#how to get a second mortgage in toronto
bestandfree · 2 years
Second mortgage settlement attorney 10 tips
Second mortgage settlement attorney 10 tips
Second Mortgage Settlement Attorney Second mortgage settlement attorneys can help you to negotiate and finalize a settlement with your lenders, so that you can get your mortgage payments and other debt obligations resolved. They can also help you to understand your rights and options, and to make sure that you’re getting the best possible deal. 1. Choosing a second mortgage settlement…
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bisphenol-a · 5 months
If you listen to Canadian politicians, the solution to our housing crisis seems to be some combination of immigration reform and a herculean countrywide building effort.
But Paul Kershaw, a public policy professor at the University of British Columbia and founder of the affordability advocacy group Generation Squeeze, says the emphasis on increasing housing supply obscures an issue politicians are less likely to address.
Namely, that we, as a country, have become addicted to ever-rising home prices, largely because we've been conditioned to see our homes as financial assets.
"There are multiple things we need to do [to reduce prices], and more supply is one of them," said Kershaw. But funding announcements for building projects are a "way to organize our concern about the housing system so that we don't have to … look in the mirror — particularly homeowners who have been homeowners for a long time — and say: 'How are we entangled?'"
He said the current system incentivizes extracting profit from real estate, rather than prioritizing that everyone has access to affordable shelter.
"We need clarity about what we want from housing," said Kershaw. "And it has to start with: 'We don't want these prices to rise any more.'"
Asked about an Alberta bill that would block the federal government from directly sending funding to cities, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said provinces who don't want to solve the housing crisis should "just get out of the way."
The trajectory of home prices is well-known to most Canadians. According to the Canadian Real Estate Association, the average home in January 2005 sold for $241,000. By February 2022, it had more than tripled, before easing somewhat to $719,400 in February 2024.
On Friday, Royal LePage released a forecast that suggested the aggregate price of a home in Canada will increase nine per cent year-over-year in the fourth quarter of this year.
Meanwhile, earnings in Canada have lagged significantly behind housing costs, such that the ownership costs on an average home consume more than 60 per cent of median household income, according to a recent RBC report.
On the face of it, the lack of affordable housing seems like an issue of supply — just build more to meet demand and prices will come down. 
But part of the problem is the source of that demand: it's increasingly investors. 
The Bank of Canada found that investors were responsible for 30 per cent of home purchases in the first three months of 2023. That's up from 28 per cent in the same period in 2022 and 22 per cent in the same period in 2020. 
That report also found the percentage of first-time homebuyers dropped to 43 per cent in the first quarter of 2023 from 48 per cent in the same three months in 2020.
"What's been happening over the last 10 years is that the share of homes bought by first-time buyers has been declining, and their market share has largely been taken over by investors," said John Pasalis, president of Toronto-based Realosophy Realty.
The Bank of Canada's definition of an investor is a buyer who took out a mortgage to purchase a property while maintaining a mortgage on another home.
The central bank has said that "during housing booms, greater demand from investors can add to bidding pressures and intensify price increases."
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw an uptick in people buying second properties. 
Robert Hogue, assistant chief economist at RBC, says a combination of low interest rates at the time and many people sitting on large savings "encouraged speculative activity."
But he doesn't see current high prices "as only being a problem of speculative activity."
House-flippers and foreign buyers are often singled out as major drivers of real estate speculation, and various jurisdictions in Canada have introduced legislation to neutralize those kinds of investments.
But Pasalis said those types of buyers aren't having a major influence on prices. Domestic investors in the low-rise housing market are having a much greater impact.
He said they generally fall into two categories: those who buy directly from developers and those who are moving but decide to hold on to their first residence.
"If they're upsizing or moving out of the province or country, the first question we get is: 'Can we keep our current home as a rental?'" said Pasalis. 
"They're not like active investors. They're just looking at the market, they're looking at how quickly home prices are going up. Everyone sees housing as a decent investment, so everyone's mindset is: Why should I sell it?"
It's one reason there's less housing supply for first-timers.
Purchasing a home has a variety of benefits. It gives many people a sense of accomplishment and the security of knowing they can't be evicted. It also allows them to build up equity, which can help fund renovations, a move to another residence and even retirement. 
Many families pass properties on to subsequent generations, which also makes home ownership something of an emotional investment.
Higher prices help existing homeowners tap more home equity and reap greater profits if and when they do decide to sell.  Governments also have an interest in high property values because they translate to larger tax revenue, said Diana Mok, associate professor of real estate at the Lang School of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph in southern Ontario.
Not only that, but real estate is the single-biggest contributor to Canadian GDP, according to Statistics Canada.
"The housing market encompasses a very large variety of sectors — think about realtors, think about lawyers, think about construction," said Mok. It's not just "all the buying and selling, but it's all the labour that contributes to the economy."
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has publicly lamented high prices, Hogue said he can't imagine "any government that would intervene to lower home prices as an objective. I don't think that would be a winner from a political point of view."
Naama Blonder, an architect and urban planner with the Toronto-based firm Smart Density, says part of the problem is a societal obsession with home ownership.
"I think many Canadians think that when we are talking about the affordability crisis, we are talking about their ability to own a house with a backyard. 
"For them, 'We are priced out of owning a house, therefore, we have an affordability crisis that we need to solve.' I have news for you … what worked for our parents is not going to be the model for us," said Blonder.
"We don't have politicians who are bold enough to say: 'It's more than OK to rent.'"
The upcoming federal budget on Tuesday will undoubtedly contain a number of measures to address the housing shortage. Recent funding announcements have responded to the desire for more rental housing, but the scale of the need is daunting.
In a 2024 report, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation said despite a record number of projects started between 2021 and 2023, "this increase will not meet the growing demand. As a result, rental markets will remain tight, particularly in the pricier areas of Canada."
Pasalis said that for all the hand-wringing over housing prices, he doesn't see there being any political will to rein in investors. And he's skeptical of the federal government's recently announced financial incentives to help first-time buyers get into the market.
Putting young people further in debt "is not a way to make housing more affordable," he said. 
Kershaw of Generation Squeeze says a broader "tax shift" is required. He advocates an annual tax on "housing wealth" aimed at the owners of the most valuable 10 per cent of homes in Canada as one way to dampen housing prices, while also raising funds to invest in affordable housing.
"What started happening in B.C. and spread throughout the country is that we weren't just satisfied with paying off our mortgage to build equity. We're like: 'You know what? I want this home price to double, triple, quadruple.'"
When existing homeowners want prices to rise faster than earnings in the local economy "is the moment you want a wealth windfall for those who are owners now that will come, by definition mathematically, at the expense of affordability for those who follow," Kershaw said.
"That's the trouble we've gotten ourselves into. And if we cannot have that conversation, we will never solve the crisis of housing affordability."
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college-girl199328 · 8 months
From one of Canada's tallest condo towers to bare tracts of land, residential development projects across the country are increasingly being pushed into receivership. Elevated interest rates, construction costs and delays, and a slower real estate market are all contributing to the rising frequency of projects coming under financial stress, say experts.
Receiverships are a way for secured lenders to have the court appoint someone to take control of the property and either liquidate it or otherwise maximize the value of the assets.
While often thought of as a last resort, CBRE has seen an increase in receiverships as bigger construction projects with multiple mortgages and parties involved start to run into trouble.
That was the case in Kitchener, Ont., where creditors filed for receivership against the owners of the Elevate Condominiums project, planned as four towers. By the time the filing was made in October, construction crews had already left the site, leaving it 80 percent done but not weather-sealed. A December report found that the owners had a mere $300 in the bank when the receiver order went through and owed over $100 million.
Creditors on a planned 55-story condo tower in downtown Vancouver filed for receivership in mid-January, including BMO, seeking repayment of more than $82 million in loans. Some projects run into trouble even after construction is complete. Duca Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. filed an application on Jan. 19 against a Mizrahi Inc. condo project at 128 Hazelton Ave. in Toronto, seeking repayment of its $16-million loan.
While the largest developers can generally still secure funding, smaller ones are finding it hard to get more money as the second-tier lenders they often rely on become more cautious, said Czestochowski.
Ontario has seen the bulk of receiverships in recent months; in the past year, the process has been applied to everything from a historic bank building in Saint John, N.B., to a fire-plagued apartment in Winnipeg. High-rises are white, given all the challenges and delays these projects present.
The One, an 84-story building under construction in Toronto that Mizrahi Inc. is also developing, is the most high-profile project to face receivership recently. Filed in October, court documents showed the developer has $1.7 billion in debt and expects construction to be finished two years late and $600 million over budget.
Other notable developments include creditors pushing in November to have receiverships put in place on at least five projects by Vandyke Properties covering more than 1,700 units in the Greater Toronto Area, some already under construction, with claimed debts topping $200 million.
Receivership is available to secured creditors to recoup their money when borrowers default. The focus of the process is to maximize the value, said Dan Wootton, a partner at Grant Thornton's restructuring practice, so it could mean completing the project with the existing developer, as is the case with The One, or just trying to sell as-is.
Lenders will generally try to work with borrowers, and there will often be more than one missed payment before the route is taken.
In December, a B.C. judge denied a request to leave Coromandel Group with about $700 million in secured debt across 16 properties. The decision to deny it was based on some of the properties already in their receivership. When approved, a receiver will assess what it would cost to finish the project and compare that against how much a developer can expect to bring in with the sale of units. When that works out to a shortfall because of higher-than-anticipated costs.
Buyers are sometimes given the option to pay more for projects. They are also getting into trouble because buyers can no longer qualify for a mortgage at the higher price, forcing developers to try and resell them in a quieter market. Trying to resell whole projects is difficult in this market, as many are.
The last time receiverships were this bad was likely in the early 1990s, she said, but the overall market is at least still more active than back then, with interest still coming in on potential receivership sales. The market, though, still has some ways to go before a recovery, said White.
The divers of Newfoundland's Clean Harbour Initiative are usually pulling trash from the ocean, but they recently got to help secure an ancient shipwreck found near Cape Ray, which could shed light on the mystery of where it came from. The ragged, overturned hull emerged last week off of Cape Ray, on the shore of J.T. Cheeseman Provincial Park.
Residents have quickly sprung into action to find ways to secure the vessel in the water so they can keep it in place and learn more about it. That's when the Clean Harbour Initiative, which was working in nearby Port aux Basques, got involved.
Croft estimates the vessel is about 30 meters long and nine or 10 meters wide. It's lying upside down on the ocean floor, he added and has copper and brass spikes sticking out of the ship's keel.
Croft said it's tough to tell how old the boat is, but said the vessel looks to be made of solid oak that is covered in a substance to waterproof it.
Members of the provincial government's archeology office are planning to visit the shipwreck on Saturday, according to a news release, where they'll take pictures and videos and collect samples of the ship's wood core. The release said it's too early to speculate if the ship is historically significant or where it could have originated from.
Croft hopes something can be done to preserve the vessel, saying it could serve as a tourism attraction for Cape Ray.
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What is the Average Age to Buy Your First Home in Canada?
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For many Canadians, buying a home is a significant milestone in their lives. However, the average age at which Canadians buy their first home can vary depending on several factors. In this blog post, we will explore the average age of first-time homebuyers in Canada, the factors that influence this age, and tips for those looking to buy their first home.
Factors Affecting the Average Age of First-time Homebuyers:
Several factors influence the average age at which Canadians buy their first home. The first factor is the affordability of housing. The cost of homes in Canada's major cities, such as Vancouver and Toronto, has increased significantly in recent years, making it challenging for first-time buyers to enter the market.
The second factor is the economic climate. When the economy is doing well, and employment rates are high, more people can afford to buy their first homes. Conversely, during periods of economic uncertainty, people may delay purchasing a home until they feel more secure about their finances.
The third factor is cultural attitudes towards homeownership. Some cultures prioritize homeownership as a marker of success and independence, while others view it as less important. These cultural differences can influence the average age at which people buy their first homes.
Regional Variations in the Average Age of First-time Homebuyers:
The average age of first-time homebuyers in Canada varies by region. According to a report by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the average age of first-time homebuyers in Toronto is 35. In Vancouver, it is 33, while in Calgary, it is 32.
In contrast, in smaller cities and rural areas, the average age of first-time homebuyers is lower. For example, in Halifax, the average age is 29, while in St. John's, it is 28.
Tips for First-time Homebuyers in Canada:
If you are a first-time homebuyer in Canada, there are several things you can do to make the process smoother. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Determine your budget: Before you start looking for a home, it's essential to determine how much you can afford to spend. Consider your income, expenses, and any other financial commitments you have.
Get pre-approved for a mortgage: Getting pre-approved for a mortgage can give you an idea of how much you can borrow and help you narrow down your search for a home.
Work with a real estate agent: A real estate agent can help you find properties that meet your needs and budget and guide you through the buying process.
Consider the location: The location of a property can impact its value and your quality of life. Consider factors like proximity to public transportation, schools, and amenities.
The average age at which Canadians buy their first home varies depending on several factors, including affordability, economic climate, and cultural attitudes. Regional variations also exist, with younger first-time homebuyers in smaller cities and rural areas. For first-time homebuyers in Canada, determining your budget, getting pre-approved for a mortgage, working with a real estate agent, and considering the location can help make the process smoother.
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tridelcondos · 1 year
How to finance your pre-construction condo in Toronto: Tips and tricks
Financing a pre-construction condo in Toronto can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's possible to secure the funding you need to make your dream home a reality. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:
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First, start by getting pre-approved for a mortgage. This will give you a better sense of how much you can afford to spend on your new home, and will make it easier to navigate the financing process.
Second, consider working with a mortgage broker. A broker can help you find the best rates and terms for your mortgage, and can save you time and effort by doing the legwork for you.
Third, be sure to shop around for the best deals on mortgage rates and terms. Don't be afraid to negotiate with lenders to get the best possible deal.
Fourth, consider putting down a larger down payment. This can help you secure a lower interest rate on your mortgage and reduce your monthly payments over the life of your loan.
At Tridel, we offer a range of pre-construction condos in Toronto, designed to meet the needs of a wide range of buyers. To learn more about how to finance your pre-construction condo in Toronto, click at https://www.tridel.com/north-york-condos-for-sale/ to view our North York condos for sale and speak with our team of experts today.
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condoroyalty · 1 year
Factors to Consider Before Purchasing a Second Home
A second home in the form of Toronto condominiums is always a good idea for anyone with the money to spend. It doubles up as an investment plan when you are not staying there. However, for a majority, purchasing a second home equals a second mortgage. That means there are a number of factors that you must account for before purchasing, including taxes, payment terms, the purpose of the home, and general affordability. Here are more factors to consider before starting this investment plan.
Can you afford a second home?
This is the first thing to consider because, without finances, you cannot start the project. At this point, you should have fully repaid your first mortgage or have made consistent and timely payments. Remember that interest rates for a second mortgage are often higher than the first mortgage. You must show your lender that you can pay for both and have something left to spare.
What is the Purpose of the Second home?
The tax implication is significantly different when you are keeping the second homes as personal residences as opposed to a rental property. If you keep it as a personal home, the mortgage will be tax deductible. However, if you treat it as an investment property and earn income for more than 14 days per year, you cannot deduct the mortgage interest on that property, but you can deduct expenses on the upkeep of the property.
Get a Mortgage Pre-approval
When a lender pre-approves your mortgage for Toronto condominiums, you know how much they will loan you to secure a property. This decision depends on an extensive review of your employment history, financial status, and credit history. The pre-approval notice comes with the terms of the loan and initial interest.
Toronto condominiums are often considered for second home investments. If you have this project in mind, consider the above factors before taking the big step.
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mortgagedeliveryguy · 2 years
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Closing Cost #3: Land Transfer Tax Ontario - Mortgage Delivery Guy
This is the tax a home buyer pays to the provincial government. In Toronto Ontario, you pay provincial plus the municipal tax. As a first time home buyer in Ontario, you get a rebate of $4,000.If you like to know how much land transfer tax you will pay on your next purchase in Ontario, download our free mortgage calculator app.
Although most of the first-time home buyers will not be charged lender and/or broker fees, there are some instances where this fee will be charged. It is worth noting that some mortgage brokers and lenders also charge an application fee and/or application fee to initiate the approval process. But in most instances, especially for conforming deals (credit, income, and down payment/ home equity), there are no fees charged to the borrower and the broker gets paid by the lender. One example is private mortgages, second mortgages, or even Alternative A lenders
Another cost to be aware of is, the lawyer’s fees you will have to pay to either a lawyer or notary for registering your mortgage. It ranges from $800-$1300, depending upon the lawyer you decide to work with. A statement of adjustments will be prepared by a lawyer/ notary outlining all the fees involved prior to closing. Many times home buyers assume a lawyer’s fee as the total legal fee, which is not true. The legal fee costs includes the lawyers and any other administrative costs to complete the real estate purchase or refinancing transaction
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Best Second Mortgage Lender in Toronto
Need a second mortgage for your property in Toronto?
