konako · 2 years
Regina enters the diner. She sits down and puts a plate on the counter. Granny looks at her. "This isn't a bring your own food establishment." Regina smiles back. If there is one thing she can appreciate it is Granny's biting comments. "Don't worry, those are dog biscuits. To bribe Pongo. I'll take a coffee, please." Granny doesn't answer. She knows about the way Regina tries. She knows she has weekly appointments across the street with Dr Hopper. Granny remembers when those visits were for Henry and how that lead to a weekly meal in this diner. What a weird change. But for the sake of this weird family, Granny hopes for the best.
Granny turns around and sees Ruby coming from the kitchen. "A coffee for the mayor." "Sure." She goes over the coffee pot and pours a mug. "Here you go." Ruby smiles at Regina. Genuine, not customer service. Because she too is aware what Regina's next appointment will be and she has heard from Snow that things are going well. "Should I have the double cheeseburger and milkshake to go ready in an hour? Or do we pretend that isn't your usual routine?"
Regina almost coughs up the coffee. Granny's bluntness is one thing, but to be put on the spot by Ruby Lucas? Like this? Instead of answering she squints. "I'll take that as a yes." The other thing Ruby takes is a biscuit right off that plate. Regina opens her mouth to say something, but Ruby is so fast in taking a bite, she keeps quiet. "Oh, this is good. More savory than sweet." She munches on. "A bit unexpected, but yes, good."
Regina finishes her coffee and grabs the plate as she stands up. "Thank you for the taste test. Now I'm sure Pongo will enjoy his treat."
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simp4wom3n · 8 months
Why Don't I Know You?
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Requested: Yes/No ~ How about Regina having a crush on the reader but not saying anything bc she thinks the reader won't like her, but when the reader starts talking to her and everything, Regina is suddenly possessive ykwis
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Summary: Shocked when a face she doesn't recognise shows up in her class, Regina makes it her goal to learn everything about them, even if it leads to her gaining a massive crush. ~ Word Count: 4.1k ~ Warnings: lotta swearing, one slur, otherwise mainly fluff
A/N: HI!!! FIRST RENEE/REGINA FIC!!! she is criminally underwritten, so I thought I would do my part (other people pls do right for her I need stuff to read). I love her so so much, and I had a blast writing this, so pls enjoy <3 + I will be creating a Renee rapp taglist so comment or message me if you wanna be on it :)
The halls of North Shore High were like a second home to Regina. Some would call it her hunting ground. Each year, she relished her opportunity to prowl the hallways, hunting the new freshman as she committed every new face and name to mind, with the intention of digging up all the dirt she possibly could. With thanks to Gretchen, she knew everything about everyone.
But then there was you.
"Alright, we have a new student joining us today."
Regina's eyes widened in pure shock as you walked into the room. With your bag casually slung over your shoulder, you make a beeline for the empty tables surrounding Regina. Ignoring the intensity of her gaze, you drop your bag and settle into the chair next to her. The faint strains of music emanated from the headphones hanging from your ears as you began organizing your belongings, only to be interrupted by the teacher.
"Y/n, if you could please stand and introduce yourself."
Your eyes flicked nervously towards the teacher, and the entire class turned to look at you. The intensity of Regina's gaze made your cheeks glow with a faint red before you sighed dejectedly and reluctantly stood up, pulling out your headphones.
"Um... Hi, I'm Y/n... not really much else to say."
The teacher nodded at you before turning around to start the lesson. Watching as you sat down, Regina's focus shifted entirely to you.
She couldn't tell whether it was because she knew nothing about you, or that you were just so damn hot.
Maybe it was both.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the class, Regina wasted no time storming off to find Gretchen. Having watched you for the entirety of the class, she was desperate to find out everything about you.
Strutting through the packed hallway, everyone staring at her in fear, Regina locked onto her target as she came into her view. "Gretchen!" she called irritatedly. The small girl quickly turned around as her eyes widened in fear. "Tell me... How is it that I don't know anything about this new Junior, Y/n? Why wasn't I informed? I need all the details now!"
Gretchen, scrambling to keep up with Regina's relentless pace, stammered out an apology. "I-I'm sorry, Regina! I didn't even know they were coming."
"God, you are useless!"
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In only a week, not only had watching you become her routine, but she had even started to develop a crush on you, as painful as that was for her to admit.
She was supposed to be chased, not the one chasing.
Seeing you had become the favourite part of her day, even above having the whole school bow at her feet. She hadn't even talked to you. She just watched.
She meticulously studied your every move, subconsciously committing all of your subtle mannerisms to memory. Like the way you would take notes, or the way you would nibble at your fingers when you were focused. Or her personal favourite, when you knawed at the end of your pencil when you were nervous or stressed.
Fuck, she wishes she was that pencil.
She hated to admit it, but the thought of talking to you terrified her. Her usually overbearing confidence drained away whenever you sat in the chair next to her, your mysterious yet comforting presence causing her to malfunction.
And yet, as she sat at lunch with Gretchen and Karen, she refused to mutter a word about you to them. The furthest they pushed was when Gretchen asked about you after catching Regina staring at you, and the look Regina gave the poor girl made her shut up immediately.
The lunch tables were packed as usual, but Regina's eyes scanned the hallway beside them. She was well aware that you never sat at any of the tables, so she patiently waited for you to return to your locker, which was conveniently placed within sight of her table.
Karen and Gretchen's incessant babbling went unnoticed as you finally appeared. She couldn't help but notice your slouched posture and sluggish movements. You looked exhausted. Your headphones, which you always had on you, dangled from one ear as you forcefully opened your locker.
As if she wasn't already concerned, the table of varsity jocks had also noticed you, taking your clearly irritated mood as a green light to push even more of your buttons. From across the room, Regina watched with a clenched jaw as three of them stood from the table and made their way towards you.
Her body ached with anger as she watched them grab you by the shoulder and throw you against the lockers. Your exhausted expression turned to one of fear as they held you up against the cold metal doors. The guy forcefully snatched your headphones away, callously tossing them to the ground and obliterating them with a single forceful step.
Regina choked on a gasp. She knew how much you loved those headphones.
She was annoyingly out of earshot as she watched them continue to laugh at and berate you whilst shaking you against the lockers. Her blood was boiling. The others had noticed her expression and cast confused glances towards the commotion, which only confused them more.
The Regina they knew would be laughing.
After Regina's next victims finally let you go, your body shook as you realised that the whole school had just watched you get shamelessly belittled. As soon as your gaze locked with Regina's, your embarrassment grew unbearable, triggering you to hastily get your belongings before moving to make a swift escape.
The last Regina saw of you, you were frantically running away, desperately trying to hide your state as tears streamed down your face.
Those jocks had no idea what was coming for them.
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The next time she laid eyes on you was the week after. She had already exacted her revenge on the jocks, having called their parents and telling them they all had STDs, yet when she caught sight of your weary expression as you entered the classroom, the familiar sense of triumph eluded her.
As the lesson passed and the teacher blabbered about a new group project, Regina's eyes never left you as you buried yourself in your notebook.
"Ok, listening, please." the teacher announced, garnering both of your attention. "The groups are as follows," you patiently waited for your name to be read out so you could go back to absentmindedly doodling in the margins of your book, whilst Regina similarly waited to hear the name of the poor soul who would be stuck with her. Yet, to her surprise, she wasn't disgusted by the name read beside hers.
"Y/n and Regina,"
With eyes wide and fixed on the teacher, Regina failed to notice the sudden blush that crept onto your cheeks, causing you to quickly lower your head. "You have the rest of the lesson to plan." the teacher mumbled before returning to their desk, where they sat silently.
Neither of you moved. After a second of secretly hoping Regina would make her move, you figured she wasn't interested in you or the project. Opening your computer and immediately diving into research, Regina sat at her desk, trying to build the courage to talk to you.
God, she hated being a coward.
After a few minutes and a few internal pep talks, she decided to take her one excuse to talk to you as she finally scooted her desk towards yours and turned to face you. As she inched closer, your heart began to race, sensing her gaze fixed on you. With a bashful smile, you diverted your attention from your screen and finally made eye contact with her.
She was breathtaking.
Clearing your throat, you quickly turned back to your computer as you scratched the back of your neck. "I-I'll just do it all when I get home," you spoke nervously, presuming THE Regina George would want nothing to do with you or the project.
"What makes you think I'd make you do it alone," she retorts, her tone more flirtatious than she had intended, but she wasn't mad about it. You looked back at her, lost for words for a second as you tried to scramble together a response.
"Well... I-I just presumed you wouldn't want to help." A small smile formed on her lips as you briefly glanced at her, "I mean, you hardly pay attention, so I just... figured." She softly giggles at your words, her laughter sending a flutter of excitement through your body.
Little did you know she was distracted by you.
"Come to mine later. We can do it together." Regina's unexpected display of confidence caught both of you off guard as her usual flirtatious demeanour made a comeback. Meanwhile, you stared at her in disbelief, trying to process what had just happened. "Ugh... Yeah, sure, if that's ok?"
"I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't"
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As the school bell rang through the corridors, you were overwhelmed with both relief and anxiety. After enduring a tedious day at school, you were now faced with the terrifying task of not only talking to Regina but also spending hours alone with her at her house.
Walking out the doors and towards the car park, the sound of the bustling school fading into the background, your eyes catch a familiar blonde leaning up against her Jeep. Your heart began to race faster as you approached her, your bag feeling heavier with each step.
Her expression softened as she noticed you approaching, a warm smile gracing her lips, and she pushed herself off her car. "Hey," she greets softly, a soft shade of pink painting her cheeks as you both smile at each other. "Hi," you said breathlessly with a small chuckle.
Without another word, Regina moves to get in, and you follow suit, chucking your bag into the backseat next to hers before climbing into the passenger seat.
The breeze gently tousled your hair as you drove to her house, the soothing tunes of music filling the air, matching the nervous excitement between you both. Your heart beat along with the music as you snuck glances at the girl sitting next to you. With her eyes focused on the road and the wind softly brushing her skin, you were utterly mesmerised by her.
Of course, you had heard of Regina George's horror stories, but this girl was different.
Sure, you hadn't spoken till this morning, but there was something about her you couldn't quite describe. Something that brought you to school every day, comforting you as you sat in undoubtedly one of the most boring classes, and that gave life at North Shore High purpose.
Frankly, you rejected any idea of her being a heartless bitch.
When you eventually turned into her driveway, your gaze was forced away from her as you caught sight of her house, or should you say mansion. The house was almost cinematic in grandeur, your eyes growing wider by the second as you drove closer before eventually stopping at the door.
"Wow," you mumbled under your breath as you exited her car, your eyes not leaving the building as you reached for your bag. You heard Regina chuckle lightly as she led the way to her door. "My mum's not home, thank god, so we have the place to ourselves."
You nod mindlessly as you follow her through the front door. As you trailed behind her, the pristine marble floors beneath your feet echoed with each step, a stark contrast to the scuffed linoleum of the school corridors.
Just when you thought you had gotten used to it, Regina led you to her room. Stepping inside, you find yourself mesmerised by everything around you. "This is your bedroom?" you asked, clearly taken aback. Regina glanced back at you, a shy smile on her face.
"Yeah, It was my parents, but I asked them to trade me." "Right...". You couldn't help but be captivated by the array of decorations adorning the walls, taking in the posters and photos that offered a rare glimpse into her life beyond her reign as the queen of North Shore.
Sitting on her bed and removing her shoes, she motions for you to do the same. Dropping your bag next to her massive bed and grabbing everything you need, you carefully sit down next to her, leaving enough room between the two of you so you don't seem invasive.
Opening your laptop and notebook, you place them on the bed as you pull up the project materials. You can feel Regina's gaze on you even though she's trying to be subtle, and the thought instantly makes your cheeks glow softly.
"So, uh, where do you want to start?"
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The next few hours flew by as you worked on the project together. Regina was surprisingly helpful, the two of you moving closer as your work drew to a close. Now that the project was over, the familiar awkwardness lingered in the air as you searched for something to talk about that wouldn't embarrass you.
"You're really good at drawing, you know." Regina compliments softly, pointing at your notebook margins before you can say anything as you blush at her words. "Thanks... I've been doing it more since-" "Your headphones broke." Regina cuts you off as you look at her surprised.
"Yeah... How did you know that?" It was Regina's turn to blush as she realised that she had just revealed herself. Stammering to find an excuse, she looks away for a second, embarrassed. "I-I'm just a very observant person."
You look at her suspiciously with a small smile gracing your lips, the thought of Regina watching you making your heart flutter.
"You're different." you find yourself blurting out, "from how everyone else describes you, I mean." you finish quickly. Regina chuckles as she smiles at you softly. "You're different too. Good different. I like it."
The tension between you grew as you stared into each other's eyes. A softness behind her pale blue eyes drew you in, and before you knew it, you were slowly leaning in. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you caught Regina glancing down at your lips, her own caught between her teeth as your faces grew closer.
"Regina, honey!" You scramble backwards as Regina's bedroom door flies open, revealing who you believe to be her mum. "Oh. Hi there!" "Mum, seriously!?" Regina yells in disbelief. Your ears begin to ring as your head pounds, thinking about what would have happened if you had not been interrupted.
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't realise you had anyone over." While Regina's mother was apologising, you could hear Regina sighing in frustration next to you. "I'll just go to the kitchen." Her mum suggests as she begins to leave the room, but you beat her to it. "No, Ms George, it's okay. I was on my way out anyway." You offer her a smile you hope appears as genuine as you quickly throw everything into your bag.
Trying to ignore Regina's pained gaze, you threw your bag over your shoulder, grabbed your shoes, and quickly exited her bedroom, making your way out the front door. You had no plan on how to get home, but you would rather walk than have to sit in that room after what had happened.
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Walking into school the next day was like walking straight into a nightmare. You already weren't fond of the school, having been called slurs and made fun of constantly, but adding to that, your usual excitement of seeing Regina had been replaced with pure fear.
In just one night, you managed to spin every interaction you ever had with the girl, leaving you incredibly embarrassed about how you had let it all happen. Who were you to think Regina might actually like you? You were probably just a pawn in some big game.
Unlocking your locker and throwing it open, already fed up with the day before it had even begun, you began to unpack your stuff, completely ignorant of the approaching jock.
Walking into school with a similarly distraught look, Regina's mind was stuck reeling over the events from last night. The question of why you ran away was all she could think about until she heard a sharp bang.
Before you could react, you were once again thrown against the lockers, an irritated grunt leaving your lips. Your eyes met the same bastard who had made bullying you their new hobby. "Back for more, dyke?" he taunted you, your fists clenching involuntarily as you awaited the verbal abuse he was undoubtedly about to unleash on you.
Regina's head immediately whipped in its direction, a new sense of anger rushing through her body as she saw your saddened figure being pinned up against the lockers. Without hesitation, she storms towards the jock holding you against the wall with a fire burning behind her eyes.
"Fuck off, asshole!"
The boy's expression quickly shifted, causing him to release his grip on you and hastily retreat in terror. You sighed in relief as you observed Regina approaching you, her face contorted with unmistakable rage.
You found it quite amusing how scary everyone found her, causing the boy who had just been full of confidence to shrink into insignificance, like a tiny ant that she was about to step on.
"Look in her direction again, and it won't just be STDs next time."
The boy's face flashed in realisation before hurriedly scrambling off. All eyes were fixed on you as Regina directed her gaze towards you, her expression instantly softening with a hint of concern in her eyes. "Are you ok?" you managed a nod as the softness of her voice filled you with a comforting warmth.
"Yeah… Thanks," you replied softly, your familiar awkward energy filling the air. She watched you momentarily as you remained silent, hopeful that you would acknowledge her. Yet, as you continued to avert your gaze away from her, she gave you a soft nod before turning to leave. Her stomach sank as the failing state of your relationship grew more and more obvious.
With an unfamiliar burn of tears behind her eyes, her pace quickened as she tried to get as far away from you as she possibly could.
But you stopped her.
"Regina, wait!"
Looking over her shoulder and meeting your sorry gaze, her heart can't help but flutter as she watches you slowly jog after her. "Sorry, I-" you hesitated, feeling a surge of nerves as you came the closest you had been to Regina since yesterday. "Did you want to maybe... hang out at yours after school again?"
"Didn't we finish the project?" She seems confused, completely missing that you wanted to spend time together outside what was needed. "No, we did. I just thought we could, you know, just watch a movie or something, but if you're not into that-"
"I would love to." She interrupts your anxious babbling with a gentle laugh, her gaze filled with admiration as you stare at her in a state of surprise and joy. "Meet me at the same place, ok?" "Yeah". Regina walks away from you with a smirk as you stand there frozen.
Holy shit, you just asked Regina George out.
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The trip to Regina's after the bell finally rang was much like the day before.
She waited for you by her car, dismissing her other friends when she spotted you. Greeting each other warmly before jumping in the car, you once again listened to music whilst the wind swept through your hair, a nervous yet warm sense of anticipation falling between you.
