#how she spoils those she loves ( within reason of course ) with trinkets and gifts and her time because
lcveblind · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐠𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ?
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the sunflowers.
"i'd like to paint in such a way that... everyone who has eyes could understand it." there was a series of these paintings of sunflowers. van gogh was heavily praised for them by those he knew. to him, they felt like they were his mark. like they were truly his own. you often feel the same need to stand out and be remembered for something. you're an individualist through and through, and you're determined to make your own mark. you have so much courage, so much passion, and so much determination. but let me tell you a secret: you don't have to fight to be important. you already are. 
some of your traits are: ambitious, one-minded, and passionate.
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thank you for coming up with that ship name, it's so pretty <3 Anyway have a Faywood HC: Penny crushes on Aurelie in the early years before slowly realizing that Aurelie doesn't appreciate her (I agree with you she was so shallow) and realizing Luca lied about the trinket when Aurelie has no memory of giving it to her. But she's not mad ofc, she's touched <333
...I don’t know what inspired me to write this. I don’t even particularly ship Luca with Penny in general, but I guess you caught me in the right mood, and I’ve enjoyed our back n forth, and somehow this just came spilling out of my fingertips. I hope you enjoy - 
Dear Jacob,
I’ve told you this before, no doubt, but I really dislike lying. Especially to friends. A first year could tell you as much, that it’s wrong to deceive the people you care about...and yet I’ve done it, time and again. I kept my misgivings about Rowan a secret and that led to us falling out for months. I had my reasons, and Rowan themself has even said they were understandable, but that fight was still my fault. But there have been other times as well. I lie to cover for Talbott and Chiara virtually any time I talk about them. And in those cases, I genuinely think I’m doing the right thing. That’s the trouble, lying sometimes feels like it would be the right thing to do, for the best outcome all around, so that's what I wind up doing. 
It’s what I did to Penny, when her pen-friend visited from France. I lied, more than once, to protect her feelings. First by keeping my suspicions quiet, and second by giving her that ornament “from Aurelie” when it was not, in fact, from Aurelie at all. Well, it was from her...to me. But it should have gone to Penny if you ask me, so it did go to her...from “Aurelie.” and by that I mean me. 
Of course, I was only a second year at the time and I didn’t really think it through. Didn’t have a contingency plan for getting caught in the lie, and I probably should have thought of that. For all I knew, Penny could have immediately written to her pen-friend to thank her. But it never came back to haunt me like lying to Rowan did, so with time, I mostly forgot about it. Until tonight.
I’m pacing around the Hufflepuff Basement, looking for a certain Mitten who is not yet awake for her breakfast. With term having ended and the winter holiday begun, most of our friends have left school. Most of us. Rowan’s sticking around and we’re making up for lost time, (not like Mum wants to see me anyway, apparently…) and Penny’s parents would have to drag her home in chains - she’s not about to leave Beatrice stranded for Christmas. So there aren’t too many people to ask about my cat’s whereabouts. 
Just as I’m thinking about leaving to search for her by the dungeons, in case she’s seeing Bitten, I hear a familiar “Mrooow…” from within the girl’s dormitory. Door isn’t shut, so I peer inside to see Mitten on the floor, rolling around with whatever stray object she has claimed ownership of this time. It’s blue and looks far too fragile for her to be batting it around, but that’s Mitten. In another moment, I blink and recognize it - Penny’s ornament. 
I’m about to step inside and extract the makeshift “toy” from Mitten’s hold, when I see that Penny is already there, sitting on her bed and watching the show. Okay, well, that’s good - at least playtime has permission this time. I still owe Diego a new Ballycastle Bats poster...and to this day, I have no idea how Mitten knocked it down from the wall to convert into a scratching post.
“Hope you’ve worked up an appetite.” I call out to Mitten gently, holding up her breakfast bowl and waving it slowly. Mitten looks up, and I swear her eyes dilate before she dashes over to circle me, mrowing up a storm. “Okay, okay, right here…” I lead her away from the ornament, setting the bowl down and rewarding her with head rubs as she chows down, before glancing back up at Penny. “Thanks for that.” I really owe her one for her patience. 