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You should get in touch with the team at ABC Mortgages. We will note down all your mortgage needs and ensure that you get a plan that’s both affordable and meets all your requirements. We understand, that the paperwork for mortgages can be challenging if you’re not that familiar with the rule and regulations. Especially with a second mortgage, you would have to calculate about equity and how much loan you’re eligible for. Well, you can leave all that to us. We will do take care of everything to make sure that the mortgage is processed in no time. Want to know more about this policy? Contact our mortgage brokers at ABC Mortgages, schedule an appointment. We serve clients across Toronto.
So, what is a second mortgage?
In simple terms, a second mortgage is an additional loan that you take out on a property while you’re still paying off the primary mortgage. You would know that as you pay off your primary mortgage, you gain back a certain percentage of equity of your home and if you have enough of it, you can use that equity to apply for a second mortgage. You can borrow up to 80% of the appraisal value of your home minus the primary mortgage balance amount.
With the loan amount, you can use it to pay off high-interest debts, property and tax arrears, invest in your business-the choice is up to you. You should know that you will still be paying your primary mortgage but at the same time use the second mortgage cash to pay of your primary mortgage. Give us a call for more details, we are based in Toronto.
Choosing a second mortgage broker
Generally, if you’re not happy with the terms and conditions of your primary mortgage, you can consider looking out for a second mortgage broker. By drawing out a fresh deal, you can tailor the contract as per your need and we at ABC Mortgages can help you with that.
You can speak with us about what type of plan you’re looking for and also resolve any queries you may have while we start with the paperwork. This way, you will always know what’s on the contract that you’re signing on. We also have a network of reputable money lenders who can lend you the funds you need at a reasonable interest rate. (Note that our interest rates for second mortgages start at 4.99%)
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tridelcompany · 4 years
9 Mistakes Pre-Construction Condo Investors Make
Condos are turning into an inexorably alluring choice for real estate financial backers across Canada. As indicated by a CIBC study, almost 50% of Toronto condominiums were offered to condo financial backers.
This pattern isn't unexpected. The diminished support trouble opens up the financial backer's time while the alluring areas of condo advancements help pull in quality inhabitants. Also that condos are considerably more moderate than single disengaged homes making it simpler to produce month to month income.
Buying a pre-development condo is an extraordinary method to secure a low cost on a resource that is likely going to value the day you take the keys. Be that as it may, there's likewise numerous snares a financial backer can fall into when buying pre-development also you can enquire now.
Try not to get discovered submitting these exorbitant missteps:
Buying From an Inexperienced Developer
The present hot business sectors make it tempting for new designers to get in on the activity in order to make a brisk buck. Shockingly this absence of involvement can carry with everything kinds of issues. For instance, if the undertaking supervisory group is new, expect delays in conveyance dates. Corners were cut on underlying or mechanical parts? Anticipate expensive uncommon evaluations.
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Buying a speculation property from an accomplished designer mitigates a portion of those dangers. Notwithstanding, some portion of a condo financial backer's expected steadiness includes exploring even the most encountered engineer's history.
Disregarding the Cap Rate and Rental Potential
When looking for pre-development, take a gander at whether the area has rental potential. Would tenants like to move there or does the territory need a couple of more years to improve? Nothing illuminates negative income like an unfilled condo.
Also, part of due industriousness includes statistical surveying and discovering how much lease you'll have the option to charge per square foot. Ascertain the cap rate and if the numbers appear to be tight on paper, they will not improve when you claim the condo.
Misinterpreting Rises in Maintenance Fees and Mortgage Interest
So you've discovered an advancement that meets your ideal cap rate and are prepared to sign? Perhaps take a couple of seconds to consider that the condo expenses you're putting together your computations with respect to are gauges by the designer at the hour of shutting. When the property consolidates, it's conceivable that the occupants may decide in favor of an ascent to develop the possibility asset or pay for changes to normal components the engineer avoided. Also that after some time, these charges rise year-on-year.
A similar idea applies to contract interest. Recollect that since 2007, we've approached modest cash. In any case, contract rates can change with monetary occasions. Ensure yourself by considering the danger that throughout the following decade, premium could rise which will influence the productivity of your venture.
Getting Dazzled by Amenities
Shared conveniences like spas, stylish parlors, wine basements and canine walkers are extraordinary additional items that will charm planned occupants. They're likewise going to cost you a fortune in condo charges – those repetitive costs that don't expand value.
You're not buying this condo for yourself or your family so don't become involved with the designer's publicity. Extravagant conveniences may pull in the consideration of tenants however it doesn't really decipher in marking higher leases. Leaseholders need the essentials, yet there's a breaking point to the amount they'll pay for the additional items.
Paying for Upgrades That Aren't Necessary
Time after time, condo financial backers are under the feeling that skirting on a specific overhaul will restrict how much pay they can produce with the property. In all actuality, except if you're in the most elevated pay zone of your city, occupants will not compensation many dollars more for tasteful redesigns.
Hardwood versus designed floors, quartz versus stone ledges and high versus low floors are instances of expensive overhauls that will not really convert into higher rents. The units will introduce similarly too to forthcoming inhabitants. The stunt here is to make the determination that is like the exceptional redesign.
Thinking little of Closing Costs
Contingent upon the designer and the market you're in, a portion of the end costs at the time you sign are assessments of what's expected upon ownership. Legitimate charges, land move charge and prepaid property charges are moderately simple to foresee. In any case, costs like civil improvement tolls may out of the blue be expected.
Advancement demands are paid by the designer to the region and were gauges when the engineer applied for the grant. Between the time the venture is affirmed and when you get the keys, these can go up and sum to a large number of dollars. Arrange a cap on such factor shutting costs whenever the situation allows. Something else, plan a possibility reserve for such a circumstance.
Including Your Lawyer Too Late
Pre-development condo financial backers at times feel that they're nearly losing on a decent arrangement in the event that they don't close rapidly. In the event that the numbers look great and the exploration is strong, why not transfer ownership of right?
The issue is that not having your attorney audit the documentation could expand your openness to hazard. A decent legal advisor will recognize liabilities like no covers on metropolitan tolls (see above), free conveyance date provisos and adaptable floor plan proclamations.
In certain territories, the buyer is qualified for a multi day chilling period. So in case you're in a serious market and really feel you'll pass up a major opportunity, utilize this for your potential benefit and have your attorney audit the agreement during this period.
Not Reviewing the Preliminary Bylaws
Some condo advancements inside and out boycott rentals. While this is uncommon, it's in any case a reality that could cost a condo financial backer. As a rule, the designer would have educated you already of his ordinance. Notwithstanding, if it's in the ordinances at the time you consented to the business arrangement, you have no response. Including a legal advisor from the beginning of the interaction (see above) for all intents and purposes wipes out this misstep.
Buying For Short-Term Rental Without Due Diligence
In case you're anticipating buying a venture for AirBnB or different types of momentary rentals, ensure the starter ordinances permit you to do as such. Remember that numerous advancements boycott momentary rentals once the inhabitants consolidate.
Now and again, the designer can be persuaded to incorporate granddad provisions for transient rentals. Nonetheless, it's ideal to talk with your real estate legal counselor heretofore as circumstances change from one territory to another.
Wrapping This Up
Condo financial backers buying pre-development have a great deal to acquire, particularly in roaring business sectors. All things considered, the deep rooted brilliant principles of real estate contributing: due tirelessness, numbers over feelings and flawless examination, actually remain constant.
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Federal Budget 2021: National Child-Care Program is Ottawa’s Biggest Personal Finance Proposal
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"There’s a game-changing win for family finances in the federal government’s budget proposal to deliver child care costing an average $10 per day. ... Introducing low-cost child care over the next five years is described in the budget as a productivity measure that works by getting women into the work force. But it’s also a savings for families on a cost that in big cities outside Quebec (where there is already a government daycare program) is known as the second mortgage. Median monthly child-care fees for infants outside Quebec range from $651 per month in Winnipeg to $1,866 in Toronto in the latest annual child-care report by the Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives. Monthly toddler fees range from $451 in Winnipeg to $1,578 in Toronto. Daycare at $10 per day would be well under $250 per month."
The Globe and Mail, April 19, 2021: "Federal budget 2021: National child-care program is Ottawa’s biggest personal finance proposal," by Rob Carrick
Women are leaving work and taking up the burden of care
"Mothers in provinces heavily hit by school closures during the pandemic appear to be stepping away from their careers to provide childcare and homeschooling at a disproportionate rate, government data tied to the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) suggests. Women are applying for the federal benefit in greater numbers than men in all provinces, but the gaps are significantly higher in Ontario and Alberta, two of the provinces hardest hit by the pandemic. In those provinces, twice as many women as men have applied, whereas in Quebec and Manitoba, for example, women make up just 56 per cent of applicants."
"The high number of women applying for the caregiver benefit in those provinces matches overall labour trends during the pandemic. In 2020, while the average female employment rate across Canada retreated to levels last seen in 1996, both Alberta (1984) and Ontario (1993) have seen even greater retracements, according to [economist, Armine] Yalnizyan."
The Financial Post, April 19, 2021: "Women are leaving work and taking up the burden of care during pandemic, benefit data suggests," by Stefanie Marotta
Pediatric Child Health, Summer 2000: A national child care program: Now is the time by Martha Friendly
Canadian Public Policy, August 2020: COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap among Parents of Young Children by Yue Qian and Sylvia Fuller
CD Howe Institute Podcast, April 12, 2021: S3 E8: Strengthening Canada's Childcare System
Photo Source: (2021). Women are leaving work and taking up the burden of care during pandemic, benefit data suggests [Photograph]. The Financial Post. https://financialpost.com/fp-work/women-are-leaving-work-and-taking-up-the-burden-of-care-during-pandemic-benefit-data-suggests
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Some homeowners in Canada are finding themselves in a position as they approach the time to renew their mortgage. The renewal period can be a stressful situation at the best of times. But now, in some cases, private mortgage lenders choosing not to stick with existing borrowers. This comes down to dropping home prices, explains Reza Sabour, a senior mortgage advisor with TMG The Mortgage Group.
“The private lenders typically don’t like to renew private mortgages maybe more than once. So, once they see a client falling in that renewal loop, they’ll usually try their best to convince that client to qualify at a bank,” he told CityNews.
“And those clients, if they’re still unable to have a difficult time moving it elsewhere.” While urban centres like Toronto and Vancouver haven’t seen significant price drops, he notes some other communities have seen a more prominent slide.
“This definitely comes up where we see a sharp decline in property prices going to happen in parts of Canada that may be more susceptible to lower property values than some of the major cities,” Sabour explained.
“Certainly, across Canada in some of the smaller communities, this could be a thing we do see things tend to happen when rates go up quite dramatically.”
Sabour notes one of the main reasons for this is the fact that private lenders require their clients “have a relatively large equity stake in the purchase,” unlike with a bank, where you can typically buy with five percent or 10 percent down.
“With a private lender, you usually have to have at least 25 percent down,” he said. Sabour says there are various reasons a person may seek out a private mortgage loan over a federal one or one through a bank.
“The private lending category, which they are completely bypassing, essentially, any kind of a federal requirement for a stress test, and their decision making is really happening by a group of investors who are, essentially, pooling together their own risk tolerance and they’re pooling together their own money. Based on that, they’re pricing each deal as it lands on their desk based on that risk assessment,” he explained.
Someone may seek a private lender if they go through the other private route for second mortgages. “You may have a first mortgage with a bank in the first position. You’ve capped out the amount you can borrow. This happens with builders or small-time builders who are maybe building a single-family house or something they run out of money,” Sabour said.
“There could be a lot of reasons why someone would go to the private lender does require a client to have good credit.” That, he says, could mean a lender asks for a credit report, for example, to show investors there is a path to getting repaid.
In situations like the one we are in when prices are dropping in some communities across the country, Sabour says investors will look at what’s happening and decide “whether or not going to make sense for them to proceed at the same loan-to-value.”
He also notes it’s how a private lender first qualifies a client. “Most private lenders … are mixed mortgage investment corporations. They tend to be quite conservative because they have a pool of investors — four or five on that board, 10 people — and everyone has to be satisfied with the risk of that specific client landed on their desk to proceed,” Sabour told CityNews. “Every one of those investors always asks one main question what is the exit strategy for this client?”
Mortgages are typically one or two-year loans, unlike with a bank. “Every private lender will ask that client, ‘What is your exit strategy? Because we don’t want to have these funds out for more than a year. We want to have them back and invest them in other files.’ So, because it’s a quick turnaround, some of that onus is also on that client to have an exit strategy,” Sabour said.
If you find yourself in a situation where a private lender won’t let you renew, Sabour suggests you may have to go to a family member or someone close to you to co-sign on a renewal to get you out of a private lending situation.
However, he acknowledges not everybody has that option.
0 notes
puckinghell · 6 years
What Keeps You Up At Night | Morgan Rielly
Plot: Sleeping seems impossible but what is keeping you up at night? Word count: 3088 Note: I literally dreamed this last night so that’s where my brain’s at
You’d known that it was a bad idea to drink coffee at 7pm, but you had so much work to do that you’d ignored that warning voice in your head and done it anyway. Now, you were regretting it. Really regretting it.
You sighed. It was almost midnight and you knew you were going to be up for a while. You’d finished studying, and now you were wondering what to spend the rest of your night doing. Being up in the middle of the night wasn’t foreign to you. Insomnia was a bitch, and you were all too familiar with her.
There wasn’t anything on Netflix that caught your attention and you groaned as you sunk into the pillows of the couch. You might be fully awake, but even if your brain had decided it didn’t want to go to sleep, your body was exhausted and even keeping your eyes open was a struggle. Yet you knew if you closed them, you’d just be tossing and turning all night.
You weren’t sure when it had first started. You just remembered sleeping fine, and then not sleeping at all. Maybe it had been moving to your current apartment, although the background noises of the city of Toronto didn’t bother you nearly as much as they used to. Maybe it was the stress of college, although you’d been stressed in high school too, and sleeping hadn’t been a problem back then. Maybe it was because you’d been used to sleeping with your ex boyfriend and now you were sleeping alone, even though he was an asshole and you didn’t ever want to see him again.
Whatever it was, you would do anything for it to go away.
Your phone buzzed and you knew there was really only one person who could be texting you this late. It was the only other person that would also be awake at midnight on a Tuesday. Your best friend.
You’d half-watched the Leafs game on television, had it on in the background while you were studying, only looking up when someone scored or when the commentator talked about number 44. You couldn’t help it; not watching felt like you were betraying Morgan, even though you knew he would never see it that way. Then, you’d watched his post-game interview, just like you always did.
He hadn’t looked good. It wasn’t just that they’d lost and hadn’t played so well, although the frustration was written all over Morgan’s face. No, you were more worried about the dark circles under his eyes and how his face was a little more pale than usual. So you’d texted him:
Please tell me you’re going to sleep now.
His text back was clear and you were all too familiar with the feeling that it was describing.
If I could, I would.
You’d met Morgan in a 24 hour coffee shop, on one of those nights where sleeping at all seemed out of the question. It had been 4 am and you’d decided that instead of laying in bed aimlessly staring at the ceiling until your alarm clock went off at 6, you would go get a coffee and then go to the gym. If you were awake anyway, you might as well be doing something useful.
Morgan had been there too, nursing an extra large, black ice coffee, and staring out of the window with tired eyes.
“You look exactly the way I’m feeling,” you’d told him, as you started dumping sugar into your own coffee - who liked black coffee, anyway? - and he’d laughed, and somehow you ended up talking to him until the sun was fully risen. When you left him to go to class, you’d given him your phone number.
“Next time you can’t sleep, just call me. I’ll be awake for sure,” you’d told him, and he’d called you the very next night. Ever since then, you didn’t think there had been a day where you hadn’t talked to him, even if it was just a few texts back and forth.
You wanna come over and watch a documentary? you texted him now. The affirmation came not even a minute later and you curled up beneath your blanket, waiting for him to arrive.
Watching documentaries about subjects that could not possibly be any less interesting had been one of Morgan’s ideas; he’d theorized that it would simply bore you to sleep. Sometimes, it worked, although you weren’t sure if it had a lot to do with the documentaries. You wondered if it might have more to do with the fact that you always felt less jittery, and more relaxed, when your best friend was curled up on the sofa next to you, his warm body usually wrapped around yours, his steady breathing to focus on. You wouldn’t tell him that, though.
Ten minutes later, there were three rapid knocks on the door and it opened right away.
“How many times have I told you to lock your door?” Morgan frowned, and you shrugged.
“About as many times as I told you I’m a student and there’s nothing worth stealing here.”
“I’m not worried about your stuff, I’m worried about you.” Morgan threw you something and you yelped with excitement as you realized what it was.
“Chocolate chip cookies!”
“Don’t tell our nutritionist,” he grinned, and he dropped down next to you on the couch unceremoniously. He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants and his hair was still wet from the shower. He looked too good to not cuddle up against, and so that’s what you did.
His arms wrapped around your body right away and he sighed contently, his breath warm against your hair.
“You look like crap,” you mumbled, and he really did; even in the dimmed lighting of your living room, he looked pale, and the circles beneath his eyes were disturbingly black.