Pulling up to her house, which you were still in awe of, you jumped out of the car and walked towards the front door behind Regina. "This time, my mum actually isn't home and won't be. I made sure of it. So we really do have the place all to ourselves."
You both laughed at her words as a small blush crept onto your cheeks. You walked behind Regina as she entered her bedroom, studying the now familiar walls as she set up everything you needed to watch a movie.
After sitting on her bed with the TV switched on and Netflix loaded up, you still remained standing in her doorway, nibbling on your pencil, which you always kept stowed away in your pocket, causing her to glance at you with a puzzled expression. "You seem distracted. Everything okay?" she asked, her voice soft yet discerning.
Snapping back into reality, offering her a sheepish smile, you replied, "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess." taking the pencil from your lips, you slowly moved towards her bed, your eyes subconsciously scanning every inch of her body, your mind going wild seeing her so comfortable.
Her gaze fixated on you, her piercing blue eyes captivating in the sunlight pouring through the window. She laughed softly, the sound filling the room with a pleasant melody. "Lost in thought or thoughts of me?"
The comment caught you off guard, and your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I… um, what makes you say that?". Regina, who reclined into her bed, gestured towards your hand, occupied by a chewed-up pencil.
"You always chew on that when you're nervous," she spoke softly. Your eyes widened in astonishment as the familiar burn returned to your cheeks. "How do you know that?" She smirked, "I notice everything." Regina's gaze never wavered as she continued watching you, a playful glint in her eyes.
"So, what's got you so nervous, Y/n?"
You felt a lump form in your throat as Regina's question hung in the air, filling the lavish room with tension. You couldn't help but fidget with your pencil, trying to find the right words to capture the overwhelming mix of emotions that Regina's presence constantly stirred within you.
"I, uh… it's just… everything, I guess. School, people, this…" You gestured vaguely between the two of you, unable to articulate the chaotic mess of feelings inside. Regina leaned up, her voice softening. "Well, you don't have to be nervous around me." Her eyes locked onto yours, a sincerity beneath the confident facade. "Now sit."
Slipping your shoes off and sitting on the bed, you move closer to Regina, who is lying against her pillows, her gaze unwavering. Eventually settling next to her, you turn to look at her, your heart fluttering as her soft eyes meet yours.
The room seemed to buzz with an unspoken energy, and all you could hear was the sound of your shared breaths. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, watching Regina's eyes analyse your face. A blush painted her cheeks, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
Regina seemed hesitant, her mouth opening as if searching for the right words. "You know, I've been infatuated with you ever since you first walked into class." Your heart did a somersault at her words. A dreamy smile spread across your face, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of joy and disbelief.
"Regina George. Infatuated with me?" you teased playfully, her confession coursing adrenaline through your veins. With a gentle laugh, she hides her face briefly behind her hand before looking back at you, matching your wide smile.
"Shut up."
Leaning towards you, Regina's hands delicately wrapped around your neck, a slight shiver travelling down your spine. The room appeared to tighten as Regina held you, her touch confident and gentle. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyes never leaving Regina's as she closed the distance.
Time seemed to stand still as her lips met yours.
The touch of her lips against yours was gentle, her hands brushing your neck with a mix of desire and passion. Everything else faded away as you fell into the kiss.
Her breath mingled with yours, and you could feel the rapid beat of her heart echoing your own. The room seemed to buzz with an electrifying charge, and the only sounds that reached your ears were the shared breaths between you two.
As Regina pulled away, a shared moment of breathless silence hung in the air. Once buzzing with unspoken energy, the room was now filled with the soft sounds of your intertwined breaths. Regina's cheeks were tinted with a deeper blush, and a subtle smirk played on her lips.
Your mind still reeling from the feeling of her lips on hers, you speak with a breathless chuckle, "What's everyone else gonna think?". Regina smirked at your question, a glint of defiance in her eyes as she pulled you back in, mumbling her response on your lips.
"Let them talk."
Tag-list:@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams @alexkolax @ssinfulprayers @wifeyjennaortega @thenextdawn @wol-fica
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romypearl · 4 months
The Queen's Pawn - Regina George/Oblivious!Reader | II
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Summary: Everyone is interested and obsessed with Regina George, after all, she is the queen of the North Shore, so why does Y/N barely look at her? The new student, oblivious to her existence, intrigues and irritates the blonde at the same time. And she doesn't know how to deal with it.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Slight internalized homophobia
Word count: +2200
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She's always liked strawberries. Sweet, soft and tickling the roof of mouth. And, coincidentally, every now and then it turns pink.
Like the remnants of ice cream that hang around the corner of Y/N's plump lips.
It's hard to ignore, is what Regina tells herself as she turns away, trying to find a random fixed point to distract her. What proves to be more than impossible, out of the corners of her eyes she watches a little speech about Greek culture, something about Stoicism and a guy called Zeno, she doesn't really know, can't pay attention in the long words, only and exclusively in that spot. How could the Miss Perfect and Retainer of All Knowledge miss something so silly? The blonde huffs and crosses her arms in frustration, how has no one seen this yet? The Plastics seemed indifferent, pretending to pay attention to the matter while typing messages, knowing that their respective partners would do all the work for them and be grateful. She had no such luck. When Mrs. Blake, inspired by the... variety of grades, announced that she was going to pair up for assignments, she was sure that had guaranteed a top mark and a pat on the back for the minimal effort, equivalent to a zero. It would have been like that, if she hadn't made Karen switch papers to have Y/N as partner. After all, if she's so clever could easily get an A for both, but it backfired.
"What the hell kind of word is Eudaimonia?" she finally asks, frowning in confusion.
"Did you pay attention to anything I said?"
"All the things you say are very boring." Regina shrugs and turns so that they're face to face "Just like you."
She waits for some reaction, ever since they started studying about an hour ago Regina teases her and pulls all the strings in search of the right one, the one that will snap her out of the calm state of mind or hit her in some way. Nothing. She's rather unreachable. And, just like the other times, totally ignores the petty comment.
"But..." she hates doing it, every lousy second "Can you tell me what it is?"
"Right! For the last time..." Y/N settles back in chair and takes another spoonful of ice cream to mouth, thinking about how to summarize what she's been trying to say for a long time "Eudaimonia is a term from Greek philosophy that means a state of happiness and inner well-being. In literal translation it is "the state of being inhabited by a good daemon, a good genius"."
"Daemon?" I'm getting more and more lost "Did the Greeks believe in that?"
"No, it's daemons, not demons." the newbie's monotonous tone becomes animated as she starts talking, which makes Regina's heart skip a beat and she doesn't like it "In Greek mythology, they were spiritual beings who occupied an intermediate place between gods and humans, they could be either benevolent or malevolent..."
Then another speech begins, this time she tries to pay attention, but gradually the words blur into disconnected sentences and all she can focus on is how they sound on the girl's lips, how she pronounces them, her tongue curling between pearly teeth, the soft sound and, still, that damn ice cream. She tries to remember the last time she ate one, it seems like months, maybe years. What did it taste like? Overly sweet and sickly? Smooth and addictive? Why did her mother have to interrupt them and offer a dozen options? And why did she have to choose just that? Tempting. Lovely. Irresistible.
Y/N gasps in surprise and freezes in place as she suddenly feels something soft pressed against the corner of her mouth, thumb rubbing something that is apparently resisting coming out and her eyes meet sky blue irises, staring at her obstinately. The touch is long, almost purposeful, and they don't realize they're holding breath, unaware of their surroundings, too caught up in each other to notice the curious gazes of the two lackeys.
To everyone's surprise, including her own, Regina rubs the stain, picking up some of the gloss in the process, and brings to her lips, sucking it off. She has to hold back a groan and fight against her body to keep composure, pretending not to be shaken by her own impulsive, totally thoughtless, act.
"If my face was so dirty, you could simply have warned me." she says after a long, thoughtful pause, unable to find any conceivable reason except that "But I appreciate your gesture, it was really kind."
Kind? Has anyone, at any time in life, used that word to refer to her? Maybe her dad, once, just after Kylie was born and before they lost control completely. But there was nothing kind about what she had done, quite the opposite.
"Do you want more?" the blonde points to the almost empty bowl, anxious to mask the situation quickly.
"No, thanks!"
"How about Doritos?"
"I think I've eaten too much junk food today, it can't be good for me." Y/N jokes and opens a big smile, making cheeks stand out along with dimples that are almost imperceptible to inattentive eyes.
"We have strawberries." she says immediately, not stopping to think about those soft lips around the red fruit. When Gretchen looks at her in confusion and frowns, trying to subtly point, the plan comes back to mind and she decides to put it into practice "Also blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. Whatever you like, sweetie."
"You really like berries."
"You can't blame me..." Regina leans on the table, one hand on chin, long eyelashes batting slowly and a smirk, the same one that has won over every boy she's ever wanted "When is your color."
"What do you mean?" the other asked, without even looking up from the papers, missing all the theatrics.
"Red is your color..."
"My favorite color is yellow." she finally abandons the notes, only to find George defeated in front of her, about to slam her head on the glass table to get out of this nightmare "Can I use your bathroom?"
"Of course!" Regina snorts and points towards the corridor "Second door on the right, don't get lost."
Secretly, George hopes, wishes, that she really would get lost so that she could finally have the opportunity to guide her through something, or simply talk to her without two ticks on their backs. When she wants to, Gretchen can be very... clingy and insistent, often taking the brunette as a side effect, not unexpected considering how insecure she is about herself and the stability of her position in the hierarchy of North Shore, a drone that takes pride of function. Most of the time it's acceptable, in fact her presence barely matters to the queen bee in ordinary situations, but now all she wants is for the two of them to disappear at the snap of a finger.
"Karen, Gretchen, I need you to do me a favor." Regina is direct, in a casual tone.
"Of course! What do you need?" Wieners replies promptly, always eager to please.
"Can you go to the convenience store and get some Redbulls?" she smiles and stands up, taking one of the credit cards out of the purse, tossing it for them to take "All the flavors you can find."
"Yes, now. And get some more ice cream too."
They exchange glances, but don't dare deny Regina anything, even if it means half an hour's walk "Right, we're going."
The pair get up and leave quickly, holding their tongues to avoid questioning her about the sudden request, nor about what seems to be an interest in the newbie. Right from the first day, they listed her as a loser, with no social sense and who no one would have the courage to touch without a ten-foot pole, so they didn't understand why she insisted on winning her over. And they had no idea that she would have her as a partner in history and now visiting the George mansion.
Regina smiles triumphantly. The living room is finally quiet and she can turn her attention completely to the plan, she didn't feel shy or pressured to succeed around them, but didn't have all the attention from Y/N as she can have without silly questions and random celebrity gossip. It's the perfect moment.
She stares at herself in the mirror above the fireplace and fixes the smallest details of appearance so that she looks flawless.
"Gina!" her mother calls out from the kitchen, walking briskly into the room, and she rolls her eyes, before feeling blood run cold at the sight of her companion "What a adorable girl! She even offered to help me in the kitchen."
"Mom..." she mutters between teeth, trying to keep composed as her mother steps forward, arms around Y/N's shoulders "She's here to study."
"Oh, of course, of course! Studying is important." June says with a mischievous smile and finally lets her go "Studying what? Human anatomy?" and winks suggestively at her daughter, causing a wave of embarrassment and annoyance.
"Mom!" Regina exclaims, face burning with embarrassment, hoping that the girl won't pay any attention to her mother. At least she didn't offer condoms like last time, which didn't embarrass her like it does now "It's history."
"And philosophy." Y/N adds.
"A lot less interesting, but still important." the woman continues, not letting herself be put down, and turns to the visitor "Darling, would you like something to drink? Juice? Lemonade? More ice cream?"
Y/N, not at all affected by the expansive and slightly invasive personality, nods and opens a shy smile "A juice would be great, thank you."
"Perfect!" June hurries off to the kitchen, but not before taking one last meaningful look at her firstborn, who blushes visibly.
Regina sighs heavily and sits down at the table, this time next to her classmate, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Sorry about that. Sometimes my mom is a bit much."
"It's okay!" Y/N replies, settling into the soft chair, and goes back to concentrating on the notes scattered across the surface. In an almost imperceptible movement, she adjusts her glasses, which the blonde hadn't even noticed were resting on the top of head, and puts them on face, completely transforming her appearance "You're lucky."
It's Regina's turn to gasp, barely feeling the surprised sound escape between her lips. She'd deny it to anyone who asked if she thought the girl was beautiful, deny it to death, but there's something differently captivating that prevents her from lying now. The lenses enhance the Y/E/C eyes, making them more penetrating, as if she could see into the soul through them. The sight makes the older's heart race and her palms sweat, having to concentrate not to let it show, let alone appear enchanted.
"Do you wear glasses?"
"Yes, for years, but I was trying to get used to contact lenses." the newbie says, adjusting the frame correctly, sighing with relief "Which turned out to be a disaster."
"They look... good on you." she comments, trying to sound casual and not too anxious, failing miserably as she stares "Your eyes are beautiful."
"Thank you!" Y/N finally lifts her face and catches the queen bee with a simple glance behind the lens along with the amused smile, rare occasion, the same one Janis gets "But they don't work."
Regina laughs at the witty response, finding her perspicacity and humor interesting, very different from what surrounds her in everyday life. She's not afraid to make a joke about herself, when any of the trio would rather fight a bear than do such a thing, making themselves the material for silly and light-hearted jokes. Y/N seems to be completely oblivious to the effect she is causing, Regina's flushed cheeks being nothing more than the result of the warm weather, the friendly laughter aimed at everyone and the hospitality something routine, perhaps an apology for the not so pleasant first meeting. All the compliments, overly embellished and full of hidden intentions, simple acts of politeness, so she remains unaffected and continues to read the manuscripts, without giving the blonde what she so desperately wants.
"You know, the text isn't going to write itself." she laughs and points to the long-forgotten laptop "And I've already made it clear that I'm not going to do everything myself."
With a disbelieving nod, Regina goes back to work, trying to ignore the signals her own body gives off in the presence of the other. It's hard not to be affected by the sweet perfume emanating from inviting skin, the taste of ice cream she wants to try again, the way she seems so at ease and unimpressed in her house, lips puckering as she encounters a paragraph incomprehensible at first reading and now pushing up the stubborn glasses that insist on slipping down her nose. God, all of this is messing with Regina's head in a way she can't explain, there are no plans that could infiltrate all the sinful thoughts that invade her with this privileged view.
She forces herself to concentrate on the task in hand, which tingles as she feels their arms lightly touching, but a part of her desperately craves more of these moments of closeness, even if it means ignoring the voice of reason that screams in her mind that she's not a dyke and wouldn't be for Y/N. It's just a fucking plan. Nothing more than that.
Taglist: @reginassweetheart @chaengluva @avelynpye @bianchiniomg @royalityofmultifandom @lottiematthewsceo @notjaexiee @mayles @l1lass @bridkesby @newyork1432
Join my taglist here ^^
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Hi I’ve been thinking about this request for poly!plastics for a while now. So basically everyone knows that Regina gets angry and when she does people just don’t part ways with her. However, y/n is worse especially when she doesn’t get her full sleep which she didn’t get bc Gretchen and Karen were up and loud. (Y/n would never fault them bc she just loves them so much and their quirks). So throughout the school day, everyone has been getting on Y/n nerves like making comments about her girls etc. at lunch time, cady decided to make a “joke” about Karen being dumb, Regina being a bitch, etc and Y/n just explodes. Maybe heavy make out sess or smut after to calm Y/n down.
Slow Boil
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(I myself am poly)
|| Warnings: swearing, reader almost punches Cady, reader has an attitude, little make out session at the end but nothing overly detailed or anything
|| Summary: reader doesn't get enough sleep, the next day people get on her nerves and it pushes her to a boiling point where she snaps at Cady for insulting her girls.
Requests open!
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To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You barely got any sleep the night before with Gretchen and Karen being up all night giggling and gossiping. How Regina slept through them... you didn't know, but God you were envious of her sleeping abilities. Though you would never blame or get mad at Gretchen and Karen. You would however be frustrated at yourself for not falling asleep sooner.
The day seemed to drag on. As if seconds were really minutes and minutes were hours. Classes taking too long to complete. In Health & Fitness you just gave up and fell asleep, head rested on your desk with one arm folded around it and other stretched out in front of you. Cady glanced at you and raised an eyebrow.
The bell woke you from your sleep and you groaned, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. At least it was lunch. You'd get to see your girlfriends.
"Sleeping beauty rises." Mr. Carr comments, getting a few laughs from some kids in the back. You roll your eyes at him.
"I bet you thought that was clever. Do everyone a favour and keep your damn puns to yourself." Mr. Carr seemed taken aback by your attitude, usually you didn't have one. You were known for being kind and laid back. Not snappy and agitated. For that reason, he decides to let it go. Not without giving you a small warning lecture first. It certainly didn't make your mood any better.
You left the class, a sharp (sleep filled) glare glossing over your eyes as you walk through the halls. Some conversations catching your attention, people seemed to be talking about your girlfriends a lot lately. The things they were saying weren't always positive and that just did nothing to improve your mood. One voice in particular catches your attention. Cady.
