcott- “You good out here?”
Theodore -
“Yeah we got it Bill, you do your thing, we'll do ours. We got you covered.”
Theodore says with a smirk, and without looking at Westcott no less.
Roderick -
“Oh we gonna' livin' like kings soon enough brother!”
Theodore -
“Easy brother... in good time.”
Westcott looks taken back and slightly concerned by the brothers irregular behaviour. He dismounts his horse and makes his way into the bank slowly, gun drawn.
Interior - Small bank, clerks cowering behind counter bars between them and the bank floor, Westcott holds shotgun close range and aims eye down sights ready for anything.
Cashier #1 -
“Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord...”
Westcott -
“C'mon out gentlemen. Those boys on the wagon outside knew the routine, I expect the same from you boys. No sudden movements, no hero stuff... heh, you don't need to be reminded how this is going down. I don't wanna shoot you just as much as you don't wanna get shot. Now I want bonds, gold nickels, dimes, hell even gold teeth if you have em'; in the bag, spread evenly so ma horse and I don't fall off balance.”
Cashier #1 -
“Whatever you say sir, I ain't given no trouble!”
The clerks tentatively starts too reach below the counter, Westcott leans forward to get a better view over the counter and gives a quick whistle. The cashier looks up visibly frightened.
Westcott -
“Easy there son, open the gate and let me through before you go reachin' round places I can't see.”
Cashier #1 –
“N-no, no mister! I wasn't doin' nothing, I was just a getting the keys, see?”
The cashier jangles the keys to show he was being truthful.
Westcott -
“Well explain yourself next time boy you can't afford to make a man worry like that.”
Westcott cocks gun
Westcott -
“And I'm not one who likes to worry.”
Cashier #2 faints and hits the floor.
Westcott -
“Hahaaaa I still got it, now open up!”
Cashier #1 opens up the large iron bar door as Westcott makes his way round behind the counter, gun still pointed at cashier #1.
Westcott -
“Now move it! I ain't got all day!”
The cashier begins to unlock lots of small boxes behind him, each one containing bonds and other notes. Westcott throws down three large sacks and cashier #1 starts to place them inside.
Westcott -
“Evenly now ya hear, saves me the hassle.”
The horses can be heard outside get restless and nay loudly, muffled shouting ensues.
Westcott -
“What the hell are those boys doin'?”
Cashier #1 -
“Ain't got nothin' to do with me mister! Honest!”
Westcott -
“Pfft... I figured that much. You stay right there, I'm gonna' go take a quick peek.”
Westcott approaches the front door casually keeping an eye on cashier #1, gun still drawn.
Westcott -
“Hey what going-”
As Westcott opens the door with his shoulder, gun fire breaks out and his hat is shot off. Startled, he buckles and jumps back through the front door slamming it shut.
Westcott -
“Jesus H shit! Goddammit'! There a back door to this place?!”
Westcott runs back through the steel barred door and confronts  the Cashier.
Cashier #1 -  
“Y-y-y-yeah through here...”
Bullets crash through the windows as Westcott hits the deck and grabs the Cashier.
Westcott -
“Shit! Get down and stay down you fool!”
Both start to frantically crawl towards the back door, Westcott grabs the one sack the cashier managed to fill up. They both reach the back door as the gun fire ceases. Both get up and timidly walk toward the door. Westcott pushes past the cashier.
  Westcott -
“Hold up here! I got the gun, I reckon I oughta' go first. You got a horse or something near by?”
Cashier #1 -
“N-n-n-n-no mister I don't... I usually get a ride from the coach that comes here from town.”
Westcott -
“Well I guess today really ain't your day kid, that's what, bowt' a mile or two away?”
Cashier #1 -
“There abouts...”
Westcott -
“Ah, shit. The whole god damn town probably heard that gun show, least when them law boys turn up they'll treat you to a ride home. But I sure as hell ain't hangin'! You ready there?”
Cashier #1 -
“Ready? Ready for what?”
Westcott -
Westcott bursts the back door open and begins to run but is instantly shot in the gut and drops back. Multiple shots are fired all missing him bar another to the leg.
Westcott -
“AGH! Goddamnit, bastards got me!”
Westcott stumbles and crumbles back inside.
Cashier #1 -
“Lord above!”
The cashier grabs hold of him and drags him over to the wall and slumps him aside.
Cashier #1 -
“Oh lord mister! That looks pretty bad, are you okay?”
