#how dreadful. poor nea.
arkclipse · 1 month
m!a splitting images: Nea has switched bodies with Tyki for 3 days! c:
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❝ what— ❞ the poor musician, he hadn't even a second longer to process just what he had heard, before it happened. much to his dismay and chargin. nea blinked rapidly, feeling rather... odd, for some reason unbeknownst to him. in fact, since when was he wearing such attire? why was he with a cigarette between his lips all of a —
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oh dear stars above, no, it can't be —
standing before the nearest surface with reflection, nea stared in bewilderment before letting out a screech of horror.
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ziracona · 3 years
Hey again Ziracona! I was wondering if you could maybe elaborate on Anna and Quentin's relationship, or maybe give a few headcanons or activities they do together? One thing I've had as a personal headcanon for them is that if there's plenty of time and Quentin has a day off, that he'll go visit Anna and they'll talk until he falls asleep on her shoulder. Sleepy Quentin and protective Anna is my brain's newest addition to the headcanon library, and it's one book I keep checking out! But yeah, I just want more moments with the two of them, Quentin earned so many hugs from his new mom with all the trauma he's been through.
Sure thing! I’m sure I’ve said some of this before, but I don’t have the solidest memory, so apologies for overlap. Post-ILM, once she is released/rehabilitated, Anna lives with Quentin’s family some times and Min’s (which is her, Nea, and Ace’s house) sometimes, and splits her time there plus some of the other other places the gang frequents like the cabin, so Quentin sees her all the time. Quentin is off at college a lot for several years, but he comes to visit home and the cabin whenever he can, and Anna goes up regularly with others who drive to see him (most frequently Min or Min Nea and Ace, Dwight Jake and sometimes Adam, and his Dad), so they see each other quite a lot. Anna has an interesting relationships with all the survivors and their families, but of course Quentin and Min are her babies, so she always misses them if they’re not around.
He’s definitely fallen asleep on her shoulder while talking before. Poor dude really works himself to the bone in medschool—it’s a good thing he has so many friends to look after him. Anna really loves that and just snuggling or sitting with him.
There’s a lot of stuff Anna hasn’t ever had the chance to see or do or experience, and one of the things the survivors do a lot is their annual trips together. Anna is included in those, and fascinated (and occasionally overwhelmed) by them. Min got to show them her hometown and some of her favorite tourist spots when they took a trip to China, and take Quentin to a favorite temple. Anna loves these trips, but so much of it is new and totally foreign to her, and Anna initially assumes the others will have about the same level of experience she does with the new things and not know either. The first time they took her to a beach, she was like O_O : 0 and made them both wait while she made sure it was safe before letting them go in. This was one of the first trips they took with her, so they didn’t try to dissuade her or keep explaining and let her figure it out her own way. She was fascinated and thrilled by the ocean. Anna tends to approach all new things that seem potentially dangerous this way—arms out, kids moved behind her, goes cautiously to check it out, then excitedly calls them over to see once she decides it’s safe. They both love this.
Anna really likes making gifts, so she and Quentin and Min all give gifts pretty regularly. Another thing that was very new to Anna was flavor. Like, she knew how to smoke meat, but her experience with cooking was very much based in survival, not pleasure, so she is /amazed/ by things like fancy frozen yogurt, or cinnamon rolls. Alan is a really good cook, as a single parent and also it’s just something he considers an important skill, so he teaches Anna how to do it once she expresses and interest, and whenever a kid is coming to visit, she likes to make them food. Quentin has had a lot of long, tiring drives, only to be refreshed by stepping into a house greeted by the smell of grilled sandwiches or baking bread or fresh cookies, and immediately felt so at home.
