#how do you know when brake pads need changing
garysautorepair · 7 months
Wondering when should you replace your brake pads? Ask a brake repair specialist for advice about replacing brake rotors.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Carry Us
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!reader
Summary: Tim carrying your son out of the hospital is the cutest thing you've ever seen, and you make sure you'll never forget it.
Warnings: so much fluff
Word Count: 1.2k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“How many times is this?” Angela asks.
Angela, Lucy, and Wesley have been in and out of the hospital room several times since you arrived. Tim, however, doesn’t seem to remember how to sit down. He has paced, left, and come back more times than you can count. The moment you were given discharge paperwork, he began going back and forth to the car.
“Uh, six, I think,” you answer.
Lucy is holding your son, and you are changed and ready to go. The only thing keeping you at the hospital is Tim. He left this time to “get the car seat” so you’re hoping that he plans to leave this time.
“You’re so cute,” Lucy whispers.
“Thanks,” you and Angela say together.
“That never stops being funny,” Wesley teases as he returns. “Where’s Tim?”
“The car,” you, Lucy, and Angela answer together.
Lucy chuckles, and your baby reaches a hand up toward her. Wesley moves to stand beside her and extends a finger toward the blue bundle.
“Okay, I think we’re ready,” Tim announces as he returns with the car seat.
“Are you sure? Did you check the brake pads, too?” Angela replies.
“Funny. Are you ready?”
You nod and extend an arm toward Tim. He rounds the bed and takes your hand, which you use to pull him closer.
“Well, baby Bradford and I will see you around then,” Lucy says.
Tim rolls his eyes and gently removes his hand from yours. He takes his son from Lucy’s hold, and you smile as Tim’s eyes light up when he looks down at him.
“I’ll make sure to keep Aunt Lucy far away from you, buddy,” he murmurs. “She gets annoying.”
“Hey!” Lucy exclaims. “Don’t lie to him and turn him against me. We’re best friends.”
“Your best friend is a baby?”
“You know what I mean! You just called me Aunt Lucy!”
“And we look forward to seeing you at the house next week. Not a moment before, understood?”
“Angela got an open invite,” Lucy grumbles.
“Angela has kids, and we trust her,” Tim argues.
“What he means is that we want some quiet for a few days. Not that having you around hasn’t been great, we just need the downtime,” you explain. “I’ll send pictures.”
“Thank you,” Lucy says. “I have to go, but I’ll see you when I’m invited.”
“Have a good day, Lucy,” Tim says.
“Do you need anything else?” Angela asks as she stands.
“I don’t think so,” you answer. “Thank you for everything, Angela.”
She hugs you quickly before saying, “Of course. Call if you need anything else.”
You smile as she leaves and wish Wesley luck in his upcoming court case.
“Seriously,” Wesley says as he stops in the doorway. “Call anytime for anything.”
“Thanks, Wesley,” Tim says.
After they leave, you stand and Tim rushes toward you. His hands find their place on either side of your waist, and you lean against him to look at your baby boy, snug in his new car seat. He’s asleep, with a happy smile on his face, and you know Tim’s smile matches it perfectly. Seeing your husband reflected in your son is one of the best things you have ever seen, and you can’t imagine doing this with anyone other than Tim Bradford.
“Are you ready to go now?” you ask.
“I’m sorry I made you wait, I just needed to be sure everything was perfect. As perfect as it can be, at least,” Tim replies with a kiss on your head.
“I get it. Thank you, for everything.”
Tim turns you away from the car seat and kisses you quickly. He’d been at work when your water broke and your contractions grew close together, yet he picked you up and got you to the hospital with several minutes to spare before you went into active labor. The whole time, Tim was right by your side, and you’ve fallen more in love with him through each moment of your pregnancy.
“You’re sure you’re okay to walk?” Tim double-checks.
You nod and reach for the overnight bag you brought with you. Tim huffs as he gently knocks your hand out of the way. He pulls the bag over his shoulder and then reaches for the car seat handle.
“You can’t carry everything, Tim,” you argue.
“I can,” he answers quickly. “That’s what these muscles are for.”
You chuckle behind him, but when Tim raises the car seat, his back muscles flexing under his shirt, you stop laughing. Everything about this moment is perfect, and watching Tim walk ahead of you brings you joy. It’s adorable, how he glances down at his sleeping son every few steps and shifts the car seat to find the most comfortable position for both of them. You pull your phone out and take a short recording as you follow them down the hall, though you doubt you’ll ever forget this moment.
“Why are you way back there?” Tim asks as he turns at the elevator.
“Just enjoying the view,” you say. “You’re even cuter when you’re carrying a baby, you know.”
“Weird. You were cute carrying the baby, too.”
You kiss Tim’s cheek before leaning against his side. When the elevator opens, Tim keeps you against one side and your baby on the other. Though you can’t see the same adorable view as before, walking beside Tim has always been more comfortable. It’s where you fit, where you belong, and where you always want to be.
There’s a goodie bag in the passenger seat of Tim’s truck, but he shrugs when you ask what it is. The tag says it’s from the best aunts in the world, and you immediately text Lucy and Angela to thank them. After Tim makes sure the car seat is in properly and your baby is as safe and comfortable as possible, he climbs into the driver’s seat and looks at you.
“What?” you ask softly.
“Nothing. I just love you,” he answers.
“I love you too.”
Tim leans over the center console to kiss you quickly. The first few minutes of the drive, you twist in your seat to watch the back of the car seat and make sure everything looks okay. Then, you watch the video of Tim walking before you in the hospital.
“What is that?” Tim asks.
“Why did you record that?”
“Because it was adorable, and I love both of you. Oh! We need to get a picture of all three of us.”
Tim passes you his phone and tells you to check the camera roll. Someone, Angela, you assume, took dozens of pictures of you and Tim lying in the hospital bed and looking lovingly at the baby boy in your arms. There are pictures of everyone with the baby, but a particularly good one of Tim holding him quickly becomes your lock screen.
“I love you,” you say again.
“I love you,” Tim promises. “And I’ll never stop showing you… But I’m going to need an equally ‘adorable’ video now.”
You laugh, but quickly slap a hand over your face when your son stirs in the backseat. He coos, and you and Tim smile at one another before exiting the truck to take your baby home.
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qveerthe0ry · 7 months
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part Two
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Summary: You and Frankie can't get each other off your minds'. He asks you on a third date. It's a success. Word Count: 5,741 Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, subby!Frankie, soft dom!reader, a few brief mentions of alcohol, talks about gender non-conformity, talks about gender dysphoria as it relates to sex, amab terminology for afab genitalia, kissing, making out, oral (afab receiving), dirty talk, premature ejaculation, Frankie has a praise kink, no use of y/n, no physical descriptions of reader A/N: Special shoutout to @for-a-longlongtime and @perotovar for letting me bother them about this part while I was writing, love you both dearly <3
Frankie calls you later that night. 
You helped him clean up after, popped some popcorn, and rewound the movie. He snuggled sleepily into your side; the orgasm apparently settled his nerves from before. You both joked about how not-so-great the movie was over a few beers, and then you sent him off with a buttery goodnight kiss. 
But your phone rings as you’re settling into bed for the night, and you think maybe something is wrong, like his car broke down, or he left something at your place. 
“Hey, it’s me. I just made it home.” 
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, no, everything’s fine. I just— I wanted to thank you.”
You laugh. Sweet boy, calling to thank you for getting him off. 
“Was it that good?” You joke. 
“No— I mean yes, yes it was. That’s not what I meant though. I’ve never been… Well, you know, I’m not so good at this stuff. And I’ve never felt like… this. And I like it. And I like you. So… thank you.” 
Your face burns at his words, at the thought you could give this man something he needs, this man that you’re quickly developing a habit for. 
“That’s sweet, Frankie. I like you too. A lot.” 
You hear him huff through your tinny phone speakers and in a moment of pure weakness you wish you would’ve asked him to stay over. 
“Yeah, yes. I really do.” 
He laughs, and you can imagine it in your head, what his dimple looks like, the way his curls would look as he shakes his head. 
“That’s awesome.” 
Frankie’s a busy guy, you come to find out. He works fairly long hours at his mechanic shop, and he has custody of his daughter every other week, and he also attends community events, he calls them, every Wednesday. 
Your business is relegated to the eight hours a day you spend in your office, and maybe a few hours here or there when you need to take work home with you. 
And you’re not blaming Frankie for it, but the distance makes you want him so much more. He texts you all day long, staggered back and forth when you both have the time. He’ll call you some nights, when his daughter goes to bed early, just to talk about your days. But it isn’t enough. 
It’s not enough because you can’t stop thinking about how he looks in your lap, and how desperate his sounds are, and how his skin feels under your palms. 
It’s driving you mad, replaying that night over and over and craving even more from him. 
It really isn’t just about the sex, though, either. You find yourself thinking of him at the grocery store, wondering if he likes the scent of your favorite deodorant or if you should pick something new. You see an old Ford Ranger as you’re driving to work and wonder if Frankie’s inside. You find a new show on Netflix to watch but pause it after the first five minutes because you think Frankie would like to watch it too, with you. 
And Frankie’s just as bad, if not worse off than you are. 
His days are long and busy but occupied with thoughts of you, even as he’s changing brake pads and tinkering elbow-deep in the hood of another car. 
When he picks up his daughter from school and asks how her day was, he sends off a quick text to ask you about your day, too. 
And after he gets her to bed, and finishes laundry and the dishes and brushing his teeth, he crawls under the covers only to feel like his queen sized mattress is way too big, way too empty. 
That’s when he texts you, Saturday night, heart beating just a bit too fast and feeling a tad heavier than normal. 
I miss you. Are you free tomorrow?
I miss you too, sweet boy. I’ve got nothing going on all day.
Can I pick you up for brunch after I drop off the kiddo? Around noon?
Sounds perfect, can’t wait 😘
And he hardly sleeps because of the anticipation, wondering if this whole thing has just been a fluke. One whole week of not seeing you has his insecurities skyrocketing, despite the texts and phone calls. 
The clock on his bedside table reads 5:36am and he can’t for the life of him tamper down the feelings to fall back to sleep. So he trims up his facial hair, and showers for longer than he usually likes to. He makes a big breakfast for his daughter, and dresses in his nicest jeans and a collared shirt while she giggles at some Sunday morning cartoon. 
It isn’t until he’s halfway to her mom’s house that he realizes he’s a dead giveaway. He winces when she answers the door with her eyebrow raised, greeting cut-off halfway through. 
“Are you going to church now?”
He laughs and rolls his eyes as she waves him into the foyer. 
“Not quite. I think church usually starts earlier than noon, though.”
“So… court?”
“Oh my god, is it that unbelievable that I have a date?”
“At noon?” 
“Brunch date,” he shrugs, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
“You haven’t dated since we broke up.”
He shrugs again, and can feel the heat beginning to rise to his cheeks. 
“Is this new? Where’d you guys meet?”
He huffs at the interrogation, though he knows there’s no malice behind it. 
“Um… Tinder… couple weeks ago now.”
An amused look spreads across his ex’s face, and he wants to die. 
“Interesting. You’ve met in person, then?”
“Yeah, twice already. Last week.”
“Well, sounds like it’s going good then, yeah?” 
He takes a deep breath in, and nods, and then shrugs. 
“I hope so. Like… I really hope so.” 
Her face softens, and she smiles a sweet smile that lets him know he looks even more vulnerable than he feels, which must be a feat. 
“Then I hope so, too.”
When Frankie knocks on your door a little past 12, he surprises you. Gone is that apprehensive look you’ve grown so used to seeing on him. Instead, he’s beaming, a precious and pearly smile splitting his face when you open the door. 
“Hey,” he says, slightly out of breath, like he may have ran up the stairs at a less than leisurely pace. 
“Hey, smiley.”
He huffs when you tease him, but his smile doesn’t falter. 
“Don’t be. Looks good on you.” 
Everything looks good on him, actually. His shirt hugs his chest and his tummy, and his jeans are sucked tight to his thighs, and his hair is that perfect mess of haphazard curls that makes your fingers tingle with the urge to touch. 
“You ready to go?”
He shifts in his spot on your doorway, and you bite your lip as you admire the view. 
“Not yet.”
His mouth opens to respond, but the words don’t get a chance to leave his lips because you’re pressing your own to them. 
Warm, soft, minty. 
His hand finds your waist and yours cups his neatly groomed jaw, and the simple touches make the wires in your system short-circuit. 
Simmer down, you remind yourself, you have to at least get through brunch. 
His smile is still wide when you pull apart, softer now, but no less giddy. He gives you a once-over, taking in one of your favorite outfits you picked out of your closet just for today. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers. 
“So are you.” 
He shrugs, and you let your hand fall from his face to rest on his collar, and then farther down, where his top button lays open to reveal his smooth chest. 
He squeezes your hip when he asks, and you try and fail to hold back a heaved sigh at the prospect of having to be decent in public with this man. 
“Yep. Brunch.” 
He chuckles, kisses the corner of your mouth as soft as ever. 
“Back here for dessert?” 
