#how the hell did i make it on time🧎‍♂️
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no-eyj000 · 1 year ago
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Feliz navidad💃🏻🎄🎅❣️
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sidsinning · 6 months ago
This is not going to be an extremely thorough essay about why my opinions of mlb are completely right from every angle you could ever think of its 10 am and I'm running on 0 hrs
This is just what I've been thinking about the show
I feel like every time the show defies a gender stereotype it doubles down on like 5 more at the same time
VERY unpopular opinion: sometimes the stalker trope can be funny but I feel like the creators don't do it well which is why everyone shits on Mari for it so hard + they overdo it
I really don't think Mari's shtick is actually making kids think diving into trashcans to spy on your crush is ok to do- everything she does is cringe on purpose so I don't see kids aspiring to be like her in this way
Felix's intricate arc felt so abruptly cut after he became Kagami's boyfriend; I feel like it's a shame Feligami were so rushed bc a slow development of their relationship could've strengthened his character arc even further. I feel like it merced both their characters by having it be so quickly put together. Bc why is Kagami saying she loves him enough to defy her mom already and why are they making out all the time. Like I didn't need that personally
Lots of missed opportunities in general regarding Felix
Kagami telling Felix Marinette is Ladybug after 1 ep he got with her like what the hell kind of insane betrayal??? They try to brush off???? Hello????
The way she found out was so stupid too
Man I will miss the -will they, won't they- Ladynoir; I feel like they were the most entertaining and well developed pair in terms of the LS, with the most addicting dynamic
I'm pretty sure most of us were drawn in by "cute flirty cat boy simping for our badass heroine who playfully rebuffs his advances" in the first place
Season 5 was batshit and filled with plotholes like holy
Idek what to think about Chloe now it's messy
The most corrupt adults getting abrupt redemption arcs (principal, mayor Andre, arguably Gabe)
Sabrina just decided to. Turn. Morality somehow appeared when the plot needed it to. Soccer
"I need to break up with Luka bc I am LB"
Tikki and Plagg: "Adrienette can't be together bc of the burden of LB and CN"
Then they get together just fine after becoming superheroes again where nothing about the stress of the job changed, so I guess Tikki and Plagg took away their miraculous for nothing
Luka in the guardian fit 💀
Idk man Kagami's resurfacing feelings for Adrien made me sigh ngl like did I really need this filling up screentime
Kagami being easily manipulated by Lila for plot bc their friendship was built off screen after their terrible interaction in Oni-chan
Lila in general
AI Adrigami taking over Paris' mind via fake AI video kidnapping on glorified apple watch starting the big finale 🧎‍♂️ like what even is this
Adrien being literally asleep for the finale- I get the message. Adrien shouldn't have to fight his dad. Adrien fighting his dad wouldn't be a moment of triumph for Adrien, only sadness. Adrien is a victim of abuse who wants to be rescued and that is ok. Mari rescuing him from his prison is beautiful.
But idk. Maybe have him help in a significant way before he gets neutralized for the whole finale besides providing Maribug with his ring? Idk I love love love Mari getting the spotlight in her show but. Hm. Cutting him off so clean like that is a lil weird considering how important he is, and how Ladynoir's relationship is so essential to the show? I'm still kinda torn on this
Bug Noir slayed at least
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Other shit but yeah I'm just rambling
holding back on the surge of ml criticism my brain just produced
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shotorozu · 4 years ago
fist bumping them after some steam
part two | part three
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack, spice; implications of steamy times (making out, etc) but not actually nsfw,, seriously (x reader)
note(s) : yeah so the title seems pretty self explanatory 💀 basically you fist bump them after steamy moments and this is how they’ll react. and for the implications alone, this is a third year au
also might delete later if i suddenly regret making this 💀 but who knows, we’ll have to see! but in case that happens, i’m posting more things later
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todoroki shouto
man, you really got him there 💀
you guys finished having an impromptu makeout session, and with your mind slightly clearing up— you decided to fist bump him
you know, just because. and also so you could see how he’d react to the gesture. would he be weirded out or will he accept it?