Penny stares back at me with an odd, misty look in her eyes. She doesn’t say anything at first, and I don’t press her too. These haven’t exactly been easy times for her, Jacob. For the past two weeks, someone - usually me or Tonks - has to gently tug her away from Bea’s portrait so that she doesn’t sleep there. It’s no exaggeration to say that she’s a wreck. Still, she’s been brewing a calming draught to help quell her nerves, and when she takes it, that does seem to help. I can’t tell if she took some last night or not (I camped with Rowan) so I slowly approach, keeping an eye on her. “Did you sleep okay?” 
Penny doesn’t answer, and I feel fear rising in my heart that she may have had another nightmare. Like most things, they aren’t as bad when she takes the calming potion, but they still happen from time to time. Yet when I study Penny’s face, she doesn’t look upset. Emotional, maybe, but...not upset. Sitting down next to her I notice she’s holding something in her hands - a letter, by the looks of it. With very fancy handwriting. Penny has lovely handwriting, nothing like your wild chicken scratch, but she didn’t write this. She must have received it. Trying not to pry, I keep my face level with hers, before she folds up the letter and sets it aside. 
“You know, three years ago.” She speaks softly, and turns to look at me. “You told me that the blue ornament was a gift from Aurelie.” I feel my heart skip a beat. An old lie resurfacing, one I haven’t thought about in ages, and now I’m caught with no excuses. Yet Penny, predictably, doesn’t appear to be angry with me. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. “But we’ve been trading letters, and she asked about you. Asked if you ever wear the robes she got you, or if you kept the trinket she gave you.” I...have never worn those robes in  my life, I’ve only just realized. Not even sure where they are. But never mind that, Penny’s frown is a gentle one. “Why did you tell me it was for me?” 
I bite my lip, feeling the back of my neck heat up and I’m not sure why. But no, it’s time to come clean. “Because...because it should have been.” Maybe I’ve matured, maybe things are just coming together, but my fifth year has really led to a lot of conversations that should have happened ages ago. Making up with Rowan, making up with Jae...Tulip and Merula finally made up this year, in a sense...and now there’s this. “I’m sorry Penny, I guess I just didn’t want to spoil anything for you. But I…” Slowly rubbing the back of my neck, why is my skin prickling so much? “I feel like Aurelie should have gotten something for you, not me. You’re the one she’s closer to, and you were the one she lied to, back then…” I hesitate from going any further. Whatever my feelings, I’m not going to bash someone she cares about. 
Penny is looking down, her hair falling in her face. Jacob, have I ever mentioned that she has the most intense case of bedhead that any human being has ever had before? We both agree Tonks’ would be worse if her hair was actually long, but it’s not, and Penny’s practically hidden by a straw nest by now. Which is why...damn, I’m not sure what makes me do it, but it’s not like we’ve never been affectionate before. Still, I don’t know why I decide to start pushing her hair out of her face, but that’s what I do. 
Looking at me, she shakes her head, taking my hands. “No no, I’m not upset with you Luca. I just didn’t understand.” For the first time, she laughs a little. That is a good sign - she’s definitely still medicating with the calming draught. “Thought I may have just badly needed some morning tea. No, I...appreciate it. A lot, actually.” Her eyes meet mine, and I don’t let go of her hands. “Aurelie and I haven’t been writing to each other as often these days, though that’s at least partially my fault. I haven’t had the energy to write to anyone these days.” 
“That isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault.” I try to comfort her, but it’s never easy. There’s nothing that can be said to fix her situation, no spell to be cast. We simply have to break the curse - but we’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. “You’re doing your best, and whatever that is right now, it’s enough.” I promise her. The room falls silent, except for the soft sounds of Mitten munching on her breakfast nearby. 
Penny shuts her eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. “I hope that’s true. It’s taken me awhile to realize it but, even when I give everything I have, people don’t always give the same amount back.” My stomach twists slightly. If she’s talking about Aurelie, I’m hesitant to agree even now, though of course I do...maybe I just need to listen and let her get this off her chest. I’m not sure. “I know that no one is required to give any amount of effort, but sometimes you-you’re led to believe they will, or that they want to, and...oh, I don’t know. Maybe she and I are simply growing apart. Maybe we’ve grown into different people. I’m certainly not the same.” 
