#how long is the divorce process in ny
longislanddivorce1 · 4 months
Navigating the Complexities of Family Law Divorce: Your Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of family law divorce, emotions run high and complexities abound. Whether you're contemplating a split or already navigating the turbulent waters of divorce proceedings, understanding the ins and outs of the process is paramount. At Family Law Divorce Attorney, we specialize in providing expert guidance and support to individuals traversing this challenging terrain. From how to get a quick divorce in NY to unraveling the mysteries of how long is the divorce process in NY, we are here to demystify the journey and empower you with knowledge.
Understanding Family Law Divorce
The Foundation of Family Law
Family law serves as the cornerstone of legal proceedings surrounding familial relationships, encompassing matters such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and alimony. Divorce, in particular, involves the legal dissolution of a marital union, with each jurisdiction adhering to its own set of laws and regulations governing the process.
The Importance of Legal Representation
In the realm of divorce, emotions often cloud judgment, leading to contentious disputes and prolonged proceedings. Securing the services of a seasoned family law divorce attorney can mitigate such conflicts and streamline the process. With their expertise in negotiation, mediation, and litigation, these legal professionals serve as invaluable allies in safeguarding your interests and advocating for equitable resolutions.
Navigating the New York Divorce Landscape
Expedited Divorce Proceedings
For those seeking a swift resolution to their marital woes, New York offers avenues for expediting the divorce process. Understanding how to get a quick divorce in NY involves meeting specific criteria outlined by the state. Factors such as mutual consent, absence of minor children, and a comprehensive settlement agreement can expedite proceedings, allowing couples to swiftly embark on their newfound paths.
The Duration of Divorce Proceedings in New York
Contrary to popular belief, the duration of divorce proceedings in NY can vary significantly based on numerous factors. From the complexity of financial assets to the level of contention between parties, each case presents its own unique set of challenges. While some divorces may reach resolution within a matter of months, others may extend over several years, underscoring the importance of adept legal counsel and strategic navigation.
Navigating Divorce in Suffolk County
Local Considerations and Regulations
Suffolk County, nestled on Long Island's picturesque shores, boasts its own set of regulations governing divorce proceedings. From filing requirements to courtroom protocols, familiarity with divorce Suffolk County intricacies is essential for navigating the legal landscape effectively. Partnering with a family law divorce attorney well-versed in Suffolk County's nuances can provide a distinct advantage in achieving favorable outcomes.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
In an effort to alleviate the burden on the judicial system and foster amicable resolutions, Suffolk County encourages the utilization of mediation and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. These processes offer divorcing parties a forum for constructive dialogue, facilitating mutually agreeable settlements while circumventing the adversarial nature of traditional litigation.
Empowering You Through Knowledge and Advocacy
In the realm of family law divorce, knowledge is power, and advocacy is paramount. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape and the unwavering support of a seasoned family law divorce attorney, you can navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence and resilience. At Family Law Divorce Attorney, we stand ready to guide you through every stage of the journey, ensuring your rights are protected and your future secured.
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zippverschluss · 1 year
ep 9 notes
haven't checked the tag yet, need to sort through / document my thoughts first.
i'm a bit... disappointed, i guess? but i think that's owed to my expectations. after a week of collective theorizing i was (not so) secretly hoping for a sauruman VS gandalf style face off and so what we got felt a bit... pedestrian?
so i guess the gardener did hurt him after all, just not the 'shears-in-your-body' kind of inury? i honestly thought he'd stick to stalking.
speaking of which, i'll be disappointed if it's really garden dude using nayeon and not the other way round. nayeon being skilled in black magic and just using / playing men left and right to reach her own various ends and satisfy her needs would have elevated the character immensely. feels a bit disrespectful tbh.
speaking of disrespect, i suspected as much, but still... how can they have the mother not know? like honestly? how can her asshole husband tell the woman his son just broke up with about the illness but not his wife? i reeeaaally want hj to hex him... like, make him step on a lego everyday of his life. or have shampoo get into his eyes. something like that.
back in ep. 3 when sy saw hj in the dress and just last episode, we focused on his right hand. same happend during the proposal scene in ep. 5 and yesterday in the hospital with nayeon. i guess that holds significance?
were sy and ny ever intimate with each other?
i liked how they filmed the nightmare hj had.
also, how ambigious jg still feels. though i'm leaning towards ally who hasn't realized yet that he missed his shot. (also, does jg know the mayor is dirty? the mayor is dirty, right? playing footsie with the haum ceo? is that why he poached sy? to take on the mayor? and if he doesn't know, doesn't that just really undercut his character?)
did garden dude hit sy with some magic to make him black out? did that magic bring back his past memories? i thought he remembered when he woke up in the hospital.
but then i really don't understand the artistic decision process behind the scene in front of the hospital. that scene made (makes) me think i must be mistaken? how can he remember loving / killing her 300 years ago and the first thing he asks about is the in house messenger? (yeah, i know, he wanted her to go back on her word...) but even if he wanted to not let on, where were the longing / pining / loving eyes from last episode? the whole thing just felt very bland and weird.
also, poor rowoon. they obvs. didn't find hospital pants long enoug for him.
also, pls. don't push sick / hospitalized people. you don't know what tubes / needles they have sticking in or out of them. drama writers, find other ways to initiate physical touch. (just as lazy as drunk alley dude in ep 2).
i cared about ma and go for the first time. that scene was funny. i don't appreciate that once again show insinuates that a man is needed to keep a home in order, but since ma is freshly divorced it is plausible. for a moment i thought he was gonna choke her out or pass out himself. lol
also, re the hug, 'what kind of man asks that beforehand?'. the kind that respects boundaries and gives you the chance to say no? uncool ma, uncool show.
i guess no tentative friendships at work, but passive-aggressiveness?
loved the fireworks and the traditional music. was my favourite part of the episode. that slapped. wished they would have kept that music for the romantic scene.
there's still the option that him wholeheartedly embracing his feelings for hj brought upon the past memories. in which case that must be one long-ass hug. still, i'd prefer that scenario over the hospital-dream one. embracing his feelings because he remembers cheapens it a bit imo. its prob. the latter though seeing how he asked his mom about past lives.
his parents' bickering is getting on my nerves.
this episode felt really disjointed. i understand the cuts / edits were to not reveal too much, but at this point i'm just really annoyed by it.
for that reason bridge scene didn't have the impact it prob. should have had since i wasn't really sure what was going on?
spell scene too short, dress not as strange / pretty. but loved the music. also, what spell did she use? seduction?
i liked the child actors surprisingly much. i liked it even more that already as a child she had shaman capabilities.
i know tall people fall in love too, but man those hugs looked uncomfortable.
there's many other thoughts in my head but lastly: i guess only him remembers the past out of the two of them. i don't like that. at all. after 8 episodes it finally felt like they were on somewhat even footing when it came to knowledge about magic, spells, curses.... having only him remember once again means he knows more and is the proactive one, whereas she is only reacting and being driven by him. (but, if only him remembers, how can we as an audience see the things that only she can know? being brought to the shaman as a child? her premunition of the bloody hand?)
on that note, i hope the next kiss is initiated by hj. would be nice to see her express her desires / feelings. 3 kisses in and it's always him planting one on her. reciprocity is hot!! gimme gimme gimme!
