#how to cure allergies fast
luckykiwiii101 · 3 months
i was a previous anon and heyy
one of my ask was very losery and not queen v of me, sawry, but to show my repentance:
success storIES!!!
1. so it's not honest of me but i didn't give an assignment and rn for us the year is basically done. teacher A was supposed to correct it (it was an internship report). and when i tell u i STRESSED. she kept asking for it, i kept making excuses (they passed). fast forward to yesterday. we went to the school spectacle and my mom asked to see my grades, i didn't want her to ask about the report so i affirmed "everything is going to be okay because creation is done" (btw the day before yesterday i started following bambi's routine) and she didn't ask anything and even praised me :).
2. i cured myself, TWICE! curing as in getting rid of annoying ass allergies. i swear both time i did this i FELT myself getting better, i am so incredible. but next time i'll just say that my immune system is strong asf i don't deserve any other treatment.
muah! 💋
i've been living in the 4d and i'll continue to do so. ranting about my greatness is the best thing ever and i advice everybody to do the same.
SPOTTED: @strqei caught at grand central, bags in hand, turning imagination, into creation. Great job B! and B for Barbie, imagination life is your creation. Anything is possible. No matter how unrealistic it may seem. If Dan Humphrey could get somebody to date him, anything is possible. XOXO
- gossip girl
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inspector-m3 · 5 months
One Piece headcannons, reader with allergies.
I have a desire to write but the ideas are moving to fast in my head lol. My requests are open and I can write full stories/oneshots not just headcannons. I promise i dont bite :]
(This one is intended as platonic because, well...bros a reindeer.)
You got incredibly lucky finding this guy, no matter what time you joined the crew. Since chopper is a doctor he definitely feels like a blessing. As soon as he found out about your allergies he started his research (if he didn't already know about it). Finds a cure or a medicine to help with the symptoms and reactions for your allergies. This precious doctor even warns the other crew about what you can't have near you.
In return for his kindness you are now his designated hiding spot for when shit goes down.
He was definitely curious as to why you were constantly taking medicine or having to stay with chopper since you were unwell. Eventually he just outright asked what was wrong with you. He didn't get it at first but once he did he responded with...let's say an interest?
He loudly makes sure that whenever everyone's eating that the food (if you're allergic to a food) is nowhere near you, but let's be honest he probably eats it before it gets even a metre from you, saying something like "I was just keeping Y/ N safe!" when someone complains about their food being stolen. However, if you're allergic to a specific animal or item he makes sure it non-existent on his ship.
Just like luffy she makes sure the allergen (the thing you're allergic to) is nowhere to be found. Since you mean so much to her she'd be willing to part with some money to pay for medicines or doctors if chopper couldn't help (luckily for nami thats a rare chance).
sorry this ones so short, I've never really written anything for nami before.
If you have a food allergy this man is catering to your every need, making new recipes or even a completely different dish to the rest of the crew if needs be. Oh, you like spaghetti but you're allergic to pasta? Bam, special pasta you're not allergic to, just for you. He can and probably will fight luffy to keep him away from your special food.
If youre allergic to something that isn't food his dramatic ass would probably follow you around in new places to make sure it's not anywhere near you. (and if this gets annoying just give him a compliment, he'll pass out from blood loss and leave you in peace)
When you're allergies are bad and it leaves you bed ridden, sniffling or coughing, he'll tell you stories just like he did with kaya. You'll be laying in bed, cursing your allergies while trying to not break your ribs from laughing at ussops silly tales. He always makes you feel much better.
He probably didn't even know what an allergy was lmao. Maybe he thought it was some sort of pest (close enough)
If youre allergic to food we already know sanji will be making sure you're safe but zoro is definitely jealous that he can't do anything about it....unless.... if you guys are on a new island and you're not sure if your food has your allergen in it, zoro is the first to offer his help (well, it was luffy first but we all know what would happen).
If your allergen isn't food, just like sanji, he's following you around but he's definitely more of a silent protector compared to sanji. A plant you're allergic to in your path? not on his watch, it's cut down before you can even think of how to get around it.
Let me know if you have any tips or if there's any mistakes!
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theyanderespecialist · 11 months
The Doctor's Patient (Headcanon/Scenario) Yandere SCP 049 X Sick Reader
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am so so so sorry that I have been doing very few updates, seasonal allergies and sickness got me fucked up. Anyway, this one is going to be Yandere SCP 049 X Sick Reader! Enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCP 049 is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!)
(Yandere Headcanons Wtih SCP 049 X Sick Reader)
.He would want to be the one to take care of you for sure.
.He had to be the one to take care of you.
.You are his darling patient and he knows what is best for you, not those damn researchers who do not even believe in her cure.
.He would somehow get you to be his patient and you can be sure he is doing it his way.
.You are so pink in the face from your fever, it is time for some leeches!
.He would also make all your meals from scratch.
.You cannot eat anything not made by him.
.So be ready for some bland-ass French stews.
.He also loves holding you while you are sick, he needs to feel you against him.
.Yes he can control his lethal touch somewhat and really normally touches people who have the pestilence
.Speaking of the pestilence, he will die before he lets you become one of the afflicted.
.His goal is to keep you by his side always.
.He loves how helpless you are when you are sick.
.Well somewhat.
.He hates how you are more at risk.
.But he loves that you have to depend on him.
.He would be gentle yet firm with you.
.There will be none of the nonsense of you not taking your medicine (Which is a mystery sludge he makes from scratch)
.He is very protective of you, anyone that tries to get to close to you.
.Well they will be killed with that lethal touch.
.If you had a partner, they were the first ones to face his lethal touch.
.He did not bother to cure them. They were unworthy of his cure. They were the ones to mist likely make you sick.
.He would make you like him, and you will never ever leave him.
.He is also easily jealous.
.He is the type of yandere with you so sick that he has to be glued to your side and make sure you are taken care of at all times.
.He is the type of yandere to hover for sure.
.If the leeches do not work he may be forced to use even less savory methods.
.If you lash out at him? Well, that may just be hysteria!
.And the perfect method for hysteria was to give his dear patient a little intimate physical~
.He promises that he will always be there for you in sickness and in health. For better or for worse, Even death will not make you part~
(Now Onto the Scenario~~~ Hope you enjoy this!)
(SCP 049) (Trust Me, Darling… I Am YOUR Doctor~)
(SCP 049's POV)
She was so sick, I could see how the fever was coursing through her as she interviewed me. I hate that I cannot just take her in my arms and take care of her. I was growing more agitated that I could not take care of her. She has another coughing fit into her elbow and that is when I had enough. I stood up and pulled her into my arms.
The guard stared in horror and told me to let go of her. I simply touched him and he died. She struggles in my arms and I click my tongue. She is being so stubborn.
"Enough, (Name)." I scold. "I am putting you to bed!"
I carry her to my bed, she is asking so many questions. "How! How are you able to touch me!?" She demands.
"I will explain, but right now in bed," I order and tuck her into my bed. I see that she is going to be stubborn so I pull out my medical bag. "Do not worry my dear. I will give you something to sleep."
