#how to make a living room look bigger and brighter
lovecla · 18 hours
TAKE YOUR PAIN AWAY | quinn hughes.
00.2. the first time quinn invited you over
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➴ warnings: mention of a restrictive diet, almond mom kinda?
➴ word count: 1.1k
➴ author’s note: i am a mushroom hater till the day i die. fuck mushrooms.
2013, OCTOBER.
THE first time Quinn invited you over, it was on a Sunday morning.
Your parents were at work, as they always were, and you were trying to make some food for yourself and Peter, who was currently laying on his bed and playing video-games.
It wasn’t like you were used to cooking, after all, you were just eleven and you had so many sitters growing up that you didn’t have to do much. But you’d manage to convince your parents that you didn’t need an old, ugly lady taking care of you anymore— you knew how to take care of yourself. And it was true, until you had to cook something that wasn’t microwaved popcorn.
It was ten a.m. and the doorbell rang, the song ricocheting through the empty house. You immediately looked at the digital clock sitting on the kitchen counter, frowning because you knew your parents wouldn’t be home until some time after six.
Carefully, you got off the chair you were on top of trying to reach the pancakes mix, and walked towards the door. Looking at the camera (because you knew how to take care of yourself and because you should never open the door to strangers!) you saw Quinn there, with his hands in his pockets.
You smiled, opening the door.
Your friendship with Quinn bloomed just like flowers did during the first week of spring. He was nice to you, listened to all of your questions and thoughts, and was kind enough to explain things you didn’t really understand (he seemed to know everything). He didn’t let you paint his nails, something about his brothers, Luke and Jack, making fun of him for it, but he always let you play with his curls.
He played with you for hours and to your ultimate surprise, he never complained. Not even once. And he was much better at throwing the ball than Peter ever was.
“Hi, Quinny!” You greeted him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He patted you on the head awkwardly, like he always did. “Why are you here?”
“I just made breakfast for Jack and Luke,” he mumbled. “And you told me once you like pancakes. So do you wanna go eat some?”
You were so happy in that moment that it felt like Christmas all over again. Thinking of your empty stomach, you nodded.
“Only if there’s enough for everyone and,” you bit your lip, suddenly embarrassed. “Can I bring some for Pete too? I didn’t cook him breakfast.”
Quinn frowned at you, like he sometimes did whenever you mentioned Peter. “Why are you cooking? Isn’t it dangerous for a kid to be in the kitchen?”
“I’m eleven. ‘M not a kid anymore.”
“Sure,” he laughed, nodding. “Come on.”
You both left your house and you closed the door behind you, as you followed Quinn to his house, yapping his ears off. You were excited about a new cooking show you’d been watching and you needed to tell someone how the guy in there had baked the prettiest cake you’d ever seen.
Opening the door, Quinn let you in first before entering the house himself. You looked around, noticing how different his house was from yours: simpler, but so much brighter. There were family pics everywhere, the sight momentarily overwhelming you. A huge living room to your right, and an even bigger kitchen to your left.
Sitting on the couch, you could see two other boys, who looked a lot like Quinn.
“Those are Jack and Luke,” Quinn explained, grabbing the boys’ attention. “Lukey is ten and Jack is twelve. Come say hi.”
He grabbed your hand and dragged you towards them, as you shyly hid your body behind his. You were naturally shy, not a fan of attention on you, which was exactly what you were getting, with both Jack and Luke’s bright eyes on you.
“Is this Madison?” Jack asked, pointing at you.
“Yes, actually,” Quinn said, getting out of the way so you could see them. “She’s having breakfast with us today.”
“Does she like chocolate chips on her pancakes?” Luke asked, looking very serious. You didn’t know much but it felt like that question was going to determine his entire opinion about you. And you understood him, that’s how you feel about people who put mushrooms on their pizzas. You hated them.
“I don’t know,” Quinn looked at you and smiled. “Do you like chocolate chips, Maddie?”
Maddie. Quinn would sometimes call you that, and it made your heart flutter. It felt nice to know that someone liked you enough to give you a nickname.
“Mom doesn’t let me eat chocolate,” you mumbled, looking at your hands, still intertwined with Quinn’s. “She says it will make me fat.”
“What’s the problem with that?” One of them, probably Jack, asked and you furrowed your eyebrow.
“Mom says people won’t like me if I’m fat.” You shrugged, repeating the thing you’ve heard your entire life.
Luke stood on the couch, jumping around. “That’s b-bullshit!”
“Luke!” Quinn yelled, making the boy stop jumping and sit back on the couch, head down. “We don’t say that word.”
“Sorry.” He pouted and you wanted to squeeze his cheeks.
“It’s fine if you eat chocolate once in a while, and people shouldn’t like you just because of your looks,” Quinn whispered, poking your forehead. “Do you want to?”
You thought about it for a long time, staring at Quinn’s gentle, kind eyes for a while before saying yes. Yeah. You did want chocolate.
So he cooked more pancakes for you, making sure to put chocolate chips in all of them, while you sat between Jack and Luke on the couch, watching as they watched some kind of weird cartoon and talked your ears off, acting like they’ve known you for years.
Maybe that’s why Quinn never complained about your yapping sessions; Jack and Luke were the Kings of Yapland themselves.
“Here you go.” He placed a big plate in front of you, with at least five huge pancakes on it.
“Thank you,” you said, quietly, as you cut a piece and ate it.
You closed your eyes, sighing, and enjoying the sweet taste on your mouth, licking your lips right after that. Holy cow. Not wanting to waste any time, you dived into the world of chocolate chip pancakes and ate all five of them, not even stopping to breathe.
When you finished the last bite, you put your fork down and sat back on the couch, patting your belly, not even caring about the lady manners your Mom loved to remind you of.
Only then you realized that all of them were staring at you.
“Hum,” you started, feeling your cheeks burn. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, of course not,” Quinn said, giving you a smile. “We’re just happy you liked them. I can make more if you want.”
“No, I’m full,” you mumbled. “Thanks.”
And just like that, Luke, Quinn and Jack resumed their conversation about Hockey and games. You didn’t understand a thing, but it was funny to watch Jack trying to prove a point while his brother shouted over his words and Quinn asked them to be quiet.
That day you felt welcomed by them. Jack, Quinn and Luke made you feel wanted, in their own little weird way.
It felt nice.
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ryaancreativeliving · 3 months
Tips To Make Your Living Room Bigger And Brighter
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Are you planning to design your living room and want to make it look bigger and brighter? Designing a living room with limited space is a challenging task, then how do transform your space? In this blog, we have discussed tips that will help to make your living space room feel bigger, airy and brighter.  Read More: Tips To Make Your Living Room Bigger And Brighter
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circuitsfantasies · 2 months
Freedom. (A Sebastian Solace fict)
Somehow you had managed to get Sebastian to the surface and away from the urbanshade facility. Whatever black magic or pure chance you managed to pull you did it. And he was finally free, but so were you. Free from having to go down into a cold, wet, and dangerous hell that many had risked to get a god-forsaken crystal.
You were lucky you had lived a good bit away from town so you could shelter the eel from the cold grasp of the city. It took a few days for Sebastian to adjust but once his eyes got used to light and he felt comfortable enough to go outside with you into the backwood of nature he looked like this was all he had ever wanted.
Noticing a few tendencies Sebastian had picked up never ceased to make your day brighter. For instance, there was a field of grace not too far from the forest in the backdoor of your home. When you took Sebastian there he wriggled around when laying on the grass like a cat did like you've seen so many times in cat compilations.
Another thing he did you couldn't help but smile at was when the eel sunbathed. He would laze around near windows or in the backyard for house basking in the sun's rays, and even if you wanted him to move he wouldn't. Sometimes he'd convince you to join him and he'd coil his long tail around you as you fell asleep together in the sun.
One thing Sebastian wished he could do with you is going into town or the city and do mundane things like buy groceries. He missed being normal but you reminded him how your heart was for him no matter the form he held. He may still have doubts but he appreciated your patience with his doubts and loved that you helped heal this mangled part of him.
Once you had cooked or heated up a meal for Sebastian he almost cried being able to eat normal food again instead of scavenging for scraps in the facility. One thing you found out he loved was strawberry shortcake! On occasion, you would buy him a whole cake as a treat and watch as he throughout the week eat away at the soft cake.
Sleeping-wise, you had to rearrange your room and buy a bigger bed so that Sebastian would be more comfortable. He still had to coil up, but he was much more comfortable than before. Though, he was a total blanket and bed hog. You'd go to sleep and wake up in the morning being smothered under a heavy tail or Sebastian straight up just putting his whole torso weight on you. He looked so beautiful when you woke up seeing a gentle beam up light on him as he looked like he was the most peaceful thing in the world.
He was happy.
He was free,
YOU were free.
"I'd say we finally both got what we wanted yeah? Next time don't wake me up so early." Sebastian teased before pulling you back down into the soft blankets. You figured the two of you could relax for now.
(Circuits note!! Hope you enjoyed this fict my friend suggested I write! I have another Sebastian fict planned so look forward to it! :])
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chronicowboy · 5 months
"I guess it's just me that makes you nervous then," Tommy teases, gentle as anything, and suddenly everything inside Buck just settles.
This is flirting. This is something he knows how to do, man or not. Because he likes Tommy. Thinks, terrifyingly, that he might like Tommy more than he's ever liked anyone he's dated before. Which is a lot, probably, to think on a first date. But Tommy's looking at him with an endless patience and warmth that Buck feels in every inch of him. It's easy not to worry then.