You snapped your head in her direction, seeing her chatting with those art freaks Janis and Damien.
"Honestly, Karen's gotta be the dumbest person I've ever met. When I went to Regina's house Regina told Karen she would help her with her eyebrows and Karen asked if she could still have two." Cady talked, Damien and Janis laughed. You could feel your blood boiling," Speaking of Regina, don't even get me started on her. She is such a bi-"
"The next word out of your mouth better fucking be "bi icon" or I swear to every God that's listening..!" You yelled, taking a step towards Cady who froze in place. Damien and Janis exchanged a look.
"Y-Y/N, I didn't think-" You cut Cady off.
"Clearly! What the hell, Cady?! They've been nothing but nice- well, to your face- and this how you repay them?" You were livid. The news about you fighting with Cady quickly spread throughout the school, eventually reaching your girlfriends who sprang into action. Hoping to stop things before it escalated.
Regina got there first and put herself between you and Cady right as you had been about to strike. You pause the moment you see Regina and your arm falls to your side. Gretchen and Karen link their arms around yours and keep you back while Regina sighs.
"Baby, take a breath for me." Regina says, you ignore her and look at Cady. She snaps her fingers in your face," Don't look at her. Look at me."
You listen. Reluctantly.
"Breathe." Regina urges, hand resting on your shoulder. When that doesn't work she grabs you by your wrist and pulls you to the bathroom, Gretchen and Karen quickly following behind.
Once there, they all turn and face you.
"What was all that about?" Gretchen asks.
"Cady was being a total bitch." You mutter, arms folded across your chest.
"You mean like Cady Heron?" Karen looks confused.
"No, KD Mac and Cheese." You snap, then realize who you just snapped at. Regina narrows her eyes at you. Karen frowned and you relaxed your shoulders.
"I'm sorry... I just- didn't get any sleep last night and my patience has been pushed to the edge today because of it..." You admit in a mumble, hand covering your face as you tilted your head down. You felt bad.
Gretchen took a step towards you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, pulling you into her side as she moves her hand away from your face. Giving you a deep, soft kiss that you immediately melt into. Hands resting gently around Gretchen to pull her closer. You could feel as your body finally relaxed. Whatever anger you had being washed away.
She broke the kiss and rested her hand to your cheek," Better?"
"I could maybe use a couple more kisses..." You smile sheepishly, looking over at Regina and Karen. Your girlfriends laugh softly and the tension in the room seems to fade.
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
A Really Good Friend
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Trigger Warnings: this story doesn't include Cady so that it the trigger warning :sob:
basically a fic where fem!reader replaces cady and it goes a bit differently? a different past, but was still homeschooled and transfered. janis and damian could still be involved, but the reader has no incentive to do any revenge on regina because she doesn't get a crush on aaron. and like, y'know, regina isn't that bad. she's so protective of reader and is SUCH a great friend. regina makes the reader feel so special. hehe
A/N: I did not know how to write this, so please be kind.
Mean Girls requests are open.
"Don't look at them," Damian attempted to shield (Y/n)'s eyes, but she gently removed his hands out of curiosity. "They call those three the Plastics. The girl with the big hair, that's Gretchen Wieners. Her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. Then, you have Karen Shetty, I once saw her put a 'D' in the word orange." Damian hissed as a blonde girl came in after them. She was obviously the leader of whatever the group was. When she flipped her hair over her shoulder, everyone was still in awe.
Janis grumbled as she crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. "Evil takes human form in Regina George." She commented, letting her know who the last girl was. (Y/n) couldn't get over how stunning she was. "She's the Queen Bee, she always wins Spring Fling Queen. You need to be careful around her, (Y/n)." Janis warned, trying to stop the brainwashing before (Y/n) was too far in. But it seemed like she was too far in and hypnotized until she almost dropped her tray onto the floor because she almost ran into someone.
"Why don't I know you?" A voice called, causing (Y/n) to look up from her lunch tray, and away from Janis and Damian. She made eye contact with a blonde who was in a leather jacket. It was obvious that she had status at North Shore High by the fearful stares of their classmates. That's why (Y/n) hoped that when she looked around, there was a different new student that the girl was talking to. "No, no… I'm talking to you. Don't be shy, come over here."
(Y/n) looked over to Janis who shook her head, but (Y/n) felt she had no way of getting out of this. Approaching the table with an awkward smile as she set down her tray. "Why haven't I seen you before?" Regina turned her head quizzically. The honey blonde next to her leaned closer as she examined the situation, wanting to hear what (Y/n) would respond with. However, on the other side of her was a girl with wavy black hair and a curious look in her eyes despite not having a thought behind them.
"I'm new here," (Y/n) said softly, fidgeting with her hand. Regina's brows rose, and it was obvious she was vying for more information. She wanted to know more about (Y/n), but she wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Not when her only other friends were so against the idea of her coming over. She didn't want to upset Janis or Damian, nor did she want to upset these other girls. "Well, I'm not new to North Shore. I've just been homeschooled my whole life before now. I just finally convinced my mom to let me come to school here."
Regina nodded with a small smirk on her lips as she looked at the other girls behind her. "Give us just a moment," Regina said before whispering to them. This left (Y/n) standing there, not knowing if she should walk away and give them space or if she should just stand there. "Right, so we never really do this, but how'd you like to have lunch with us all week." Before (Y/n) could reject their offer, Regina held up her hand. "There's no need for you to thank us, there's no need to even speak. You're new and you don't know things, you need good friends who can tell you what to think. We'll see you here same time tomorrow." She said, know now that (Y/n) couldn't reject her.
"On Wednesdays, we wear pink!" The girl with long wavy hair said, grinning up at (Y/n) as Regina nodded. (Y/n) was then excused and she made her way over to Janis and Damian with her lunch tray. She didn't know if they would be upset with her or not when she sat down. Instead, they looked like they wanted to know exactly what happened over at the table she was at. This made her feel a little more comfortable to know they weren't mad at her.
(Y/n) then just gave them a polite smile. "They want me to eat lunch with them for a week." (Y/n) said softly, starting to eat the sandwich on her tray. Janis grinned at this, nudging Damian who looked surprised. "I already said I'd join you guys though, so I guess I'll have to reject their invitation." (Y/n) shrugged. She was a loyal person, and she didn't want to just drop Janis and Damian for the Plastics.
"No, no, no," Janis said, waving her hands with a jubilant look on her face. "That's the tits, and I think you should do it. You should take the offer, and then you should come to us with every little stupid thing that they say."
(Y/n)'s nose crinkled in thought as she looked over at them. "I'm not sure I can spy on them, but if you really want me to take up the offer… Do either of you have a pink shirt?" She asked, hoping that one of them did since she didn't. Damian nodded before letting her know that he had her back. "Great, thank you. I'm going to head to class. Thanks for being so cool on me not wanting to spy on them. You're both great friends." (Y/n) said as she separated from them in order to make it to her class.
The next day, Gretchen sat in front of (Y/n), letting her know all of the rules that they must follow if they want to remain at the Plastics table. "You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear a ponytail once a week. Oh, and we can only wear sweats and track pants on Fridays. If you break any of these rules, you can't sit with us. And, I mean, none of us can sit here if we break the rules. Like, if I was wearing sweatpants today, I might have to sit over there with the art freaks." Gretchen pointed to Damian catching some food that Janis threw over to him. The action caused (Y/n) to chuckle, but she quickly covered it.
"That sounds fair," she confirmed with a smile as she began to eat her lunch. She was surprised to see how kind the girls were. She then began to wonder what they did to make Janis hate them so much. More specifically, she hated Regina.
Regina hummed as she tried to process the percentage of sugar in her Yoghurt before looking over to (Y/n) with a smile. "After school, we're taking you shopping. Then, we're going to hang out at my place. Meet us at my Jeep right after the bell." She said, before getting up to get cheese fries instead. She was pleased to see Regina acting so kind to her, and she was grateful for her allowance since she had been saving for years, and now she might be able to use it. She was beginning to feel lucky at how great of a friend Regina George was.
"So, any cute boys?" Gretchen questioned as Regina left. She was a bit nosy, but her heart was always in the right place. That was what (Y/n) began to notice about her. Shaking her head, (Y/n) shrugged. She had only been there for a day, and the only person she felt attracted to was Regina, who wasn't a boy. "That's too bad. If you do end up having a crush on someone, please tell me. I'm great at keeping secrets, so it'll just be between you and me."
(Y/n) nodded, not sure how true Gretchen was about that last part. However, she felt it was better to agree than disagree with her. Karen braided her hair during lunch, adding butterfly clips, and (Y/n) couldn't see how anyone could hate any of these girls at this table. "Don't keep us waiting later, pretty girl," Regina flirted with a wink causing (Y/n) to leave with pink cheeks and no words. She couldn't understand how the world could be so right after years of being stuck at home because her mother was very fearful. However, she was having the time of her life at North Shore.
After school, Regina took the Plastics shopping and (Y/n) was beginning to feel special thanks to Regina. "Let's give you a makeover," Regina announced before the girls began to give her a makeover. The girls were having a blast until Gretchen and Karen had to head home and it was just Regina and (Y/n) by themselves. "You can stay here tonight if you want." Regina offered when she noticed the time. They had been talking into the late hours of eleven o'clock at night.
"My mom would kill me, but thank you for today." (Y/n) said softly. She called her mother to pick her up and she had ten minutes extra with the Queen Bee. "Thank you for inviting me to your table. You're a really good friend, Regina."
Regina smiled gently squeezing (Y/n)'s hand. She could be a good friend, it just depended on who it was and her mood. She was happy that (Y/n) felt that way about her. "See you later, loser," she said softly. "Maybe we can spend more time just us." (Y/n) nodded in agreement when she heard her mother honk from outside. Waving softly, she made her way outside, feeling like she had just made more than just a really good friend.
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goosin-around · 4 months
This is so weird but I have so many headcanons about ouat and social media (mostly regina) so heres a lovely little list
people kept texting like they were writing a letter and it bothered Henry so bad he hosted a "learning how to text" session
Rumple and Granny both refused to attend
Regina went and still types like shes from last century but now she awfully misuses abbreviations and slang terms
Emma and Ruby are tiktok feins like they are so annoying
zelena adores AITA posts on tiktok with subway surfers gameplay
she regularly gets banned for offensive language and is on her 7th account
Emma tries to relate to Henry by using tiktok brainrot terms and he hates it
Snow and David have a joint spotify account and they argue daily about who gets to use it and when
they totally could get separate profiles but the refuse
Regina made a family life360 group and snow went ballistic when she got added and refuses to let Regina forget about it
belle is so deep into booktok
hook has an insane tiktok following because they think he's a pirate cosplayer
henry tried his best to explain his family tree on tiktok without explaining the curse and it does not go well
Ruby makes tiktoks following the swanqueen journey and people love it
Emma tried very hard to get Regina on social media but she ended up regretting it when Gina started commenting mean things on the charmings lovey dovey posts
(and dirty things on all of emmas)
the one and only tiktok post regina made on Henrys account got millions of likes
Emma makes a tiktok account for the sheriff's station and Regina doesn't know about it to this day
granny forces ruby to advertise the dinner and it is the worst video ever
(yk the one on youtube where ruby tells us to ask if theres avacado? imagine that but worse)
Regina had a flip phone and an ancient computer until Emma forced her to upgrade
Baby neal is a total and complete ipad kid (so is emma lets be honest)
henry hates the fact neal has an ipad with a passion; regina and him regularly send the charmings articles about the dangers of technology on youth)
regina claims to not have any socials and is a strong believer that its bad for you, but she secretly has accounts to keep an eye on henry and to watch horse videos
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ryuichirou · 9 months
I have a couple of older asks that need longer replies, and I’ll try to answer at least one of them tomorrow… but today we have a bunch of shorter ones!
furubatsu asked:
In an ask you answered ages ago, you mentioned how Malleus threw off your Top/Bottom radars at first and I was curious, are there any other characters that made you go "their x! No, wait, y!"
Ooh, good question! The only other character I can think of is Lilia, but he wasn’t as confusing as Malleus: his design threw us off, but the moment Lilia opened his mouth, we figured him out lol
We really very rarely have problems with that, because it’s more about feeling the vibe of a character than anything else.
But Malleus really did confuse us for quite some time…
Anonymous asked:
are you two aware of league of legends? maybe the jhin x hwei dynamic would be interesting…
We know of it, but we aren’t even remotely closely familiar with the lore and stuff, but we actually went and read a bit about Jhin and Hwei after receiving your ask and YEP WE GET IT LOL to be honest we’re flattered that you thought that we might like them… they really do have an interesting dynamic, and the fact that it’s rooted in deep feelings about art and has some much despair and inner and outer conflict honestly makes it very spicy.
And Hwei’s design 👌💖💖💖 instantly love him.
Anonymous asked:
Even though Regina George isn't really fitting for Vil, I bet the in universe rps/rpf community loves casting him as her in Mean Girls AUs and frequently make comments about how Vil should've been cast as her in the musical version and/or remake.
Anon, I 100% agree that the in-universe fandom fancasts him as Regina all the time. He should start asking Mira who is the most “he should’ve played Regina in the musical omg” person in the world lol
But at the same time I feel like this is the reason why Vil doesn’t read comments under his posts sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
One of my favorite 'Kalim Overblots' I've read, we don't even get to see him Overblot.
He overblots after an enemy tricks him into thinking he murdered a comatose Jamil right in front of him, leading him to attacking the 'culprit' in a rage with Oasis Maker and then-
Cut to the aftermath.
There you go, another interesting way to make Kalim overblot! I like how it’s still related to him feeling responsibility + despair because of Jamil’s death, it seems like this is the main trigger for Kalim to get an emotional reaction of this magnitude.
Anonymous asked:
Najma and Jamil are basically siblings who like to mess each other but still love each other. I mean Jamil has a better family relationship to her than his parents. That doesn't mean he doesn't like how she often annoyed him.
Azul will likely try to win Najma over for her to accept her brother's relationship to her. I mean having inlaws together is worst.
Aw this is very sweet. I’m glad Jamil has a sister like that.
God I didn’t even think about the Azul-being-into-Jamil aspect of all of it, oh god this guy is going to annoy Najma too, although for some reason I get the feeling that she’s only going to be nice to Azul to annoy Jamil.
But then again, I can’t say anything concrete about her – haven’t met the girl yet.
Anonymous asked:
IDK why but I really like the idea of Ruggie unintentionally 'stealing' Azul's 'boyfriends'. Like Azul is already upset that Jamil prefers Ruggie over him and then finds Ruggie on top of Idia when he arrives at the Board Game Club room (in reality they fell over and accidentally landed in a compromising position).
Poor Azul, this is going to make him overblot again lol  I like how this is turning into a weird romcom, although with how petty Azul is, it could end up turning into an entirely different kind of anime.
Anonymous asked:
when i was starting twst i thought neige was the name of jamils sister
Jamil and his randomly French sister…
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sqwintersolstice · 7 months
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Title: it ends or it doesn't Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53441935/ Writer: sssammich Socials:
Twitter: samsmageddon
Tumblr: sssammich
Word Count: 14k Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: “The trip.”
“What about it?”
“No reason for you to drive it alone.”
It sounds like a statement, an observation, but Emma knows Regina better than anyone and knows when Regina’s telling her what will happen. There are many reasons she ought to drive it alone, many reasons that start and end with the woman in front of her. This is a terrible idea, she knows; this is the opposite of what Emma had in mind when she thought about this drive. Yet her mouth betrays her intentions when she utters a small, “Alright. But I’m driving.”
emma and regina drive to new york to retrieve henry's passport. and then truths are revealed.
Please check out the work and don't forget to give some love to the creator — leave a comment, kudos, share it! Nothing makes a creator's day and inspires them more than knowing how much you appreciated it! 💜
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hellbubu · 4 months
Hii!! Its saturday, the best day of the week! Not guilt for sleeping in and a new kuro episode xD (and your reaction, that always makes me laugh)
This episode flew so fast! And it wasnt even as interesting as most of the others, =( I did enjoy watching just how many strategies and backup plans Ciel came up with tho (Also, loved the prefect being willing to train hard af with Ciel to win....but the fact that he didnt even think to question why their teacher was training *this* particular boy all the time is so dumb....like you said, EVERYONE (except Edward and Bitch-cant remember his name rn-) is so twisted around his little finger its ridiculous. Even Ciel seems surprised by this, lol. Never ever has he been the hot girl and doesnt know how to react xDD (and I mean for people his age...not demons and old lecherous pervs, btw)
Lau's girls were....sure something lmao. Its always hilarious to me when boys lose their heads around some skin, but to this extreme? I didnt expect Edward to fall to it, tho. And at Ciel's "would that really work? -> ah, i guess demons would know about humans desires" I was ¬¬ sure bb, suuure you don't know anything about this, at all. (Also, the TOTAL lack of reaction from Druitt???? You're telling me the most pervert man in this whole stadium is not reacting to grown up women showing skin and that's not a tiny bit suspicious?? When he was commenting on the boys before this? Pfff)
I KNEW he was gonna get injured the moment Edwin's bat stopped 5 cm from his face. Idk, but i thought he was gonna let himself get hit in the upwards motion? And I was like "baby, baby! you're gonna lose like, four teeth!! ik its probably your milk teeth still, but cielll!" lmao. Luckily that didnt happen. Although his poor head... that was a STRONG swing. Still, as we know he's always willing to suffer if it results in his victory.