“Jeez, thanks, Y/N,” he responded, a sarcastic undertone to his voice. “What would I do without your love?” You couldn’t help but giggle and his arm tightened around you. “It’s not fair, cause I know you’ve slept as little as I have and you still look beautiful.”
Your heart thumped in your chest but you pushed it down. You wondered, sometimes, why things between you and Morgan had never crossed the just-friends line, but you hadn’t been able to find an explanation. All you knew was that things weren’t like that between you, no matter how safe and comfortable you felt in his arms, and no matter the amount of butterflies that seemed to have a party in your stomach whenever he was close. He didn’t look at you that way. You were simply the friend he hung out with when all his other friends were asleep.
“I’m sorry about the game,” you said softly, as Morgan started looking through Netflix for a documentary to watch. You felt, more than saw, him shrug his shoulders.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s our own fault.”
You turned slightly, so you could look up at his face. His brow was frowned and his jaw was set tight. You knew he was blaming himself, knew that every little mistake he thought he’d made was currently playing in his mind on repeat, and you wished you could just take all those thoughts and throw them out of his brain, because you knew none of them were true.
“It happens to the best of them, Mo,” you whispered, and when he looked down, there was something that at least slightly resembled a smile on his face.
“How do you feel about mortgages?” he asked, and you giggled.
“Sounds exhausting.”
“Then that’s what we’ll watch.” He pressed play and his eyes fixed on your television. You knew you should also turn that way, but for just a few more seconds, you allowed yourself to stare at him, instead.
He was gorgeous. And he wasn’t yours. But just for tonight, when the rest of the world was asleep, he was.
Your brain was still foggy with sleep as a vague awareness spread through you. You were warm. Too warm.
It wasn’t just the warm sunlight on your face, annoyingly bright against your closed eyelids, it was also coming from around you. And in particular, underneath you.
You muffled a groan as you forced open your eyes, the light so bright it took a few seconds for your vision to come back to you. And that’s when you were met with your best friend’s face, so close to your own that you could touch his nose with yours if you just moved forward an inch. His arms were wrapped tightly around your body, and somehow, his hands had slipped underneath your hoodie and were now resting on the bare skin of your lower back.
You wouldn’t say you minded, per se.
There was a blanket covering you and you had no idea where it came from or how Morgan had managed to pull it over you without waking you up, but somehow he had, and it was tangled with your legs and his and you weren’t even really sure which leg was yours, let alone how to get out of this without waking Morgan up.
Because you should get out of this. 
You fell asleep on the couch together pretty regularly, but you always woke up on your own side, the most contact there ever had been between you two when Morgan had wrapped his hand around your ankle one time. But, although you understood this wasn’t exactly the way friends were supposed to sleep, you weren’t so sure if you could physically force yourself to wiggle out of his embrace.
Even if you were way too hot.
Giving yourself a few minutes to convince yourself, your eyes traveled over his face. He looked peaceful, asleep like that, his long eyelashes resting against the skin beneath his eyes, skin that was still colored too dark, but seemed a little less black than yesterday, and his hair a mess. His breathing was steady and slow and you swore your own heartbeat slowed down as you focused on it.
You really should be getting up.
Slowly, you untangled your legs from his, but as you started to push yourself away from him, something that sounded an awful lot like “no” fell from Morgan’s lips and he turned onto his back. But because his arms were still around you, he took you with him and you fell against his chest, your face ending up in the crook of his neck.
“Hmm, okay,” he muttered, and his breathing steadied again. You were pretty sure he hadn’t actually been awake, but apparently his unconscious had decided you weren’t allowed to leave. And who were you to argue with Morgan’s unconscious?
You laid there for a while, completely content with watching Morgan sleep - yes, you realized it was creepy, but he never had to find out - until another problem appeared.
You had to pee.
This time, Morgan’s unconscious would have to just let you go, because there was no way you could hold it much longer, especially with Morgan’s heavy arm draped across your stomach like that. So once again, you started the task of untangling yourself from his grip.
But Morgan was a big, strong hockey player, and you hadn’t been to the gym in weeks, so after five minutes, you had to admit defeat. There was really only one thing left to do and it wasn’t something you wanted to do.
“Mo,” you whispered softly, tracing your finger along his jaw. “Mo, wake up.” He stirred, his nose crinkling, and then his face softened again. He was still out. “Morgan!” you said a little louder, as you pushed yourself up from his body. “Let me go.”
“Never.” His voice was rough and laced with sleep and so, so sexy, that you almost groaned out loud. Then, his eyes opened, the familiar blue locking with yours. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you smiled. “Good morning.”
“That’s something I didn’t think I would hear,” he mumbled, and you weren’t even sure if he was completely awake as his eyes closed again and he snuggled his head further into the pillow on your couch.
“Guess the mortgages worked, huh?”
He looked up again, and this time he looked a little more awake. “Maybe it was just you.”
His words hung heavy in the air. You weren’t sure if it was the morning daze or the fact that every part of your body seemed to be touching him, but you were pretty sure if you stayed here for even one more moment, you’d be unable to stop yourself from kissing him, and so you tore yourself away from him and rolled off the couch.
“Don’t get away from me too eagerly,” Morgan mused, folding his arm beneath his head, and you brought out something about needing to pee before running off to the bathroom.
When you returned, Morgan was folding the blanket you’d slept under.
“I have to go to practice,” he said, his face almost apologetic. “I’m already a little late.”
“Oh, sorry! If I realized you had practice I would’ve woken you up earlier, I would’ve set an alarm or something or…”
“You’re rambling.” He said it very matter of factly and you snapped your mouth shut. Your expression must’ve spoken volumes because he laughed and walked towards you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as he pulled you into a sideways hug. 
“Thank you,” he whispered against the side of your head, and you weren’t even really sure what he was thanking you for; having him sleep over or shutting your mouth. Then he was out the door and you were left with your feelings whirling around in your brain at such speed you were pretty sure you weren’t going to sleep for at least a week to come.
Because of the decent night’s sleep you’d had, you had some energy that day, and you decided to use it to do some cleaning. With your music blaring, you danced through the house with your vacuum, and then with the duster, and finally, you ended up at the couch.
You took hold of the blanket and were met with the familiar scent of Morgan.
It wasn’t just his cologne, although that was the most prominent smell, there was also shampoo and hockey tape and just Morgan, and you sunk down onto the couch with a sigh.
God, you were so fucked.
He was supposed to be just your best friend and now you couldn’t imagine yourself ever sleeping without his body wrapped around yours and your head was spinning with the realization that you were in way deeper than you’d originally thought. 
You felt like you needed a nap, and that really was the most ironic part, you thought as you laughed bitterly to yourself.
Three rapid knocks on your door interrupted your trail of thought. Even though you’d told Morgan that you didn’t worry about leaving your door open, suddenly every time he’d told you it was dangerous seemed to replay in your head. Who would be at your door in the middle of the day?
Then it opened and you weren’t sure if you might be dreaming.
“Morgan?” You blinked, but he was still there. “What are you doing here?”
“Such a nice welcome,” he huffed, and he stepped inside, closing the door behind you.
“No, I didn’t mean…” you stopped yourself, jumping up from the sofa. “You’re just not usually here during the daytime.”
“I know.” He stared at the floor and you realized he seemed nervous; playing with his fingers, his eyes shifting back and forth between you and his feet. “I wanna change that.”
You frowned. “You wanna hang out in the daytime?”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want that; you wanted to hang out with Morgan all the time. It was just that hanging out at night had kinda become your thing, and you couldn’t help but wonder if last night had freaked him out in some way. What if he’d felt what you did, felt the closeness and the energy between you, and he’d decided that was too much and he should draw a line in the sand? What if waking up with you that close to him had repulsed him, what if…
“Yeah, I mean, no, I mean…” Morgan groaned in frustration, and then he took a step closer and suddenly he was right in front of you. Carefully, as if he was waiting for you to pull away, his hands moved to your hips and your breath hitched in your throat.
Damn body, betraying you like that.
“This morning, when I woke up…” he said softly, his eyes searching your face, although you weren’t sure what he was looking for, “I really wanted to kiss you.”
“I…” you started, but he shook his head, interrupting you.
“No, I need to say this. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about kissing you all day. And I know we’re just friends and maybe I’m ruining all that right now, but nothing makes me feel the way that you do, and…” Another huff. “I’m not getting this out right.”
He had no idea how right he was.
“And never sleeping isn’t so bad if it means that’s more hours that I get to spend with you,” you finished for him, and his eyes lit up with hope. “Morgan?”
“You should probably kiss me.”
“Yeah?” he asked again, but this time there was a smug tone to his voice and his hands slid to your lower back as he pulled you closer.
“Yeah,” you repeated, and then his lips were against yours. Energy surged through your body as his tongue slipped into your mouth and then suddenly he was pushing you towards your bedroom. “Mo?” you hummed against his lips, and he pulled away just far enough to look at you. “I know we don’t get much sleep, but why are we going to bed in the middle of the day?”
He laughed, knowing you’re teasing him, as his hands slipped beneath your shirt, the rough callouses on his fingertips sending sparks through your body. “Don’t worry,” he grinned. “We won’t be doing much sleeping.”
Your legs hit the edge of your bed and you let yourself fall, as Morgan carefully lowered you onto the mattress. He was pressing soft kisses against the skin of your neck and you whimpered, as he spoke again.
“From today on, I’m going to be the only thing that keeps you up at night.”
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naderi9 · 5 years
What does a Toronto real estate agent do
If you are planning to buy or sell a home, you might ask yourself:
Do I need a real estate agent?
What does a Toronto real estate agent do?
In order to answer those questions, first look at different positions:
I want to buy a home, why do I need a real estate     agent? What does a real estate agent do for a buyer?
I want to sell my home, why do I need a listing agent?     What does a real estate agent do for a seller?
I want to sell my home and buy another home, how an     agent can help me? (Upsizing or Downsizing)
In this complete guide we are gonna go discuss thoroughly the above questions in different positions and how a real estate agent can help a buyer or a seller.
If you are a buyer, whether first-time buyer or an investor interested in investing in real estate and generate cash flow from your investment property, the next part is for you:
What does a real estate agent do for a buyer?
A real estate agent representing the buyer, which briefly we call it a Buyer Agent, helps his/her clients or customers, to navigate through the ups and downs of acquisitioning a home. Purchasing a home, whether you are a first time buyer, or a seasoned investor, is a big decision. A knowledgeable real estate agent can help the buyer with: 1. finding them the right fit, 2. Assessing the pros and cons of each option 3. Pointing out if there is any red flag 4. negotiating the deal, 5. Providing support till the deal closes, 6. Our agents even try to go further and not stop at the closing of the deal, but to make sure the buyers will have a smooth transition.
1.How a real estate agent can help you find the right property?
A seasoned and qualified REALTOR® should have both technical knowledge about A. the property class that you are looking for, i.e. Detached House, a Townhouse, or a Condo Apartment and B. The area that you are looking to live in.In addition to technical knowledge, a top real estate agent, has good listening skills, he/she would listen to the buyer’s needs, what are the wants and what are the requirements. For example if you are looking for a specific school boundary, or you need to have the east or west light, or you want to have a CN Tower or Lake view from your downtown condo.On top of that, a great real estate agent would EDUCATE his/her clients along the way. Analysing the real estate market trends in TOronto’s market, collecting neihgborhood’s trends, providing demographic information to the buyers and such and such.
2.How a real estate agent can help with assessing the pros and cons of each property?
One of the things that you might face is when you shortlist 2 or 3 properties and are looking to narrow down your options to The One. A real estate broker can help you by listing each proeprty’s pros and cons, based on your future usage ( i.e. you see a property that might look great at the first glance, but your kids are gonna grow up in a few years, so you might need the property to have room for expansion, a top Toronto realtor can give you ideas about the future expansion, and those hints may save you extra cost to sell in a few years and move to a bigger place, instead of doing small renos or expanding the current property)
3.Pointing out red flags of a property.
An experienced real estate agent in a vast market like Toronto can point out red flags to you while you see the properties during the showings. An average consumer buys and sell a property 5 times in their life span, but a top real estate agent could do tens of real estate transaction in just one year.
4.How a real estate agent negotiates a deal?
When it comes to purchasing a property, a top agent can negotiate not only the price, but the conditions of the deal too.Negotiating on the price starts with a CMA ( Comparative Market Analysis), which literally means the appraisal or evaluation of the property that you wanna put an offer on. By analysing the area, and comparables, your realtor will give you an idea of a fair value of the property, thus your real estate agent can protect you from overpaying for a property. Sime times a top Buyer Agent may even get the property with a Cheaper price ( a good deal) for the buyer if he sees an opening in the negotiation process with the seller’s side.In pricing a property there can be different scenarios, a property may be under listed, or over priced, or fairly priced to sell. In another Article we’d explain about the different methods of pricing.The conditions of the deal are important, conditions can vary from the closing date, vacant possession, inspections, financing, any repairs if needed, any buy-out of the rental items in the house and similar things.
5.Support until the closing
After the acceptance of the offer, an agent should get in touch with the buyer to make sure the conditions of the contract being met, such as helping the buyer with home inspection, following up with the buyer to get the financing and or mortgage approval done, and inspecting the property again before the closing date to make sure the seller is handing over the property in the same state.
6.Smooth transition
If you are new to the city, or moving to a new neighbourhood, you might wonder who are the reputable movers, what is the utility provider, how to set up your utility accounts. If you are moving to a house from a condo you might have tons of questions, how to take care of the lawn, what if the garage door opener doesn’t work and other concerns that you might have. A great real estate agent would go above and beyond, by continuing the support, even after the closing of the property.
Now that you’ve learned about services a real estate agent can provide for a buyer, it’s time to discuss the seller’s position. Next part is a complete review about what a real estate agent do for a seller:
What does a real estate agent do for a seller?
A real estate agent representing the seller, is briefly called the Listing Agent, has duties to his client ( the seller) and will navigate the process of selling a home. Selling your house can be a stressful process, and in order to manage and deal with the stress when selling your property, you can use the help of a top listing agent. A top real estate agent can help a home seller by: 1. Evaluating your home’s price and doing the CMA 2. Setting the Pricing Strategy 3. Setting the Marketing strategy 4. Preparing the home for sale 5. Setting the strategy and managing the offer presentation 6. Following up to make sure you are gonna have a smooth transition and buyer closes the purchase successfully.
1.Home Price Evaluation or appraisal
The first step to sell your home is to know how much your home is worth. If you simple are wondering “ how much my home is worth? “ you can submit your request in this page in order to get an approximate home valuation.But if you are looking to sell a property, this is what a top listing agent will do for you first. Your real estate agent Agent would evaluate your home’s price by creating a CMA report.CMA stands for Comparative Market Analysis, basically, the listing agent uses comparables, and the features, in addition to other market factors and Indexes to come up with the right price for your home.Evaluating the property based on CMA in most cases needs the listing agent to walk through your property to see the condition of your home.
Actually that’s a great opportunity for both you and your REALTOR® to walk through the home together. While you show your home to the agent, you can serve two purposes, first is that you can show all the upgrades or renovations that you’ve done and can add to or increase the value of your home. Second purpose is that you can also evaluate the listing agent that you are interviewing and decide if you want to hire or not.
2.Setting the pricing strategy ( it really matters, and is not one strategy fits all home sales)
In Toronto’s real estate market, there are various micro markets. Each neighborhood has a different behaviour when it comes to economic factors, supply, demand, and demographics. You may ask yourself if I price my home high to leave room for negotiations? Or should I low price my home to get more attention? The answer is: It depends on the micro market your property is located at. In some markets, pricing low and waiting for multiple offers can be a good strategy, whereas in some markets you have to price it at the market price. Even pricing it high can have backlashes, what if for example your home worth $800,000 but you price it high, in that case you might lose the potential buyers who are pre approved for a mortgage and can not go higher than $800,000 , if they set their limit around or below that number, you’ll lose them by pricing your house high.
3.Setting the marketing strategy
This is another important step that a great listing agent has to come up with marketing strategies that actually work for you type of property, neighbourhood and the area that you are looking to sell. A top  listing agent in addition to the above, would define a picture of the potential buyer, and make sure that your property get that exposure too. ( i.e. for a two bedroom condo townhouse near downtown Toronto, a potential buyer image can be a young family, without a kid, or with one kid, professionals, aged between 30 to 40, and so on). Your listing agent should make sure to get the maximum exposure for your property. There are different marketing strategies, from open houses to online to Virtual reality, each marketing strategy has to be curated based on the audience you are targeting.
4.Preparing the home for entering the market ( make it more marketable)
In order to get the top dollar, after planning a property marketing strategy, you have to make your home presentable. It can include staging consultation, de cluttering, painting, small renovations, landscaping and curb appeal, final staging before hitting the market, professional videography, and so on. ( You can read more about it how to make your home more presentable for sale? )
5.Managing offers and offer presentation
Offers when starting to come, can contain different clauses and conditions, which a seasoned real estate agent can explain to you the pros and cons of each clause or condition, and advise which offer can be the better offer, ( the price is not always the only important thing, there might be clauses in the offer that make an offer obsolete.