shouto quite literally crumbles in your touch, let alone if you’re kissing him with such passion— so he’s instead, rendered confused when you do that
his brows furrowed, and he just,, accepts it non-verbally?? as the action comes and goes
the gesture is left unquestioned, and when you decide to do it again you both uh,, burn some time
he feels the need to ask 🧎‍♂️
“is fist bumping your partner after intimate sessions normal?” his cheeks are still flushed, but the question comes out in his usual tone
lmao he’s so direct 😭
“hm, just wanted to see how you’d react.” you smile, gently patting him on the cheek
“oh.” he smiles, knowing that you always want to see how he’d react with almost everything, it’s just how you are
and that he should start taking mental notes of your habit. he finds it adorable, but you’d have to ask him about that
from that point on, whenever you guys would do something rather steamy— you’d make it a habit to fist bump him afterwards
and congrats! he thinks it’s normal now, despite not really understanding the gesture
literally— he’ll ask midoriya if he fist bumps his s/o after such activities, and he’d watch his friend be taken aback by the question.
which kind of leaves midoriya wondering, and eventually asking shouto “todoroki, what does Y/N do to you?”
everyone else finds it hilarious when they find out, but shouto finds it endearing in it’s own way.
to him, the gesture is unique, nothing he has seen in the movies!
like sure— he was initially dazzled and stunned when you did that the first time, and he didn’t remember seeing that in the “what’ll happen after making out with the person you love” forum
yet, this little thing of yours? it’s something that’s only between you and him! so, take it as a compliment
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bakugou katsuki
stares at you like you grew two extra sets of heads
basically, the epitome of 🤨
has to think for a few seconds, before actually realizing what you just did— after all of that
will be under the assumption that he didn’t rock your shit hard enough. i mean, if you’re not speechless by the time you guys are done
then he’s done it all wrong, clearly
“the hell was that for?” he quickly pulls his wrist back to question you, after you made him fist bump you
and you just shrug
😃 you’ve got a big storm coming. huge
prepare yourself for the next attack
i mean at first, he’ll still have that 🤨 look on his face— and you’ll have to pull at his fist for him to fist bump you
eventually, he does get used to it, but that doesn’t mean he thinks it’s absolutely normal
no— he still finds the gesture strange as hell 💀 so even though he’ll fist bump you after spicy times (making out) he’ll still stare at you like you’ve gone mad
like,, even when the aftermath was sweet, and quite fluffy— you’ll never forget to fist bump him (even if your shit just got rocked)
“fist bump, because you did a great job, kats.”
and katsuki will just stare at you like 😐❓�� how are you still speaking “i don’t need a fist bump to know that, dumbass.”
still prefers knocking the wind out of you by using his actions, but he’ll eventually get a hang of your little habit.
but even after he renders you breathless and speechless, to the point all you could do is lay down (that’s when you know that things were surreal)
and you somehow forgot to fist bump him— he’ll end up doing it for you
why? hm,, i’d say that you somewhat passed the habit onto him.
this habit of yours eventually gets out to kirishima and kaminari, and boy— are they livid. they find the habit hilarious
and they’ll most likely tell the other bakusquad members about it 💀 and whoops its an inside joke now
wasn’t the wisest thing, since they know that katsuki will give them hell— but it’s a funny sight for sure
in short? the gesture’s very,, odd and it’s weird as hell— but if you magically stopped doing it, he’d be furious
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midoriya izuku
when you first did this, he was out of breath, panting. izuku takes time to regain composure— from the pleasant time that was spent being pressed up against you
the moment made his heart skip a beat, but when he was still trying to catching his breath— you suddenly reached for his fist, and fist bumped him
then, he’s like 👁👄👁❓and it definitely caught him off guard— like,, out of all things, he wasn’t expecting that
“Y/N? what was,, that?” he’s still red in the face, but he’s puzzled by your sudden fist bump.