“No, you’re wiser than you used to be,” I respond softly, squeezing her hands. “You’ve seen more of the world and not all of it is nice, but you still see the nice things. You ARE one of the nice things. Now, I haven’t talked to Aurelie in years, so, it’s probably not fair for me to make judgements, but...if she’s taking you for granted, she definitely hasn’t grown any wiser.” I had to hold myself back from saying that she was “still” taking Penny for granted, but it’s true. 
Penny sniffs. I don’t think she’s going to cry, but she’s usually closer to breakdowns than even I am these days. Bowing her head, she lets our foreheads nudge together and with no real rhyme or reason, we just stay like that for a while, still with our hands clasped. “Thanks Luca…” She finally whispers, sniffling again before sitting up more. Lifting her arms, I feel her cup my face, feel lips brush my forehead. After another moment’s pause, she sighs. “I need to start getting ready for my day, or I’ll lose my mind...am I keeping you from anything, or can you stay…?” 
I nod, knowing full well that Penny’s morning schedule lasts an hour at least. “I’ll be here.” 
Love, Luca
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She Wears My RIng
Dedicated to @raptorlily​ because she really seemed to like this idea when I floated it past her earlier this week.  Ao3 link 
Betty Cooper is not the kind of girl who gets in a huff about jewelry. She has the little key necklace her mother gave her at 13. She has the little silver studs she always wears. There’s the occasional change in earrings and sometimes a bracelet or two. But she’s never concerned herself with expensive trinkets or shiny baubles.
Until she’s out shopping with Veronica Lodge one Saturday a few weeks before graduation.
They decided to have a best friend’s day. Blowouts at Chez Salon. High tea at Penelope’s. Vintage shopping at Riverdale’s (admittedly small) selection of good vintage and consignment shops.
Betty is feeling bright and bubbly. She doesn’t want to jinx it but everything feels pretty… Perfect.
After everything they've been through the last couple of years, they’re all so close to graduating and getting out of Riverdale. All of them are planning on being in New York in some way with Betty and Jughead both getting into Columbia. Betty couldn’t be more excited.
Betty and Veronica have gone through two shops already without buying anything, but Betty’s fine with that. The experience of it, spending time with her best friend is more important to her. Plus, she’s trying to save up her money for when she has to pay New York rent on her apartment. The apartment she and Jughead will be living in together.
Veronica is combing through the small collection of retro dresses when something catches Betty’s eye. It’s a dull silver ring with little crown arches around one half. Underneath the arches are a band of notches with three white stones set in a smooth finish at the bottom.
Betty’s enchanted.
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She reaches out a finger and traces the glass covering the ring.
Betty’s head snaps up and a blush steals its way across her cheeks when she sees Veronica’s cocked eyebrow.
“Sorry. Did you say something V?”
“I asked what had your attention but I see now. Does everything with crowns remind you of your boy?”
“Not everything.”
Betty knocks shoulders with Veronica who knocks her back. Veronica looks back to the ring inside of the case.
“It’s a cute ring.” She admits.
“Yeah. I think it’s really pretty.”
“So get it! It’s only-”
Veronica twists her head, craning her neck to try and see the price tag.
“It’s only $50!”
Betty grimaces. It’s not too bad, but it’s not as cheap as she would like.
“V. I can’t. I hardly wear rings and-”
“Oh come one Betty. Imagine the look on Jughead’s face when he sees a ring on your finger. A silver crown ring on your finger. He’ll flip. And I mean in a good way. You two are practically engaged anyway.”
“Ron. No. It’s ok. It’s pretty but it’s not like I need it. And besides, I’m trying to save up remember? I don’t need to be impulse buying a ring I probably won’t even wear that much. And don’t say that around him. We’ve… We’ve talked about marriage. Maybe. In the future. The far future. I don’t want to freak him out or anything by buying myself a ring. ”
Veronica rolls her eyes but lets the matter drop. For now.
“By the way, V. Did you see anything you like?”
Veronica’s eyes light up.
“Ohmygosh. Betty. I found the cutest little flapper dress. It’s all crystal and sparkly and even if it’s Cherylred I can pull it off. I’m definitely getting it and we need to find you one too. We must have a Gatsby themed party before graduation. I demand it.”