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notasimpleslater · 1 year
Also I think it’s hilarious how every article coming from their camp is SO insistent on them still being together. “100% dating” “full on dating” “full steam ahead” like. Aside from the fact that those phrases simply cannot be applied to the situation of them being across the country, both going through divorces (one with a child) because their attentions HAVE to be elsewhere than on each other… it sounds waaayyy too defensive. As if that makes it better that they blew up their families, as long as they’re still together? I’m sorry but IME “giving space” is sort of like the soft launch for a breakup, especially for Ariana who is notorious for diving in headfirst and getting too attached and too serious too quickly.
100%. They're definitely breaking up/are broken up already. Do they really expect us to believe that E and Ari are "full on dating but can't be together right now" when Ethan's in NY in the process of divorcing his wife and fighting to co-parent his child? And you're right, it does sound defensive. Ari's team is fighting for their lives to justify this "relationship" that may not be happening anymore and to fight back against Lilly's statements, but I don't think it's even worth it at point.
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michaleideas · 5 days
Best Lawyers for Uncontested Divorce in NY
An uncontested divorce New York is a legal term that refers to a divorce process in which both parties agree on all aspects of the divorce and wish to end the marriage without the involvement of an attorney, court, or judge. An uncontested divorce is also called a no-fault divorce or a divorce by mutual consent because there is no allegation of wrongdoing.
The process is carried out by two persons who have the legal capacity to enter into the contract. As long as both parties agree, they can file for divorce on their own.
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How does an uncontested divorce proceed?
Divorce is the legal process of ending a marriage. In some cases, spouses can agree to an uncontested or "no-fault" divorce, which allows them to negotiate and agree to all the terms of the divorce without going to court.
In an uncontested divorce in New York, the spouses must agree on the terms of the settlement. Spouses can negotiate and agree on the following matters:
1) Child custody and visitation rights
2) Property division
3) Spousal support (alimony) amount, period and payment schedule
4) Whether spousal support is paid from one spouse’s income or from a joint account
5) Does alimony terminate upon cohabitation with another person; there are many others.
Best Uncontested Divorce Lawyers in New York
When it comes to providing the best legal assistance for an uncontested divorce in New York, Beckerman & Granados, PLLC is the trusted choice for many couples. Their reputation in the industry, along with their strengths in the art of negotiation and trial advocacy, can maximize your results and protect your interests.
You can get a free consultation about an uncontested divorce in New York by calling 718 374 5642. Or fill out the simple form on their official website : https://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/practice/uncontested-divorce-lawyer-ny/
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woodlandwizard77 · 7 days
The Name Change
First, I've start the process of legally changing my name and sex.
That's $215 to the state of NY and a month-ish long wait.
At which point, I should receive a court order for the name change.
I'll need 3-5 copies of the court order. Send one to Social Security, one to the IRS, one to NYS Vital Records (Birth Cert), DMV, Dept of State (passport), and a few other places.
Most of these agencies, in NYS, let you change your gender marker at will. Passport, Driver's License, and Birth Cert all allow changing of the gender marker with simply getting a new license, passport, birth cert.
I believe social security card is the same.
Now, fuck HR for not giving the whole picture, but also, thank God they're actually trying to help.
In order to change my name in work's legal systems (paycheck, healthcare, etc), I need to provide proof that I've changed the name. Normally, this is done through marriage, divorce, or adoption. And this is what HR has experience with. Which does 1) does not take a court order and 2) does not alter the birth certificate.
This means HR told me "you need to bring driver's license and the new SSN card." Which is not true and which I asked her about. The fact is that 1) I'll get the court order before I get anything else and 2) the passport, drivers license, and any other photo ID will take the same amount of time.
I think she should literally just need the court order, but am very much expecting her to give me trouble. It should be court order + out of date photo ID, but we'll see how much of a hard time I have to give them.
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wedesignyouny · 30 days
Navigating the Difficulties of a Contested Divorce in New York: Essential Information
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Navigating the Difficulties of a Contested Divorce in New York: Essential Information
Are you facing a contested divorce in New York? You’re not alone. Divorce is never easy, but when both parties can’t agree on critical issues like asset division, child custody, or spousal support, the process becomes even more challenging. If you’re wondering how to protect your interests and what to expect in the months ahead, this guide will provide you with the insights and advice you need.
Understanding Contested Divorce: What Sets It Apart?
A contested divorce occurs when spouses cannot reach an agreement on one or more significant issues. Unlike an uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on all terms, a contested divorce often requires court intervention to resolve disputes. This can lead to a longer, more expensive, and emotionally draining process.
Key Issues in a Contested Divorce:
Division of Assets: Who gets what? This is often the most contentious issue, especially when significant assets are at stake.
Child Custody and Support: Deciding where the children will live and how much financial support is necessary can be a major point of conflict.
Spousal Support: Determining whether one spouse is entitled to alimony and for how long can lead to heated disputes.
The Importance of Legal Representation
When facing a contested divorce, having an experienced attorney by your side is crucial. A skilled divorce lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, advocate for your rights, and work towards a resolution that is in your best interest.
Case Study: Successfully Navigating a Contested Divorce in NY
Consider Sarah, a New York City resident, who found herself in the midst of a contested divorce after 15 years of marriage. Her husband was fighting for full custody of their two children and wanted to claim the family home as his own. Feeling overwhelmed, Sarah sought the help of an experienced attorney from BG Divorce Lawyers NY.
Her lawyer thoroughly reviewed the case, helped Sarah gather necessary documentation, and provided expert guidance during negotiations. When the case went to court, Sarah’s attorney presented a compelling argument for joint custody and a fair division of assets. In the end, Sarah was awarded shared custody, and the marital assets were divided equitably, allowing her to move forward with her life.
Tips for Managing a Contested Divorce
Stay Organized: Keep detailed records of all financial assets, communications, and legal documents. This information will be critical during negotiations and court proceedings.
Prioritize Your Children’s Well-Being: If children are involved, focus on their best interests. This approach can also be beneficial in court.
Keep Emotions in Check: Divorce is an emotional process, but letting anger or frustration drive your decisions can lead to unfavorable outcomes. Lean on your attorney for support and guidance.
Prepare for Court: In a contested divorce, it’s likely you’ll need to go to court. Be prepared for the possibility of a trial, and work closely with your lawyer to build a strong case.