"NO! LET ME GO!" She bellows the sickness must be going to her brain! I must act fast.
I grab out the vial and syringe. I straddled her chest. Her arms were pinned between her body and my legs.
I fill the syringe, she stares in horror at the black liquid in it. "Normally you would take this orally," I tell her. "But this needs to work much faster."
"SCP 049! Please Don't!" She begs squirming the best she can.
I hold her head still stroking her hair. "Do not worry, My Darling. You can Trust me, I am a doctor~ Your doctor~" I tell her and inject it into her neck.
She lets out a howl of pain. I coo to her and stroke her hair. Soon her eyes start to droop and I climb under the covers with her. Pulling her to my chest.
I will take care of her, I always will. She is, My Darling Patient~ ALL MINE~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FINALLY UPDATED SOMETHING!!! This is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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In this scene when Hector is threatening Lenore, he says the following, "...or I will rip your fucking throat out and break your fucking neck and we'll see how fucking well you live then."
All right, let's pretend for a moment Lenore was in any kind of danger and this was a legitimate threat: Is Hector just bluffing (as if Lenore's not going to know her own weaknesses) or would breaking her neck actually result in some permanent damage if he succeeded?
In other words, can the Netflix's Castlevania vampires be crippled?
Modern vampire media plays fast and loose with Bram Stoker's rules, (I mean, the more powerful Hellsing vampires can even walk around in sunlight; it just annoys them,) but in every other vampire-themed series I can think of right now, short of the classic stake through the heart or the head being removed, vampires tend to come back from just about anything. Regrowing limbs, regenerating catastrophic blood less, etc. The series Shiki actually has a pretty disturbing rundown of what vampires can and can't survive, courtesy of a doctor capturing one and putting her through a series of inhumane experiments to see what will actually kill her. (This one also has a pretty similar explanation to Castlevania as to why vampires fear holy relics, and it's the only modern vampire series I've seen that actually has the 'sacred ground is off limits' factor.)
When the chips are down, Hector's probably just overreaching here. (Or possibly trying to intimidate Lenore on the mistaken assumption she's a 'helpless lady.')
But I do think it's an interesting notion to have vampirism not being the 'cure all, return to factory setting in case of emergency' trope we see everywhere because the 'factory setting' is different for everyone. Such as vampires experiencing permanent injuries or even terminal illnesses. The light of the moon is just reflected sunlight, so a vampire with a skin condition that makes them extra sensitive to even moonlight could be possible. Also, vampires developing illnesses like blood disorders, rabies, even the ones who have animal forms contracting mange, certain cancers, neurological or physiological conditions they were born with that a vampire's bite didn't 'cure.'
Or maybe they have a whole other range of afflictions specific only to their species.
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Example: Aside from Carmilla and Godbrand, none of Dracula's Generals speak, not even Cho even though she has a flashback in Season 3. In a Hellsing/Castlevania crossover I was working on, I wrote a part where the Generals had an ongoing bet of whether or not Cho was too arrogant to bother speaking with the plebs or if she actually couldn't speak, implying she has a speech disorder that predated her being a vampire.
I've read books where humans with asthma, severe scoliosis, and even Alzheimer's Disease were cured after becoming a vampire, and I do think that's wonderful.
But there's also the part of me that thinks, "Nah, too easy." I want to see vampires who are blind or deaf or both, autistic vampires, 10th century Chinese vampire ladies who still have maimed feet from the foot-binding of their childhoods, vampires who suffer from dementia and are terrified of losing hundreds of years worth of memories, dyslexic vampires, paraplegic vampires, vampires with autoimmune disease, or allergies outside of being unable to enjoy the gift to humanity that is garlic bread.
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inchidentally · 10 months
I tried to send this snippet via messages but it wouldn’t let me for some reason so have this snippet of the faerie!Lando fic. I gave oscar a pen collection because why not.
“And this one is a P14.” Oscar absentmindedly passed the shiny metal pen into Lando’s outstretched hand, already pulling another one out of his organizer. “It’s 100% iron, which is pretty cool.”
His head whipped back towards the Brit when he heard a sharp yelp and the clang of the pen hitting the ground. He smelled something burning. For a morbid second, the scent reminded Oscar of a barbecue gone terribly wrong.
“Lando, oh my god, are you okay?” An angry slash of red was stamped on Lando’s palm in the unmistakable shape of a P14 metallic carbide. A similar shade was printed on the inside of his fingers, where he had curled them over the pen.
“I may have forgotten to mention my very severe iron allergy. All of the apartment hardware is silver and the appliances are aluminium. My skin’s just hypersensitive when it comes to iron, I guess,” Lando admitted sheepishly. Oscar thought he wasn’t nearly as disturbed by his blistering skin as he should be. “Quite frankly, it’s a bit embarrassing. What sort of grown man can’t handle touching the second most common mineral on Earth?”
Oscar was horrified. “I am so, so, so sorry! I swear I had absolutely no idea.” He started frantically sprinting towards the bathroom, where they kept all their first-aid. “Do you have burn ointment anywhere?”
Lando shook his head. “It’s all right, not your fault. I should’ve said something.” He watched, bemused, as Oscar scoured their bathroom cabinet for a tube of Neosporin. Warmth bloomed in his chest, a fond smile on his face despite the fast-fading pain in his right hand. Lando thought it was sort of nice seeing his normally unflappable roommate so worked up, especially over him. “Oscar!” he called. No response from the Aussie, still engrossed in his search for burn ointment. “Oscar!” he tried again, louder this time. Lando was relieved when Oscar turned to look at him, a strand of soft brown hair falling over his dark eyes. “While I appreciate how committed you are to my wellbeing, there’s really no point in patching me up. My immune system and I have a love-hate relationship, so the burn will be gone by tomorrow morning at the latest. Maybe in the next few hours if I’m lucky. Healing freakishly fast was probably the universe’s way of apologizing for giving me this stupid allergy. Besides, we need to conserve the bandages so that we’ll have enough for when you inevitably break your leg against that footstool you keep tripping over.”
“Lando. You do realize you’re some sort of crazy medical anomaly, right? I’m roommates with the cure for cancer or something. You definitely escaped from a lab,” he teased as he walked over to the couch, a roll of bandages in one hand, yellow tube of burn ointment in the other. “It would explain a lot of things about you.”
“Mmm yes, Oscar,” Lando moaned exaggeratedly, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes like a really bad pornstar. Oscar tried to ignore how good his name sounded on Lando’s tongue. “Talk dirty to me, baby. I just love being called a freak of nature.”
“Shut up. You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Oscar shot back, laughing. “Even big, tough medical anomalies need to apply Neosporin to their second degree burns, no matter how fast they heal.” He patted the orange couch cushion next to him. “Sit down. I’ll bandage you up.”
“Didn’t take you as the nurse roleplay type, Oscar. Kinky.” Lando winked. “Don’t worry though, I’m down for anything as long as it's with you.” Oscar went from faintly pink to bright red. He would never understand how the Brit could say things like that so casually. Just once, he wanted to see Lando flustered.