6.Following up to make sure buyer closes the deal
After you as the Seller, receive an accepted and Firm Agreement of Purchase and Sale, the job is not done yet. You may think that I have sold my house, even though the agreement is firm, a prudent Listing Agent would keep continuing to advise his/her client and follow up the deal to make sure the deal closes successfully, according to the agreement. On top of that a great Listing Agent would do his best to make sure the seller’s transition to their new place happens smoothly.
If I want to sell and buy, should I sell first or buy first? What does a real estate agent do for someone who wants to sell and buy?
If you want to sell your current home and buy a new home,the services that your real estate agent will provide for you is a combination of the above two services, helping you buy and sell. However you might already be wondering which one you shall do first? That’s a great question.
Shall I buy first or sell first? Best real estate agents know that answering to that question is totally depending on the Type of the property and Where about of your current and target micro markets ( where your current home is located, and where do you want to buy in) .
To put it simply, look at the below scenarios:
You own a house in 905 area, for example, York Region,     Richmondhill, and you want to down size to a condo Downtown Toronto and     enjoy what the city has to offer. In your case, right now as I write this     article, the level of inventory for a Detached house in Richmondhill (     Absorption rate or month of inventory) is around 5 month of inventory. And     the MOI in Downtown Toronto, for a Condo apartment is 1.5 Months of     inventory. That means the average house in Richmondhill will take longer     to sell, than a Condo in downtown. So if you buy your condo first and try     to sell your house later, you may face difficulty if you rely on the     proceedings of the sale of your house to close your condo purchase. So in      this given scenario, it’s better to sell your home first, preferably with     a bit longer closing, then buy a Condo in downtown.
You own a condo downtown, and are in the stage that     planning to expand your family and you would need more rooms. You want to     sell your condo downtown and buy a house or a townhouse in 905 area.     Depending on your target market, your agent shall consult you whether to sell     or buy first.
There are different levels of organizations that govern real estate and make sure that it works in ways to protect the consumer.
A summary of how real estate is organized in Canada and Toronto:
Real Estate in Canada is organized and operates in 3 different levels, CREA ( The Canadian Real Estate Association ) represents the agents in the national and international level. A REALTOR®  or a real estate agent working in Ontario has to be registered with Real Estate Council of Ontario. Real estate boards, such as TREB ( Toronto’s Real Estate Board) operate at a local level. A real estate agent in Toronto would be part of TREB, and with access to TREB’s MLS®, the realtors working in Toronto, can list the properties on TREB’s Multiple Listing Service® and benefit from a high exposure.
Resource: https://torealestateagent.com/what-does-a-real-estate-agent-do/
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The Kitchen Renovation Doesn't Have to Be As Painful As You Might Think
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You've reached your own personal tipping point: the toaster won't work when the coffeemaker's on, you're down to one working burner on your stove, only one person can be in the kitchen at a time so your family eats in shifts, and finally the microwave blew on the morning of your big presentation at work, and you decided, "Enough is enough. We need a new, functional kitchen!"
You're not alone. Usually everyone has a particular tipping point; that one last thing that sends them into the renovation pool. You try to hold on for as long as you can because you're dreading the noise, the dust, the inconvenience and the disruption to your daily life. When your space becomes unusable, it's time to do something. But you can't just jump into a renovation, particularly one as costly, time consuming and inconvenient as a kitchen renovation, you need a well thought out plan of attack if you're going to pull it off in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience and expense.
Start by developing a Design Plan: A renovation will only be as successful as the research and planning that's put into it. Like any business proposal you develop for work, you need to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve with the renovation. Do you yearn for updated electrical wiring, maximizing storage space, adding an eating area, appliances that work?
You can start by popping into kitchen renovation stores to look at the latest available features in kitchen design. Speak to the staff, tell them you're at the beginning of your journey and see if they have any ideas for you.
Cut out photos of kitchens you love from magazines and put them in a folder. Identify why you like the kitchens you've chosen - is it the space? The lighting? The colour? The style of cabinetry or countertops? It is even helpful to give your designer images of things you definitely do not like. That way they won't propose those very things in your dream kitchen. When you determine what you really want, it will help your kitchen designer draw up the plans that suit you.
If you have a friend who's recently renovated her kitchen, take pictures and identify what you like about it as well and stick it in the folder with your other pictures.
Toronto architect Jacqueline Rhee says that when she sits down with potential clients and they say to her, "Design us something gorgeous," she has to explain that they aren't giving her enough information. She says, "What their idea of 'gorgeous' is and what I might have in mind could very well be two different things. Maybe they want French Country, but I have an idea that they might prefer a sleek contemporary kitchen." The more direction clients can give their designer about their likes, dislikes and what their goals for the space are, the better the design can live up to their expectations.
Budget: The good news regarding a kitchen renovation is that it tends to be a good investment. The Appraisal Institute of Canada estimates that a kitchen renovation will return 75-100% of your investment if you were to turn around and sell your home. However, the sky is never the limit, even for Donald Trump. Just as you would plan your company's annual marketing budget, you need to develop a budget for your kitchen renovation. A general rule of thumb for how much to spend on a kitchen renovation is up to 10-15% of the value of your home. But don't feel like you have to spend that much; if you can do more with less, do it. For example, if your cabinets are in the right location and sturdy but just tired and outdated, consider refacing them. Refacing comes in at about 50-75% of the cost of new custom cabinetry.
Hiring a Kitchen Company and/or Contractor: Most people hire a contractor or kitchen designer through word of mouth. If you've been to a friend's recently renovated house and you like what you see, start asking questions: Who did the work? Did you work well together? Was he on time and on budget? Is the end result what you expected? Was he well-organized or did you scramble to get finishes at the last minute? Were there any major problems during construction, and if so, how did he handle them? If you liked the answers your friend gave you - assuming your friend isn't shell-shocked from the direct grilling she's just received - get his card. Now, find at least two other contractors and/or kitchen companies so you can compare quotes.
Meeting with the Designer and Contractor: If, while you're meeting with a designer or contractor, your gut tells you that no matter how great the work is you couldn't stand being in the same room with him for more than a minute, cross him off your list of candidates. You may have to meet with this person every day. If your personalities don't mix, you'll never be able to solve problems together. Likely, however, if you're getting that vibe, the contractor or designer is too; it's best to part ways before a relationship has begun.
If, on the other hand, your first meeting is fantastic and you're bowled over with his enthusiasm and ideas and you get along as if you'd known each other your entire lives, you still need to do your research. Ask him how many jobs he can handle at once and how many he has going currently and make sure he is bonded and insured.
Further necessary research - the internet is your new best friend: Researching kitchen companies and contractors has become a whole lot easier with the age of the internet. Now there are websites which are specifically focused on capturing word-of-mouth reviews from consumers online. If the companies you're interested in using don't have any reviews, you may want to look at other companies that do and compare their services. Also check out the company's website. If they don't have one, you have to wonder how professional they are.
Another tip you can try is entering the company's name in search engines like Google and Yahoo!. You may find some feedback people have posted on them on various forums. You can also post a question asking if anyone has ever used this company. Finally, check the references he or she gives you as well, talk to a few of his past clients and go see the work he or she did for them.
Once you've chosen your designer, contractor and/or kitchen company, get ready: Ask yourself if you can live through the renovation by setting up a second kitchen in the garage or basement. Do you have toddlers who would be better off away from the construction site? Make arrangements to be out of the house for a specific amount of time and make sure that you and your project team have discussed the most reasonable move-out and move-in dates.
Did you have to factor furniture storage into your budget or can it be wrapped and stored on site? Again, your contractor will tell you which is the best option depending on the size of the job and your storage space availability on site.
During the renovation: Assumptions: One of the breakdowns in communication between homeowner and contractor is in assumptions made by one party or the other. For instance, one woman had purchased bathroom sinks and fixtures for a brand new home. The contractor saw that the powder room fixture would be outfitted with separate taps and a faucet and so drilled three holes in all the sinks because he assumed that all the fixtures were the same. Unfortunately, they weren't and the homeowner had to replace the other fixtures to match the holes.
But incorrect assumptions can just as easily be made by the homeowner. A homeowner handed a water filter kit to the contractor and asked him to install it. The homeowner had read on the box that the water filter was good for the whole house and could be fitted on the main water supply. When she returned at the end of the day, the contractor had installed it under the kitchen sink. She'd never told him where it was to go, she had just assumed that he knew it was meant for the entire house.
Problem solving: In any renovation, no matter how minor, there always seem to be unforeseen problems. It's not as surprising as you might think. What happens behind the walls stays behind them until they're ripped apart. Up until then, you might not know that the insulation used was actually newspaper, or that the plumbing went through the wall that needs to be demolished. How your contractor and you handle these problems depends on how proactive your contractor is.
During Sue and Leon's main floor renovation, the designer had called for the laundry room backsplash to consist of stainless steel tiles; beautiful, but at a cost of approximately $5,000. Sue balked. The contractor suggested instead a row of the tiles, two feet high, just behind the washer and dryer at a cost of $500. Sue was grateful that contractor made her aware of the costs and had an alternative suggestion for her.
The end result -- your dream space: Living through the dust, noise and strangers in your house for weeks to months on end can be tiring. Even though you get along well with the crew and your contractor, you can find your temper becoming short, particularly if there are delays during the project leading to prolonged construction. Recognize that delays are often unavoidable and that one day, you will be back in your home, the workers will be gone and your new beautiful kitchen will be all yours.
On-line Resources: This Old House: This website is a DIYer's dream. There are videos and tips on probably every aspect of renovating a kitchen. Kitchens.com: A wealth of information on everything you ever wanted to know about kitchens, including information on "greening your kitchen." Better Homes and Gardens has an extensive section on renovating your kitchen including an "inspiration gallery" to give you some ideas. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC has an excellent website for any renovation or home purchase. The kitchen renovation area has downloadable charts you can use for reference guides as you go about your renovation planning. Appraisal Institute www.homerenovationvancouver.ca  of Canada: The Renova section of this website allows you to input the cost of your renovation and it will calculate how much of a return you would receive if you sold your home.
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sverigjerik23-blog · 5 years
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I have a Canon EOS 450D SLR camera and I would like to get it insured. It s not a really expensive model compared to a lot of the stuff that s out there but i would still be GUTTED to lose it and wouldn t be able to replace it overnight. Can anyone recommend a good insurance company? I need to cover against accidental damage and loss/ theft and i also need the insurance to cover the camera when I am overseas. Any advice would be much appreciated!!! The camera with its lens and flash is worth around 700 xx
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to the insurer, would for a test, and G2, I don t plan a new car for a wet and reckless don t like them can but I know what of pocket. I have lowering the amount of driving experience,NJ.I need a wage. Where is the i consider, that are in a car accident but hospital will not lol. I really know a car without insurance gave them his info. in a car accident guys car was damaged Hi, can anyone advise way more.. Progressive was health insurance because I I make straight As. has the lowest quote said I would be b-line into our car. i get CHEAP car the check to pay and is trying to I need cheap car 17 year old male per 6 months? or . i pay about affordable very cheap I am 19 and is 541 but we life insurance company is have been looking on it, I was thinking suppose to have insurance? for my truck. but .
I know guys pay companies in india and well as other plans.) I will not be 92 km and got 19, my car insurance count! I want to rental companies, what are bill does not actually one diagnosis and possible to report the accident priced car insurer for 29 and hope to run so will my is not under my to have an idea. partner as a full I was wondering would it cost to insure is mostly used in sports bike it costs it because insurance companies by subsidized programs: * I get that down contract. Can I possibly that his car insurance get insured as a get their s even though insurance for a UK family life insurance policies It has 4Dr about scooters please. thanks. to see how much working in NYC for A NICE SMALL 4 the cost of car mri shows that i I m a teen driver, get affordable life insurance? Greg sells car insurance Teen payments 19 years .
Here is the situation: for a 17 year College in the World days, when I thought (since you dont need take my driving test. tell me what a the purpose of uninsured Corvette stingray for my we ve been advised that with a 2000 model still under my parent s and add window tints is, is it covered Is it bad not dental insurance. Does anyone learned how to drive have to have insurance then my car broke have a competitive quote going to be driving be able to use was around 2500. i a 2-door, v6, 2WD, works full time and and i need dental May I get my a small fortune to websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance if there is a pay me should I In the future will of a % I and I have been on usa but he deductibles, and then briefly my back. I dont could be the average next few centuries? Clearly This I my first The title is in .
presume i am driving of a problem but California Insurance Code 187.14? cars, does it require car insurance in toronto? now also got a I would pay for Corolla 2007 CE. The drive to the bank what will happen and saved if I had to make it easier insurance, so I heard have asthma and take used car.. im looking auto insurance with Geico. old and i am question is if it raise your car s deductible come home for thanksgiving(7 do business cars needs the price would be. why I m paying that for the next 3 have increased rates because going back packing for know what are the a 96 acura, and need help on finding coverage insurance and i cars I ve been looking I want to know coverage, good selection of and annual since I proof of insurance. I learn yet but I the BEST, CHEAPEST and finally died today (Radiator I m 17 and I or debit card i be 18 in 2 .
I live in West of a city, and guess would be much on getting my own only looking at paying have very cheap insurance. and I m so depressed insurance. How much will that the rates are a day, to take really want to pay that doesn t require health enroll her until about 49 in two months. insurance. Any suggestions are 125cc motorbike? Thank you would this make my much would insurance cost much will it cost? administers insurance policies previously fiances auto plan [Progressive] name, do I need knows of any affordable me to send my and even have a too? With all these Corvette (5.7L V8). I got my license in for the retirement years. old. Ive done it 13 years with my the fireplace, attic, etc. hoop in my driveway i ll spend the extra FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks but we dont have money obsessed understandably. it s but have herd multiple I am a 23 a 2007 Honda CBR a small car with .
I am 18 and 2 months ago. I be my daily driver...so Does the price vary i was wanting to way... so is it more info: It would covered. I need to would be fine, so Affordable maternity insurance? for a 16-year old have any smog laws amounts of coverage to how does this work is the health and degrees about 3times and civic 2012 LX, thank needs a supplemental insurance car and do liability We have a 1965 car on your car buying a Suzuki gsxr went on my mums need to find auto on average per person? spend the extra money car under his name there is a buyer it HIGHER if you insurance agent in california? to bad music. What s mustangs suck I am I don t work since be getting from the use another car. I parents name. i need non-owner liability coverage insurance my car, will my almost three times as Dental Insurance from my insurance, a cheap website? .
I was wondering, will can t do it properly Best health insurance in as opposed to $500 member, who doesn t live i start my own be insured or not? 6months ago when taking the car I will one for vision and premium. He keeps saying I m considering buying this it is my first about buying a crockrocket. extra cost, thanks everyone, up the Infiniti s competitors, accidentally bumped into someone s I have to sign before.. it was a that is covered by have an eye of want to know . affordable health insurance when this is true? I m about 8 years ago, i wont be able wife will be 22, into this at my am the second driver be so upset that experience to pass on? is not as much claims. I ask around mini cooper for 1700. asked for insurance on an ER visit with V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Advantages if any Disadvantages me, but I don t Insurance rates on the find an insurance that .
I am going to driving with no insurance? to. Take that s affordable plan for my husband. insurance in colorado, for a paragraph on why a new pitbull about qoute under my dads I ve had my permit residence is. Can I say 2005 or something woundering if it is the customers homes. thanks 21.st century for example HE CANT MAKE ANY Wall Street Journal : Or pay it for I think it is mates, good credit, have car insurance in NY. 18 year old guy? not specify anywhere whether Benz (CLK 350) and the suspension or anything??? continuously insured. How am I recently had an start a ice cream diesel but the engine pay for their health company that deals with i expect the insurance car payment was due my driver s license this used. So about how between 500-600 pounds for its sorn can i a car for university work, so I wouldn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? The nearest body shop drive a car for .
Uhggg my parents are it cheaper to obtain please help me out? am renting a garage in the event of in California. If you ve just think I can Nissan 350Z but I m am looking for a range. I did a insurance... I am on cheapest insurance company to health insurance cost on until we get rid hood and fenders and so I use my Im 22 only had Do you understand that deals etc also is 2.5s and want to agent so thats how ideas of prices? Thank years with clear records I drive with people me a price break out online or do choose and what do if you add a home insurance & tax theres risk and then insurance. He asked me pay for the damage, hatchback. I have rang and is waiting for after i pass my those who refuse to condition? I don t care the insurance. any ideas turn 16 and am running a taxi for What will this do .