"I don't know if nervous is the right word," Buck murmurs, heat rising in his cheeks.
"Oh, yeah?" Tommy quirks a smile at him, whole face lighting up with it like he's seen the tension melt out of Buck all at once.
"Mm." Buck nods, takes a sip of beer without looking away from Tommy's deep eyes. "Flustered, maybe." He ducks his head when Tommy's grin only grows brighter. "Giddy." He tangles their feet together under the table, the rest of the room fading away. "A little like a schoolkid with their first crush."
"Well, that explains all the pigtail pulling," Tommy retorts, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest. Buck lets himself look at the bulge of his biceps, big, bigger than Buck's even, mouth-watering apparently, lets himself appreciate them for a moment.
"You're not gonna let me live that down, are you?"
"Oh, come on, Evan." Tommy snorts. "Think I get to lord that over you for a little while. If not for myself, then on Eddie's behalf at least."
"A little while, huh?" Buck redirects them, something seizing in his chest at the mention of Eddie's name. He falls back into a familiar move, looks up at Tommy from under his eyelashes and watches the man smile like he just can't help it. "You thinking of keeping me around then? Even with all the..." He waves his hand at himself, a gesture to the embarrassing ally word vomit that he'd dropped on him just moments ago.
"This is new to you." Tommy shrugs. "Wasn't expecting you to be a real Casanova first time around."
"Casanova," Buck repeats gleefully, beaming when Tommy rolls his eyes and blushes just ever so slightly.
"Anyway, as I was saying," he emphasises. "First date was never going to be smooth sailing. Only fair I get to take you out again. Practice makes perfect and all."
"Sounds pretty perfect," Buck says. And what he doesn't say is: I don't think this is practice, I think this is the real thing.
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godslino · 8 months
i am so obsessed with your writing style and im so happy to see that you like to write kidfics because i don’t see them often !! could you write seungmin as a dad?
sending love <3
alright. kenzie gave me dad!seungmin brain worms. everyone enjoy (i certainly enjoyed writing it) and let me know if this deserves to have a continuation
TINY HANDS | seungmin dad!seungmin. request. 640 words.
Tiny hands.
It’s the one thing Seungmin will never get used to—ten fingers, ten little fingernails, soft skin that he can’t get enough of.
“What are you doing?”
Seungmin looks up just as you’re walking into the living room, freshly showered and hair still damp. Beautiful as ever.
He doesn’t allow himself to be distracted for too long, immediately turning his attention back to the sleeping baby in his lap. His baby.
“I’m counting her fingers.” he says, rubbing his thumb along each individual digit. He could get lost in his own head like this, comparing the size of his own hand to the borderline microscopic ones that your daughter has.
“Well, does she have them all?” you ask as you burrow into the armchair across from him, “Because if she doesn’t then I have a phone call to make.”
Seungmin chuckles and brings one of her tiny hands to his lips, places a small kiss on her knuckles. “Don’t worry, they’re all here.”
Everything about her is so delicate. Seungmin was scared at first, worried that she’d break if he touched her. Born two weeks early, she was smaller than anything he’d ever seen before. Seungmin couldn’t believe that he had a part in creating that, in making a human so beautiful, living proof of your love for one another. It’s still surreal to him, like a dream that he hopes he never wakes up from.
Once he got over his initial fear that he’d accidentally hurt her, Seungmin never spent a second without her close to him.
Sometimes you scold him, tell him that she’ll never get used to sleeping in her crib because she’s always nestled into the crook of his elbow. Even when he’s doing things around the house, he baby wears like a champ, has her pressed up against his chest as he parades around the living room in what was supposed to be your swaddle carrier.
“That wasn’t a gift for you, idiot.” Is what Minho had said the first time he stopped by and caught a glimpse of Seungmin with it on.
“He literally won’t take it off.” you laughed, grabbing the bags of groceries out of Minho’s hands so he could shuffle over and coo over her sleeping figure tucked into the fabric, a proud look on Seungmin’s face.
Seungmin doesn’t know how he’s going to do it when she gets bigger. What if he never gets to carry her again? What if she doesn't want him to carry her? What if her hands grow so much that he can’t hold both of them in his own anymore? Seungmin’s thought about it so many times, has driven himself to tears over hypothetical situations that are eons away from ever happening.
Seungmin holds his daughter like he has the world in his hands. He rubs his nose against her cheeks and smiles when she blinks at him, makes noises that have her opening and closing her mouth in an attempt to copy him. He takes an endless amount of pictures that eat away at the storage on his phone but he really couldn’t care less. He sings to her when she cries and laughs when she burps after every feeding session. He whispers stories to her about how the two of you met when she wakes up in the middle of the night and he has to rock her back to sleep. He hopes and dreams that one day, when she’s older, she’ll know that his love for her extends much farther than any distance imaginable.
Tiny hands. Ten little fingers. Seungmin watches as they wrap around his own and smiles brighter than the sun.
When you eventually move to snuggle up next to him, your head against his chest as you both sit with a finger curled inside of each of your daughter’s little fists, nothing else matters.
This is love, and it’s Seungmin’s to keep forever.
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© all rights reserved. godslino 2024. please do not steal, translate, or re-upload.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
My Biggest Regret
Part five:
His arms wrapped around her as fast as they could. Pulling her against his body. He couldn't believe it. She was there.
The nights he would cry himself to sleep because of the lonely feeling that no one seemed to fill except her played in his mind. The days where he would pick up his phone to try to call her but knew he couldn't, played in his mind.
She was right in front of him.
"I missed you so much Aya," He whispered to Y/n. Her scent filled his nostrils and all of a sudden he was the 14 year old boy running around the playground with his girl bestfriend. So innocent, so happy and so in love.
"I missed you too Channie," she whispered back to him. She was trying to keep her tears in but she totally failed. The tears slowly wetting his hoodie. Just like at the airport but he didn't care, he never did.
"Hey, don't cry, you're too beautiful to cry," his touch was so soft. He wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead.
"Yuck gross!" Hannah exclaimed when she had realized the two were now just staring and smiling at one another.
"Hannah, Stop it! I've been waiting for years to see this happen!" Chan's mum smacked Hannah on the  back of the head before admiring the two lovers who were both in their own world.
Unlike Hannah who was rambling in anger while her mum and dad just admired the couple in-front  of them.
The rest of the boys sat in confusion. Trying to understand what was going on because they were very sure that their leader was in a relationship back home. They were sure that their leader was getting all the girls and screwing them every chance he could get so why was his mum calling them love birds? Did they miss a chapter? Did any of them know what was going on back home?
Han looked over at Changbin trying to communicate with his eyes, trying to get answers but Changbin, being his slow self, couldn't understand what was going on.
"Shall we show you guys to your room as these guys catch up?" Chan's dad interrupted the little chattering that was going on.
"Yes please," I.N replied and they all got up and carried their bags following right behind.
"Okay Chan, I'm going to say it. I.N is smoking hot!" Hannah exclaimed and collapsed on the couch. He looked over at his little sister and chuckled. He wasn't surprised at her reaction because when he was away she would always make such comments to piss him off.
"I don't think you want to mess with him, his quite the player," Chan responded.
How ironic Chan because aren't you the same person screwing other girls while you claim to love with your bestfriend?
Hannah whined and looked up to her older brother. "Ugh you’re no fun,"
"You missed me though," he teased back.
"Sure," Hannah stuck out her tongue and laid back down on the couch.
"I'll go take a shower and we can catch up yeah?" Chan hadn't let go of Y/n's hand. He was still holding on and he didn't let go. He refused to let go but if he did want to shower he eventually would have too.
"Okay that's fine, I need to set up the snack table anyway," she smiled at the older boy. The light in her eyes was brighter than ever and her skin was glowing. Chan couldn't take his eyes off her. Not at all but again he knew he had too. He finally let go and grabbed his suitcases to head to his room.
The living room was now boy free. Chan's dad came back to start on the grill and Chan's mum was by his side helping. They wanted to get everything ready because they knew the boys were hungry. Who wouldn’t be?
Meanwhile Hannah was complaining about how living with 9 boys (including her dad) was going to be the most excruciating pain ever.
Y/n on the other hand was in lala land. Chan was more handsome and the most beautiful. His muscles were bigger and he was way more taller and his jawline was sharper than ever. He was just perfect.
"Y/n dear, will you help me bring out the drinks?"
"Yes, sure auntie," she replied politely then made her way into the kitchen and she grabbed the beers and soft drinks out of the fridge. She then put them in the coolers and started making the punch and put it in jugs.
"Do you need help?" A low voice makes her jump. She quickly turned to look at the door where she saw non other than Hyunjin.
His hair was wet indicating that he had came out the shower and he was dressed in sweats and a shirt. He had a soft smile on his face.
"Um, no not really. You should go sit down. You've been traveling for hours," she smiled and continued to pour the punch into the jug.
"Yeah but I'd rather help. You all have already prepared such a nice meal. You might have been in the kitchen all day,"
"Not really no, would you like something to drink maybe?" She asked the boy who was now leaning on the counter watching her in awe.  He was admiring her. Who wouldn't? She was so beautiful.
"Hm, what about some of that punch. Did you make it yourself?"