“If you don’t sit down right now and let me treat your hand, I swear I’ll get a live fish from the grocery store and let it flop around on your pillow before cooking it for dinner tomorrow.” Lando paled at the threat.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he professed, hastily plopping down on the couch and extending his hand to Oscar. The Aussie smiled to himself. Lando’s hatred of seafood always made for easy negotiations. He gingerly took the proffered hand and almost dropped it because of how cold it was, despite the angry burn cutting through it.
“Are you okay? Your hands are frigid.”
“Well no, I’m not okay. I have a burned hand and a very persistent roommate who insists on bandaging it even though I’ve told him I’ll be fine,” Lando snarked. He softened once he registered the genuine concern on the other man’s face. “It’s no big deal, I just tend to run cold. I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember.”
Oscar hummed in acceptance, turning his attention back to Lando’s hand. Oscar could feel his roommate’s eyes on the side of his face, unwavering. When he glanced over, his heart caught in his throat. Lando was looking at him with something in his gaze. His dark pupils blown wide, gold light flickering between threads of vivid blue-green, a secret nestled in a sea of jade. Oscar couldn’t name what he saw, but he knew he was desperate to see it again in Lando’s eyes. For a second, with the fading sunset backlighting his face, Lando looked hauntingly ethereal, almost inhuman in his beauty.
He reluctantly looked away to rip off a strip of bandage. Having forgotten to grab scissors, Oscar settled for tearing it with his teeth. Bandage still in his mouth, he heard Lando’s breath hitch. Oscar looked up at him expectantly. Knowing him, Lando was probably gearing up to make a comment about Oscar’s “unhygienic practices.”
“What?” A beat passed.
“Nothing,” Lando answered, sounding oddly strained, as if something had lodged itself in his throat.
“If you’re going to complain about me using my teeth to tear the bandage, you can go grab a pair of scissors and I’ll cut you a new one,” Oscar told him. “I won’t be offended.” He dolloped a circle roughly the size of a pence coin on his finger and started gently rubbing it over the raw skin of Lando’s hand. Oscar felt Lando shiver at his touch and cursed himself for not warming it up a little bit.
“I don’t mind teeth,” Lando mumbled, a smile in his voice. Oscar rolled his eyes at the sheer Lando-ness of his response, settling back into the familiar rhythm he knew so well. Whatever was in the air between them dissipated into the comfortable lull of their friendship.
y'all it's an update to the fae!Lando fic!! and oh my god we get Oscar now too <3<3
"For a second, with the fading sunset backlighting his face, Lando looked hauntingly ethereal, almost inhuman in his beauty."
oh I literally have an image to go with that perfectly from @lewdo
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(and Oscar with a pen collection ?? god how incredibly cute and in character)
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expensive-rainbows · 3 months
hi im asking you about tetanus since I actually do not know what that is!
hi! do you want the long answer or the short one?
the short answer is that tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body through wounds that break the skin, usually puncture wounds (animal bites, and nails for example) and wounds that have visible dirt and feces in them. it causes painful muscle spasms, and you lose control of your muscles. it is very painful and if left untreated will result in broken bones and death.
the long answer(!):
tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body when the skin gets broken. the most at risk wounds for tetanus infections are animal bites, puncture wounds, and wounds that got dirt or feces in them. tetanus travels to the brain by entering the spinal cord, and it affects motor skills, and causes your muscles to be unable to relax. it is usually known for lockjaw, which is where the jaw gets trapped one way, like if its stuck open, or closed, and sometimes it can make you have a big grin, just like, all the time. tetanus also causes painful spasms, usually induced by some sort of stimuli, for example if there is suddenly a bright light, or if there is a strong wind. there are a few types of tetanus
generalized tetanus: kind of self explanatory, it affects the whole body, not just one area.
neonatal tetanus: this is a form of generalized tetanus that occurs in babies, where the umbilical cord gets infected. babies will usually show symptoms of tetanus within 14 days of birth, and if caught and treated will usually turn out fine!
localized tetanus: as the name suggests, this form of tetanus only affects the one area, rather than the whole body. the range of how much is affected depends, for example in some people if they get a cut on the hand that is infected with tetanus, their entire arm might be affected, and others only up to the elbow, it depends.
cephalic tetanus: cephalic means related to the head, or directed to the head. cephalic tetanus is harder to diagnose because the symptoms can often look similar to stroke symptoms. usually there will be facial spasms and certain areas can get paralyzed. (compared to stroke symptoms where one side of the body will get droopy, so if the person smiles, only one side would go up, the other side will stay down.)
all of the types of tetanus can progress into generalized tetanus (aside from neonatal) if left untreated for long enough.
there arent any tests to determine officially if someone has tetanus, but usually the doctors would want to rule out a couple other things, depending on what type of tetanus it is, what the symptoms are, and probably other things
the treatment can vary a bit depending on a few factors (location of hospital, location of wound, how far its progressed, any allergies, etc), but for the most part the doctors would give antibiotics (orally or injected), sedatives to calm the spasms, antitoxins, which are similar to fast acting vaccinations, they would also give actual vaccinations to teach the body how to fight the bacteria. odds are they would give other medications as well, to regulate breathing and heartbeat, and they would intubate (put a tube down the throat to the lungs to give oxygen) to preserve the airway, and a feeding tube, which would go up the nose and down into the stomach to provide nutrients. depending on the situation you may be put into a coma, depending on how much the infection has progressed, and how aggressive the treatment is.
ive mentioned that it could result in death a few times but i havent really clarified how. 11% of infections are fatal, and while there is a treatment, there is no known cure, the treatment relies on your body learning how to fight it. with the spasms, the body does not have complete control of the muscles, all of them, including the ones that our brains dont trust us to regulate on our own (breathing, heartbeat, etc), which opens up a lot of muscles for the infection to mess with. sometimes the spasms can last for minutes, which is long enough for them to kill you, for example, if there was a laryngospasm, where the vocal cords contract enough that you cant breathe. you could also have a heart spasm, which is pretty much what it sounds like, where the heart could contract instead of pumping, and it would slow the bloodflow and if it went on long enough, you would die. there are definitely more ways to die from tetanus than these, but im either not remembering them right now, or i didnt read about them. \
as long as you clean your wounds, go to the hospital/urgent care for any major wounds (how to tell), and have the DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine and the boosters, you shouldnt get tetanus. if there is a cut that you only recently noticed that got infected, make sure to talk to your dr, and if you see red streaks going from the wound go to the hospital, since red streaks are a sign that the infection has reached the bloodstream and is getting close to/has become sepsis (whole different post)
i am going to look into what determines if the infection is localized vs generalized, how many ways it can kill you/how, and there is a clinical trial looking into if you can treat tetanus with small does of botulism that i want to look into. let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything i can clarify!
also thank you for asking this actually made me so happy!!
btw i am a teenager researching this for fun, i am not a medical professional, do not take my words as from an expert. I use this website, and this one! the clinical trial is here (i havent gotten a chance to read about it yet, so give me a minute!)!