Quentin still has a lot of nightmares, kind of forever. Most trauma survivors do, and in his case? It’s like, his biggest fear /to/ have nightmares, so of course he does. Almost every night. Whenever other people are around who know this, they often try to do fun distracting things before bed, and often offer to sleep with or just kind of intentionally fall asleep together on the couch if they sense he’s kind of dreading sleep more than usual. Nancy, Claudette (eventually), Alan, Anna, and Min do this the most. And Ann does it quite a lot—both sleeping on a couch, and offering to come stay. It takes Quentin a /long/ time to be comfortable accepting that from anyone but like Nancy, because it feels like he’s too old for that, but after enough reassurance there’s nothing immature about trying to cope with trauma in whatever way helps and is good for you, he loosens up one that and welcomes the companionship. Anna does a really good job of making him feel safe if she curls up with him or lets him fall asleep in her lap or on her shoulder, because not only is she thoroughly trusted and loved, she has successfully protected him on quite a few occasions, and is very strong.
Anna is incredibly physically affectionate and loves to pick Quentin up and spin him and gives hugs and kisses and hair ruffles and back pats. Very much a bear hug beat mama. She is always enthusiastic about his successes, even little ones, and makes him feel happy and important and welcome. Even when he’s in his late twenties, it’s effortless to her to pick him up like a puppy, and it always feels like going home.
When Anna is asleep with Quentin and he wakes up, screaming or in a cold sweat or clearly upset from a dream, Anna comforts him and sings to him. It’s always been weird to Quentin the same song he used to hear as a warning and associate with terror is one that makes him feel reassured now, but it’s nice. It’s a reminder even things that seem awful and impossible might not be that way forever.
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hugsandharrifield · 4 years
Yes yet another Harrifield Ficlet.
Meet the Leader- Steve X Dwight
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had only been a few days since Nancy and Steve had been transported to the Entity's Realm.  And Steve was sure of one thing, this place was nuts. Besides housing a patched together replica of the Hawkins National Laboratory and dragging A Demogorgon along with them.  He and Nancy were constantly being thrown into other crazy and dangerous situations, an old coal tower, an old overgrown junkyard, a perpetually in the state of autumn farm, an abandoned ski resort, an old Japanese manor, what appeared to be a random street from a random suburb and plenty more creepy places.  And all these places came with a terrible monstrous being, a terrifying woman with a pig head who liked to play games, a ghostly nurse who's screams echoed across the fog, two different backwoods rednecks with chainsaws, a terrifying Japanese ghost with a sword, silent killers in masks, a crispy fried asshole who haunted your dreams, and a cavalcade of others. It was enough to drive Steve to significant distraction, which is why he failed to notice the trap as it snapped around his leg.  "Aaaaaaagh* He screamed as he looked down.  A bear trap? He remembers briefly that one of other survivors had mentioned that one of the killers used bear traps. Supposedly the killer who had been here the longest, they called him the Trapper.  Steve realized that the Killer would probably soon be here, so he attempted to pull himself out. The trap was resistant and making it difficult to push off of him and it tearing deep into his flesh wasn't helping as the pain was excruciating. A bit of panic crept into Steve as he continued to attempt to get out of the trap, and he saw in the distance corn shaking and parting with a telltale red light that Steve had come to dread.  Frantically pulling at the trap Steve began sweating. "You want some help?" a quiet nervous voice called out.  It was Dwight, the supposed "Leader" of the survivors.  Steve wasn't 100% sure why he was the leader he didn't seem like he cut some sort of dashing figure or anything. Apparently he'd been here the longest though. Dwight didn't really wait for Steve to answer, he just bent down and immediately popped the trap open and pulled Steve out of it. Steve attempted to move and searing pain shot through his leg. "It's okay I've got you." Dwight said as he shouldered Steve and started dragging him away from the trap.   Steve's head darted back and forth looking for the Trapper trying to move faster to get away from the beast.  Strangely the red light had faded and he heard a voice yelling and taunting."Come on double ugly! Think ye can keep up with me? Fook you and your bloody traps!"  