“hm, a fist bump, just because.” you ruffled his hair “good work, izuku!”
i mean,, he’s confused, sure. but he’s quite pleased with himself, knowing that he’s done a great job to the point that you even had to verbally clarify.
he’s definitely still confused, since you didn’t actually explain why. but nonetheless, he stays observant
the next time you guys get rather,, heated, and close— izuku makes sure to observe what your next move would be
like,, is the fist bump a one time thing? he must know!
before he knew it, it wasn’t just a one time occurence. once your breath regulated, you fist bumped him once again.
“good work!” you press your lips against his freckled cheek. even though izuku wanted to ask, he decides to leave that for another time
the next day, he approaches you in his usual manner— but this time, he’s equipped with his notebook and pen
“do you usually do that after we,, get particularly close?” he clicks his pen, ready to take down notes
so— he wanted to take notes about your habit 😳 his note taking habit wasn’t new, he wrote about every important detail about you in that notebook
you would’ve guessed that the dirty minded izuku in him popped out, but he’s genuinely curious 😭
“hmm,, i think so, yeah. i also do that whenever we finish training, right?” omg so now that’s going to be engraved in his mind, whenever you guys finish training now
he’s really just taking notes, so when he’s kinda out of it— and you do it again, he won’t be like 😃❓ ‘HUH??’ so yeah, it’s for memory
takes note of it, and sometimes— he’ll even take initiative, holding his fist up for a fist bump even if you’re the one that’s completely out of it
but once you start, don’t stop. if you just go even one day without fist bumping him
the green head will think you’re mad and that he did something wrong 💀
izuku just wants to make sure he’s doing this correctly, and to make you happy! so don’t be weirded out, if he’s worried
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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figgy-bug · 3 years ago
tickle hcs for Camilo and Luisa pls
You got it anon!! :D
Requests are still open!
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• it was only a matter of time before I did hcs on this little maniac
• tklish? Him??? Never-…👀
• there is no way in Hell’s Kitchen he’s gonna admit to being tklish- NO shot-
• however-
• he is - arguably - the most ticklish Madrigal
• similar to Mirabel, he’s not a super huge fan of being tkled in front of a lot of people because it’s embarrassing for him, and he’s sorta self conscious of his laugh :(
• his laugh doesn’t really match him, that’s certainly true, but it’s lovely nonetheless!!
• very sporadic and varies in pitch - is also prone to hiccups
• kinda like “ehahEHEAHAhah-hic-EHeHA!!”
• worst spots without a doubt: back, ribs, knees, collarbone
• Most of the Madrigals know he’s pretty tklish, but the repeat offenders are Mirabel, Bruno, and -hear me out here- Mariano
• I mean, the guy is marrying his sister, so of course they’ve gotta interact somehow-
• I love to think that Camilo and Mariano get along well, but Camilo always has an edge to him like “yo this guy is gonna be marrying my sister- lemme make sure he passes the vibe check-“
• Mariano probably senses this and tickles the mess out of him acting all offended that he would dare to even CONSIDER that he’d harm Dolores
• “You wound me, Camilo- I can’t believe you’d ever *poke* even *poke* THINK *squeeze* that I would hurt your sister! Unbelievable!”
• now ler Camilo? 🧍🧍🧍 that’s a different story-
• “My primo Camilo won’t stop until he makes you smile today” … and I live by that.
• SUPER teasy all the time-
• is a huge fan of sneaking up on people, poking them, then shifting into someone else and blending in with the crowd/ literally his favorite game 🤚
• will poke fun at the lee’s laughter/movements, no doubt in my mind
• if he so much as SMELLS one of his siblings or cousins in a bad mood, he’s already on his way
• for cheer up tkles, he’s very patient and sweet and polite about it. He waits until he knows for sure the person is okay being touched, and stops as soon as he’s told
•tickle hugs 🧎‍♂️
•he WILL run up behind Luisa and give her the biggest bear hug his scrawny little arms can deliver, and then out of nowhere just start scribbling on her stomach which has her on the ground in no time -
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• I personally like to believe that she didn’t even really know she was tklish until after the events of the movie, bc she never really let herself experience things like that, y’know?