Westcott –
“I'm pretty sure I took a bullet in the gut, do I look okay?!”
Cashier #1 -
Sorry mister, I just.. I never seen someone get shot before, at least not this close anyhow.”
Westcott takes his hand off of the wound and examines it.
Westcott – “Yeah definitely in the gut alright... no problem, ugh, I've had more led in me before...”
Cashier #1 -
“Who the heck was firing at us?! The sheriff can't have been here by now. You have any idea mister?”
Westcott takes down his Balaclava and feels for his pistol.
Westcott -
“...I got a hunch, but don't take my word for it, not yet... call me Bill by the way... I think with the current situation I oughta' properly introduce myself...”
At this point there's a sudden slow knock at the front door.
Stranger #1 -
“Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!”
Stranger #2 -
“Hahahaha! we got em' now, we gonna gut you like a piggy too!”
Westcott recognises the voices outside.
Westcott -
“...sigh* I thought as much...”
Westcott reaches into his satchel, a sound of something being tinkered with can be heard. Westcott then hands the satchel over to the Cashier; with the item in question still conceled within.
Westcott -
“Here, put this in the biggest bag of loot you filled... and, and bring it round in front of me.”
The cashier looks at the front and back doors frantically without fulfilling Westcotts request.
Westcott -
“Look... I know you wanna make a break for it kid. But do this one thing for me...”
The cashier looks uncertain on what to do. Theodore shouts from outside.
Theodore -
“Bill! Bill! You in there? Rody here says he got a couple shots on ya! That true?”
Westcott -
“You kiddin' me!? That dipshit couldn't hit a mountain!”
Roderick -
“Shut it Billy! You know I got you good!”
The cashier looks at Westcott.
Westcott -
“This ain't about the money kid.”
Cashier #1 -
“Alright mister, alright...”
The cashier does as instructed by Westcott.
Theodore -
“Right! We're comin' in Westcott! Ready or not!”
Westcott -
“Go out the back, it should be clear...”
The cashier runs out back in a moments notice; just as the O'Diddleys break through the front doors. Theodore strolls over to Westcott gun in hand, taking note of Westcotts wounds.
Theodore -
“So he didn't get a shot on you huh? How'd you get in that there state then? You trip 'n' fall over?”
Roderick follows closely behind and sniggers at Theos comment.
Roderick -
“You sure I didn't get ya Billy?”
Westcott -
“You a real funny pair, should've known better than trusting a couple of inbred moonshiners...”
Roderick -
“Hey! Who you callin' inbred?!”
Theodore turns to Roderick and point at the door.
Theodore -
“Get back to watching that front door! Keep and eye out for the law will ya?!”
Roderick -
“Ugh... fine, fine!”
Roderick storms back off towards the front door.
Theodore -
“Ain't no need getting riled up lil' Billy. All you got there is a flesh wound after all. But less you start, ugh... cooperating, that there nip gonna' be a real problem in a short while.”
Westcott -
“Alright Theo, then what the hell do you suppose I'd do about it?”
Theodore -
“Well me and my brother here. We ain't trained to be no doctors...”
Westcott -
“I gathered you and your brother ain't qualified professionals, don't think I've ever heard about any inbred hicks becoming doctors...”
Theodore crouches and point the gun barrel right at Westcotts forehead.
Theodore -
“Now ya know I don't like your sarcasm don't ya Billy? An' I sure as shit ain't liking being called no inbred neither. I might not be as “sophisticated” at you Billy, but brains do no good trying to dodge a bullet, am I right?”
Westcott looks Theo dead in the eye and gives a minor smirk.
Westcott -
“That was a mighty big word of you to say Theo... sophisticated... nice going.”
Frustrated, Theo stands back up and kicks Westcott in the head, knocking him down to the floor completely. Roderick pears back through the front door at all the commotion.
Theodore -
“This business don't get old does it?”
Westcott spits blood on the floor and glares back up at Theo.
Theodore -
“Now it won't be long til' that Sheriff Myers catches wind of this. He's a real mean son' bitch; has a might big temper on him if I recall. Ain't no man wanna' be stirring up a fus round' him.”
Westcott lifts himself up slightly, Theo takes a couple steps back gun still drawn.
Westcott -
“So that'
s it then?! You leaving me here for the wolves? Letting them do your dirty work?! You god forsaken chicken shit!”
Theodore -
“As I was sayin' before! If you play nice and sit there quiet an' all, holding that there wound... I'm sure the locals back in town'll patch you up nicely.”
