#how pissed is drayton gonna be when they show up with someone tied up in the back
meat-husband · 5 years
Can we get a part two for the realistic bubba ask? Like if he comes around or their next encounter, sumthin like that if you’re up for it?
Okay, I really love how this turned out, except the end is a little eh cause I have no idea when or how to stop writing lol
Edit: Parts One and Three
You haven’t seen any of the Sawyers in months. That wasn’t too unusual, they weren’t much for socializing, but you had a good trade going up until three months ago. You didn’t have much, and they had even less, but both sides had always come out with enough to get by on. There wasn’t a way to survive out here without relying on neighbors for help or trade, which made it all the stranger that Drayton hadn’t come around again. No one else had seen him either, outside of stops at the station, after he had gone around town bartering stacks of dried meat like it was cash. You had since found out that the amount he had brought over to you was only a fraction of what he had taken around town, which made you think there was no way it had been stolen from the slaughterhouse. That amount of meat gone missing would have been noticed, regardless of how they would have managed to get it out without being seen. Something was definitely going on with the reclusive family, and although you didn’t want to get mixed up in whatever it was, you were about to do just that anyways.
It had taken you almost two months to get together enough scrap to fix up your old generator, although usually you wouldn’t have bothered. It was loud and old, and you had a newer one already hooked up to the house, so it was mostly kept around for spare parts. But you hadn’t repaired it for yourself. Things like that were always needed around here, where most people didn’t have connections to the city lines, and you knew Drayton wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to pick one up. Besides, it was too big and clunky for you to move on your own, so he’d have to bring help, which is just what you were hoping for. 
You were out just after dawn, trying to beat the summer heat even though it was already well into the 80s. The old generator had been halfway pulled towards the barn doors, but you couldn’t get it much farther than that. Even that had sweat pouring down your face, and you were in the middle of trying to cool down when the rattling of an old truck came from outside. Quickly, you straighten your clothes and run a hand through your sweaty hair, hoping you don’t look too bad, before stepping out to greet them. 
You’re surprised to see that Drayton isn’t the one behind the wheel, but rather his scrawny younger brother. The other sibling is there as well, the big one you had been hoping to see in the first place, but you’re a little concerned to see that Drayton isn’t here. 
“How’re you doin’ today?”
The brother gives you a wild eyed look, a big grin on his face. It’s an off putting expression on his already strange face, but you smile back politely. 
“W-we’re good!”
The answer is loud and enthusiastic, and you’re just a little bit baffled at how high spirited he seems already. 
“Well… Alright.”
The truck door pops open with a rusty squeak and he steps out, glancing around your yard. 
“Barn’s over here,” you say, pointing towards the run down shed. “Generator is already half out, I just couldn’t get it the rest of the way. You need any help getting it-“
He shakes his head, waving long, stringy hair around his face. 
“Gotta look, uh, l-look at it first.”
You watch him wander into the barn, a frown on your face. He’s definitely… stranger than you remembered, it was no wonder the Sawyers had been some of the first to get laid off at the slaughterhouse. You couldn’t imagine working in a place like that with him running around. 
You leave him to look the old machine over, though you don’t see the point. It’s a piece of junk barely holding together, but it works, and that’s all that matters. Drayton had offered you a stubbornly small amount of credit at the station in return for it, and usually you would have argued over it, but it probably wasn’t worth what he was giving you anyways. 
His brother is lingering in the truck, door still closed and seemingly hiding behind it. His shoulders are hunched and he’s looking down at his lap, a mop of dark curls in his eyes. The sight brings a grin to your face, and you step up to the truck. He hears you coming, his quick glance up showing you a worried expression. 
“Hey, there,” you say with a smile, leaning on the truck door and propping yourself up on the open window. “You ain’t been around here in awhile, huh.”
You get a nervous titter in response, seeing the hands gripping his knees turning white. He had always been a shy one, avoiding your attempts at conversation and hiding behind Drayton. A quick look over your shoulder confirms that the scrawny brother is still in the barn, fussing over something from the sound of it. 
“You’re name’s Bubba, isn’t it?” 
You already know the answer, but you ask it anyways, watching him give you a hesitant nod. You give him your name, reaching a hand through for a shake, but he doesn’t take it. His eyes dart from his lap to your hand, looking a little bit afraid, so you withdraw it, not wanting to be rude. 