•that being said, she is EXTREMELY tklish- like one of the most tklish Madrigals-
• and she doesn’t mind it at all! She actually thinks it’s fun!!
• the main Madrigals who like to jump her are Isa, Mira, and Camilo, and most often, it’s Mirabel!
• she is fully aware of how large and strong she is, so she tries to keep as still as possible as to not hurt the ler(s)
“Awww Luisa you’re not even resisting!! Are you enjoying yourself??”
• oh she can’t stand teasing- not at all- she goes red in the face and covers her face up
• she usually can feel herself about to flush red and covers her face preemptively, but her ears go pink too, which gives her away-
• she has a very low voice, and a very high laugh/ ironic isn’t it-
• well her belly laugh is pretty low, but her giggles and surprised laughter is high snd breathy, and very squeaky!!
• her laugh goes silent if you hit a death spot like her hips or her neck - other spots include her knees, her back, and her stomach!!
• Ler Luisa <3
• SO gentle and SO patient???
• she again, doesn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone, so her tkles are featherlight- unless she’s directed otherwise-
• very reassuring- she will absolutely hype you up while she’s destroying you
“You’re holding up so well!!”
• she will absolutely do the ruin counting game
• so I like to think Camilo says he’s getting super strong by like,, working out and exercising and whatever 15 year old boys say when they want to be buff a but ofc he’s a skinny little twig-
I like to think Luisa does like, check ups to “see if he’s gained any muscle”
Like she’ll squeeze and poke at his arms and his torso like “oh! You’ve got a little more muscle here than before l! Good job kid!!” AND HIS STOMACH?? CHECKING FOR NONEXISTENT ABS??
I know that drives him insane-
• my last point for ler Luisa is that she gives big hugs after the fact- such a big gentle teddy bear
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SORRY THAT TOOK SO LONG my draft deleted itself and i had to start all over again TIFKENFNSCJ
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blorborotisserie · 3 years ago
Strangers from Hell
Episode 5✅
How about we just leave him alone and let him get some sleep 🥰
Moon-jo while talking about testing Jong-woo: "Don't judge someone by their cover"
You're RIGHT, Jong-woo is ready to rip some ASS
Hold on
I'd be scared as hell too Jong-woo
Moon-jo said
😍gaslight 💞gatekeep🌈girl boss✨
He just...
Did he... With the video
"It's pretty"
Moon-jo: "Yeah babe, totally understand your situation."
Moon-jo: "Anyway. Have you ever thought about murder" 🥰
Jong-woo: 😀 "what"
Ol' grandma just dropped some fucking KNOWLEDGE on you police babe
"He (Moon-jo) makes me uncomfortable"
Yes, but have you considered... His eyes are pretty 😍
He doesn't look like he's threatening people when he talks but that's what I feels like 😀
"There must be a lot of interesting characters there (the residence)"
Okay but.... Can this man shut the fuck up??? He talks so much and for why???
If... If one more person calls Jong-woo sensitive.... I'm gonna lose it
Can Ji-eun's boss BACK. TF. UP???
Aw shit,,, she ran into kind looking Moon-jo
"You should crawl" IF YOU SAY SO SIR 🧎‍♂️
OoooooHH? who is that Jong-woo???
Did Moon-jo really just text Jong-woo all mysteriously just to ask "don't you wanna go apeshit?"
" 'girls' like manly men. Not pretty boys."
everyone likes pretty boys no matter who you are
Jong-woo any other time: 💞💞
Jong-woo drunk: ❤😘 🌺✨🌸 💕❤️🌼
Maybe I shouldn't watch all the episodes in one day... But I will.
Wait why is Mr. Shin starting shit???