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chomperblue · 4 months
I really want to catch and befriend breloom but I know it too dangerous to go near them without preparation so can you give me some tips? I heard that you know about breloom can you help me please?
1.What part of breloom body that can spray spore at me? and What part of thier should I stay away or prevent to touch and got spray by its spore? Is its spore seed on its tail and red thing on its cap?
2.I only heard that breloom spore is dangerous but what this spore really do to me if I accidentally got spray by its spore? Is its make me sleep, poison or feel numb? And how to cure its spore if its got me?
3.if I fail to befriend with them and make them angry. Is its have sign that they going to spray spore on me like its tail and head cap moving strange or thier body language?
4.is breloom spore have different color, smell and taste if its have what is its can you Describe its in detail?
5.if I succeeded catching them what can I do to prevent them to spray spore in the house and around me or make breloom spray spore less than before and how to get rid of breloom spore in house if they accidentally spray its?
6.if I befriend with breloom and want to pet them can I touch red thing on its head cap or its spore seed on its tail or not? and what part of thier body should I touch them and they like its?
(Sorry for long massage and many questions)
no worries anon! I'm happy to answer all your questions, this is a question safe space :)
1: breloom spray spores from the red pores on their head cap and th' seeds on th' end of their tail. the spores harm you when inhaled, an' cause skin irritation if allergic (allergies are usually similar to skitty allergies) or in high densities. spores usually have a condensed spray from th' head cap pores, while th' tail is a passive, cloudy release without direction, an' both are activated when th' breloom is spooked by a predator or trainer.
2: breloom spore effects change with th' pokemon's diet an' region. since there aren't any clear variants officially mapped by the 'dex so far, it's easiest to tell spore type by th' color of the frills beneath their head cap (purple for poison, yellow for paralysis, pink for sleep, etc). unless you're allergic, th' spores shouldn't be a big problem if you bring a respirator an' goggles, but be aware of th' wind direction if you find a breloom an' haven't put your gear on. assume the pokemon knows the environment better than you. it will probably try to get upwind so spores drift towards you. if you get skin irritation realize that you're allergic to th' pokemon you're trying to train, an' reconsider whether or not you're ready for that kind of inhibition to bonding with your breloom
3: if you make a breloom angry, th' spores are th' least of your worries. if you have th' right gear th' spores won't effect you, but breloom still pack one of the meanest punches of all pokemon. they strike too fast for any human to keep up, an' an angry breloom won't be holding back. if you doubt your current partners' ability to defend you, I'd invest in some body armor, th' type you'd wear for a fight with a hitmonchan
4: I haven't encountered breloom spores without a respirator for a while now, an' don't know a ton about this question exactly, but I remember Jinx's spores tasted a little like...cinnamon? dunno. I just know that spores are difficult to see when released, it's best to identify th' type by th' underside of th' head cap like I explained earlier
5: house training brelooms also takes some time. they aren't used to people things an' can get spooked, leading to spore release. spores aren't good for your lungs so it's best to house train a breloom by keeping it mostly outdoors an' gaining it's trust fully, then introducing it slowly to your home. in th' meantime, you can keep it in it's pokeball or if you have an outdoor pen it can be left there to not be cooped up. there are some trainers-for-hire that specialize in house training, they're pretty popular with th' common house-type pokemon but usually their methods adapt well if th' right precautions are taken. spores are easy to wipe off non-porous surfaces, but check th' directions for any furniture fabrics. a quick wipe down won't save your lungs from leftover spores left on walls or couches from any pokemon
6: I wouldn't suggest touching anywhere that produces spores. even with Jinx's training she still releases them when those areas are disturbed. just knocking th' tail against a wall can dislodge spores, so try not to disturb those areas too much. Jinx likes her head scratches, on top of her cap not below by th' frills, they are very delicate organs. she also likes neck scritches an' belly rubs. ofc it all depends on th' individual pokemon, no breloom is made th' same, so get to know your partner when it comes to affection. who knows, maybe it won't enjoy being touched at all!
if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. Maeve and I have lots of experience with all sorts of pokemon, we're happy to help give good information :)
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mutiara-05 · 1 year
I really hate watching the time passing me by and I also hate having to witness all my years fly so I hold my pen and sit down, it's time to write time for me to sort whats wrong and what's right but my life has been so fucking dull lately now so Ima tell you about my past and Ima keep it raw ok so back to the year of two thousands and five the mid of that year where I almost didn't survive was still in the womb and they announced me dead they scheduled curettage but "no" grandma said did a second check up and surprise I haven't died I was just chilling in there, was laying on my side now skip to mid august to my time to finally come I took about two days being a nightmare to mom well it's no surprise since she didn't want me at all but wanting a son he went and pinned her to a wall a disappointment since first breath by being a female my pink clothes highlighted the devil's clear fail the doctor who brought me said "she's a miracle" AB negative blood type yet she's alive.. untypical was hours old laying down when a nurse barged in yelling "a bomb was located, leave avoid your fin" the first four years of my life passed by really fast almost died a couple of times but that's the past got a bunch of allergies and one can easily kill me reason of death: a little peanut she couldn't see was five years old and already having trust issues but that's nothing because at six starts the abuse I've always wanted him to go a little bit further To stab him I needed an excuse since he's my father required straight A's while studying three languages school was an hour away and filled by dumb bitches made fun of and pushed around but I stood still all alone cause mama was busy to notice how I'm ill started writing at 6 as a joke but picked it at 10 for real I was alone and scarred I needed something to heal a couple failed tries then I wrote something so cool rushed to her feeling proud but she made me a fool I didn't hold a pen for full three years after that and I lost my spark while losing all the extra fat on sixth grade I failed to write an essay, no surprise costed me but I fixed it following my own advice high school started and was nothing like the movies from a teenage dream to a hell where you pay fees only one year then everything went down hill for me no hope, no dreams, not knowing who I should be fourteen was when I tried to take my life away but failed so I guess god really wanted me to stay now became dead inside using a fake smile to hide then knew an artist who took me to hope on a ride felt understood having a hero who knows my pain kept going by thinking about him under the rain by using his voice I crossed a phobia off of my list While aware he doesn't even know that I exist was struggling still but his smile helped me endure 2020 he left to cure his old left shoulder injure I remember so clear how I cried scared for him but he came back saving my life from being dim now 2021 oppression logged in after my hair cut overwhelmed I held a blue something ready to cut really wanting to see some red while killing myself but blacked out then woke under my books shelf I survived again so I had to create a second face living two lives and switching was the daily race but it's fine I was pretty chill, wanna know why? was waiting to be 17 believing that's when I'd die nineteenth august of two thousands twenty two at a restaurant waiting for two "friends" I knew many things went wrong that day but I didn't mind party's over, had a fight at home he won't be kind took a deep breath and calmly laid on my bed slept with a smile was sure by morning I'll be dead but "it's nine o'clock am" announced by my alarm I woke up at morning safe and sound with no harm my heart sank in why the fuck am I still here? I'm still alive I haven't died that's my biggest fear