It shocks you, but it delights you. 
“Francisco, you dirty dog.” 
He backs away with his hands up as you make your way outside, letting you lock up. 
“I’m just trying to ask for what I want,” he mumbles.
He looks sheepish when you turn back to face him, but also proud. You think he should be. 
“I know. You’re being a very good boy for me.”
You smirk all the way to his truck at the way he tugs at his collar and clears his throat, and how his hand feels sweaty in yours. 
He takes you to brunch by the river, a place you’ve heard about but you’ve never been to. He’s really sweet, opening doors for you and asking if the table on the patio is alright and turning his entire attention toward you while you wait for your food to come. 
Though you’re both quite handsy, linking your calves together under the table and playing with each others’ fingers on top of it, you really don’t want to go home by the time the check comes. 
He pays this time, of course, and when you’re standing up to leave you suggest taking a walk along the river. His enthusiasm for your suggestion makes your insides feel all sticky and hot, that you’re both on the same page, that even something so little can excite him like it does you.
The thing is, you don’t do this often. Okay, maybe you’ve had many dates that end up exactly like this, walking off a meal and chatting. But it’s very very rare that you get to do it with someone you click with, someone who gets you, someone who makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. 
Frankie does just that, has since day one when you spent hours talking on that godforsaken dating app. And especially now, as he slinks one arm through the loop of your own and uses the other to caress where your sleeve rides up your bicep. His body is warm where it presses into you, only adding to that fuzzy feeling from the couple of mimosas you drank with brunch. 
And when you turn to face him, the happy look on his face is everything. You get tripped up in the sunlight glistening in his brown eyes, the hints of ochre sparkling as his head shifts, before you determine you need to tell him. 
“I like the way I feel with you,” you say earnestly, though the champagne has surely given you a bit of a push. 
“What way is that?” 
His pace slows on the little pebbled pathway, like he really doesn’t want to miss what you say next. 
“Like I can just… turn my brain off and be.”
He chuckles, squeezes your arm. 
“I feel the same. Like I don’t have to pretend to impress you or anything. Like I don’t need to impress you.” 
You hum as you let the words sink in, and lean a little heavier into him as you walk. 
“You do impress me though,” you tell him. 
His breath hitches, you can feel it where he’s pressing into you from chest to hip. 
“You impress me too. I uh— I think you’re probably the most impressive person I’ve ever met.” 
“Weren’t you like, in the military?” 
He laughs, then, full, you can feel it shaking his tummy against your arm. 
“That doesn’t really count. Besides, my military buddies’ skills are limited to the field. I don’t think between the three of them they have more than a handful of civilian brain cells.”
“Harsh,” you laugh, pinching his side between your knuckles. 
“I say it with love, of course. They’re good guys, you’d like ‘em. In a way you might like an annoying sibling.”
“Yeah, I’d like you to meet them sometime. Maybe soon. If you’d feel comfortable.”
You don’t know much about this infamous group of guys Frankie’s bonded to, just that they’re his only real friends, and that they’ve all been through a lot. Another gooey feeling spreads through your guts at his proposal. 
“I’d like that. Sometime soon.”
It does worry you a bit. You don’t know much about the military, but you’re aware of the stereotypes. Surely if Frankie’s friends with them, then they aren’t bad guys. 
Frankie must see the fleck of apprehension in you,
Because he stops walking and releases your arm so he can face you squarely. 
“I’m out to them. They’re cool with it. Pope— Santiago— he’s queer too. We’ve been to pride together, all of us. No bad vibes.” 
You wonder if they’ve ever met someone like you. You wonder if Frankie’s told them about you yet. You wonder a lot of things in such a tiny amount of time that you sway a bit on your feet and Frankie reaches out to steady you. 
“Shit— Are you okay??”
“I’m fine,” you’re quick to assure him, “just… I dunno. What if they don’t like me?”
Frankie scoffs. 
“There’s no way they won’t like you. You’re you, you’re kind and funny and smart. What’s not to like?”
“Are you purposefully ignoring the elephant in the room?”
It isn’t heated, the way you ask it, but you’re genuinely curious. Is he beating around the bush, or is he naive, or is it really not a big deal to him?
“Cariño, it’s not an elephant. It’s a— I dunno. A neat… plant,” he shrugs. 
You squint at him, and tilt your head at his explanation. 
“You know what I mean? An elephant in a room is a giant pain in the ass. It’s much more like a cool plant. Maybe one some people aren’t familiar with, but it’s not— you’re not an elephant, is my point.”
You stare at him for a beat longer than you mean to, but once your giggle involuntarily bubbles up out of you, Frankie’s serious face is cracking into a goofy smile. 
“You’re cute,” you tell him, “Jesus Christ.”
Your laughter mellows, and Frankie looks sheepish at your compliments, but he grabs you by the elbows anyway, leans in close to you so that you can smell the way the sun warms his curls and his skin. 
“I mean it though,” he says, “I like you. Exactly how you are. The guys will too.”
Your eyes dart around to your surroundings as Frankie’s lips find your temple, then your cheek, then the corner of your mouth. Without anyone ogling, you shift your head just that much more to let his lips press against yours. 
He hums, leaning harder into you, pulling you closer with his hands at your back. You melt, pliant and lax in his arms, until he huffs and pulls away. 
“Frankie,” you whisper. 
“I want you to take me home.” 
His pupils grow comically large at your request, and this time he’s wobbling on weary legs. 
“Anything you want, mi planta.” 
Your walk back to his truck is… brisk. You’re not sure who’s leading who by the time
Frankie unlocks the doors, both too giggly to really worry about it. He kisses you breathless across the center console before he turns the key in the ignition, and you roll the flavor of him around in your mouth while he pulls out into traffic. 
Frankie’s promise of ‘I like you exactly the way you are’ is rattling around in your head like a pinball in a faulty machine. You’re not sure he can even say that. If he even knows you exactly the way you are. It’s been two dates and a handful of weeks texting back and forth. 
Granted, one of those dates had him shaking and crumbling on top of you, but still. He told you he’s never met someone like you. He said that, and now you have to pull the ‘Ol Talk out of your dusty little hat and you aren’t sure how he’s going to react. He’s given you no reason to believe it’ll be negative, but still. Sometimes it just makes you uncomfortable, to have to explain things that don’t often need explaining. 
Instead of boiling over with nerves the closer you get, though, the anxiety simmers below the surface as you watch Frankie navigate back to your apartment. His side profile is criminal, with his wide eyes and strong nose and stubbly jaw, that dimple that just won’t seem to go away. His curls tickle the nape of his neck and whisp around his temple and you must twirl them between your fingers. So you do, and his answering hum has you squirming in the passenger seat. 
The walk up your apartment stairs is when the nerves start to get the best of you. It takes you two tries to get your door unlocked, and you know Frankie is aware by the way he looks at you when you usher him through the door. 
“Are you okay?”
It’s funny how just a week before you were asking him the same question, and now you’re the one who’s a bundle of frayed nerves when you’d only ever been so cool and calm and collected. 
“I am, I just— Things are different… with me.” 
His concerned brows turn back up when he smiles at you, the softness in his eyes working wonders to ease your anxiety. 
“I like different. Different’s fun.”
You huff. He’s so sweet. It’s hotter than it should be.
“Really. I wanna learn you. Let me, cariño. Please?” 
And god… those are gonna be a big, big problem, his wide, watery puppy eyes framed by long eyelashes that he breaks out like it’s no big deal. Like you wouldn’t murder someone for him if he made those eyes at you and asked nicely. 
You sigh, and nod, and that gets him to drop the eyes at least, replace them with a toothy smile instead. 
“Let me get us some waters, if you wanna get comfy on the couch.” 
It gives you a second to breathe and gather your thoughts as you meander into the kitchen. 
“I missed this couch,” he muses, wistful, and you laugh.
“I’m sure you did, Pretty Boy.” 
You barely hear his huff over the trickle of your Brita filter, but then he speaks up. 
“I love it when you call me that. Drives me crazy.” 
Frankie’s full of this energy you didn’t expect from him, so much more forward now. You suppose the walls have been broken down a bit, ever since your last night together. 
He’s sprawled out on the couch when you return with two glasses, leaning back against the corner of it, and his cock is straining at his jeans. You don’t pretend not to notice, and he doesn’t pretend that he can’t see your eyes tracing the shape of its outline in his dark denim. You place your waters on the coffee table, even as you feel your mouth go dry.
“Told you, drives me crazy. You drive me crazy.” 
The way he looks up at you makes him look so small. Your pulse jumps about it, the way it makes you feel just minutely more comfortable with the conversation you’re about to have. 
And it’s one that you want to have, no matter how un-sexy it feels, or annoying. Because in your experience, when you forgo the conversation until after, they always take it personally when you tell them what you didn’t like. And even though you know it’s bullshit, you can’t stand the thought of Frankie feeling defensive toward you, even if it’s unfounded. 
So you curl up next to him, let his arm that’s slung over the couch rest across your shoulders. You bring your knees up to your chest and plant one hand high on his thigh. You’re so nervous that you almost miss the way it twitches under your palm. 
“What’s on your mind?” 
His thumb rubs tiny loops against your shoulder. Yours mirrors it on his jeans, and it soothes you enough to start speaking. 
“Sometimes I don’t like… certain things. During sex. And sometimes I do. It just depends on my mood,” you start. 
“Yeah, same. I think that’s everyone, right? Normal?” 
You roll your eyes at yourself, because you know he has a point. But yours are a little different. 
“Yeah but… You know how I said sometimes I’m both, and sometimes I’m neither, and sometimes I’m one or the other?” 
“Yeah, ‘course I do.” 
“Welll when I’m… y’know. Sometimes certain words just… turn me off. Make me feel weird, and get in my head and stuff, and then it’s not fun anymore.”
Frankie nods.
“And not like… What I mean is sometimes I like one word, and then another time I won’t like the same word. It’s always different. Depending on what I’m feeling.” 
“Guapo, look at me.” 
It’s then, when Frankie’s deep voice cuts like a searing hot knife, that you realize your eyes have been darting around everywhere but him. 
He’s got a serious look on his face when you finally gaze back, but it’s soft, and it’s comforting, and for a second you think might cry. 
“I think it’s my turn to make you ask for what you want.” 
He smirks when he says it, and it’s so uneasy and so not at the same time. 
You take a deep breath. Release it. Feel the squeeze of your heart unclench a bit. 
“I want you to suck my cock. Today. And tomorrow maybe I’ll want you to eat my pussy. Okay?” 
“Jesus Fuck—“
“I’m sorry—“
“Shut up, you’re so fucking hot.”
His words steal the breath from your lungs and make your face feel like it’s on fire. Even more so when his free hand presses against his erection over his jeans. It spreads, a dangerous flame that curls around your insides, high in your chest and low in your gut, and you tilt your head so you can taste the little whimper that falls from his lips. 
Your hand finds his chest again, like it did that night, and something about his racing heartbeat eases you so much. That he’s just as nervous as you are, even if he’s a bit better at hiding it this time.
He cradles you when he kisses you back, one big, warm hand on the back of your head and his other on your back, wrapped around you, safe. And he’s gentle as he leads you to lie back, even as he growls and nips at your bottom lip. 
His thighs bracket one of yours as he holds himself above you by an elbow on the cushions. You feel his cock, hot and hard, pressed tight against you, throbbing when he shifts his hips for friction. 
You let a noise sneak past your vocal chords, a deeper sigh, and instantly you feel even more vulnerable. 
But Frankie just returns it, grip tightening on the back of your head. He pulls his mouth from yours and instead finds your pulse with it. 
You gasp, and he curses. His hips jerk against you, and you know you’re about to soak through your briefs. His teeth find skin underneath your collar and you egg him on by lifting your thigh to press even tighter against his prick. 
His muttered curse feels hot against your skin, but it quickly runs ice cold when Frankie’s hand sneaks under the hem of your shirt. You grab it quickly, separated by the material, and shake your head back and forth quickly. 
“Not right now,” you whisper, “sorry.” 
He looks up from his toothy assault on your skin to meet your gaze, hand slipping back out from under your shirt, and smiles. 
“Don’t apologize,” he says, hand finding the crook of your thigh instead, “never for that. Always tell me what you need.”
Your breath stutters as he shifts back up to kiss your lips again, his thigh pressing just right between yours as his tongue tastes the roof of your mouth. You grind just like that, and he does too, a hot and damp rustling of fabric as he takes your mouth and whines into it at the friction. 
Your hands get with the program, reach around to squeeze his ass and encourage his thrusts against your thigh. Sparks of arousal shoot through you every time you feel his cock pulse against you. It becomes not enough extremely quickly, especially with the noises you’re coaxing out of him and the way his tongue is sloppy and greedy inside your mouth.
“I need your mouth,” you gasp, your slick lips moving against his own as you speak. 
He groans, licks at your bottom lip one last time. 
“Anything you want.” 
You’re hot, flustered and aching when he finally works on unfastening your pants. All the while his wide doe eyes peer up at you, waiting for any direction. 