Also, is it just me or Sebastian was so slowww this ep??? And wouldnt he have more reason to approach the head master as a teacher rather than some random butler??? anyways.....
Saturdays are now Kuro-days! It's a shame we're almost through all the episodes 😭😭😭
I think they're all like that with him because they all see how much persistence, ambition, and intelligence are in that small body. Plus, it does help that he has a title, is cute, and is very fucking rich (I mean he has to buy new silver jewelry every other week because Sebastian uses them like a kunai).
Amor, everyone knows Druitt is only into people younger than his nephew. While I understand why this would be a good strategy, I'm honestly done with it. Like at least they weren't naked and only covered by clouds (Naruto used the Sexy Jutsu so much... I hate just thinking about it.
I do see why most boys were affected by it. Like, during that era people (in general) were more covered up. Like very covered up. And while I'm sure Ciel does know about sex, he might be used to seeing girls like that. I mean, Lau and Ran-Mao are always together. While he doesn't like to be hugged by her, I doubt that's because of "lust" and he mostly just doesn't like being touched.
I just love how he thought letting Greenhill (I googled his name) was a good idea. I mean, they won. But the head injury could bring long-lasting effects. Greenhill (I had to google his name) hits extremely hard
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Look at that! That's not normal. Ciel is lucky he's alive.
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I also liked it when Ciel was the only blue-haired one. On the bright side, I now HC that Redmond (I also Googled his name because in my head he's either Heather Chandler or Regina George) teases him saying they could be brothers. He calls Ciel his brother just to annoy Bluewer.
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maybeimamuppet · 7 months
picking teams- chapter 14: cady
hello everyone!! boo surprise sunday post!! because!! TODAY IS MY THIRD WRITING BIRTHDAY WOOOOOO!
today three years ago i posted my first ever oneshot (i think technically it was on the 4 bc it was late at night but the intention was to be today so i’m sticking with the 3). i can honestly say i was expecting NOBODY to read anything of mine and that this would be something i did for maybe a few months and then dropped like all my other hobbies.
and here we are three years later! so i’d just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s supported me through this little journey over the last three years. i feel like i really have a community and a little family here. i appreciate every single pair of eyeballs that has ever laid eyes on a fic of mine, whether you comment and i get to know who you are or you’re just a lurker. whether you’re new or you’ve been here the whole time. thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here for and with me <3
anyhoo! mushy stuff over for now lol please enjoy this chapter :)
tw for
broken bones
and as always if i missed something please let me know so i can add it in!
Cady goes back to school that Wednesday.
Her parents let her have one more day off to recover and finish the homework she had been putting off. Cady's still not feeling 100% after her episode, as Janis put it, but she can't afford to miss any more school. Or cheer practice. She's gotten more than a few threatening texts from Regina.
She runs into Janis briefly going into homeroom, since it's in the same classroom as Janis' first period. She smiles, mostly at the ground, and Janis surreptitiously brushes her hand against Cady's and gently links their fingers together before walking off like nothing happened.
Cady blushes furiously and heads to her seat. She hunches in on herself to scribble something on a piece of notebook paper she rips off and folds up. She's so focused on making sure nobody sees what she's writing that she almost misses Ms. Norbury trying to take attendance.
"Cady. Caaaady. Heron. Hello."
"Wh- oh, uh, here," she stutters. Ms. Norbury arches an eyebrow and ticks her off on her computer. Cady trills her lips and tucks the paper into her pocket.
"Glad to have you back, Cady," she says once the bell rings.
"Thanks! Uh, see you this afternoon!" Cady says, rushing out the door. They already don't have much time to get from class to class, and she has a stop to make this time.
She tries to act like she's just leaning casually against the wall and she doesn't have to be across the building in two minutes. Once she looks around to double check nobody is watching, she carefully slips the note between the slats in Janis' locker and rushes off to her class.
Hopefully she gets it.
Cady looks up from her phone in fright when she hears a murmured, "Hey, sweet thing."
Janis is peeking around the corner of the bleachers, lunch in hand and a confused look on her face. Cady spotted this during a rainy-day indoor practice last week. The bleachers are completely solid, so nobody can see in. "Did anyone follow you? See you?"
"Nobody important," Janis shrugs as she puts her food down. "Whatcha doing?"
Cady sighs in relief upon hearing confirmation that nobody will see them together. She leans in for a kiss and gets a sweet little peck. "I want to have lunch with you! It's like our own little place!"
"That it is," Janis agrees with a chuckle. "How's your day been?"
"Good! I got a hundred on my math test," Cady says happily.
"Of course you did," Janis laughs. "What'd you tell Regina?"
"About what?"
"Where you are," Janis says as she takes a bite of her... probably turkey sandwich. Cady's eyes widen. Shit.
"I... didn't tell her anything," she says quietly.
Janis quirks an eyebrow. "Better come up with something quick."
"She's gonna grill you like a war interrogator," Janis snorts.
Shit. She's right. "Uh... um..."
"Just tell her you skipped lunch," Janis shrugs.
"Skipped it?" Cady asks.
Janis shrugs again. "I dunno. That'd probably work."
"I'll think of something," Cady hums, pursing her lips and taking an exasperated bite out of her celery stick. Janis smiles at her like she's some cute little animal.
"So... any particular reason you're slipping notes into my locker and sneaking around with me behind the bleachers?" Janis says with a smirk as she scoots a little closer to Cady.
Cady groans as she's suddenly reminded why she had done this. "I have to go to Regina's after school. We're having a costume fitting for the holiday parade."
Janis looks at her oddly. "You're in the parade?"
Cady nods eagerly. "Mmhmm! I get to be an acro elf!"
"A what?" Janis giggles.
"I get to dress as an elf and do tumbling and acrobatic stuff next to Santa's float!"
"Oh," Janis says. "Stevie loves that one. I didn't know it was us."
"They choose the best cheer team in the region to do it. Apparently this is the first time in, like, ten years that it's been North Shore," Cady explains.
Janis snorts. "That makes more sense."
"I'm really excited. But I have to spend a lot of time with the Plastics, I won't have as much time free after school," Cady says apologetically.
Janis shrugs. "It's just a parade. Once it's done your schedule will calm down a bit and we can spend more time together again. Not like we're breaking up."
Cady giggles. "I still have my knight in shining armor to come save me from the Plastics if I beckon her."
"Damn right you do," Janis smirks, leaning in for a kiss.
Cady happily leans in too, smiling to herself as their lips touch. She's suddenly very glad she totally ate it at their last practice and spied this hideout behind the bleachers from the ground.
"Might need to save you already," Janis hums as they pull apart, looking Cady up and down with a small grimace.
Cady sheepishly looks down at her bright pink crop top she'd decided to wear today. She tugs at her collar, suddenly self-conscious. "You don't like it?"
"No, no, you look cute," Janis says. Something in her tone tells Cady it's a half-truth at best. Oh well.
“Thanks," she says. Janis takes another bite of her sandwich and sprawls on the hard floor of the gym with her head on Cady's lap.
"Oh, get this- my math class this morning," she says. Cady tunes out almost immediately, stroking some stray hairs away from Janis' forehead and just watching her mouth move. It's probably nothing important. God, she's gorgeous.
What is she going to tell Regina?
I got sick- ew, no.
I had to talk to a teacher- too easy to mess up if she comes from the wrong direction. They'd get suspicious too easily.
I- oh, fuck it, I'll think of something.
She continues munching on her lunch and half-listening to Janis speak. Janis doesn't seem to notice or care one way or the other. Cady smiles and pulls out her phone to check her messages. She thinks of something then.
"And then-"
"Have you... told anyone about us?"
Janis pauses mid-sentence. "No."
"Not even Damian?" Cady asks shyly.
Janis shakes her head. "I kinda still don't believe it myself. I wanted to keep it to myself for a while."
"You don't wanna tell people?" Cady asks with a frown.
"No! No, I do. Some people," Janis says. "I just wanted it to stay between us for a little bit. And I figured I should check with you before I told anyone. But I'd be fine telling a few people now."
"Oh," Cady says.
"Do you want to?" Janis asks, sitting up and brushing her hair out of her face. Cady thinks for a moment before she nods.
"We should probably tell Damian, at least. He'll find out sooner or later anyway."
Janis sighs. "True."
"You don't want to?"
"No, I'm just preparing myself," Janis says, looking at Cady out of the corner of her eye with a small grin. "Might as well get it over with, I guess. C'mere."
Cady frowns in confusion and scoots closer. Janis pulls out her phone, opens the camera, and leans in. Cady catches on and gently rests a hand on Janis' cheek, smiling into a sweet kiss. She can feel Janis smiling too as she hears the camera shutter snap and they break apart. Janis sneaks a quick peck to Cady's nose, making her blink in shock and giggle quietly.
Janis opens her text conversation with Damian and types out a message. Cady hugs her arm and leans in over her shoulder to read it.
snarkisian: hey babe
cupboard: whaaaaaat do you want
snarkisian: Sent a photo: things have developed
Janis' phone starts ringing almost immediately. Janis frowns at it as Damian's contact photo fills the screen and it buzzes in her hand, but she hits the green button and the speaker so they can both hear.
As soon as she does, a piercing shriek rings out from the speakers. It's loud enough that Cady practically feels her brain dislodge and start rattling around in her head. She thinks she might've heard him all the way from the cafeteria, too.
As soon as that happens, he hangs up. Janis and Cady both blink at the screen for a moment before bursting into hysterical laughter.
"I don't know what I was expecting," Janis sighs affectionately as she slips her phone back into her pocket. Cady feels her own buzz against her leg and pulls it out to see several incoming texts from Damian that mainly consist of ABSKEOWIWHWJWJABDHWOWOA.
She clocks the time, then, and jumps. "Oh, shit!"
Janis startles. "What?"
"I have to go, lunch is almost over," Cady says, frantically packing up her things. "Bye babe. See you later."
Janis blinks in surprise, but returns the quick kiss Cady gives her before Cady goes rushing off. She has to find Regina before the bell rings. Not that Regina has ever felt much urge to listen to the bell.
She tries to think of an excuse as she hurries through the halls towards the cafeteria. Nothing really comes to her. She skids to a halt next to some sort of booth when she sees Regina and Aaron standing close to it.
"Hey!" she greets brightly after smoothing down her hair and adjusting her shirt. They both look at her. Aaron quirks his head when he sees what she's wearing, but he gets a faint smile.
Regina checks her nails and says, "Hey. Where have you been?"
"Oh, um..." Cady says. Shit. She wracks her brain trying to think of something. What did Janis say? "I skipped lunch."
Regina cocks an eyebrow. "Why?"
Cady smiles as she puts the pieces together. "I'm... trying to lose weight. So I look more like you guys. I just had one of these diet bars."
"Diet bars?" Regina questions. "Let me see."
Cady happily hands over the whole box of Kälteens. Regina holds it between her hands to try to read. Aaron peeks over her shoulder to try to see too.
"It's all in Norwegian or something," Regina says, looking at Cady in confusion.
"Swedish," Cady corrects before she can stop herself. "There's... um... this ingredient in them that you can't get here yet. My mom used to use them to lose weight in Kenya."
"Hm," Regina nods. "Can I keep these?"
"Sure!" Cady says brightly. She has a feeling Regina would've kept them even if she said no. Works for me.
"Now, are you getting me my candy cane?" Regina hums. Cady frowns in confusion before she realizes she's talking to Aaron.
"What happened to losing weight, those things are pure sugar," Aaron chuckles. Regina brushes his hair off his forehead and runs her fingers through it so it stays out of his face.
"But it's such a nice thing to do for your girlfriend," she pouts. "And stop pulling your hair down, you look so hot with it pushed back. Don't you think so, Cady?"
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, way hotter," Cady says. Two months ago that would've made Cady want to go for the jugular. Now? She couldn't care less.
Aaron sighs and begrudgingly leaves his hair the way Regina sort of styled it. "Alright, move over, since you so desperately need this candy cane."
He leans over the booth selling them to fill out one of the paper slips that'll eventually get tied to a candy cane and passed out in class. Cady giggles into her hand when she realizes Damian is the one in the budget Santa Claus costume behind the booth.
"Cady, remember, student parking lot after school," Regina says as she laces her pink-taloned fingers through Aaron's and leads him off to... wherever they're going. Most definitely not class.
"Got it! Bye," she says. She can feel her face relax as soon as they're turned around and can't see her anymore. Cady goes to the booth and leans across it. "Hi Dame."
"Ho ho ho, happy holidays! Would you like a candy cane?" 'Santa' replies. Cady laughs again.
"Hey, does Regina ever send any of these things?" she asks.
"Nah, she only gets them," Damian replies in his normal voice. "You want any?"
"One please," Cady replies, taking a pen with a smirk on her face.
Cady sighs a little to herself as she follows Regina and the others into her house. Gretchen and Karen chat with Regina's mom. Regina huffs and rolls her eyes, straight off to her bedroom. Cady says a quick and polite hello and takes a handful of the offered snacks. She nibbles on the sunflower seeds while she mulls over what to do next.
Regina took the bars. As long as nobody recognizes them, she should be in the clear there. How can she make them work faster? Kälteens do work quickly, but Cady wants results as soon as possible. For Janis.
What makes you gain weight quickly? Cholesterol, but Cady doesn't want to do anything permanent. This is just to teach Regina a lesson, then she can lose the weight again. Sugar? Yeah. Carbs.
Cady smiles to herself as she puts a plan in place.
"Alright, you girls go find Regina. You'll do great," Mrs. George says after however long. Cady jumps when she remembers where she is.
"Thank you, Mrs. George," she calls as she goes running after Gretchen and Karen up to Regina's room.
"You're welcome!" the woman calls after them.
Regina tosses a hanger at her as soon as Cady walks into the room. "Here. I know, the costumes are fugly."
"I think they're kinda cute," Cady says, holding the outfit out so she can see it all.
"The hat has fucking jingle bells on the top, Cady," Regina huffs, handing Cady hers. She shakes it a little bit, and sure enough, there's a quiet jingling. "Go make sure it fits, but we really just need to work on making sure the hat doesn't hit the ground or fall off while you tumble."
"Okay," Cady says. Gretchen and Karen just changed in front of each other, but Cady sneaks off to the en-suite and locks the door behind her. She looks at herself in the mirror and takes a deep breath.
Janis was right, I do look Plastic, she thinks. Cute, though. Her loss.
She carefully takes off her clothes and tugs on the red-and-white striped tights. She has to jump to get the super stretchy material all the way up, but she manages with only one faceplant. Then comes the green dress, with gold buttons down the bodice, short sleeves with puffed shoulders, a belt at her waist, and red and gold trim around the hem with a collar to match.
It's not a great fit. Hesitantly, she unlocks the door and steps back into Regina's room with an, "Um."
Regina looks at her and laughs. "I kinda thought that would happen, these costumes are all huge. I swear they think we're all fat cows or something. My mom will tailor it for you."
Cady looks down at the very strangely fitting dress. There's a lot of space in between her belly and the dress, and not a lot in between it and her boobs. The skirt hits about mid-thigh, which is entirely too long, if Gretchen and Karen's are anything to go by. The sleeves are both uncomfortably tight in her armpits and loose everywhere else.
Other than that, it's great. At least the tights fit.
"Go change again, she'll get your measurements before you leave."
Cady nods and slips gratefully back into the restroom. She snaps a quick picture before she changes and sends it to Janis.
She's stuck with the dress over her head when she hears her phone go off, presumably with Janis' answer. She wriggles more in a ditch attempt to free herself, which gets her nowhere even faster.
Eventually, she escapes, heaving for breath and her hair all frizzy. She peels off the tights and puts on her non-elf clothes. Regina takes the hanger as she passes her on her way into her bathroom while Cady is occupied checking her phone.
jayjay: cutie
cadygirl: You like it?
jayjay: ofc i do
jayjay: my dorky little elf
cadygirl: Hey!
jayjay: do u get ears and shit
cadygirl: Yeah
cadygirl: Regina's really mad about it
jayjay: holy shit that's amazing
jayjay: reginald in elf ears
cadygirl: I don't get it I think they're cute
jayjay: i think ur cute
"Who are you texting?" Karen asks. Cady leaps a solid foot in the air as she materializes over her shoulder. "Not enough emojis."
"Um..." Cady stutters. Her immediate instinct was to blush and press her phone to her chest so they can't see. Now Gretchen and Karen are both looking at her suspiciously. "Uh... my... g- boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" Gretchen squeals sharply. "You can't get a boyfriend without telling us!"
"I can't?"
"Not without your best friends' approval! You wouldn't buy a skirt without asking your friends if it looks good on you," Gretchen hums.