Dressed up kinda overshowing to cover my state a couple males tried to hit, I lied: I'm not straight but "boys don't bite" oh yes I assure you they do I ain't letting my guard down, y'all stay safe tho went out with no permission to watch the world cup cool day but the loud sudden cheers fucked it up like sorry dudes I ruined such an important match you enjoy hearing cheers but I see a bloody patch skip that now its exams time I'm expected an A plus but I've been quite and over sleeping ain't it sus Results came back terrible, it ain't no surprise "How sad" "how unexpected" are my little lies let that too pass since it's now my birth month they took my light away and now I'm lost in a labyrinth decided I won't be celebrating nothing this year because I can't enjoy anything if he's not here I'm slipping back to a shadow that's blue and grey I'm slowly digging the dark grave where Ima lay but I don't care if my knees are buried in mud or even if I'm out there drowning in my own blood you can always start a battle and turn it to a war then put me in it with no gun no sword nor armour I can face the snipers alone and slay them all standing over cold bodies, you know I never fall I really don't need nobody, I don't wanna be saved save your pity, sweetness wasn't something I craved was once just a little girl who needed a warm hug but now a tomboy as cold as my iced coffee mug today I finally accepted that I am the villain here so fuck all of the promises I've made, am I clear? I ain't staying and I ain't trying, we won't go out won't write for nobody won't live in the same route I do have a list for the promises so I didn't forget but when I go extra for people I end with regret she was innocent one day but they hurt her a lot I built her a castle with high walls, for her I fought all she ever wanted was someone to read her a story now she write those and overuse the word sorry Dear lord I'm sorry for not being the best believer sorry that I only pray when I get a strong fever I'm sorry to my cousin, I cant keep being your idol I'm sorry grandma when you were alive I didn't call and I'm so sorry grandpa if I was ever too cold sorry aunt I stopped loving you when I got old sorry to my uncle who died the month I was born I blame myself for it every day and I'm still torn sorry to my "friends" I never loved you enough so sorry to the boy I turned down, I was rough sorry to the sun and the star that I did wrong you'll both keep shining in the lines of my song sorry to mama that I'm not the perfect daughter and sorry but I hate you so fucking much father to six thousands five hundred and seventy four days of me existing while being dead to my core
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healthylifee44 · 5 months
The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies: Your Comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing
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In our fast-paced world, where stress and health issues seem to be a common part of daily life, finding effective and natural remedies for common ailments is becoming increasingly important. “The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies” is a comprehensive guide that aims to empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being using simple, natural, and easily accessible solutions. Compiled by a team of experienced medical professionals, this book offers a treasure trove of time-tested home remedies for various ailments, providing readers with a holistic approach to healing.
Chapter 1: The Power of Nature’s Pharmacy
This chapter delves into the underlying principles of using natural remedies. It explores the concept of holistic healing, emphasizing the body’s innate ability to restore balance and promoting overall wellness. The chapter also highlights the importance of understanding the properties and benefits of various herbs, spices, and essential oils, showcasing nature’s bountiful pharmacy.
Chapter 2: Healing from Within: Nutrition and Diet
Here, readers are introduced to the role of nutrition and diet in maintaining optimal health. The chapter explores the therapeutic potential of food, offering valuable insights into the healing properties of specific ingredients. From boosting the immune system to alleviating digestive disorders, the Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies offers practical advice on using food as medicine.
>>Watch video to know more<<
Chapter 3: Ailments and Their Natural Solutions
The heart of the book lies in this chapter, which presents an extensive range of common ailments and provides natural remedies for each one. Whether it’s the common cold, allergies, headaches, insomnia, or skin conditions, readers will find a wealth of knowledge and easy-to-follow remedies. The suggestions include herbal remedies, essential oils, homeopathic treatments, and more, all carefully selected for their effectiveness and safety.
Chapter 4: First Aid and Emergency Situations
Accidents and emergencies can occur at any time, making it essential to be prepared. This chapter focuses on equipping readers with home remedies for various first aid situations. From burns and cuts to sprains and insect bites, the book offers step-by-step instructions on how to handle these emergencies using items readily available in your home.
Chapter 5: Mind-Body Connection: Mental and Emotional Well-being
Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional well-being, this chapter provides guidance on using natural remedies to address stress, anxiety, and other psychological challenges. Techniques such as meditation, aromatherapy, and herbal remedies for relaxation are explored, helping readers find balance and peace in their lives.
👉 Watch video to know more
Chapter 6: Preventive Measures for Long-Term Health
Prevention is always better than cure. This final chapter emphasizes the significance of incorporating preventive measures into our daily routines. It offers tips on boosting the immune system, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and optimizing overall well-being. The chapter also highlights the importance of regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, and stress management techniques.
Embrace the Power of Natural Healing Today!
Are you tired of relying solely on pharmaceuticals and invasive treatments for your health concerns? It’s time to explore the incredible potential of natural healing remedies. “The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies” is your ultimate guide to harnessing the power of nature’s pharmacy and taking control of your well-being.
By incorporating these proven home remedies into your life, you can experience a range of benefits, including:
✅Improved overall health: Discover the transformative effects of nutrition, diet, and natural remedies on your body and mind.
✅Cost-effective solutions: Say goodbye to expensive medications and treatments. Many natural remedies can be found in your kitchen pantry or local health food store at a fraction of the cost.
✅Empowered self-care: Take charge of your health journey and become an active participant in your own well-being.
✅Reduced side effects: Experience the gentler approach of natural remedies, which often have fewer side effects compared to conventional medicines.
✅Sustainable and eco-friendly choices: Embrace the environmentally friendly nature of natural remedies, which often have a minimal carbon footprint compared to pharmaceuticals.
➡️ if you like and want to know more, you can watching full video here
Don’t wait any longer to unlock the secrets of natural healing. Join the growing community of individuals who are embracing the Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies and experience the transformative power of natural healing for yourself.
Take the first step toward a healthier, happier you by grabbing your copy of “The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies” today. Your body and mind will thank you!
Remember, your health is in your hands. Empower yourself with knowledge, embrace the power of nature, and embark on a journey of holistic well-being.
Start your natural healing adventure today!
“The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies” serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking natural solutions to common health issues. By empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being, the book encourages a holistic approach to health that combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific understanding. With its comprehensive information and practical advice, this guide helps readers enhance their quality of life through natural healing methods, promoting a healthier and happier future for all.
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pillsblue · 6 months
Buy Penegra 100 mg Online In United States | Australia | Italy
About Penegra 100 Tablet
SILDENAFIL belongs to the group of medicines called as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors which are primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in adult men.
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to keep a hard and erect penis suitable for sexual activity.
Sometimes, SILDENAFIL is also used to treat pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs). SILDENAFIL is not for new-borns, children, or women.