Jong-woo REALLY doesn't want to go home... Fair enough
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shotorozu · 3 years ago
doing your makeup
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character(s) : multiple characters (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral reader (reader likes makeup), quirk’s not mentioned. bold = this character can also apply to this situation
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : quite similar to the eyeliner post i made a while back— but reversed, and they do a full face of makeup on you, and not just eyeliner. there’s not that much nuances
(reader owns a blush that suits their skin type, i have done research🧎‍♂️ but if it REALLY doesn’t apply to you, then don’t worry! i’m not very descriptive)
also there’s no proofread in this bc this is long as hell and im tired 🗿 will edit later
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asking them about said task 。
replies with a simple “okay” looks unphased, is actually the very opposite. they are either glad that they’re given the opportunity, or— they’re nervous. they’re still glad, don’t get it twisted— but more so on the nervous side.
—♡ shouto, denki, fumikage, sero, tamaki, kyouka
replies with a simple “okay” looks unphased, because they really are. putting makeup on you doesn’t sound difficult, or intimidating. compared to other things they needed to do before (like.. fighting for their lives, to name an instance.)
—♡ shouta (when he finally says yes), dabi, hitoshi, hawks, tsuyu
is delighted, enthusiastic. somewhat has knowledge of makeup, and you won’t ask why— assures you that you could count on them, and that they will not let you down. (this doesn’t mean that they’re not nervous though)
—♡ izuku, eijirou, mirio, hawks, mina, momo, ochako
says no, at first— was planning on saying yes to begin with, since they do trust their own skills, and it makes you happy. just wanted to see how you’d convince them. it was quite entertaining, almost funny— but they did given in.
—♡ katsuki, shouta, neito
little individual hcs about this (before we get started fr)
—♡ shouto and katsuki definitely warms up liquid/cream products with their quirks before application (shouto heard it from somewhere that doing that was good, and katsuki heard that from you specifically— so why not?”)
—♡ but you had to yank your precious products from katsuki— because he, at some point, almost blew up your liquid blush 💀
—♡ shouta almost forgot about the entire makeup thing at some point. almost fell asleep— but remembered the task he was given, and immediately went to work.
—♡ tamaki was oddly compliant when he gets over his nervousness, because he helped around with nejire’s makeup during that entire beauty pageant thing (from season 4)
—♡ katsuki, neito, hawks, dabi, hitoshi
—♡ shouto, kyouka, sero, tamaki, shouta, hitoshi (when he actually starts rubbing the product into your face), fumikage, tsuyu
—♡ shouto, kyouka, sero, tamaki, shouta, hitoshi (when he actually starts rubbing the product into your face), fumikage, tsuyu
doesn’t care where they put it— just does it, harshness may or may not be there 💀 laughs when you look at him like 😐 “really?” when the product finally absorbs on your skin, he kisses your cheek to make up for the brashness <3
—♡ denki, mirio, neito, hawks, dabi (but he pinches your cheek instead 💀), mina
talks about the product. says how nice it feels on their hands, and how your skin will be all ready after this step. knows at least a bit of your skin type, and comments on how the primer seems to be getting along with your skin.
—♡ izuku, sero, mirio, eijirou, mina, momo, ochako
complexion stuff 。
drops the applicator (example: beauty blender, brush) and almost uses it on your skin. you stop them just in time. now, whenever you squirm or dare to move even an inch, they threaten you with the use of the dirty item 😎 (don’t worry, they actually apply product with something clean. ex: a spare brush/beauty blender)
—♡ katsuki, dabi, neito, mina
uses a brush, and feels like an artist. your skin is their canvas, your fate is in their hands. probably doesn’t blend enough, and has to use their fingers (or a beauty blender, if you think the use of fingers is just icky 😟) only to make sure it’s all blended.
—♡ denki, dabi, mirio, hawks, ochako, mina, momo, dark shadow (when fumikage’s preparing for the next step 💀)
uses a beauty blender because those things interest them. has seen them everywhere and doesn’t know why— but it makes more sense now. smiles the entire time he (lowkey) beats your face up with a sponge.
—♡ shouto, sero, hitoshi, eijirou, tsuyu, kyouka
who wets the sponge for foundation:: eijirou, shouto, tsuyu, kyouka
who leaves it dry, and says “oh well, there’s no backing out”:: hitoshi, sero
fingers because they heard those blend in product better than any type of blending tool. makes sure to wash their hands, and smooths out the product with gentle, circular motions. isn’t afraid of getting their hands dirty— in fact, they won’t care, as long as they could touch your face.