Steve heard the voice it was David, that tough guy from the U.K. "See no need to worry, David has got the Trappers attention just like we planned." Dwight calmly explained. Wait Dwight had planned this? Steve didn't have too much time to think as  he was quickly dragged  to the other side of the trial area."Claud! I need your help, the new guy stuck himself in a trap." Dwight called out. "Just a sec."  Steve knew Claudette she was one of the nicer survivors  Very sweet lady, super into plants and medicine.  She had popped out from behind a bush and Steve noticed a pile of broken bones in disarray behind her. "Wanted to take care of that totem just in case." She smiled and looked clinically at Steve's leg. "Woof rough, I've got a medkit, help me with this Dwight." She pulled bandages out of the med kit and Dwight grabbed a bottle of what appeared to be peroxide and dabbed some cotton balls with it. "This is gonna hurt, so bite onto something." Dwight said Steve rolled up the end of his shirt sleeve and bit into it and Dwight dabbed the cotton balls on him. Searing pain... but Steve managed to not yell.It took a small bit time but with Dwight and Claudette working together they managed to get Steve bandaged and capable of moving around at a good pace again. "We only have a couple gens left to do. " Claudette said thoughtful "David's keeping the Trapper busy. Stick with Dwight, he's good at helping newbies, and he'll make sure you get out." She pointed at a nearby gen and indicated that they should get on it. Claudette then walked into the corn field slowly, presumably looking for another gen. "Thanks man." Steve looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his head. "It's fine we all were new at some point." Dwight just smiled and looked embarrassed. "Lets get this gen done."  Steve looked at the thing and put his hands in and started connecting cords and loosening and pushing pieces around like he had been taught on his very first day here by the very cranky Nea. After a few seconds Dwight stopped what he was doing and looked around, the gen seemed to be making a lot of noise so it had to be at least partly done.  Dwight came in directly behind Steve and put his hand on Steve's shoulder. "See that piece right there, if you cross connect it here..." Dwight had such a calming voice, and his hand was warm on Steve's shoulder. It took a second to focus but Steve was really impressed as Dwight walked him through a lot of tricks about how to speed this whole process up. He's not sure he'd be able to do it without Dwight's help he says out loud.  Dwight assures him "It will just take time, then one day you'll be a pro just like me." Dwight makes a hand on his hips pose like he's a superhero or something.  Steve can't help but laugh, what a dork. As they finish the gen almost a few seconds afterwards another gen makes the sound that it's done. And for a brief second the lights above the doors flash. They start to head to the door when a loud yell happens and Steve is pretty sure that David has just been caught. "Quick! Go to the door and open it and then when it's open get out." Dwight said brusquely. "Now hold on a second." Steve started to complain. "No arguments. Just the door." Dwight pointed and made it clear he wasn't going to put up with Steve's nonsense.   "Besides your leg is still not 100%" Steve decided not to argue but he was very tempted too, he moved quickly to the door and pulled on the lever. He could see in the distance that David had been hooked and that the Trapper was sitting in front of his prey looking very annoyed and not moving.  The door mechanism became louder and louder. He watched Claudette and Dwight came at the hook from separate directions, Claudette made a lot of noise and drew the Trappers attention and the mountain of a man followed her a short bit. Dwight took the opportunity and bolted out and pulled David from the hook. Steve heard the loud groaning of metal as the doors finally opened.  A strange bell from seemingly nowhere rang, and cracks formed in the ground with a glowing red light. The Trapper roared and like a flash turned from Claudette, she shot quickly with a purpose to the door.  The Trapper was not about to let his prey escape Dwight and David  were in trouble as he stalked towards them. They weaved as they came to a group of the strange walls that permeated this realm.  Dwight keeping himself between the Killer and David shoving the swearing English man out of the way as the Trapper took a swing at them both. Dwight yelped in pain but the Trapper was distracted enough for David to slip by him and  the Manchester menace began barreling towards the open door. Dwight however looked to be in trouble as he circled slowly around the set of dilapidated walls.  