"I wouldn't?" Cady replies in confusion.
Cady just blinks.
"So who is it?" Karen asks eagerly.
"Oh, you don't know him," Cady says immediately. Because it's not a him. It's not technically a lie. Right?
"He's not, like, thirty, right?" Gretchen asks in concern, the furrow in her brow deepening the longer Cady goes without answering.
"No! No, ew," Cady replies with a grimace. "Uh... he... goes to another school."
"Which one?"
"Um... do you remember that school we played right before Thanksgiving break? The away game when we stayed at the hotel?"
"Roosevelt?" Gretchen asks. Sure.
"Yeah. He goes there," Cady replies. "His name is... Jasin. With... an I."
"Ooh, unique!" Gretchen coos. "Is he cute? You have to introduce us soon!"
"Well, I don't think he's... everyone's type, but I think he's cute," Cady replies sheepishly.
"Aww, you're blushing!" Karen says. Cady blushes harder.
"Shut up," she scoffs. Karen's face falls. "No, wait, I didn't mean it like that-"
"It's okay," Karen says quietly.
"I'm really sorry, Kare," Cady says. Karen gives her a look Cady can't read. Not that Karen is ever easy to read.
"Don't worry about it."
Cady gently squeezes her arm. Karen smiles faintly at her.
"Do you have pictures of him?" Gretchen asks eagerly.
"No," Cady says immediately. "Uh... he's really shy, we don't, like, send pictures of ourselves much. We just like to see each other in person and text and stuff."
"Aww," they both coo. Gretchen continues, "Well, get one soon! We gotta make sure he's hot enough for you."
"I'll try," Cady giggles. "Oh, could we like... not tell Regina right away? It's all new, still, I don't want her to freak out about our image if we break up or whatever. We've only been together for, like, two weeks."
"Our lips are sealed," Gretchen replies immediately.
"But I'm not using SuperGlue as Chapstick again," Karen adds.
"No, that's okay, K, don't do that," Cady says immediately. "Thanks guys."
"Alright sluts, put on these... eugh. I can't even call them hats," Regina says as she parades back into the room. She chucks one at each of them rather aggressively. Cady's ends up hitting her full force in the face when she's too slow to react.
Regina watches as the three of them carefully push all her very expensive furniture out of the way so they have enough room to flip without fear of crashing into anything. Cady asks why they're not just practicing outside, and Regina goes on a solid ten minute rant about being seen in those costumes more than they have to. Cady doesn't speak for the rest of the evening.
"Did Regina's boobs get bigger?" Cady hears the boy behind her in chemistry class ask about two weeks later, apparently as a conversation opener with his equally-jock-douchebag lab partner.
"Dude, totally," jock-douchebag replies. "Aaron's a lucky guy."
"Isn't she still dogging Shane?" bro number one asks. Cady tries to hide a shudder at the mention of his name.
Bro the second shrugs. "Probably."
Dammit, we made her hotter, Cady huffs to herself as she slides her goggles down over her eyes and turns on the bunsen burner. She looks over and sees Janis with a similarly disgruntled look on her face.
She gestures subtly for Cady to focus. Cady snaps back into the real world, this time before she can set herself on fire. She risks one glance back and sees Janis chuckle to herself, biting her lips to stop before anyone can see and ask what she's laughing about. Cady smiles to herself and buckles down to set some Doritos on fire. Not myself, thank you very much.
Cady is laser focused in calculus another two weeks later. Not on calculus, but... she's there, it's fine.
She jumps and bangs her knee against her desk when Santa Claus slams the door open with a bellowed, "HHHHHOOOOO!"
"Jesus Christ," Ms. Norbury sighs, picking up her shattered chalk bits after she dropped it in shock. "Make it quick."
"One candy cane gram for Shane Oman," Damian says, adjusting his very poor quality fake beard as he hands Shane his candy cane.
He holds it between his first and index fingers like a pair of dirty underpants and leaves Shane to snatch it. Damian wipes his hand on his red velvet Santa coat like Shane has some sort of hetero cooties he might catch.
"Four for Glenn Coco!" Damian continues. "Hohoho, you go, Glenn Coco. Two for Caddy Heron!"
Cady frowns in confusion. Two? She only bought one. She takes them with a smile as Damian wiggles his way between the rows to deliver them. "Thanks, D."
Damian winks at her and moves on to deliver the next few candy canes to the lucky recipients.
Cady checks the tags on hers. There's the fake one, the one she wrote herself. She smiles to herself as she reads the little red slip of paper on the second one.
Merry Christmas my little elf
<3, J
ps ur short lolololol
She rolls her eyes as she reads the very loving message from her girlfriend and unwraps the end of the candy cane. She sucks on it as she continues pretending to pay attention when Damian leaves and Ms. Norbury can resume her lesson.
"Sorry I'm late!" she pretend-puffs as she stumbles her way into the gym. Regina just glares at her from across the room, but Gretchen comes scrambling over to join her as she plops her still-open bag on the ground. "God, I was in the middle of a problem when the bell rang, I didn't even have time to get packed up-"
"You got a candy cane?" Gretchen asks softly. She picks it up and unfolds the tag to read.
"Oh, yeah, Regina sent me one! Isn't she just the best friend?"
"R-Regina?" Gretchen squeaks. "Thanks for being such a great best friend. ...Cute."
"She didn't give you one?" Cady asks with faux-sympathy. She's heard it from the mouth of the lioness herself. There's no way Gretchen got any.
Gretchen shakes her head frantically. "She never sends them."
"Oh. Weird," Cady replies. "Well, you can have that one if you want. I had another one."
"I have to go," Gretchen chokes around floods of tears. Shit. Maybe Gretchen is a little more fragile than she thought.
"Gretchen," she says pleadingly, running after her friend to the bathroom.
"Well, i-if you and Regina are best friends now... then you can be in charge of keeping all her secrets," Gretchen says as soon as the door closes behind Cady.
Cady just nods. She can tell Gretchen is about to ramble, she doesn't dare interrupt her.
"Like, for example, she bought you those shoes just to make fun of you! Be-because she knew you wouldn't be able to walk in them. And she's not really blonde!"
Cady's eyes widen. She's not? Her eyes flick to the door as she hears a shocked gasp come from the other side. Was that... Damian?
"Her natural color is dark blonde. Also she totally cheats on Aaron!"
Cady almost chokes.
"Every Thursday she says she has a cheer intensive but she totally just stays behind to hook up with Shane Oman in the lion costume!"
"She makes him wear the costume?" Cady asks in disgusted horror.
"No! They're both in the costume!" Gretchen bellows, snapping the candy cane in half and dropping the pieces to the floor. Cady's jaw drops.
"Oh my god."
"And I never told anyone because I am such a good friend! I-I'm gonna go fill up my water bottle. Cover for me?" Gretchen sniffles. Cady nods.
Gretchen ducks out of the room. Damian enters before the door even closes, and Janis slams her way out of the stall. Damian hysterically whimpers, "I wear that costume!"
"Cads, that was amazing! What did you do?!" Janis says with an adorably delighted smile on her face. She rushes up and grabs Cady by the arms, spinning her around before she leans in for a kiss.
"Just a little Christmas magic," Cady responds with a grin of her own as soon as they break apart. "I sent myself a candy cane but I signed it as being from Regina."
"Clever girl," Janis coos in a horrible accent. Cady giggles.
"Okay, I gotta go! Love you guys." Janis gets another kiss and Damian gets a quick hug before Cady runs back to the gym to start their last parade practice.
Cady grumbles as she wakes up the next morning. It's barely morning, the sun hasn't even risen yet. She has to be in the city, an hour away, two hours before the parade starts at 8:00. And she has to be there with her hair and makeup already done.
She does consider herself a morning person, but four in the morning is a bit much for anyone.
She grumbles as she hauls herself out of bed and stumbles to the restroom. She turns on the light and resists the urge to wince and close her eyes. How am I meant to be a jolly elf on five hours of sleep?
Cady opens her eyes extra wide, looking a little past unhinged when she sees herself in the mirror, to let the light in and hopefully wake her up.
By the time she's done brushing her teeth, she doesn't squint in the light anymore. She still grumbles sleepily as she washes her face, though.
She brings up the photo Regina sent (accompanied by many profanities) of what her makeup should look like so she can copy it. It's honestly not very different from her usual cheer makeup. Foundation, lots of gold eyeshadow, black mascara, red lipstick. Pretty much the only difference is the bright pink blush that she leaves in neat little circles on the apples of her cheeks instead of blending it up her cheekbones to look more natural. It's a little more rag doll than elf, but maybe it'll work better with the costume on.
She does her hair in two french braids, parted as close to even as she can get down the middle of her head and twisted intricately so they won't fall out after a morning of being mostly upside-down. She gives up on each braid a bit before the end, and ties the bands around halfway down instead of at the ends. Kind of a cute look, she thinks, as she fluffs out her curls at the end of each braid.
"You ready, binti? Have a Kälteen bar," her mother says when she trudges her way downstairs. Cady grabs the bar and takes a disgruntled bite out of it. She nods.
"You're sure this Regina friend can bring you home? We have to leave right from-"
"Right from the parade, I know, Dad," Cady says. "I quadruple checked, I'll make it home fine. Have fun at the vet conference."
"Oh, we will," her mother promises. "There's a keynote speaker on upgrades in euthanasia technology."
"...Cool," Cady replies.
"Right?! Alright, go get in the car. You sure you have everything?"
"Yeah. Regina has my outfit, I'll get changed there," Cady says. She looks down and brushes some wrinkles out of her Christmas jammies that Janis bought her. She smiles at the memory. My little dork.
"Time to hit the road, then!" her dad says. Cady shrieks as he hoists her off the ground and marches out towards the car.
Her dad just starts bellowing the chorus to I Love a Parade, probably really irritating their poor neighbors. Cady gets affectionately tossed in the backseat, and her dad continues singing as her parents get into their spots up front and start the drive to Chicago.
"Binti, we're here," her mother says. Cady jumps and snorts, bashing her head against the window she had fallen asleep against. "Ooh, be careful."
"Shit," Cady hisses under her breath, rubbing her new sore spot.
"Language," her dad chides, only half-serious.
"Sorry daddy. Have fun in Peoria. I love you," Cady says, bending at a weird angle to hug her parents goodbye. They can only stay long enough to see the beginning of the parade, so she has to get her goodbyes in now.
"We will. Be safe, have fun. No boys," her mother says, gently patting her back.
"I know, I know. You don't have to worry about that," Cady chuckles. Really. You have no idea.
"Atta girl. Go get em, tiger," her dad says, opening the door for her and sending her out. "Love you!"
"Yeah, love you too," Cady says, briefly walking backwards to talk to them. She gives them a final wave before she turns around and starts running to her team's meeting spot. "Yeesh. I'm sixteen."
Regina, once again, chucks her costume at her as soon as she's within sight. Cady manages to catch it this time, and looks around for somewhere private to change. The only place is behind some trees, so she heads that way.
Regina's mom is a talented seamstress and tailored Cady's costume to fit her perfectly. Almost too perfectly. It's so tight against her chest and her belly that she can barely breathe, and the skirt juuuuust barely passes her bum. The candy cane-esque tights are all she has left to protect her modesty.
The shoes with pointy toes and jingle bells are a recent addition, and she jangles her way back over to her friends. "Hey."
"Hey!" Karen greets, too brightly for six in the morning.
"Are your costumes, like, really tight?" Regina huffs, shifting her arms around to try to stretch the fabric a little. "They were huge, my mom can't have fucked up the tailoring this bad."
"Mine's okay," Cady shrugs. Her hat jingles for emphasis.
"Ugh, I'm gonna go see if she has any safety pins," Regina grumbles. Cady's phone pings as she stomps off through the frost-covered grass.
jayjay: good mornin buttercup
cadygirl: >:|
jayjay: what ?
jayjay: not a good morning??
cadygirl: Sent a picture: It's 6 in the morning and I look like this
cadygirl: And I'm cold >:|
jayjay: aww
jayjay: someone's grumpy
cadygirl: Yeah >:||||
jayjay: steve and i will be there to see you
cadygirl: Yaaaaay 🥰🥰
jayjay: that easy to cheer you up huh
cadygirl: It'd be even easier if you bring me food
jayjay: little conwoman
cadygirl: Whaaaat nooooo
jayjay: i'll take you to breakfast after
jayjay: hobbit
cadygirl: Hey!!
jayjay: not because you're short
jayjay: this time
jayjay: bc they're hungry all the time
cadygirl: Oh
cadygirl: Still v rude of you
jayjay: if i take you to get a happy meal will that make up for it
cadygirl: Yes <333
jayjay: done
jayjay: see you soon peanut
cadygirl: See you soon gorgeous 😘
Cady suddenly feels much warmer as she puts her phone back into her bag. She and Gretchen glue each other's ears on and the whole team does a warmup and stretch routine together. Cady rolls out her wrists and finally smiles as she gets into her spot.
The parade is more fun than she was expecting. It's less intense than what she has to do at games, more walkovers and limbers than tucks and punches. She gets a little dizzy, and it's hard not to get run over by the float on the rare occasions she fumbles a landing, but it's still fun. For once, the smile on her face is genuine the whole time.
She waves dorkily when she passes her parents. They both have their phones held up to film and proud smiles beaming across their faces. They wave back just as dorkily before they duck out and are off to their seminar.
Cady doesn't get to do much in the way of the more limber skills anymore. It's fun. She kind of misses doing skills just for fun, for herself. As long as she stays in her spot she can do whatever she wants to. She does all sorts of front walkovers, back walkovers, aerials, the occasional handspring. It's refreshing.
Whenever they come to a stop is when things get interesting. Nobody wants to see a parade stuck in place, so they practiced lots of choreography for that. One of the floats ahead of them gets stuck on a corner, and Cady does a vaulted flip off of Regina's crouched form like a really, really elaborate game of leapfrog. Regina acts like she's dancing with her and whirls her back around so they're in their right spots before they get going again.
Towards the end of the parade, Cady hears a, "Hi Cady!"
She's not supposed to, but she looks over. Stevie is waving eagerly to her, her arm linked with one of her friends. Janis is behind her with a cute grin on her face as she sees Cady in all her elvish glory. Cady wiggles her fingers back in greeting, and kisses the tips of her fingers twice before blowing the kisses in their direction. Janis smiles wider and sneakily blows one back. Stevie just squeals and dances around with her friend. Cady adds a little more flair to her skills than she needs to just for them.
Things stop and start a lot more as the first floats get to the end of the parade route and have to navigate pulling off to the sides of the road or getting where they need to be. Cady and Regina do their series of tricks at least six times. They start adding little bits of flourish to it when it begins to feel boring and repetitive.
Apparently a little too much flourish. Regina does a dramatic turn before she crouches to be Cady's vault.
Cady's already running.
She has no time to stop as Regina's safety pin breaks.
And her costume comes off.
Regina screams and bends down to try to grab it. Cady slips on the fabric and goes head over heels the wrong way. Cameras are already out, pictures and videos being recorded. Apparently more people from North Shore make the trip out to see the parade than they thought.
But Cady can't hear the shutters clicking or the agitated murmuring over the pop her ankle makes as she lands, and the roaring of blood in her ears as a horrific pain radiates up her leg. No, no, no no no nononono.
One of the coaches was walking alongside the float in between them and the crowd to make sure it all went smoothly. She rushes up and helps Regina get herself situated. "You alright, Heron?"
Cady can only sob. My ankle is broken. My ankle is broken and it really hurts. My ankle is broken and I may never be able to tumble again. My ankle-
"Whoa, kid, hey," her coach says. "Can ya walk? Right flank, fall in! You're down a man!"
Cady hops and hobbles her way to the end of the route and sits down on the curb, cradling her ankle and sobbing.
"Are your folks around?"
Cady shakes her head. "Re-Regina's take-taking me home."
Her coach hums and nods. "She ran off. Hope she's okay, too. Dang, kid, that looks gnarly."
That only makes Cady cry harder. What if I just did my last flip?
"I'll uh... go keep an eye out for George," her coach says. She does have the decency to bring Cady her bag. Cady debates texting her parents to let them know, but they're probably already halfway to Peoria. And they were so excited about the keynote, she can't drag them away from that. She'll just have to suck it up.
The pain is... almost bearable. It's not, but she doesn't exactly have much choice. Her sobs slow, and before too long she's just sniffling on the side of the road and holding her sore leg.
She about jumps out of her skin when she hears a, "Caddy!"
"Jesus Christ, Janis! There's people around here!" Cady hisses. Janis' face falls a little.
"What are you doing here?" Cady asks more gently.
"There's already like, seventy different people sharing videos of you and Regina falling, what the hell happened?"
"I think the Kälteen bars backfired," Cady sniffs, shutting one eye as a wave of pain radiates from her ankle.
Janis frowns. "What do you mean?"
"She's gained so much weight her costume didn't fit," Cady explains through half-grit teeth.
Janis snorts. Cady glares at her. "Sorry."