"Yeah I did, my mum taught me how too," she grabbed a cup and poured some punch and passes it to the older man. He took a sip and quite literally moans.
"That's really good," he said while his eyes were wide in shock.
"Thank you," she giggled and walked over to the cooler to carry it.
"No let me," Hyunjin said realizing how heavy it was. He didn't mean to get close to her the way he did but in a way he did mean too. He wanted to feel her and he was slick with it.
"No it's fine-" but before she could protest his body was against her back and his hands reach over her carrying the cooler over her head and out of the kitchen.
She stood there in shock. His body was against hers and she couldn't help but turn red. If anyone had seen that it would have been a problem.
"Hey Y/n? Mums wondering if you could bring out her wine for her," Hannah's head popped around the door.
"Okay, coming," she grabbed the bottles and made her way to the living room where she finds a few boys sat on the couch watching football while Chan's dad was setting the stuff on the table.
She handed the bottle to Chan's mum and sat next to Hannah who was now sitting next to I.N.
The two were talking about something, totally in their own world while mama Chan was getting to know the boys better.
Slowly by slowly the whole living room was filled as more of the boys came out of their rooms. Chan came out last but was eager to talk to Y/n.
He wanted to know where they stood. He wanted to know how she was. He wanted to know if she was better. He most importantly wanted to apologize but he wouldn't get the chance to because his sister grabbed him once he walked downstairs.
He was confused. Why did his sister need to talk to him? Did he do something wrong?
Y/n knew what their talk was going to be about so she wasn't surprised. She was just worried about Hannah. She Was praying that she would get her closure and that she would stop being mad at him.
The two disappear out back brining Y/n’s attention back to the living room and the people around her.
"So Y/n, You and Chan..." Seungmin spoke up over the noise. "Are you guys a thing or something?"
"Uhh," she didn't know how to answer this, "we used to be? I geuss," she takes a sip of her drink.
"Uhhh, so how long have you guys been bestfriends?" Felix joined the conversation now interested as well.
"We were born two weeks apart. So ever since I was born," she let out a small laugh and smiled over at the boys who were so intrigued by her, "How's straykids?" She asked them.
"A lot of work, just really busy. But really fun. A lot of parties a lot of events-"
"A lot of girls," Han interrupted earning him a huge smack on the head.
"Ow! What?! It's true!" Y/n looked at them suspiciously but decided to shrug it off.
"Maybe one day we can take you to an event with us!" I.N smiled cheerfully.
"Uhh no! I don't do parties." She shook her head and put her drink down. Eager to know how Hannah and Chan were doing.
"Um...I'm going to check on those two, I'll be back," she informed everyone in the room and headed to the back yard. She spied on them. Trying not to be seen but when she looked at both of them, her stomach started to turn.
The both of them were in a heated argument. It was clear. It looked like Hannah was the one yelling the loudest. Y/n knew she had to step in or it could go left.
It took guts but she walked out to the garden. Their conversation becoming clear to hear.
"You weren't there Chan!"
"What do you expect from me Hannah?! I'm busy! I have a life and I can't keep coming back to Australia just to see you do little things that you're probably going to forget!"
"Oh wow! Chan, you know in my lowest times I thought you would be there. You weren't. Y/n was and she is the best older sister I have ever had and you will never ever be half the women she is, I don’t even know why your back after all these years! We were fine without you!"
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Old Flames
Part 2
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Part 2 of the request from @ginnsbaker
Warnings: Violence. Death.
Wanda was living her best life with Y/N, her smile was bigger and brighter than before. Her heart beat in a steady rhythm, not afraid of what the next sunrise would bring. Although she had yet to give Y/N the news, she soon noticed that the Avengers needed her now more than ever.
"Wanda, we can't." They told her as she pleaded with them.
"Please Y/N. They are my family too." Wanda told her. "They need my help. Our help." Y/N sighed as they looked at her, knowing full well that she will not give up.
"Fine. We're going to head to New York so start packing." They told her. The two packed lightly and flew out as soon as they could. Heading straight for the compound.
"Wanda?" Vision spoke in shock as she wnd Y/N walked in hand in hand. "Where were you?"
"I've been right were I belonged." She told him as he nodded, looking between the couple. He only smiled slightly as everyone turned to Steve.
"We have a problem." He told them as Wanda nodded. "Thanos is coming, and he wants the stone from Vision."
"Where's Tony?" Wanda asked as she looked around the room.
"He's uh, in space with Strange and the kid." Steve told her before turning to Y/N. "What are you doing here?"
"I am here for Wanda." They told him.
"What abilities do you have?" He questioned as Y/N smirked.
"Besides making Wanda scream, I can fight." They told him. "I was in Hydra with Wanda and her brother."
"Do you have powers?" Steve questioned as Y/N nodded.
"I have super strength." They told him. "I was sent to the Winter Soldier programme before you guys infiltrated Strucker base." Before Steve could speak up, Nat interrupted him.
"This is all good and all but we need a way to stop Thanos from getting that stone." Nat told them.
"We need to destroy it." Vision stated as everyone looked to him. "Maybe if we expose it to something along the lines of it's molecular structure, we may be able to destroy it."
"No." Wanda shook her head as Vision approached her, taking her hand in his own.
"You have to do it." He told her softly.
"No. I won't." She stepped away from him as Bruce started to speak of a solution. Soon sending them all to Wakanda.
"Can you do it?" Bruce asked Shuri who just glared at him before she explained everything.
"You need to stay up here." Y/N told Wanda as they cupped her cheek.
"I am not losing you again." Wanda stated as they smiled at her.
"You won't." They told her. "Besides, you have the baby to think about."
"What?" Wanda questioned. "How did you know?"
"I figured it out." They kissed her softly. "I love you."
"Come back to me." She whispered as they nodded. Joining the others down on the battlefield as Wanda watched from the tower as Shuri worked on extracting the stone.
Y/N moved through the sea of creatures gracefully as Nat observed their fighting style was close to her own.
"Did you also train for the Red Room?" She asked them as they nodded quietly before turning to fight once more. Using their strength to kill the creatures that had come. Until everyone's attention was drew to the big contraptions rolling through the fields.
Steve's and T'Challa's orders to fall back rang through the battlefield as everyone done as they were ordered. Wanda watched in fear as everyone ran for their lives. Trying to find safety in someway, that was the moment she had flew down and used her powers to lift each of them up and throw them into the creatures, killing multiple of them.
"Wanda? I told you." Y/N scolded as she turned to face them. "I needed you to be safe."
"And I needed you to be safe too." She told them. "As I said before, I am not losing you again."
"As much as this is all moving and all, we have a battle to win." Nat stated as they were all oblivious to what was happening in the lab.
"We have a Vision problem." Sam spoke through the comms.
"On my way." Both Wanda and Y/N spoke. Before Wanda could attempt to follow Y/N to Vision's location, she was hit and knocked down by Proxima.
"He will die alone, as will you." She snarled as she stood over Wanda.
"She's not alone." Nat spoke up from behind her. Using the walls of the trench to aid in her fighting. Throwing hit after hit with the help of Okoye until Wanda lifted her up from pinning Nat down and into one of the wheels.
"That's gross." Nat stated as she had blue blood splattered on her face. Y/N ran as fast as they could to Vision's location, just in time to help him fight.
"Run." They told him as they held off Corvus. Using as much of their strength to fight him off, struggling until he was stabbed by Vision himself. "I thought I told you to run." Y/N told him as Vision helped them stand.
"We don't trade lives." He told them before he soon felt the mind stone. "He's here." Wanda joined the two of them before they watched as a portal opened.
"Stay with him." Y/N told Wanda who shook her head. They soon followed along with Captain America in fighting Thanos. Preventing him from getting the stone.
"It's time." Vision told her as she shook her head, looking back to see as Thanos beat the Avengers one by one.
"No. I can't." Wanda whispered with tears in her eyes. As much as she was in love with Y/N, a part of her belonged to Vision, and Y/N could see that. The way her eyes always found either themselves or the android.
"Yes you can." He told her. Y/N fought as hard as they could to keep Thanos from the two with the help of Steve. The rest of the fight went by in a blur, with Thanos using the time stone to reverse time before he took the stone himself.
Once he snapped his fingers, Y/N's eyes darted around to find Wanda, she was next to Vision as Y/N ran to her.
"You're ok." They told her as she shook her head.
"No. I don't feel ok." She whispered as she gazed into their eyes. Y/N soon noticed as she slowly turned to dust before their eyes. Their heart breaking as they not only lost the love of their life but their child that she bared.
"Y/N?" Nat held their shoulder as they shook their head. Picking up Vision's corpse and taking him. "Where are you going?"
"I am going to bury him before his body gains unwanted attention." With that they left with a heavy heart, knowing that they shared Wanda's heart and it was never truly theirs.
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ninadove · 1 year
If the woman next to Nathalie is indeed Amelie and Emilie is still dead, how do you imagine Amelie and Felix will redecorate The Agreste Mansion? (Assuming that they move there since Amelie is now Adrien’s only adult relative left.)
Oh my gosh Anon. That is SUCH a cute ask, but let me tell you, you have opened Pandora’s box and unleashed 50 levels of overanalysis upon the world. Time for me to turn into an architecture and interior design major for the sake of this post.
In order to get a good sense of Amelie’s taste and of the massive work that needs to be done, let’s compare the shared spaces in the Agreste mansion to those in the Graham de Vanily penthouse.