He shuffles a bit, settling between your open legs and huffing when he misses the pressure of your thigh against his prick. You thread your fingers through his curls as consolation, and smirk when he shudders and his eyelids droop. 
He gets a hand under your pants, and both of your mouths drop open at the contact to the warmth between your thighs. 
“Fuck, you feel perfect,” he sighs, “please let me taste you.” 
His voice is gravelly, sends a wave of tingles up your spine as you grind down into his hand and tighten your grip on his hair. His fingers twitch against you as he gasps and pulls against your hold on his locks, and it’s fucking wicked. 
Your curse and tug him by the hair to bury his face between your legs. You feel his nose squish against you first, then his lips, a hot breath of air released against you. He groans into you, inhales a deep breath, and you see his hips work frantically against the couch cushion underneath him. 
He opens his eyes, but doesn’t dare pull his face away from your center. 
“Take ‘em off,” you order. 
He nods, face still pressed against you, like he’s nuzzling your package, and you have to tug his hair to urge him to get a move on. 
“Sorry, sorry. Fuck— can’t help it.” 
His fingers tremble, just barely, but noticeable nonetheless, as he hooks them under your briefs. One last look up at you, and you nod and tug at his curls, and then he finally pulls the damned things down your legs and off. 
At this point, you don’t have enough wits about you to be shy. You spread your legs, one against the back of the couch, the other dangling off at the knee so your foot touches the floor. The air in your apartment is cool where you’re wet and slick, and your hips wiggle in anticipation. 
All the while, Frankie stares at your center, just inches above you, so close you can feel his ragged breaths with every heave of his chest. He’s a fucking vision like this, between your legs, needy and ready to do what you tell him. 
“Can I—?”
“Suck my cock, Frankie. Wanna see those pretty lips wrapped around it.” 
A stilted breath escapes him as he opens his mouth to press against you. Your hips jolt at the first touch of his tongue through your folds, hot and wet and perfect. He wastes no time following your direction, though, tongue flicking over your cock before he gets it into his mouth and suckles. 
It’s so fucking good, he’s so fucking good. Your grip on his hair only gets tighter as you watch his hips grind against the couch in a frantic rhythm. He whines and sucks harder, just shy of too much, tongue circling around your dick in between delicious pulses of suction. 
You want to close your eyes and succumb to the pleasure, but you don’t want to miss a moment of this. The way his brow is creased in concentration, his silky curls bobbing up and down in your lap, the fucking noises he makes. The slurps and the grunts and the hums, like he’s getting just as much out of it as you are. 
You suppose he is, the way he’s humping the sofa like he’s in heat.
His eyes flicker up to you, a silent question. 
Is this doing it for you?
“So fucking good, Frankie. Just like that,” you tell him, fingers dragging through his hair, nails scraping at his scalp. 
His eyes close as he hums around you, and yours do too, then, overwhelmed by the feeling. Your hips rock up into his face, fucking it, using him. His grip tightens on your thighs, and your body rocks from the from the way he’s grinding against the couch.
His tongue is wicked and precise, circling your cock, flicking it, circling then flicking, again and again and it makes your whole body buzz, has you out of your fucking mind. 
And you suppose that’s why the words just fall from your lips; there’s no filter left, just raw, overwhelmed senses and adrenaline.
“Fuck, good boy Frankie. Letting me fuck your face, like the perfect little toy.”
“Hah— shit,” he whines, hips stuttering between your legs just for a moment as his lips lose their grasp on your dick.
“Prettiest mouth, all for me, right?” 
You watch him as he looks up at you and nods, mouth hung open, his tongue sliding up and down your slit at the quick motion. He looks a mess, with his mustache glistening and his pupils huge and dark and his hair sticking up every which way. His eyelids droop and his brows draw up tight and he looks so so perfect between your legs.
With another pathetic noise, he sucks your cock between his lips again. You take mercy on his hair, let your hand find the back of his neck and cradle, massage the tense muscles under your fingertips. You feel him shudder against you, watch as his hips speed up in time with the bobbing of his head between your thighs.
And it’s building, blazing through your system, fiery static that has you breathing quicker, arching your back as your muscles tense. 
Frankie’s noises only press you closer and closer to the edge, the way they’re muffled around your prick in his mouth, the way he’s clutching onto your hip and fucking your couch cushion as he slurps and suckles. It’s soaking wet and hot and much better than you’ve felt in a very long time. 
“So close, don’t stop,” you beg. 
Frankie’s answering noise is strung-out and his grip is bruising on your hip. You lift your hips into his mouth and your hand finds his hair again. You tug and encourage him to suck you off faster, just a bit, just enough.
You cry out his name as you shake. You hope the grip you’ve taken on his hair isn’t too tight, but none of your movements are your own until all the tension leaves your body. He works you through it as his breath puffs faster and heavier against your mound, gradually suckling softer, bobbing his head slower and slower while he groans around you.
Slowly, your muscles relax and your tendons unclench and your eyes open just in time to watch Frankie press a kiss to your swollen, twitching bud. 
“Jesus,” you manage through a breath. 
His grin is shy as he rests his cheek on your thigh. He strokes you through your comedown, quiet and calm, his fingertips soothing your thigh and your hip. 
“How was that?” 
You laugh at his question, and he hides his own chuckles in the crease of your hip. 
He hums, and you ruffle his hair when his gaze turns sheepish. 
“What do you need, Pretty Boy?”
He’s flushed, and his curls are a little damp at his temples as he shakes his head. 
“I don’t need anything, Guapo.” 
You try to muster up as stern a look as you can with your brain still fuzzy and your muscles still lax and gooey. His big brown eyes look up at you, pleading, and his shy look turns embarrassed. 
Instead of speaking, he grunts as he sits back on his knees. You take note of the way his teeth scrape his bottom lip before you follow his eyeline, down his still heaving chest and belly. 
You try not to let your eyes widen when you see the substantial damp patch soaked through his denim, but you must not have been subtle, because he makes a high, cut-off noise from the back of his throat. 
“Sorry,” he says with a grimace. 
“Shut up, you’re so fucking hot,” you chirp. 
Those little dimples you’ve come to adore rear their heads even as he shakes his. 
You sit up to press a kiss to one, then the other, and then his lips. You savor the heady taste of yourself on them, hum happily into his mouth as his trembling fingers stroke your skin. 
You both change into comfier clothes. The sight of him wrapped up in your things has a whirlwind of emotions wreaking havoc in your chest. Something primal and something domestic all at the same time, and you have to tug him close in your grasp to tamper it all down to a manageable level. 
His body weight tucked half into your side, half on top of you works wonders to calm you, especially as your hand finds his silky curls once more and you feel each strand slip through your fingers. 
Frankie sighs, big and heavy, and it tickles your neck.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” 
He chuckles and nuzzles his nose into the sensitive skin behind your ear. 
“Thinking it’s kinda crazy, being so into someone I met a month ago.” 
Your pulse jumps at his words. You wonder if he can feel it where he’s pressed against you. 
“Yeah, kinda crazy,” you agree. 
“Feels stupid.”
His curls brush against your face when he shakes his head, huffs again, but you hear the smile in his voice. 
“Life’s kinda stupid.”
“It is, isn’t it?” 
You chuckle at him as you watch his fingers tap an incoherent rhythm on your stomach.
“Seems fair, doesn’t it? To lean into the stupid when you get the chance?” 
He turns to you then, a soft smile crinkling the edges of his wide eyes.
“Sounds fair to me,” he mumbles.
last part / next part
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luna-andra · 7 months
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC Retired AU | Chapter 5: Apologies
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Summary: Ghost has to make up for lost time somehow, and figure out what the hell is going on in his backwater village
Author's Note: Already working on chapter 6, this story is starting to ramp up!
Content warning: slow burn, eventual smut, 18+ only, fluff, mentions of mental health
If this is the first time you're seeing this, Chapter 1 is here. You can find the rest on my masterlist! Next chapter
Word count: 5.8k
Johnny only caught the tail end of their conversation. Andra sounded pissed. Oh yeah, she really gave the door something to fear with how hard it slammed. Johnny turned to Simon’s direction, “What happened?”
His glare could cut a man. “Nothing.”
Johnny went to open his mouth but said nothing. He came back to the front for something work related, and he really didn’t want to get in the middle of whatever went down between the two.
He knows Simon has been reclusive the past several days. Or has it been a few weeks now? Either way, this was feeling like one of his inevitable episodes. The kind that makes him shut everyone out, starting with the people less close to him. Johnny gauged it that way, and he knew if it came down to Simon shunning him out, then it’s getting bad.
Johnny put down the tablet on the countertop beside Simon’s arm. “Thomas completed the diagnostics on the red sedan, call ‘em for me will ya’?”
A comprehensive grunt was all the acknowledgement Johnny was going to get out of Simon right now. He pivoted on his foot and headed straight back into the garage. A minute later, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
Thank you for helping me out these past few months.
Johnny’s lips fell into a thin line on his face. Does this message have anything to do with what went down in the lobby? He didn’t like how finite her words sounded, like she was bidding the both of them farewell out of her life.
Andra took a while to respond back to Johnny, giving him time to focus on the brake pad change he needed to finish up. He wiped his hands clean before picking up his phone.
Sort of.
Okay, yes.
I don’t want you to feel obligated to keep in contact with me now that everything is gonna go back to the way it was.
Johnny sighed, shaking his head softly as his fingers flew across the screen. You’re OUR friend now, you’re not getting rid of us that easily, lass. He made sure to put ‘our’ in big letters.
This would pass. Johnny knew that, Simon would come around once he’s had his fill of solitude, but Andra didn’t see it that way. Understandably so, she had every right to be upset. She’s given Simon a level of grace and patience that would only come from a caregiver. Johnny has noticed the way she would shake her head and sigh after reading the short, one-worded messages she would get from Simon, and to be frank, Johnny couldn’t excuse his best friend’s behavior any longer. 
He could feel a pair of glaring eyes burning into the back of his neck from his supervisor, so Johnny shoved the phone back into his pocket and returned to work.
Simon was being a real prick.
It was Andra’s first Sunday morning with her truck. After she picked it up from the shop, she drove it around for a few hours, having to blow off the irritation she felt after that interaction with Ghost.
It was running, alright. She made it drive out to a neighboring village and then back home. Even when she came home, the spurn of Ghost treating her that way kept nagging at her like a mosquito bite on the back of her neck. It shouldn’t have bothered her for days on end, but it did.
But today was Sunday, and Andra was determined to start the week off on a better note. Fixed truck, crop rotation was only a few weeks away from a new season, she had much to look forward to. Along with an empty seat at the stand.
She thought until a familiar truck drove up her driveway.
Andra finished tethering her trailer to her truck and went out to meet Johnny at the front. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
Johnny shut the door and hit the lock button on the key fob, setting off the short chirp of the horn. “What does it look like? You didn’t think I was gonna stop comin’ just because you got your truck back, did you?” He clicked his teeth and shook his head with faux disappointment and a smirk. “Besides, I like havin’ more money in my pocket from not goin’ out to the pub to drink it away, our Sunday mornings have been keepin’ me sober.”
She couldn’t help the smile escaping her. “That’s good to hear. I’m almost done loading everything, just help me with the table and chairs.”
“You got it.”
Autumn never fails to bring the gloomy overcast for majority of the season. And with the temperatures dropping enough, it allowed for Ghost to wear a light hoodie to keep the misty sprinkles of rain off of him. He tried to ignore the out-of-place energy that worked hard to veil over him. It was one thing to wear the mask in the shop, or when he was at least around Johnny, but going to the farmer’s market made him feel severely out of place.
He took one more second before grabbing the paper-wrapped parcel and left his truck, then followed the sporadic groups of people heading towards the vending stalls.
To think he had driven past this parking lot several times on Sundays and never thought to shop here. Ghost didn’t even like doing his own grocery shopping, that’s why he spends so much money on grocery deliveries. And purchasing anything else felt like a waste on him, unless it was ammunition and new guns.
As he neared the rows and rows of stalls, the chatter of customers and sellers became coherent. If people were looking at him, he paid no attention to the curious and apprehensive eyes. He was looking for Andra, gripping the now faintly damp parcel a little tighter. After wandering through the second row, Ghost spotted the forest green truck chockfull of crates of vegetables, parked in reverse and the tailgate open to the little figure with chestnut brown hair, loosely curled.
Her hair has grown.
That’s what happens when you don’t see someone for a while, Ghost sniped at himself.
He rounded the corner and strode closer to her stall, customers in his path giving him a wide berth, and caught sight of her lost in concentration as she packaged a customer’s brown paper bag. Her warm smile of farewell did something to his stomach. It was his turn to approach her.
Andra lifted her head long enough to see him, and her face relaxed from the smile she had. “Hi, stranger.”
Whatever he had prepared to tell her, it went off like a land mine and left him with nothing. There was a passive-aggressive tone in her voice, not that he blamed her. He basically cut her off with nothing to justify as to why. Guess this was part of seeking forgiveness.
“Surprised to see you here.” She kept prepping more brown bags as she waited for his response. “Or were you looking for Johnny?”