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SILDENAFIL works by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, thereby allows the blood flow into the penis when the person is sexually excited.
However, SILDENAFIL helps the person to get an erection only if he is sexually stimulated. SILDENAFIL is not an aphrodisiac or hormone. It does not cure erectile dysfunction in male but treats Erectile dysfunction.
SILDENAFIL does not protect you or your partner from getting sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.
Penegra Dosage - How to Use Penegra Tablets
Take Penegra 100 Mg as needed, approximately about half an hour to one hour before you plan to have sex activity. The maximum recommended dose is 100 mg once per day.
The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once a day. The medical effect of Penegra lasts for approximately 4 hours. Penegra is rapidly absorbed. Maximum observed plasma concentrations are reached within 30 to 120 minutes of oral dosing in the fasted state.
If you take this medicine after a heavy or a high fat meal (such as a cheeseburger and french fries), the rate of absorption is reduced, with a mean delay in Time to reach maximum concentration of 60 minutes and a mean reduction in Concentration of 29%. It can help you get an erection when you are sexually excited. You will not get an erection just by taking the pill.
Always start on the lower dosage (50mg) if: • you are older than age 65 or have serious liver or kidney problems • you are taking protease inhibitors, such as for the treatment of HIV • if you have prostate problems or high blood pressure for which you take medicines called alpha blockers
How does Penegra Tablet work?
Sildenafil relaxes the Smooth muscles, thus increases blood flow to the penis. Sildenafil under the name Viagra is used to treat impotence (erectile dysfunction) in men.
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When to take ?
It’s best to take this tablet about 1 hour before the sexual activity with at least one glass of water, however we suggest you to take this medicine only as per your physician’s advice.
Side Effects of Penegra 100 Tablet
Like all medicines, SILDENAFIL can also causes side-effects, although not everybody experiences them.
Headache, nausea, indigestion, Blurred vision, visual disturbance, dizziness and stuffy nose are the common side-effects of SILDENAFIL. In rare cases you may experience irregular heartbeat, high/low blood pressure, muscle pain, eye irritation and skin rashes.
However, consult your doctor immediately if you experience any of these side-effects persistently.
What precautions should I take when taking this medicine ?
If you have an allergy to sildenafil or any other part of this drug. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs. Make sure to tell about the allergy and what signs you had.
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This includes telling about rash; hives; itching; shortness of breath; wheezing; cough; swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat; or any other signs. If you use drugs called poppers like amyl nitrite and butyl nitrite. If you have been told not to have sex by your doctor.
What is Penegra 100mg used for?
Penegra 100mg treats erectile dysfunction by enhancing blood flow to the penis.
How long does Penegra last?
Typically, Penegra effects last 4-6 hours.
Is Penegra and Viagra the same?
Penegra and Viagra both contain sildenafil but are different brands.
What is the age limit for Penegra tablets?
The age limit for Penegra tablets is typically 18-65 years.
What is the best time to take Penegra?
The best time to take Penegra is 30-60 minutes before sexual activity.
Is it safe to take Penegra?
Penegra is generally safe when taken under medical guidance.
Can I take 2 Penegra?
Taking 2 Penegra without medical advice can be risky. Consult a doctor first.
Can I take 2 100mg Viagra?
It's not advisable to take 2 100mg Viagra without consulting a doctor.
Which is the safest Viagra Tablet?
Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are safe options for longer erections, but consult a doctor for personalized advice.
How do I make my penis strong?
Strengthen your penis with exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Ancient Egyptian recipe against anemia.
 A few years ago for me put diagnosis is anemia and happened this after bleeding, pills prescribed. And they are helped me , but am used special diet and supplements taken and fruits beriberis, and these are few recipes .
 And for info searching about what and how I must eat for anemia cure I found ,that In Egypt are used too this. That in wars, bleeding lost they are had anemia. As in excavations are found old tables of clays, on which scientists read, that for berberis is praise, she clean and restore blood. But berberis bush growing in my garden. Fresh or dried leafs am added in dishes of rice, porridge, berries with for compotes in dried fruits. And am found very interesting berberis recipe of roots and leafs. Part of fresh mixture of leafs and roots wash, add 5 parts of spirit, or vodka, infuse 14 days, shaking, filter ,use on 15 drops   for 3 times/day for 21 days.
  Berries of you can drink juice, prepare his hard, thus am enjoyed purée of berries pulp.  And if to add sugar or honey, thus getting a sweet-sour mass  is very taste and benefit.
  Recently my friend given me spirulina of pills , as supplement of green-blue algae, where is having lots of iron, and vitamin groups B, use on an empty stomach on 6 pills, am musing for year, feeling good. And for haemoglobin, is honey benefit. And bee products, use one tea.sp. of flower  pollen with honey is a best remedy for blood creation, but if allergy not having!
Home doctor comments:Scientists are put,that flower pollen  rising erythrocytes quantities on 25-32 percents , hemoglobin rising on 15–20 percents. Doctors advising using  pollen in depending from age  is on 1-2 gr for 3 times/day is within a meal time.
If blood is thick, you are in infarcts of myocard risk, but mellilotus, leonurus, calendula are help you.
For preventing stroke, infarcts you need to know an own Prothrombin index, a speed with a which blood coagulating, if she is fast coagulating, thus she is very thick,you are in risk, but if you're knowing this index, you can be using preventing, if stat on 80-90 units rising, thus its normal, but higher on 100 thus doctor visit. But parallelly with this begin to take herbs.
Diluting blood good is 2 tea.sp. of herb mellilotus add in glass of hot water, cool, filter, use on 1/4 glass before meal for 3 times/day, after again check blood test. If veins problems having,thus parallelly drink with melilotus a leonurus, if damages artherias, thus with fruits of crataegus. A leonurus cook,like melilotus, and fruits of crataegus of one tbl.sp. in glass of water, boil on weak fire 5min, infuse till cooling, filter. Use infusions on 1/4 glass but before 15 min till meal for 3 times/day. And thrombus  sucking out effects having and calendula, for a cure use powder of agrimonia with water drinking for 3 times/day before meal.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/ilToPwd via https://ift.tt/BWClNKr
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medrpha1 · 1 year
Revitalize Your Well-being with Homeopathy: Effective Natural Solutions
In today's fast-paced world, many individuals are seeking natural and holistic approaches to promote their overall well-being. Homeopathy, a centuries-old system of medicine, offers a safe and effective solution that treats the root cause of ailments rather than just addressing the symptoms. With its emphasis on individualized treatment and the use of diluted substances, homeopathy has gained popularity as a gentle and non-invasive healing modality. In this blog, we will explore how homeopathy can revitalize your well-being and provide effective natural solutions for a wide range of health concerns.
Understanding Homeopathy
Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like." It involves using highly diluted substances derived from plants, minerals, and animals to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms. By treating the whole person rather than targeting isolated symptoms, homeopathy aims to restore balance and promote long-lasting wellness. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic, and suitable for people of all ages, including infants and pregnant women.