Roderick shouts over from the door and intervenes in the conversation, laughing away.
Roderick -
“Yeah before hangin' ya!”
Theodore -
“Rody! Keep an eye out will ya? I told you already!”
Roderick comes back into the bank.
Roderick -
“Can't see nothin' for miles T! Law won't be here for another time yet!”
Theodore -
“Well... I guess we should take our leave then while we got the time. Start grabbin' the bags Rod.”
Roderick grabs the suspicious bag from in front of Westcott.
Westcott -
“The halfwit O'Diddleys ride again huh?”
Theodore -
“Least we got plentiful journeys ahead of us Bill.”
0 notes
the-world-will-no · 6 years
a modern AU, Jack/Crutchie lil thing that I put on ao3 a few days ago. it’s pure fluff and that’s all there is to say.
“Chaarlie,” Jack whined as he dragged himself along the path in Central Park, “I’m so fucking tired, why did we do this?”.
“Jaaack,” mimicked Crutchie, trying to seem stern, but cracking easily, “we did this because we love our friend and the least we can do is participate in his Walk-A-Thon for orbital lymphoma. Maybe if you’d eaten more for breakfast like I told you to instead of just chugging coffee, you’d feel better”.
“Okay, mom,” Jack rolled his eyes, “but next time Blink or anybody else asks us to exercise, say no”.
“Speak for yourself, I don’t mind it. I rested up and prepared, it’s your fault you decided to binge watch the entire first season of Smash last night instead of sleeping,” Crutchie said lightly. Jack gasped loudly and dramatically, making Crutchie wonder how’d he ever thought Jack might be straight.
“Okay, just call me out like that Char, damn”.
“No need, the bags under your eyes do that for me,” Crutchie shot back, effectively fired up by Jack’s Andrew Rannells-esque reaction. Jack, in true fashion, placed a hand to his chest as if mortally wounded, acting as if they didn’t go back and forth like this all the time. After giving Jack a moment to fulfill his true calling as a Kardashian, Crutchie kept walking. He had a pace to keep- he was here for Blink after all.
Moments later, however, Jack’s chin made its way to Crutchie’s shoulder as he came up behind the blonde boy and pressed a feather-light kiss to his cheek, whispering, “You know I love you”. Crutchie felt the corners of his mouth involuntarily lift in response to the touch and the beautiful words that came with it. The moment was broken a second later when Jack laid his head fully on Crutchie’s shoulder, slouching down and stopping, “Cruuutchie, I’m tiiiiired”. Crutchie shook his head. It was like having a child. Crutchie thought a moment- he was well rested, he’d taken some medication in preparation for the Walk-A-Thon, and today was already more spoon-tastic that he could’ve hoped. He turned to Jack and fake-sighed in concession.
“Fine Jackie, do you want a piggy-back ride?” As Crutchie had expected, Jack’s entire face lit up.
“Ya sure, Char? I’m taller than you and, well...ya sure?”. Crutchie was sure- height was really all Jack had on Crutchie. Crutchie was much more muscular than Jack, who was basically a stick with arms and an affinity for art.  Crutchie’s arms and wrists would be taking the brunt of the weight and it would be doable for about a half-mile- just enough to get to the end of their final lap.
“Jackie, I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” he leaned forward and crouched slightly, steadying himself with his two forearm crutches, “hop on, dear”. Jack put his hands on Crutchie’s shoulders and wrapped his legs around his boyfriend’s waist, holding on as Crutchie straightened and began swinging forward with relative ease.
“‘Dear’- that’s a new one, not sure how I feel about it,” Jack mused.
“That’s what I call little kids, so that’s what you get called when you complain til I carry you like a child”. Jack was quiet for a moment.
“If that’s the only price I pay, I’ve decided I absolutely adore that term of endearment, and request that you call me that as often as you like”, Jack grinned resolutely. Crutchie shook his head, though he was smiling. What a perfectly odd one he’d ended up with.
Two years later, standing under an archway of flowers in Medda’s gorgeous backyard, two men had just pledged marriage to one another in sickness and in health. The shorter one, leaning on a wooden cane bedecked with vines and blooming daffodils, closed the gap between himself and his dark-haired partner and whispered in his ear, “I love you, my dear”. He felt his husband smile as Charlie pressed the promise to Jack’s lips. Neither could wait for a lifetime more of piggyback rides with their dear. 
ao3 link!!
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