Conclusion: Take Control of Your Divorce Process
Contested divorces in New York can be complex, but with the right legal representation and a clear understanding of what to expect, you can protect your interests and secure a fair outcome. Whether you’re just starting the process or deep in negotiations, having a trusted attorney from BG Divorce Lawyers NY on your side can make all the difference.
Ready to take the next step? Contact us today for a consultation, and let us help you navigate the complexities of your contested divorce.
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gravitascivics · 1 year
After presenting and describing the application of Eugene Meehan’s criteria for appraising social science theories and models,[1] the last posting addressed the challenge of diversity and how it affects the isomorphism of the liberated federalism model.  For readers who want to read those accounts, they are directed to the online site, http://gravitascivics.blogspot.com/,[2] and review the last four postings.
          Given the complexity that the last posting reported, it does not complete this account’s comments concerning diversity and isomorphism.  In addition, there is the need to describe how excessive individualism, an ongoing malady of American life, [3] influences the diversity issue and demands yet another type of toleration within the nation’s collective social make-up.
This country is not only a pluralism of groups but also a pluralism of individuals, its regime of toleration is focused, as we have seen on personal choices and lifestyles rather than on common ways of life.  It is perhaps the most individualist society in human history … “we are free to do our own thing.”[4]
But “doing your own thing” takes financial resources which many immigrant groups, in many cases, have in short supply.
          The poorer groups often lead the nation to be the noisiest – in most cases, legitimately so – about maintaining their cultural identity by engaging in political processes.  As the groups establish themselves, they become Americanized because the political processes have their effects.  The debate in the nation is whether to insist on a single, nativist approach (“Make America Great Again”), one in which a hegemony of dominant culture prevails, or one that tolerates or even encourages diverse cultural lifestyles.
Walzer gives one element of this debate a positive spin, he writes:
… [D]emocratic politics itself, where all the members of all the groups are (in principle) equal citizens who have not only to argue with one another but they also somehow, to come to an agreement.  What they learn in the course of the necessary negotiations and compromises is probably more important than anything they might get from studying the canon.  We need to think about how this practical, democratic learning can be advanced.[5]
In the process of learning the lessons, great benefits are gained by immigrants belonging to associations:  “Individuals are stronger, more confident, more savvy, when they are participants in a common life, when they are responsible to and for other people.”[6] 
In so claiming, Walzer agrees with one of the main points of this account, that federating themselves with others, in the long run, benefits these people’s interests by doing so.  That is, communal allegiances in associations and neighborhoods would do much to stem the tide of divorces, single parent homes, child abuse, abandonment, decline in membership in unions, homelessness and increase the future fates of churches, parent-teacher organizations, and philanthropic societies.
A federalist model, then, has a definite correspondence to these segments of reality.  The judgment here is that that demonstrates how granular the model can be and, therefore, demonstrates its isomorphism.  The next posting will address the model’s compatibility.
[1] Namely by reviewing comprehensiveness, power, precision, and reliability.  See Eugene J. Meehan, Contemporary Political Thought:  A Critical Study (Homewood, IL:  Dorsey Press, 1967).
[2] Use the archives feature.  If readers want to read the blog’s presentation of the liberated federalism model, they should start with the posting, “From Natural Rights to Liberated Federalism” (June 2, 2023).
[3] Jean M. Twenge, Generations:  The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents – and What They Mean for America’s Future (New York, NY:  Atria Books, 2023).  It should be noted that individualism is not all bad.  It has its positive elements, but here the concern is with excessive individualism.
[4] Michael Walzer, On Toleration (New Haven, CT:  Yale University Press, 1997), 100.
[5] Ibid., 97.
[6] Ibid., 97.
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gordondivorcelawyer · 2 years
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Family law is a complicated field of law, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by the legal system. If you're going through a divorce, there are many factors at play that affect your family's future. At times like these, it's important to have an experienced family lawyer on your side who can guide you through all of the issues involved with your cases, such as child custody or property division. In this article we'll discuss how to find the best family lawyer in Queens New York for your particular needs: from where to start looking for one and what questions you should ask during an initial consultation, all the way up to deciding whether or not hiring their services is right for you.
Family Lawyers in Queens New York
A family lawyer in Queens New York can help you with any legal issue that involves your family. Family lawyers are lawyers who specialize in family law, and they can assist you with a wide range of issues.
A family lawyer can help you with divorce, custody, child support, and other matters related to the dissolution of a marriage or domestic partnership. A family lawyer may also be able to assist you if there is an adoption involved in your case or if there has been domestic violence between members of your household.
Getting a Family Lawyer
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If you are thinking about getting divorced, it is a good idea to talk to a family lawyer. You should hire a family lawyer and get a family law firm for your divorce case or any other family matters. When searching for the right family law firm, consider how long they have been in business and how many cases they have handled in Queens New York.
You can also look up local reviews on their websites as well as online review sites such as Yelp! and Angie's List to see what people think about them. Another thing that you can do is ask friends who may be in similar situations about their experiences with lawyers or firms that specialize in this area of practice; this information could prove useful when deciding who will represent your interests throughout the divorce process - especially since each case differs depending on its circumstances
Why You Should Hire a Family Lawyer in Queens New York
You need a lawyer to help you with your family law issue. Your family law issue is not just about the legalities of the situation, but also about how you feel about what has happened in your life. A good lawyer will be able to assist with both the legal and emotional aspects of your case.
You should hire a family lawyer in Queens New York
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In the United States, there are many types of lawyers who can help you with your legal issue. However, if you want to hire a family lawyer in Queens New York, then there is only one type that specializes in family law. Family law is a very specific area of law that deals with disputes between two or more people who are related to each other as parents and children or as spouses or ex-spouses.
Gordon Law, P.C. in Queens New York is a law firm specializing in divorce and family law. We represent clients across Queens County and the greater area, including Manhattan and Brooklyn. Our attorneys have years of experience handling divorce, custody and parenting issues, adoption cases, and high-net-worth divorces.
Gordon Law, P.C. - Queens Family and Divorce Lawyer
161-10 Jamaica Ave #205, Queens, NY 11432, United States
(347) 670-2007
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longislanddivorce1 · 5 months
Mastering the Family Law Divorce Process: Your Ultimate Guide to Success
Navigating the complexities of family law divorce can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance and understanding, you can emerge from this challenging time with clarity and confidence. As seasoned family law divorce attorneys, we recognize the importance of providing valuable insights to individuals seeking to streamline their divorce process. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of divorce in Suffolk County and offer actionable tips on how to get a quick divorce in NY while ensuring your rights and interests are protected every step of the way.