"She safety pinned it on and it broke and I slipped on the costume," Cady continues. "And I fucked up my landing and I think my ankle is broken."
"Yikes," Janis says in concern.
"She was supposed to take me home," Cady says, trying to stretch out her leg and wincing in pain. Janis winces too.
"Damian and I will take you to the hospital, don't worry about it," Janis says immediately.
"Don't- ow- don't you have Stevie with you?" Cady asks in concern.
"Nah, she wanted to go to her friend's house, I'm free of the child until tonight," Janis replies. "Can I see?"
Cady looks at her hesitantly. Janis looks back. She doesn't push. There are a lot of people around. But Cady needs the comfort of her girlfriend right now. She nods.
Janis carefully eases her stupid jingly boot off her foot, pausing whenever Cady makes a pained noise. By the end Cady has her bottom lip so firmly between her teeth she can taste blood and her eyes screwed shut. It's still not enough to stop a few pained tears slipping out and down her face.
It becomes quickly apparent that Janis has absolutely no idea what she's doing. She gives Cady's foot a gentle, inquisitive poke and pulls back like she's been burned when Cady squeaks in pain. "Sorry."
"It's okay," Cady says, looking at her through squinted eyes and trying to remember how to breathe.
"It's pretty swollen," Janis says in concern. "And bruising already."
Cady sniffs again, looking down at her stupid candy-cane patterned lap. Janis gently tips her chin up.
"It'll be okay, Cads," she murmurs.
"But what if it's not?" Cady hiccups. "What if I never walk on it again? What if I can never do another flip?"
"And what if it's totally fine? What if it turns out to just be a bad sprain and you're back on your feet in a week?" Janis retaliates.
Cady feels her lip tremble. Janis might be right.
But they both know she's not.
"They're coming, hide," Cady says when she hears the cheers coming down the road. Thank god Damian's almost here.
Janis looks at her oddly, sadly, but she obediently ducks behind the tree line to wait for the crowd of people they actually know to clear out.
"Cads! Hey, coach told me you fell, what the hell, babe?!" Damian says as soon as he sees her, sprinting full tilt over to her. "Oh, yikes."
"Is it bad?" Cady asks, feeling tears brimming behind her eyes yet again.
"It's not... great," Damian replies hesitantly. "Can you move it?"
Cady sniffles. "I don't know, I haven't tried."
"Can I?"
Cady nods. Damian carefully braces her ankle with his large, warm hand and gives her foot a gentle wiggle. Several people look in their direction at the noise Cady makes in response.
"Alright, well," Damian says in a voice a solid three octaves higher than normal.
"I'm sorry," Cady sobs.
"Babe, shh," Damian soothes. "I will donate you one of my feet if I have to. We'll go get you patched up and all that, don't worry about it."
"But how will you be a big Broadway star someday if you only have one foot?" Cady giggles wetly.
"I'll manage. Is that Janis peeping at me through the bushes over there?"
"Probably," Cady replies with another giggle. She turns around and sees a familiar pair of blue eyes poked out from behind a gnarled old tree trunk. Janis ducks back behind it when she sees she's been spotted, and Cady smiles. "Yeah. Dork."
Damian smiles too. "She really loves you. Let me text her so she doesn't get picked up for stalking or some shit."
"She does?" Cady sniffles.
"Girl, are you kidding? We haven't had a conversation where you haven't come up at least once since September," Damian says absently as he taps out a message to Janis.
Janis is close enough that they hear her phone ping and her muffled, "Shit!" Cady can't help but laugh.
"Alright, she'll meet us at the car and we'll take you to the hospital."
"Thanks, papa elf," Cady grins. Damian laughs and tosses Cady onto his back to carry her the half-mile back to the parking lot. "These bells are infuriating."
"I think they're fun," Damian replies, a hand over his heart. He wiggles his head to make his hat jingle for emphasis. Cady giggles.
"Thanks for taking me home. I dunno what happened to Regina," Cady says quietly.
"Nobody does, she disappeared after the... incident," Damian replies. Cady frowns.
"I took over on your side so it was still balanced, but apparently she just ran off naked through the woods. Guess you can cross that off your list," Damian says. Cady laughs.
"You make a great elf," she replies. "Your ear keeps poking me, though."
"Sorry," Damian chuckles. "Alright, madam, we have arrived at your chariot."
"'Sup nerds," Janis greets, pushing herself off Damian's mom's car with a small salute.
"Caddy gets front seat privileges, she's broken."
"Ugh!" Janis groans sarcastically. Cady giggles.
"Um, actually... can I sit in the back with you?" she mumbles shyly.
Janis smirks. "We gonna make out?"
Cady rolls her eyes. "Corndog."
"What?!" Damian giggles.
"Is that not right?" Cady replies shyly.
"Did you just call me a corndog?!" Janis cackles.
"Someone tell me what I meant to say!" Cady insists.
Damian barely manages to put her down safely before he almost collapses to the ground in laughter. "Did-did you mean horndog?"
"Yes!" Cady says. "Stop laughing, it's not funny!"
"Yes it is!" Janis chokes through her laughter.
"People are staring, shut up!" Cady hisses. "Stop laughing!"
"Okay, okay," Damian says, wiping tears from his eyes. "Get in, sluts and slurs."
As soon as the doors close, Janis and Damian burst into laughter again. Damian can barely turn the key to start the car, he's laughing so hard. "I didn't mean to say corndog, stop laughing."
"You're so cute," Janis hums, still giggling to herself. "How's the ankle doing?"
"Hurts," Cady sighs.
Janis pouts and pulls Cady into a cuddle. Cady leans into her shoulder with a wince as another burst of pain radiates up her leg. "Poor baby."
After an interesting drive to the nearest urgent care, Janis scoops Cady out and carries her baby-style into the waiting room. The pain is starting to get to Cady again, and she winces and cries quietly as Janis cradles her in her lap.
Luckily, people are so focused on their own injuries or other ailments that two Christmas elves and their art freak barely catch their eye. There's a mother there with a clearly sick little boy snuffling into her shoulder, a duo of frat bros who are clearly drunk and each cradling one arm close to their chest, and an old man in the corner filling out a crossword puzzle from 2011.
"How did your hat survive that whole thing?" Janis asks as Damian plops into the seat next to them with Cady's paperwork.
"I glued it to my head," Cady sniffs. Damian drops his pen in shock.
"You what?!"
"Only in the front, I used clips in the back," Cady replies. Damian sighs and rests his hand on his chest.
"Do not scare me like that," he replies. "Cads, when's your birthday?"
"July thirtieth," Cady says softly.
"Hey, my birthday's in July too!" Damian says. "Twinsies."
Cady can't help but giggle at his desperate attempt to cheer her up. "When's yours?"
"The thirteenth," Damian says.
"Man, I'm still the baby!" Cady huffs. "Miss January over here."
"Not my fault my parents know how to celebrate Easter," Janis shrugs. Cady gasps.
"Janis Sarkisian, we are in public!"
"Whatcha gonna do about it, tiny?" Janis retaliates. "Since we are in public."
"Hmph," Cady grumbles. She cuddles closer into her girlfriend's warm neck.
"You okay?" Janis whispers against her forehead.
"Hurts," Cady whispers back. "Are they gonna see us soon?"
"Probably not," Janis sighs.
Damian goes to hand in her paperwork at the front desk. Beyond that, all they can do is wait.
And wait they do. But, eventually, a nurse calls Cady's name and Janis stands to carry her back. Damian follows quickly, running after them through the winding halls.
"Alright, what seems to be the problem?" the nurse says. She does a double take when she sees the elf with one shoe on sitting on the exam table. She snorts a quick laugh but bites her lip to stop herself.
"I think I broke my ankle," Cady says softly. The doctor looks down at her one exposed foot and winces.
"It looks like that might be the case, hon. What happened?" the nurse asks, taking Cady's vitals. "Cross your arm over your chest."
Cady does when she fastens a blood pressure cuff around her wrist. "Um, I was in the parade this morning and I slipped on... something. I fumbled a flip and landed on it weird."
"Did you hear a pop when you landed or was it just a feeling?"
"I heard something pop, and I can't put any weight on it," Cady says anxiously. "And it's a little numb, and kinda... tingly, I guess."
"Mm," the nurse hums. "I'm gonna try and move it a bit, you let me know if anything hurts, alright?" Cady nods and braces as the mere brush of her fingertips against her ankle sends more waves of pain flooding up her whole leg and out her toes. "That hurt?"
"Mmhmm," Cady squeaks.
"Hm," the nurse hums again. "I'm gonna get the doctor to get you an x-ray, alright?
"Thank you," Cady says. She looks down at her lap with a quiet sniffle. She shakes her other foot and humphs at the jingle she gets in response.
"You okay, Peanut?" Janis asks quietly.
"What if it is actually broken?" Cady asks desperately. "I'm the head flyer, broken bones take so long to heal! It'll be weeks before I'm back in, what are they gonna-"
"We have protocols for this kinda thing, Cads, it'll be okay," Damian says. "We get injured all the time. I broke my wrist cheering in middle school and everything was fine. You just gotta take your time to heal."
"If it is broken and you try to do anything you could hurt yourself permanently," Janis says. "Repetitive fractures? You have to rest. And we don't know for sure that it's broken yet, it might just be a bad sprain."
Cady sighs and nods. "Thanks for coming with me."
"Anytime, babe," Damian says, gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders and resting his head against hers. Cady blinks as his elf ear almost pokes her in the eye. Janis joins in too, and gets a jingle bell up the nose.
Her little crew gets left behind as Cady hops after the doctor towards the x-ray room. She holds as still as she can on the uncomfortable table and listens to the deafening clunks of the machine as it whirls around her foot. It's so loud she's a little worried it'll explode, but the doctor eventually returns from behind the lead partition and leads her back to her room to wait for the results.
It's a very quick wait.
"Your ankle is broken," the doctor says as soon as she walks into the room.
Cady feels her face crumple, and Janis wraps her in a tight hug as Cady lets out a quiet sob. "It's okay, Peanut, shh."
"It'll heal fine, no surgery needed. We call it a nondisplaced fracture, so none of your bones have actually moved out of where they're meant to be. You just need a cast for a little bit and you should be back to normal."
"So-so I'll still-still be able to-to cheer?"
"Not for six to eight weeks, but yes," the doctor replies with a smile. Janis squeezes her tighter as Cady releases a sob of relief.
"I told you," she murmurs, kissing Cady's cheek. Cady sniffles and leans into her shoulder. She needs Janis right now.
"Technically you broke your leg, the bottom part of your fibula here, and there's a hairline fracture in part of your tibia. But they're not displaced enough for you to need surgery, just a cast and no weight bearing for a good while."
"O-okay," Cady sniffs.
"You might wanna... de-elf yourself before we get the cast on, though. Unless you want to keep those tights for a few weeks."
Cady takes the wheel of possible cast colors and the pajamas Damian hands her from her bag. "These are cute! Where'd they come from?"
"Janis got them for me," Cady says with a sniffle as the doctor leaves and Janis and Damian both turn around to give her some privacy to change.
"Oh, did she now? How very soft of her," Damian hums. Janis shoves him. Damian sticks his tongue out in her general direction, unable to tell quite where she is with his hands firmly over his eyes.
"Shut up," Janis responds.
"Stop fighting, you can turn around now," Cady says once she's back in her comfy pajamas. "Which color cast should I get?"
"What's your favorite color?" Damian asks.
"Yellow," Cady replies.
"The purple is cool too," Janis says, tapping the little swatch of it. Cady nods.
Damian leans in close to see all the options. "I like the green."
"I like green," Cady acknowledges. "The Plastics will kill me if I get anything except pink, though."
"Pfft, who cares about them? Regina did this to you," Janis scoffs.
"Because we made her gain weight," Cady retaliates. "This light pink is cute."
"Do whatever you want, Cupcake."
"Cupcake?" Damian responds immediately, accompanied with a gag.
"Look at this little faaaaace," Janis coos, leaning harder into it and squishing Cady's cheeks rather than trying to fend off her friend. Cady goes along with it too, batting her eyelashes coquettishly at him. "Isn't she just the cutest widdle thing?"
"You two are gonna ruin my life together, aren't you?"
“Mm-hmm!" Cady hums happily, her cheeks still smushed in her girlfriend's hand. Damian rolls his eyes. Janis gives Cady's squished-out lips a kiss before she lets her go and smirks at her friend.
"You're the one who was literally speechless for four hours after we told you we were dating," she responds.
"I was in shock, shut up."
"Because your matchmaking never works?"
Damian huffs. "Whatever, it does."
"Name one time."
"This!" Damian insists, gesturing frantically between the two of them. Janis rolls her eyes.
"Whatever you say, Princess," she replies. Damian smiles.
"Thank you."
The doctor returns towards the tail end of that argument and shoots Cady a confused look. Cady just shrugs a little. She hands back all the cast swatches and goes with the light pink she had liked. She does really like it, and the Plastics won't crucify her for it. Well, they might anyway for what happened at the parade, and for needing a clunky, bulky cast in the first place. But at least this'll show she has decent taste and the ability to match.
Janis and Damian each take and squeeze one of her hands as her bones are painfully squished back where they need to be and wrapped in layers upon layers of fabric. The pink shell finishes the job, and Janis asks the doctor for a Sharpie so she and Damian can be the first to sign it.
"Do it small," Cady insists. Damian shoots her a strange look, but they both sign their names in the smallest letters they can right by her toes. Janis adds a little heart by hers for good measure. "Thanks, guys."
Cady gets fit for a set of crutches. It takes a while and she ends up with kids size ones, but eventually she's clicking slowly across the parking lot and finally on her way home.
"Jan, you wanna come over?" Damian asks. Cady pouts a little. She knows he and Janis are best friends, and that they definitely hang out without her sometimes, but it's not like Damian to ask with Cady right there.
"Nah, I gotta go get Stevie," Janis replies. Damian nods. Cady is confused when they pull into Janis' driveway. She should've been dropped off first. Her house is much further out of the way. "Bye Peanut."
Cady returns the kiss she gives. "Bye, baby."
Damian gags in the front seat. "Bye, dumbass."
"Bye, slut," Janis replies, blowing him a kiss as she climbs out of the car in the most complicated way she can and runs into her house.
Damian puts the car back in gear and keeps driving. Cady is more confused when they pull into his driveway. He turns the car off and gets out, leaving Cady alone in the backseat.
"You coming?" he asks, knocking on her window upon noticing she hasn't moved. Cady jumps.
“You're not taking me home?"
"I am not leaving you alone to navigate that house with one foot. But I'll take you home if you'd rather be there," Damian responds.
Cady shakes her head. "No. No, uh... thanks."
"Of course," Damian replies. "Now come on, cripple, my mom'll make us milkshakes."
"Your mom?" Cady asks with a smile.
"Oh, shit, you haven't met her yet! Uh, be ready for like, a lot of hugs. And she might cry. She's a big empath."
"Okay," Cady giggles. "She sounds great."
"She is," Damian says with a small smile. He unlocks the door and drops their stuff in the small area for shoes and coats and bags. "Ma, I'm home! And I brought Cady!"
Stanley comes running down the hall as soon as she hears the door. Damian protectively stands in front of Cady so the excited pup doesn't knock her over, but Cady smiles and rests her crutches against the wall so she can give the sweet little thing some scritches. "Hi, Stanley! How are you, baby girl?! Oh, yes, hi! I missed you too!"
"Stanley, gentle, Caddy's broken," Damian says. Stanley actually does calm a little bit, sniffing curiously at Cady and wagging her entire rear end instead of jumping on her like she did last time.
"Hey, baby girl!" Damian's mother greets, coming down the hallway in such a blaze of glory that it's immediately apparent where Damian gets his showmanship from. Cady looks up and smiles as she wraps him in a hug.
"Hi Ma," Damian responds, hugging his mom back and handing Cady her crutches again.
"How was the parade?" his mom asks, leading the two of them down the hall. She clocks Cady hobbling after them, then. "Ah."
"Yeah, she broke her ankle," Damian responds.
"At the parade?! Oh, honey!" his mom says immediately, wrapping Cady in such a tight hug she thinks she hears a few of her ribs pop. "You poor thing! Oh, come in, come in, sit down. Damian, help her to the living room, come on now."
"Can we go to my room instead?" Damian asks. His mom rolls her eyes.
"Yes, go ahead. It's on this floor, Cady, don't worry baby."
"Thanks, Ms. Hubbard," Cady replies with a smile. She gets another tight hug and actually has to cough a little when she's released to get her breathing back in a normal rhythm.
"Of course, baby! What kind of milkshakes do y'all want?"
"Oreo?" Damian suggests. Ms. Hubbard looks to Cady, and she nods eagerly. "Please."
"Coming right up."
"Thank you," Cady says as she's off back to the kitchen.
"Don't mention it, baby!" she calls back.
"Your mom is great," Cady says. Damian nods. Cady squeaks in surprise as he hauls her onto his back and starts carrying her down the hall towards his bedroom next to the garage.
"She is."
"She's very comforting," Cady continues. Damian nods again. "I see where you get it from."