Veronica moves back to the rack of dresses. Betty throws one last look at the ring in the glass case before following Veronica reluctantly.
That night, Veronica and Betty are joined by their boyfriends at Pop’s. Veronica regales them all with the details she already has planned for her Gatsby themed party. Having heard all of them already that afternoon, Betty excuses herself to the washroom.
Veronica seizes the opportunity.
“Jughead,” Veronica purrs coquettishly “I have some information I think you’d might like.”
Veronica balances her chin on her hands, a Cheshire smile in place. Archie turns a startled head to his girlfriend, alarmed at her stance and tone. Jughead stuffs an onion ring in his mouth, arching an eyebrow wordlessly.
“I think the one thing we can agree on is that we want Betty to be happy right?”
Jughead remains silent, rolling his eyes, refusing to answer what he must consider a dumb question.
“And we can all agree that Betty deserves the absolute best, right? She deserves to be spoiled like a princess and given anything her heart desires.”
“You going somewhere with this, Ronnie?”
The redhead hasn’t lost the look of confusion and he nudges Veronica slightly. Veronica pays him no mind, her whole attention on Jughead.
“Get to the point, Veronica.”
Jughead seems to be done with the games.
“I’m just saying that if Betty wanted something, within reason, you'd want to get it for her right?”
“If you don’t have $50 to spare I am willing to lend it to you. Just saying.”
Jughead rears back a little bit.
“$50? For what?”
Veronica glances at the restroom door. Their window of time is slowly disappearing.
“Betty found something super cute at one of the stores today but she refused to buy it and I think you should buy it for her because it would make her really happy. I am not telling you this because Betty’s playing some bullshit passive aggressive game about it and told me to tell you or whatever. It’s because I saw the way she looked at it and she rationalized herself out of buying it, but I think that even if she doesn’t need it she should have it.”
Jughead’s eyes narrow in calculation.
Betty walks out of the restrooms and settles herself back into Jughead’s side, stealing a fry from his plate.
“What did I miss?”
Jughead twists his head, pressing a soft kiss to Betty’s hair.
“Nothing much. Veronica was just telling us about some other things that you guys saw at the antique shops today.”
“Yeah. Like that ridiculously overpriced tea set. And the hideous ceramic dolls.”
Betty’s eyes light up and she bounces a little in her seat. She turns to Jughead
“Those dolls! Juggie, they’re gonna give me nightmares. There was this disjointed clown one I swear was haunted. It had the creepiest smile that was like, half worn away and these beady eyes that followed us around the store. I’m staying with you tonight and you have to hold me really tight ok? Also we are never watching It ever again.”
And just like that, Betty is distracted, going on a tangent about how much she doesn’t like Pennywise. Jughead catches Veronica’s eye for a split second and when they exchange nods, Veronica’s smile widens.
Two weeks later, Betty is sitting on the couch in Jughead’s trailer when he breezes in, throwing his jacket and keys on the opposite end.
“I have a surprise for you.”
Betty looks up from her laptop. She’s been going through apartment listings in New York that she and Jughead can possibly afford, making a binder filled with possibilities and the pros and cons of each.
“A surprise? What is it?”
Jughead drops himself on the couch next to her, a large box in his hands. Betty cocks an eyebrow at him skeptically.
“Why the gift? It’s not a birthday, an anniversary, or a major holiday. Not that I think we can only give each other gifts on those occasions but you know, society.”
Jughead snorts.
“So. Why did you decide to get me something?”
“Because I love you.”
The simple statement sends butterflies through her stomach, just as strong as the first time.
“I love you, Betty Cooper. So I bought you a gift. Am I not allowed to do that?”
His eyes are so earnest that Betty curses him. How is it possible that he can make her blush and fluster so easily? Is he supposed to be able to still have this effect on her? She's irritated that he knows exactly what she’s thinking, judging by the smirk on his face.
To distract herself from kissing away his stupid smile, Betty opens the box and finds another box inside.
“You did not do this.”