Understanding Family Law Divorce: An Overview
Family law divorce encompasses a range of legal issues surrounding the dissolution of marriage, including asset division, child custody, alimony, and more. Each state has its own set of laws governing divorce proceedings, and New York is no exception. In Suffolk County, couples must adhere to specific regulations outlined by the state to obtain a divorce.
How Long is the Divorce Process in NY?
One of the most common questions we receive from clients is, "How long is the divorce process in NY?" While the timeline can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the cooperation of both parties, divorce proceedings typically take several months to finalize. In Suffolk County, couples must satisfy residency requirements and adhere to mandatory waiting periods before their divorce can be granted.
Steps to Obtaining a Quick Divorce in NY
For individuals seeking a quick divorce in NY, it's essential to take proactive steps to expedite the process. Here are some strategies to consider:
1. Collaborative Divorce
Opting for a collaborative divorce can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional litigation. By working together with your spouse to reach mutually agreeable terms, you can streamline the divorce process and avoid lengthy courtroom battles.
2. Mediation
Mediation offers a non-adversarial approach to divorce, allowing couples to negotiate their differences with the assistance of a neutral third-party mediator. This alternative dispute resolution method can help resolve conflicts more efficiently and facilitate a faster resolution.
3. Legal Representation
Seeking guidance from an experienced family law divorce attorney is crucial in navigating the divorce process effectively. A skilled attorney can provide invaluable legal advice, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the proceedings.
The Importance of Legal Counsel in Family Law Divorce
While pursuing a divorce without legal representation may seem like a cost-effective option, it can lead to significant challenges and pitfalls down the line. An experienced family law divorce attorney can offer guidance on complex legal matters, advocate for your interests, and help you achieve a favorable outcome in your divorce settlement.
Seeking Guidance
Mastering the family law divorce process requires a combination of knowledge, strategy, and expert guidance. By understanding the nuances of divorce Suffolk County and implementing effective strategies for a quick divorce in NY, you can navigate this challenging time with confidence and emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, seeking the assistance of a qualified family law divorce attorney is essential in safeguarding your rights and interests throughout the divorce process.
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sunsetling-12 · 2 years
currently obsessed with steve and robin fake marriage agenda (i read Love and Honor but Not Obey from crow_of_crimes on ao3) bc im assexual and in a qpr and these two are my outlet for literally everything in my life so...
im back for more headcanons :D
i agree with the fanfic in question, they don't tell anyone that they got legally married and just live life as nothing had happened
steve buys them a somewhat fancy ring because he's like that (he usually wears it, but robin keeps it mostly in a chain around her neck)
they move away to new york (or any other big city idc, just think ny is kinda cool) after robin graduates so she can start college
(i personally think they got paid by the government to stay quiet about the shit that happened, so money's not an issue anymore, but Steve still get part-time jobs or else he'll get bored — and i think he's the type to open up a coffee shop or buy a franchise or something like that)
anyway, they shared a tiny apartment
and use their married status to escape from messy situations
although sometimes they lost dates because of it
bc i've a feeling they don't know when someone is flirting with them unless they're the ones who start the flirting
they agreed to get a divorce if one find in a stable romantic relationship they want to be more serious with
it almost happens three times: two because of steve and one was robin's
but usually their partners don't understand the bond and codependency they have (is not like you can talk about other dimensions and government conspiracies in a date or in life in general) so those relationships end up wearing down
eventually they gave up on purposely finding a serious romantic relationship and just 'date around'
they have one neighbor who swears to all the others they're cheating with each other because he eventually sees women and men coming and going but can't convince anyone else because to every other person around, they're the example of 'perfect love'
they find it more funny than they should
once robin graduates college, they buy a brownstone
steve falls in love with the idea of becoming a foster parent, it doesn't take long to convince robin so they could start the process of getting licensed
steve becames a stay at home dad
robin was a little worried she wouldn't be a good parental figure but she ends up doing a good job, specially with older kids and teens
i dont know how the rest of the party would find about all of it... i live for the slight angst and think they lost contact with the others as the time went by, but something (not end of the world related) could happen and they all get back together for a big surprise (😅)
steve and robin would finally be comfortable enough with themselves to explain why they really are just platonic and why they preferred to live like that
the other two headcanons blogs that i have: 1 e 2
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shmegmilton · 4 years
Can you explain how Aaron and Alexander stopped being friends and started fighting?
They were never really ‘friends.’ I assume you got that idea from the play, but I have no idea why the play tried to push that narrative. Civil? Sure, but that was necessary. New York was less than 50,000 people at the time, and they were both accomplished lawyers & statesmen who had to work and interact with each other on a daily basis. Politics is politics, look at how people are acting right now during our election. 
As for your question, it’s a long line of policy & personal disagreements, mostly. They were on opposite sides of the aisle on pretty much everything. Lots of small things, but a lot of big, BIG things.
     Burr was (ironically) kind of a pacifist; he kept mostly to himself, didn’t really speak much publicly & didn’t necessarily go out of his way to confront people unless he’s been pushed long enough (everyone ‘snaps’ at some point, y’know?)
But that’s why the ‘Burr is an evil mastermind’ myth is so pervasive today. Burr just… didn’t bother defending himself, or correcting anything, because he (mistakingly) had faith in the inherent goodness of people that someday people would see him for his true character. So for that reason, we don’t really have a good timeline from Burr’s perspective as to how he felt about Hamilton—but BOY howdy did Hamilton never shut up about Burr.
Trespass & Confiscation Acts  (1782ish)
     During the Revolution, the British confiscated the property of patriots that fled the city. New York did the same thing, & for a while it was this game of: ‘Oh, you’re gonna take my stuff? **draws a line in the dirt** Well, everything behind this line is mine now.” It was all very bad, and after the way Tories & Loyalists faced a lot of honestly very fucked up discrimination & forfeiture of their rights. Hamilton (like most Federalists) was pro-British, so he represented a lot of these people in court. I’m sure it wasn’t purely out of the goodness of his heart--most of his clients were loaded--but the sentiment is there. On the other hand, there are multiple records of Burr buying up property around this time, most likely confiscated Tory property, which he would usually flip or give away to people that he knew, so he was taking full advantage of this. Burr also, most likely, went head-to-head with Hamilton on a few of these cases, because Burr tended to work with the ‘common folk.’
French Revolution (1789ish to 1799ish) & Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
     Burr (like most Democratic-Republicans) was pro-French, so much so that he took in French refugees fleeing the Revolution into his home. He was very sympathetic to the cause.Hamilton was not. He basically saw it the same way that right-wing Conservatives see the Black Lives Matter movement is the best way I can explain it. He also hated it for the amount of immigrants that were now fleeing to the U.S.