"D'aww, thanks," Damian coos. He's actually blushing a little bit, and Cady smiles as he rests her down on his cushy bed. He fusses over her like a worried mother, helping her take her makeup and ears off as Cady looks around his bedroom for the first time. She's been here before for movie nights, but only ever in the basement.
None of the actual drywall is visible; completely plastered over with posters of drag queens and black-and-white photos of old Broadway stars. Cady can barely breathe for Judy Garland and Cher and RuPaul. There's fairy lights of all colors hanging from the crown molding, illuminating and twinkling over a full wall of Playbills in protective clear plastic sleeves. The furniture is a bit plain by comparison, but it all just feels like Damian's spirit has exploded into the room. It's amazing.
"Your room is so cool," Cady says.
"You have a lot of Playbills," Cady continues. "Have you actually seen that many shows?"
"God, no," Damian chuckles. "The top row there are the only ones I've seen in person, the rest are from eBay."
"Cool," Cady replies.
"Has Janis taught you about musicals yet?"
Cady shakes her head with a smile. "She said she wouldn't be able to do it justice."
Damian snorts. "Yeah, right. She just doesn't want to sit through them."
"She doesn't like them?"
"She only watches them once a year on my birthday and if I sing a lyric that could even approach being from a musical she'll punch me in the jugular."
Damian nods, fiddling with the mouse to wake up the computer and typing in his pin. "You've brought a lot of her walls down. So... thanks for that."
"I'm glad," Cady replies softly. "She deserves it."
"She does," Damian agrees. He shrugs suddenly. "Anyway, what do you want to watch?"
"You pick. I don't know anything," Cady giggles. Damian nods and opens a folder full of bootlegs. He murmurs the titles under his breath until he lands on a good first musical for her.
"Ooh! Okay, here, you'll love this one. The movie is good too, but the stage production is amazing."
Cady cuddles into his arm and peeks at the file name. She squeals, "Lions?!"
"Lions is an understatement for The Lion King," Damian says. Cady wiggles excitedly as he opens it and makes it full screen. "Can you see?"
"Mmhmm. Thanks, D."
"Anytime, Little Slice."
His mom pops in with their milkshakes a few minutes in and seems completely unphased seeing her son cuddled up with a girl she's known for fifteen minutes. Apparently this is normal for him. "Thank you, Ms. Hubbard."
"You're welcome, sweet girl. Y'all just holler if you need anything, alright? Ooh, Lion King. That's a good one," she replies as she leaves again.
"Cady's from Kenya," Damian explains.
"No shit?" his mom replies, making Cady choke on her milkshake in shock.
"Um, yeah, I just moved here this summer," she says.
"Ain't that something. Alright, have fun, you two."
"Thanks, Ma," Damian says as she shuts the door behind her.
They sip at their tasty milkshakes while they watch. Cady might be in love. She's immediately bopping along to all the musical numbers and oohing and aahing over the special effects.
Damian looks at her expectantly when the curtain call is over.
"That was so cool!" she squeals. "Can we watch it again?"
Damian laughs. "I'm glad you liked it. You like musicals now?"
Cady nods eagerly. "Yeah."
"Good," Damian says with a victorious smirk. He takes a picture of them cuddled up together and sends it to Janis with a caption reading, I win Caddy likes musicals. He gets an eye roll emoji in response and clicks off his phone with a smug grin. "Let's try something else, but we'll come back if you want to after."
"Okaaaaay," Cady huffs jokingly.
They watch about four more, occasionally shifting positions to keep comfy on Damian's plush bed. The milkshakes are long gone, but neither of them care.
"Thanks for taking care of me," Cady murmurs after the last one. Damian gently bumps into her.
"Anytime. Sorry Janis was busy, I know she wanted to be the one to kidnap you."
"No, it's okay," Cady says immediately. "I love her, but she'd be so worried she'd barely let me move. Not that that's bad, she's just... a lot, sometimes."
"You love her, eh?" Damian teases. Cady blushes. "Oh, shit, do you?"
"I mean... we've only been dating for a month," Cady begins hesitantly. "But... I might... already love her, like, a lot."
"D'aaawww, my little gaybies," Damian squeals.
"Shut up," Cady scoffs.
"She loves you too," Damian says matter-of-factly.
Cady looks at him. "She does?"
"I told you earlier. This bitch will not shut up about you. I've never seen her like this. It's kind of freaky," Damian chuckles. "Always, have you seen Caddy's eyes up close? They're such a pretty green. And she's sooooo tiiiiny, she just fits in my arms like a puzzle."
"She did not say that."
"On RuPaul she did."
Cady blinks. "Did I break her?"
"Honestly? Maybe. But I like it. She's annoying sometimes, but this Janis seems... healthier."
"Good," Cady replies.
"You, on the other hand," Damian replies, looking pointedly at her left foot. Cady giggles.
"It's fixed, I'll be okay," she replies.
"You got lucky there, kid. I really thought you were gonna need surgery," Damian says.
"I did too, honestly," Cady admits.
"...And now I think about it, Regina is a little chubbier."
"Right? It totally worked!" Cady squeals. Damian laughs. "Now we just have to get people to stop treating her like the queen bee and get Aaron out of her clutches."
"Godspeed, soldier. Doing the lord's work," Damian says with a salute. Cady giggles. "Do you, like, wanna go home?"
Cady sighs. "I should."
"Bitch, is that what I asked? Do you want to or not?" Damian insists.
"I mean... it's always weird there without my parents," Cady mumbles, fidgeting with her fingers. "But I don't wanna impose."
"Hold on," Damian says. Cady jumps when he turns his head to the side and hollers, "Ma!"
"What?!" his mother yells back.
"Can Cady sleep over?!"
"Her folks okay with it?!"
"Your folks okay with it?" Damian asks Cady in a much, much softer tone. Cady nods in confusion. Damian yells back, "Yeah!"
"Then she's always welcome! Dinner's in half an hour!" his mom replies.
"Thank you!" Cady yells.
"You're welcome, baby!"
"See? Problem solved," Damian says. Cady giggles.
"You're the best, D."
"And don't you forget it."
thank you for reading!!
i have a oneshot coming for y'all on wednesday that i'm very (cautiously) excited about and am working myself to the bone trying to get the next chapter of this and another oneshot done per my usual "schedule" if you can call it that lol.
i apologize for not being more prepared but i spent most of february auditioning for the tour!! so that took a lot of my focus but it's done now and i am back in as full of a swing as i can get lol.
so fingers crossed! and if i don't get it done in time you'll just get three of each with my next round of fics :)
thank you all so much again for being here. i love every little one of you muppets so dearly.
lots of love,
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dismissivedestroyer · 5 months
Also. Evermore attempting to sway Moloch to his side while Moloch is possessing his daughter just. Makes me think of:
Evermore attempts to sway Moloch -> Moloch attacks him -> Garcia hits Regina on the back to get her to cough up Moloch -> Moloch just possesses Evermore since Regina was on top of him -> Gregor THEN exorcises Evermore
Moloch goes through four bodies back to back in like two minutes and I just think that's funny
Poor Regina was desperately asking for her dad's help and he was all like "So. Mr. Demon. How much would you want to help us out with something? Cause i got money."
After this, Regina's EXHAUSTED and coughing her lungs up, and Evermore just. Doesn't care. He makes an half-assed comment about how Regina was USELESS in all this, about how she couldn't even stand getting possessed for a couple minutes to help him out with his "special project", and then starts complaining to Garcia about how he shouldn't act without him specifically asking him to do so. Cue Regan and Rachel grabbing Regina and leaving, cussing everyone on the way out. They're SO upset.
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ussjellyfish · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you, @mylittleredgirl for tagging me! Have I done this...perhaps. Will do it again! It might also be new? the questions are fun.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
2,817,922 (hitting 3 million should be fun). I average 6661 words (ha) per fic. Which is interesting. I have 43 drabbles and 7 fics over 100,000 words so they must even out.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon a Time (though not for years). Star Trek the Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Discovery. Stargate Atlantis and Agents of SHIELD. many other things, but not a lot of fics. (12 or less).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Stray Feathers and Scales (Emma Swan/Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time) I almost listed this one as Maleficent/Regina, which it isn't..kind of is, could have been poly if I'd thought about). This fic has HUGE stats for me and I haven't reread it in years. Parts of it are really detailed though, and it's VERY me. It's all the tropes.
Lost Leaves of Autumn (Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Game of Thrones) This one is very soft and doesn't really belong in the GoT universe, which is so brutal, but I really love Catelyn.
Thawing Deep (Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Game of Thrones). They could have worked! I haven't read this one in ages either.
Her Majesty's Mercy (Maleficent/Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time) The best Once fic I wrote, in my opinion. I remember the fun of writing this one.
A Funny Thing Happened at a Stark Tower Gala (Melinda May/Phil Coulson, Agents of SHIELD). Maybe this got recced somewhere? Maybe AoS fandom was just big that year? It's cute and fun, and for some reason has a bunch of kudos.
(this is long)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to? If it's a fic that I'm really into I'll reply. I'm kind of giddy about comments on the ones I'm writing right now. If it's an older one that I am sentimental for I try to reply. If I'm not into it at the moment (I am kind of burnt out on Once Upon a Time, and I haven't been into Chakotay lately so I've been kind of meh on my own Janeway/Chakotay stuff). I try to, but I am fickle.
I did just have this really positive experience where I posted my chapter of Quantum Variations (which is my long Disco WIP) and the chapter was kind of a mess, but I was so happy to post it, I really didn't care) and people found things for me to fix and were really kind about it. It felt good, for a chapter with a bunch of errors.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I killed Elizabeth Weir once, but she came back, so the ending was pretty hopeful. I don't write much angst without a happy ending.
I have Janeway rather self-destructively run off with the Borg Queen but... uh...it wasn't that angsty. Dark, but she kind of wanted it.
There's probably something really angsty I'm just not thinking of, but I don't reread my really old stuff often. (some of them I honestly have no idea what the fic is about).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
there's a really sappy SGA one where they have a bunch of kids.
Firefly (Star Trek Discovery, Philippa and...learning to have feelings). maybe? Considering how messy Philippa's feelings are, she ends up happy, and more human, and she goes on a very long journey about it.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not lately. I did, I have, but it's been years. Once Upon a Time fandom you were a wild ride.
I did make massive drama back in the day with Janeway/Crusher, because I really wanted to get to play with them in the fandom space I was in, but that was not the space for that.
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes! I'm on a somewhat lazy sort of fade to feelings place at the moment. I wrote a somewhat detailed one awhile back, but it was pretty tame. The fic is good though! I really like that one. Trapped in a turbolift and then later they have sex.
Migrations and other recurring phenomena (Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak). Happy Birthday, madame captain...
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not often, I do have a SGA and TNG crossover where the Enterprise turns up at Atlantis, which is odd but fun, and for some reason (there's a space battle) it got outside my usual audience. I really liked the challenge of all the characters meeting each other.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I recall.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I think a OUAT one? maybe two? It has happens but...I don't remember which fic it is.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Jackie and I wrote two really long ones together (which were a blast). I don't think she's still on tumblr but, @shinewithalltheuntold, I love you).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I am really into whatever I am really into at the moment, because I get REALLY into things.
Right now it's Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak, underappreciated ship of my dreams. Michael gets to date the president of the Federation, as a treat. fun bonsu for me is that they have scenes together! and a relationship arc and that's really fun. (even if it's not romantic, it's something and I adore them, so I'll take it).
All time ever? Kathryn Janeway/Beverly Crusher, which made drama, ruined some of my fandom relationships, but really gave me something I needed.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I have a few that I just ended, which I'm okay with. I've taken longer hiatuses than I'd like, lately. (life's just been a lot).
I have three right now. Only one is posted and I'll finish that one! (Quantum Variations on a Love Theme (Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak) is my favorite. It's my heart right now. It's long and it's sometimes hard to write and there's backstory and plot threads BUT I love it.
And it has it's own little following and really that's all a really long fic needs: a handful of people who read it.
The other two I need for Year of the OTP so I should get those done too. (Firefly universe crosses over into canon-adjacent universe and Michael rescues sick Laira fic).
Hopefully they all get finished. (I'm fairly certain they will. I am not answering the question well).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Soft feelings. Incremental character growth. Long, slow, introspective character journeys. Friendship and found family moments. (there are some Tilly and Philippa moments I really like in Firefly, and Tilly and Laira and Tilly and Michael and...people having loving conversations is fun).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. (I feel like I'm really lazy with this most of the time. They're there, you know what they look like).
Urgency. (my fics do not move quickly, or really with a lot of certainty in their direction).
Plot. (frequently feels like an afterthought so people can have feelings).
Focus? I drop plot threads, all the time.
Writing by myself is hard. I ALWAYS want to show whatever I've just done to a person and sometimes people are busy and I am so unmoored by that. (post it anyway, dammit). I adore having someone tell me it's good before I post it.Sometimes I have to post it anyway...
I also write the thing I want to write, over and over in different fandoms and with different a characters and I've written my own variations on "pregnant person goes on a journey with her feelings and grows as a person" at least 10 times.
and I'll do it again.
And I love midly sick character, which I will do again.
I feel bad and don't feel bad? It's what I want to read so I have to write it so I can read it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I google translate, or skip around it, or switch POV so I don't have to deal with it. It's hard to do and I can usually avoid it. I use a lot of fantasy name/word generator for alien words.
It's mostly [alien name goes here] and hopefully I put something in.
I borrow words (or spelling conventions) from languages I know little pieces of (Finnish, German, Welsh) when I need to for alien things.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek the Next Generation. (Stranded, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Will Riker/Deanna Troi, adorable future children who are lesbians). One of my oldest fics is ON Ao3! it is like 22 years old I think? it's a mess and I should fix the formatting but it's SO LONG... It's fine. It's there. It's really not bad for my first long fic.
It's fun to see how far I've come. I wrote that one so long ago that I wrote it under my real name on a usergroup. Then posted it on my own website that I made with html on geoctities.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Whatever I'm working on right now is usually my favorite. I have fics I am especially fond of.
Her Majesty's Mercy. (Once Upon a Time, Regina Mills/Maleficent) one of the darker things I've written for them, that has a very happy ending it's just...kind of all raw messy feelings)
When I the Starry Courses Know. (Star Trek Voyager: Kathryn Janeway/Borg Queen) very depressed Janeway gives herself up to the Borg Queen, which kind of a Faustian twist to it. It's one of the better things I've ever written).
Fedvision (the Federation does eurovision, with Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway and most of Voyager and TNG at their party). Fedvision is wonderful I should write it again, because it should happen every year. (Disco needs it). This fic is full of bubbly happiness and hats and love. It's full of love.
Firefly (Star Trek Discovery: Mirror Philippa Georgiou and Michael Burnham, and feelings, and learning to trust people). I used to live in a state of angst waiting for someone to comment when I posted...this fic has chapters without any comments at all. I had never written anything this long that didn't depend on a romantic pairing, this one doesn't have one in the center. I took huge break...and came back! I didn't have a beta or an alpha and I lost friends in the time it took to write it, and it still turned out. I grew as a writer and poster with this fic.
Quantum Variations on a Love Theme (Star Trek Discovery: Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak) is my favourite right now, because it's a me fic. It's a long meandering jellyfish fic and Laira's pregnant and I love it. It's the most fun I could have. It has really good parts. (not all of them but, there are some stellar bits). Also it has some detailed world building, and that's fun. This is the me fic that owns my soul at the moment so of course it's my favourite.
I'll just have five...
Tagging @aleksandrachaev @that-one-curly-haired-chick @purlturtle, @winternightjewels @regionalpancake @galactic-pirates @jackabelle73 @holdouttrout (if you fancy it)
and you, if you feel like it, person who made it all the way to the bottom!
The questions!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fic?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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super-rangers · 13 days
Hi Alex! If it’s okay I jump on the ask train, I also was recently rereading UIW and I was reminded of something that I actually had been thinking about quite a bit and am so curious to know if you have strong opinions about—In chapter 12, when Janis is teaching Regina how to cook, she mentions that she has a 7 year-old little brother. Is Janis as an older sibling a dynamic that you’ve thought a lot about? If so, has that played in to your characterization of her at all? By extension (and really just for the fun of it 😄), who else in the gang do you think has siblings, if any? Where in the birth order would they be?
(When thinking about it, I definitely see Aaron and Damian being older siblings. Gretchen strikes me as a middle child. Karen, I’m less sure about— I feel like she can go in either direction. I feel like it makes sense that Regina is an only child, but I could also see her having (a) sibling(s) who are a fair amount older than her and that she’s mostly estranged from on her dad’s side. Cady I know is canonically an only child, but I feel like that does check out lol)
Hello!! Of course it's okay!