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The first thing that strikes me is that the palettes are exactly the same: white and black are the dominant hues, with a pop of colour coming from earthy tones. And yet, the two atmospheres could not be more different! In my opinion, this boils down to a few key elements: lighting, shapes, space, and purpose.
1. Lighting
The most obvious one. Just look how miserable the Agrestes’ living (?) room looks in comparison to the Graham de Vanily’s. There’s an interesting subversion here when it comes to lighting sources.
The Agrestes’ mansion relies mostly on natural lighting, which gives it a greyish, depressing look. Windows are everywhere, and they’re big, but they aren’t meant to let the sun filter through; instead, they ressemble a cage keeping Adrien in.
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Sunlight represents the outside world, which Gabriel "No one matters except us" hates. In his mind, whatever looms outside of the mansion is dangerous. Hawkmoth’s attacks always start with letting the light in, the same way he welcomes his victims’ negative emotions; while he keeps Emilie safe in the crypt, as far away from the sun as possible (even when we do see it fully illuminated, it has to come from an artificial source).
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Emilie’s cosy little basement, Gabriel’s office and Nathalie’s room — the adults’ world — are the only spaces that get the courtesy of significant artificial lightning. In other words, there is not enough light and joy coming in from the outside, and definitely not enough coming from the inside to compensate. Which is super sad if you ask me.
Now onto the Graham de Vanily penthouse. We do not get many shots of it, and most of them are taken at night time, which I (want to) believe is a very conscious choice on the writing team’s part.
While Gabriel refuses to let sunlight, and everything good it symbolises, into his son’s life, Amelie welcomes the night and the potential dangers it carries with it. The windows make up two entire walls, offering a full view of the outside world.
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Notice how the moon and stars are nowhere to be seen in this shot, yet the penthouse remains significantly brighter than the mansion on the sunniest day. The abundance of artificial light in the Graham de Vanily home, light that comes from within, is a symbol of the love they share as a family.
So obviously, we need to get Adrien some lamps, urgently.
2. Shapes
The thing about the Agreste mansion is, it has potential.
No really. Hear me out.
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The use of straight lines (vertical in the overall architecture, expanding like sun rays in the minimalistic decor) is reminiscent of Art Déco, which is a very fun style. For instance, it gave us the Chrysler building:
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But here, it’s just… Not working. In fact, these same lines are what makes the entire building look like a cage — not just the windows I mentioned above, but the entire structure of the place, trapped between vertical lines like behind prison bars.
On the other hand, the Graham de Vanily penthouse is ruled primarily by horizontal lines, which expand the space instead of compressing it. It’s smaller, but it feels bigger and more breathable.
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This difference in structure directly contributes to my third point:
3. Space
More precisely, how it is organised to make the mansion look threatening, and the penthouse cosy.
And by that I specifically mean this AWFUL NO GOOD TERRIBLE STAIRCASE.
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It’s the first thing we think about when picturing the mansion; how it towers over the characters and crushes them. There’s a reason Marinette’s act of defiance in Pretension was to rush up those despicable horrifying very very bad stairs to find Adrien; they are a symbol of Gabriel’s power over his world, his fans, his son, his victims.
Interestingly enough, the penthouse is also built on several levels — which we can infer by the presence of a very discreet mezzanine. This implies the existence of stairs, right??? Where are they???
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It’s very blink-and-you-miss it — the exact opposite of the Agreste staircase. To the Graham de Vanilys, stairs are just stairs: a necessity for their comings-and-goings, a useful infrastructure in their day-to-day life as a family. Not a display of power and control.
Oh? Is that a transition I sense? Absolutely, for it is time to move on to the last part of our analysis:
4. Purpose
Just like the staircase, every single piece of furniture in the Agreste household serves a purpose. Adrien’s room is the best example of this phenomenon.
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On top of the essentials (bed + desk & computer combo), we immediately notice:
- A plethora of trophies, reinforcing the message that Adrien has to be the best at everything he does, always;
- An impressive bookshelf, illustrating the top-notch (and somewhat elitist) education Adrien has been receiving at home.
"But Nina!" you might ask, "What about the fun stuff? What about the arcade games and the basketball hoop and the climbing wall?"
I hear you. Those things look pretty cool, don’t they? Until you remember that Adrien has spent his entire life in isolation. These are all appliances that would normally be found outside of the house, giving him an opportunity to socialise. In other words, they are meant to deter him from seeking enjoyment in the “real” world. If, like me, you were obsessed with N Harmonia as a pre-teen, you might notice some striking similarities to his cage room:
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Still not convinced? Say hi to our friend the foosball table!
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Meanwhile, on the actually loving side of the family, you get an entire piano and AN ACTUAL ABSTRACT PAINTING:
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It’s not even figurative — unlike the portraits of the Agreste family members or the statue in the garden, constantly reminding us of Emilie’s absence. It’s art for the sake of art, which makes a massive difference. Things are allowed to be there for no reason other than Amelie and Felix like them.
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So now that we’ve established that
How would they redecorate the mansion if given the chance?
1. Lean into the Art Déco aesthetic for a much needed dose of actual (yet elegant) fun. There are so many lines and curves to play with to get rid of this feeling of imprisonment we get from the pillars!
2. BLOW UP THOSE FUCKING STAIRS. No, really. We can find a much cuter, less pretentious alternative to whatever kind of power trip that was.
3. Get rid of the stupid bars on all those windows. Replace them with literally any other option that doesn’t make you want to choke on a pancake.
4. Also, get some lamps. Lamps EVERYWHERE, on the walls, on the ceiling, on the furniture. The resident vampire is GONE, we can have some goddamn light in this goddamn place.
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5. Indulge in the pleasure of buying things just because they’re pretty. Trash the paintings and put up some actual art (abstract or not) instead. Exorcise Emilie’s ghost and Gabriel’s tacky tastes out of this place. This process has already begun, given that the statue in the garden is now gone!
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6. Let Adrien decorate his own room, and have fun with it. This part may be tricky because our boy doesn’t know what he wants, but you know what, it’s part of the process! Giving him total creative control over his own space is a first step towards his making bigger decisions for himself, like choosing what he wants to be when he grows up. As requested by my ✨ awesome girlfriend ✨ @paracosmicfawn, he can also redecorate the entryway, which carries sooo much trauma for him. Maybe he can put up some cute cat statuettes along the new staircase, or something equally cheesy.
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7. Build a pool, apparently
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8. Last but not least, block all accesses to the basement and the attic. Hide them behind these new Kandinsky paintings they just bought. Pray to Gimmi Adrien never finds out (he will).
And that, my friend, is how you take a prison and turn it into a home full of secrets!
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Demigod!Reader
Warnings: siblingxsibling, do not read if you don’t like it
Summary:Kidnapped and bound in the captain's room aboard the Princess Andromeda, Luke tells you of all he has been planning. Whether you agreed to his plan or not, Luke was going to make sure you would stay with him for it all.
“Don’t look at me like that, (y/n).” Luke’s voice was quiet, slightly hurt at the glare you were piercing him with. “You wouldn’t have come if I had asked.”
Anger was starting to slither out of you. “So you decided to kidnap me for this insane idea you have?! Raising Kronos. . . destroying not only our father but the rest of Olympus? That’s insanity Luke.” Again you tried to break free of your restraints but the results were the same. The Olympian blood in you screamed for freedom. Being a child of Hermes though, one normally didn’t have any cool powers like Percy the son of Poseidon. All you had was a sword to rely on. A sword that was sitting in the corner of the room.
Luke followed your eyes. The celestial bronze was kissed by the glow of the moon outside of the Princess Andromeda. Who knows how far away the massive ship had gone from the shores of Camp Half-Blood. Even if you did manage to get out, how would you make it back? Your father only gave Luke the winged shoes.
Rising up to his full height, you watch as your half-brother makes his way over to the lonely sword. “A gift, from both myself and father. The one thing that was ever good between us was you.” Loving fingers caress the handle made from a dragon’s claw. The very same dragon that had given Luke his permanent scar. While Hermes provided the celestial bronze for your blade. Luke had sent your father a message of your upcoming birthday and how a sword would be a good present. To show that Hermes actually gave a damn about you. A warrior’s weapon. You hadn’t gone on any quests yet, but you had defeated your share of monsters earning you numerous scars over the years. Hermes saw and admired your tenacity, his fierce daughter. There's always little that the gods could do for their children as they cannot intervene or choose favorites, but Hermes did what he could do to assist you while you were on the streets by yourself. It leads you to making a lot of godly friends and certain monster friends as well.
Fingers around the handle, he lifts it up and exams it. “Your eyes were brighter than this celestial bronze the day I presented you with this sword. Erastis.” Your sword’s name beautifully rolled off of his tongue. It was the first time you had heard it in a while.
Lover’s Kiss.
Luke had chosen the name.
The thought of it’s meaning had you blushing all over again. No one else knew the name. Just you and Luke.
Grimacing, you clench down on your teeth. No. You could never agree to this plan of his regardless of the secret affection you had for him. “Don’t change the subject Luke.”
The grand suite of the captain’s lodgings was dark besides the soft lumination of the light on his desk. For how long had he been hiding this behind your back? You thought you had known everything about your half-brother. The two of you had a special bond within the Hermes Cabin. Never would you have imagined that Luke had been harboring this secret the entire time.