“I like your tie,” you say after a moment of silence, watching his fingers twitch up towards it before settling back in his lap. “It’s real cute, you know.”
He mumbles something, and you’re not sure what the words are, but they sound almost flustered, the corner of his mouth tipping up just slightly. Your smile gets bigger, leaning in through the window a bit. 
“You’re cute, too.”
He chokes, looking at you from the corners of his eyes with a red face, fingers twisting together. His mouth twitches up, then back down, then up again, as if he’s not sure how to react. 
The sudden shout makes you jump, turning to find the brother just a few feet behind you. You aren’t sure how he’d managed to sneak up on you so quickly, but you take a few steps back to put some distance between the two of you. 
“C’mon, Bubba,” he says, reaching forward to pull the door open. “G-get it in the truck!”
Bubba is quick to do as he’s told, lumbering towards the barn with heavy strides. He seems even more nervous to be out of the truck, so you don’t follow when he goes through the doors, standing at the side of the truck with his brother.  
“You, you sh-shouldn’t bother my brother like that.”
The look on his face is still just as strange, but his eager grin has turned into a frown, wide eyes watching you. It’s hard to tell from his unusual demeanor, but there’s something threatening about the way he grits his teeth at you, lips curled back. 
“Teasin’ h-him,” he says, waving his hands in jerky motions towards the barn. “He don’t, don’t know when people a-are jokin’ with him.”
It takes you a few seconds to catch on to what he’s saying, but once you do, you let out a laugh. It sounds like you’ve just been given the Sawyer version of a warning off, like a father trying to scare away his daughter’s suitor. 
“Oh, no, you ain’t gettin’ it either, huh,” you say with a smile, remembering Drayton’s confusion. “I ain’t teasin’ him, or being mean. I’m flirting.”
He looks just as surprised as his brother was, his whole body going still and the short, jerky twitches of his fingers stopping. He’s silent, and you would bet this is the most quiet anyone’s ever gotten out of him before, looking like he’s frozen in place. 
“You, uh, might wanna see if he needs any help with that thing.”
You don’t doubt that Bubba can lift the thing on his own, but he hasn’t come out yet. His brother shuffles in place for a moment, jerking his head around before giving you another grin and running off. You can’t help but feel a bit more positively about the guy now, having heard the sharp edge to his voice when he told you off. They’re weirdos, but it was nice to see him being protective of his little brother. 
The bang of the barn doors being thrown open draws your attention, turning to see the brother scurrying back over with a manic look on his face. After a few seconds, Bubba steps out with the old generator held up to his chest, seemingly not affected by the weight at all. You’d have taken a second to admire how much strength that had to take, but his brother beats him to the truck. 
“Y-you oughta come over, f-for dinner!”
You raise your eyebrows at the offer, hands on your hips as you watch him open the flatbed of the truck. 
“Oh, yeah?” You ask, a little suspicious of this sudden friendly offer. “Don’t think Drayton would like that much.”
“He don’t t-tell us what to do!” He sidesteps around Bubba as the machine is dropped into the back of the truck, rattling the whole thing on its wheels. “Ain’t t-that right, Bubba?”
His brother looks much more hesitant, but gives a slow, unsure nod of agreement, eyes on the ground. His face is bright pink, either from the heavy lifting or your previous conversation - and judging by the way his fingers reach up to tug at his tie, you can make a guess at which one it is. 
“Alright,” you say slowly, turning over the idea in your mind. “I guess that’d be okay, I got some free time comin’ up next week. Run it by your brother first though, don’t want him blowin’ up at me when I show up.”
You hear a cackle, watching as the scrawny brother digs a hand into his dirty pocket. Bubba is shifting nervously behind him, and although he’s been on edge ever since they showed up, this time it gives you an unsettling feeling. That feeling proves right when a filthy pocket knife is swung in your face, barely missing your nose as you step back. 
“What the fuck?”
“Y-you’re comin’ with us,” he laughs, stepping around to trap you in between him and the truck. “Can’t leave B-Bubba’s little, little friend behind!”
You glance at the knife in his hand, big enough to do some serious damage if you get stuck with it, and you’re not sure if you’re fast enough to get past him without that happening. He jabs it towards you in a mocking way, laughing when you jump away from the blade. Stuck between the knife and the truck, you know you’re not going to be able to get out of this one.
Well, shit, you think.
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