Burr Gets Chosen For NY Senate (1791)
     Key word: chosen. As in, he didn’t actually run. That wasn’t how politics worked back then. The Hamilton musical just fucking lied outright about that, let’s be clear. He also never switched parties. Ever. Back then you were nominated by the people who were already in government--usually by one of the powerful families like the Clintons or the Livingstons, or yada yada. So Burr didn’t actually do anything. He didn’t even really want the position either, if I recall. But back then if you were ‘called to serve,’ you were obligated to do it. Hamilton was furious either way because it meant that Burr was replacing his father-in-law, Phillip Schuyler, meaning that he wouldn’t have that extra ear in government that he wanted. Burr also had a lot of views that were considered ‘extreme’ at the time, like getting extra rights for women, immigrants & black people, but I have no idea what Hamilton thought of those individual policies other than he just didn’t like women, immigrants or black people.
1792 & 1796 Presidential Election
Burr wasn’t really that serious about either of these elections, I don’t think (in ’92 he wasn’t that well-known & barely got any support, but it’s worth noting the fact he was nominated to run at all was really impressive. He’s tied with William Jennings Bryan as being one of the youngest people to ever receive an electoral vote, at 36 years old.) In ’96 he faired a little better—he got 30 votes, which is nearly half of what you need to get the ticket nomination, also very impressive.Hamilton was super staunchly opposed to both of these runs, though, and did his typical Hamilton thing of openly campaigning about how the people shouldn’t vote for Burr, yada yada.
Jay Treaty (1794)
     I highly suggest looking up supplemental information on this because it’s a bit complicated, but it was basically a treaty between us and Great Britain to reaffirm that we were going to continue to not mess with France, as well as a couple of other weird hang-ups. It was not popular, at all, especially with the Demo-Republicans. There is a specific instance (that is actually kind of insane) where Hamilton gave a public speech in defense of it, and the Democratic-Republicans in the crowd started pelting him & the other Federalists with rocks. Hamilton got SO mad that immediately challenged a man to a duel, and threatened to fight each of the Democratic-Republicans one-by-one.  
Reynolds Affair (1797)
     Burr had a personal relationship with Maria Reynolds; he was her divorce attorney in 1793/1794, helped her out financially, & successfully petitioned (+paid for) her daughter Susan to attend a boarding school. I believe they also stayed in his him with him during the divorce proceedings, but don’t quote me on that. He never said anything publicly that I could find, but Burr probably had a personal investment in the Reynolds Pamphlet, since it painted Maria in a really damaging light.
Alien & Sedition Acts (1798)
     These were some of the most worst laws ever passed in the history of the country. Like, these were AWFUL. It not only limited immigration, but it limited the freedom of the press and freedom of speech (ESPECIALLY immigrants, my god.)
Burr was right on the front lines helping defend people in court, he actively opposed it & is probably the thing that propelled him into Jefferson’s orbit as a potential Vice President.
John Barker Church Duel (1797)
John Barker Church had accused Burr of taking bribes (which was unfounded & untrue) and they ended up dueling. JBC was the husband of Angelica Schuyler, Hamilton’s sister-in-law.
Neither was injured (though, JBC apparently put a hole in Burr’s coat), but it supposed infuriated Hamilton & his associates so much that they would send out fake letters “from Burr” challenging people to duels.
The Manhattan Company (1799)
    Burr was getting sick of the difficulty he was having getting loans from the Federalist-run banks and decided to do something about it. There had been several seasonal epidemics of yellow fever—caused by mosquitos but, at the time, it was thought to be caused by improperly treated water, miasma (‘bad air’) or (if you asked Hamilton) stinky evil immigrant refuges who were fleeing France and Haiti. Burr saw this and spearheaded a campaign to get a proper water treatment plant, even getting Hamilton to help him. Through some really weird loophole that I don’t quite understand, Burr was somehow allowed to use the ‘surplus capital’ for banking, which essentially turned it into a bank. The actual water treatment portion of the company was plagued with problems due to improper management and things like that.     We’ll never know his exact thought process on this (people normally assume it was malicious trickery because people are biased to hate Burr anyway) & I highly doubt that Burr knew the extent of the issues (he was on the Board of Directors, but so were a dozen others--INCLUDING John Barker Church) so I don’t entirely think it’s his fault, but the fact of the matter is that it most likely exacerbated the existing problems & indirectly led to more people getting sick/dying until they finally fixed the problems.I would say that it’s completely justifiable for Hamilton to be mad at Burr, but, as we established, Hamilton hated both poor people & immigrants (two groups most likely affected by this) so he wasn’t actually mad at him for the reason a… y’know, a normal person would be mad at him. He was mad at him because Burr destroyed the monopoly that Federalists had on banks, making it easier for Democratic-Republicans & others to get loans. He was literally mad at him for making the economy fair.
1800 Election & 1804 NY Governor Election
  These two are self-explanatory, I think, and I’ve already been writing way too long, lol. My hand hurts.
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callmeblake · 5 years
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Frank Iero, New York, NY, June 2019 (X)
Aug 29, 2019, 09:10am
Frank Iero May Just Be His Own Puppet Master
Photo Credit: Audrey Lew
Interview below the cut
Derek Scancarelli
Hollywood & Entertainment
I am a music journalist living in New York City.
Frank Iero is breathing deeply and fighting off nausea. This isn’t uncommon for the 37-year-old guitarist and vocalist, given his predilection for debilitating anxiety. But on this occasion, it isn’t pre-show jitters.
“Oh my god, I hate this f*cking boat,” Iero says, as the docked vessel on which he sits knocks against a pier in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Iero and his band, The Future Violents, just finished an intimate Saturday matinee show as fans sweat, sang and caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty.
It had been about 16 years since Iero and his now defunct band, My Chemical Romance (the band broke up in 2013), first performed on water. In July of 2002, the band released its debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. In October of 2003, the soon-to-be emo heroes performed alongside New York Hardcore legends Sick Of It All at an aquatic gig booked by New Jersey college radio station WSOU. And in June of 2004, My Chemical Romance released Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, the band’s platinum-selling breakthrough record. In a matter of two years, Iero’s life changed dramatically.
In 2019, Iero still hasn’t found his sea legs, but a lot more has changed. He’s fathered three children, released three full-length solo records (including 2019’s Barriers), and survived a near-death experience. And as he gets older, he finds truth in life’s greatest clichés.
“Time flies, it just screams by,” Iero says. “You think you’re appreciating the time, but it’s easy to take it for granted. It’s a shame.”
But Iero is trying his hardest to pay attention to the little things, especially when it comes to family. He and his wife, Jamia, have three children together: nine-year-old twin daughters, Cherry and Lily, and a seven-year-old son named Miles.
“It’s wonderful to see them evolve and come into their own,” Iero says. “But it’s funny how personalities are innate. We shape the way they experience things or teach them the ropes, but for the most part, I’ve found that we are who we are when we’re born.”
From the start, Iero has seen an even split in the twins’ personalities. Cherry, he says, most behaves like her mother, whereas Lily possesses her father’s attitude.