Enhancing Your Immune System
One of the primary benefits of homeopathy is its ability to strengthen and support the immune system. Homeopathic remedies are known to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms, helping it fight off infections, allergies, and other immune-related conditions. Whether you're struggling with recurrent colds, allergies, or autoimmune disorders, homeopathy can offer personalized treatments that boost your immune system naturally.
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Homeopathy recognizes the connection between the mind and body, acknowledging that emotional well-being is vital for overall health. Homeopathic remedies can effectively address mental and emotional imbalances such as anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. By considering individual symptoms, personality traits, and emotional patterns, homeopathy provides tailored solutions to restore emotional harmony and promote mental well-being.
Chronic Disease Management
Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to chronic disease management. Whether you're dealing with conditions like asthma, arthritis, digestive disorders, or hormonal imbalances, homeopathic remedies can help alleviate symptoms, reduce dependency on conventional medications, and improve your quality of life. With its focus on treating the underlying cause, homeopathy aims to bring about lasting relief and long-term healing.
Natural Solutions for Children's Health
Homeopathy is particularly beneficial for children, providing safe and effective solutions for a wide range of pediatric health issues. From common childhood illnesses like coughs, colds, and ear infections to behavioural problems, allergies, and skin conditions, homeopathy can support children's health without the risk of side effects associated with conventional medications. It offers parents a gentle and natural alternative to promote their child's well-being.
Complementary Cancer Care
Homeopathy can be an excellent complementary therapy for individuals undergoing cancer treatment. While it does not claim to cure cancer, homeopathy can help manage the side effects of conventional treatments such as nausea, fatigue, pain, and emotional distress. By focusing on the individual's unique symptoms and needs, homeopathic remedies aim to enhance well-being and improve the overall quality of life during the cancer journey.
Homeopathy provides a holistic and personalized approach to health and well-being. By addressing the root cause of ailments and stimulating the body's innate healing abilities, homeopathic remedies offer effective natural solutions for a wide range of health concerns. Whether you're seeking to enhance your immune system, manage chronic conditions, promote mental well-being, support your child's health, or complement cancer care, homeopathy can revitalize your well-being in a gentle and non-invasive manner. Embrace the power of homeopathy and experience the transformative effects it can have on your health and vitality.
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abigailshorel5 · 1 year
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drdeepalibhakare · 2 years
 Bronchial Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing. During an attack, the lining of the bronchial tubes (airways) swells, causing the airways to narrow, making it more vulnerable to irritants in the environment, and thus reducing the flow of air into and out of the lungs. 
The risk factors for developing asthma include inhaling “triggers”, such as allergens pollens, tobacco smoke and chemical irritants. Several patients may also have allergic rhinitis which is characterized by sneezing and “runny” nose and tend to have their first symptoms by the age of ten years, and many children had their first attack before the age of six. Asthma cannot be cured by conventional medical system but homeopathy has an answer to it along with appropriate management one can control the disorder,shorten the episodes and enable people to enjoy a good quality of life.
 Bronchial Asthma symptoms can vary in severity with time, can come and go, there may be good and bad periods and is characterized by:
Recurrent episodes of wheezing Shortness of breath Chest tightness Coughing-sometimes cough may be the only symptom. Sputum may be produced from the lung due to coughing, small in volume and often in the form of threads and plugs. Symptoms are generally worse at night and in the early morning or in response to allergens.
When uncontrolled, there may be acute attacks often occurring after viral infections (flu, cold), allergen/irritant exposure (pets, pollen, dust, atmospheric pollution, tobacco smoke), exercise, weather changes, medications (aspirin). Danger signs of an acute attack are symptoms not improving after airway-opener inhaler medication, and difficulty in talking due to breathlessness, peak flow-meter readings ranging below 50% of normal value, and require urgent medical attention.
A number of other health conditions are found associated with bronchial asthma including:
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) Rhinosinusitis Obstructive sleep apnea
Causes of bronchial asthma:
The exact cause of  bronchial asthma is yet not known, but there are certain risk factors that are associated with and It is probably caused by interplay of hereditary and environmental factors.
Some of the factors include:
An inherited tendency to develop allergies, called atopy. Children with eczema or food allergy are more likely than other children to develop asthma. Parents who have asthma (heredity). Allergens from dust, animal fur, cockroaches, mold, and pollens from trees, grasses, and flowers etc. Irritants such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemicals or dust in the workplace and sprays (such as hair spray). Medicines such as aspirin or other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nonselective beta-blockers. Sulfites in foods and drinks Viral upper respiratory infections, such as colds Physical activity, including exercise Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some viral infections in infancy or in early childhood.
Diagnosis of bronchial asthma:
Medical History: 
About one’s medical history, including information about allergies, asthma, or other medical conditions. If one had heartburn or a sour taste in the mouth. These may be signs of gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). If one had cold or an episode of flu-like symptoms. If one smokes or spends time around others who smoke.
Physical Examination & Investigations: To check for signs of problems related to cough. He or she will listen for wheezing (a whistling or squeaky sound when you breathe) or other abnormal sounds. Other tests may include:
Chest x ray takes a picture of heart and lungs. This test can help diagnose conditions such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Lung function tests: These are detailed tests that can measure how much air you can breathe in and out, how fast you can breathe air out, and how well your lungs deliver oxygen to your blood. Lung function tests can help diagnose and other conditions. Peak-flow-meter is a simple hand-held instrument that can be used by you to measure one aspect of lung function and monitor your asthma control. It helps in deciding if someone has asthma, determine how bad an attack as well as assess the degree of asthma control. An X- ray of the sinuses: This test can help diagnose a sinus infection.
Medications: Conventional Medicine Short courses of corticosteroid and other drugs (oral or injectable) may be required during acute attacks and are to be used after medical advice only.
Myths about Bronchial Asthma : A child with asthma will outgrow the disease: The disease would probably become milder and less symptomatic, although asthma is a chronic condition, there are excellent means to control this disorder. It is contagious disease: This is not true. patients should avoid “cold” food like milk, curd etc.: There are no food restrictions in asthma. However in case there is an identifiable food item that has been known to trigger asthma attack in a particular patient, this item must be avoided.
Homoeopathic Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma:
The diagnosis of asthma is made on the basis of complete history, perceptible sign and symptoms, and proper laboratory investigations.
Family history and dynamics – according to pschodynamics understanding the patient’s environment is very vital in understanding his/her emotions.
Environmental factors – environmental factors like certain indoor allergens, animal dander, smoking (passive smoking) may act as a triggering factor for asthma
Occupational history – it is important to identify if the attack could have been caused by exposure to such agents which can cause or initiate attack at work, by inquiring about previous and current jobs or occupation,thereby knowing fully his/her emotional quotient.
Homeopathy Treatment for Bronchial Asthma:
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.That is why asthma is said to be a psychosomatic disease.