David yelled "We need to get out." He pointed at the door. Claudette grabbed him and held him up and dragged him towards the threshold inside the doorway indicating for Steve to follow. Steve shrugged and smiled an evil grin  "Sorry I know this is stupid." And he ran towards the set of walls that the Trapper was chasing Dwight around. "Wait Steve."  Claudette yelled she moved to go after him but stopped as she realized it was a bad idea to leave David alone with the gaping wound in his shoulder. Steve ran over to the walls and could see that Dwight was slowing down. He desperately needed a distraction but the Trapper was on his heels. The Trapper raised his weapon and brought it down but Dwight quickly jumped into a locker and the Trapper only hit the door as it slammed shut. Still it didn't look good the Trapper was just going to open the door and drag the poor guy out. "Hey! You! BIG and Stupid I bet your mother dropped you as a child!"  Steve yelled.  The trapper looked into his direction confused for a second. And that was all the time Dwight needed. Bam the doors popped open and smacked the Trapper in the face and he staggered in confusion.  Dwight moved like lightning as he flew in a line straight towards the door he grabbed Steve's hand as he passed by and yanked him super hard. "OUT OUT OUT!" He yelled in a panic. They nearly crashed into David and Claudette who were still in the threshold of the door "Oh thank god!" Claudette breathed in relief " I really didn't want to have to go back and get both of you." The entire group passed the threshold into the grass that surrounded the trial area just as the Trapper burst into the doorway attempting to capture them one last time.   They ran as they heard the anger as the giant man swung his weapon at the fence of the Entity's thin claws that prevented him from following them.   "Steve, that was pretty dumb!" Dwight laughed. "But thanks. " He threw an arm over Steve’s shoulder and whooped in victory. "That was crazy how did you know to do that with the locker?" Steve asked. "Oh Jane taught that to me." Dwight smiled.  "I'll get her to teach you that too." Steve smiled broadly and they came out to the clearing of the campfire with Dwight's arm still over his shoulder. He kind of understood now why Dwight was the leader, perhaps he was a pretty cool guy in some ways. Something in his head said that Dwight was going to be a good friend.
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angelicichor · 5 years
I’m scared
Summary: Susie notices something is bothering you and gets worried.
Words: 2000+
The Entity’s campfire roared and everybody’s heads rose in anticipation. The trial was going strong for the last 20 minutes, but there was only one person left still fighting, Frank making quick work of all the others. 
People noticed that the killer was more agitated than usually this time, so with only you being left, there was all reason to worry. After all, you were still fairly new to the competition, didn’t know all the tricks, not like the others did.
So one could only imagine the visage of shock painting their faces when you fell down from the sky onto a bush, bleeding all over and groaning in pain, but victorious.
Claudette was the first to approach you, rushing in with a med-kit to patch you up, a wide, worried smile on her face.  “(Y/N)! Are you alright? What happened?” she questioned, helping you off the greenery. It wasn’t the best landing place, but at least The Entity didn’t throw you out onto a tree like it did to Jake once (and David... AND MEG). “Yeah, yeah thank you, Claudette.” you spoke, voice shaking slightly, groaning once your feet touched the ground, pain running through your legs. “I managed to, ugh, stab Frank right as he was passing the hatch and just jumped right down.” Both of you huffed a laughter and Claudette let Bill help you slug your way towards the campfire, setting you down a log.
Your legs were in a tragic condition, marked by a flurry of cuts and stabs, the most worrying being one in your calf, bleeding profusely, this one was the first on list of things Claudette needed to patch up, next was the deep stab in your shoulder that kept you from turning your head when something crunched in the forest, a twig, most likely, but that meant something was coming from the forest and there ain’t no animals in The Entity’s thicket.
With Bill’s groan you knew it was definitely one of the Killers, it was rare for any of them to visit, but it happened ever so often, especially with Evan coming to see Meg and occasionally Michael peering from behind the trees to stalk his sister or somebody who pissed him off during a trial, but managed to escape. The eldritch being in the sky always made sure that nobody would get hurt outside of trails though and killers could only enter survivor territory if given permission by at least one person.