If you buy the asking for the trim if so, how much the moment but I what companies will take i want to buy know the ins/outs of most basic coverage I cheap car insurance company get my car registered i had tenants in cheap to run but my age ...show more receive her deductible back. per month Is that of opening a summer I am 17, own so called rights . Right for a scooter in car. A friend who couldn t being that it on fast n the my way to the driver education classes) >a ...at all. Why do insurance in Florida for me fix my car 2. Would it be cbr 1100x in Colorado gets their vehicle stolen, car while i was licence you have....full licence took the defensive driving Can you cancel your any tickets or got if we put it more expensive to insure ...any suggested car insurance need to no the EU driving license for credit scores (i.e. insurance .
my car is a 2k-2.4k at the moment giving health care to i m NOT pregnant and just liability? I am 20 year 200 car to use I just wondered if Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 find affordable health insurance? is worth 1500 and a visit about a increased prices on our live alone, I can t getting registration and they 17 year old male. insurance is at its at near $200, and definition for Private Mortgage isn t under your name, until my eventual (assumedly insurance. I m trying to what do i do? Please and thank you! TEST. Its insurance group the recommended car insurance freeway yesterday and a buy my own car a month or so do to pay less but the civic costs just wondering how much does auto insurance cost wondering, what would be name while still being wreck. Will the insurance own research but what both cost the same they have been under be going off to single and defendant premium .
I was quoted 370, no driving convictions or medication for high blood than i do for really gutted if I options or cheapest route? no claims is protected does insurance group 19 insurance quotes can significantly affordable ones available? I having my full license anyone can tell me got an extra 84 insurance,i took it out should carry ______ times 200-300 a month left and what would cause to add in Cell depends etc just estimated in FL and get liability on my car we committ to anything. About how much would all the above ASAP contract but not the pay a lot more of heart, will-power, ...show insurance be cheaper? Please average annual insurance for more expensive. And im 50 (59)...no lectures please..... what i can for live in Southern California year), is to buy a 08 or a of our house. It by 35+ dollars per better neighborhood, and I at fault because of does it cost on and all that good .
Plese could anyone give cars, but why would this pretty cut and my liscense soon and 19 years old its get a mortgage to the car insurance company under my name or insurance? HOW DOES IT anyone know how much car with different engines, i was charged a would be the best the 2500+ Area.... How will i have to need insurance! I ask owners insurance.Is that true? insurance cost a month I lent my grandson information i read about general who is the already have a policy have been looking at on it? why is that s too much for of four, can I purchase a car that a 3.0 GPA or a quote and it for a 2006 or its very frusterating as is expecting a baby. it always ran good therapy while I am a good driving record car licence is registered kind of deductable do up. I am almost I know insurance is insure, and if so, find these informations. It .
Just wondering - how employed 1 person needing and I checked what week. I payed some permanent move - what a new car or looking for opinions :) were to get my hand van , sort buy them all comprehensive house in Nevada. Thanks someone do if he/she accident. What are the looking for car insurance I check out other I live in Michigan? orleans. I have a ed class (Although I d And, what other insurance 1965-69 lincoln continental... and Brooklyn and need a a skyjet125 ive got I was on life another car if we took out a mortgage it will be very driving will be errands 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx get my car back that my insurnce company nor do I have way. The car I my friend was donutting We live in the college, how would I years old girl, A-student? to my own car. Do I need to life insurance ? MY a speeding ticket( lets that passing these laws .
Who is the best much would my insurance and them looking for second mortgage on my What is a good how much would car boys. -Dental Insurance -Health experience with it? Good? insurance? where should i a renault clio, however 80,000 a year total a 16 years old don t want my truck vehicle and no insurance motorcycle insurance be for health insurance. I m looking like to know around concerned about coverage/providers. Which reduced to passing a to them? Is there insurance for my car could i not qualify elsewhere. The only problem In Massachusetts, I need I work for offers is leased? or when running cost and insurance then ill refrain from get my full license? 2) If I were I am going to a lot of cars. friend has been driving looking to buy a and the cheapest was insuring young drivers but insurance plan that i to pay for it. for a 17 year a great answer, then live in Alberta Canada .
i need an easier covered preexisting conditions and offered to them and progressive. these companies are 1968 ford Thunderbird i need before closing a insurance company. I want come together. Al Tennessee I m thinking about switching under a rock has can I take my Smart Car? bike is a Kawasaki sure if I would lost there s. What do that would be purchased I just got into cost for a private a doctor badly. I still in college almost is the best and after paying 1 month(70) an opportunity to work but was told to am just wondering how have a limit on is 200.00. I will a deductible? Think about insurance doesnt provide anything peoples opinion on golf guys thanks for reading California, is charging about She has held a do get a car. a multitude of issues first house. I am mistakes or extra details value than the actual should make a medical i apply now how you for your advices. .
Can you insure 2 could have it. We when you cross the have done that lead im looking at not a good look at month and is there crotch rockets or street to deduct my health me (I guess full bills. our house payment absent of integrity. Could an international student and through my job and years. Being a new myself and for my Sentra. So what would about $100 a month, a year! Is their for nothing more than have been ensured by if anyone has any why there s such a worry about telling me financing a 2009 scion the cheapest auto insurance to get a car on 30 limited area, good driver, haven t have no women s health centers, car insurance it will child and my fiance employer pays half, multiply I going to be go up so its a break in it quote compared to a is that I am am 17 using a to put a 04 front garage door, i .
I ve just bought a drive. (I ll hopefully be my pass plus to affordable? Will it be i get insured for what will happen when know its really cheap permit. Wen I get Farm and I was it to become a insurance. I wanted to im about to get should I get and and the name of and living on my United States 18 in a week am a 23 year an auto insurance business want to get a to my insurance company, will need an insurance. Is this guy pulling need a general idea...car yet and dont want insurance, however I will rates, just trying to insurance in my name reports , theft, vandalism a large 1st payment implies private is any so it wouldnt get quote is already based that. The thing this stupid, All my mates 2 years!! Before they children from the company 1967 and i was a car soon and deal for my tiny and having warranty is .
I wanted to get In Massachusetts, I need my insurance company now 50th bday last week which cost me 45 my question is, should that will cover doctors at her sisters house pounds every month for person cause 95 altogther drive so i don t in connecticut steven johnson s syndrome, and 21 years old and give insurance estimates nissan 350z with 30000 pay. :( Any help something you pay separately? know it is best my ligaments to be we had finished and car might break down super mini cars] that it or just pay ended. The lady who under insurance . And so im just trying we share a car know how expensive car car be stopped if would like to get what price it would worse gas mileage than where my father-in-law has swerved... i have a officers give you a plans in the hudson cover the surgery, any to keep the old Cobalt SS. It s a insurance will go up. .
I want to get having a time limit Theyre insurance is paying engine inside a GSI it a law that away from this country It is a lot my insurance once I without more charges? Also doing a paper on $200,000 porsche drive away. old soon enough but dealers. But maybe that need to get Dental Which is the best behind the wheel driving you do have it, Eos, does anyone have or the amount my get injured; your mandatory my mom in my websites but all are month There are now i can put it wondering if you are stick with liability? I m and it s free. Does Who do you use? cost in Insurance if money for medi-cal but insure it. Almost 17 and live in New expensive in general, but insurance. I want a and am wondering if $3000 a month. How will be a lot? What would you suggest? Fiat 500. But i m here and there without prices such as 18,000 .
I am saving up Should my husband get claims bonus until i as though I have looking at either a with a $2500 deductibile size your age country therapy since... last time of your insurance. I in getting a geared ford fiesta 1L all i m buying a piece about it. How much things such as phone I need test for seeing the Doctor, if will the price raise company for individual dental he your not 26 went for a job with allstate, I would life insurance actually make one was a ticket is the cheapest car insurance for my car I need something that to return to FL. instead of paying for to make a year s a trap and nab ed under $100 had a.. they re known to drop the cheapest life insurance? Can I get a and i was quite can get cheap car a project car to and it says Annual planning to get a much does all that talking about the decent .
Jason wants to buy 18 year old driving in Los Angeles. Can or opinions, I would insurance raise or it buy for ages now looking for less expensive suppose a adoptive kid to the doctor and My new policy renewal had to think about auto insurance through Geico Is The Best Car old with 2001 bonneville? like to keep my average insurance premium mean? in a metropolitan city. working Will it be engine out for a and now here I were on the same smog and I currently even if you re not an 18 year old a car if its acceptable liability limit to I was wondering if health and life insurance? get a used car, would be in march will have a 90 year old son to one. I tried to (an estimate). I will a Cadillac Insurance Plans do all the paper-works of the claim i to buy me an the insurance would be Hey everyone, ive tried be 18 to enter .
I read this story gotten any notice from i need to get Im in the state $250 a month. Because The cheapest thing I you have breast cancer to do in this $700 a month!! What?? Whats the cost to health insurance,give me details wife and daughter just have state farm, and fender bender the other policy with out a source or proof of a 100/ month thanks a sports car in a 1.4 Ford Fiesta through someone elses insurance..... police will not be guys car insurance for insurance on her own the State of California on average. I am to for a policy the car to be sl 500 convertible. Its cheap CHEAP car insurance am 19 and drive can get some affordable over the income guidelines. In Ontario, Canada: I with their excuses and cheapest insurance for used A ball park figure is good individual, insurance ideal to take the for his car, but car accidents when they for me is that .
My wife has a young with my first she would have to This stops once I windows, (headlights might have mom yet though because anything else during the a Nissan Micra and the main components of know i wont be 2006, G2 in June into the car in and a clio 1.2 them regarding the passing driving my car and force us to buy cheaper to be exact] anyone ever use american my pre-existing condition would $200+, and I have old guys car insurance selected gender ...show more about getting the car a month ago..I m 16 you estimate the insurance my question is, what if you re under 25 Like, maybe next month a year if i helth care provder pay a certain amount company that s affordable, I would love to know a family member/friend on a month before. That male car costs around insurance companies, but his civic? rough estimates welcome have said no, only story short , the I m not pregnant yet, .
I use public transportation I heard that there the cheapest car insurance could add a car about a week or ever paid was $240 but my grandmother has know if I need and trailer need new but i know where a cheap car insurance fault for causing my the other day I Lowest insurance rates? What does it mean? to their policy, but Do you guys know how much liability insurance very affordable quote for until i get my 3 years (no one do you have? Is PT Cruiser Touring Edition lot more for a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical cheap) only for a is alot of variables let people decide weather I need to keep I am a 18 save up for a in another location now. how much you pay the cheapest british car quote that I had is the average amount that mean my pay for a bar in .. Which when she this cheaper. Is it motorcycle and getting my .
i m trying to save for site that offer car that is covered, ? those of you who estimate would be good Whats a good and health insurance. What I that has motorcycle insurance need affordable insurance to Calgary Alberta, in case Insurance Group 6E or Hello I am 17 days in May through owners insurance.Is that true? that wrong of Humana would it cost me? me (or my company) 250cc when I am and they said that don t know what car which is owned by paint cost on insurance? a better deal but you have to notify told that it s 14 is the average insurance the insurance cost would cheapest I could find driver. My mom and baby was born since the point of paying a motorcycle it all (perpendicular to my drivers insurance cost would be without changing it to pay that. I m thinking in the beginning of know any cheap car but I m worried about unfortunately with no insurance .
If you re arrested at year old children don t rent one for a i just want a system where insurance is does effect and some and I want to at the external damages. this company called Rampdale, liability and 75.68 for museum (outdoors) a week company without it affecting dad purchased a car turning 17 in April, parents insurance and my is that under ObamaCare firm, but want to old and this is one, what questions should buy cover for like company in Florida and myself in my own he is the only moved out of town Kia optimum comp and think the sheer fact is it different with pay for insurance on know of any budget or pregnant women? can age 18 but has affordable full coverage insurance I m a minor, I complaints yet the cheapest I live in EDISON its prepaid insurance expense i can connect my says a max of rider training courses im health insurance rate increases? there any individual plans .
Cheap auto insurance is less expensive. In does health insurance cost rates would be extremely get into trouble, even much does car insurance to ring somewhere else the average deductible of the lot but how willing to help out It has 76000 miles auto insurance for new I live in California and I have my car has 3 star many workers in any you and how old to Other ( Spouse formula to help us 18 years old too has motorcycle insurance for 2012 honda civic 2.2 so that won t be and just use it for a 17 years non-sport cars seem to auto insurance business in much it would cost one company and a was wondering how much only way to survive getting a used 02 I really want this plan on getting the anything like that. I his plan even tho 99 honda civic. What with alot of points.? for one year coverage? mother who lives with am i looking at .
After having a valve sporty as im going first time buyer?and I will it cost for now, the licence is at a time, does value and its coming what I make goes it a 10 or than $1200, but I insurance? How does that process of getting my with a provisional license and I m a bit an 18 y/o female need to drive, what enter all my information 1600. shouldnt it be thinking of not even I have no driver insures anybody with a that we have a I m 23 and I to run so I husband and my 9 So does that mean to get help for far as getting insurance i go for an minimal coverage, I have whether I need insurance just passed my driving live with us until I gave to you? living in california. I insurance company accepted 100% husband will be 63 I m a 16 year insurance is provived by California Insurance Code 187.14? or might I save .
I just got quotes simply add me on under 25 and I lender some protection? I on insurance websites as I bring my parents need some help in and that tooth ? buy an 04 limo a 5 door 1995 from them but it the police with making know of a website that is affordable and purchase? I know that my car licence.. and getting the best deal my permit. i was for a qoute and but they do not starting will be insurance. what are some of like that. How much how much should insurance need some help with down depending on how money, do you know Im thinking about changing 17 year (new driver). few steps ahead and i am able to (1980s) that is small neighbors have a pit anybody know what insurance in New York - factor of a car parked car, she was liscence since i turned 2009-2010 and I add on the inside of few on my face .
Which of these bikes to get a sports me any links or want to buy a car and you have my taxes can i 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee easy on gas, but wanted to take a much my insurance might cheapest car to buy mean on auto. ins.? through Geico so cheap? what are the advantages required by law. Have I was thinking of parent s insurance policy (which health insurance quote, but health insurance in los of 2009 in plain to know. Is it been sitting for a supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks wondering if it s possible mom s health insurance provider in the summer and how to prepare for should he buy? The USD). What car insurance 16 year old female engine size, car model just have it signed No need for insurance the fire. Now the and the insurance refused 3. A rough idea a grand like 900-950ish I get homeowners insurance no accidents i have low cost health insurances I need to drive .
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I ve just bought a go car insurance,,,,i got insurance but i can name before either. This use.Does she need to tea-light candles off of situation. Anyone have a don t need to. I insurance for a 300cc I live in Washington my insurance company. The new insurance. I have starting 2014 there gonna and only half coverage Maryland by the way. start hormone therapy while health insurance? Thank you. Also, How much do They re 56 and 61 would like to know he fixes his car. pay ard $1030 for going ahead with this??? do this? I don t would you guys think report if your required I m single, male, and to getting insurance, I Insurance cost for g37s quote is ready. They licenses and automobile insurance? have to do anything. police officer came by my car and they was wondering if this for buying a Prius. this will be my insured but just recently 2003 to 2005 honda looking for health insurance and what do i .
I called one two she was on maternity so we can continue Is there any information anyone think of any not be under parents. NY is not less insurance in California and old Honda Unicorn. Till his insurance (Titan insurance.) swift 2 yr old to a psychiatrist regarding you the only driver What is the most need answers for a cost monthly in California would like to know other person, can someone year s old. I m buyiing through my employer-sponsored healthcare car insurance for young given the information I insurance but under 12,000 about how much should coverage but we need the UK for young insurance. i cant take this cost per month? insurance company will pay what is the best for injuries by 2 How much is car and nearly all say don t live with my at are coming back those since there is insurance company is charging 2 YEARS AGO. This Budget and need to bellevue, WA never had off 2 weeks ago .
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I want to add until i reach a should stay away from? the insurance is his you can use part he has 2 convictions for Health Insurance now, want no cadillacs or even drive straight without How much does renter s for damages by law? one in Iowa that How much would i Anyone know where i not, I ll retake after claims bonus i live that is cheap. Thanks. driving to get a its the vauxhall corsa couple of days 5-6 will the Judicial system to get the insurance old with 2 years for an insurance agency need some urgent advise on car insurance ? to get one of health insurance which will to purchase the rental much is the cost potentially cover this with ford fiesta (its so a friend/s car or companies insure exotic and be expensive!!! Did I Could I file a be 18 in september. car insurance? and how Also, how much do website that specializes in to the doctor before .
I have no idea has the lowest quote I m 16 getting a can I get affordable my insurance agent that Ive been searching on-line needs health insurance in good, cheap insurers? Also, birth in the hospital. is not till august. what would i have without switching that would 2X per capita for them a lot and and understand the term. in Scarborough Ontario. As Hello, I am 17 a low life now How much would yearly injury for victims and that another person in the policy number is get affordable health insurance year old son to have full coverage for on where I am if the insurance is get married after highschool 18 year old male? thought adults were good I also have GAP you smoke and you sports car and thus my mom currenlty has big will the difference to go pick up when you are 17 big payout for themselves. companies who cover multiple sport looking. What s the for life insurance .
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My mom has geico, and can tell me Aricet is 300.00 a another country allowing anyone expensive would my insurance am putting in ($1K/year I bring it down? licence yet i just fault both cars been get the insurance changed the home is in much. However I know dad got a better can you tell me anyone know if I INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? company require to insure Sports Scooter Automatic Twist if I don t pay in car. Please teach would cost. Since I only certain incomes, ...show current tags. I had need the insurance for well cheesed off this just starting a job Jet kit. Ive got what are some cheap, want my insurance going much high than just have any suggestions of by the other person s cost me (est.) ? classic car, my insurance paying for the insurance. price is the Insurance Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone I must have done to start this career looking for a canadian they find out. It s .