“No, he’s probably trying to slip out of his date’s bed.”
Her eyebrows lifted. “So you knew about his date with the girl from the chip shop, too? Glad to know he didn’t get the cutoff I did.”
His eyes looked down at her moving hands. “I deserved that.”
Andra stopped concentrating on the bags and rested a hand on her hip the way a fed-up mother would. “You deserve a lot of things, Ghost, but I don’t have it in me to be cruel.” Her eyes caught a glimpse of what Ghost was clutching to before she looked back down. “Found something you like at one of the vendors?”
“Actually,” his hand placed the wrapped parcel onto the table and slid it towards Andra. “It’s for you.”
Andra's expression shifted to curiosity. “Is it some kind of peace offering?” She picked up the rectangular parcel, probably knew what it already was given the shape and the weight of it.
“You could say that.” Ghost watched with apprehension as she meticulously peeled back the wrapping, sliding out what she discovered was a hardback cover of the next book in the series she was reading.
Her eyebrows relaxed; a softness overwhelmed her eyes. “You got your hands on a hardback?” she tilted the book to see the pages. “With the sprayed edge?” Her fingers traced the pattern of sigils and swirls decorating the pages. “This is a special edition…” Andra looked back up to him, her expression had his insides tangling. “I haven’t even seen one of these.”
Ghost didn’t know what to do with his hands, so they stayed by his side clenching and relaxing over and over. “The cranky, old stager that runs Raven & Crow helped me get my hands on it.” He wasn’t going to bring up how much of a pain in the ass the geezer was for him, nor was he going to bring up how the old man knew immediately who he was trying to get this for. He told Ghost a lovely young woman was coming in frequently looking for the sequel, but by the time she showed up, the one or two copies he ordered were gone. The payoff was well worth it.
Andra held the book to her chest like a schoolgirl clutching a textbook, tapping her index finger on its back. “I’ll have to think on your apology.” Ghost was about to nod when she gave him a smirk. “Okay I forgive you.”
His shoulders fell and he let out a gentle laugh. “That’s wonderful to hear.” There was a couple of people behind him that formed a line, agitated with how long they have been waiting. “I’ll let you get back to your business –“
“I have an hour here left,” Andra spoke up before he could move. “If you want, I have another chair that you can pull up. That’s if you don’t have anything else to do…”
Ghost stepped aside to let customers walk up. “I was going to find things to keep myself busy. I’ll help you bag, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be as useful as Johnny.”
Andra laughed hard at that. “You give him way too much credit.”
It had been years, more like decades by now, since Ghost had done any sort of grocery bagging. It brought him back to his first part-time job at the corner convenience store he had during his last few years of secondary school. The money always found its way into his mom’s wallet or purse when she wasn’t looking since she never accepted it from him directly. It was unfortunate when his dad got a hold of it, using it for booze and drugs instead of the water and heat bills. It was even more unfortunate when the old man ended up with a bloody nose for leaving them cold.
Ghost enjoyed watching Andra work in her element. This was her expertise, and everyone delighted in her energy. It even had Ghost grinning beneath his mask. There were a few patrons that gave Ghost double take looks as if they wanted to say something but didn’t.
He found himself scanning the faces of her patrons and passersby that took a glance at stalls here and there. Old faces, young faces, faces of children, faces shrouded by umbrellas or hooded jackets. And a face that he swore he’s seen more than once, coming around again and again in the time he decided to sit down with Andra beneath the canopy. The person’s behavior and body language made him tense.
Andra’s patient explanation about difference between the various species of squash and tomatoes pulled him away from the man that caught Ghost staring him down.
“The B grade-lookin’ veggies go in that crate,” Andra pointed behind her. “I take them for myself, or in this case I’m gonna take them to the ranch for the breeder’s animals.” There was excitement in her voice. “I’m gonna visit my new goats.”
His eyes went back to the spot the man last was, only to find someone else in his place buying from another vendor.
“I remember you saying something about them.” Ghost recalled, suddenly feeling shame since it was on the day she was picking up her truck. “Are you taking them home?”
Andra shook her head. “No, they have a few more weeks with their mama.”
Ghost looked at her with mild surprise. “There’s multiple?”
“Just two, they’re twins.” Andra said goodbye to the last customer for the day and started to pack up. “Would you like to come with me to meet them? Since it sounds like you have time in that busy schedule of yours.”
Ghost didn’t miss the nibble Andra took at her lower lip. “I can fit some time in.” He quipped back.
The book looked like it belonged on her shelves. Andra grinned to herself as she angled it just the right way to stand out, giving the book its own moment of fame amongst her collection. A really smooth apology gift, in her opinion. Andra was simply happy that Ghost came back around.
Even though Ghost didn’t explain his sudden absence, Andra had a feeling that this was one of those times Johnny had warned her about. She just wasn’t prepared for how much it would impact her. At least he seems to be doing good; the bags underneath his eyes weren’t as dark as the last time she saw him.
Andra locked up the house with a happy Sammy in tow, letting her roam free off of a leash. She was bringing Sammy along to meet the new goats, part of the process of making sure the animals weren’t going to be a threat to each other and getting used to each other’s scents.
Ghost had transferred the crate of B-grade veggies to the bed of his truck on his own accord. Andra was about to ask when he started, “You mind if we take my truck?” He scratched the back of his masked head sheepishly. “I only ask because I got more leg room in mine…”
Andra held back a giggle as she approached the passenger door. “Not at all, as long as you’re okay with Sammy in the back.” He gave her a nod of the head, leading Sammy to the back of the opened tailgate and shutting it once she hopped up. “I’ll punch in the address in your Maps.” She slid in for what started to feel like an all-too familiar truck, and realized she didn’t have to adjust the seat like she’s done before. Andra tried hiding the grimace from the blossoming thought of another woman being in his truck.
She realized how ridiculous that was when he easily passed an open phone to her. Not even to his navigation app, but the home screen with the default earth background still on it. Before opening the navigator, she opened the camera and angled the phone to catch a shot of her and Ghost on the screen. “Hey.”
Ghost glanced in confusion, and blinked after he heard the sound of the fake camera shutter. He shook his head with a soft laugh and started the truck. “I trust you with my phone for the first time and you’re over there snappin’ pictures.”
Andra’s fingers tapped against the screen as she typed in the address. The navigator started and Andra placed the phone on the dock Ghost had set up on the dashboard. “Who told you it was a good idea to do that?”
Ghost shifted the truck’s gear to drive and made a U-turn to drive towards the shared road, the navigator chiming away its directions. The ETA displayed a twenty-minute drive, and Andra comfortably filled the silence with conversation.
He missed how magnetic her energy is, making his guilt come back with a vengeance. But listening to her talk about how business is going, how the truck has been running better than it was before, and how she was preparing for the winter season made all of that melt away.
If Andra wasn’t holding it against him, he needed to put it to rest.
“And what about you?” Andra turned to Ghost. “Anything interesting with you?”
Her sudden pivot to him threw him off. “No, just work.”
She sat up in her seat, her eyes still fixated on him. “Just work? You don’t have any hobbies, or places you like to go to mull things over?”
Ghost just shook his head. He didn’t really know what to say. Okay, that was a lie, but he didn’t want to go in depth with how he got too close to her, how her jasmine and vanilla scent wouldn’t leave him, the same way her scent was now filling the cabin of his truck once more. He didn’t want to explain how feeling her silky skin took days, weeks, to leave the calloused pads of his hands, and how it took all of his will to pull away from her.
Andra continued. “Or how about a night out at one of the pubs to find yourself a pretty lady to share the company with only to regret it in the morning?”
He fought the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m not Johnny. And what about you?” He challenged. “Found a lad to take you out on the town?”
She laughed at that. “No, there’s no one coming to pick me up and bringing me back before eleven.”
Ghost’s hands gripped the steering wheel a little too hard. So, who’s black sedan was driving down the road then? His motion sensors had alerted him of a car he’s never seen before a few times throughout the time span they weren’t in contact with one another. He thought about looking up the license plate a few times, but let it go out of respect for Andra’s privacy.
That hesitation went right out the window with this new development brought to him.
Andra shifted in her seat, relaxing further into the drive. “I guess we’re alike in some ways.”
“How do you reckon?”
“Too busy focused with work to let anyone else into our lives.” There was a tone of sadness in her voice she was trying to hide. “But I have a feeling you’ve grown too comfortable with being alone.”
Ghost felt like she was peering into him, and he didn’t know how to feel about that.
Andra took a second to speak again. “Did you distance yourself from me because of…” she couldn’t finish her question, but she didn’t have to for Ghost to know what she was alluding to.
Every muscle in his body tensed, and his mouth went dry.
“Your destination is on the right.”
The navigator interrupted the tension between the two of them. Ghost turned into the gravel road, passing underneath the wrought iron gate that displayed Blue Crescent Ranch.
Ghost parked a distance away from the other vehicle on the property and killed the engine. Andra looked straight ahead as she murmured, “You don’t have to answer that, sorry I brought it up.” Before she could open the passenger door, Ghost reached across her and stopped her, his hand gripping hers.
Andra’s head twisted to face him, her honey eyes wide with question. Fuck, that look did things to him. “It wasn’t your fault.” That wasn’t necessarily a lie; he wouldn’t blame her for his self-destructive tendencies. “I needed some time alone.”
Her eyes darted back and forth, looking into his eyes as if she was trying to delve deeper into a place she shouldn’t be. But she nodded. “Okay.” That single word was charged with so much trust and understanding, it twisted his heart.
Ghost removed his hand from hers, pulling himself back from the extreme close proximity he had put them in. “Let’s go meet your goats.”
A smile returned to her lovely face. “Okay.”
 Andra couldn’t say enough good things about Jasmine. She had met her at the farmer’s market – shocker – a few years ago and stayed in touch with her here and there after she had bought the chickens off of her. In truth, Andra wanted to be close friends with her, but both of their jobs kept them busy enough to not have any time to catch up very often.
Such was her life about all of the cool and wonderful people that have come and gone in the past years.
A gorgeous, umber, brown-skinned Jasmine strolled out from her lovely cottage home to meet her guests, sporting fitted blue jeans and a long-sleeve plaid shirt and boots, her dark kinky hair wisping in the gentle breeze. Her jade green eyes crinkled with her smile as she went in for a warm hug, and Andra accepted her graciously, taking in her scent of orange and bergamot on her hair. “So good to see you again,” Jasmine greeted, her accent just as rich as Ghost’s.
She pulled away and acknowledged Sammy’s bubbly presence, giving her a good rub down and cooing praises. After the happy canine had her fill, she found Ghost lingering behind Andra like her shadow.
Before Jasmine could ask, Andra reached out to Ghost, summoning him to her side. “Jasmine, this is my neighbor, Simon, but we call him Ghost.” Something about saying Ghost’s first name made her stomach flip, and by judging his body language, it must have done something to him, too.
Jasmine extended her hand out politely, and Ghost shook. “A pleasure to meet you.”
Jasmine turned to Andra and waved for the two of them to follow her, walking on a path that led them to the acres of rolling, green fields. “Ready to meet your kids?”
Andra beamed a wide smile. “I’ve been thinking about them all week! How did mama do during labor?”
“She did so good!” Jasmine turned to Andra once she walked beside her. “I had those kids delivered in the middle of the night. She started contractions early in the day, I had everything prepped for a week now.”
Andra crooned an ‘aww’, the smile on her face growing brighter. Talk of the goats made the conversation in the truck fade away, and it felt like Ghost was putting it on the back burner as well as he started asking Jasmine about her ranch.
Jasmine had inherited Blue Crescent Ranch from her family and cared for her aging father while running everything. It was massive, and from the look of it she had several employees to help her take care of all of the animals. Goats, sheep, cows, horses, alpacas, and some emus.
They arrived at a cowshed that was housing the mother goat and her kids. “I am letting them bond before they go out and meet the rest of the goats, so that means Sammy is going to meet them before the rest of the flock.”
Ghost stood at the entrance of the cowshed. “I’ll let you have the first moments with ‘em.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorway.
Andra nodded and handed him her phone for him to hold on to, then kept following Jasmine to the back stall. Jasmine’s voice was low, “So, your ‘neighbor’?”
Her cheeks warmed at the insinuation. “Yes, my neighbor.”
“And when did you start talking to your neighbor who happens to wear a mask?” Jasmine’s eyebrow shot up.
Andra looked over her shoulder to make sure they were out of earshot and found Ghost occupied on a phone call. “We met in the summer, he found me off the side of the road after my truck died on me, and fate had it that he’s a mechanic and he helped me get it fixed.”
“Right,” Jasmine nodded as if she’s processing this information, “And why the mask?”
Andra leaned against the wooden post she stopped beside. “He’s ex-military, I don’t really know why.”
“Have you ever seen his face?”
Boy, she was getting the full interview right now, and it had been so long since she thought about what she felt about his decision to hide behind a mask. It was unsettling for the very first time they met, but when Johnny treated it with just as much normality as if it were a N-95 mask, Andra never pushed the subject with Ghost.