—♡ izuku, tamaki (but pls don’t comment on it), shouto, katsuki, mirio, mina (the beauty blender slips out of their hands, and they switch to hands)
eyeshadow 。
does something neutral or earthy (browns, basically.) like.. your natural shadow or something similar. sticks with that because they’re either afraid of making you look like a children’s coloring book gone wrong— or they just like neutrals/earthy tones the best on you
—♡ tamaki, izuku, momo
when you show him your eyeshadow palette, he immediately goes for the darkest/boldest shade— and goes to town on your eyelid (results may vary.) they ends up using their fingers for blending because the brush kept making the color darker (well— maybe it’s because there’s product on it 💀) has to bite back a smile when all you do is look at him in admiration.
—♡ fumikage + dark shadow, dabi, hitoshi, kyouka
adds color to it. they pick whatever suits your skintone the most. actually knows what buildup is— and adds more color and saturation to your eyelids slowly. you’re impressed so far. it could either turn out really good because they know when to stop— or the complete opposite
—♡ eijirou, sero, shouta, hawks, ochako, mirio
does neutral/earthy tones with a pop of color. adds color to the corners of your eyelids (like that one kylie jenner makeup look 💀) likes how it looks— says they could now probably see the makeup from a mile away 😃
—♡ shouto, katsuki, neito, mina, tsuyu, izuku (who changed his mind mid-way)
eyeliner 。
does it in one swipe. you are impressed that it’s all that it took— then again, it’s probably because they wear eyeliner on a regular. it just needs a little more retouches, and you’re good to go.
—♡ fumikage, katsuki, hawks, kyouka, mina, hitoshi
has steady hands— you wonder if they’ve ever considered becoming a surgeon because of this. is extremely focused. tells YOU not to move, or they’ll just cry (or scream, in katsuki’s case) a little bit (due to frustration. and they mean internally screaming)
—♡ shouto, katsuki, tamaki, shouta, sero, momo, tsuyu, hitoshi
completely messes up, but we can all blame their shaky hands. apologizes over and over again— says it’s because they’re nervous about poking you (but they’re also excited that they could see you up close)
—♡ izuku, ochako, denki, eijirou, mirio
makes you look like a raccoon 💀 laughs when you nearly shriek at your own reflection. hugs you and whispers that you’re still very pretty as an apology. you accept, only because they said you still look nice (but you’re unsure if they’re bullshitting you or nah)
—♡ neito, dabi, mirio (but this sly ass bitch pretends it looks good like “oh well look at that, i think i did a pretty good job 🤩☝️‼️” also you : 🐼)
lash curler + mascara 。
is TERRIFIED. literally throws themselves across the room when you show them the device (even though they’re not using it this time around 💀) is literally so scared of cutting off your precious lashes, that you end up curling them yourself. does the mascara part just fine though.
—♡ izuku, tamaki, fumikage, denki, neito, kyouka, ochako, hitoshi
uses heat to curl your lashes, it’s very convenient. is oddly very pumped about doing your mascara, but just ends up doing 2 coats only.
—♡ shouto, katsuki (laughs when he (somewhat gently) holds onto your lashes for 3 seconds, and sees that you’re just 👁👄👁) momo (because she literally whips out a heated stick for this. you don’t panic because she assures you that it’s not SUPER DUPER heated)
surprisingly, knows how to use this.. torture device. is very careful about it, because they could accidentally pinch your eyelid (and it looks like it hurts). does mascara quite well, because again— poking your lover’s eyeballs out is a no-no💀😟☝️
—♡ eijirou, hawks, sero, hitoshi (when he gets over the fact that it looks like a torture device), shouta, mirio, dabi,(surprisingly. because he doesn’t want karma to bite his ass), tsuyu, momo (waits for 15 seconds. does this bc she wants your lashes to be curled to the fullest)
lash extensions 。
doesn’t see why you need them when they’ve put mascara on you. thinks you look spectacular as is, but once they’ve put the lashes on you— they like how it looks. thinks it puts the look together. putting on the false lashes was definitely heart fluttering.