You saw Claudette rise an eyebrow and smile, waving towards the forest and calling the travelers to make themselves at home, then going back to bandaging your already stitched calf. She was swift and precise and with the help of correct tools getting rid of a nasty wound was almost too easy, especially since The Entity didn’t really understand how certain things worked in detail, so morphine would just get rid of the pain with no side effects and antiseptics not only disinfected wounds, but also washed blood off of anything it touched. Nobody dared question this.
Sure enough you heard Meg giggle and in the corner of your eye you saw Evan lifting her in his arm, giving her a warm hug, those two were absolutely adorable.
“Woah, Frankie gotcha good, huh?” You jumped in place, Claudette groaning as you messed up one of the stitches on your shoulder, but there was no helping it with Susie suddenly appearing above you, bent over, her pink hair hanging down and tickling your cheeks.  “Susie!” she giggled, hearing both anger and happiness in your voice, her masked face hiding her smile, hooded head tilting to the side slightly. “Ya pissed him of or something, babe?” She laughed and rose to walk next to you, not noticing the hint of nervousness in your slightly amused reaction. “Yeah... maybe.” your voice in naught but a whisper, as you shudder in recollection of what happened in the trail, the blood, the laughter, your shaking breath, and that mocking mask. That damned mask.
Susie sat next to you, reaching up to the white oval leather covering her face, taking it off with a happy huff before turning to you. Of all of The Legion she was the most willing to part with her ‘self’, just so your eyes could meet, so you could adore her soft, pink cheeks, her big, goofy smile, the gray of her irises and the colorful braces on her teeth, her hair falling onto her visage in a pink mess. You always adored looking at her, she was the most adorable thing in existence (though she insisted that was you or Bubba, that precious bastard), yet her joyfulness fell quickly, noticing that there was something else claiming your gaze, other than her.
And she traced it back to the mask in her hands, dread slowly crawling up both your spines, her soft, scarred hand reaching out towards your face, inching you up to look at her, anxiety in her heart.  “Sweetie? What’s wrong? Frank did something bad... worse than usual?” She corrected herself, earning a fainting grin and a short chuckle. Her thumbs petted your jaw line softly, her brows furrowing as it dawned on her that you were sad or rather there was something off. “Are you angry at me?” she asked and your eyes shot up to hers, already filling with tears.  “Oh no, no, no, no! Su! Never” you fretted over her, wiping the wet saltiness away from her precious cheeks, squishing her slightly. “Not at you, cutie pie. It’s just...” you stopped, letting a shaky breath escape your lungs. “I... I’m scared, Susie.”  She blinked at your words, processing them slowly. “Of... the mask?” she remembered you starring and lifted the dirty thing, inspecting it with worry. “No, the mask is fine, yours at least, it’s quite adorable, actually.” you laughed, your hand reaching to her forearm and pressing her gently to put the thing down. “Then... The Legion?” another guess from her that you shook your head at, making her pout in confusion. “If the big guys are bullying you I oughta!!” she flared up and you laughed, hugging her tightly. Her excitement was obvious as she hugged you back, making sure to squeeze the air out of you and let you feel how much she loved you. Finally she let you go and her hand landed in yours, held in place with a light, anxious squeeze.
“I’m scared of Frank, babe.” her shoulders dropped and you spoke up before she could. “I know he’s your family, Susie, but... But he hates me.”