“Some of the sh*t I hear coming out of my daughter's mouth,” Iero says laughing. “My God! It’s stuff I think but never say — they don't know to be ashamed yet! It's amazing and honest and pure. And I know exactly where she's coming from because I feel the same way.”
As part of fostering a relationship of trust and honesty, Iero has been age-appropriately transparent with his kids about the 2016 accident that almost killed him, his brother-in-law and guitarist Evan Nestor and his manager Paul Clegg.
While unloading gear from their van in Sydney, Australia, a city bus crashed into the group and their vehicle. In a 2017 interview with MTV, Iero recounted, in vivid detail, the moment he was dragged underneath the bumper of the bus, the screams of his brother-in-law, and the blood pooling from his manager.
Although Iero was able to walk into an ambulance carrying one of his friends, the scene was a spectacle overrun with emergency personnel — they even landed a rescue helicopter in nearby Hyde Park. Despite serious injuries, amazingly, there were no fatalities.
When Iero returned home from the hospital, he explained to his children that he was in a car accident, but that it was a singular freak incident.
“You don't want to lie,” he says. “They're getting older. Their friends and their parents are on the internet. They're asking questions. It does get back to them.”
Iero was as honest as possible, but avoided any gory details. He was also conscious that it wouldn’t be long before he would travel for work again — and he didn’t want to scare his kids any further.
Almost four years later, residual damage from the crash is impossible to ignore. Nestor has nerve damage in his leg that may never be corrected. Clegg’s leg and knee have undergone multiple surgeries, but are in poor shape. And Iero still has a tear in his shoulder that hurts every time he plays the guitar. Despite the pain, he’s afraid to undergo surgery.
“I was lucky enough to walk away and still play,” Iero says. “If I were to test fate again and go under the knife, if something were to go wrong… to let that be taken from me … no, I can't.”
On some days, the emotional toll of surviving such a traumatic accident weighs more heavily. Iero describes his recovery as non-linear: some days he feels collected and in control, other days the memory rushes back into his mind.
After his new band finished recording Barriers, Iero and his team went back to Australia for appointments pertaining to the accident and corresponding litigation. As soon as he exited the plane, Iero felt like he’d returned to the horrific scene. For the following week, he was barraged by an unending state of panic.
“You go through these instances of PTSD,” he says. “You never know what's going to trigger and send you all the way back to the beginning with recovery.”
Iero greatly underestimated how difficult his return to Australia would be. When navigating to a doctor’s office near where the accident occurred, he couldn’t bring himself to walk down the street. And suddenly, he felt surrounded by buses.
“I don't know if this is true,” he says. “But it felt like every other car on the street was one of these f*cking buses. They were everywhere. It was frightening. I couldn't do anything. I was shaking like a leaf.”
Despite the traumatic flashbacks, Iero continues to reflect on that day. In the promotional run for Barriers, he discussed the accident at length. And on the record itself, he addresses the complicated ripple effect it’s had on his entire sense of self.
“I don't think it needs to define me,” Iero says. “But it was something I needed to talk about on this record. It's not something I could sweep under the rug. But do I want to dwell on it every day and relive it? No. But I think about it constantly. I feel the pain constantly. It's on my mind.”
In recent interviews, Iero has tended to frame a few philosophical takeaways from his ordeal. In simple terms, the first idea is that he’s found a new lease on life — that everything happens for a reason and he’s been given an opportunity to seize the day. The second philosophy is much darker, a sort of survivor’s guilt compounded with fear and existential dread. The third and most abstract consideration is closest to Simulation Theory — where Iero has the ability to control his own artificial timeline.
Sometimes, Iero questions if actually died that day. He wonders: Is this all real?
“It’s hard. No one can tell you what to believe,” he says. “But you come to this realization, ‘Well, this is real to me, the hand I was dealt, so I have to make the best of it!’”
Through the acceptance of uncertainty, Iero surmises that he just may be his own puppet master.
“If this is a figment of my imagination,” Iero says. “If this is all in my head, then I am the master of my own destiny. If I want to do something, I can manufacture it. And if it's not the case, then at least it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe putting positive vibes out into the universe is beneficial. If we didn't make it and we're just going through this weird labyrinth in my mind, I can do anything I want.”
And lately, he’s been doing just that. Call it sorcery or the power of positive thinking, but Iero is motivated. For Barriers, he was able to assemble a dream band, The Future Violents (different lineups of his backing band have previously gone by The Cellabration and The Patience), featuring his brother-in-law Nestor on guitar, Thursday’s Tucker Rule on drums, Murder by Death’s Matt Armstrong on bass, and Kayleigh Goldsworthy on keyboard.
The theme of the album — and his own internal dialogue — mostly relates to tragedy and timing. Did the universe have a course set out for him? Or was he just some random victim?
“The crazy thing is that you didn't do anything wrong,” Iero says of the accident. “Yet, all of this stuff was taken from you and you have to make these decisions. You get angry a lot.”
He continues: “These random, abrupt, violent actions. Do they happen to us? Or for us? I wouldn't have been able to make this record if it didn't happen. And it made me realize a lot of things about myself. Am I happy it happened? No. But I'm happy where I am right now.”
Iero views Barriers as an exercise in vulnerability. If the aftermath of his accident taught him anything, it’s that success was meaningless to his character, but adversity helped him grow. For the first time, addressing childhood trauma helped Iero expose himself in a way that felt freeing.
“When you put something to song, it gives that memory weight,” Iero explains. “If you never talk about it, it's almost like it didn't happen. There's a fine line between relinquishing that power to this memory, situation or trauma, or holding that power over it and creating your own narrative from it.”
Barriers also intertwines Iero’s childhood experiences with his current perspective as a father. This go around, he felt comfortable writing about his parents’ divorce — the couple split when he was three and divorced when he was seven.
He looks back on the unpleasantness of the process and his consequential understanding of his mother’s issues with addiction, depression and mental illness. On his 2016 record, Parachutes, Iero first referenced his mother’s struggles and his own liability to inherit her traits. He’s still horrified by the idea of predeterminism.
“When you're a young kid being surrounded with it, it doesn't feel right,” Iero says. “You're not happy. You're scared. You're constantly concerned for your parent. It’s almost as if you become the caregiver.”
He continues: “Then you see yourself falling into these patterns that you were witness to and maybe in a roundabout way were taught. That addiction, that depression, runs through you. It's easy to fall off that cliff. I don't want that for my kids and I need to stop this cycle. Like this sh*t stops with me. Whether it be I get okay, or I f*cking turn my lights out.”
It’s this sort of tongue-in-cheek use of concerning language that keeps Iero’s fanbase enthralled, yet somewhat on edge. Take for example, in the comment section for his video “Young & Doomed,” some diehard fans are troubled by his repeated use of the words “hurt myself again.” While he’s surprised to hear about the response, he counters that the record is ultimately meant to feel uplifting and positive, even if addressing dark topics.