Janis really does give off older sibling vibes for me. If I really think about it, she gives off oldest of three. Like she's got the aforementioned 7yr old brother, but she also has a 12yr old one. She doesn't get along with the 12yr brother that much - they're too similar and butt heads a lot. The 7yr old thinks Janis is The Coolest Ever, and they get along great. (I didn't realize I had such deep opinions about this until you asked 😂)
I think I recognize older sibling vibes in how she treated Cady at first. Taking her under her wing while making cheesy jokes, the way she reassured Cady that Regina was a bitch for commenting on her shoes only to immediately give them the shadiest 'well Regina wasn't wrong' look. Like. That's shit I would do as an older sister lmao
I think it comes out in her sense of humor, the way she's a little bit goofy like she plays with kids regularly, and the way she helps Regina out even when she's angry with her.
I honestly think Damian is an only child, but if he did have a sibling he'd be older. (He and Regina bond over the weirdness of siblings as they observe their friends at home lol) Aaron also has 2 younger siblings. A baby brother and sister. He's full on doting big brother to his sister; she's his favorite person in the world. She thinks he's the greatest person in the whole wide world. Aaron gets along with his brother too, but it's a different dynamic.
Gretchen is totally a middle child, you're so right. Karen I think would be either the baby of a family of like 5 kids OR she would have one older sister who's like in her 20s, like what you suggested for Regina.
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talltoontales · 2 months
~ Friggin Friday ~
[Story 32]
Prompt: You've been transported to a 2000's live-action Disney movie & your only key to getting is by making the MC's dreams unobtainable through any means necessary. Prompt By: r/wingman66 (Reddit) Started Writing: 07/09/2024
Word of advice: never buy a TV from a witch's garage sale.
Because I've been in this Chinese restaurant since eleven in the morning, downing fortune cookies like cheap shots, looking like an absolute maniac! But the only way outta this C-tier movie is to keep Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan for swapping bodies, and the quickest way to do that is to make sure this place doesn't have any more terrible-tasting mystic fortunes to give…I'm gonna be sick!
|| || || || ||
Ok, so fun fact: if you eat your weight in fortune cookies you will vomit until you pass out. But enough about my ongoing hatred for fortune cookies. Time for plan B! Jamie Lee Curtis, who is now in Lindsay Lohan's body, should be meeting with this world's version of the mean girl trio.
Which doesn't really hit, now that I think about it. Because I know Mean Girls came out in 2004, and Freaky Friday, I think, came out the year before, but whatever!
Regina- I mean…who am I kidding? Her actual name doesn't matter. Regina's about to trick Jamie Lee Lohan into getting gift-wrapped, causing her to stumble over a nearby bike rack and eat grass. However, if my math is right, I should have set in motion a Final Destination-style series of unfortunate events where, instead of landing on soft-ish dirt, Jamie'll get knocked out for hopefully the rest of the movie's run time…
-Pulls Out Phone-
Wow, '09 and '04 again! How do I even know that this movie exists? Wait, that's riiiiiight, Parent Trap and the School Sleepover. Man, those were better days. Why couldn't I get trapped in Parent Trap? Could've been done by now.
-Jamie Lee Lohan screams as she topples over the bike rack onto dirt-
What the-where's the duffle bag of football helmets? Where's the horde of test frogs? What happened to the-
-The school shakes as a muffled explosion goes off, followed by fire alarms-
Oh yeah, forgot about the toilet bombs. Oh, man, I should probably make sure that janitor's okay. Alright, first, help the janitor, and then we slash pretty boy's motorcycle tires.
…probably should have done that first.
|| || || || ||
Ok, so that did not work at all, but on the bright side, Jamie Lee Curtis' character is a pretty good therapist, so I got that going for me.
Anyway, no more, Mr. Subtle. It's the big concert, and I gotta show stopper, and by that, I mean over a thousand dollars in professional-grade fireworks at the heart of the city's electrical grid. Can't rock with no power!
-Laughs maniacally while lighting the fuse-
…wait a minute…these are rockets…rockets explo-
|| || || || ||
-Jerks awake on the couch as the credits for Freaky Friday roll down the TV screen-
Oh, thank God that worked! Not to self, next, get trapped in something fun like Lilo & Stitch or one of the Rugrats movies or…
-Jumps off the couch over to the DVD rack, frantically searching through the stacks until finding "Speed Racer 2008."-
I take it all back, this was the best purchase I've ever made!
. . . . . . . . . .
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story. If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or comical)). Also, if you have some spare time, check out my blog for more stories like the one above. Stay safe, drink plenty of water, and be kind to yourself and others. ToonMan, AWAY!
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thatfandomslut · 6 months
Color Her Green
Tumblr media
Karen Shetty x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Trigger Warnings: SMUT!!! MDNI. cursing, oral (r receiving), v soft smut
I was wondering if you were open to doing this story idea with Karen! So basically the reader is the well known lesbian of the school. She is very dominant and flirty towards females. She will literally flirt with anyone of the same gender. Karen and the reader have a secret fwb relationship. But Karen wants it to be something more. So one day the reader was flirting with Regina and being very forward with her. Basically trying to get in her pants, and Karen gets jealous and drag the reader away to their secret place and they have a little fight which ends with smut and fluff. Also if you do the smut scene can you have Karen say “baby” and a lot of cute pet names? I hope this was a good idea that you might do!
Mean Girls requests are open.
Karen could admit that she was a bit hurt. How could (Y/n) go from a night causing her to orgasm three times to trying to get into one of her best friend's pants? Right in front of her, no less. Karen felt a little ashamed as she felt jealousy constrict her chest, her eyes narrowing across the hall. Gretchen noticed Karen tense up beside her as she winced, noticing Regina's back pressed against the lock behind her, (Y/n) whispering something in her ear. Whatever (Y/n) said caused Regina to bite her lip before laughing, a finger sliding down (Y/n)'s chest as she did so. The action caused Karen's fingers to twitch before she began to make her way over.
"Karen, Gretchen, hey," (Y/n) greeted, completely ignoring the obvious anger on the girl's face. She still had an arm on a locker beside Regina, not moving. This seemed to only increase the fury bubbling in Karen as she waited for (Y/n) to move. When she didn't, Karen grabbed the arm the helped her lean over to Regina, pulling her outside. Once her arm was released, (Y/n)'s hands went up in a confused sign of surrender. "What the fuck? What's going on?"
A scoff escaped Karen's lips at the apparent confusion on (Y/n)'s face. They had been friends with benefits for over three months, one might think (Y/n) would have the respect to not flirt with one of Karen's best friends. But, color her green, jealousy was radiating off of her along with the anger rolling off her skin. "Why are you flirting with Regina?" She questioned, her arms crossing angrily. She stood in front of (Y/n), stiff. That's how (Y/n) knew that she was in trouble with the girl for some reason. The bubbly smile often adorned by Karen was nowhere in sight. Even her beautiful brown eyes had darkened in anger.
(Y/n) examined Karen for a moment before she began to realize what was going on. "Are you jealous, Karen?" There was a look of momentary disbelief on (Y/n)'s face as she shook her head in shock for a moment. "We're not even exclusive. I don't understand why you're so upset. Before we started this 'friends with benefits' thing, we agreed on no feelings. I don't get why you're now upset with me for flirting with someone else whenever you and I aren't even official." Her words hurt. She had hoped that (Y/n) would eventually feel the same way she did.
Karen supposed that this was now her fault for placing unrealistic expectations on (Y/n). With that said, she was not about to take the fall in this argument. If Regina George taught her anything, it was to never lose an argument. "That doesn't make it okay to flirt with Regina, of all people. I thought there might be boundaries where you wouldn't try to fuck my best friends." Karen stated, hoping her comment had an actual effect. Judging by the deadpan on (Y/n)'s face, it didn't.
"In one of our first conversations, I had asked you if there were any boundaries. All you said was that, if I slept with anyone, you'd want me to use protection and get frequent check-ups to make sure no STDs were being passed around. Both were reasonable and valid requests. You never said anything about flirting with Regina. In fact, I have flirted with her and Gretchen many times before." (Y/n) argued back, crossing her arms the same way Karen had. She was growing annoyed. Of course, she started to develop feelings for Karen. She had been trying to deflect them in fear Karen didn't feel the same. However, feelings being revealed in an argument due to jealousy made (Y/n) too prideful to admit she was wrong. "Why do you have a problem now?"
There was a moment when neither of them spoke, tension thickening in between them. They both knew why there was a problem now. Karen took (Y/n) by the arm, taking them to the outdoor janitor's closet. They found out that it had long since been abandoned and it became their place. They had even cleaned it up once. There was not a speck of dust or dirt in the empty room. Once they entered, (Y/n) looked at Karen with her brows furrowed, still waiting for an answer. No answer was given. Instead, Karen's lips smashed against hers as (Y/n)'s back hit the door as soon as they entered.
A muffled moan escaped (Y/n)'s lips their teeth clashing as they fumbled through each other's clothes clumsily. Karen's hand quickly slipped into (Y/n)'s pants, causing (Y/n)'s back to involuntarily arch, her hips bucking into Karen's hand as she circled her clit with her fingers. "Fuck," she whispered. Karen always knew just where to touch her, and just like Karen knew every inch of her body, (Y/n) knew Karen's. They knew everything that made the other twitch, moan, and cum. Their hands memorized each other's bodies easily. How could (Y/n) try to memorize another woman's body after having become bonded with Karen's? They fit too nicely together. It took only seconds for (Y/n) to feel weak in the knees as her head rested on the door, moans spilling from her lips as sweet as molasses.
Karen smirked a bit at how easily undone she made (Y/n). "You're so pretty, baby," she whispered into (Y/n)'s ear before nipping at her earlobe. The small nip and pleasure building in her abdomen caused (Y/n) to moan again, though she tried to bite them back. Noticing this, Karen let out a soft 'tsk' sound, stopping her movement. This successfully caused (Y/n) to whine, looking at Karen with pleading eyes. This only caused victory to build in Karen as she shook her head softly. "Don't hide those pretty sounds from me, baby, or I'll have to stop. Understood?" Karen removed her hand, unbuckling (Y/n)'s jeans as she waited for a response.
(Y/n) noted all of the mischievous thoughts that were behind Karen's usually thoughtless, but beautiful brown eyes. (Y/n) swallowed thickly, unable to get her words out. "Yes, pretty girl, understood." She agreed and Karen let out a soft hum in appreciation. (Y/n) needed Karen, but she was going agonizingly slow with her actions. The sound of the bell sounded in their room, but neither budged. Instead, Karen continued her actions, not caring about the look (Y/n) was giving her. "Please, baby, I need you," (Y/n) pleaded only causing a small smile to form on Karen's lips. But no action was quickened by this.
"I'm not going to start until you promise to never flirt with my friends again," Karen said, blowing on (Y/n)'s clit. An easy tease tactic that worked every. fucking. time. (Y/n) groaned, her hands making their way into Karen's curly hair. This was an action always appreciated by Karen. She loved it when (Y/n)'s mind was so foggy, she had no clue where her hands went. "Well, answer me, baby. Are you going to flirt with any of my friends again?"
(Y/n) licked her bottom lip before sucking it in. "N-no, Karen," she finally got out, her fingers twitching slightly as they tangled in her curls. "I won't flirt with them ever again. I-I only want to be yours. I want to be your girlfriend." There was a moment where both were surprised by her words and to suppress her grin, Karen quickly got to work. Her nose accidentally bumped into (Y/n)'s sensitive clit as she began eating her out like she was her last meal. And, maybe she was, they weren't guaranteed another minute. She had to take (Y/n) like she could be. Not that (Y/n) was complaining as curses and moans filled the air around them.
It wasn't long until (Y/n) found herself close to her orgasm. "Fuck, baby girl, I'm so, so close. You're doing so good." She moaned out, and Karen kept the perfect pace she had. As (Y/n) came, her legs became shaky. She forced herself to stay standing, though the objective was hard with Karen riding out her high. "Shit, my love, you're so fucking perfect." (Y/n) cried out, leaning back on the wall for support. Karen pulled away, helping (Y/n) back into her underwear and pants, wiping her chin with her arm. (Y/n) pulled her in, kissing her deeply before either could say anything.
Karen was in a deep state of happiness before realizing they still needed to discuss just what (Y/n) had said. "Did you mean it? Do you actually want us to be girlfriends?" Karen questioned, looking at the way (Y/n)'s chest heaved as she struggled to breathe. It was obvious the orgasm, the kiss, and Karen had stolen (Y/n)'s breath as she nodded softly. When she whispered out a soft 'yes,' Karen had grinned a bit. "But not because of our fight or sex right?" She questioned carefully, not wanting to accuse (Y/n)'s feelings of being fake. She just wanted to be sure given the previous state of their relationship.
(Y/n) understood completely as she cupped Karen's cheeks. Leaning in, she pressed a gentle kiss on Karen's forehead. "I really mean it. I have felt something more than friends with benefits for a while. I just… I didn't want to ruin what we had. Instead of doing the right thing and communicating how I felt… I flirted with Regina. I'm sorry for that." (Y/n) apologized, having finally caught her breath. Karen smiled a bit at this fixing (Y/n)'s hair gently.
"It's okay," Karen confirmed with a gentle nod. She leaned in, kissing (Y/n). This time, their kiss was soft and slow. It still held the same passion, only it wasn't a kiss that would be followed up by sex. The two basked in each other's presence, time being lost as they finally parted away. "I should be apologizing, too. The way I approached the situation was wrong. Instead of trying to talk, I just argued instead. I just like you, a lot, and seeing you with Regina hurt. But, we're over that now."
(Y/n) kissed her again, but not a lasting kiss. Instead, it was chaste. "It's okay, we're passed it." (Y/n) said softly before kissing the tip of Karen's nose gently. "We're so past it that if you wanted to give me a hickey to show everyone that I'm yours, I would welcome and invite it." The two of them laughed, knowing it was a joke, but Karen still took her up on the offer. It was hard to not make love to Karen right then and there as she sucked the sweet spot on (Y/n)'s neck, revealing a dark bruise on her neck. Karen admired her work with a smirk as she kissed the sensitive spot softly to soothe it.
"Now, if someone flirts with you, you can say you have a girlfriend." Karen winked playfully, and (Y/n) laughed gently. She leaned over, fixing Karen's hair, and using her thumb, she un-smudged Karen's lipstick. The two of them continued to fix each other before they walked out of their special place. They had missed their homeroom and first period, plus a small portion of the second period, but neither of them cared. "See you at lunch."
As the two separated, the goofy grins on their faces due to them finally being official never dropped. As soon as Karen entered the second period, Gretchen already adorned a knowing and supportive smile, asking for all the details. Karen didn't share every single thing, but she did tell Gretchen about how she and (Y/n) were now official. For the rest of the day, nothing could ruin either of their moods. Especially not when (Y/n) was proudly showing her hickey to anyone who stared too long.
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canpandaspvp · 6 months
OK THANK YOU RANT TIME. i'll put it under the cut so i don't clog things:
I LOVE SABRINA CARPENTER. I LOVE MEG DONNELLY. I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT AND MCKENNA GRACE AND ELLE WOODS AND REGINA GEORGE AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL AMAZING WONDERFUL BLONDE GIRLS IN MEDIA AND IN THE WORLD. I ALSO. LOVE. RAPUNZEL. and i understand why people would want a blonde girl to play rapunzel, but the same people who will cheer so loud for black actors and actresses taking on live action lead roles are the same people tearing down maitreyi and avantika for being considered to play rapunzel??? it just screams performative so bad because of course everyone wants to seem accepting when it's the most commonly marginalized community getting big roles, but when it's the race they don't take seriously then their true colors show. that's not to bring down any black actors bc god knows i will defend my fellow poc to hell and back, but why can't brown people in media get the same reaction? the second that we're considered for these prized "white roles" is when everyone gets pissed cause they don't see it as some kind of apology for how they've treated us in the same way they do for other races.
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these aren't random comments i found that ive cherry picked. this is all ONE COMMENT SECTION ON ONE TIKTOK. and i could've kept going. SHES FAKE SHES FICTIONAL HOORAY EVERYONE!!! HER RACE DOESNT MATTER. HER HAIR IS FUCKING MAGICAL AND A BILLION FEET LONG. and i totally get wanting to stop with live actions so that you can make way for new princesses, but:
- most new animated films have been largely Shit
- their representation largely Sucks
- people don't care anymore. they don't get invested in new characters and the only reason anyone might tune into this is because they already have some form of connection to it.
i don't like live actions. i think they're stupid, poorly done, and a bad attempt at remedying the lack of representation for various communities over the past century and some. i also think it's weird that people only want to support poc actors when they know they'll be judged for how they react, because the second it's an indian? it doesn't fucking matter. these freaks don't care about racism they literally only care about how they're perceived, and they know they'll only be perceived as racist if they say something against certain races. if it's an indian it's ravi and baljeet and all these other fucking JOKES so they can say whatever they want. KEEP IN MIND THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FOUGHT SO HARD DEFENDING HALLE BAILEY (whom i love, adore, and admire) LITERALLY A YEAR AGO.
i feel like a broken record or something but it's just insane to me that people only care like this when they know that they can get away with it because at the end of the day, america thinks brown people are fucking jokes. they'll only defend whoever it looks good to defend and it's such performative bullshit that it actually makes me want to throw up.
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