Furrowing his brows, the scar on his face contorted. “You would forsake me for. . . for the gods? For a father that let you get hurt time and time again. They don’t deserve your loyalty. Olympus doesn’t give two shits about-”
“It’s not about that Luke!” You yell at him, momentarily rendering Luke speechless. “Don’t you think I know that already?!”
“Then why. . .”
“Olympians won’t be the only ones hurt by Kronos’ return. Billions of mortals will surely die. They’re completely helpless. Not all mortals deserve that fate.”
Putting your sword back where it once sat, Luke stared at the ground. “Their lives are fleeting to begin with. They aren’t part of the bigger picture (y/n).”
You think back on your mortal mother. It had been years since you last saw her, but that didn’t dampen the amount of love you still held for her. “What happened to you Luke?” Luke didn’t tell you much about his past, but what you did gather was that it was a difficult one. Especially the case of his own mom.
The quiver in your voice made him soften and cup your cheeks. His thumb caressed your cheeks, lips mere inches from your own. They hovered, warm breath teasing against your lips and for a split second you forgot about everything he had told you. Forgot that he had kidnapped you from your sleeping bag. Instead you were consumed by sweet memories of summers spent together. The kisses you stole from one another when you were certain no one was looking. Sneaking out of the Hermes cabin at night to train in the arena and laughing. You always laughed when you were with Luke. It was odd how your crush was ultimately your half-brother, but considering Greek mythology you knew incest wasn’t a concern to the gods. Hera and Zeus were brother and sister after all. Despite that fact, you and Luke couldn’t go around camp showing off your true feelings. The other campers would think it weird. The gods were excused, not half-bloods.
“I’m doing this for our future. For a future we can have, together.” Quietly he explains, nuzzling his nose against you. There’s a slight tremble in his body as he leans forward. His kisses were always so warm. “I’m going to destroy Olympus for us.”
That was enough to snap you out of your lovesick haze. Sadly you turn your face away from him. “Not like this Luke.”
To your surprise he nods, as if having already expected this reply. “I know. I’m sorry, but that’s why I have to leave you chained up. Whether you agree or not, I’m doing this.”
“Luke. . .”
“I’ll bring you something to eat later.” He turns on the tv and places the remote on your lap before going to the door.
“LUKE!! Don’t you dare leave me here like this!” Shouting with all your might, you renew your struggle to free yourself.
He stops, door cracked open but didn’t face you. “I love you (y/n).” With that he leaves you alone with the blue light of the tv.
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crazyunsexycool · 5 months
A love as sweet as honey
Reader appreciation week request
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: Make sure you send an ask as part of my reader appreciation ask game!! Here's a little extra requested by @talesofadragon
Tiny Hands
From the Holding Hands prompt/tiny hands in big hands
Picture our Honey all pregnant and glowing with little Honey Bee. Maybe she’s touching her pretty belly, and maybe Lottie is also with her, and Stevie is just marveling at the interaction thinking how his Honey’s hands are so small, Lottie’s hands are even smaller, and his baby girl’s hands are going to be even more tiny!!🥺🥺
Series masterlist
Steve sat on the couch of his living room. The bright sunlight shone through the windows that took up half the wall of his new home with you. It happened to be next to the Barnes residence. He watched with a smile as you smoothed your hand over your swollen belly. 
Steve had never paid much attention to how much smaller your hands were compared to his. Soft and delicate against his rough, calloused hands. But he watched now as you talked and moved your hands over your belly. A hand stretches out only to hold an even smaller one. 
“She’s kicking right here. Do you feel her?” You asked Lottie. 
She nodded and giggled at the sensation. 
“Peanut moved wike this in mama’s belly too. Is so funny.” Lottie says as both her hands rest on your belly and she moves them around as if trying to map out the baby’s position.
“Well the only way she’ll stop is if her daddy has his hand on my belly, isn’t that right Steve?” You turn to look at him with a bright smile and even brighter eyes. 
“Steebie why you no wisten?” 
“Sorry sweetheart, it’s just that you both look so pretty.” He smiles before placing his hand right where he knows his little girl likes to kick. “What are you doing in there, somersaults?” 
He gets a little push against his calloused palm and he smiles. Steve moves closer to you on the couch and places an arm over your shoulders while his hand is still splayed over your bump. Your free hand finds his hand and he enjoys how well they fit together. 
Charlotte talks about how she already saw honey bee and how cute she was. Steve can’t help but picture his little girl already. Chubby cheeks, button nose, sparkling eyes, little feet and little hands. Little hands with tiny chubby fingers that he’s already wrapped around. One’s he’ll hold while he helps his little honey bee how to walk. Little hands that will hold your slightly bigger ones while you walk around the lab. Little hands that will make messes and touch things they aren’t supposed to. Little hands that already hold his whole heart and will until the day he dies. 
“I can’t wait to meet her already.” You say softly while looking up at him lovingly.
“Me either, honey. She’ll be just as beautiful as you.”
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ofallthingsnasty · 9 months
I'm not into cucking/cheating at all, but with how cruel Doflamingo can be, it's definitely on the menu. For more context, see the family pet posts on my One Piece masterlist
tw. dehumanization, weird pet play metaphors, very unreliable narrator, minors dni
Although using the term 'cucking' is a reach, considering that you're just the family pet. You were never brought into this to gain him more than some lukewarm entertainment, weren't meant to do anything more than to waltz around and get trained, to amuse him and learn to love him unconditionally. (Although that part has been rather difficult to achieve, but he has resigned himself to it. Just like an ill-tempered little purse dog, you're cute when you're angry, when you gnash your blunt teeth at him and try to scratch at his chest when you don't want to be carried around anymore. Just a tiny apex predator thinking they have a chance against the other, bigger carnivore.) You're a living decoration, one with a personality. You'll be with him until either one of you dies, that's the commitment a pet requires and he'll gladly provide. But it ends there. How dare you pout when he surrounds himself with women, when he gets to rest on his laurels a little. How dare you scratch at the door when he's trying to fuck one, how dare you chew up their expensive purses when you finally give up and resign yourself to your fate. He'll have to lock you away if this continues, because you're gaining a little bit of a reputation and it doesn't do him any favors. He kicks you off his leg when you try it again, ignores the stunned woman right next to him that you were just interrupting with your yowling and asks you what your problem is. You at least have the decency to duck your head and look ashamed - and it finally clicks when you shuffle right back to that very leg that hauled you across the room. Oh, that's cute. Where did you get that sense of entitlement from, mutt? He says while he picks you up by the scruff of your neck. Do I look like I fuck my dog? Of course he has to train that attitude out of you, and quickly at that. A little time on your own in your crate does the trick. He gets to indulge freely and you get to learn something. Maybe he should consider getting you a companion, after all. Then again, that's also double the work. But really, haste makes waste and it's not like he has to decide right now. He tries to look at it from a brighter side as well: You've finally found some love for him within you, after all these years. It's a little misplaced for someone in your position but he can't help but be pleased with himself when he realizes how far you've come - from flea-ridden stray to spoiled little pet, jealous of him giving his rapt attentions to others.
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sparkles-oflight · 8 months
Sunny side of London
Hi, yesterday I made some people sad. Have some lighthearted BoKris and JaNce fic.
Thanks @anxious-witch for the proofreading!
Synopsis: Jure has instated a policy that prevents any of the couples from sleeping together. But it's Joker Out, they follow no rules or common sense.
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Sensible topics mentioned: sex
The room assignments were simple: Nace with Kris, Jan with Jure, and Bojan alone.
“Let’s keep it like during Eurovision”, Jure proposed “For the sake of my mental health, please”.
Jure knew if the couples were sleeping together, boundaries could easily be crossed. And if one of the couples did, the other would too.
So why not return to the basis? Jan and Jure are great roommates and Nace and Kris are even better – Also, nobody but Guštin himself can handle Bojan’s snoring.
There was a problem, after Stožice, Kris moved in with Bojan, and the two of them had grown used to sleeping together, or at least in the same room, so, the older one was struggling to sleep tonight. He worked all day to get some lyrics out, but nothing. Nada.
Frustrated, he decided to get up to the kitchen, maybe a glass of water would help.
He walked barefoot. Bojan didn’t mind the cold much, but London’s cold was something completely different from Slovenia’s. Luckily for them, they had heating, though he wondered how much the bills would cost them.
Following an orange light to the end of the corridor, he entered the living room which wasn’t empty.
Kris was wrapped up in a blanket scrolling on his phone with headphones on. Quickly he noticed the other's presence and put the objects he was holding aside.
- Trouble sleeping? – he asked.
- Uh, yes. – and Bojan replied.
Kris patted the empty space next to him on the couch, inviting Bojan to join his side. He accepted the request and they cuddled.
- So, what happened?
- Uh. Lyrics. – he sighed – I can’t wrap my head around them.
- Just that?
Bojan didn’t reply. Instead, he turned the tables.
- You? Why are you awake?
Kris looked up and let his body completely rest on the sofa.
- Overwhelmed.
Bojan glanced at the table with an empty tainted wine glass.
- I figured.
A moment went by.
Then Bojan decided to look up and also rest his body like Kris.
He looked at the ceiling. Empty, just like his mind.
- What color would you like our ceiling to be?
Kris was confused by Bojan’s question.
- What do you mean?
- When we settle down, what color would you like the ceiling to be?
Kris chuckled. He was slightly flustered at the question.