“No.” Andra answered, trepidation apparent in Jasmine’s eyes as if what Andra was saying was completely insane. It probably was. “But I respect it.”
Jasmine blinked. “So I have no description to go by but a man in a skull mask if you ever go missing.”
Andra nudged her. “He’s nice. He’s never given me a reason to feel in danger and I’m friends with his best friend who served in the forces with him.”
“I think I’ll stop asking questions while I’m ahead.” Jasmine started walking again, and Andra followed. “Here they are.”
Andra squealed as she saw the two little black baby goats nursing on their sleep-deprived mother, little tails wagging faster than Sammy’s ever could. Sammy’s nose pressed against the bars of the enclosure, sniffling curiously.
They were adorable. Both of them were jet black, one of them had a tuff of white on the end of its tail.
“Both of them are boys,” Jasmine began to open the stall while Andra commanded Sammy to stay, “Did you want to come in?”
Andra was so ready to meet them. She had to gain the trust from mama first before she could get close to the kids, and it took a minute before mama allowed them to hop onto her lap. She sat on the clean bed of hay with the babies, giggling in immense joy as they sniffed and licked her.
Ghost met up with them after attending to his phone call to find Andra snuggling the baby goats. She caught his silhouette in her peripheral and looked up with a wide smile. “Aren’t they precious?”
Andra swore he was smiling beneath that balaclava. “You got names for them yet?”
Her focus returned to the wily kids competing for her attention, thankfully she had two hands to pet both of them. “Oh yeah, I got names for them already.” Andra picked up the jet black kid to showcase him to Ghost. “This one will be Phantom,” then she picked up the other in the same fashion, “And this one is Shadow.”
Did his eye twitch? It made her mischievous grin harder to hold back. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“You had things to say about me naming my chicken Ted, so I figured I’d take a page out of your playbook.”
Jasmine was holding back her laughter and turned away.
Andra was too consumed by the copious amounts of affection the animals were giving her to realize what Ghost was doing until it was too late. “Andra.”
Her head shot up at the sound of Ghost saying her name to find him holding up a phone in a similar angle that she had done not too long ago, crouching down to make sure he had her in the frame. “Say payback.”
Ghost took the photo, and her mouth went slack in surprise. “Is that my phone!?”
Sammy trotted happily up the steps of the front porch and sat with a windshield-wiper tail on full blast, patiently waiting for Andra to open the front door. The energetic dog darted inside seconds after Andra swung the door open and left it open behind her. The two of them lingered on the front porch, Andra leaning against the threshold and Ghost standing close with his hands fisted in his jacket pockets.
“Thank you for coming along with me.” Andra started. “It was good seeing you again.”
“It was a pleasure.” Ghost looked out to the gray skies, the sprinkle of rain continuing its descent like it had been the whole morning. “I hope I didn’t make your friend uncomfortable.” He turned back to Andra to gauge her reaction.
“Oh no, she’s really lovely.” Andra’s lips turned up into a grin. “She’s just looking out for me.”
Ghost nodded. “I get why she was asking if you knew what I look like underneath the,” he pointed a finger to his masked face.
Now it was Andra’s turn to look away, nibbling at her lower lip from learning that he still heard what they said. “I just told her that... I respect it, and I honestly don’t mind.” His eyes were intense when she looked back at him, and her insides turned hot. “Is that weird?”
He let out an amused huff. “Completely bizarre.”
Andra shifted her weight onto her other foot, standing straight now and looking up to meet his gaze. “I respect your choice to remain hidden.” Her hands began to feel warm and clammy. “I had made the assumption in my mind that you pretty much wore it through your time in service, and – I don’t know...”
Andra struggled to manifest the thoughts into words even though this was something she has thought of before, but Ghost waited patiently, giving her his full attention to what she had to say. “Maybe it’s a physical metaphor of not being able to put that all behind you. As if the shadows have returned.”
Ghost looked extremely uncomfortable from her deduction. “The shadows haven’t returned, they just never left.” It sounded like he was struggling to keep his voice from faltering, and instead his response came out gruff.
Andra’s heart dropped to her stomach. His shadows were comparatively darker than hers, but they both had shadows all the same. She recognized that conviction in his words, believing so firmly that he’s still damaged and haunted by things that won’t stay buried. Her eyes softened once her gaze returned to his. “I hope this doesn’t mean you’re gonna disappear on me again.”
The pleading in her gaze pierced him in the chest. “I’ll do better.”
Her face turned up with a glimmer of faith. “I’ll accept that.”
“I’ll do you one better.” Ghost removed his hands from his pockets, palming his phone in one. “If you’re not doing anything Saturday morning, I would like to take you somewhere.”
Andra held herself back from looking too eager. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Doesn’t have to be a date. Just a little morning excursion if weather permits.”
Ghost really was trying, and it swelled something fierce in her heart. “Then I accept this invitation for our not-date.”
“I’ll see you Saturday morning, then.” Ghost left her front porch and hurried off to his truck to avoid getting rained on. Andra watched his truck drive back down the gravel path and make the left turn onto their shared road.
Her phone started to buzz in her pocket, Jasmine was calling to finish the conversation they had started. “Hey, no I’m free I just said bye to Ghost – oh my God, you’re impossible.”
Ghost booted up his laptop after receiving Laswell’s brief message letting him know she sent over any information she could dig up with the license plate number he had given her. He had called her when they were at the Blue Crescent Ranch and while Andra was fawning over her goats. Shadow and Phantom... that woman. Ghost muttered a curse to himself after looking over the registration documents.
It was a dead end.
The license plates were registered under a 65-year-old woman, and the make and model of the vehicle did not match the black sedan that were sporting the plates.
Ghost sighed and leaned back in the chair, staring at the screen as he pulled off his balaclava. This new development put his defenses on high alert. There shouldn’t have been any reason for a person driving with stolen plates to be coming down their road as frequently as this one has been. Shouldn’t have stolen plates at all. A one-time occurrence wouldn’t be enough for him to look into it, but after reviewing every motion sensor alert, this car had traveled down the road and back a total of seven times since July. A week after Andra had gotten her truck from the shop.
It was now September.
Ghost detested himself for feeling some kind of relief when Andra first had told him she wasn’t seeing anyone. He still felt that way, but the distress of this unknown person superseded that. He also remembered that Andra didn’t have any form of security on her property.
He would have to rectify that. She would most likely agree with him that it would be rational to set up at least a few cameras around the outside of her house, and maybe he could convince her to set one up near her mailbox as well. There were a couple of spare cameras he had in storage from when he first set up his own security system back when he moved in.
Johnny, much to his chagrin, had helped him set up the cameras. He had set up his own at his flat, but it seemed like he only checks his doorbell camera every time he gets packages delivered as of late. He wasn’t as concerned about being hunted down the way Ghost was; the 141 had faked his death a year before they had actually completed their contract. It seemed like no matter how many times Ghost had faked his death, it felt like someone out there still knew that he would never stay dead.
Christ... Ghost rubbed his burning eyes and closed the laptop. What was he doing? He recalled what Price told him the day they were on their flight back home. Let Simon have a life now. It was clear what he meant; put away the mask, live a civilian life, find a nice woman, or man, to warm his bed.
Ghost wouldn’t allow himself the luxury of living, he managed to sabotage any connection that wasn’t Johnny, Price, or Gaz. He was certain Andra would have told Ghost to jog off after the cold shoulder he had given her.
Until she hadn’t.
And then she had to go and showcase how much she just might understand his issues. Her metaphors of shadows made his knees feel like they were ready to give out. It was like he was out in an open field with no cover, and she had him in her sights of a scope. Vulnerable.
Ghost picked up his phone sitting beside the closed laptop and found himself looking at the photo she had taken in the truck. He saw her cheery smile on the screen, reaching up all the way to her eyes. With his unexpecting glance in her direction in the background. There was an iridescence about her eyes, it had him looking for what felt like several minutes. He didn’t want to think about what those eyes looked like the day she left the auto shop.
A message from Andra startled his train of thought. What’s the dress code for our morning rendezvous?
The corner of his mouth turned up slightly as he responded. Wear sensible shoes for walking.
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while fixing my flat tire this morning i pondered the question if and who of the cyclists know how to do it. like not only change a whole wheel, but get the tube out, find the hole, put the little sticker on it, get it back in (be so fucking frustrated bc now the brakes are making weird things and when they come back 20mins later the fucking tire is fucking flat again)? what do you think? which of them would feel me?
this is a SUPERB question and one that merits much consideration 🤔
i'm assuming/hoping they all at one point or other, did in fact know how to maintain their own bikes (hmmm. most of them at least.)
however, after many years of being handed a shiny new sponsor bike every January and spending almost all of their time riding a handful of minutes away from a team car/mechanic/NSV for spare bikes/wheels, it's entirely possible they've forgotten. having a crack team of mechanics servicing your bike's every need will undoubtedly lead to forgetting stuff
okay seriousness over let's get silly!
long gone are the days of pros carrying spare tubes over their shoulders (which is a shame because it's hot), but who, given the opportunity, would be capable of fixing a puncture?
direct evidence:
Wout van Aert ✔️
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growing up as a teenager in cross without an eminent father and the connections that brings, bikepacker in the off season, wout can 100% fix it himself and wash the bike at the end of the ride
at the opposite end of of the spectrum, G ✖️
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after eighteen years as a pro i'm not sure whether g remembers how to change rim brake pads let alone discs. the team give him a fresh pinarello and he rides it. simple. when it breaks a mechanic gives him another one. though once he retires the knowledge will come back to him
distantly justified gut feelings/completely unjustified Visions:
tadej ✔️ he can change tubes but always forgets the left pedal screws the opposite way
remco ✖️ owns at least one unnecessarily fancy multitool that he has never used. aero nerd but basic maintenance eludes him
mathieu ✔️ but it will take a fair while because he has not done it in soooo long and he doesn't remember to check the tyre for embedded sharps (this could be causing your repeated flat or the tube may be caught between tyre bead and rim)
jasper ✖️ forgets shoes and socks on training camp. has never bought his own inner tubes; begs one from someone else on the group ride and then struggles with a tyre lever for 20 minutes before someone takes pity
jonas ✔️ part time carpenter adept at handiwork, has been given the same unnecessarily fancy multitool as remco (BY remco? at the vuelta?) but it's unused in favour of an infinitely more practical one.
tom (pidcock) ✔️
joshy t ✖️ the lad vaguely knows what an innertube is and that you can pop them by putting the pressure too high but has never had to handle one himself
mads ✔️✔️ father (dads pedersen, if you will) runs a bike shop. not only can mads change a tube in under four minutes but he will show others how to look after their bikes and get irritated at poor maintence
matej ✔️✔️✔️ in another timeline it's moho instead of frank herzegh who invents tubeless tyres
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love-toxin · 2 years
Drooling my friend. This was brilliant. I fucking LOVE it and love seeing them go all guard dog for reader, was just the right amount of sweet 😌 tysm for indulging my request for more of them.
Eddie with a knife being protective made my brain buzz.
Steve being a sugar daddy, yep, yeahhuh. Fucking tracks, with that little bit of praise.
and then this part right here. killing me in the best way.
"Oh, you don’t even realize. The unexpected sweetness of you remembering such an insignificant detail about him actually makes Steve’s heart jump, feels like it’s the first time in ages since it’s done that. It’s baffling to each of them that you’re more concerned about them, though–and there’s that crack of mercy that forms then, that’s slowly gonna get wider and wider as the two of them realize they don’t just wanna tease you, they want you."
This made me wonder, aside from being protective, how older bully!Eddie would show he's growing fond of us. If Steve's way is through money and praise.
Wonder if Eddie would have you start wearing something of his all the time - his ring on a chain, bracelet, (or collar, what? who said that.). Feel like he'd want everyone to know who you belong to whether he's around you or not.
(maybe unnecessary but I might throw in a coffin emoji from now on ⚰️ so you know it's me, if that's okay. ._.)
HEHEHE!!! TY!!!! and i think you're absolutely right, older!bully!Eddie would definitely give you something personal to wear around so that everyone can see he's left his mark on you.
a tattoo would be preferable, but you may not be too amiable to that, so the next best thing is something like a necklace or a bracelet or even earrings. i think he'd likely go the collar route just for the sake of humiliating you because he will make it very clear that you are not to take it off, but he makes sure to treat you to a little smidge of praise when he comes into the diner and you serve the two of them while wearing it, because it genuinely makes him so happy to see his baby wearing something he made for you.
however, he's also an acts of service kind of person. your car's having problems? the next day he'll walk into the diner and demand your keys, and then drive it right out of the parking lot to take it to his garage, spending hours doing all the work he can before he comes back to pick you up at the end of your shift. he fixes your broken tail light, changes your oil, replaces your brake pads, and even fills up your gas tank and he doesn't say a damn word about all the free work he just did for you. just tells you to speak up if it starts clunking up again before dropping you and your car off and walking the rest of the way home. he's also one to take on the responsibility of any work needing done around your home, mowing your lawn, even cooking once in a while--but you better not make a big deal out of it, cause you're gonna be sucking him off til your jaw breaks for all this free labour you're getting out of him. that's what he says, anyways, but who knows if he'll even have the energy once he finishes up and drags himself back home.