—♡ shouta, dabi, sero, mirio, fumikage, kyouka, tsuyu, hitoshi
stares at them like 😀❓❓ “that looks like a caterpillar, are you sure?” attaches it to your lashline a little loosely than what’s standard, but ends up PINCHING them together with their fingers (apologizes afterwards 💀)
—♡ katsuki (if you MIRACULOUSLY managed to get him to put fake lashes on you), eijirou, izuku, hawks, mirio, denki, dabi (minus the apology part, just smiles and pats your cheek)
skips the lash step all together. thinks it is not needed and will not be convinced that it is— plus, they’re actually looking forward to the lipstick part more, and they just casually ignore you (you’ll be there like hello?? you forgot the lashes! and they’re like “what was that 🧐❓ anyways, it is time for the lips 🤩☝️‼️”)
—♡ shouto, katsuki
lipstick 。
uses one of those small lip brushes, like a makeup artist. puts some product at the back of their hand, and applies it to your lips with the brush. creates a nice gradient in the process. forgets to wash the back of their hand, which leads to people asking them about the mysterious blotch of color at the back of their hand. “it’s lipstick.” is all they say (with a smile that’d be lowkey kind of sus.)
—♡ shouta, fumikage, tsuyu, momo (who wanted to get it off with a makeup remover, but went nvm. this is a flex for her 😎), denki (has always wanted to put on lipstick on you with a brush— only does the top lip successfully)
uses the applicator directly on your lips. you’re not really mad about that, considering that it is YOUR makeup (you’d probably never allow them to do that with a tester, or somebody else’s stuff though) holds it in a very particular way, you have to gather all the mental courage to just NOT laugh, or you’ll make them mess up 💀
—♡ izuku, eijirou, mirio, hawks, sero, mina, ochako, neito, hitoshi (he gives up midway because you looked like you were about to burst into tears of laughter at any moment 😭)
uses their fingers. this was either an artistic choice on their behalf or— they just got lazy with their first method of application. smears it carelessly, or alternatively— taps your lips gently with product coated on their finger(s). likes touching your lips anyway, so this isn’t an issue for them. (anyway, they’ll have a tinted pointer finger by the end of it. but hey! they touched your lips 🤩)
—♡ katsuki, hitoshi, shouto, dabi, hawks (this hoe probably broke your lip product, thats why he’s using his fingers now 😐), kyouka, mina (gave up mid-way)
overall 。
absolute perfection. you’d totally walk out of the room completely satisfied. you could take pictures, and even go to a party like this. they did so good! and you should definitely get them to do your makeup more. they should— and probably are— very proud of themselves.
—♡ momo, fumikage, tsuyu, hitoshi, katsuki (because the way he puts on eyeliner is SO good) shouta, (but let’s see if you could even convince him to even do your makeup again 💀)
a dumpster fire. what even happened here 😭 did they do the blindfolded makeup challenge on you? you do not know— however, it does not look like something you should ever step outside with. it looks like a billion other things happened on your face. they could really try again, since practice is welcomed. but if this doesn’t discourage them 💀
—♡ neito, denki, dabi (he is NOT guilty about it 😭), hawks (only the eyeliner and eyebrows looks good. the rest is.. not so great), eijirou (he’s too sweet. you couldn’t immediately tell him about the things he did incorrectly), neito (again, because you don’t know how he messed up this badly)
a 50/50– could use some work, and there could be some things they could’ve done differently— but it’s not absolute garbage. you could still walk outside, without having people on the streets gawk at you, like you’ve gone completely mad 💀 it’s a great first try though! you’re confident that the next attempt’s going to be spectacular
—♡ ochako, sero, izuku, mirio, kyouka (the eyeliner was so good though), shouto (you didn’t have the heart to tell him about the wrong things he did— YET)
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i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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