- White. Like all the ceilings are.
- Why? Why are ceilings white? Why not a cool color!? Like...Orange!
- That’s a warm color.
- Ahaha, funny. – Bojan mocked him – No, but why not?
- Because makes the space look brighter, cleaner, and bigger.
- Oh.
Bojan didn’t say anything again, but then Kris grabbed his chin for their faces to meet.
- When we settle down, you can paint our room any color you want. - He looked at his small brunette who grinned from one ear to the other. - Except orange, what the fuck is wrong with you?
- But I like orange!
- And I like purple.
- That’s your favorite color, it’s different. Mine is pink.
- Then why do you want orange so bad?
- Because it’s your color, Kris.
- W-what? – he muttered.
- It’s your color. It’s the color of the sun, and you brighten my day every day. So, it’s your color.
Kris was left speechless. If he weren’t a bit tipsy, he probably would have mocked Bojan for what he said. Make a snarky remark, a mean comment, tell him is just like a little puppy, but, right now, he wanted to cry at the idea Bojan saw him as the sun.
In fact, Kris was about to cry...
- You are the “Sunny Side of London”, Kris. – ...but Bojan had to make a pun.
Kris planted his hand on Bojan’s face.
- God, you are unbearable. – Bojan licked his hand making Kris flinch – Hey!
- Shush, be quieter, they are asleep.
- We could go to sleep too. – Kris suggested as his hand found its way to Bojan’s chest.
- Together? – he smiled but then flinched as he felt Kris slightly gripping a nipple.
- Together together. Did that turn you on?
- A little.
- Too bad I’m not having sex with you tonight.
- WHY!?
Kris’ lips met Bojan’s.
- Shush, the others are asleep. – he said as he opened his blue eyes to examine his lover’s face.
Bojan was suddenly hit with the realization that he lived with his friends.
- But you know what you could write about? About this. – He kissed him again – About my lips meeting yours – and again – About you falling for me – and again – About the nights we spend together.
Bojan couldn’t even begin to express how happy he gets when he has tipsy Kris kissing him softly and getting to hear the sincerest of Krises.
- You taste like grapes. – Bojan commented.
- And you love it, don’t you?
After a make-out session, the late-night hours were starting to take a toll on them, and they decided to leave for Bojan’s room where the two men would cuddle very closely on a single’s bed.
They didn’t realize that they did wake someone else – Jan.
The tall dark-haired man made sure the coast was clear before going to the room in front of his. He opened the door slowly to see another sleeping man.
He made his way to him and kissed his shoulder, which made him move a little. Jan then whispered in his ear.
- Mister Jordan? – he teased the other.
Nace turned to him, and he opened his eyes slightly. When he noticed it was Jan, he smiled. God, Jan loved his dimples.
- Are you lonely? – he asked.
Nace nodded. He knew Kris wasn’t feeling well and woke up in the middle of the night and he had also heard some noises coming from the living room...Nace was sleepy, but he could still put two and two together.
He opened his arms to Jan who slept next to him for the first time in a while. Nace’s arms were warm against Jan’s body. He felt at home. He met the “Sunny Side of London”.
Jure, on the other hand, was not dumb. The coast is clear for him, time to text a cute bartender he has been talking to since he got to London. He has been with these boys for a while now, he knows Bojan doesn’t sleep when he’s frustrated like this. And he knew for a fact that one way or another they would all end up sleeping with each other.
“Are you by the area?” he asked and after some texting, she dropped by after her shift.
The morning after...nobody said anything. None of them apologized for “breaking the rules” because nobody followed them. And Bojan wrote a new song, so...it’s a win-win situation?
I don't know what to write here lmao
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Kamila
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littlest-w01f · 5 months
Down Bad
Feyre x Tamlin
For @feylinweek
Music fic Masterlist
Day 7: Free Day
Summary: Feyre and Tamlin fell for each other faster than they wanted to
Cw: Amarantha (Also I forgot how to add Cws... is that a Cw...?)
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A/N: Trying to get back into writing but exams are close so will probably not post much anytime soon, really wanted to do something for Feylin week since I couldn't for Tamlin and Nesta ones. Also trying out this new thing I'm gonna name "Music fic" so do let me know if you like this :)
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Tell me I was the chosen one
Feyre sighed, pressing her hands in her face as the carriage moved, she was fighting tears when he yelled his love for her. Her heart racing faster than the horses pulling the carriage. She wanted to yell back she loved him, that she'd never felt love quite like she had with him, that she'd never felt loved before him. But the words got caught in her throat, eyes getting teary.
Tamlin watched her go, put her above him, she would be safe in the mortal realm, he'd never thought he could feel so strongly for a human, that it was strong enough to abandon his mission to save his people. Tamlin put the life of the mortal he loved before his entire court, before the entirety of Prythian.
Showed me that this world is bigger than us
Then sent me back where I came from
Feyre passed out from her tears, waking up while the carriage crossed the wall, she kept looking back, hoping Tamlin had changed his mind and was behind her. She called out his name, but he didn't show. He'd let her go.
A new place that she would now call her house came into view, because she had left her home back in Spring.
For a moment, I knew cosmic love
Tamlin would've laughed at himself, had he known he would be in his mother's garden, crying over a human girl, shoulders shaking as his tears nourished the soil where the roses blossomed brighter. The Tamlin that cursed and berated Amarantha would've laughed at him for falling for a girl who killed his friend. He was meant to make her fall in love with him, not fall for her himself.
But he had fallen, and fallen hard, more than he'd ever loved any female, he had loved this one human girl. He didn't hear Lucien approach him carefully till he was in his friend's arms, fist tightening around a rose hard enough to make him bleed from the thorns and for the stem to break.
Feyre was numb as Elain hugged her tight, asking her all kinds of questions about their aunt, a lie Tamlin had them all believing, she gave her quick answers, eyes unfocused. Though she didn't miss the look that Nesta was giving her, it wasn't the usual look she had seen many times, she was sure this was the first time she had seen concern from her eldest sister.
She was numb as she asked to be excused and made her way to her new room, way less grand than it had been in the Spring manor, her face unable to even crack a smile at the canvases and paints that were set on the corner of her room.
Everything comes out teenage petulance
"Feyre, you need to eat something." Nesta sighed from the doorway to her room as she walked in, eyes on the plate of food that one of the maids had left for Feyre, the food completely untouched.
Feyre was lying on her side, her back away from Nesta, "I'm not hungry..." She barely whispered.
"You haven't been hungry for almost 12 hours." Nesta pointed out, sitting on the bed beside her sister.
The sisters sat in silence, for the first time in their lives the silence between them was comforting. But Feyre didn't reply, didn't talk.
"I might just die, it would make no difference"
Tamlin groaned, forced to kneel before Amarantha, head bowed, cringing at the way she felt his hair, trying to not show it.
"Rhysand told me you found a human..." Amarantha tutted, nails scratching his shoulder, "What a dumb girl you must have found, which one of your males did she kill...?" She mocked him with her questions.
"Where is she?" Tamlin gasped as in a second, Amarantha gripped his throat tight, anger in her eyes, "Where is Clare Beddor?"
Tamlin didn't let himself seem relaxed, Feyre hadn't told Rhysand her real name, he wouldn't tell her a thing, not speak, or make a sound.
"Beat him till he talks." Amarantha threw him to her guards, and walked out of the dungeon she kept him in.
Down bad, wakin' up in blood
Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up
Tamlin woke up covered in bruises, broken bones healing slow, he was on his back, his body in pain. He hadn't broken, hadn't given her the satisfaction of seeing him broken.
He wouldn't, for Feyre, he would be strong. He could find a way to still keep her safe, knowing Amarantha's forces were out in the mortal lands searching for a girl named Clare Beddor. He'd never tell them a thing. They'd have to kill him for it.
Fuck it if I can't have us
I might just not get up, I might stay
Feyre lay in Elain's gardens, every flower seemed to remind her of Tamlin, feeling closer to him near the fauna. She couldn't help but wonder what might happen to her Tamlin under the blight, how he might be suffering. Her hand trailed one of Elain's roses, "I love you, thorns and all." Tamlin's voice echoed in her head.
A tear fell from her eye, she missed him too much, and her heart ached for him. She had to go back to Spring, go back in his arms.
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about
The existence of you
Feyre kept the life she lived with Tamlin to herself, there was no one she could tell who might understand. She was meant to hate Faeries, but she fell in love with one. Her human heart had loved Tamlin with every inch of it.
Who could she tell? That her heart belonged to a Fae, that even if she was back in with her family she missed the two Fae she had lived with for the past months terribly.
She hadn't said a word till Nesta had revealed she knew of what actually happened to her. Feyre had unveiled everything to her in an instant. Every feeling she had in her heart, she had spilled.
For a moment, I was heavenstruck
Tamlin held his breath as Feyre stood before him, before Amarantha, in front of everyone Under the Mountian, declaring her love for him. Feyre had come to save the male she loved.
Their eyes met and Tamlin hid every emotion that came across his face, he wanted to beg her to run away, to not fall into Amarantha's trap and save herself.
But Feyre was adamant about saving Tamlin, like he had her. She would take on anything that was in store for her.
How dare you think it's romantic
Leaving me safe and stranded
They were finally alone after months, just the two of them, holding their breath, there was so much they wanted to ask each other, 'Why did you try to save me?' 'Why are you here to save me?'.