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fayeandknight · 4 months
Buying a car is bullshit
I am very seriously trying to buy a new (to me) car.
I need a bigger car to fit crates in since that will allow me to transport more dogs for boarding. I have opted to go the used route for a number of reasons.
After much research, input from some super helpful dogblr folks as well as coworkers, and some dragging my feet - I'm ready. I'm looking to buy a 2018 Toyota RAV4 XLE.
I found one being sold at a fair price given the low mileage and went to see it last Saturday. It was a trade in at a BMW dealership. When they brought it out I was a little taken back because it's pretty dinged up. Not to the point of hindering functionally but there are dents and scrapes on every panel and fixing it would $1000 in body work easily, if not more.
Honestly, I don't give a shit about cosmetics. This car is for hauling dogs around. But it would be silly to pretend it doesn't change the value of the car.
I noticed that the front tires were different from the rear tires and asked about it. Sales dude tells me they replaced the front ones because the originals were dry rotted. I asked if the mechanic measured the new vs the old because AWD can be sensitive and different widths can fuck it up. Sales dude tells yes, it's all on paper. Cool.
I take it for a test drive and notice the brakes are a little rough. I ask if the brake pads were inspected to see how worn they are. Sales dude assures me yes, the car passed inspection and they're fine. Am told, again, it's all on paper.
Once we're back at the dealership I ask him to please get me the info on the tires and brakes cause I'm ready to make a deal and buy the car. Sales dude asks for my price and I tell him my offer is contingent on the information so please get it. Guy comes back with a manager and oops, they don't actually have that info.
Which honestly really pissed me off. You lied to my face and what? Didn't think you'd get caught not having the very specific information I'm asking for? I don't know why I expected slightly less car sales bullshit from a higher end dealership but the jokes on me.
I leave with the agreement that on Monday (today) they'll have the mechanic get the info and call me promptly at X time. An hour and a half later, I ended up leaving them a voicemail.
Finally got on the phone with them, tires are fine but the brake pads are just this side of passing and I'll need to change them fairly quickly. Fine. Given the body work and brakes, not to mention all the fluid changes I'll need to do, I put in my offer - a little less than $1000 off listed price. This puts the car at just my side of a good deal rather than fair, but honestly not by much.
They eventually accept my offer. Awesome. I am ready to pay over the phone. No. They won't take the payment over the phone or even a deposit. I have to come buy it in person.
In an ideal world, I'd go Thursday morning and get it done before work since that's my late day. But I'm concerned about the time wasting tactics dealerships use to try to get people to "upgrade" packages. I am trialing Friday and Saturday.
That leaves my only actual day with time to spare next Monday. During the in between they will not hold the car for me or pull it from their listings.
It so fucking frustrating that a high end, fancy ass BMW dealership is giving me the run around for a busted up six year old Toyota that I am willing to pay for right now!
So, fingers crossed it's still there next week and I'm able to buy it. If not, oh well I guess. There's really not anything else I can do at this point. It's just annoying because if they had the information they said they did I'd have bought the car right then.
Anyway, let this be your reminder to not take car sales folks word for anything and make them show you on paper. They will lie right to your face and blame you for holding up the sale.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 11 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: It's family time! -Danny Words: 2,295 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Matilda' -by Harry Styles
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XXIX: Not the Reunion You Wanted but the Reunion I Needed
Ara's surprised to see her two parents pick her up from camp. The first thing they do is hug her so tightly that she feels like they're about to break her in half. 
"Guys—the windpipes!" She chokes out.
Sally's crying, and Ara doesn't know what to say to make it better. She wishes she could ease the woman's mind, but lately, words of wisdom aren't coming to her in handfuls.
"S'alright," she mumbles, gently rubbing her mother's back.
"Hi, sweetheart," Paul pinches her cheek lightly. "Ready to go home?"
The trip back is quiet. Usually, Percy and her talk, and their parents listen. Today, all she does is stare out the window while her dad tells her about the school she'll attend next year.
It's hard to come to terms with how weary she is. Life is not simple and she's barely halfway through ninth grade. Things change, you fall for people when you least expect it, and then you build an entire life around... What? The idea that nothing will vary but it won't feel the same way twice?
Sally goes directly to their apartment to tidy up the kids' room before Ara gets there, and Paul asks if Ara can check the car before going up. She feels there's more to this than just a regular check-up, but she stays either way.
The girl opens the trunk and takes a look. "What's wrong with it?"
"The breaks are stiff. No cushion."
Ara stares blankly at her dad. "Cushion?"
"When the car stops it screeches," he rephrases.
"Which side?" Paul points to the left. Ara glances at the tire, then shrugs. "Could be the brake pads or the cylinder thingy."
"You can fix it?"
"'Course I can. I'll take a better look tomorrow," she gives him a brief smile. "Is that it?"
Paul steps forward and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I know you like helping, but here you are our daughter and nothing else. Understand?" Ara nods. "Good. How've you been?"
"Well... I guess I could be better." 
Ara tries to be strong, but she cries as soon as she locks eyes with her father. Paul is the only person she feels is safe to cry to. Sally needs her to be calm, the camp needs her to be brave. But Paul? He just wants her to be his daughter.
They grew fond of each other fast, Chiron always felt more like a teacher and didn't fulfill the requirements to be a father figure. Ara used to think that she would never know what having a dad felt like, but when Paul entered the picture, everything changed.
They had been a beautiful family for a year and a half, and she'd loved every second. Now that Hera has stolen an important piece of them, Ara is angry and frustrated, and the worst part is that she doesn't feel allowed to be, part of her thinks it's her fault.
"We'll find him," Paul rubs her back. "It's only a matter of time, and time moves fast when you keep yourself busy."
Ara hiccups. "I-I don't want my mom to see me like this..."
"I think she needs to see you like this," he retorts. "She thinks you're bottling up your emotions."
"I just don't want her to think... that I'm not strong," the girl sobs.
"You're fourteen, Ara, you don't have to be strong all the time," he guides her into the building. "Let us worry for you."
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Tomorrow will be my fourteenth birthday, and today is the first time I'll be a real player in Capture the Flag. Rest assured that I'm planning to win. There's a problem, though, Percy and all of my friends from the Hephaestus cabin are playing against me.
"Hey, Connor," I approach trying to look tough. "Hope your loyalty isn't compromised..."
"What do you mean, Jackson?"
"Lily plays opposite tonight," I raise my eyebrows.
He looks a little worried, maybe he thinks I'm charmspeaking him. I wouldn't do that, but I do think it's fun that he thinks that. "Don't know what you're talking about."
Travis walks past us. "She's talking about your fat crush on Saggio..." 
Connor laughs nervously, his skin glows silver. "That's crazy!"
"Listen, we all know it. Except for Lily. Maybe."
"Don't worry, Birdy," Travis walks past us again. "I'll keep an eye on him. And you."
I snort. "Good luck."
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After dinner, Sally enters Ara's bedroom and sits on her bed. "Would you like a bedtime story?"
Ara fidgets with her blanket. "Do I really have to go back to school?"
The woman sighs and rubs Ara's leg over the blanket. "We should be together."
"What if that puts you in danger?"
"Ara, I love you as much as I love Percy, and as your mother, I want you around no matter what."
"But the camp—"
"You can go on the weekends. But you need to attend school, and you need your parents. Chiron agreed."
"Chiron wants me out of camp because of the stupid prophecy," the girl blushes at her own outburst. "Sorry."
Sally continues in a calm manner. "Well, that's all the more reason. I want to spend as much time with my daughter before her untimely demise."
"That's not funny, Mom," Ara makes a face.
"You know what's funny," the woman gives her a playful look. "I don't think I ever heard you ramble about a boy like you did tonight."
Ara groans, falling back on her pillow. "Mooom..." 
"It was like the time you found that bronze dragon, and all you wanted was to—"
"He's called Festus now," Ara informs her. "It means Happy. Leo named him—he also named my lion Pollo. Leo thinks it's funny. He's weird..."
"You like that he's weird?" Sally smiles knowingly.
"A little," Ara blushes. "Don't tell dad."
"He's just sorry that you're no longer a little girl..."
"Well, if it makes him feel better, I decided not to pursue Leo," she replies.
Sally frowns. "Why?"
"Mom, it would be so much work. I don't have time to—"
"Are you marrying him?" Sally raises a brow.
"What? No, of course not!" Ara exclaims.
The woman chuckles. "Dating is not rocket science, Ara. You should try to have fun with it."
Ara stares at her mother. "Like it's a themed park?"
Sally eyes her with worry. "How long has it been since you did normal teenage things?"
The girl shrugs. "I went to the mall a few days ago..."
"The one where you found the lion?" Her mother asks pointedly.
"Okay, fine. I've never had a 'normal teenage experience'. Bit impossible to achieve being who I am."
"Promise me you'll find ways to have a good time, at least," Sally puts a strand of hair behind Ara's ear. "Don't feel pressure to do anything, all I'm saying is, you're safe in the mortal world. Try to enjoy it."
To be honest, Ara's not sure she remembers how to enjoy life.
She believes she's safe here, though. Even now that things got hard, her parents don't blame her for what's happening. She loves them and she wants to be a good daughter, so she's willing to let go of most of her guilt and try to be happy for them.
Yet... she can't stop feeling uneasy. Nothing has felt right ever since she turned fourteen.
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Beckendorf made a special armor for his group that works like a chameleon's skin. Silena and Annabeth asked me and Lily to find them.
"Here!" My friend seizes me by the back of my armor, almost choking me. We're a good team, Lily and I.
Luckily for us, the boys didn't hear me dying, they were too focused on the dangers ahead. 
"Myrmekes," Percy mutters.
"Holy Hephaestus!" I stand up from behind the bushes. 
Both boys jump in alarm, Percy knows right away what I'm thinking. "Don't get any closer!" He and Lily say at the same time, both scowling.
"Look at it!" I exclaim in disbelief.
The thing is the size of a refrigerator, all gold with strange ridges on the sides and a bunch of wires sticking out at the bottom. The ants turn it over: It's an automaton's head. I gasp and try to walk towards it, but Percy pulls me back. 
"Easy, Dr. Frankenstein!"
"A head..." I say in awe. "A dragon's head!"
"It's a sign from Hephaestus," Beckendorf agrees in astonishment. "We have to stop them."
"What? Why?"
Before we can do anything, Silena and Annabeth stop us. Beckendorf sneaks away when they get distracted, and the Myrmekes get him. See, if I had gone after the head, this wouldn't have happened, but no one listens to the little girl.
To save our friend, I pull out the metal detector I built a summer ago (Percy and Lily look at me as if I'd planned this from the start) and turn it on. The thing goes crazy right away, there's a huge trail of mud on the side of the hill, so it's easy. We find the rest of the body in less than ten minutes. 
My friends help me get the dragon's head down, and Annabeth says she's not ready to try this out, so Percy replies something pretty cheesy.
"Get out of the way!" I scoff, squeezing between them. Gods! Falling in love distracts people from what's important. 
Annabeth asks Silena for her dagger and opens the dragon's panel on the back of its head. 
"Well, those who don't know anything about machines, step aside," I kneel next to the automaton's neck, eager to put it together. "Hello, baby! Are you ready to come back to life?"
"Ara..." Lily crouches beside me. "Keep in mind that this thing's unstable, okay?"
"It's a machine," I roll my eyes. "Just needs an adjustment and it'll be good as new..."
"There's only enough time to activate it," Percy reminds me.
"Okay, well, you guys are being super helpful," I reply sarcastically. "Hephaestus wanted Beck to find this. We're safe."
I take off my helmet and study the loose wires. Annabeth leans down next to me and helps me where she can. We work together to reattach the head, and our hands end up greasy and bruised.
"It's done?" Lily asks.
I share a look with Annabeth and nod. "Think so."
Percy asks how to turn it on and Annabeth and I point at the two large rubies. Its eyes have to be turned clockwise. My brother makes a couple of sarcastic comments that I prefer to ignore.
"Everyone take cover," without further ado, I turn its eyes.
I watch as the machine comes back to life. The best thing ever created in camp is in front of me, and I finally understand what Hephaestus means when he says that it's possible to build perfect things.
The earth shakes as the dragon gets up, bathing us in the dirt. As a way of celebration, it shoots a column of flames straight into the sky. "Fire!" I exclaim delightedly.
"Well," Percy stammers. "It worked."
The dragon looks at him and comes to sniff us. I'm beyond happy, but my brother looks terrified. I see him grab his sword and I spring into action. "Hello! Hey, cutie!" The creature watches me closely. "Listen, there's a son of Hephaestus in trouble!" The dragon tenses and waits for instructions. I look at the others smiling. "See? He'll help."
"How do you know that?" Silena asks unconvinced.
"I don't!"
"Perfect," Lily groans. "We're letting the crazy one lead the mission. Beckendorf is so lucky..."