General Approach – Homeopathy is the only system of medicine which tries to ‘cure’ this disease, instead of trying to provide symptomatic relief. While dealing with a case of asthma, a homeopath not only records the symptoms of the disease but also studies the medical history, family history, physical and psychological characteristics of a person. This helps to find the cause, the precipitating factors, and the hereditary tendency etc. Of special interest to a homeopath is the history of suppression of skin disease.
 Supprression Theory:
Homeopaths believe that when there is a tendency or predisposition for a disease – it first manifests on the less vital organs, towards the periphery (like skin). If this manifestation is suppressed than the disease shifts inwards, towards the more vital organs (like lungs, heart, brain etc).
Now after ascertaining the symptoms and the cause, the homeopath tries to find a medicine which matches the symptoms as well as the general characteristics of the person. The medicine so selected is administered to the patient.
It is often (not necessarily) observed by homeopaths that when a right medicine is given, the asthma disappears but the old eczema (if it was there originally) reappears for some time, before finally disappearing itself. This reappearance of old symptoms is seen as a reversal of disease process and is considered a very good prognostic sign by homeopaths.
For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified Homoeopath. 
Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma
Aconite, Kali Carb, Thuja, Natrum Sulph, Belladonna, Ipecac, Aspidosperma, Blatta O, Kali Bi, Kali Phos, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Antim Tart, Medorrhinum and many other medicine
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dashinghealth · 2 years
Asthma - Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
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Every day, millions of people all around the world suffer with asthma. Attacks can occur at any time of the day depending on a range of various "triggers," though most persons seem to have occurrences in the early morning or late at night. Animals, dust, pollen, smoke, and other things that elicit allergic reactions are all acceptable asthma triggers.
Additionally, research has linked smoking and obesity to a higher chance of developing asthma. Coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, and generalized shortness of breath are all common signs of asthma, especially when engaging in vigorous physical activity. A steroid-based inhaler is the recommended treatment in the majority of patients.
As each of the aforementioned problems affects the body's capacity to breathe in air, this steroid inhaler acts to enlarge the airways. While this strategy relieves asthma, there are other things that do so more naturally and without the unfavorable side effects that come with pharmaceuticals.
As was already established, certain environmental elements frequently serve as "triggers" for asthma attacks. Although the condition can also run in families, there have been many instances of persons developing asthma on their own. These individuals' asthma has been brought on by environmental elements at play.
Addressing the causes of asthma attacks may not cure the condition, yet it can help to either lessen their severity and frequency or soothe the symptoms. Targeting the causes that bring on asthma attacks allows for natural asthma relief.
It is possible to pinpoint the precise factors that first trigger the attack by noting when the symptoms appear. By attempting to eliminate those factors, one can aim to lessen the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks.
A variety of sprays and liquids that disinfect and sterilize the home environment offer natural asthma relief. These are all anti-allergenic products, and using humidifiers and air purifiers, which also help to physically eliminate allergens from the air, can provide extra relief.
It is possible to offer an asthma sufferer at least one place to escape the triggers that set off asthma attacks and to assist them find some personal respite by making sure the home is especially sterile and clean. One can avoid asthma episodes in a variety of ways.
• Avoid intense exercise since it puts a lot of strain on the lungs;
• Avoid areas with poor air quality.
This should be avoided by asthmatics to prevent further deterioration of their condition. Patients with asthma should take their illness seriously and refrain from making any significant alterations to a healthy lifestyle.
If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of asthma, you should get checked out as soon as you can by a doctor who will be able to more accurately diagnose your illness.
Asthma prevention medications have been discovered in recent years. Asthma sufferers and those who may be developing signs of asthma should take this medication every day. The unique quality of this medicine is that it was developed to function just as well when combined with other allergy medications as when taken alone.
If you have asthma, be sure to take the precautions listed above. Do your part and inform anybody you know who has asthma of the few ways they can prevent an attack by sharing this information. We can all contribute to the best of our knowledge and skills, after all.
What could be worse than using your inhaler for asthma during a time of need only to discover it isn't doing any good? That's a scary concept, isn't it?
Just imagine how many individuals are going through the same thing right now, searching for all-natural asthma treatments when their inhalers stop working.
You won't just change a fast-acting inhaler without your doctor's approval, but what if it breaks down when you need it most? What will you do next, then?
Thankfully, there are successful natural treatments for asthma that, while they don't replace fast-acting inhalers, can still offer you some relief if your inhaler stops working. When it comes to taking an inhaler, many people struggle with this issue, but few of them are aware of what to do in these circumstances.
Here are some of the most effective asthma natural treatments at work:
Drinking a hot cup of coffee is one of the best all-natural treatments for asthma when an inhaler isn't working. This opens the airways right away, and you'll notice that your breathing improves considerably within a few minutes.
When an inhaler isn't working, many people turn to coffee to get them through an attack. This is one of the natural asthma remedies that is really effective and is used by a lot of individuals.
I strongly advise doing this if an inhaler is ineffective, even if you don't care for coffee at all. This can be utilized both at home and while you are away from the house.
Read Also:  Drug and Non-drug Treatment for Asthma in Pregnancy
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108health · 2 years
How Natural Supplements Are Beneficial For You
As we are all aware of the fact that we are blessed with so many herbs which are comprehensively used in essential medicines and beauty products. These leaves, herbs, roots, and fruits – all raw, are packed with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants, and thanks to scientific improvements, all this integrity is now turned into natural supplements. These supplements are highly appreciated for their excellent healing advantages and no or tiniest side effects. Herbal supplements like Ashwagandha or liposomal supplements are strongly suggested for curing intense and constant sickness.
Importance of natural supplements: —--
Reduces Risk Of Side Effects: Herbal supplements are well obtained by people who are allergic to ingredients in pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs are learned to have rarer side effects even if taken longer, enhancing overall wellness.
Symptomatic relief: Herbal supplements like triphala for colon cleanse help boost immunity without effects badly and are more useful in delivering symptomatic relief, particularly while battling allergies.
Cost relief:  Herbal supplements are cheap, pocket-friendly, and available without a prescription. This is one of the significant advantages of herbal supplements. These supplements are affordable.
Readily Available: There is an easy availability of herbal  supplements as you can get without even taking a prescription. Herbal supplements are available as over-the-counter medicines that do not require a prescription. Chamomile, peppermint, basil, turmeric, garlic, honey, ginseng, licorice, and amla are famous fast-moving supplements that cure colds, cough, flu, rash, pain, etc.
Deals with chronic diseases: Do you have any idea about that herbal supplements can also deal with chronic diseases? Herbal supplements created by Shatavari are primarily recommended to cure infertility problems, while fenugreek and pepper tablets check blood sugar levels. Just take lotus stem for good health of cardiovascular, and take Garcinia Cambogia to defeat the issue of obesity.
If you are also health conscious and beauty conscious and looking for the best natural supplement for heath and best supplements for glowing skin, then you can go through us at 108 Health. Our natural formulas will help you in beating the root cause of your health issue. 
Originally published at: https://healthbeauty.bcz.com/2023/01/23/how-natural-supplements-are-beneficial-for-you/
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