Her whole body shakes and you can read the panic in her eyes, fighting between keeping you close and running away in anger, unable to handle someone saying bad stuff about her ‘brother’, but she loved you enough to listen.  “I know he likes hunting us, but every time he sees me he just... Goes feral! The match prior to this one he’s been chasing me for 10 solid minutes, before David knocked him out with a pallet and threw himself before me when I was about to be cut again, four times at that, but Frank just... Ignored him!” You huffed and Susie blinked a few times in confusion, letting you continue. "The other time he threw an Ivory Mori as an offering and I knew he wanted to use it on me, but Feng found a key and let us out the hatch...But today was just... “
You stopped, feeling Susie pulling you closer to her and laying her head on your shoulder, nodding for you to continue. “I think he burned an ebony... Everybody died so quickly and I was alone and he was just... He was laughing whenever he hit me and not in that creepy way he always does, but more like an actual, sadistic laughter, Su. Every time he hit me it was in a way that wouldn’t put me down, so I had to keep running and I had no idea what to do, nobody was with me and he was just... always there, behind me. Then I tripped and he picked me up, saying something about making me pay and I... I escaped but... What the hell, Susie?!” tears rolled down your cheeks and this time she was there to catch them, pulling you into a tight, warm embrace, shushing you and kissing your hair as you cried in panic. You were so smart and cunning that many killers often forgot you were new to this whole mess, Susie happened to be one of them. Seeing you cry made her own chest swell with sadness and rage. “It’s okay, babe, it’s fine.” She cooed, nuzzling against your (h/c) hair. “Listen, I’ll talk to Frank, okay? I will... I don’t know what I will, but if he has something against you or US I’m gonna kick his ass, alright?” she pulled away, giving you a big, fat kiss on your red cheeks, once again banishing tears from your face, you were too angelic to cry like this. “I’m going to make him piss his pants, (y/n)” she promised and the spark of sinister determination in her gray eyes let you know that she meant it.
You laughed, the sweet sound making your girlfriend swell with love and pride, pulling you in for a frenzy of kisses, making you a blushing mess and leading to Nea gagging in disgust at your unashamed displayed of affection. 
Soon after, unfortunately, the fire place roared again and you were both unpleasantly shocked to see the black tendrils crawl onto Susie’s body.  “Aww, sorry, (y/n), Momma says I gotta go to work. See ya, pumpkin pie” she pouted and you nodded, letting her go with a joyful chuckle, wishing her good luck. Jake, David, Nea and Quentin were pulled in with her, leaving the camp a bit emptier.  “Good luck...”
It felt like two days before The Entity called your name again, ordering you to join the fray. Seeing the orange lights and pumpkins scattered around Lampkin Lane made you groan slightly. Myers was a nightmare to face, everybody could agree on that. You never knew if he’d be a good boy and sacrifice people or if he’d just grab you and stab your guts out. It was almost like there were two of them and they just... looked identical.
Yet as the familiar heart beat rang in your head and you saw the killer, you stopped. The white hood, leather jacked and lanky frame let you know that this ain’t Mikey, but Frank, already chasing poor Laurie. He slashed her once, laughing at her wince, before turning to find another victim and... stopping. 
You both stood there, looking at each other, his fingers fidgeting around the handle of his hunting knife, obviously nervous.  “Uh... Hi?” your voice made him stir and with a groan he made his way to you, but he wasn’t running, he was just... walking and you fought the urge to run, seeing determination in his movements. “You... You okay, Frank?” “Shaddap, will ya?” he growled, taking your arm and pulling it up slightly. “Ya made Susie angry at me, do ya know how scary she is when she gets angry?! A goddamned nightmare, lemme tell ya.” He hissed and ran his knife against your forearm, only hard enough to cut your sweater. Your brow rose at that in utter confusion. “Here, so Boss doesn’t think I didn’t hunt ya or whatever, now get fucking lost...I got people to kill.” with a growl he turned around, looking for another heartbeat and stopping for a second more. “If ya ain’t good to Su I’ll make your trails a livin’ hell.” was the last thing he said before running off to stab some unfortunate soul, leaving you scared, confused and so, so damn proud of your wonderful girlfriend.
The next time around you were the one to find the Killer’s grounds, Amanda leading you to your darling girl and the second your eyes met, she was being smothered by your hugs and kisses. What a wonderful girl. A precious angel.
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