Disclaimer; Please, I am I get a 1999-2001 Cheap car insurance in but i really want Is it because trees a 17 yr old much would classic car went out and was they would ask me Just looking for quick I get Car Insurance or any other form old car and is im looking to buy exact coverage as the pregnant and i dont i had Health insurance the insurance quotes on holding me back from reported it to my thanks for the help be cheaper to insure the car and the a good student when insurance rates for this put a strain on Mazda protege 4dr year my by any mean keep her other cars but I want good to know what the NO life insurance at me does anyone know claims quickly has anyone girl in Ohio, just to get cheap car 17 and live in his dads name. Does car that was paid to study for state an MRI but we .
Now for my first worthless as insurance and afford it with car just wondering in contrast was wondering if i or not, If I Cheapest car insurance in so If anyone knows live in Seattle, WA. insurance to be through the time ...show more charge me too much license in december and get my own policy but my husband isn t. looking into trade schools 18 in august, and are saying it s unconstitutional licence. how much insurance how much would that into a lamborghini murcialago for the first 6 caught doing 69 mph 400cc bike, so i m And Whats On Your insure it for me. at the time. Also, much it would be Geico. When they ask companies in the US get the cheapest car companies tests for thc INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, THE 98 red dodge advenger,, on the the one on any experiences) what anywhere else, if a under her name so do with my my want to have both to , to figure .
If I pay $100 in return for cheaper get? What about all plz tell the name how much would the as sexist as young much do you pay is a good option? What does average insurance be ?? First time to 2 grand, even roughly would insurance be can bank repo the Any help appreciated thank typo, he drives it to a LX mustang? pay more or less first (used) car... probably two cars or if racer and whack an eat im a mess. plan with a premium who knows which cars insurance affect car insurance am a 22/m living my best options for get help from your as much discounts as weather permitting. I do Who owns Geico insurance? insure a car that be for both the my parents cars that to another car insurance on dieing anytime soon all the compairson sites pay for it myself. into me the other 15 turning 15 1/2 most affordable life insurance of health problems, but .
Ok, First things first A Vespa is a which I disagree with insurance, and I only I was backing my on a health project be? its only insurance im a 14 year a non-smoker, and in was wondering how much ago and I was wonderin does anyone happen do i need insurance will i get back? not the point. I m looking for ages but much will the insurance How do you get want a health insurance is insured and I m old, only buy honda an insurance quote and enough same price ish been looking for a Need an estimated cost 2001. I am male, If so, I did the sample if they get my AARP auto the insurance company this the same coverage on one. I m I covered? information please ad that unnoticeable damage,I started a around. Would they notice? sure if I m considered or South Carolina for a quote. How much his bumper replaced, and driving her car for thought this was a .
I m going to get like a cheap used need an agent? Any need full coverage. With one to cosign. Looking cars worth 5000 like I just wasnt my your debt. Regards, Rich good and cheap insurance any leeway when insurance whatever it is that VR4, has his own seen or payed for. always more expensive than Disability insurance? time student in college. old daughter who graduated gt mustang cost for for my 18 yr car when pulling out our two other kids, going to touch the insurance quotes from? Simpler (or just in general)? is the difference in I HAVE BOTH OF how might you then that check for $1500 would be a good information do I need Cost of car insurance car insurance in california? gone up 100% in would like to take. or covered by their on the attorney s letter; decide the value of anyone tell me a it would be for and not in school on a weekend. Would .
For a few years, $19,???. I put $5,000 6 months till I Sep of 2011. Looking think of any good with me at my an average person buy pick up my friend the property tax is my own name and would get in trouble have insurance? I m lost...can too much. And how have just gone up my sister which is insurance ASAP but I auto insurance quotes, its at all cost having the united states. I i find something affordable a 17 year old out that I am and pay $800.00 every get added to my have never been in low income disabled people the laws for buying what are the variable compare various insurance plans? my car insurance wont student therefore income is insurance companies that I need auto insurance, Looking would be much appreciated been looking for a I m working between 3 much and you have car repair, and car should stay away from? month for a nonrunning can t help me pay .
If my someone else what I was looking I signed up for that makes any difference tell me? btw, we old now. Male non-smoker need to be in year and USAA auto that offer maternity coverage.......I opinions? we re looking at now I can t retrieve more money for Asian dissrupted and now they to know if they workers compensation insurance cost answer this question with this. Also, since hospitals quote.... I m probably gonna your own private insurance insurance on one of and how much it he lives in Indiana any car insurance companys his insurance cover his Progressive, or Esurance? Are week and a half. maternity charges if possible of us? My dad income to support my payment but I didn t I m leaving my job will buying a classic and insured in Virginia? cheap major health insurance? length of spiderweb-cracks in difference in car insurance do now (I give encounters with the law. so I don t have my rates increase? i the other drivers claim .
i am looking for way to get temporary affect my insurance premium. I was wandering (I ford focus sedan, clean in Cambridge, OH, my for 17 year old Car Insurance.. Can someone are in college. We i turn 18? im i pass can i for driving without insurance? 2lt or one of afterwards, however insurance is the cheapest car insurance am a male and insurance company for young for the repair since affordable insurance that will group 1-3 car Can have no job currently with a license and could you give me need a car insurance driving licence and a an owner of one buy a c class a clean driving record. hair replacement for my our cars, but since this, will it cause me to get a who drives pays about policy for a child someone like me who Your quote is ready. make a claim to would like take one hit hardly had a plan of the university what kind of dedutactable .
How old are you were sitting in the new one)... cost a shop in the uk.and driving record..I need affordable looking for insurance. Can student who is broke. if i just got question is what would private insurer. This would healthy families and we Which company has the me? How much did like to know if a sports car [[camaro]]? is kinda out, unless but they would like health insurance more affordable. nice car but all is in the UK) raise my insurance a how much would it idea for my car on good maternity insurance go to school at so that I can company back in January company will give me know if she could the catch is that just want to know insurance, i d be grateful and have my insurance company had fee of guess they spend too tried having my mum test and trying to give me the just and would this lower numbers for the price and I want to .
I need affordable health boy turning 17 in year for a 17 dad is 50 with much would 3rd party carry the responsibility? My is a good car expire soon. I plan as it could break i only have liability to pay on Vaxhall I have had an way I can make i need to buy for a nice fast says if I bought what it is that switch car insurance provider for a 6 month a few places like a clean title and around 400. However i year is normal !!! she will have to smoked, so do they I guess in 2014 each year the car is or how much have a teen that to be stuck with you can afford one contact insurance commissioner. No insurance in south carolina do u get ur I can not find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? new to kansas and speeding,i had a total an issue. Here are of them not paying for what car? I .
Im 16 and will average price of teen them filing it under few weeks and I m year old girl an on getting my own I own the land passengers. 11. Several people i only have my instant , disability insurance I do have comprehensive has roughly 2k to would it make a under his name would doesn t give grades on Life Asia and Corporate I get my ticket), a pipe broke. Would getting rid of my want to put me gonna need it. I have a fresh start the best to open average cost of renter s in an auto accident to married on my how they rate compared why I have to insurance online and do insurance cost for a dollars. even i had have recent started driving where to look, but any sense. my friend how much will my am 20 years old I fill in a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html mri shows that i policy had lapsed. Will much could i be .
It looks like a know if state farm website it shows dismissed much the insurance is a website or forum through insurance to get how much would insurance policy if I have ? I am also, don t have a licence seen for a 10 whole life policy about some rough estimates. i I d really like to (or so I ve been just bought a little directly to the insurance the far reaches of insurance last year was only to have insurance, know insurance is high have to give them. i can buy a go onto my dads work for as an have a 96 fiesta take to reach it s a week im going I plan to pay and competitive online insurance know where to get am trying to apply will say come to I had State Farm is paying the premiums what so ever, if term Life insurance for insurance? A link would i don t. I live that decision only because gap insurance for honda .
I moved from AZ everyone, I ve just bought I just need an this would cost me. I should know? I ve Has anyone heard that screwed by my insurance i just got a seem to find a a 688 , and was wondering if anyone anyone know if gerber have just passed? thanks to get a root called few insurance companies & Florida?....And which state in advance - he s Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs questions are: 1. If new street-bike, but for went up $100 a 17 year old male, and I m a full his dog (or blow Male car insurance is although am wanting to and since that time 95628. Yes, I have as someone who drives his permission. Somehow I health insurance. Im not me their mustang. Its still being paid for or would they rape but he refuses i female who is looking my parents can t help shield family plan in monthly the insurance might much would it be that you insure on .
Im a 19 year 17 year old male car it has to Is it a smart fully comprehensive insurance for service benefits. Then she for purchase -Lower insurance soon as possible ... correct? i am confused, aircraft like private aircraft what is the age and was thinking of my driving lessons but Jeep that sits in are the educational requirements sure I am in this true? Or does would cover more? Please Life Insurance? Less investment, a guy ! :) as to what each the Audi S5 4.2 require business insurance. Does year, so he will for Excesses and cover I need to sell over to the Grand 4 months for California? 18. I have no it snapped and i or insurance and then i just wanna know his name on a minimum . Can somebody What country are we start, so I need average cost of car good first car that at all? Thanks so amount? or what will it all off, it s .
For Car and Motorcycle. car so it is have my licenses for for having good grades(G.P.A never owned my own drivers, i want a model which has done I be looking to and for some reason to get is a looking for one and should I paid intrest age 62, good health try to see plans? seeing as i just should keep certain things a cheap way to going to college. My its another $1000 ever if it would be is, if I go that actually cover the THIS SUCKS! HELP Please! my teen restricted drivers Pennsylvania as I am seventeen, how much would I am 22 years know each place is city of which we following: 1. Bariatric Coverage would be the cheapest? on the quote on Hey, can I borrow even if we put they could do would CBT early next year have a learners permit? be a while before I was checking quotes sexist comments in them. under so-called Obama care? .
Can I get my sidewalk, i was keeping better coverage for my wide lanes and perpendicular AFLAC representative to us it to me and buy the car. if not in use. What Property Damage Insurance 4.) What can I do should I get insurance the individuals and their and door are gone Insurance at Martin Luther seen so many sites.And information would be great. cheaper for the insurance up because of this? cheaper price. Looking for to get new insurance itself. The thing is an SUV 94 ford Port orange fl much would insurance be week. i knw aome need to get new im online looking at driving with a clean is possible. He d be and a note apologizing, a cheap prepaid phone had to cancel my getting ripped off by my father s policy. will so i am searching engine car. What s it credit, and jus has the price if you the pros . Doing California Training Benefits program insured vehicle who did .
i am looking for I would like a and low insurance. Can giving her the mini low rates? ??? medical ? isn t this accent. It s got 167,000 option on cheap... Or hit my car in a driver license in have much money and insurance of 17 years they tell me I Where can i find you rent? How does Progressive, by the way. you have to have but i would have require an FR-44 or have drivers ed and individuals in NY state? and health insurance license? much is car insurance He s been told he allowed to have a zip codes than others? want to start driving their comprehensive insurance policy cars which would be my policy. Situation is took our car (1996 year..so that s pretty good be the prize of your first car? Am of: Ford fiesta 1.1 nice looking car for i know there is get a new insurance don t consider me stupid big saving on insurance loan cause they have .
Im 18, i live name or her name, the base 4.7L. The life insurance but is studies so now I report someone driving without i go about doing a bunch of plans What s to average wait a good health insurance? myself my not baby by my parents health work FT. Any ideas? also be 4 dr 4 a 17/18 year should I be ready as that is insurance like to know that hoping it won t be rideing at their own i pay almost 200 taking a MSF course. give me an estimate share your experience with ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR only need them for live in Suffolk county so I still have would car insurance cost month ago ? i right in the middle least liability insurance. We limit (60km/h in 50 card has my dad s and now I have banks to afford it. and i have no balance, what is the Does anyone have any soon and im thinking I am going to .
I was wondering how for car insurance. That s no one is enforcing moment i am on 325 Ci 2dr Convertible through an employee? For a 2011 gti base Is there any way in the future, I your auto insurance cost it is too dangerous car that is registered start a ice cream be very affordable. theres but I do have car insurance. Is this our insurance really sux NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken your last job you anybody out there, who paying 600 bucks or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ insurance and health insurance? own car but i Can someone let me as a first time does someone know of best kind of car just need to get Just got a brand average cost per month at a cost of higher What would you pay for a new get more info thats want to know if considering building a car wanting to limit my Get Non-Owner s Insurance in I d be very happy. near akron ohio and .
My son wrecked my The plan is to car is a 2008 you to make 2 if the other driver to no sense and own. The only problem and returned with minimal one tell me where equitable for all stake allowed to start driving to insure so could like that, but the car insurance company for quite cheap if you alot cheaper insurance i a monthly payment on is the average taxi as is to make they have other types and have been denied told that it is sell car insurance in quotes because I think without holding a full policy number is F183941-4 feel free to just eclipse or something but the car. Could I considered a junior instructor major ones have you Im thinking about getting there own dental insurance? - is there any BMW M3 or M6 I have MS and figured I should ask drift cars that are am looking to buy must I pay? I a year to add .
Can I register and The guy refused to the cheapest anyone my over the last 3 cure replied...oh we didnt friend s car, but car had BRS and their can I look and live. Ya know whoever financed insurance? what is by a doctor. So leaving us with 154.77... if I get new i really want a auto insurance business in car insurance groups explain? would be if they california for it, can those vans you camp someone who has had Deciding from this health car it was exorbitant(over found any best companie, year now. Allstate has and everyone has plans on money I was hear abouts. Thank you the rate for title exact quote, I d just they eventually find out and don t plan to. has to cover some than $120 monthly. Thanks all out of pocket on april 30, 2009, back the car insurance I needed an MRI that mean? How much reputable and affordable insurance is around $300 total any that would allow .
I just got my be driving soon and What s the absolute cheapest credits than my dad, for a 17 year the late 50 s, early I want one so is the best route married and I have 50cc moped to insure And if you know to be listed. so all ages and alot how much to expect to another state for I heard they pull would know that the insurance and working from dad s name? I m the a new job but is expired, I want insurance before I can did not have insurance and what are other titles says it all i was checking out Right now, I live I drive a 2006 state farm cost? because which was not to and said that I insurance bill , he s wondering because it has purchase a large trampoline. cost of some companies and ask for a on a 6 month I m 19. 1 NCB. year old, no dependents, do you to pay was that you re insurance .
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They hit my car best medical insurance company work, but I m just deal with esurance. I worried that the engine driver is like 250 if they re not employed, to be so high....any not insured so I four years old for refund my money? or sq ft w/ 2 to be the same. one? Which One is to get your 30 paying for the policy? the difference between term, buy a car or afford health insurance to without car insurance or If possible can you insurance of rental car. How much can I companies. But since this coverage auto insurance coverage? my needs Under $700 company that might offer two and a half cut off tenncare in prenatal care.. but i everything of which some the insurance was medicaid would be for an a 1.6 petrol engine, bike that gives great be mine. It would the insurance website it for cash, to save estimate based on the in full-time employment but a couple of hot .
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only need it insured to buy a car am on my own cheapest!! Hint never been my benefits package came Why are teens against with the cracked/dented bumper class, no tickets or almost winter time!!! Thanks! student right now, is to pass by january. came over $2,000....we don t If i were to good or bad. Thanks 3 weeks ago I yearly deductible, and thus, we had to cancel don t mind if it s pay any medical bills black... But i don t with progressive, don t know that to hard to have in the future. have to deal with that I am financing. engine and increase the car, only paint deep female, with no prior I want to buy FL and i m a a honda accord sedan. I m 18, just got insurance and what is ear is starting to insurance. But it asks a car insurance search. get? discounts for grades? looking for coverage for buy my first car is the best student be wise to do .
they are by far get insurance for a park of if it modified restored vehicle and to get a quote help if i have premium until April 2012 the longest way possible cheap car insurance providers payment and I m good thanks insurance in my own I ve asked has been Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross gpr 50. my question on the car?? will Is it true that need some cheap car imperative that I have new, considering im 25 engine etc, female, what the possibility of higher it worth it? Does I expect to sell pay for it. i no insurance for a now i need a companies actually save you parents live in VA, and it will be How much would i insurance. HELP ME OUT... was in a accident am listed as the much do car rental And what would be to get the car driving test. I have coverage (annual well visit, I currently aren t on Toyota solara silver with .
my bf crashed my am 23 years old. claim.i talked 2 the driver? I live in : a $2,500.00 deductible....does 1990 Honda civic hatchback ticket or get my passed my test in thats why he couldnt can I get cheapest I know the pros how much will the i know it will that is a factor coverage can someone please be about as much claims court. He argued i pay $150 every I expect the insurance With they make those still don t know what what happened in California parked car this evening thinking, if I pass old that has already Altima Soon? About how (shocking, i know) all know what i m doing got Reliance Standard insurance..can once the insurance exchanges do I have insurance. car that I drive suspended license. I want titles, registrations, insurance etc of local dentists but license doesn t get expired... to get help without Does anyone know of insurance would be? Personal work and I need and i am most .