“I don't think that we should strive for perfection,” Iero says. “This idea that we should all have this perfect life and be pretty and purse our lips to post a picture on social media is bullsh*t. The things that make us unique are important.”
He continues: “Sometimes we're our own worst enemies and we hurt ourselves. Those scars, though, are important. They're beautiful. ‘Young And Doomed’ is a call to arms to celebrate the things people think are wrong with us.”
Now, Iero just hopes his story and music inspire fans to try, fail and try again.
“You don't find out who you are unless you get a scar and get hurt,” Iero says. “You should be hurt, hurt other people, and learn that it feels terrible to hurt someone else. You should feel sorry for it and make amends for it. These are important lessons to be a better person. You find out who you truly are by attacking things that scare you the most.”
Frank Iero is currently touring Europe with Laura Jane Grace & The Devouring Mothers.
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michaleideas · 2 months
Queens Uncontested Divorce Lawyers – Solutions Simplified
Simplifying Uncontested Divorce in Queens, NY
When it comes to uncontested divorces, Beckerman & Granados, PLLC is the leading law firm in Queens, providing effective solutions for fast and affordable divorce proceedings. Learn why our company is the first choice for customers looking for simple solutions.
Advantages of Uncontested Divorce NY
For couples seeking an amicable separation, an uncontested divorce can be a game-changer. Learn about its benefits and why it is a top choice for many people.
Timeline and Factors for an Uncontested Divorce
Learn about the average timeline for an uncontested divorce in New York and explore factors that may affect how long the process lasts.
No-Fault Divorce in Queens: A Smooth Path to Dissolution
Explore the concept of no-fault divorce in Queens and how it simplifies the process for couples who want to end their marriage.
Simplifying Uncontested Divorce Lawyer NY
When it comes to uncontested divorce in Queens, NY, Beckerman & Granados, PLLC offers unparalleled expertise and a streamlined approach, ensuring a quick and cost-effective resolution. Unlike other law firms, our commitment to simplicity and accuracy sets us apart, eliminating the common problem of divorce cases being dismissed due to paperwork errors. With us, you will be fully aware of the costs and your divorce will be expedited efficiently.
Advantages of Uncontested Divorce
An uncontested divorce is a good option for couples seeking a harmonious separation. It is characterized by consensus on key aspects of the divorce without the need for court intervention or lengthy trials. These key aspects typically include:
Property division: Spouses decide how to divide assets and debts.
Child Custody and Visitation: Agree on a child custody and visitation schedule.
Child support: The parties work together to determine child support arrangements.
Spousal support (alimony): Agreement on spousal support.
Debt division: Spouses jointly divide any outstanding debts.
Timeline and factors for an uncontested divorce
The average time to complete an uncontested divorce in New York is approximately 90 days. An uncontested divorce is usually faster because both parties agree on key issues. However, there are several factors that can affect the timeline:
Cooperation: The speed of this process depends on the willingness of both spouses to work together.
Hidden Assets: Discovering hidden assets can lengthen the process.
Legal expertise: Seeking legal counsel ensures a smoother process and faster resolution.
If you are considering an uncontested divorce, consulting with an experienced Queens uncontested divorce attorney is critical to protecting your rights.
No-Fault Divorce in Queens: A Smooth Path to Dissolution
Queens residents can now benefit from the option of no-fault divorce, greatly simplifying the process. This means that divorce can be granted without any specific grounds other than mutual agreement that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.
At Beckerman & Granados, PLLC, we handle a large number of divorce cases in New York, providing our clients with unparalleled experience, knowledge, and legal skills. We understand the importance of making sure every detail helps get your uncontested divorce approved by the court. Unlike many law firms, we handle your case personally, guiding you through the process to make it as smooth as possible.
For those seeking a quick and efficient uncontested divorce in Queens, Beckman, and Granados, PLLC provides the expertise and support needed to successfully complete the process. Contact us today to discuss your divorce options and ensure a smooth dissolution.
For more details please also check here: https://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/
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wedesignyouny · 3 months
Complete Estate Planning in Great Neck: Expert Consultation from Top Attorneys
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Complete Estate Planning in Great Neck: Expert Consultation from Top Attorneys
Estate planning is a crucial procedure that guarantees how your possessions will be handled and allocated following your death. Having an experienced estate planning lawyer by your side can provide Great Neck homeowners peace of mind and safeguard their loved ones. An estate planning lawyer does more than just create wills; they also set up trusts and make sure all legal documents are in compliance with state regulations. You can confidently and easily navigate the difficulties of estate planning by working with an expert attorney.
Great Neck estate planning attorneys are knowledgeable about local laws and ordinances, which is essential for drafting an estate plan that is thorough. These experts assist customers in outlining their desires for healthcare directives, minor child guardianship, and wealth distribution. Usually, the procedure starts with a consultation during which the lawyer learns more about the client's aspirations, family dynamics, and financial status. The basis for creating an estate plan that is specifically customized to the client's needs is laid during this first appointment.
The question "Why do I need an estate planning attorney?" is one that is frequently asked. Although you can draft your own will or establish a trust, the legal complexities involved can be daunting. An estate planning lawyer makes sure that all of the paperwork appropriately reflects your desires and is legally binding. They also lessen the possibility of disputes arising between beneficiaries and lower the danger of probate litigation. An attorney can also offer helpful guidance on tax ramifications and methods to maintain the value of your estate.
The question "What documents are included in an estate plan?" is another one that is commonly posed. A comprehensive estate plan usually consists of a healthcare proxy, which appoints someone to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to do so, a durable power of attorney, which names someone to make financial decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated, and a will, which specifies how your assets will be distributed. Another popular component is a trust, which may offer tax benefits in addition to allowing for more specific instructions on asset distribution.
A frequent query from clients is, "How often should I update my estate plan?" It is advised to evaluate your estate plan every three to five years, or more frequently if important events in your life take place. These could be getting married, getting divorced, having a child, or acquiring a substantial amount of wealth. To keep your estate plan up to date and functional, you can make the required revisions with the assistance of an estate planning attorney.
And last, a lot of folks are curious about how much it will cost to work with an estate planning lawyer. Depending on the particular services needed and the intricacy of your estate, the rates may change. In the long term, nevertheless, paying for expert legal counsel can save costs and spare your heirs from hassles.
Conclusively, collaborating with a Great Neck estate planning attorney can offer lucidity and assurance for your forthcoming. These experts provide priceless knowledge, guaranteeing that your desires are carried out and your loved ones are safeguarded. A competent estate planning attorney can help you navigate the process smoothly, regardless of whether you are creating a new plan from scratch or amending an old one.