We guide the dragon to the ant nest, but I refuse to leave it alone. 
"Ara, stop being so frustrating!" Percy snaps at me.
"I don't want it to get damaged!" I complain.
"I'll stay with her!" Lily offers. "If things get hard I'll drag her ass away from the forest—Go!"
Maybe it's because she's Annabeth's sister, but Percy feels comfortable leaving me in Lily's care, except maybe when it comes to training. Though he can't deny that all the muscle and height I've gained it's thanks to her and Michael.
"Our parents will kill me if you die, so don't!" Percy warns me. 
"Mike's going to kill us..." Lily says grumpily.
We spend the next twenty minutes decapitating Myrmekes (my sword is really good at it) and helping the dragon up the hill. It's a miracle we don't get splashed with their acid.
"You had to obsess over the wild dragon!" My friend yells from behind me. "I'll need a nap after this..."
"You can sleep during my birthday if you like!" If we survive.
After the dragon tears down the roof of the nest and drags our friends out, what I was fearing starts to happen: the dragon melts with the acid the creatures are throwing at it. 
Beckendorf yells at us to get away from it, I do it only because I trust he'll save it. When we're out of reach, he yells a command and lightning shoots out of the automaton, electrocuting the ants around it.
Beckendorf tells me it was a bad idea to activate it and insists that it's too unstable. I'm forced to accept that maybe he's right once the dragon charges at us. I follow Beckendorf to the top of a small cliff and watch the automaton, its behavior feels strange. 
What if it's following us because he's waiting for instruction? Suddenly, to me it looks like a puppy following its owner, excited to play. "Beck..." I start, but he doesn't want to listen.
"Now!" Exclaims my friend, and he pushes me so we land together on the dragon's back.
"Wait!" I urge him. "It doesn't want to hurt us!"
"He tried to toast your brother's face!"
"He's energetic!" I insist. "Can't you feel it?"
Beckendorf seems to understand what I'm talking about, but he still rejects my idea. "It's too unstable, Ara."
"We'll come back for him," he promises. "For now, it's better to deactivate it."
I really don't want to, but I trust Beckendorf, he would never lie to me, so I give in. "Ugh!" I yank open the panel. "You do it!"
Beckendorf rips out the cables from inside the dragon's head and I try not to feel guilty as the dragon's eyes turn off and it freezes up in place.
I tell myself it'll be okay. Beck promised we'll come back soon.
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Next Chapter ->
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seb-koseda · 1 year
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H&I Automotive
All About Disc Brakes
Disc brakes are an important part of your ride, so it's essential that you know how they work and how to maintain them. This article will explore all of the basics you need to understand about disc brakes!
When braking, friction between the pads and the disc causes your vehicle to slow or stop. The force that squeezes the pads together is provided by hydraulic pressure generated by a master cylinder when you hit your brake pedal.
What is a Disc Brake?
A disc brake is a type of brake that uses a metal rotor or disc to slow down or stop the wheels attached to it. To do this, brake pads are forced against the disc by a device called a caliper.
Disc brakes are becoming more popular for road bikes and mountain bikes. They are easier to modulate than rim brakes and provide more stopping power.
They also reduce your braking distance which can be very helpful in emergency situations such as a dog running out on the road or a car pulling out in front of you.
There are some drawbacks to disc brakes though, including that they can overheat and lose their braking ability. The brake pads can get too hot, and the hydraulic fluid can become too warm, too.
Some disc brakes come with heat-dissipating fins on the rotor or calipers to help prevent overheating. Changing your braking technique can also help keep your brakes from getting too hot.
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bahatkeadventure · 1 day
Packing List for a Biking Trip in Leh and Ladakh
When you decide to go on a Biking Trip in Leh and Ladakh, it is guaranteed that you will relish the memories forever. Riding through harsh weather will throw challenges, but they will also give immense pleasure as well.
But it is important to prepare properly for this challenging trip. It is because going to Leh Ladakh is not as easy as visiting any hill station.
The region of Ladakh is rugged. The amenities are sparsely available there. Therefore, you must carry the essentials.
Are you also planning a trip to this interesting terrain? If yes, then read this blog to know about the necessary preparations for a biking trip to Leh and Ladakh.
Essential Documents
You shouldn’t forget that Ladakh is a restricted zone because of the environmental conservation policies. It is to protect the land and culture of this land.
Therefore, it is mandatory to carry some important legal documents with you. If you do not abide by the rules, you might get fined heavily.
The most important document is a legal identity proof issued by the government, e.g., PAN card, Adhar Card, Passport, or Voter ID.
Other essential documents for leh ladakh bike tour are:
Inner line permit (in multiple copies)
Print of your travel plan
Addresses and Phone numbers of your family and friends
Passport size photographs
Medical Insurance if you have any
Clothing and Layering Techniques
The weather in Ladakh is very unpredictable. The temperature there fluctuates throughout the day. So, you must have clothes that can withstand any weather to avoid getting sick while on the road.
Experts say that wearing clothes in layers is recommended. It is because layered clothes not only help one fight the cold but also keep the body warm at all times.
Not only warm clothes, but you should carry normal clothing, such as trousers, jeans, and T-shirts. You need to keep a set of thermals, water-wind-proof jackets, and some light woolens also.
Some recommended clothes are:
Cotton T-Shirts
Jeans, Trousers
Woolen Gloves and Socks
Wind-Waterproof Jacket
One light jacket
Two pairs of thermal inners
Hats or caps
Heavy woolen clothing (if traveling in winter)
Make sure the clothing is capable of saving you from the chilling winters in Leh and Ladakh.
Bike Maintenance and Repair Kit
Before you go to the difficult land of Ladakh, it is important to know your bike. Experts say that the sound of the bike talks everything about it. Yes, you have to be familiar with the usual sound of your bike. If any change is there, it is an indication that something is wrong.
When you go on an expedition, it is essential to learn the basics of bike repair and maintenance. Thus, you can repair minor troubles. This is mandatory because you might not get a service station Things like changing the headlamp, tuning the carburetor tuning, brake tightening, changing tubes, or fixing a puncture are easy to learn.
The most important thing is to carry a puncture repair kit. Do not forget to carry a foot pump. In the remote and tough areas, there is nothing more problematic thing than a flat wheel.
Also, carry a couple of spare tubes and you should know how to replace them.
Safety Gear and Accessories
As mentioned before, the region of Ladakh is tough and difficult. Therefore, you need to go there well-prepared. Experts say that those who go with all safety accessories can complete the expedition without any difficulty.
As far as top-notch safety gear are concerned, you should carry a well-built helmet, knee and elbow pads, and yes, riding gloves.
These safety accessories lower the risk of injury. You remain safe in case of accidents or falls. Also, you should wear convenient and weather-appropriate riding gear. Thus, you get total insulation and protection from the elements.
Medical and First Aid Supplies
The high altitude and extreme weather of Ladakh is not suitable for everyone. People from planes get sick if their body is not prepared for it.
If proper precautions are not taken, then acute mountain sickness is a common condition. This can lead to vomiting, severe headaches, nausea, and weakness.
Not only that, but accidents can also happen at any time. Therefore, you need a backup.
You must carry a first-aid kit that can be helpful in healing injuries or sickness on the way.
Do not forget to consult your doctor and take proper medicines for mountain sickness. You need to carry a sufficient quantity of medicines.
Food and Hydration Supplies
When you go to higher altitudes like Leh and Ladakh, it is essential to carry food items that provide you with sufficient energy.
Chocolates and Dry fruits like almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins, etc.  are recommended by experts. It is because these food items give instant energy, and they are easy to carry. Not only that, but shelf life of these items is long.
Also, you should take “ready to eat” stuff, instant soup mixes, and canned fruit juices.
But the best thing that will keep you hydrated without having any side effects is water. Therefore, carry extra water bottles and fill them wherever you get safe and fresh drinking water on the way.
Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs will be a big mistake because you are at a high altitude. Therefore, don’t even try this on your trip.  
When you are thinking about the Leh Ladakh expedition, it is important to make preparation properly. Going there without preparation might be risky.
This blog gives you a fair idea about the things that are necessary to keep you safe and in good condition.
You should cross check the list twice before making it final so that you cannot miss anything.
If you want to join a group, then you need to visit websites where you can find people who go to Ladakh regularly.
Or you can book an affordable leh ladakh bike tour packages from Mumbai by connecting with a proficient tour operator. There you will get all types
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garysautorepair · 1 year
Wondering how do you know when your brakes need replacing? Ask the professionals at Gary's Quality Automotive about replacing the brake pads.
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brakesfluid · 9 days
The Importance of Proper Brake Fluid Maintenance for Road Safety
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When it comes to vehicle safety, one component is often overlooked yet essential for ensuring a smooth and secure driving experience: brake fluid. While most drivers regularly check their tires, oil, and lights, the health of brake fluid is frequently ignored. In this post, we’ll explore why maintaining your brake fluid is critical and how it plays a crucial role in your vehicle's overall braking performance.
What Is Brake Fluid and Why Does It Matter?
Brake fluid is the lifeblood of your vehicle’s braking system. It transmits the force from your foot on the brake pedal to the brake pads, enabling your car to slow down or stop. Without brake fluid, pressing the brake pedal would be ineffective, leaving you vulnerable to accidents.
There are several key roles brake fluid plays:
Pressure Transmission: It allows the hydraulic pressure created when you press the brake pedal to travel to the brake pads.
Heat Resistance: Brake fluid can withstand the high heat generated by friction in the braking system.
Corrosion Prevention: It helps protect metal components in the braking system from corrosion, ensuring longevity.
Signs Your Brake Fluid Needs Attention
How do you know if your brake fluid is in good condition or needs a change? Here are a few warning signs to look out for:
Spongy Brake Pedal: If the brake pedal feels soft or less responsive, this could be a sign of air or moisture in the brake fluid.
Dashboard Warning Light: Some vehicles have sensors that alert you when your brake fluid is low or compromised.
Unusual Sounds: Squealing or grinding noises when you brake may indicate a deeper issue with the braking system, which could be related to the fluid.
Visible Contamination: Brake fluid should be clear or slightly yellow. If it appears dark or dirty, it’s time for a change.
How Often Should You Change Brake Fluid?
While it varies between vehicle models, the general rule of thumb is to change your brake fluid every two years or every 30,000 miles. Always consult your vehicle’s manual for manufacturer-specific recommendations.
Neglecting brake fluid maintenance can lead to:
Reduced braking efficiency
Internal corrosion in the brake system
Potentially catastrophic brake failure
DIY or Professional Service?
Brake fluid changes can be a DIY task if you’re comfortable with vehicle maintenance. However, it’s essential to handle brake fluid carefully, as it’s highly toxic and corrosive. For those who prefer peace of mind, professional service ensures that the job is done safely and thoroughly.
Why Road Safety Starts with Your Brakes
Brakes are your vehicle’s most crucial safety feature, and brake fluid is at the heart of that system. By regularly checking and maintaining your brake fluid, you can help ensure that your vehicle responds when it matters most.
At BrakeFluidInfo.com, we offer in-depth guides and expert reviews on everything brake-related. Whether you’re a seasoned mechanic or just a safety-conscious driver, our mission is to equip you with the knowledge to maintain your brakes and keep the roads safer for everyone.
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karproaustralia · 2 months
10 Essential Safe Driving Practices Everyone Should Follow
When you ask people about the things they want to achieve in life, one of the common answers you will get is to own a car. Though this dream can come after years of work and perseverance, remember that driving it safely is a vital part. Driving a vehicle is a responsibility, so be mindful always. Attention, skill, and awareness are crucial, so here are some essential safe driving practices every driver should follow:
Keep Your Vehicle Maintained
The first one on the list is to keep the vehicle clean and maintained. No one wants to put an unclean and damaged car on the road, considering that it can attract accidents. Regular maintenance does not need to be too extensive, and you may start with checking tyre pressure and brake pads. If you do not know how to do this task, there are car mechanics Campsie who can help.
Always Wear Your Seatbelt
If there is one driving safety reminder you will always encounter, it is to always wear your seatbelt. They are in your car for a reason, and it is to keep you and your passengers safe. Even if you are confident with your driving skills, ensuring that everyone is safe is necessary.
Obey Speed Limits
There are signs on the road that indicate and state the speed limit, and you should follow them. It is for your safety, especially if the road is known to be prone to accidents. You can have peace of mind if you follow them because it helps you react properly if there are accidents or if you find yourself in unexpected situations.
Use Turn Signals
Turn signals are something you need to use to communicate with other drivers and pedestrians. If you need to turn left or right, let them know so they can act accordingly. You also need to use this when changing lanes to prevent accidents from happening. Some people call it blinkers or indicators, so do not be confused if you encounter the term.
Avoid Distractions
Any distractions while driving are not allowed. One of the common distractions is smartphones, so ensure that you only use them when needed. Do not text or play games while driving. If it is an emergency, park your car in a safe area first. There are now vehicles that let you answer calls while driving, and you can take advantage of that.