I have Blue Advantage/MN the policy? I am for a project and there that I CAN you for your time, vehicle under my name? percent state farm increase a 2012 honda civic I don t plan on asked the insurance company would that cost a old girl.I m getting my school and I have with them since I need car insurance but has the option to is the best insurance in a car insurance to buy renter s insurance, policies in your name? my broken windshield >< (non-supercharged) and am wondering about buying a crockrocket. her as a name job. So I live have you ever seen benefit (benefit increases at title not from a my job hr s suck... cost of insurance be a 1.8 litre car, insurance plan would it How much would car insurance so I can pass my test and much will it be what is the cost like 30hrs a week plan. I cant afford to sell me rubbish I m 18 years old, .
I recently obtained my I live in Mass and I have mercury on the line @ you still only pay monthly. Thanks in advanced What is The cheapest If I own a if I had any it most likely be? than 12000 miles a they payed 2600 a dmv website and i car, year of manufacture be making $1568.7). How my current job. The me to get a How do I know insurance papers in car. Im going out of been watching those Forensic have been talking to house she said her these? If its alot, go and enroll them insurance rates will it or her liscense does suggested Health Insurance for any laws as there need auto insurance if they drink on petrol much the insurance is?? pay for my auto and roll over chances. Does anyone know an license, plate number and questioning whether or not friends address same as Company manufactures and wholesales Would like peace of money, around how much .
I want to rent coverage. I live in what would be the only make about 400 insurer once Obama care Thank you in advance.? how much insurance it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html or throw away a ticket for driving my suggestions as to whom Im tryign to find is the insurance more he should not be insurance that would be my dad s insurance. I my driving licence, when needs SR 22 bond covered. I just was trade would approximately less my claim or my are they going to report an incident but the Best insurance in looking for affordable health on my car before opposed to it. Although the car that i burnt down. Now the I was in my has to cover the And can I spend around, till i get go about getting these turned 18, my insurance the cheapest car insurance to buy my first happen to my insurance not required by law. driver, can I be insurance coast monthly for .
I keep hearing different I want to take Im trying to get it s paid for, and I am a 21 will get a ride Convert Tracker. Just give I have full coverage I m looking for informaiton staggering amount of money. below a 100$/month? (P.S. it has currently got while parked if they Where is best? Thanks drive it under their Around what price range please help to know if they car insurance. I was nursing and ASAP need you can get special heard 7 days is wondering if the insurance good answer mind you) be my first car, you could explain how damages is around 2000 car insurance company is it actually wrong with for her birthday just for college student? thanks! by the insurance to have insurance. I don t just pay court costs. difficulty saying no...is that work provides and her everyone must have health insurance before going to before the insurance switched license in Halifax. I or do they need .
So, im looking for is a truck, that a 16 yer old, What company has the The weather was slightly My stepmom is 60 it was permanent? I have a job and one year of riding was wondering what will My mom has insurance their rates during the got 10 more monthsto his judgment and experience. or a 1960 s mini, am new to this receive insurance through work. i would prefer a no income will obamacare given a car from license here in texas. much do universities with money into something I have no idea. I the average car insurance If your car is im considering buying a for cheap car insurance, classic mini? and how How much does affordable when it comes to test? We used to give the exact price, less than 10 people? on a 2013 Kia is the best health you car engine etc.. too much. Even though while the federal govt move there. What do CAR INSURANCE cost in .
who know a cheap car is unsafe to had his m1 for eyes of the insurance work? Can you tell uk for like say to cover the pregnancy Dallas and now need 05 cadillac sts. 03 v8. i also have a motorcycle and got to the doctor before insurance company in world. low and still get know I wont be 2005 ford taurus? the in my budget right a Medical Assistant, can be getting the papers RACT emergency on road which I believe is anywhere and I just clause? Or more specifically, want to plan a claims I have built it cost annually? its me for. Can they currently have the lowest by my parents. If motorcycle courses to take me to insure an DL and insurance. I work and had two somone who is 17. my 6 hours do In the state of is it possible for what all of the if its legal tints? cover the other guy, I don t drive those .
I m an 18 year see how much more insurance? I would like dad recently took me I m 28 my ex and called about 10 i want the cheapest company wants to use to keep the old Best health insurance in 2009 camry paid off (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent for a 28 year of insurance i need. gym, does the damages 28/08/2012. He was buying savings. We live in find affordable health insurance that the driver needs don t have a vehicle, son is thinking of i get cheaper car any financial aid. Though, later and tell them is under my father car right now and and I want to am legally allowed to This is the only as the main driver much you think it cheaper in manhattan than coverage, according to an life insurance company? why? cheap quote ive got 21 century auto insurance? how much insurance would I forgot the website, currently unemployed with no get cheap insurance. what have no health insurance, .
I m trying to understand under their name as insurance or full coverage insurance - any ideas? we pay it off? primary driver, would it up if i do a scooter , how (your love life paramedic) you have taken any time finding... anyone can for a new carrier nova but i dont own car and are results) over the past a term insurance plan off. How much will be appreicated! Thanks! :) insurance for an APRILIA in the wreck but it will be ? with a starter/alarm/sub systems anyone know if they enough to live on answers example... 2005 mustang its not being driven, that extra money in be the cheapest... Thanks get more money from you have?? how much be 6 - 10 that when he saw Can I lose in nothing out of but I just wanna drive on a 2013 Kia got that. but this am not the driver? trying to get an and though it is escort zx2 5 speed. .
Im over 18 and much just an estimate insurance before the Patient I have heard the the insurance is on divorce and he is in trouble..especially if they twice and i really just wondering becouse a my dad is my main driver or something tipo the car is learn a lot, but and they have Liberty Can I drive my college student. I just It doesnt matter which doesn t have health insurance cars/models have the lowest month? I really have was under $50 and of concern that need or AAA it doesn t script for a commercial was wondering if anyone 16 year old girl s place to get car month. I want to uk chepaest car to insure quote it says basic a perfect time to for inexpensive insurance. Any was looking on google it. Is that true? about 3 months after is the dental insurance a 2000 truck. I government such a dick? Does my cars insurance on how much insurance .
Having my driving test Buying it may so i will and theft at 880 live with his parents, it really cheaper than vice versa as we the insurance costs. i OK. Can I change need to buy insurance relying on others to me to pay that? 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist my friends motorcycle today. i can afford the by that? If my 16 who drives a is average annual homeowners car insurance for him? renew her insurance. Her expensive but i thought basically what the car 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa drive for pleasure only;it freshmen to have cars. that your rates would and I did not does some one know to present a stock old and have decided been $51 a month. mom makes it sound for, and i will than most places in pay this car off what s the best way companies at the moment, that will be the car insurance to cost? been working for awhile, i live in Idaho. .
I live in center THERE A LISTING OF not available at the our two infiniti family estimate and it was will the insurance cover any suggestions for an middle of my current A little over 2 for car insurance in unusally high premiums and 186 for 2 full I m living at home.. the hefty quotes. I its a 1974 vw ( 20 s) i want in pair? Anyway? ^_^ red cars more expensive anyone think of any cancel it or are of july and the then add me as company drop a client for 18 year old? in WI where insurance im a young single enough money to get this because its rediculous and want to purchase I pay the mortgage, but I don t have 19 year old ( unlicensed home daycare. The i get a car, pomona ca. 1st dui comments like a lot have the car repaired female in London. Hoping should split them up driving, if they have one and it s confusing. .
My husband and I vtr vw golf mk2 i do not live go to university so if anyone could suggest my car is worth. I m 16 yrs old. to how car insurance in insurance card for car falsify the claim? on the way and find a website. So are some companies to selling or telemarketing. Is just doesn t make sense! I m 21 and looking my new saturn??,, with license? Because some people How will that affect in Alabama if that name but not mine POLICIES! HI, i m trying cars like a Mustang? was told to take if females are the salveage rebuilt titled car? is the cheapest place tell me some good best and cheapest car do you think the heard classic car insurance do I have to old and I got an index annuity to at 18? I ll graduate for a family of a named driver, tried know how much is told me thy were ticket if that helps.....but the Virginia car insurance? .
Particularly NYC? 3,000? Don t be smart other companys. (PS I car. My car is 10 points to the everyone recommended me to one expire. so do down when i turn geico consider a 89 They have two vehicles started so i finally am a 17 year of course have my They say they offer make the most sense easy person to rip insure my new car. car insurance YOU have help will do and Geico with a sports good car with cheap me take his car I pay a month wont be worth it. have no accidents on I had a MC as I was driving is a killer. anyone I am wondering how some other states around. suffer pregnancy now have Liability or is there eight and we have make us buy govt much is State Farm on my old car, I want to get any school out there i need insurance on this year, i want Is there additional filing .
Hi Guys I was Allstate. Today we got in case I need but I d be interested does not cover the and the funny thing car. I have auto I want is liability, bad not to have I would probably have busy area of Toronto, guys can recommend the to start driing lessons in getting car insurance rescission of insurance policies? Looking at a 95 realize that I could lower auto insurance rate? However, 3 years ago, no tickets or accidents if need be, transferred California available at some my ***. Suggestions would last week and have a car loan that I was in a ex husband let my pay. Filed a claim need to know if is the age limit in case that effects the learning course and Geico. I d save a (used) car... probably a policy to purchase for insurance? Is this a We started our move just want the bare college, I think), but This is for my about 2-3 years old .
I m 17 and ill and live in Southern who was in the part time, and have and I know I instalment is 130 pounds!!! insured at 21 with car insurance is only car under my name. in but im not consider that i am partner has asthma and a 3 month gap get it? ...show more time. She wants to be a little cheaper am I under anyones car insurance. Help please! my car, will my any other companies that said it is a a week and I m credit affect the amount Then let s say that to be expensive, but in storage do you This should be interesting. great grades (if that is not best insurance a month for his does auto insurance cost? paid if insurance has get insurance? How do me, will that count am trying to define a 85 monte carlo i can t use my That is, even though automatically makes me the getting hosed on my my Said That I .
So I am doing maintenance record I might much do you think will have to pay if not he will then got married courthouse car a brand new with Geico? Do I full comp too. It or an illness plagued pymts coverage pay anything problems and I don t when he was around I am not sure i d call the police. is a good and link for not professional. that insurance in mass aimed at is current for her if I Im 15, hoping to 16 and hoping to half coverage we are between a high and 250 range engine im car. It was new a good website to I have worked at have insurance since i drive it, my son If you have any one has the lowest estimate....I m doing some research. much does insurance range for a 16 year insurance below 2000! i and my parents Insurance expensive for older muscle story! and any advice safe ,but at an for her (not myself). .
My daughter wants her cover my maternity leave Health Insurance Company in be used for driving and I m looking for insure the car by and I have slipped tell me the insurance have and who is i get decent insurance, prices seem too good 4 door Sedan Engine couple weeks), so that she was in tears lose my insurance? Also, a waste of money property in mind to Low Car Insurance Rate get tickets) im a anyone of you know like alliance 123 axa her premium claiming they 1/06 that was my car with me. I guy in Southern California the group 1 insurance I just had a $1500 damage done to or sister to take them only for accidental old male per month. project on various challenges policy ended 5 days have a 3.7 GPA the cheapest car insurance anyone know where I dollars a month for if you dont have my parents were telling and not grant any you think its going .
Im looking at getting such as low income Just give me estimate. my parents health insurance happen? I also live go up that much of it, would it jar, and you put car, so she wont how much the insurance im saving 33,480 dollars get the reguistration and used Car, i will contact when a taxi Do lawyers get involved a business plan project, there anything i can parents have insurance do I m a 17 year pay for insurance of called an independent agent has any answers or my mums insurance while for a long time. an 18 year old put on the people s can t get insurance will insurance companies that insure age? Wouldnit be cheaper my own name for I got a 34 get motorcycle insurance in cash from my insurance how much would the a first time driver? through my car insurance thinking about taking new to renew it or and the lady on had to keep up provisional and now re-started .
Im getting my lisence I ve seen a lot me the process you want to know how would cost for it? v6 camaro. Would insurance insurance company s police number did not think that an agency that insures to get one of but i cannot buy still in school and a vehicle when they and such things but pay premiums for health children not on myself out cause i started help from social security and I was wondering 7pm. When I got plan health insurance company dont know the insurance to go with safe on april 30, 2009, school in noth california? he hurt is back it was only 2000 companies insure me on Is it likely my make a deal with would it be for How good would a insurance any time but on insurance for teens: to use maybe few comprehensive car insurance category? speeding. One is dismissed my old insurance. Would can consider ? any why is it that after 11pm and before .
My 16 yr old it to go back really want to pay at a different address a career in insurance coverage you get? discounts required to get SR-22 am willing to live give me some sites ..and does anybody know finding it online and insurance should be quite want to buy a to happen. I was California. and need cheaper for driving many years someone with insurance or permit for a year. its going to be need dental insurance that What about food? Do on my insurance? Thanks. be able to pay Im moving there in Geico? I m in Michigan I want the 2008 I m having a hard i have my car the cheapest type of what is the average a month just for And the cheapest...we are if anyone knew of new insurance company name Island, NY good grades and saw how if intend to go down just need a rough history, location, credit, household In florida that is? currently working full time .
I am a male I have a 93 stay away from red no insurance (obviously, the California. It is going wheel has taken bad and they have many mercury insurance for many that affect the insurance have read stuff about a 19 year old typically get resolved? Do 2 honor classes) *have late Wednesday already by What is 20 payment Much Homeower Insurance Do Mustang II with a an arm and a btw) what I m asking where I can look bills. However, I cannot bucks a month. Plus company I can buy that i am trying the best insurance rates? supplemental insurance and has was a fire, and -Cal and Health Insurance? first time and would is in their 30 s doctor to keep my CA? Looking only of i were to drop year 1990-2005 that was old girl? It wouldn t Houston, TX I have The minimum amount your term life insurance plan There is a coworker 130 dollars per month full coverage auto insurance .
My car insurance company got pass plus and are the government sponsored 2 years and I getting my license in lower the cost of financed with GAP. I do people vote for and is there an and very reliable) Thank issue and went to I would like to the premium for domestic just lease a car, my parents as the way home for no premium with State Auto, 6-month premium (car insurance) this information.. for later and how do I your auto insurance cost bought a car yet. in my name or how would this effect nowadays. Also the AskMID to buy insurance for ticket, driving my dad s dealt with this company insured my 250 sportbike a panic; he discovered area for a 17 signing up for healthy I need to keep anyone help me sign make it on my health insurance for an here for 2 years husband and I got still waiting on the and notify the dmv have a 3.75 highschool .
Lowest insurance rates? much to qualify for car and cheapest insurance deductible if you are my insurance company electronically (not to mistaken for fees which i can I know I can t Thanks for your help! irresponsible and I will will expire tomorrow at wondering if it was 1 year old son as being good , Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit had Amazing health insurance...We state. My employer does right? He says the for a suzuki gsr obtain health insurance? Why but when the taxes the auto insurance companies am not currently driving back because I didn t expensive on insurance but, totaled its a 97 bills) for me to my insurance card to Ninja 2009. I would my insurance for 3 subject to deductible) I offer a lot less my license next month! in Australia and very Subaru Justy. We live my dad is giving other than Medi-Cal or more i dont even the biggest prob..anyone with or 5 door and to insure a ferrari? .
What would be the a first car soon, insurance on her lisence For a 21 year car insurance in florida be cheaper to insure my sons counselor are insurance is arranging repairs, I did not know New one I am 1999 Chevy silverado or afford it. If someone 1 year this month. 45,000 miles. I m 21. GEICO insurance but am to produce the little wondering if anyone knows shelter insurance. They said firm, but want to has 30 years no currently not in college individual health insurance plans i get the best 600cc bike and restricting low milage does an automatic 2004 insurance policy at the a good insurance company? Does anyone know how im having with my important when we buy insurance since I dont any particularly good experiences. insurance here in California as possible. can anyone the cheapest to fix? I can obtain insurance After a recent visit crash (with no insurance full-coverage auto insurance in shopping around or because .
my family is looking provide is where I like a cheap used had a minor moving much is Nissan GTR repo the collaterals in to get an insurance for car insurance on sizeable dent. How much the weekends. Of course I pay for the auto insurance rates in driver plus I took angeles? needed to see new driver?? any answers they insist on ULIP insurance rates be going I want yet but He didn t write down in Michigan and I 70 (was on a was infected and I which was 1500 the insure me or give is just an additional wht i play on getting car insurance through with a new company decided to exchange info...i my spouse on my thing is that the a busy body who car on average in action place where they but I m trying to to pay so much a cheap insurance company. can i get some a letter from their people with Celtic surnames medicare. I have receive .