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gravitascivics · 4 years
[Note:  From time to time, this blog issues a set of postings that summarize what the blog has been emphasizing in its previous postings.  Of late, the blog has been looking at various obstacles civics educators face in teaching their subject.  It’s time to post a series of such summary accounts.  The advantage of such summaries is to introduce new readers to the blog and to provide a different context by which to review the blog’s various claims and arguments.  This and upcoming summary postings will be preceded by this message.]
This blog currently is looking at the effect identity, that factor that defines a person (for example, as an Irish American), has had on polarizing the American public.  While this has become particularly virulent, identity always exerts itself in politics.  It is ubiquitous.  And it is not only in politics but in other realms of life.  Take sports.  There, teams count on identities based on localities or educational linkages to sell tickets or paraphernalia to a fan base which results in gobs of money for those teams.
         Usually, such expression does not cause any or much antagonism – yes, there are the occasional fights and strains, but they are usually considered a source of good-natured ribbing or put downs.  One usually speaks of “bragging rights” if one’s team wins.  But of late, the identity factor is being expressed in the political arena seriously and persistently. And when ethnicity, race, and/or nationality serve as its source, identity, as the historian Schlesinger warns, threatens to debase the nation’s unity.[1]
         Of course, this usually is related to immigration, but it also has to do with race relations, an ongoing source of animosity and violence in the nation’s history.  And it does represent, among unjustly treated people (due to their identity), legitimate protests – e.g., the Black Lives Matter movement.  
But a troubling question is:  to what extent should immigrant, racial, or indigenous groups divorce themselves from the nation’s overarching cultural base?  That is an argument that multi-culturalist pose and its aimed at the adoption of the Anglo-Saxon cultural base – the base upon which the nation’s culture has developed.
That base, it should be remembered, has provided the basic constitutional structures, processes, and legalities upon which the nation rests.  Of course, this reliance has not of necessity staved off influences from other cultures. And the nation has during the years of its existence entertained and adopted elements of those other traditions.
Most of them are aesthetics in nature. Influences in food, music, art, and so on have been a continuous part of the American story.  But in addition, there are other areas – beyond aesthetics – in which varying cultural influences have made their marks.  For example, the whole notion of professional policing originates with the Romans, not with the Anglo-Saxons.
         But today’s expression of heightened allegiance to some political/national/ethnic based identity – an allegiance approaching or expressing a tribalism – does not originate from a communal sense.  It instead stems from an extreme individualism and, as such, reflects a nuanced concern.  David Brooks makes this connection.[2]  He explains how individualism allows for uninhibited natural motivations to go unchecked and part of that package of dispositions is to favor one’s tribe and to degrade other “tribes” – other nationalities, ethnicities, and/or races.  
The classic Us vs. Them mentality is spurred by such thinking.  And consequently, it becomes the fuel that feeds the polarization the nation faces.  One should point out, counterintuitively, and ironically, it serves to undermine the basic individualism that brings it to the fore.  
That is, the individual is subsumed under resulting movements by which this identity is expressed.  Again, the historian Schlesinger warns that the individual is absorbed into a united expression of national, racial, and/or ethnic messaging and his/her personage is subsumed with that process.  The analogy, a silly one, that illustrates the point, might be how people lose their identity when they apply makeup that exhibits team colors to the point one cannot identify who they are.
         But one should not misidentify this allegiance.  It is not an example of commitment.  It instead reflects a type of transaction.  The exchange is this mindless devotion to the source of the identity for an enhanced ego.  “I belong to this group, and it makes me special” is the basic message one projects.  Shouting “USA, USA” when so motivated is basically one that proclaims the shouter’s importance; he/she is an American and, therefore, superior.
And when this is expressed in terms of a nation, one can discover the main difference between patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism promotes a sense of commitment that one is willing to sacrifice for the common good within the context of one’s nation.  Nationalism, instead, calls for sacrifice so as to be able to promote an expression of oneself.  
The main difference lies in this ultimate targeting, but one can describe it practically:  with patriotism one can protest what one’s nation does if what it does hurts the common good, where nationalism does not allow such a divergence from national policy or for some leader.
As for the Anglo-Saxon influence, why should one be an adherent to its provisions or basic ideals?  First, it should not be seen as a static entity.  It has a long history of evolving even before arriving on these shores.  It either adopted or developed those ideas and ideals that became this nation’s basic constitutional framework and not all of that originated in Britain.  And, in part, that framework calls for a commitment to a union of volunteers that comprises the American republic and its basic values and norms.
Within its tenets, it establishes a partnered arrangement among those volunteers to work toward the common good – a more perfect union. And the path toward establishing this partnering was not arrived at smoothly.  Religious tribalism predated the other forms mentioned above.  Intolerance among the different Christian sects was common, not to mention the antagonism toward Jews.[3]  But through them, usually for practical reasons, the evolving cultural base found itself accepting more variance within the population.  And with that, a level of secularization gained ground.
By doing so, that commitment to a partnered populous eventually became institutionalized.  Its adoption to a meaningful degree did not take hold until well into the nation’s history. This commitment assumes and holds that any polarization in which the populous is divided into two uncompromising alliances – which religious divisions resembled – serves as an antagonistic expression to those federated ideals.  
It is instead a form of tribalism while the Anglo-Saxon based tradition – the one this nation inherited in a more crude form from the British in the eighteenth century and grew through complex developments – calls for a committed congregational arrangement.[4]  The two, the partnered view vs. the nationalist view,  are basically different.
[1] Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Disuniting of America:  Reflections on a Multicultural Society (New York, NY:  W. W. Norton and Company, 1992).
[2] David Brooks, The Second Mountain:  The Quest for a Moral Life (New York, NY:  Random House, 2019).
[3] Kenneth C. Davis, “America’s True History of Religious Tolerance,” Smithsonian Magazine, October 2010, accessed November 1, 2020, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/americas-true-history-of-religious-tolerance-61312684/#:~:text=In%20the%20storybook%20version%20most,followed%2C%20for%20the%20same%20reason.
[4] More specifically, this congregational tradition stems from the Puritanical influence that in effect were being encouraged to leave Great Britain in the 1600s.  But one can argue, the established view of formal religion reflected the Roman Catholic Church’s vertical structure while the Puritanical congregation more closely reflected a traditional Anglo-Saxon tradition. It is their congregational bias that seems to have encouraged the federal structure of the US, with its supporting processes, that this nation implemented.
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longislanddivorce1 · 6 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Family Law Divorce: Your Expert Guide
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As a leading divorce Suffolk County lawyer, we have a deep understanding of the local legal landscape. We have built strong relationships within the legal community and have a comprehensive understanding of the local laws and procedures governing divorce cases. This local expertise allows us to provide our clients with strategic and personalized legal solutions tailored to their unique needs.
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