But neither asked a thing as they melted in a kiss, if this was their only moment, they would spend it close, in each other's warmth, in love.
'Cause fuck it, I was in love
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{General taglist - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot}
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: fluff, chandelure ingo
Pitch black surrounded you as you held your knees to your chest. Your living room was impossible to navigate by sight after your power flickered and failed. Judging by the heavy storm that brewed outside of your apartment building, it was obvious what had happened. Despite the observation, you felt extremely nervous over the darkness. You had a bad fear of the darkness since you were a child. Something always felt like it was lurking out of your sight, just waiting to get you.
It did not help that your childhood neighbourhood often held a variety of ghost types that haunted children for a laugh (or over darker reasons). You knew that as an adult, you had nothing to fear, but the phobia from your youth never left you. It was part of the reason you enjoyed living in Nimbasa so much. A city known for its light would definitely be the place for you to be. Currently, however, the storm knocked out the city's power. You whimpered as you felt the worry about a Duskull appearing before you with its crimson eye piercing the void around it, signifying your end being near.
However, it was not a crimson light the broke your fears. A soft, flickering violet came to you instead as your boyfriend left the kitchen. His ghastly body glowed brilliantly in the darkness, providing a sudden and unexpected comfort. “Dearest…” his voice was controlled and gentle, “What is wrong? I can feel your fear through our bond…” You jumped to your feet, nearly tripping over the coffee table, and clung to Ingo tightly. His body held his inhuman warmth to it and beautiful, sweet light. While he may, too, be one of the ghost-types you so feared, you knew that Ingo would never harm you. The Chandelure hybrid was absolutely adamant that he never consume your life energy or dare touch yourself, putting aside the way his species bonded themselves to a human mate.
“I-it's dark…” you managed to get out, “I'm afraid of the dark…” He hummed as he gently embraced. The flame burning inside him suddenly grew brighter and bigger, his accent fires that spread from the affixed arms of his shoulders did much the same. The candle-like light flooded the room and provided much respite to your worried mind. He gave a slight laugh and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I suppose I am quite the perfect being for this situation,” he spoke clearly, “I do apologise about dinner, but the power ruined my stew.” You sighed. First darkness, now no dinner. Some things were just annoying to deal with, you accepted. At least you had your cute boyfriend to offer you company and support.
You both returned to the couch. You sat in his lap and buried your face into the nape of his neck. You cuddled him happily. Ingo's presence was a calming one. Despite his stiffness and loudness in public (likely from how humans judged Chandelure hybrids), his persona at home was a much more meek and relaxed home. He always sought to take care of you and make sure you felt loved, just as you did for him. Your fear of ghost-types always felt a bit ironic with how easily you got along with him. Chandelures themselves terrified you, too. Their ability to consume life force and hypnotise people was a scary thought to consider. Even legends about them being used to light homes in the past resorting in deaths commonly.
Truthfully, you shuddered a bit at the thought since you currently had one lighting your home, but you had the most subtle feeling that he was not out to end you. Especially judging by how distressed he became at the thought of not spending his future with you. You had no plans to leave him anyway. There was something so enjoyable about having the ghost help take care of your home. He was everything you wanted in a boyfriend. “You know,” you started, “I'm also afraid of ghosts.” He gave you an odd look as a hand rubbed at your back. Clearing his throat, “Is that so? How do you handle being at my side, then?”
You hummed and pulled away from his to look into those glowing yellow eyes. “You're sweet and loving, not soul-eating and haunting,” considering your words a bit more, you changed your mind, “Well, you're a bit haunting. Not too much. Do not enjoy you passing through our front door instead of opening it, though.” This time, he let out a genuine laugh. Your chest felt light at his reaction. Hearing him laugh was such a rare thing, yet you had heard it twice tonight alone. Perhaps the dark was not your enemy as much as you had thought. “Thank you, I do try to be more human in my actions and presentation rather than a creature that consumes the souls of others to thrive,” Ingo gave you a small smile, “Knowing that I make you think that way about me, however… That makes everything feel better, my love. I do worry that I come short in our relationship often… That maybe a human would be a better choice for you.”
You shook your head and pecked a kiss to his cheek. No human could make you as happy as him, neither could any other being. You loved Ingo, not anyone else. Nuzzling your nose to his, you grinned back at him. “I love you, hubby,” you called him the pet name you often teased him with, “I want you. You're the best choice for me.” His flames burned even brighter from his embarrassment. Shaking his head, you giggled when a kiss was pressed to your lips. Your foreheads rested together for a moment.
“I love you, too, dearest,” he replied, “Ah, we should probably call Elesa and see if she's alright. Emmet, too. He's working tonight.”
Before you even realised it, your fears were completely gone.
Ingo had burned them away.
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pandorasword · 1 year
what does hongjoong think of how jungkook and chaeri are with eachother now? like what does he think of their current relationship and their past one?
Hii! I felt it might be nice to add a little piece of Chaejoongs' relationship to answer this question. Thank you very much for the ask and I sincerely hope you will appreciate!
I would like to take this opportunity to remind once again that I am always late with answers and requests but slowly they will all be posted! I am always the happiest girl in the world when my inbox is full
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
❒ genre: Angst to fluff
❒ words: 1.7k+
❒ summary: In which Hongjoong cannot help but notice the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
❒ warnings: Minor argument; Insecure!Hongjoong; Stuck in the traffic
❒ notes: Most of what is written reflects the way Joong sees what is happening around him, so it is not to be taken for granted that it completely reflects reality but rather is the way he perceives it. I think he is one of the healthiest people that could have happened to Chaeri, it was so hard to make him seem upset because to me he is the sweetest, softest guy in the world
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Late January, 2023
Jungkook sighed as he handed Hongjoong a small package of pills. "Lately, she's been pretty stubborn about taking her painkillers," he said "Still, I'd like you to carry the pack with you in case she needs some during the day. You'll be gone for a while and she still gets pain when she stress her leg"
Hongjoong had been in the former BTS dormitory's living room for fifteen minutes already. The room was enormous, much bigger than the one he shared with the group. Even with the large space and few pieces of furniture, the curtains filtering in only some of the sun’s rays created a cozy atmosphere.
It was Eden's wedding day — Ateez producer and friend to all of them — and he was there to pick up his girlfriend and go to the celebration together.
Though the band members were on tour, it was a perfect occasion for them to return to Seoul and take a break.
What made that trip especially important for Hongjoong was the fact that it was the second time he could see Chaeri after her snowboard accident from earlier in the year. As her boyfriend, he felt immense guilt for not being able to care for her during her recovery; their tour had kept him away from Korea and prevented him from being there with her.
Meanwhile, Jungkook took it upon himself to help her during that hard time.
Hongjoong had been very thankful for this, knowing that she was not alone dealing with that moment. 
But as it was equally 15 minutes in which he was listening to the BTS' member talk about how he might act during the course of the day to Chaeri's needs, he couldn't help but think about how Jungkook was taking that role far too much personally.
Before he got there and started the conversation with him, he could've said that he had put aside thoughts about Chaeri's past quite confidently. It had been months since he had paid any attention to it. The relationship between them was going well and that was all that mattered, yet the thought kept nagging at him noticing the way he talked about Chaeri with such concern and care.
He drew his mind back to those few conversations they had about it to try to pick up any tiny detail that might deny the growing feeling that the man, whose identity he never wanted to know, was actually the one standing in front of him at that moment.
As Chaeri entered the room, Hongjoong couldn't help but notice the way Jungkook looked at her. It was a mix of tenderness and longing, something he had seen before, but ignored. Now, it was harder to overlook.
She smiled and the room suddenly seemed brighter. Even his "silly" thoughts stopped for a moment, all he could feel was the warmth emanating from being near Chaeri, filling every inch of him.
"Hey" he said, out of breath. She was beautiful.
Her long hair was curled at the ends, half held up by a black ribbon matching the long dress that covered the brace at her leg. He noticed how tightly she was holding onto her crutches and realized how much those tools were becoming a part of her daily routine.
'Hey' she replied, her face lighting up with joy at the sight of him. With a determined stride and unwavering spirit, she moved forward despite her injury to be by his side.
He hugged her tightly, feeling her body against his and the sweet fragrance of her perfume pervade his nose. It was then that he noticed the way Jungkook's eyes were on them, the way his face turned distant and unreadable. It was a moment because he quickly looked away to an undefined point of the room, hands in his pockets "Have fun and give my congratulations to Eden and his wife"
'He is definitely the m-' Jungkook left and Hongjoong's thoughts about him were quickly replaced with the unexpected feel of Chaeri's lips on his own. "I missed you, Joong", she said softly, and there was no room for anything else in his mind but that very instant.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Hongjoong had planned to bring up his doubts to Chaeri several times during the ceremony, but every time he tried to, someone would interrupt them.
First, it was alternately one of the members of his group, evidently thrilled by having Chaeri back among them after months apart. Then, it was the photographer who needed to take a few more shots of them with the newlyweds. And then came the time for his group to sing for the couple, then the time for them to sit at the table to have dinner with other guests, then the time for people to come and make sure that Chaeri had recovered from the accident, and then and then and then here it was that the ceremony was over and he had not been able to spend a moment alone with his girlfriend.
Hongjoong was feeling frustrated.