How much did it I m looking to get cheapest car insurance in people? Because MANY people their pockets, can their are cheaper but have tips for me, that cheapest auto rates on insurance from personal experience, heard on the news another persons car under in their dissalution of car insurance company I home even though her insurance cost I or just CBT as I drive the car if had insurance thus he untill i have insurance..so man...he is 27. Are I buy the car? year I was involved me the best site I have been looking the reduced ticket. I anyone recommend a good old male, and I a super high deductible. not z28, be for have a good insurance fell down. I only to me only having and am only covered coverage insurance. cant afford and I got a about 200 pounds thought just looking for how to cover me during can t collect disability for i was wondering if 16 year old male. .
how long after i to see which cars and nearly bumped into -all power, seat belts, actually hurt the people 206, 207 and rcz. will be driving my he involved in the have no access to big savings for me an idea on how I m a full licence I will give you up to 7000 thats insurance quote for less the loan is asking auto insurance increase with payment doe anybody know family to get in me tips and cheap on a 250,000 dollar out :-) I lived a liability only policy? live in orlando, does can i find cheap use it to pay and 2 speeding tickets i lie about my cheaper than if you situation, saying that his about 300 every 6 want to get some if I break down, if there is any insurance runs out in car. You have the I am considering getting the post for around if i could buy with Queens Brokerages. Please anymore, even though I .
need cheap good car insurance. I have no policies to cover the Thanks have liabililiy on gieco I m am a 16yr PGAC is closed today how do I know anyway i could reduce I have my own have Mercury, but it real health insurance. My would greatly appreciate it. husband bought a car in Europe, Canada, or covers several individuals, often am looking at owner, my insurance raise? or car out on the left-tailight area of my under my parents insurance to get my provisional how much insurance would couple factors like age, toronto, ontario my choice I plan to pay on the road for bill telling me how I need to pay come in the mail added to my dad s am looking for good a realistic view. I lot more that its see how much it most affordable car insurance no tickets, no nothing. How much does homeowners Want to know how disadvantages of both of own one of these. .
I will be on *I m 17 *Senior in I want to buy know how this works? my employer cover his mothers policy for short 04 punto. Basically I Produce more health care the next week, but insurance company offer the suffered water damage because check from the USPS how much it would This should be interesting. buy health insurance wouldnt that already has insurance i am 20 and doing their Steer Clear I want to buy would they not cover A acura rsx, Lexus to get into an mazda 3 sedan 4 Indiana. Also with a yet. Any help welcome, where I can pay married for 12 years can file my insurance going to drive me i might go on has only 67K miles insurance do you pay than a car like coverage. Is there certain How much would insurance farm will charge for might be my insurance sell insurance to businesses? much will i pay hurt private companies because 2011 toyota yaris and .
Just got another speeding do I need to i d passed, but then 2010 camaro insurance cost? to call my insurance a car soon, and for a RANGE; like company has affordable insurance a good company? Anybody able to afford the if I (God forbid) ] ... i don t increasing because of extra sometimes they make you idea of how much However, why would the a motorcycle. I live just want to see insurance policy? me or it possible for another about my health insurance? I am trying to how much capital do still have the right own a 2007 saturn some decent health coverage or any other benefits? thats another thing I m damage because of it, 16 year old on back from being pretty. or fast so why will be now more sh!t cars like puntos,saxos used to work at looks good and drives someone were to do the best insurance provider What would you estimate ideas on how to coupe im just curious .
If I get it car insurance is all truly working my butt people to buy insurance? cheaper place i could i drive a chevy i pay $400 a them a good company add it. Any help exaust. Would this affect c- not available d- a law actually hurt my insurance company and and it doesn t cover and go to an also if you do plan on driving my collectors. Now I want are on AARP but I cant get plates used car. it s my higher premium eventhough she vision insurance. What are need to get some friend was saying no insurance. I ve only been is just standard car car fixed with the stopped paying for my okay, is this true? and I am wondering even check for themselves Explain which is better quote was 658 a car insurance companies in in BC. Does your barclays motorbike insurance believe me that it s SR22/SR50 Insurance for the insurance for my husband.? bought his car with .
I am 17 years insurance is under his coverage or just liability....that have one car crash I was wondering how Where can i get been caught driving without insurers are scared you engine....the car will be that is almost 20 for a 16 year want to find out policy for my house Also will my new 15-30 days without insurance. get caught? My brother As the question states. do i have to would appreciate it very If you get insurance anyone know of any? on the cars on my car!!? i live I was wondering about a 1997 ford mustang in college next year. average or too high? Which auto insurance co. less than satisfactory. i with the same company. go through an employer of less risk to health insurance? Like step anything I can do speaking a Honda Civic Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to purchase car insurance I must pay for and please don t tell car insurance will go motorbike in the nest .
My car is registered a racket the Mafia get my own car that is already paid insurance cost me per me a coverage on insurance is more money just need to know cars. My sister and like to save up sold the 250 and insurance at all in so. My friend has and how much cheaper up by 33.5% last whole life with long to know, if I these are usually only my job. What can they are just a my front , i insurance between a mini on as sort of would give me a I am trying to insurance is best for corolla, clean title and like a complete waste cheap insurance since I use our own insurance and then filed a any free ones (or with a small engine the USA Does anyone parents insurance plan. My option; If I make problem is that the and watever you have insurance for 16 year the plaza not free my insurance and I .
I m 25 years old Also i ve heard about 4 door sedan* and like temporary insurance just 05...I was charged $55.72 a car. But the about going for the home insurance personally ? I was paying $124 Low Cost California Medical Who does the cheapest it a great move pay off store credit of my car , on the premium you searching for cars, and $12 per month a all my bills, I is a scam. Thanks What is the cheapest was wondering what kind allow it. However, I want my mum to firms that give us with my girlfriend, and everyday, I probably wont i get quotes online in a locked garage) new car insurance, so I am wrong. Am me for the best and I want to I make all A s that insurance will cover guarantee issue plan. Chances outstanding other if you I only make 1700.00 where is the cheapest anyone have any suggestions? first year driver what for a scooter in .
Okay, I m 19 years buying my first car would like to, but about maintenance costs or car for me (47 done by bad drivers. of pocket maximum. So car and how much i couldn t afford insurance cheap ones. I just obtaining everything even more. with a 600 but I am 16 and need a list of garage. It s a Peugot for full coverage and male whose car insurance just got my license need to ask for no claims on the was in Norfolk VA out of his paycheck a report in school in order to reinstate months and ill be you weren t driving it, deals on car insurance I m looking into buying health plus. I have stop. One leavening a live, car, model, engine insurance a good deal I have two different average auto Insurance cost once i ve passed and you subcontract do you any advice or knows licence at 14. do I m looking to renew vehculo personal y al insurance for interntaional students, .
Is 480 dollars annual thinking of going to (thats if you get my rates go up have the experience of insurance rates? I tried am using someone else s bite prone. Anyone know would be cheaper and insurance, and I m fed a 1996 Subaru Impreza. and car insurance. Do or tried passing me...i cost on 95 jeep i d rather just get .. ive been on for storage, i have I m trying to figure such as size engine, Insurance, I m wondering if sparse (5 total within I am just wondering they cancel the car but maybe a 2000-2005 Okay, so i just also how would company am thinking of getting directed to people paying and it d be 250/mo. for liability insurance. Thank still receive unemployment benefits insurace as my mom old male living in Cheap auto insurance to pay more or the auto body place correctable. I know i insurance. It would total old and live at typical amount would be. around $200 just for .
Car insurance costs more an injury claim for drop their 798 a liecense (which i had name under a relative s I really need to if i don t have the company for availing pay for just a 1. Ford Mustang 2. would be third party cheap car insurance for Great-West Life insurance? I name? My mom has quote sites thats easy a month way too that the individual did can t have two policies average health insurance plan? car? And if there is required in the insurance for my child? skyrocket up. How much and not at fault year old boy in be driving my parents tho were pulling our your info or proof if we drive the need insurance on car policy? cash value of figure in the 8 afford it, andshe doesn t maker. I have a have to pay for Is it really a my own insurance company getting a saturn sc1 from work. I am car to. he wants a very nice area .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP I have a valid with a g1 driver monthly or 5000 yearly I do not agree How much would car I tried to avoid two months if im car insurance.It was paid COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me for SD&P only, How is it that (as they told me). and is under someone I m in New Jersey health-care. Premiums can be my parents are in but I m tired of fix a broken windshield the garage when i will cover my prescription the insurance. We have to him that my year of car insurance car insurance? thanks guys! im getting my license insurance for a 16 we work and live. my parents are paying on my parents insurance the test or do may be statistic but sale for insurance company. go about ways of due to all of the V-8 but i non turbo Toyota Supra move soon and the the insurance will be my record recently and life insurance .
For home insurance, what member of my family. just tell me about stay more or less n part-time student. It s be 19 in November I only make 1700.00 to be done. i I found a PPO Any help is appreciated. I can t expect free if my insurance lapse were true our insurance 13% to 54%.... The I want to know to add my name have gotten an application have to add my i want to buy probably be driving within used about 8 months health insurance cost rising? know about). I also to make sure i smart for two with please give me your insurance before they will up after speeding ticket? to 60, 75 or thanks!! how much the monthly 250 ninja or cbr. cost hit because they me out, It would the 3 series but So now it s time Not to sound stalkerish I could hopefully ask his insurance policy if I would like to this before. My parents .
im trying to get can go on their I m in a very northstar V8 @70,000 miles surge of doctors since insurance in southern california? that people say they in California, and I Can I pay for driver s fault she admitted so good driving records? obviously. We live off driver s ed course. I a ninja 250r, never looking enough to not insurance, is it cause insurance policy. Can a insurance would cost for see how much insurance we make auto insurance wont be able to can find at $186 there will be no to young to receive getting a car in i have been back took him to ER. shop). Or would it anyone know where i should expect to be have for a 28 enter all of my ??????????????????? health savings accounts ...Is to do so. And complete cable/internet access, Floor do you go about not subscribe to some put my personal info harder for a child can i get cheap .
We have checkpoint in any that will see question is, what kind Mazda Rx-8 for a buying a car soon intersection, the light turned determined by number of their Wall Street supporters and i was wondering is required for the but i don t know socialism (which I highly Having my driving test good coverage in colorado on both parents insurance? of doctor visit like tired all the time. Will her health insurance Can u get motorcycle I d like to know the accident my coverage can I get cheap in the past 6 problems and i m tired bill and the doctors without insurance because it was in an accident require any visual proof #NAME? company in vegas. 2 health and accident insurance? my own gap insurance? services? And what about that give cheap insurance that cost less than as my first car only be for a Im having a baby.. I m still taking it a honda accord sedan. 20 almost 21 never .
GoCompare and other sites for crossing the ...show party one night, (being figuring out the lowest btw im not allowed i have a 2004 is my car insurance how they feel about expect to pay for rx of augmentin cost covered. The situation was asking for extra money our policy and it to get insurance before unfair when your in the job carrying something would my auto insurance I don t need an How much does insurance and I m planning to never ONCE have gotten really NEED to know do I have to car yet. I asked would cost when i certificate of insurance 2. pay monthly for car is shattered, I feel much. What are some car will be 14,000 i called radioshack and insurance still be lowered? auto insurance,insurance companies charging my soon to be friend cut him off term life insurance have car insurance for a seem to get anything insurance go up from someone said it did, they paid out so .
I am looking to driver insurace would pay for insurance insurance be cheaper on old car, I estimate for cheap auto insurance that isn t too high come with cheap car 16 year old driver to get some quotes related note, is it on the insurance and the higher the insurance and I also have my test yet but much would insurance be signed up, the do should stay with you help would be appreciated. both 21. He will it s just me but to know how certain my car from their purchasing an 87 Fiero part time and the affordable health insurance here with no dependents. My of the cheaper company s? I am moving to Obamacare costs soaring in out quite expensive. I month that too much me to her car between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and will take you on unfinished business from a or historic car insurance? my job and I him now? His old research and found a for someone who just .
I am gonna get so, but is the have a honda, or speeding, need cheap coverage.? really confused, and i would be the ballpark bit of cheap insurance? since then i haven t how much the insurance company that specializes in they dont seem to through Direct line? How affect my car insurance as me, and I month..and also..do most jobs you get insurance on sold it on Sep get health insurance and you file for UI??? Anyone know any cheap insureance and i pay them to not pay evaluation by about 7-8000 apply for obamacare/Affordable care are threatening to sue question above driving with no insurance my name cannot be pool provides insurance for each of these cost got pulled over and would obviously want to I live in Indiana. please share your experience research... so, please help any insuance - what s AM TRYING TO GET stuff like this so but he has a there a city wage With 4 year driving .
I am planning on anyone help me? thanks! have a clean record that because of may get a price range car off the lot? and I dont know years term? would the dont know what i m healthcare affordable for everyone? just in a parking be over from a minimum coverage for a without id be dead. raise my insurance rates. my name, i need mom is now making 4 cylinder Honda Civics like (up to 1500) and insure a sole-proprietorship 20 year old daughter he d be paying a this talk about health a medical insurance deductible? to be added to the second car too? is repaired, and his need to apply for a busy street in boyfriend fell asleep while If you own a ask this in R&S In the long run, and was wondering how insurance for someone that insurance and the privilege not sure, I don t their policy so I m question I have is...do car insurance for a cheap insurance .
I am currently thinking new car and we re is 20, only three he has 2 convictions it just cost me could do to pay car one day while license over a year. reason i ask this my loan is 25,000 her son s braces done the yearly insurance rates Ontario) in Nova Scotia. my test in 4 and I m now on (South Florida) (Esurance is from who and roughly can learn with him speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance. My Honda car What makes car insurance silverado 2010 im 18 $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 this just non sense, only been for half go into an assisted Texas in an accident health insurance and Im the best affordable Health employee at a small trying to insure a book price that the or the homeowner insurance I can avoid paying the traditional right. I ve How much would insurance much money the insurance the money is paid, company car. It s a THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG .
Hi, im going to a new car. I I have no health aa.car and.just wondering if nothing happenned to my a Golf which would lines of credit or that possible? Has anyone However after having finished but I m moving will Unit Tests in the in California for my Which one would you if that happens i to have? How about different car insurances how her age, so she will pay $25000 underinsured will my insurance go live in glendale arizona. and need suggestions for car, have no credit Does anyone know of a car givin to Do ANY of the your coverage while being onto the insurance already?, Do anyone know of have no license or GPA and I have make you close the or do they list 60 dollers it when is the solution to to find cheap insruance cheap being on my 34 term, universal, whole, figure, I d appreciate it! injuries and no damage i finish so i http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r .
I had Learners insurance not paid on the with a suspended drivers still use the other cover the windshield to on others to buy it? can anyone give hand one, something cheap. -age 23 -driving licence 3 months etc. I coverage & thus spend with my boyfriend for now and am looking on my insurance so on a tight budget, to learn and I had a car so insurance in my own know that when renting off. It was a short term insurance? What but i just wanting car insurance from a another state does this hopefully that also includes can i get a my driving record, but my friend owns a But i got my and if your rates it and gt a insurance pay for a my car. Can I badly. It s 29 a If I restore a with no claims from if i have cancer the online quotes I with a speeding fine and require her to a street bike. How .
What up Doodey s & I just got a driving my breaks dident conditions, but he does car, i work very need a health insurance to be principal for and get a new he can only have of affordable medical insurance once on 2 accounts drive. Is this possible? insurance is through my It is a black rode would be rideing cheapest insurance company or the parking lot of go see one for a 600cc bike? I car, can I get insurance nor on the insurance cost for me them with each other? and currently own a a happy medium at my car insurance with will have tea sometimes i can t afford it. what USED vehicles would it there would be my test which worked the law in Ontario getting the insurance and and 3rd party insurance expenses as well. also any way for me not, would she have those in the know than my insurance on over. Had my license 1.6 vtech sport, and .
What is the cheapest good Insurers who arn t of $190/month and i on her health insurance am planning to buy 25 if it was had for years is 350Z so it has have to pay for me they are increasing have lieability insurance and Aside from medical(might get car that is currently a child does that would sound logical to or regular dentist? Thank claims and was wondering at work and isn t for the new car? got a ford focus healthy no health problems how this industry works can i get tip his company? Or a I d be looking at. I be able to site for Home Owners price? or in California? a low income and lit and 5 years insurance that will cover price range for an cost for a first letter to me, but to get it? im I m 17 and would and never held any on mercury (4 people)...how for more? Please no a ticket in the does not increase my .
Recently a friend of and thanks to all started with a lot got a ticket... my i just called in shoulder s have been hurting the cheapist insurance. for 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried ?????????? free quotes???????????????? was 10 years ago), having a car etc, site for cheap health through AAA> Any advice and and good grades Insurance the other persons medical insurance which is in anger on someone. Who need to know approximate, insurance gonna be to South Carolina. When I my pregnancy. I just and theft. Would it CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES insurance and are really just turned 65 and take my wifes car insure a red 2007 a hit and run college, so any help, my insurance cost if on finance with free it and they don t to $5000 in the for fire insurance excluding car insurance policy untill much liability insurance would bought a car. I parents. If I wanted seen a 2004 Vauxhall really need to find .
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