Jughead’s smile gets wider when Betty tilts her head and gives him a baleful look. Sighing heavily, Betty pulls out the box and opens it up to find a smaller box. She opens up the third box to find a fourth box. And then a fifth. The sixth box is small and wooden and Betty has no idea what could be in it. She opens up the catch to find that it’s a ring box.
A ring box holding the ring from the antique store.
The little tines of the crown stare back at her and the stones sparkle in their setting . It’s been cleaned and polished very nicely since she saw it last. Betty swivels her head between the ring and Jughead, unable to form words.
“Veronica told me you liked it. And when I saw it, I couldn’t resist getting it for you. It might seem kind of egotistical to get you a ring with my symbol on it. At least what I sort of consider my symbol. But I’d really like for you to wear it, Betty.”
Betty nods rapidly, a smile on her face. Jughead scoots closer, putting an arm around her. His voice is low and serious and Betty wants to stay in this little bubble of happiness for forever.
“I… I’m not proposing. Not yet anyway. But. This is for you. And someday. Someday there’ll be another ring. If you want it, that is.”
“Oh. Juggie.”
Betty’s voice is breathy and amazed.
“Of course. Of course I want it. I love it. I love you so much.”
Betty throws herself into Jughead’s arms. She kisses, kisses, kisses him and he kisses her back just as fiercely. He scoots back just a touch and hauls Betty into his lap so she’s straddling him.
Betty links her hands behind his head while he anchors one hand at the small of her back. It’s a searing heat through her thin t-shirt. Jughead’s other hand roams up and down her spine, sending sparks skipping up and down her spine and raising goosebumps.
“Love you. Love you. Love you so much. Juggie I love you so much.”
Betty can’t stop telling Jughead how much she loves him in between kisses. Jughead pulls away just slightly and heaves a small breathy laugh against her lips.
“Betty. I love you.”
His blue eyes are warm and dark and Betty leans down to give him one more small peck. Jughead plucks the little ring box she’s been loosely holding out of her hand. He pulls the ring out and grasps her right hand gently. He takes the time to kiss the scars on her palm gently before turning it over and sliding the ring on her fourth finger.
Or… Trying to slide it on.
“It… doesn’t fit.”
Betty bursts out laughing. She buries her head into the crook of his neck as Jughead starts fighting with the ring and her finger. Jughead’s forehead creases and he growls a little at how it gets 3/4 of the way down before getting stuck. After some struggles, he eventually gets it on but it’s a little too tight for Betty’s comfort.
“Betty. Stop laughing. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
It’s Jughead’s turn to blush and Betty can’t help but kiss the pout away.
“Here, Jug.”
Betty moves the ring from her right hand to her left ring finger, where it fits snugly, but comfortably.
“I know you said you weren’t proposing yet, but I think that ring was meant for this finger.”
Jughead brings her hand back up to his mouth, placing more small kisses to her fingers.
“Why does it fit one hand and not the other?”
“I’m right handed. It happens. It’s ok. I like it better on this hand.”
“Everyone’s going to think it’s an engagement ring won’t they?”
Betty hums in agreement before responding.
“Probably. But whatever they say doesn’t matter. Whether or not we call it a promise ring or an engagement ring doesn’t matter. It’s just a piece of jewelry. What matters is us.”
“Does that mean you’re going to be the one to explain to your mother why you’re wearing it on that finger?
Betty laughs and nods in agreement. She lifts her leg and folds it underneath her so that she’s sitting in Jughead’s lap instead of straddling him. Jughead wraps both arms around her and cuddles close, settling his head in the tuck of her neck and shoulder. Betty holds her hand up so that it catches the low light shining in the trailer. Jughead presses a kiss to the curve of her neck.
“It’s so pretty.” Betty murmurs.
“Not as pretty as you.”
Betty elbows him gently.
“Cheeseball. Who knew, when we first started dating that you would be such a sap?”
“Only for you.”
Betty giggles and elbows him gently again. He tickles her in retaliation and she squeals before he swoops in to steal another kiss. They spend long minutes like that before Betty breaks away again to admire the ring. She uses the index finger of her right hand to softly stroke the little dips and grooves in the ring.
“Thank you, Jughead.”
“Well if I get thanked like that, I should get you jewelry more often.”
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