He attempted so many times to have that conversation with her yet equally missed so many opportunities to do that, he even questioned the idea of asking. Perhaps he should have let it go. Maybe it was not the right time. But when the car ride home, planned to take a short 1/2 hour turned into a very long ride that after two and a half hours still kept them completely stopped in traffic, he could not hold back his thoughts.
"It's Jungkook, isn't it?"
The honking of car horns and the shouting of frustrated people from car to car were loud enough to nearly drown out Hongjoong's voice. 
It was just the two of them in the big van that would've take Chaeri home and him straight to the airport to leave Korea again.
The driver, from the back seats, was barely visible through the dark divider panel that separated him from them, and to look at him, it seemed as if there were no indication he was interested in hearing their conversation. Or rather, it was really difficult to hear anything through the thick panel that provided them with privacy, so Hongjoong felt safe enough to talk.
Chaeri looked at him, her expression clouded with confusion. "What are you talking about?"
She had pulled out of her hair the bow that used to keep them tied throughout the day several minutes earlier, trying hard to make that trip as less uncomfortable as possible. Forced into that position for hours, her ankle was beginning to ache and to make her tense, but it was no one's fault. Such traffic could not have been expected.
"You know what I'm talking about. It's Jungkook, isn't it? The one you told me about, the one you were denied to be with"
Chaeri's expression remained neutral, but her eyes flickered with something he couldn't quite read. "What about him?" she asked, her voice devoid of any emotion.
"So it's him." Hongjoong leaned back in his seat and sighed, feeling a weight drop on his chest. Oh, how he'd hoped that his were only paranoid thoughts.
"I didn't know." he remarked quite sourly on the words that came out of his mouth.
"I was going to tell you, but you said it didn't matter and you didn't want to know who it was. Did you forget?" Chaeri's tone was sharp, her frustration evident.
"Well, 'cause I never thought he was someone so close to you."
Chaeri's eyes narrowed, and Hongjoong could see the anger boiling beneath the surface. "What does it matter if he's close to me or not? - It seems to me that I'm with you now, isn't it? I've never brought your old relationships up to you, why does this have to be a reason for us to fight?"
"You are the one who's getting mad"
"No, I'm not"
Hongjoong could see the way her jaw was tense. He knew he had touched a nerve, but he couldn't just let it go.
"Have you noticed how he looks at you? I-I may have been blind not to notice it before, but I'm sure you know well how he pays attention to ... every detail of yours."
"Jungkook and I, as with Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and all the others, are family. We all pay attention to each other's details."
"He still loves you."
"Stop it." Her voice was low and filled with warning.
"Fine." He said, defeated. "But can you blame me? Can you really blame me for worrying after what you told me about your past relationship? Can you blame me if it makes me anxious that you are living with the person whom you once told me you would probably never love anyone else for again?"
"You don't have to worry about him. He's just a friend, a family member, and that's all he'll ever be."
Chaeri's bold gaze hid a vulnerability that Hongjoong knew all too well. Her eyes darted away when he caught her looking and she turned the moment he met her eye, as if it were a reflex to hide her discomfort from him. Or was he just getting paranoid? He wanted to believe her and for a moment, he did. But then doubt crept in and he couldn't help but wonder if it was all just an act, a way of protecting herself from the truth that she had refused to face before.
Or perhaps talking about the past that had hurt her only reopened a wound that she did not feel like treating again.
Lord, he was so confused. His mind couldn't finish one thought that was already beginning to process the next one.
He bit his lip and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt before finally finding the courage to speak.
Do you still love him? - Instead, the words that came out of his mouth were quite different.
"Is it clear between you two?" 
Chaeri met his gaze head-on and gave a curt nod.
Hongjoong fell into silence once again as he looked out the window of the car. The world outside was dark and foreboding, casting shadows over everything in its wake. After a few moments, he turned towards her
Are you choosing me because you can't have him or because you really want me? - But once again his mind did not connect with his words
"So ... Is it clear between us too?"
"Yes," she said softly. "It's very clear." 
Sometimes she hated herself for being so hotheaded, she knew that the ways she acted sometimes might hurt people's feelings, and that was the last thing she wanted to do to Hongjoong "I'm sorry that I've been so ... rude. I just don't want the past to affect what we have now"
"I just want to make sure that we're both on the same page"
Chaeri looked warmly at Joong and brushed her thumb along the back of his hand "We are," she said, her voice a soft whisper. Despite the darkness that shrouded them, the corner of her lips tugged up into a small smile. "You calm my mind Joong, and that's the most comforting feeling someone can give me. You are the only one who can. Please, just look forward to our future, ok? Don't ever talk about the past again"
Hongjoong felt his tense shoulders soften and his chest expand with a deep breath. He thought about all of the moments that brought them to that place, and decided he wanted more for them - more time to share, more memories to make together. He leaned over and kissed Chaeri's forehead, feeling her warmth and love in every molecule around them.
He cupped her face in his hands "I promise to always look forward to our future together,"
She was about to say something when she felt his lips meet her in a soft kiss.
A wave of emotion flooded through him as he deepened the kiss, wanting to leave her with something that she would remember even after they went their separate ways later that night. He ran his fingers along the back of her neck, "I want you to think of me tonight."
Hongjoong glanced up at the partition barrier separating them from the driver, thankful for its presence.
He wanted to make the remaining time pleasant for both of them, but he could not ask himself if this was really what he wanted at that moment, or was it his attempt to distract Chaeri from her ex-boyfriend and erase these thoughts from her mind?
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr
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knightinink · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 15 Damien and Pip
Ooh I get several! I'm excited, lets get into it!
(ask game here!)
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Damien: I know I've talked about this a couple times here, but I will never concede when it comes to discussing Damien's behavior & why he does the things he does & acts the way he does. My main argument: He does evil because he has to, not because he wants to. What do I mean by this? I'm talking about how this mean & evil antichrist is merely a front he puts on to protect himself, because underneath it all, who he truly is, is a very insecure little kid, who never got the chance to really make lasting friendships & develop his social skills, so he puts up walls of anger to protect this vulnerable part of himself that he doesn't want others to see, because he doesn't know what will happen if they do. He is afraid. Very afraid. (Obviously the only one to see past this mean & evil persona is Pip, & everything is okay when he does).
Pip: His burn scars & his insecurities surrounding them. (They range from his face, down his arms & fingertips, & down his torso, with some even on his legs, but they're barely noticeable there). Once he was healed-up enough, he tried everything he could to cover them up, ranging from clothing to makeup, but there wasn't a long-term solution to covering them up & he was not willing to accept that. It took him a long time to get comfortable with them, & even into adulthood, while it doesn't affect him as often, he still has days where he doesn't want to leave the house. Damien feels awful about making Pip feel this way, because it's his fault in the first place that Pip now looks the way he does, & tries his best everyday to build the Brit's confidence & make him see himself the way Damien does.
3. Obscure headcanon
Damien: Horns!!! As he grows & matures, his horns follow suit. They start off as just small little black nubs that barely poke out through his hair, & he couldn't be more excited to show them off to everyone. As he gets a little older they start to grow longer, & eventually take on a golden hue, similar to his father's. He was absolutely terrified however, the first time they fell off. He couldn't have been older than ten when he burst into his father's room one morning, holding onto them as blood slowly dripped down his face, alongside his tears. Satan quickly calmed him & explained that his horns will shed, & that they will grow back bigger & brighter than the ones before them.
Pip: The Pirrip family has a weak immune system, explaining why all of Pip’s family died but him. Pip's is still weak, & he even brushed fingers with death one time when he was still living in England, where he caught scarlet fever & just barely survived. He didn't come away from it unscathed, however, as he has some minor respiratory issues that causes him to have lower-than-average stamina for an eight year old.
5. Best personality trait
Damien: He's not too sure he has a good personality trait, which causes him to become even more insecure & guarded. Pip tells him that it is his ability to read others very easily & very accurately, & can understand where people are coming from. It's not empathy or sympathy, but some kind of unknown allows him to just get other people, even if he doesn't realize it or understand it himself. Ironic, considering he can do this for nearly anybody & everybody except himself. He's charismatic in a way that doesn't make sense on the surface, but there is a lot about him that is shrouded in mystery, even to himself.
Pip: This kid has the patience of a saint, & will wait as long as he needs to. Perhaps, some think, this is why he's stayed with Damien for song long, as he's the only one that seems to be able to handle the antichrist & his outbursts. Patience is eventually rewarded, however, & Pip was rewarded with getting to know the real Damien Thorn.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Damien: He nearly started an apocalypse. He had just turned eighteen, & had officially taken his father's place (or more accurately, his father's advisor's place) for the throne as the King Of Hell. This official transfer of power came with a lot of literal power, which caused his body & mind to go into an overload, causing him to take on this beastial demon form that was stories tall & towered over everyone. He went on a rampage & eventually broke free to the surface, where he caused dozens of casualties in the town of South Park. The only one able to bring him out of this state was Pip, who Damien nearly killed in the process. Damien remembers none of this, other than the terrified look on the Brit's face when he started to come-to.
Pip: Killing Miss Havisham & setting the rest of The Satis House ablaze. Despite having rescued Estella, the old woman's screams & wails as she burned alive still haunt him to this day, & he still sometimes has nightmares about it, hearing the woman in the back of his mind. He felt even worse when he broke things off with Estella once he left for the States, as she had nowhere to live, & no family to go to. He had killed her "mother" & made her an orphan, just like himself; a fate he wouldn't wish upon anyone.
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