Maintain a Safe Following Distance
No matter how safe you are driving, you do not know how other drivers behave. To ensure that you will not get into trouble, you should maintain a safe distance. The weather and road conditions can also influence the safety of the road, so be mindful of them.
Drive Sober
If there is one thing you should remember about driving, never get into your vehicle and drive drunk. It is one of the most reckless things you can do to yourself and other drivers around you. If you are under the influence of alcohol but want to go home already, it is better to call a loved one and have them pick you up.
Stay Calm and Courteous
Going on the road while outraged and not in a good mood can affect your driving. Always stay calm and courteous and avoid aggressive driving. This one can be the start of road rage, and it is good if you stay away from it.
Observe School Zones and Crosswalks
School zones and crosswalks have a sign on their entrances that clearly states that there are kids you need to be mindful of. Once you see it, it means that you need to be extra cautious when driving in that area. It is also the same with playgrounds and pedestrian-heavy areas.
Understand Your Vehicle's Capabilities
Every vehicle has its specialities and capabilities, and you need to know yours. If they cannot do something you want, do not push it too hard because it can cause damage to your car. With this, their limitations are one of the things you need to check before buying a car.
Once you take the wheel, apply these safe driving practices. These can make you and your fellow drivers safe on the road, showing respect to each other. Happy driving and always take care!
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bblbrakes · 3 months
Don't Let Worn Brake Pads Catch You by Surprise: Learn How to Check Them
Keeping your vehicle’s brake pads in good condition is crucial for your safety. Worn brake pads can lead to longer stopping distances and even brake failure. To avoid these issues, it's essential to know how to check and maintain your brake pads. Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding brake pad maintenance.
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How Long Do Brake Pads Last
The lifespan of brake pads varies depending on several factors:
Driving Habits: Aggressive driving and frequent braking can wear out brake pads faster.
Vehicle Type: Heavy vehicles or those used for towing tend to wear out brake pads quicker.
Material Quality: Higher-quality brake pads, such as ceramic, tend to last longer than standard ones.
Typical Range: On average, brake pads last between 30,000 to 70,000 miles.
Regularly checking the condition of your brake pads can help you determine when they need replacement and ensure your safety on the road.
How Often to Change Brake Pads
The frequency of changing brake pads depends on several factors:
Mileage: Generally, brake pads should be inspected every 10,000 to 15,000 miles and replaced every 30,000 to 70,000 miles.
Driving Conditions: If you drive in heavy traffic, on mountainous terrain, or frequently carry heavy loads, you might need to change them more often.
Signs of Wear: Listen for squeaking or grinding noises and feel for a spongy brake pedal, which can indicate worn brake pads.
Regular inspections during routine maintenance checks can help you keep track of their condition.
Is It Easy to Change Brake Pads
Changing brake pads can be straightforward if you have the right tools and knowledge:
Basic Tools Required: Jack, lug wrench, C-clamp, wrench, and a set of new brake pads.
Step-by-Step Process:
Loosen the lug nuts and lift the commercial vehicle brake pads with a jack.
Remove the wheel and caliper to access the brake pads.
Compress the brake caliper piston using a C-clamp.
Remove old brake pads and install the new ones.
Reassemble the caliper and wheel.
Lower the vehicle and test the brakes.
While it is doable for those with mechanical skills, beginners should consider professional assistance to ensure proper installation.
When to Change Brake Pads
Knowing the signs that indicate it's time to change brake pads is crucial:
Noise: Squeaking, squealing, or grinding sounds when braking.
Visual Inspection: Less than 1/4 inch of brake pad thickness remaining.
Brake Performance: Increased stopping distance or a spongy brake pedal.
Dashboard Indicator: Some vehicles have a brake pad wear indicator light.
Regular checks and being attentive to these signs can help prevent accidents and costly repairs.
How Long Should Brake Pads Last
The duration brake pads should last depends on several influencing factors:
Quality of Pads: Higher quality pads such as ceramic or semi-metallic can last longer than organic pads.
Driving Conditions: Frequent city driving with constant stopping and starting wears pads faster than highway driving.
Maintenance Habits: Regular maintenance and checks can prolong the life of your brake pads.
On average, well-maintained brake pads should last between 30,000 to 70,000 miles. Monitoring their condition and replacing them when necessary is key to maintaining vehicle safety.
Regularly checking and maintaining your brake pads is essential for safe driving. By understanding how long brake pads last, how often to change them, and when to look for signs of wear, you can ensure your brakes remain in top condition. Whether you decide to change them yourself or seek professional help, staying on top of brake pad maintenance will help you avoid surprises on the road.
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unknwnxquantity · 3 months
Thursday was one of those days that shows you life could be over in an instant without even knowing it, that an initial inconvenience could’ve actually saved your life. I have an old car. Old ass car more than 20 years old. Love her, we named her Beatrice bc she’s beat, white and old. It’s a long story how we got her but it was a gift to us!Shoutout my gfs dad :) Anyways we were under the impression it was good for the most part. She shakes, she started making loud ass sounds recently. The brakes are a bit wonky but we were under the impression they had just been changed months ago before we got it. And then the check engine light pops up out of nowhere yesterday during a really inconvenient time. I was so annoyed at that. Was already having a bad and stressful morning. Driving to and from a place towns away and the traffic is HORRIBLE in the mornings. Just tryna come back to where I’m at, takes at least over an hr or even an hr and 30 min at times, when without traffic it’s a 30-40 min drive. I was like plssss god just get us to our destination safe and let me get home safe and sound.
I get home safe and sound. Get to work right after. Then my gf asks me if I wanna go take the car to her best friends bf who’s a mechanic to get the engine light checked out and also the sounds Beatrice has been making. I’m like ughhhhhh bro I been working back to back these days with barely any breaks in between I’m so tired. But I do it anyways after my second shift ends at 5. I drive to him IN TRAFFIC ON THE HIGHWAY yet again and I’m like these brakessss, are wonkyyy. They feel different some days and I gotta be on my toes no pun intended 🤪. Sometimes Beatrice feels safe to drive, other times I gotta be more cautious bc it’ll feel different. It takes me almost 30 min to get to him. I never hung out with him one on one, and only really met him once. It was just me and him in the auto shop he works at. Such a masculine environment😭😭 I don’t know SHIT about cars I’m just a girl just tryna get by man.
I bring up to him like heyyyy I’ve noticed the brakes feel a little weird. It scares me at times— It makes me think of the incident with my sisters first car years back. Similar car just different model, same yt hoopty vibe. She named hers Steve and spent $500 on it like my gfs dad did. But after a while of driving her cars brakes gave out out of nowhere while she was nearby where she lives. She thought she was legit gonna die and called her bf (who I set her up with) to help calm her down and if worst case, he’d be the last one to talk to her and know what happened. He tells her what to do (I forgot, I think just keep driving around the block til it eventually stops). And in my head these past few weeks i think of that. Especially since two weeks ago, where i witnessed a car in the other lane lose control of their car and directly collide with a car right behind me. That could’ve been me if i was a few seconds behind—Anyways I tell him I feel weird with the brakes and he’s like okay lemme take a look at it. He takes a couple test drives too to see what else could be wrong with the car. Well apparently our brakes were so bad, the brake pads were worn down to the literal core even tho me and my gf were under the impression that the brakes were replaced months ago. No padding whatsoever, that her friends bf, I’ll call him F, said it would’ve given out any day, he didn’t even trust me driving back home. He replaces them bc he just so happened to have the parts I needed, and just doing the most being so sweet. He’s just a caring golden retriever white man who goes above and beyond for those he loves since my gf and the friend have been friends for over a decade.
During the 2 hours I was there with him😭 me and him talked about random shit. He’s the type of guy to talk about anything and everything. But one of the convos we talked about was how ppl aren’t usually grateful for life, and miss out on potential connections bc they’re caught up in their own worlds. That he’s seen real life poverty and ppl dying in front of him and how traveling opens up a world of new perspectives. I eat convos like this UP. He told me about how he the other day helped this middle aged lady at a store bc she had mad shit in her hand and dropped something. He automatically picks it up for her without hesitating. But that kindness and consideration led him to having a 15 minute conversation with her and it brightened his day a bit having that. And then I mention even in the most mundane or boring situations, like waiting in line at a store, can be an opportunity to be grateful for life. An opportunity to say something to the person in front of you. Or to observe your surroundings. It was nice having that and having someone understand that. He’s also so passionate about cars and know his shit. It was so fucking refreshing to see the passion ooze the way it did when he talks about cars and the mechanics of it all. That jobs like his are safe bc we’ll always need human mechanics and the services they provide and that gives him relief to keep doing what he loves without anxiety one day his job could be taken from him.
I don’t want to make this entry too long even tho it already is. But yeah just random stuff. He really hooked us up and didn’t charge us for the labor of the things he did. Like he filled my car up with oil bc apparently I HAD NO OIL EITHER!!! He showed me how to pop the hood and just other little things he said he’ll help us with at a really considerate price. As I was about to leave and put in the gps, he recommends I go a specific route bc it’s a straight shot to the highway and easier than going the way I was gonna go. I go that way, and my gps just sends me down a somewhat scenic route. No highways. And then I somehow drive down the street of *knock on wood* my next job. Which that also just fell into my lap. A customer (who’s also gay so it’s always good energy when I see her) at my one job was looking for me one day, came in and was like hey…. Are you maybe looking for a new job? And I’m like YES PLEASE and gives me her number. I send her my resume. Coaches me on what to speak on in the interview. Apparently she’s a director in the specific program. It would be an environment where I feel I could make a difference and she’s like “listen I know I don’t know you well but I feel you might have a knack for this… sometimes you just need someone to connect you to where you need to go” so knock on wood again things go good and I hear back for next steps.
If you follow my entries, you’ll pick up that I think and talk about passing/d3ath a lot. In a lot of different ways and forms. Even tho I’ll be like ahahahah I don’t wanna be here🤪🤪🤪, I do. Like imagine I didn’t go to F when I did, what if I’m like no I just want to go home after work. But my gf thought to reach out to him all bc the engine light randomly came up (what if she didn’t think to ask him?) We would’ve never put two and two together about the brakes being so bad that they could give out any day on us (and apparently the reason why the engine light came on is a super quick fix). What if he wasn’t available that night? Then what could’ve happened the following days? A lot. I really am protected. And I really am grateful for life. The butterfly effect is crazy and sometimes ppl are faced with super unfortunate instances where life is put in their face and they realize how delicate and fragile things are. How delicate and fragile we all are. That’s why I knock on wood and thank god the universe my angels everyoneee for all the good things in my life and how “easy” I have it in comparison to millions (actually could be billions) of other people around the world.
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efiautomotive · 3 months
Why Hobart Car Service is the Best for Auto Maintenance and Repairs?
A reliable car service provider that provides a wide range of services is vital to achieve utmost performance and durability of your car in Hobart. This is what distinguishes Hobart Car Service as the leading company in auto maintenance and repairs around here. Let us see what makes them different from others and why they are never wrong choice for any kind of car care.
Proficiency in Car Repair Hobart
When it comes to car repairs, we at best Car Service Hobart are experts. Our crew is made up of well-trained mechanics who have the newest tools to fix whatever problem your car may have. We cover all types of brake issues, suspension repair or maintenance services like air conditioning.
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All-Inclusive Vehicle Servicing
It is important that you maintain regular servicing of your vehicle to avoid future problems. We offer vehicle specific packages at our outlets in Hobart Car Service. For instance, changing oil, checking fluids and replacing filters are some of the activities done on your vehicle.
Ensuring Roadworthiness
It is important for you to ensure that your vehicle fits roadworthy standards because this guarantees safety not only for you but also for other road users. As one way if assuring that cars fit this category, we perform thorough checks in Hobart Car Service through our technicians who provide Hobart Roadworthy Certificate vehicles. Every key part will be thoroughly checked by our certified mechanics to keep the condition level high.
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Effective Hobart Brake Repairs Services
Brakes are among those very crucial parts of an automobile. That is why at Hobart Car Service we appreciate value added provision where clients’ brakes would be properly functioning after short time since they were brought into us again. Brake pad replacement, brake fluid flush or rotor resurface; our specialists will do everything connected with regaining braking efficiency quickly enough.
Experienced Air Conditioning Solutions
To date, no one would ever underestimate the importance of an air conditioning system that functions effectively in a car. We know best how to maintain and repair Hobart Car Air Conditioning. In case you need the refrigerant recharged or the compressor replaced, we have our skilled technicians who take care of your vehicle’s AC in those hot summer days.
Excellence in Suspension Repair
One of a vehicle’s significant features is its suspension since it allows one to enjoy smooth rides with fewer jerking as well as bouncing on the roads. If you notice that your car bounces too much or tires wear out unequally then it is time for Hobart suspension repairs. At Hobart Car Service, we are top notch; our specialization is diagnosis and repair of suspensions to restore ride comfort and handling.
For reliable automotive maintenance and repairs in Hobart, look no further than Hobart Car Service. We are committed to maintaining your car at peak condition through our expertise, comprehensive services and customer satisfaction. Call us today if your car needs some attention; our professional team will make all the difference.
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